CommunismEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers Party

27 FATHER COUGHLIN THE AGENT OF FASCISM IN AMERICA Poisonous Doctrines Of Hitler, Mussolini He Is Spreading the Socialist Appeal BUILD WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, NO. 35 101 TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1939 3c a Copy Practically all the sixteen principles of Social Justice are being put into practise in Italy and Germany. FATHER COUGHLIN SHOOT TO KILL HARLAN It Happening Here!
National Guard Launches Wave Of Terror to Break Mine Strike pe ANTI. LABOR LEGISLATION Stalinists Sabotage Flint Jobless Action PICKETS ASK ACTION ON RELIEF NEEDS Thursday, Father Charles 12. Coughlin aspires to be the Adolph Hitler of the United States. He acts as Number One propagandist in this country for Der Fuehrer oi Germany and Il Duce of Italy in nation wide Sunday afternoon broadcasts, in his maga.
zine Social Justice (for which he claims a distribution of hundreds of thousands weekly. and through other propaganda mediums, the prelate of the Shrine of the Little Flower seeks 10 poison the minds of his listeners and readers and to All them with the prejudices of fascism. He poses as a cham pion of truc Americanism and as a believer in justice for all. Special to the Socialist Appeal but this is merely the cloak under cover of which he disseminHARLAN, Ky Tension rose to a near breaking point this week in Bloody Harlan ates his vicious fascist doctrines.
as zire National Guard strike breakers launched a wave of terror in an effort to break the Of late Coughlin followKauntiess courage and solidarity of the 12, 000 coal miners on strike.
ers, in New York particularly, Shoot to kill? the National Guard commander ordered his soldiers, trying to intimhave become bolder. Gangs of date the thousands of strikthese duped innocents. many ers who maintaining of whom are honest Catholic roaming pickct lines despite workers arc descending reg: the National Guard.
ulariy on Times Square and volicy of fifty shots was other central points to peddle fired shortly afterwards at a the inalodorous lies collected lone picket on the mountainin Social Justice. These Militant Unemployed Union Continues its side. He escaped injury hawkers bellow forth their Death Watch before City Welfare Office major clash was narrowly anti Semitism at the top of averted Wednesday when the incir lungs Coughlin urges. Thousands Face Starvation in Fund Cut bayonets were used to push his friends elsewhere to dup(Special to the Socialist Appeu. back group of strikers seek licate the actions of these New FLINT, Mich. May 15. The Death Watch initiated twi ing to register for unemploy.
Yorkers. Significantly he likweeks ago by the Unemployed and Union, affili. ment Insurance. The soldiers ens them to a mighty army, rte, has been maintained across tbe street from the Flint wel fare offices. The rollet crisis is so acute that the local prese alled to frighten the strikers These Catholic workers do has described it as the most serious crists the city has facer by this move, and brought up not understand that by pedsince the 1937 sit downs.
a machino gun. Even though dling this filth against other But the fight of the unemployed for reller has met with the strikers were marmed, deliberate polley of Inaction on the part of and Com they told the strike breaking workers who happen to be munist Party officialdom Goldiers what they thought of Jews they are effectively dig Faced with the tremendous en FATRER COUCHLIN thusiasm that the unemployed them ging their own graves; for auxillary action evoked, the the Catholics, tog, in this country constitute a minority. As in Desperate Move leaders went along for Threat of the National Guard Germany, when and if the fascist leader finishes off the Jews.
a while, giving the militant campaign formal sanction. But to stop all picketing which he ll start in on the Catholics. Fascism needs an ever widen703 TE not so the die hards of the Com they haven dared attempt yet ing circle of hapless victims to maintain the fiction of its munist Party, who immediate. and to outlaw union meetprestige. First the workers and the Jews and then the ly went to work to destroy the Ings. was made fighting spirit of the unembringing the crisis to a bolling Catholics ployed.
polat Action Delayed The terroristic methods of Supports Fascist Wars Demand Jobs, Meals the Guardsmen are the comUnder pressure, the CTO of Father Coughlin pretends to be a lover of peace, but his ficiats agreed to a mass dem For Needy in Action aveld defeat. Despite the propeace propaganda is nothing but a gigantic fraud. He hopes onstration for May 13. promistection of the Guardsmen, only Jag the militants in the unem Led by ployed union girnt parade few hundred scab bave sentiment. Actually, however, Coughlin pays lip service to dared to work.
tons of publicity. etc. But, peace only to serve his own selfish aims or those of his fellowWinked with the Stalinists in (Ry Staff Writer)
NEW YORK. More than six The signing of United Mine iascists, Hitler and Mussolini.
pro Roosevelt policy, the Lo hundred members of the Un. Worker contracts with nearby He has defended and continues to defend Nazi and fascist officials didn come through employed and Project Workers operators this week broke the aggression wherever it occurs. Hitler and Mussolini strong Day after day they delayed de Union maintained a continuous united front of the Kentucky cision on the time and place 36 hour picket line on Monday employers and let the Harlan arm bullying and little wars are the kind of peace that By PAUL FIELDING of the demonstration. osten and Tuesday at City Hall in operators standing alone Coughlin wants. He approves Hitler seizure of Czechoslo (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Business of the Harlan opsibly because no permit had protest against the rellef chis.
vakia and oi Menel. He applauds Mussolini grab of Al By HAROLD ROBERTS AKRON, May 18. Several hundred persons attended ar been received from the city fa eling policies of Mayor LaCuar erators was reported to be sobania. He sides with the fascist Franco in Spain and his while the press the radio emergency rally here last night called by the Socialist Workers thers. Several valuable days dia City Council.
Party and Young People Socialist League to protest th were thus lost.
the movies, bere, in France endless executions of workers and peasants. lle endorses and in England are crindin This is the first action of its frenzied rctlons of the operat Americanis Day meeting, proclaimed by Mayor Loe The date and place of the kind to be held in New York ors through the National Guard Hitler war like statements. And he sympathizes with the out their propaganda about the Sebroy and the American Legion, demonstration were finally set City in several years. The pres have followed The emergency rally was also beld to protect the Mayor. when only two days were left ont members of the ruthless, bruta) war that Japan militarists have unicashed coming conflict between de Hands OSP Policy mocracy and ascism, the so for preparation. few thou broke from the workers All banning of and plokets at the Legton meelin in China President Roosevelt blank called democratic countries ar at which ex Congressman Farold Mosher, former member sand leaflets were distributed. ance because of its fallure to refusal to recognize the strik Father Coughlin makes Hitler anti Semitism his own quietly preparing to clam the Dies Coinmittee, spoke. Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
crs plea for federal action to By constant repetition of lies and distortion of facts, he down dictatorships no less rig The emergency rally was at tsm of the Legion ruling bu stop the National Guar spreads his race hatred. He and his followers carry on a already exist in Germany and than the region. az waving the transitional demands of the shocked the movement Election of Ta thu Thau Is nationally malicious campaign of vilification and vituperation against Italy.
spectacle. Many left the latter Socialist Workers Party Roosevelt Hands off a Jews.
In England, according to a to attend the Ranged around the speakers titude was a signal to the Gov.
Father Coughlin seeks to disfranchise the workers and special dispatch to the New meeting.
stand, which was lighted by red York Post last week, only a fa This was the first time in the flares were giant plecards: ernor, the operators and the force them to toil under conditions of slavery. His attack on vorable moment is being await Nistory of the labor movement Al War Fonds to the UnemNational Guard that the feder al labor now is disguised (Special to the Boalist Appeals PARIS, May French im to was not going Special to the Socialist Appealt strike breakin PARIS, May Despite ev. perialism, and its Stalinist sup moves. All the threats, violent cals. But to Father Coughlin any militant worker is a red. Ministry of Press and Prope: the American Legion top lead. Ties, segobe Not Guns. again and he seeks to incite his followers to club all militant worl Bande identical in alm and crship has been challenged on the and and ery obstacle put in their wayport, was delivered a telling orders, and violation of civil methods to the Goebbels mir political grounds. You Can Eat Americanism. comrades Ta thu Thau end blow in the recent elections to rights followed the cynical mers into submission to the bosses. He also engages in attacks. Continued on Page 3) To the professional patrio. Another slogan raised was Tran van Trach were elected to the General Council of Algeria statement of Roosevelt who still somewhat indirect and sly, on workers salaries and the Mosier makes living waving the Colonial Council of Indo Douar Mohammed, candidate said he had not received the the nag but 12. 000, 000 unem china on April 30. The election of the Party of Algerian People ples of the leaders ployed can 45 hour 40 hour nakresy and veterans attended Pourth International was greet Internationalist Workers Party Press correspondent as Tan Many rank and filc Legion who ran as candidates of the fraternally connected with the The feeling of the strikers the protest rally, and several ed by the workers of Bulson. Fourth International) and the Atlcal. As each hour passed ripe he will endorse the same anti labor program for this were vigorous in their denunci. capital of Indo China, with an socialist Party of Workers and with the path ation of the Legion politics.
enthusiasm het terrified the Peasants in France was elecmarching the entire country.
By FELIX MORROW You couldn get me to their colonial slavemasters and thol ted on the second ballot with populaton becamo more The British White Paper of May 17 has been met by world meeting for love or money, and Stalinist lackeys.
4, 488 votes against 4, 182 Cast censed Does Bosses Dirty Work wide protests not only from Zlontsts and other Jews, but als my whole Post feels the same The French Governor Gen. for the administration candl.
Full financial support of the Father Coughlin endorses reactionary legislation and con by Important spokesmen from other groups, Includlog Willar way. one veteran declared. eral so leared these two revocato Following a conference of lutionists that he tried to keep Douar Mohammed won his and the as.
demns progressive legislation. Among other things, he advo. The White Paper unequivocally enunciates a policy whicl and representheir names off the ballot. electoral victory despite the sured the strikers of ample rethem cates the changes in the Wagner Act which would benefit the Is a death blow to Zionism. Jewish immigration into Palestin tatives with the mayor, chier Mandel, Pranch Minister of fact that Messall and almost Het funds to carry bosses and prevent the growth of the labor movement. He ton of the British Government that at Te not part of their police a Legion official, the proposed pelled to rescind the order of Party of Algerian People are The strikers are beginning to opposes the right of asylum for the refugees driven out of that Palestine should become a picketing of the Legion meeting the Governor General in prison. Or the first ballot see the bitter Irony of the situ Hitler hel. Jewish State.
tradictory promises to both. It was called of. Te thu Thau was only recent. Douar Mohammed led with atlon created by the betraya)
Father Coughlin calls for a sham revolution. When he Before anyone can under unqucationable that ir. We were given the uomisly released from the dungeons 3, 277 votes against 100 for in office of all the politicians says this he is telling an obvious lie, and a conscious lie. He is stand the Palestine question. As McMahon in October ble impression that four of French imperialism to which Zerrouk, French administration whom the urged hem to forcefully he had spent two years for his candidate, and 400 for the stal support. Elected yesterday by trying in this way to beiuddie the worker, the youth and the stand that the White Paper is, skich sa supported threat of mass arrests, brutal Leaving juil broken in health Maurice Faced with the devotion to the revolution. inist candidate this after labor, today they are stabbing Thorez, Stallatst in the back.
unemployed who are beginning to understand that only Rot u bolt out of the blue, is not, nition and support of through a social revolution is there hope of a decent life policy, but is merely the cul line It is equally unquestion numbers against which we Ta thu Thau nevertheless im a tour of Algeria to try to Notice By revolution he means what Hitler Nazi revolution mlacion of a consistent British able that at the same time alone would be unable to de mediately plunged again into work up in the Algerians en meant. end of all social reforms, an end of denocratic policy stnice the Palestine ques. Lord Balfour and other British tend ourselves at this time. wel the work of the movement. His enthusiasm for their imperial spokesmen pledged to Jewish have withdrawn our pickets. election with comrade Tran ist masters and their wer plans.
All members of the rule, an end of workers rights, an end of all freedom and all tion arose in 1917.
That policy was a compound of leaders that Palestine would party Yipsel statement is. Van Thach is an eloquent testi The workers and peasants o: and Local New York.
lìberty. Coughlin would install a government under which lica and deceit from the first. become a Jewieb Stato.
sued immediately afterwards, mony to the activities of the Algeria who cast their ballot are Instructed to attend very workers will be unable to voice and defend their just demands representatives simultaneously making these pledges in pubile, meeting was arranged nearby, China, ns well as an Indication that henceforth they will trusi When it come, however, to stated. Instead, the protest Fourth International in Indo for Mohammed made it cler: important membership meet La corporative state modelect aiter that now existing in carried on negotiations with and reducing them to writing Ing. Wednesday, May 31, at lascist Italy.
both Jewish and Arab spokes the British authorittes wrote at the protest rally was the ne ment against French Imperial and national independence par Beethoven Hall, Sth Street, be. Continued on Page 3)
men, and made mutually con. Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
ist oppression.
tween 2nd and 3rd Avenues.
Carla POWERS PLAN Akron Rally WAR TIME Defies Labor Haters DICTATORSHIPS Blow at French Imperialism shorter work wock. Talking about France, for instante, die Zionist Policy Played Into and not doles and leisure. When he thinks the conditions are Hands of Great Britain in