AntifascismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismJohn DeweyMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL By Dwight Macdonald Democracy Scrapped in War Preparations SPARKS IN THE NEWS Roosevelt Moves Do Not SABOTAGES World Powers Prepare Deceive Puerto Ricans War Time Dictatorship Time Marches On. Socialism and Jingoiam seem to mix very weld in England. During the last general election, one of the biggest guns ve the Tery side was the German war scare letters. welten for the Daily Mall by Robert Blatchford, who is easily at the head of Socialist Journalism in Great Britain. More recently, the big bavy cry has been raised by that veteran leader of uncompromising British socialism, HM. Hynd men. The aristocratic Morning Post is the medium in this case. Socialist Hyndmaz is exp. cit. In the first place, England must have a Navy in order to safeguard her food supply. In the second piace, she must haven Navy to safeguard the right of Asylum for political refugeos from other coun.
tries. the third place, England has in her charge the Iberties of the amallar nations who look to her 13 their protector. Finally, England must be in a position to defend her own freedom. For these reasons, Soclabel Hyudman Is at one with those Torles who want a special loan for warship building, which is strange company. Indeed, for the best know English advocate of international socialism. From The Nation, July 21, 1910. and When President Roosevelt several weeks ago asked Concress to reduce the rolls from 000. 000 2, 000, 000, deep silence spread over a large part of the labor and left wing press. Had anyone dropped a pin in the editorial offices of The Daily Worker, the cch: oes would have been deafering. Nor did The New Leader consider the episode worthy of any major headlines. This is perhaps hardly strange cor:sidering the political commitments to the New Deal of such groups. But John Lewis and his CLO. have less definito conmitments and more immediate interest a big appropriation. And yet The News was as silent as the Dally Worker on the subject of the President messege.
Reading the News, Indeed, one could not even know that the President had sent the message to Congress at 11. The paper has a regular department called, apparently without irony YOUR JOB. The week the Presi dent messsecoupeated. this department was entirely devoted to description of the beauties of a new plan for reorganizing relief activities which had just come out of the White Housebut not word on the one third out which had also just come out of the White House. Else where in the same issue, the News bad ann.
digbant story about the pending culs.
This stated that 200, 000 workers were about to lose their jobs as a result of the cul. In funds engineered by Congressional Tories bul, Again, not a word about the. 000. 000 ers the President had just proposed to cut off the rolls. had almost lost my faith in The LO News when, in the issue of May 15, it finally came out hoidly against cutting SOCIALIST APPEAL ACTS FOR MEN AND WOMEN OF LABOR WALL STREET This is reduction mode CHINA PROFITS OUT OF THE PAST By EMANUEL GARRETT Father Coughlin Agent Decent Job at a Living Of Fascism In America Wage. New York SWP Call ACTION OF FLINT 000. 000. On the front page was a big hea JOBLESS UNION line: LEWIS URGES JOBS FOR THREE MILLION. The YOUR (Continued from Page 1)
JOB colunn begins: The has fired Newspaper advertisine didn the opening kun in lls bational campaign to Only by Smashing the Grip of Yankee materialize. Meanwhile the (Continued from Page cration, to which the French make the adequately serve the need: leaders roade tbelr po Istry in Fitierlte Germany. It General Confederation of Labor of the unemployed during the next fiscal Imperialism Can Puerto Rican Freedom Besition cier how isn the wih usher in censorship of th Ls affiliated. Alter describing year. This opening gun is alculer from the tune for a demonstration, press and of all other channel the fate of the shorter work Attained, Says Spokesman in Interview Den of John Lewis himself protesting was only because of pressure of information and put an end week in France, the bulietin against any cut in next year W. appro By DIEGO MONTANEZ that they were doing anything to the formal fiction of th states that it would be well priation and giving in bold and stirring lan freedom of speech. press and at all.
Roosevelt appointment or assembly, and to throw into the Under these conditions, the In democratic Britain. The the generalization of the reducguage a number of excellent rensons why the Admiral Wiliam Leahy to Atlanta Penitentiary those who demonstration was a complete welve regional dictators wh 000. 000 figure must be kept as minimum. supersede lion of hours in Industry and really splendid letter! But Mr. Lewis secre General Blanton advocate merely advocate allure. The parade was called will Yule Suglaad in wartime. Commerce and proposed re have wrong. It Winship as Governor of Puerto mind you, the application of the oft. low hucdred people gath vachout benet:t of parliamen sumption of discussion (Ouly of addressed not to The Hon. Franklin ROOSE Rico was acldly commented principles of the Declaration of ered a Kearsley Park, miles ary advice or consultatior vell. The White House. but to The Hon. Ed Pineiro, Secretary General of upon this week by Lorenzo Tudopendence to our island.
a way from the Death Walch have already been publicly some uncertain future when ward Taylor, Chatrman of the Appropriations the Executive Committee of the No Faith in and the relief offices. Speak named.
the chances of success are Committee, House of Representatives.
This correspondent raised the ers advised postcard action.
Democraoy Disappears Puerto Rican Nationalist Party question of the Communist Not word was said about the When war comos tho megos On the one hand, the repre Mountain Labors, Bears to the United States, in an in. Party and its congressional Death Wateb. democracy which Ene sentatives of the workers will terview with this correspond stooge. Marcantonio. The latGenora Johnson Allnoked land disguisca the siave holding certaily use all their influ.
Mouse (Dead)
ter has for some time been pos. Having made sure that the rule of the Empire over 400, etice on We goverments to At long last the group of Intellectualso know that their freedom from Ricans, Tho Puerto Rican people in as Iriod of the Puerto demonstration would be a fiz 000. 000 black, brown, and yel. preveal the question disappear which Professor Stdoey Hook is the leading Wall Street oppression cannot quite successful, the Puerto tops launched a stander cam. completely.
For a time he was zle, the Stalinist and low subjects will disappear ing completely from the agenda, whilo, on the other, it is no began in a small way last fall as The League be attalued by being shalsted Rican voles of east Harlem be paign against Genpra Jonnaon In France the parliamentary less obvious that the workers.
Against Totalitarianism. It has been gather from military to naval control ing the decisive factor in his outstanding unemployed lead trappigs have klready beer realizing what is the present log recruits ever since, and now it comes color by the removal of any in election to Congress.
er and advocate of militant ac largely dispensed with. Dala But now the Puerto Ricans tlon.
situation, will understand that in the NY Times as The Committee fordividual or even group of indi dier rules by decree and has to view of the tremendous Cultural Freedom with a ring og denuncia viduais, but only by smasang ere beginning to see through The fight is, however, far already insuluted a dictatorial threat of the totalitarian cour.
tion of all lyramy and despotism wherever completely the grip of Yankee. As Pineiro put the from being over. What the unregime over the entire working tries, it is necessary for the de may rear its uely head, whether in Fascis imperialism declared Pleiro. Stalinists and shetrukate employed want is fighting ac. class, and has done so with the tense of peace and freedom tics makes strange bedieliows, and anti local come aroused about the bloody Puerto Ricans in support of and eviction. What they want leaciers, and the Socialist and will allow of this perit being tatian, bourgeois liberal potues makes the record ot General Winship, the Roosevelt and Yankee imper: is actions like the Death Cornruunist parties.
strangest of all, Among the ninety six mem Yankee impenalists cynically ialism for the next war. That Watch. And the leaders of The opposition of the so. As in bers of the Commlice are such mates as Wa Shink that they can pacity us is why they have tried so hard the Unemployed and cialists and communist the official trade weion move Dos Possos. Louie by removing him. But we real to chancelize the genuine MASE Union are pledged to just such Daladier has become purement, and along with it the so.
eta pichand hours bezi sepasoa Ander ize that the Roosevelt govern moveinent for Independence in a fighting polley, Cormal, Mke the opposition of cialist and Communist Partles.
son and wills Schlamm, James Rorty and Dor! ment is dous everything it can to a reformist Afuera Winship The situation is daily becom the British Labour Party to is asking the workers of all othy Thompson. hesitate to quibble over to intensity its imperialist con. Oust Winsh! p) blind alley. ing more critical.
Today the conscription in England. Last countries to surrender the Htthey and it seems odd that one should have to bring for is use as a naval base in they will be able to swing us a two week period because of the war drums in the chamber bave on the altar of the greeds the point to the attention of so justly renowned the coming war.
into line. But these gentlemen lack of funds. No relief will of deputles, as reported in the and rivalries of their bosses.
are naistaken if they think we be given out until June a Marxist as Sidney Hook, but it seems to me See War Schemes New York Times. bo drew Countering peru is a little The June budget is 20, 000 from the chamber the very un phrase that means fighting the that there are only two social bases fron The Nationalist Party, which haven seen through them which one can light tota! llerianism, whether is supported in its struggle for Marcantonto showed clearly less than the frightfully inad Red or Black, namely: the workers or the the shadependence of Puerto who he was when, in contrast equate May budget which last usual spectacle of really want new world war in which tons Everybody of millions of workers of all Thou from Louls Marin on the exiends are going to kill and be silent on the question of socialism and socia: the Puerto Rican people. un ship he said he word about sands more will be thrown out treme right to Andre Marly on killed, maim and be mained revolution. And so It plays the game of th: derstande. Sald Pinciro. the he bill making Puerto Rico on the streets of the Sune bude the communist benches ap for the greater glory not of bourgeoisie, and its denunciation of Stalinism meaning of the war prepara neval base, and let his well. peace and freedom but of takes on a reactionary character. As recall clons of the United Staten Koy. Publicized bil for Puerto Rirs et is not rise above the plauded Rin and again. 250, 000 now allotted.
With this benevolent support the profits and markets of silent the Honorable Martin Dies has also put him crnment. They know that the independence die a Immediate action is neces from the Socialist and Stalinist their bosses!
self on record against all forms of dictator speeches about democracy death.
sary. Stalinist sabotage cannot perties. Duladier has cracked Anti Labor Laws The Puerto Ricans the be allowed to stand in the way down hard on the French work.
or and poor cle countries in headline writer of the y. Times shows that Central Europe are, as he pue areas supplement sonkeys all attempts to transplant chers and has wiped out tie iast will be to allow these lars and he grasps clearly enough the point of Pro so much eyewash to cover great Spanish speakire olay: belly crawline book lekurs pola vestiges of the social gains of Pakels to put over this Sradh fessor Hook committee the point. that is, tup Yankee imperialism own watch numbers several buncles of the Stallist Workers the People Pront honeymoon once again with the last in rciation to the objective line up of social Yuthiess destruction of the lib Alliance Into the must be over which Daladier himself shreds of democracy olssolv.
halted. The lives of thousands had presided. That the 40 hour Ing under the heel of iron dicforces, regardless of what the left wing memerties and freedom of Puerto of workers and their familles week has been abandoned has tatorship in France. Britain bers of the Committee may hope and believe Rico, to say nothing of the rest Special Offer!
are at stake.
they are accomplishing when he writes th: lof Latin America, in the been a fact now for several and soon in the United States.
sub head: 96 SCHOLARS AND ARTISTS Struere for military and com TWO BOUND VOUMES nonchs. The actual regime the workers will be sent out to of the LED BY JOHN DEWEY REVOLT AGAINST mercial control of this continow imposes a co hour week on right and dle again for. deFAILURE TO DENOUNCE REDS, nent.
workers in all essential Indusmocracy against dictntorship. The people of Puerto Rico.
tries Opposition to it, or even Worst of all would be for us under the heel of the Roosevelt 1937 and 1938 agitation agujust ll. bas bc in this country to have illusions democrats realize Just how Both for only 00 Includ.
come crime of treasot, pun bout the fate of our rights.
hypocritical are these imperial Sok postage Ishable by the extremest penas war draws closer and we sts who write speecbos on de altles.
are sucked into tt. The streani mocracy with one hand and use good for only a few weeks!
The official abandonment of of 90 called anti alten blus their other hand to suppress. even the pretense of a strus now before Congress already gle in behalf of the workers cast the black shadow of the The Roosevelt governmen was abandoned, meanwhile, by regime of the concentration again served sharp notice on the official bulletin of the in camp over the workers of the Japan last week that it intend ternational Trade Union Fed. United States.
ed to defend Wall Street whom she considered insufficiently devoted richts in China.
the Interests of the workers. Often she quar In recent weeks the Japanese teiled with union officialdom; sometimes sh have been emboldened by the violated union policy.
crisis in Europe to take more definite moves toward driving But her presence was welcomed in any sit uation: for her real contributions were in the Continued from Page 1)
their Britis. French, and Am field. She could throw a community into striks action by a single speech; hence the worrier race a blank future, and to the unemployed who are disildu in China. Demands were made Father Congilin makes spurious appeals to the youth who erican rivals out of their foot City Convention Discusses Trade Union look on sheriffs fuces wher Mother Jone: Work of Party New Committee Elected came to town. In West Virginia, once. sh sioned with their prospects under democratic capitalisn. He for the International Set:lc.
spoke to a group of miners. At the end of th uims to enlist them in the ranks of his fascist hordes, to turn ment at Shapchas to be placed speech they implored her: Organize us, Moth the loose against the labor movement as well as against the of the Japanese, whose whole callst Workers Party held its gates throughout the ConvenLocal New York of the So The prime interest of the deleor. Which she did, while a union flunkey stoor by and complained that she didn know th Jews and Neroes of this country. In this way Coughlin robber war aimed to win for third semi annual city convention was the problem of how ritual, and that a charter hadn been paid to hopes to set the stage for the fascist seizure of power.
Imperial Japan the exclusive on May 13 14. Meeting at a better to integrate the memand received from the national office time when the war danger is bership in the mass organizeFather Coughlin sugar coats his real intentions with henght to loot China.
As a trial move. Japanese dully gaining momentum, the llons of the workers.
Jones believed in using the most spectacular eyed words about peace and social justice. He even cc barines landed at the smaller delegates were fully aware of One of the most important of the Convention and the most militant means to put an action casionally administers to Hitler and Mussolini a gentle slar and less Important concession the great responsibility which decisions across. Once the imported a group of crippled on the wrist. But he is careful in the next breath to praist klen. Roosevelt. who few The 36 delegates who attend report which recommended was the adoption of a special inners to New York Atharum, in the coal their actions.
strike of 1902. sbe organized a brigade of minweeks ago spectacularly or led the five sessions of the con the launching of an Intensive ers wives, armed with mops and brooins. Ai While he is expending his efforts and vast sums of mouldered the American fleet backvention represented cross, campaign in New York City to for service en cuir fenomen were arrester ey, the sources of which can only be guessed on laying the warm the Pacions direct section of the membership of meer Chie crowing danger of the their children we Saetre de recherchiepe de propaganda basis of fascism, he is also organizing the drill. right back. The American Not only was every branch lin fascists have recenty been ing the day: in tew days they were released ing of storm troops and creating the general staff and secret cruser Marblehead and de fully represented at each ses making themselves increasing no one in town had been able to sicep. Service for the fascist seizure of power.
stroyer were ordered to Amoy sion of the convention butlly obnoxtous to the workers of Father Coughlin is the enemy of the worker, the poo put nshore in Kulangsu. the gates were outstanding mill spectacular sales of their antt.
and a landing party of marines among the most active dele. New York by their attempts at Couldn Be Stopres farmer, the youth, the unemployed and all oppressed pcoples Settlement area. The British tents in the trade unions and Semitic, labor bating ras. SOShe worked in a cotton niul to set materlo Against child labor which she abhorred to fury le seeks to set these natural iriends at cach other throats so and French Pollowed the Amer unemployed crganizations, incial Justice, and have even She posed as a peddler to get information for as to facilitate the task he has set for himscii or which his! On MAY 17 a sharp American trades painters, seamen, of meetings of labor political or the which led to the strike of 190 Xenors, Hitler and Mussolini and our own Sixty Families note was sent to Japan reject nice workers and teachers. ganizations. The aim of the in Colorado. With general causes. Dike women conşus taken of the dele. Campaign is to take the first le Girdlers and DuPonts, have set for him the strangling Ing the Japanese demand for suffrage, she had no sympathy. Women, sh suid, had to get into the class struggle ar opposition to poverty, starvation wages, miscry and a larger share in control of the gates revealed that the dele steps to arouse the anti fascista exceptions of New York to the serious fight there.
British and French were were either active trade union danger of the Coughlin brand of She was in Pittsburgh during the labor riot Failer Coughlin lies when he says he is opposed to fas bkewise expected to join. ists or members of the Unem fascism.
of 1877: in Chicaco during the Haymarket a ism. And he lies when he pretends that by his fake anti which the Japanese staged a Union. The average age of the of the Convention were: Other outstanding decislons falr of 1886: in Birmingham during the Amer ican Railway Union strike of 1894, Colora apitalism he can improve the lot of the tineinployed, the prompt strategic deported her in 1903. 000 again in 1913. mi outh, the workers, the poor farmers, the small businessman Roosevelt again served notice. The convention heard and expand the Party activity in tary court sentenced her to twenty years at that the feet is not in the Pa acted on reports covering or the unemployed field.
inciting to murder, during the 1912 mii low to Fight Fascism cific to play games but to be ganization, trade union work, 2) campaign in the trade strike: senate committee set the verdi aside. In 1914 she President successiully Fascism and the evils of decaying capitalism can be fought prepared for the approrching unemployed work, education unlons and among workers ges: 801 the facts of the Ludlow m2338cre in whic Rockefeller troops cold bloodedly murdere led by a revolutionary party. The fight for the dignity and son Intends to put an end. by tense, and youth. Theao te slogan The Thirty Hour Week is superior armed force, to the ports, while pointing out the With No Reduction in Pay The the wives and children of striking miners. city oi all races and all peoples, the fight for the improve rival throat of the Japanese shortcomings of the Party in Workers Answer to Unemploy.
mehe workers were street work mos the conditions of the unemployed, the youth, the commis mancident also seecal to these teeles convertheless ungle 3) Factory and trade union 1019 she sent her abilities to the great stecand the other forgotten men, a figlt carried on by generally understood fact that ress bad been made since the concentration work in specified strike. In 1923. at the age of 83, she was still own militant and united activity these are the method Roosevelt has a wink of the last convention in mass organ Delds and localities working in the West Virginia coal Melds. only methods by which fascism can be defeated. ye understanding with Bilization work, literature sales. 4) The publication of a series Threatened ume and again by thugs an of cheap pamphlets on current tain that the United States will campaigns, propaganda work. et Coughin, hidin: behind his sanctimonious mask. take care of the Pacific bat Marxist School, membership. Issues facing the workers.
pouce, Mother Jones never once quailed. Th Bottle old woman in the black bonnet who co! is. ypo rrity and deceit. Whoever believes him and wefront when the suns begin etc.
outswear a trooper any son heladores his policies is furthering the cause not of peace and dealing death once more in By far the major portion of ANNOUNCEMENT as she chose, and burled defiance at those who fet would prevent her, Lad. she told miner race hatrel. Jecadence, decay and fascism. Europe. It is to help this unbe time and attention of the HELP TO BUILD the AntiFascist Labor Guard. Attend boy who had witnessed a thug threatening hou Socialist Workers Party, dedicated to the fight agains the idea to the war hating peo thorougb analysis of the party the Social and Dance this the great Standard Oil is certainly afraid more blatant fascism of the German American Bund, is ple of this country, that Eng work in the trade unions and Saturday evening. May 20 at an old woman. And with good reason. Fr land king and quees have the unemployed fields and 51 East st. Wrestling delicated to the fight against the Bund twin, the come over to this side of the careful consideration of pro that old woman represented the spirit. matches, entertainment, recourage of the working class.
us fascist propaganda of Father Coughlin.
Atlantic Jected plans for future activity. freshments, deving.
MOTHER JONES May 1, 1830 Nov. 30, 1980. You don need a vote to raise bell. sasa Mother Jones. And bell she did raise wherever she went: and she went pretty near every.
where in the cause of the working class.
Once, in 1910, she was called before a Congressional investigating committee to account for her part in aiding Mexican revolutionists Against the tyrant Diaz. Tbc conmiclee asked her her address. live in the United States she told them, but do not know exactly where. My address is wherever there is a fight against oppression. Sometimes am in WashIngton, then in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Texas, Minnesota, Colorado. My address is iške my shoes it travels with me. Mother Jones was then 80 years old.
She had been born in County Cork, Ireland Her father, a worker and an advocate of Irish freedom. moved his family to this continent wlien Mary Harris Jones was six. For a time the family lived in Canada where Mary Harris received her schooline. Out of school, she taught in a Michigan convent for a while: then she opened a dress inaking establishment in Chicago. In 1881, she married a member of the Iron Moulders Union, Ten years later her husband, and the four children she had borne, dlert in a yellow lever epidemic.
Known to Every Worker Mary Harris Jones, a woman of forty, came into contact with the Knights of Labor. She had never before been a member of a union But the Knights of Labor Inspired her to hey ilfe work. Thenceforth she sank her personas He completely into the trade union movement Mary Harris Jones became Mother Jones to every worker in the country as she travelled from strike to strike, most often by Invitation of unior leaders, sometimes forcing her way in, pitching her picturesque vocabulary, her steady wit and her sense of drama against the bosses.
Essentially. Mother Jones was a revolutionRry, though she herselt probably never realIzed it. Theory wasn her strong point frequently she made errors le. supporting the Democratic party in 1916. But in her bitter denunciations of bossdom, ber attacks on the stale machinery, and in her milant methods of organizirs, Mother Jones was deep going revolutionlst who hated capitalist oppression with her every fibre. Did the bosses set out an Injunction against hera ploce of paper to be torn up. Did the bosges order her to leave the state on order to be defied. Did the National Guard patrol a struck mine force to Ignored. And fought, It made little difference to Mother Jones which union was running a strikc or She Darilcipated in both. For the most part, she worked among the miners: for many yeurs she was officially employed by the Uolted Mine Workero though she desnis John Mitchell, president of the mert.