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SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1939 The Record of Anastasio Somoza Their Bloody Dictator of Nicaragua Government eign: 33. 60 per year. Se for six months Bundlena For orders 187. Another Proof Father in Washington to cast outworn tradition SOCIALIST APPEAL to the wind and run for president again.
Vol. III, No. 34 May 19, 1939 The Stainists long ago abandoned the workBy James Burnham ing class standpoint of the class strugle and Published twice a tocek by the SOCIALIST APPEAL, PUBLISHING ASS transferred their allegiance to the capitalist parat 116 University Place. New York, ties to the Democrats in most places and to the Republicans elsewhere. Now they sink a couple (Continued from Page 1) a little later the sub secretary of this unhappy land in constant Subscriptions. 00 per year 00 for fx of notches lower. They have become the apostles Somoza In 1926, when the Moncada ship of Exterior Relations. He fear and anguish. no one revolution against held this when he plotted knows the fate that awaits him all forelen countries Single copladerentants per copy in of the good man theory. It doesn matter a Chamorro broke out, Somoza his first treacherous act to or his family. The malevolent Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for six hoot in hell that the Democratic party is capital Shady leffalis, but aware of General McDugal, American IDEAL STRONG MAN months: 00 for one year.
Last week, the Senate, by the overwhelming Roentered as second ca matter February 16, 1939. at ist to the core. It is the only one that can win; what was scheduled to occur, head of the so called National FOR IMPERIALISM vote of 62 to 14, passed the new Agriculture Approthe post office at New York, under the Act of March hence, support it. It doesn matter that in order he turned stool pigeon (always Guard. This time he failed, and Somoza is the ideal strong priation Bill at a total of 1, 218, 000, 000. This sum to win it will continue to base itself on the a favorite avocation) for the as a consequence MeDugal was man for Roosevelt imperial. raises the figure first proposed by the Administragovernment. informed on demoted.
ism. The best proof of this is MAX SHACHTMAN tion and already acted on by the House nearly Hague and Tammany and Kelly Nash machines various generals who were This was at the same time the fact that the White House 400, 000, 000. The Bill now goes to conference.
soolate Editors: HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW and on the Bourbon South. It doesn matter about to join the revolutionary the epoch of Sandino struggle host received the grandson of There is every reason to believe that the figure Mombers: movement; and as this became against the military invasion of Seven Handkerchiefs with a JOSEPH HANSEN that, even by Browder implicit confession, known, he and his bosses the United States in Nicaragua. warm handshake and a purse voted by the Senate will be accepted by the House with only slight if any modifications, and that the EMANUEL GARRESTANLEger: Roosevelt is the only one in the whole party that deemed it politic to fake an up. Sandino doctrines consciously full of gold. Somoza is well wor Bill will then be signed by the President.
can kid labor into voting for a capitalist ticket. rising. Hiding in the hacienda, expressed little of the historical thy of it.
Only 290, 000, 000 of this vast sum is allotted to All that matters is that Roosevelt is a good town of San Marcos, he sent limited in their outlook to legal murderer of Sandino is system the role of the movement and were If the domestic policy of the FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST the administration of the multitudinous activities of the Department of Agriculture. 928, 000, 000 is to man.
one of his accomplices to mur formulas of small importance. atic and permanent terror, his be used for what Senator Fraziera warm advoWORKERS PARTY FOR: Unfortunately for Browder, will not der President Gonzalo Grana Fundamental for Sandino was foreign policy can be charac cate of the Bl11 openly called a dole for the far dos and his son, Ramon. The the demand that the imperial. terized as a series of provoca1. job and a decent wage for every worker. look upon his announcement as an unmixed mers. This dole wears various disguises. 500. 000, people of San Marcos baptized ist marines leave Nicaraguan tions against his neighbors, es 000 goes to the conveniently named conservation Open the Idle factories operate them under blessing. The White House Magician is re Somoza with the nickname the soll.
pecially Costa Rica. Through program. Under this, farmers are paid benefits workers control.
ported to have said to Harold Laski, who General of the Virgin Sword THE BETRAYAL Somoza constant menace, for transferring acreage from basic crops to cer; visited him at the time of the 1936 convention and the General of El Gauch OF SANDINO Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works Costa Rica has been converted tain soll conserving crops (a verbal variant of ipilin.
In 1933 when Dr. Sacasa took into a lice agenooseveltian scarcity plans which were and housing program.
of the Stalinists, that he hoped the ORDERS DEPUTY KILLED power and the marines left the cy, and what was formerly a outlawed by the Supreme Court. wouldn endorse him publicly for the presi The murders, via the hand of country, Sandino felt complete refuge has become converted 203, 000, 000 will go to finance the Federal Sur. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on dency. When he hears that Browder has come an intermediary, continued. ly satisfied and was persuaded into a trap to ensnare Somoza plus commodities Corporation. This agency tries out for a third term, he will most certainly get Somoza ordered the Deputy Fil to surrender his arms. Sacasa enemies.
all Jobs.
to keep up the prices of agricultural commodities adelfio Robleto killed for hav. chief of the National Guard was Mr. Roosevelt must be en through market manipulations, withdrawing sur a well advanced of the pip. Things have ing publicly denounced what Somoza, now really and truly a chanted with this vassalage of pluses from the market, and subsidizing exports. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pension.
been looking so well lately for the realization of The remaining 225, 000, 000 will be used for what his third term ambitions. Now Roosevelt will vantage of his post as Political Sandino entered Managua, the the proposed Intertonedhe orato are called parity payments: a form of direct This will enable Expropriate the Sixty Families.
him, gift to farmers cooperating with the Administra probably have to look to the Almighty himself once more favored him, he ar. and half the world besides. He through Somoza, to drive out tion program. All war funds to the unemployed, for help out of the fix into which Browder en ranged the killing three years spoke cordially to everyone. the Japanese who settled on This 1, 218, 000, 000 is the largest sum ever voted people referendum on any and all wars. dorsement has placed him.
later in Leon of one, Jose Lop. And he was answered in simi. Costa Rican territory some by the government for agriculture. In the light of ez, the man who had served as lar terms. Somoza presented time ago; this will enable him the howls for economy by business and many Con No secret diplomacy.
If only he were to shift to an anti Soviet his tool in killing Robleto. him with a portrait with a very to control through his henchgressmen, and in contrast with the slashing of reorientation, Roosevelt would see the unsolicited The new murderers hired by affectionate dedication.
man the whole zone of the Is10. An independent Labor Party.
On February 21, 1934, San thmus, and to crown at little lief appropriations, the agricultural appropriation deserves reflection.
support of Browder turn into bitter condemna Somoza were Sergeant Somar.
riba and Lieutenant Wydeman, dino and his aides were assasst cost the rearmament program 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante tion. Browder would then repeat what he wrote the latter of the American Arnaredis is the friend of Presi ing a new canal through Nicar The New Deal Confesses Failure and Fasolst attacks.
almost six years ago in his book, Communism my. With the passage of time. No one at all acquainted with agriculture in this naval country will deny that the majority of farmers are in the United States (p. 172. So mais powerta and reaches Somozas since then has insti and serial base sharebe Guaval in need of aid. Among the lower strata of farmers How childish it is to think that the good ous accomplice. Thanks to his tuted an unprecedented reign Fonseca.
There exists in Nicaragua. share croppers and poorer tenants conditions ness or badness of the individual Roosevelt Somoza, wydeman was saved. ed to reign absolutely and in however, a strong movement of are so appalling that by comparison the life of a Another striking proof of the deep opposi can make the slightest difference in regard to the In 1928 Somoza was named definitely, he has mercilessly rebellion against the Praetor.
permanently unemployed city worker seems like tion of the American people to the impending policies of government! The government, with subsecretaria of War byreres are the even the samcuest maty sanism of Somoza. The tollers the owner farmers work there be contacting hours world war into which President Roosevelt is Roosevelt at the head, is trying to save the for little more than enough food to live on: mortgreed nearly ruined him. He among his fellow countrymen, iles outside are preparing to gages, taxes, low farm prices guarantee that they preparing to plunge the United States is pro capitalist system. To save the system makes it have no cash in their pockets from beginning to vided by the latest Gallup poll.
necessary to put the burden of the crisis upon money which touched his fin Guard take care that there derer who is embraced today end of the year.
gers and by the end of the year shall be no prisoners in prison, so affectionately by the apostle What is most obvious about the present agricul According to the survey, 69 per cent of the the workers, farmers, and middle classes.
he had exhausted the patience to silence the newspapers of of the shark smile. Never has ture bill is its revelation of the entire failure of the people are at present opposed to lending money Roosevelt is bad for the workers because he is of Moncada, who put him out they do not glorify the tyrant, Somoza sat less firmly in his to break any manifestation of presidential chair than today.
New Deal to solve crisis in agriculture. Con to Roosevelt prospective allies, England and the leader of the capitalist class in its attacks on the street.
gress is now preparing the seventh budget of the Utilizingas the saying goes organization among the work. He knows that the blows will upon the working class.
France, in order to build up their armament maRoosevelt regime. There have been six agriculture in Nicaragua means worthy of ers with fire and blood, to come from everywhere and chines in defense of democracy.
These words, now treacherously abandoned gigolo, he was able to secure maintain the entire population will come soon.
bills in six years and seemingly endless billions of dollars to try out New Deal experiments. And One of the main reasons for this attitude, acby Browder, retain their full truth to the present all of the experiments and all of the billions have day, solved nothing cording to the poll, is the fear that it would be All of the acreage withdrawal and conserva one of the quickest ways to involve the United tion have not been able to raise prices for farm The new chief of staff of the United States Army.
commodities. Mortgages, debts, interest, back States in war.
General George Catlett Marshall, is one of few taxes, continue to pile up for the bulk of the far And even more significant, the poll shows that officers to rise to the top ranking without being mers. Many of the big farmers have, it is true in the mind of the people, the major problem graduate of West Point. His alma mater is is mainly to them that the benefits and subsidies now confronting them is HOW TO KEEP hate the workers as thoroughly at one of these go) prospered under the Wallace dispensation, but OUT OF WAR.
colleges as at West Point, and that is the first The New Masses of May 18 reads: The undersigned, Sam Why? Because it contains the share croppers and small tenants remain on a returns to the exposure of uel Ginsburg, bearing in the following sentence: You are sub animal standard of living.
Not all the insidious propaganda dictated by duty of the officer and gentleman.
Walter Krivitsky which it As a Soviet citizen the Just the kind of adventurer that The present bill really admits the failure. Sena Wall Street has been able to wipe out the memlaunched in its issue of the name Walter Krivitsky, and the infamous Yagoda would tor Frazier 18 right in calling the appropriation ory of the last world war and what it was week before. There is exactly the political pseudonym Walter, pick for his anti Soviet dirty (apart from the 290, 000, 000 for administration) a one important difference be born June 28, 1899 at Podwol work.
dole; and a dole is not a program in any field of REALLY fought for.
tween the two replies to Krl oczyska (Poland) has been a Whereupon we note. 1) that economy but the recognition of the absence of a program. The parity and conservation payments Deep in the memory of the people is the fact The number who will be wounded, maimed, vitsky sensational articles in member of the since Yagoda was just the kind of that ALL the gold stars of the last war, ALL and killed in the coming world war, according May the New Masses took PLAGIARIZING THE adventurer that the infamous and the subsidies do not touch a single one of the the crosses on foreign battlefields, ALL the causes of the agricultural crisis in fact, they do Stalin would pick for his antito the estimates of the medical staffs of the about eight column inches to SOCIALIST APPEAL Soviet dirty work. 2) that not not pretend to. They hand around a certain amount shiny medals and bits of ribbon that capitalist German and French armies as reported at the answer Krivitsky: on May 18 of cash (some of it, of course, to those who need According to the New Mass so long ago Mr. Sender Garlin, it) and that is all. Whiskey may make you forget generals gave DUPED workers and farmers for International Congress of Medicine and har inches to say same thing. es, the fact that Krivitsky ar contributor to the New Masses, wrote in the Daily Worker cancer for a while, but it is not going to cure it.
the arms, legs, and faces which had been shot macy, is not going to be any higher than it was Part of the answer the em. actionary Saturday Evening about the proposal to submit The Farmers as Red Riding Hood away represented nothing but a sordid struggle at the end of the last war.
for markets, colonies, and profits among the But why is it that Congress, which is so brave Krivitsky charges about the Post renders them worthless. the name of the infamous Ya This sounds a very cheerful and optimistic murderous activities of the Go By the same reasoning, can it soda for the annual Nobel about slashing to ribbons, dishes out Restockholders of the different capitalist nations. In Spain and elsewhere, is perhaps be said that the fact Peace Prize, in recognition of publicans and Democrats alike, with no serious obtook its with which he Jection from their big business masters the larg exposure of struggled USELESSLY to save democracy hope that the coming casualties will not exceed mistaken as the negative name from the Socialist Apviks. 3) that the New Masses est sum on record to the farmers? There is here.
a little object lesson in the nature of the class on foreign battlefields, the capitalists stayed at the millions of casualties in the last war cannot peal, makes its attack on Kri. is acknowledging that KrivitWHAT IS struggle.
home and raked in the bloated PROFITS OF be placed in this estimate.
vitsky a plece of counter revo sky was an official of the Stal lutionary skullduggery?
inist espionage system and funds go chiefly to unemployed workers, WAR.
What is negative pregthat is to the proletariat. The farmers are the larg therefore, in a position to know It is based on nothing more serious than the Krivitsky charged, and save whereof he writes.
nant. Here is an example: est and most important section of the middle That is why the Gallup poll shows even now disbelief of the army medical staffs that any Smith charges Jones in court grin cabinet was brutally man detailed evidence, that the New classes. Big business knows that its rule will be on the verge of another bloody capitalist country is going to bomb civilian populations. with owing him fifty dollars threatened only by the proletariat; and by the proscramble for profits that the people don want letariat only when the latter succeeds in winning Aside from the fact that the bombing planes Jones replies: Smith is a liar. ufactured by Stalin agents in KRIVITSKY AND any more WAR LOANS, any more BAYON. of England, France, Italy, Germany and others From that answer it may very Iin in its European diplomatic editorial on Kvitsky and the permanent and deepening economic acises pour do not owe him fifty dollars. Spain and maintained there as DIES influence over a considerable part of the middle In view of our recent classes, especially the farmers. Confronted with ET PRACTICE, any more RIFLE DRILL, have been bombing the civilian populations of any more trips overseas to save capitalist de the colonies for years, still further cause for dollars.
Smith forty or thirty or seventy swers this charge by saying to Krivitsky, we report the folits, is compelled to strike out first and most of all mocracy.
doubt as to the trustworthiness of the estimates To the statement that Gen that Krivitsky was seen in lowing information we have re But Roosevelt does not guide his actions by of the army medical staffs may be taken from scule krivitsky was hetedige hibe But what about Krivitsky ac respondent. It was a stalinist resistance against and by weakening its powers of organized the will of the people. He guides his actions by the fact that the Red Cross in Great Britain is for Krivitsky charged that the the Labor Department For big business to succeed, a base of popular the needs of the class he represents, the stock. establishing four large blood storing plants in the New Masses replies He Skrganizers the therrine who called the attention of the support is needed.
Through this agricultural ap.
holding minority London for use in transfusions when the war was never a General and can assassination of Andres Nin in presence in this country, basing That is why he SPURNS the wishes of the breaks and planes begin dropping bombs ir: not even use a rifle. All right. Barcelona. The New Masses his denunciation on the editobetween the workers and the farmers, to prevent majority of the American people and continues crowded civilian centers.
Granted that he was never a answers this charge by saying the farmers from joining with the workers in a common struggle against big business and its govdumping the nation wealth into the war maticles in the Saturday Evening ernment. The appropriation is a bribe to the farThe theory is that the workers may begin handy with a rifle than Station that Krivitsky articles were rial footnote to Krivitsky ar chine.
ghosted by someone else be Post which states that Krivitstoring blood now to replace that which they is with an axe: was he or was cause he can even write Eng sky is still a believer in the mers, in he not head of the Stalinis: lish. Again granted. And again, true communism of Lenin.
that the farmers enlist in the union busting. wage return for which big business demands So long as the workers and farmers tolerate will shed when hostilities start. This estimate military espionage in Western what about Krivitsky accusaand relief smashing drive against the proletariat.
a stockholder government in Washington they of the Red Cross seems much more realistic Europe? The silence of the tion?
Our correspondent writes Not for nothing is the chief reactionary organizaStalinists on this key point is that he has good authority for can expect this state of affairs to continue than the estimates of the army doctors.
tion in the Far West, financed and controlled by as good as an affirmative reKrivitsky charged that stal: the statement that Krivitsky whether the Democratic party is in power or in was making secret but fever has not volunteered to testify big business, called Associated Farmers.
This, think, is the fundamental reason perthe Republican.
The rest of the New Massesment with Hitler: that stalin that any such intimation or asish attempts reach an agree before the Dies Committee and haps only half consciously understood by most answers to Krivitsky charges Congressmen for seeming paradox of cuts in framed and foully do not even come under the the Red Army Generals (or whose twofold purpose ered sertion is inspired by the relief to workers and raises in relief to farmers.
ernment can the war mongering stockholders head of the negative pres theren they Generals, either? Is the discreditment There is of course a more immediate electoral and the profit system that maintains them be At a luncheon of business men in an exclusive nant.
reason also: Both major parties believe that the forever smashed!
club in New York City last week, Rear Admir Krivitsky charged, and gave on the basis of disinforma: sky because of his disclosures farmers vote will decide the 1940 election. The al Clark Woodward told what the armadetailed evidence that the tion deliberately supplied by and the securing of his depor proletariat, in part from the very same cause that had organized a terror the Gestapo. The New Masses tation as a subversive and un makes it in the end more decisive, is slower to ment program of President Roosevelt is for.
istic regime against proletarian answers this charge by saying desirable alien.
move than the middle classes. Both old parties apThe Rear Admiral declared. dissidents in Loyalist Spain. that the rights to Krivitsky He writes further that no one parently believe that the proletariat will remain No government, whatever may be its The New Masses answers this coming book may be bought on the Dies Committee has more or less static during the next year and a been in touch with Krivitsky.
charge by saying that Krivit for 500.
half; the majority of the proletariat is evidently Modestly conceding that the Communist party form, can be maintained without FORCE sky real name is Ginsberg. DELICATE nor has Krivitsky been in touch (with guarantees from Lewis and Browder) con apparently cannot elect a candidate of its own to back it up against OPPOSITION Granted. We grant it all the DETAIL with any member of the Com! ceded to the Democratic Party. The Republicans to the presidency There is one little detail on mittee. What Krivitsky would will have to take an overpowering percentage of 1940. Führer Browder FROM WITHIN or aggression from less reluctantly because the socialist Appeal was the first to which the New Masses does not do when subpoenaed by the the farmers to win: and neither party consecame out in favor of a third term for Roosevelt without.
make this breath taking fact dwell in its May 16 issue. It Dies Committee, concludes the quently wishes to risk farmer displeasure, for all in his speech to the young Stalinist mass meet By opposition from within the Rear Ad known a year and a half ago! is so delicate a detall that in communication, is still an open the public talk of economy and unbalanced bud ing at the Garden last Thursday. Third Termgets.
miral means the LABOR MOVEMENT.
in our issue of December 11, leaflet issued by the Young question and he will have to 1937, we reprinted as did most Communist League of City Col decide upon the advice of his This party Jockeying is, however, subordinate to for Roosevelt will now be inviolate doctrine for Roosevelt war program against the ag of the French press the letter lege of New York, which re attorney and his friends. the more basic class perspectives. Indeed, the all Stalinists and we do not have long to wait gressors, in other words, is at the very same sent by Krivitsky to the French produces the New Masses ex As was indicated by the view meaning of this action on agriculture provides an before we see one stooge organization after ananalogue to the scheme of fascism: big business time a program to SMASH LABOR in the Minister of the Interior after posure of May 9, the para expressed in our editorial, we his break with Stalin. The very graph in question is discreetly cannot but welcome this in utilizing the middle classes as the mass base in other adopting petitions to the Great White United States.
first paragraph of that letter lomitted.
the drive to smash the workers.
The New Masses Returns to Its Exposure of Walter Krivitsky War Casualties stooge in Only by putting into power a workers gov Arming Against Labor God Help