BolshevismCapitalismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismWorkers PartyWorking Class

FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL In the World of Labor Guiana to the Jews Chamberlain Offers HOLLYWOOD No Jobs for Youth MERRY GO ROUND Under Capitalism On the Line. with Bill Morgan By Paul Stevens British Conscription Stirs gles, brutally crushed by the British soldiery.
Mr. Cecil DeMille would The Jamaica Labour Weekly, a workers peOfficial Government Book Describes Area like us to belleve that we live The Young Peoples Socialist League Has Resentment Throughout Empire per appearing in Kingston, summarizes the Benevolently Offered by Great Britain to in an epoch of film epies. InCalled upon Young Workers and Students The Chamberlain government decision to attitude of the population in the following deed, Mr. DeMille latest film, words: Jews as Virtually Uninhabitable Institute conscription has stirred up a tremen Union Pacific is an epic To Fight in Its Jobs for Youth Campaign dous wave of anti war sentiment throughout Thus at any moment England and France many times over. As portrait the British empire.
might be involved in a war against Germany By DOROTHY WILLIAMS Once a year the numerous riv of the epic development of the By MARTIN EDEN main in schools for longer pe An indication of the scope that this rank and and Italy. When that war started, it would Prime Minister Chamberlainers, Impassable to navigation, west. Union Pacific is on The national Jobs for Youth riods. That this is a laughable file anger has taken on may be surmised from be proclaimed to the beating of drums that has benevolently announced rise and flood the savannahs, epic love story As a film de campaign, launched by the approach to Jamaicans must join up and fight to DE that he is offering the interior and the inhabitants are forced scribing the epic construction Young People Socialist demonstrated by the percenthe matter 18 the fact that the government itself has been obliged to include a conscience clause FEND DEMOCRACY. But, the speakers of British Guiana to settlement to take to high ground until the of the country first transcon League, has drawn about it tage of youth who have been (at (making provisions for the enrollment of condiscussions) pointed out. HOW by Jewish refugees.
flood has passed. Even on the tinental choo choo line, Union many militant labor youth ele forced to leave school.
COULD JAMAICANS FIGHT TO DEFEND on May 10 there was simul plains, the atmosphere is very Pacific makes out a good case ments who have realized the scientious objectors in non military work) in One third of the youth beIts conscription bill.
DEMOCRACY WHEN WE HAVE NOT GOI taneously Issued in London and humid and every evening thick for the use of such stereotypes need for clear cut struggle tween the ages of 14 18 are not ANY. New York the report of a spe fogs spread like a vast shroud. as bad guy gamblers, good guy against youth unemployment. In school now. They cannot af No Conscription for Although we Jamaicans are bitterly op cial committee which investi Approximately fifth of the cops, scheming bankers, sin How broad and vicious ford free education. These Any Part of Ireland posed to fascism and are ready to defend gated Guiana possibilities for entire district is euphemistica. cere idealists and blood loving problem unemployment is for are the youth whose parents democracy when we get it here. WE ARE such settlement: ly termed poor grasslands. injuns. Somewhere in between youth is revealed by govern have been thrown off the reAt first the Chamberlain government had NOT GOING TO FIGHT FOR IMPERIAL The committee a semi gov. In actuality these are swamps indeouts of the love story, one ment statistics. The Federal let rolls. These are the youth Intended to institute conscription also in North ISM AND THE PERPETUAL ENRICH ernmental body Indicated that left by the receding floods. No sees a cast of thousands put Unemployment and Partial Un whose parents were left penntern Ireland, in the so called Six Counties. MENT OF THE POCKETS OF THE BRIT. Gulana was not an ideal place drainage projects have touched tering around with rails, ties employment Census, taken in less when the administration Lord Craigavon, Ulster pro British premier ISH CAPITALISTS.
for refugees from middle Eu the problem. Reports of the and choo choos. Some day Hol. 1937, showed that there were slashed Case histories to facilitate this step, even called for a formai It is interesting to note that the same paper, ropean countries. The most it British Commission since 1921 lywood may get around to giv 3, 900, 000 unemployed youth be taken by the Maryland Youth request from his government, for conscription. storm of protests broke loose throughout the leaders resident in London against British im mate of the area under consid the difficulties encountered in Pacific railroad. credible figures were taken when the youth have no shoes, no food, Emerald Isle both Nor. and South. The de perialism, holds up as an example to his feleration does not preclude pos keeping the few cattle tralls story will fix it so that the hero country was experiencing a no money for fees or books Valera government Eire Southern Irelan low Negroes the work of James. sibility of white settlement. It open.
doesn come out unscathed brief upsurge.
They want to go to school but declared that any such move would be rerecommended establishment Rank and File Revolt in Jobs for Refugees? after being in two epic train garded as an act of aggression. Big demonSince then the recessionnelther they nor their familles of trial settlements for a two Gainful occupation in the dis. wrecks.
and the steady decrease in can afford their education.
strations of the Irish masses took place. The year period, and some 3, 000trict is confined mainly to the Canadian Labor too Democracy Ballyhoo private employment have How else does the Roosevelt Irish Press called for these demonstrations in still another example of what British im to 5, 000 carefully selected raising of cattle the British In the matter of screen bally thrown millions more into the administration approach the the following terms: perialism will have to put up with in the com young men and women would commissioner had many com. hoo for democracy, the for streets. The schools have twice problem? For student rellet. The British government has no constitumake the experiment.
ing war comes from Canada, right at our bor plaints to make regarding the eign studios are rapidly ap. turned out their two million an the government offers to a comtional right to conscript any man of Irish der. There the Canadian Commonwealth FedGuinea Pigs nationality.
poor breeds and the exploita proaching Hollywood in their nual quota of youth onto the parative handful the pittances What these guinea pigs will lion of British owned gold, die hysteria. This is particularly glutted labor markets. con of the National Youth Admin Craigavon has neither right, nor man eration. the Dominion counterpart encounter in this experiment is mond and radium ores. Lack true of the French fllms, the servative estimate is that there Istration. The budget slashing date from the people Protestant nor Cathof the Labour party, recently held a regional scarcely indicated by the com of communications prevents latest of which is Crime In are at least seven million to session of Congress reduced olic to call for conscription to be applied convention in Ontario. few facts shipment to the Six Counties of Northern Ireland.
Grube, of the University of Toronto, denounc taken from the Blue Book of Arment of timber to the coast. the Maginot Line. As a chau ally unemployed youth in the the aid from fifteen to twelve resolution was introduced by Professor mittee report.
portion of the land vinist blast for national secur country.
dollars per month for college England wars are her own making. Let English do her fighting.
ing Premier King war budget as a waste nual Reports of the Commis: marily cotton and tobacco. But is comparable to its Hollywood youth comprise 39 of the na now little more than four dol.
British Guiana and the an is suitable for agriculture prl. ity and French Democracy.
The census also revealed that students. High school aid is Ireland has no quarrel with any nation with which England may be at war.
perialism and demanding transference of the trict, both issued by the Brit managed to grow them, would Nazy Spy. It is significant oughly the capitalist break. reaches less than 180, 000 sta Come in your thousands to this National Demonstration and prove by your numbers employed. It was unanimously endorsed by the will make clear that Guiana is ket glutted with these products, American films should make in figures on rural unemploy youth assistance is the Clto the British government and Craigavon convention, which was otherwise run like a no haven.
well oiled machine by the social patriots in and handicapped by the high capital of Nazi espionage. Al ment. State averages for rural Villan Conservation Corps. This that we are prepared to fight to the death to The district command. They could not stem the tide of sparsely populated with na interior to the const.
involved is cost of transportation from the though there is no avoiding the areas in Iowa, Connecticut, agency covers only 300, 000 protect our God given right of freedom. anti war sentiment.
American film, it is significant Pennsylvania, and Massachu youth and deducts most of Conscription begets murder.
tives: few Europeans have Fraud Professor Grube was subjected to a barrage managed to live there. There Before this territory could be duced in the foreign studios, a youth are unemployed.
As a result, Chamberlain has desisted from that of the many films pro setts show that from 56 69 of their small salary from their including Northern Ireland in his conscription of attacks from all reactionary quarters, de are no means of communica made at all habitable, vast picture dealing with Nazi sples parents relief allotment.
In industrial centers, the Quite apart from this meager plans. Apparently, British democracy is go stened to get him fired from the university. Hon with the seacoast, beyond sums would have to be expend should be imported for an locked out generation is sim channel forovernment and Ing to have its hands full before it can make National attention was drawn to the case. So a few cattle tralls and the Esed to develop communications American showing. To corral llarly situated. of youth will there still exists the army of any headway whatsoever in getting any Irish strong was the wave of local labor support on siqulbo River. The river can with the seacoast, bulld water the workers and shape their ing and able to work. In Den 7 million totally unemployed backing for its war preparations Oppressed Jamaican Labor forced to take up their cudgels for Grube. He of communication, since there swamps. initiate new indus. in behalf of democracy, the Pennsylvania 45. New York ceive no aid, and see no pros Raises Its Voice against War The original Grube resolution, by the way. rapids throughout its length. would pass, years in which the and regimented on an interna. What do these figures indt plight. It is these youth that when first introduced in the Garland, Ontario The Interior scarcely lends Another sign of how the people in the Brit branch, was denounced as Trotskylte. When self to colonization by immi die.
is it refugees must find haven or tional scale.
cate of the morale and health the Jobs for Youth campaign ish empire are reacting to the war preparaNew Czech Film it came up on the convention floor, it was grants accustomed to city life. The Gulana project is a of American youth? The hap seeks to mobilize in a struggle tions comes from the Island of Jamaica in the cheered so enthusiastically that both the offi. The country is wild.
West Indies. Discussions on the coming war Not content with mere film py, healthy boys and girls who for jobs, for a chance to live.
cialdom as well as the Stalinists considered treeless gavannahs alternate Chamberlain and Roosevelt way. the democratic publl tors tongues are not to be right to work. The Young PeoVast, fraud. It is encouraged by the fictions on the democratic bounce so merrily on the ora. These youth will fight for the are widespread on the island, which last year the better part of wisdom not to oppose it with went through some tremendous strike strug then and there.
thick, impenetrable Jun governments for one purpose cists have fllmed another docu: found. One of every five young ple Socialist League, Fourth gles and barren highlands. The to draw attention away from mentary. The title gives it people suffer from a venereal International, leads that fight.
during the year is between ing of the doors of England and hey call it, and the crucifix seventh on the adult list, is the Roosevelt Has and 88 degrees Fahrenheit. America to the refugees.
slovakia. That the film will youth deaths. Heart disease, an No Answer to give long on the youth list.
cated by the sponsors of the There is little need for an When John Jones, unemployed auto worker, WASHINGTON President as tough to crack as ever but in the re emfilm, the World Relations Club. agitational summation of these applies for relief after having gone along on ployment bureaus. It works like this. The march of fascism, they figures. They weigh too heav.
Roosevelt hasn been able money borrowed from triends and collected to think up an answer to John Jones, finally a client of the relief adinform us, woven into the bly in themselves. They consti ministration and a veteran of many picket picture as a presage of what tute damning Indictment of on old milk bottles irom under the kitchen the cable he received from On May 11, the authorities of decree falls directly upon rep. Che world must face in its fight the system that has no room, Bombay, dated April 24.
sink, he finds the going a bit tough. It makes line, picks up the newspaper one morning to the International Set lement resentatives of the United to maintain civilization.
from SAvarkar, presi.
no diference to the dear old Federal or State find that dear old the bird who hates and the French Concession States, Great Britain, and no Jobs for youth.
or local government stooges whether Jones war, has decided to increase the size of dent of the All India NationMaintaining civilization, acthe foreign areas of Shanghai France. The French Conces.
The Roosevelt administration al Organization to safeguard has worked the skin off his rear end for twenMorgan mob because Hitler mob and a few issued a decree threatening Sion is controlled by French cording to the last documentary admits that the situation exists.
ty years in the Burp Motor Company or has of the boys from Mussolini gang are getting with expulsion any individual men. The International Settle sis, was construed by its Youth Administrator, said: Hindu Rights.
Williams, National If your note to Hitler been feeding his kids on bread and canned was actuated by disintermilk, They follow the very same routine in Jones, who is all for democracy and three political nature or indulging cll, the majority of whose capitalism, the democratic va jority of the children who were ested human anxiety for every case.
squares a day, rushes out to join the army. As in political organization or members are Britons.
An riety, of course.
First a long sheet of official looking paper on safeguarding freedom of he approaches the recruiting station he begins propaganda.
born in the last twenty five Expulsion of American, however, Cornell which are twenty or thirty foolish questions, NAT LEVINE.
democracy from military years will never rise from a to walk slower and slower. He is thinking. He person from these areas, under Franklin, is chairman of the aggression. cabled Savarbut nowhere on the paper does it say. Are kar, why not also ask Brl.
you hungry? or When did your wife eat her ernment officials. He says to himseMaybe lent to turning him over to the the decree could hardly have Enlist with the all their steps from the cradle last meal? Instead the government wants to to the grave will be dogged tain to withdraw armed know, Where was your grandmother born!
they won take me right off without a tight, mercles of the Japanese Impe passed without Mr. Franklin In the Fight for domination over India, alpoverty, sickness, and insecur ity.
lowing a free, self deterunion and get a few of the boys. Maybe rea Japan warlords have been hardly have been given without Socialism Cannon and many more things which have absolutely mined constitution?
better start thinking of some quick answers pressing for What does this administramove for some prior consultation with Amerl The great Indian nation.
nothing to do with the little matter on John for the questions. And so in he marches.
time but hitherto it has been an consular and diplomatic NEW YORK. Tere. LAN(By Starr tion propose to do about it he said, can claim as much Jones mind.
What a Difference!
Charles Taussig. another Naauthorities in China.
Nowhere on the very long list of questions non, National Secretary of the tional Youth Administration of International Justice as small The decree is obviously not what becomes of America Socialist Workers Party, spoke ficial, suggests that youth re nations.
is there a single reference to the stomach.
But all is different now. And how it is dir directed against Japanese na vaunted pro Chinese sympa on Litvinov downfall to an Waiting Brings Nothing ferent! guy in a monkey suit slams his talle tonals who henceforth will enhles? The moral is clear attentive audience of 600, at en arches on the deck and leaps at Brother oy even greater freedom than American Imperialists are con Irving Plaza Friday night.
And after brother Jones has patiently written out all the answers to these carefully wordrica. How do you do? he shouts and pumps trigues and terrorism. It is heir own commercial and f1 was the special target of the inqui racked his weary brala trying to Jones hand up and down like a jack handle clearly directed against Chiancial interests. If these in Hitler press.
remember such things as where was he on He embodied So you want to join the army, eh? That nese patriots, Chinese revolu. terests dictate deal with Ja Jewish Bolshevism for them, September 7, 1926 and why was he there and fine. Sign here. That all. Now let see your ionists. Chinese government pan warlords, or with mils they called him Litvinov Finhow did he get there and how come he left there for this place, the big shot behiad the to gue. Say Ah. You re in! You re in gencies, and all foreigners arists or fascists anywhere in Kelstein. They hailed Litvin little desk says, Now go home and wait for the army now, buddy. And that is that.
who seek to voice their sympa he world, that deal will be ov fall.
the investigator while we check on your story.
It all happened so fast Brother Jones is be hy with the beleaguered Cht made. Faced with a choice, imWill Not Shoot Himself Stalin has made approaches Society Glamor Girl And what does John Jones do? He goes home wildered. He is in the army now. It took ese against the Japanese im perialists less than three good sized minutes. Umph! perialist oppressors. heir fine principles into the to Hitler since 1933. Cannon Finds Glamor and wai. And he waits. And he waits.
But Can Be Had he thinks, There must be a catch to it.
Who Is Responsible?
Never, anywhere in the richest country in dferard, and look to their pen been for some time, for a pact In Going to work For Ten Bucks a Week Suddenly it dawns on Brother Jones. It Responsibility for this new nies.
the world, has a hungry family, which has with Hitler. The only question comes to him all at once. He spits on the sideMiss Cobina Wright, Jr. An unemployed business adbeen sit. isg around the parlor for a few weeks now is whether Hitler is wealthy and beautiful heiress. ministrator writes a letter to walk.
trying to outstare the wolf, heard a knock on ready. So. when a guy who has spent twenty famed as Society Glamor newspaper in New York, giving the door and a voice saying, Are any of you he episode of the unfor all hungry by any chance? This is the Emeryears racing a crooked time clock is hungry Girl, finds her greatest happt. his daily routine. He is a coltunate Litvinov, Cannon said, and wants Job they shove him gency Relief Bureau representative calling.
in the glamor of work. lege man, 32 years old, exten that little incident. Was Since she became a member of sively traveled.
fluert in through the mill. They use nice little tricks, No, a man and his family can sit on the old all worked out by some brain trust in some enough to throw the world into the working class she follows French, German, and Italian sof and wait for something like this until alarm. How delicate is the bal a rigorous routine: and capable of handling Dutch highfalutin university. They try to make doomsday. It can happen here. You have to ance!
guy forget everything he ever knew by switchkeep going back to the bureau every day to The workers of the world.
10:30 Up for a tepla and Spanish.
8:00 Rises sharply.
ing questions and yelling that he is he said, are entering the new shower and a brisk rub down. Skipping breakfast because he remind the relief officials that your case has a chiseler and a safe blower in disguise. They been pending since three weeks before Ash war wiih few Illusions. Their 11:00 Light breakfast is broke. Begins hunt for job, stall around for weeks and hope like hell the Wednesday and would they please step on it.
attitude is not that of 1914; they and quick run through her averaging datly eleven pros So John Jones waits until he can stand client will give up the fight. They don give remember the results of the morning fan mail.
pective employers.
damn about a fellow who tried to save a little An Unusual Combination Offer!
hearing the kids whimpering and the wife last war. And our greatest 11:30 Rehearsal of 12:30 Luncheon. Four snor. about the house making wise cracks dough and make good the hard way. Being (until June 15th)
hope at this time the fact songs in her repertoire. bread rolls and glass of milk.
about who wears the pants in this family. hungry is like being a leper.
hat the masses do not want 1:00 Dresses for after. This diet keeps his weight But, when they want working man to Then he gets sore. He jumps up and grabs hls this war, and nobody can make noon and a luncheon date.
In Combination hat and bolts through the door and down the down to 135 lbs. despite his take a bayonet and go out and stick it into One some other working stiff belly, they drag hem go into it willingly!
NO. 1:30 Recreation time. feet 11 inches.
rickety steps three at a time. On the street he FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and question will topple the whole canter on horseback or a. 1:00 Continues job you right off. No questions asked. They Just doubles up his fists and sticks out his chin and hunting. Averages 15 miles a SOCIALIST APPEAL for one year both for structure, What are we fight sw 75 look to see if you are young, if you are healmarches on toward the relief bureau. At each Manhattan, Bronx, Foreign irg for? The diplomats are 7:30 Dinner. No dates day.
thy, if you are strong. They don want no corner he slows up just a little. By the time 75 sowing the dragon teeth of ust nt be late for work! 5:00 Returns to his he reaches the front door of the bureau he is cripples in the gang which is to go out and FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and war and they will reap the 9:00 Off to work. She room. Rent 50 week ungrab a slice of the North Side for Mr. Rockepractically walking backward. The guy at the SOCIALIST APPEAL fir six months both for 00 feller or for Mr. Morgan. The old ones armed men of social revolu sings for living at the Wal. paid since January.
desk looks up and says, Have a seat. You ll ion!
Manhattan, Bronx, Foreign) 51 dorf Astoria.
6:00 Dinner. Sponges have to wait.
and the blind guys are kept home. Only the One organization tells the 10:00 movie for a on few remaining friends or NO. young, only the healthy are good for this work.
amidst patriots howis brief date.
Gets Wise Joins the Union eats one cent loaf and a small And when the North Side has been won for the FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and the Socialist Workers Party of 12:30 Back to work. piece of bu ter.
This goes on and on until Jones gets wise 60 Families in the name of democracy and NEW INTERNATIONAL for one year both for 75 the Fourth International. It ad. Her stunning figure enhances 8:00 To bed in order and signs up with the unemployed workers peace and honor, etc. a lot of guys don come (Foreign) 25 dresses itself to the youth of her voice.
to recuperate by sleeping at union. And after there has been a lot of hell home. They stay over on the North Side and Order from: America: Stop and reflect. 1: A. Eats her heaviest least 12 hours.
raised in the bureau and a picket line and a fertilize daisies while their widows and or.
Your head is at stake. Half a meal of the day, spaghetti or Promises not to shoot him.
committee elected to settle the case with the phans take in home work from the artificial PIONEER PUBLISHERS. 116 University PI. lozen men want to decide your medium rare steak.
self, but If anybody wants him streng who know all the answers, Jones gets flower contractors. Maybe a guy is lucky and his reller.
ate. Enlist with us and you 3:00 Time for bed. for a slave can be had for 10 only loses an ear or a hand. Then he can stand New York City lecide! When we go into the work has tired Cobina and she a week. Hopes war breaks out Now all this is rapidly beirg changed. Not on the corner of Main Street and Elm Avenue war for victory let it be for alls to sleep immediately. so he can join the army and get in the relief bureaus, however, they are just and sell apples or postcards.
he victory of socialism!
Doesn need an alarm clock. square meal.
Chinese Patriots Handed To Japanese Warlords SOCIETY NOTES: Fascism and Big Business The New International Socialist Appeal probably