CentrismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1939 Our Country is in Danger Steel Workers Coal Mine In the For 30 Hours, 30 Strike Ends Labor In Victory Unions APPEAL, ARMY Ameringer Offers Pink Pill for Capitalist Ills Unions Will Discuss Problem of Jobless Essers Soum USE NATIONAL GUARD AGAINST HARLAN MINERS NEGRO GROUP ASKS ACTION ON FLORIDA KLAN LEWIS ASKS MILLION MORE JOBS public leaflet under the heading. Our Country is in Danger! was issued by the English Communist Party and signed by Harry Pollitt, its National Secretary, during the ONE MONTH WHIRLWIND This drive will last until Juno crucial March days of this year.
RENEWAL CAMPAIGN: 15 and we expect to get at least Ask National Union to Include Demand After denouncing Chamberlain because of his failure to go We have just completed 250 renewal subs by then In All Contract Negotiations to war against Hitler, the leaflet states: We must defend (Continued from Page 1) our country and preserve what past generations have fought subscriptions that has brought accepts and carries out the case 000 miners, in Kansas, Missouri for and secured for us. World News Views April our sub list to the highest in its signment given him by the (Special to the Socialist Appeal) in keeping with the increasing and West Kentucky for 16, 000, 1939, Vol. 19, No. 18. history. Over 700 new readers Branch Renewal Committee NEWARK, The North insistence of American labor and in Indiana for 000.
It goes without saying that the loot and plunder secured were obtained for the Appeal. when this can be done easily. By WIDICK ern New Jersey Steel Work for the shorter work week. Al The Southern operators who from India, Ceylon, South Africa and the host of other colonies And don forget that we have ers Council has added its ready, the Electrical Workers refused to sign the Appalachian that go to make up the British Empire are included among things drop there. So this time that special combination offer The first constitutional con voice to labor demand for a Union has begun a magnificent agreement employ between vention of the Textile Workers 30 hour week without reduction campaign, dramatized through 50, 000 to 70. 000 miners.
the things that the Stalinist agents of imperialism will fight we are launching an easier, but with Fascism and Big BusiThe to preserve and make secure.
equally valuable drive to ob ness as an added inducement!
Organizing Committee began in pay. Pointing to the fact stickers, buttons and neon leaders said that tain subs from all those ex. It should be a snap!
last week end in Philadelphia that over 100, 000 steel workers signs, for the 30 hour week. many of these would fall into readers who failed to renew with an interesting report by have lost their jobs because of The Auto Workers Union (c. line without much difficulty.
chem upon expiration.
Sol Thomas of Philadelphia, Sidney Hillman, chairman, and technological unemployment. has voted to instruct its in The status of the union minThis week each branch of our who along with Bob Ontell of Emil Rieve, executive director. the Council called upon the na ternational executive commit. ers in Harlan County was the party that covers an area in Los Angeles, is our star subSince the entire report is not tional office of the union to in tee to fight for the 30 hour week major question left unan which some of our former read getter has started off the cam.
yet available only the high clude this demand in all futura in contract negotiations with swered. Likewise, 22, 000 miners live will receive detailed in paign with a batch of 20 subs points can be mentioned at the negotiations with companies. the auto companies.
ers in Alabama had not yet structions about our renewal and plenty of renewals among present time.
Under the Walsh Healy Act with unemployment increas been included in signed concampaign.
It was estimated that 1, 200. there now prevails in the steel ing. and industry employing tracts.
000 weekly wages increases industry 40 hour week. Re Iless men for any given amount Closed Shop Issue had been won by the o. ducing the working week to 30 of work, the demand of steel Under the Appalachian pact By ARTHUR HOPKINS a Storm Trooper eyes glisten SOCIALIST APPEAL NEW INTERNATIONAL union for textile workers in the hours, says the Council, will and electrical workers is vital the wages and hour provisions MINNEAPOLIS. Oscar Am with envy last two years, or about 50 force the industry to reabsorb for the working class. All labor of the old expired agreement eringer, one time socialist who Though there was no quesCan be obtained at the Following Newsstands week for those workers un housands upon thousands of unions must follow their exam are retained. Any struggle for still works at this when not tlon period there never is at MANHATTAN der o. contracts or in the unemployed men.
ple in the fight for 30 hours, economic demands was side occupied by the many affairs such meetings and had no Cherry Katherine Sta. Monroe Eckhartuah of the in The stand of the Council is 30 dollars.
stepped by Lewis and the min of his quarter million dollar opportunity to ask the ques. Near Knickerbockers Villagerston NEW HAVEN. Conn 104 Washington coney.
crease in the cost of living and ers negotiating committee be publishing business and his sons that were buzzing in my ari General Store, Essex a Deo Nouela Newsstand the unemployment raging in the cause the employers offensive 500 acre Oklahoma plantation head, did learn two things since SS. Houston Clinton, CHICAGO textile industry, this hardly 160 Well, Rm 308 and the sntping of the where he patriotically helps from the meeting. 1) Califor. Sus cllutone way. Altermax Cor. 67th Blackstone constitutes remarkable gain, Progressive Miners union made his government by plowing unnia unemployed lumberjacks Ave NW. 9th Sam Aben 2nd Ave.
The way that the HillmanP. News. 37 Monroe the union shop the vital issueder cotton) came to Minneapo manage to beat the depression Wy Store, 2nd Ave AS 4th St. 11 first Ceshinsky Bookstore Rieve report states the memof the strike.
lis last Saturday and showed by setting fires to the forests Ave and Ave oth Stuyvesant Casino. Ave, luth SLNE 30 Division St.
bership figures likewise 18 With the settlement of the us Marxists that we are all and thereby earn 50 cents an and Ave. 12th St (near Cafe Rox: Sam Welaber Baltimore Bt BALTIMORE, MD.
bit unusual. About 235, 000 soft coal strike, except in Har. wrong in our methods of hour fighting forest fires. 2) Waverly Sway.
Frlate textile workers employed by lan County, the has achieving socialism. His plan, California mountains of oran 12 Sb. 14th St. Univ.
North Howard St 950 companies are now workanother difficult task in the ne which he modestly admits is ges destined for the Junk heap the ESL way: ALLENTOWN, PA (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Robert Zettinyer, 637 Hamilton St.
ing under contracts signed by ment Compensation Division. gotiations with the anthracite primarily that of a group of because of over production. The sea NE 14th Ave the In addition, 150. PAUL, May Trade 8, 339 persons with their fami operators.
Washington brain trusters, is are guarded night and day and 2nd Stand 14th SL Ave Paul Sherr, 7th Hamilton St PHILADELPHIA PA.
000 textile workers have siened problems of unemployment and let level that was cut 15 in ers are working under an exOver 100. 000 hard corl min called the American Founda signs offering a 50 reward for lon St. 3rd Ave. with 1806 North Franklin St membership cards, and agree relief at a conference called by March and is threatened with tension of the old agreement all very simple. Too simple, anyone stealing tion for Abundance and it is the arrest and conviction of Stopp. Jefferson Theatre 11th st.
Cor. Tanu alarketa Sts.
them ments covering 39, 000 are beare 14th SL Xth Ave. E. 23rd St. oth Sl. and Girard Ave 8th St. and Arch St.
ing negotiated by the che St. Paul Trades and Labor another 20 slash. This means that ends Saturday. The opera as a matter of fact.
prominently displayed. 7th Ave. st. 6th Ave QUAKERTOWN, PA Assembly on May 19. Speakers that 29, 367 men, women, and tors have demanded wage re. Ameringer Plan For these two facts, feel 36th St. 7th Ave. 38th St Union Srength Crom the trade union move children are trying to get along ductions and the lengthening of Fruit West Broad St.
The plan in brief is this: the that the 10 cents admission 6th Ave, 38th St. 8th Ave, 38th su What is the strength of the ment will present the questions on inadequate food allowances, work in a proposed new con Foundation is organizing charge was not too exorbitant. 28th St. 13i sara sakin BOSTON, MASS.
Andelman Are. st (opp. Hotel union? Is it 235, 000 plus 150. affecting the unemployed such rents that have been cut so tract. Counter demands by the branches whose business it will and that perhaps did get my u. 25 Greenwich Ave, 8th St 6th Bradford)
000? We wish that were the as unemployment compensa sharply that landlords are be. are expected.
Rund Book be to wage educational cam money worth. But not more! Store 16th sl. CAMBRIDGE, MASS Ave. Shu st. 4th Felix. Chusetta Ave, at paigns so that the people will Stein South Side 42nd Street Harvard Sq.
cafew of the 950 companies stor, and their significance for workers. e clothing and rise on their hind legs and deAve. 42nd St ith LYNN, MASS.
have shops completely union he trade unions. The confer. ders only on the basis of absoAves. 84th St. 6th St.
mand the program of the way, Cindy Store. 66th St. 27 Oxford Lye ence is under the general direclute emergency, no allowance ized, even though all the workFoundation. Chief demands way72nd SL way. 9rd St.
Sam Corner, ympia Square ion of the ers employed there obtain the Unemployment for incidentals, carfare, etc.
are the nationalization of bank Columbus Ave. 6th St. Cent Pk.
West. 110th St. Columbus Ave. Friendly Variety, Warren St. Grove full benefits of the contracts.
Committee of the Assembly. Rolls Cut ing. the taking over of the 1818 SL St. Nicholas Ave.
The job of building the unions headed by Bernie Simmer, bosses (he called it the naMINNEAPOLIS, MINN.
500 workers were cut from after the contracts have been Business Agent of Warehouse tion s) 200 most important in St. Nicholas Ave Wigerun Labor Bus Store. 919 Marquette Madison Ave. 90th St.
BRONX Shinder s, Sixth Hennepin signed by negotiations through Employees Union, Local 20297. the rolls the first week dustries, and the re distribution Krois courth Nicolet 43, 000 persons are unem of April to bring the number 410 Washington Blvd.
of purchasing power. That Longwood Ave, Southern BouleYANS. 191t st Fulton CLAYTON, MO. and one in which it ployed in St. Paul according to employed to 7, 424, and another all there is, except that he 170th SL Jerome Ave. The Book Nook, 24A Meremaa has done little.
he figures of the Unemploy 500 will be thrown out of Jobs blithely tells us that he going 167th Sl. Jerome Ave, Weront LIND, OHIO 150. 000 textile workers, in adby May This additional load to get all these dandy things 2012 Drug Store (Continued from Page 1)
on the local relief rolls is esNEW YORK. Citing a fed athree manston Southerkileg dition, have signed cards.
Building Room 214 Merism din care for us through electoral ac eral law which provides a fine bridge Jerome Ave, East to Good. Now to make them into pecially serious at a time when repofuedo be planning anSchroeder Book Shop. Public Sq.
of 5, 000 and a maximum pris first class union men. It takes the conservative controlled leg other reign of terror under the tivity!
Ave. Meellan Grand Concours of YOUNGS. OWN, OHIO As Ameringer told us about on sentence of ten years for BROOKLYN the National Nick s, Wick St. and Commerce plenty of time, patience and even the inadequate sum re Guard to drive the strikers this wonderiul scheme his those who conspire to injure SAN FRANCISCO Church Sl. bet. Chipel Center good about frank disscintillating platform manner persons exercizing their civil costo con pellavanes Tompkins quested by the County Welfare back to work.
this problem at cussion Support got the audience into a festiver. ghts, the National Association su Sutter. com. Yan Sen leren South Side of Market St newsstand the convention would do a lot Board and the City Council.
The full resources and power mood. How the lady and gen. for the Advancement of Col Rockaway cor. Pitkin 6th Se Sutter MacDonaluronderore. 65 6th st.
to give a real program to solve Facing this situation of a large group of unemployed of the were pledged by tlemen liberals tittered at the red People called upon Attornen Streutoniech AS Sutter Flitroertore.
this problem. Unfortunately, Golden RC News Agency. ta gerala News Agency est we doubt if such a discussion will ensue.
coming increasingly hazardous Harlan battle in reality is a what be termed the folles et proceed against the Klansmen als Dienara Ave. Stk Xve. Poth. Store 20. 3057 10th sc.
Ray Smoke Shop. 1203 Sutter When the wages hours law the trade unions are recogniz. major struggle between the the cockeyed capitalist sys of Miama, Florida, who unglig Room 11, 842 Valencia St. AWP. Continued from Page 1)
3023 Grand Ave. 31 10 Broadway open shop Southern Industrial tem. Now using pathos, then cessfully attempted to frighten ing both the needs of those was passed by Congress, it was traditions of the American peo within their own ranks and the Cigar Store 1369 Polk St.
sts and the humor, now ridicule, then stern Negro voters away from the 133 Clinton N: Clinton St Book onder mere Victory against the Harlan righteous anger, he had the polls on May Cor. Cumberland Clinton Sta Cor. East Ave Chestnut St. LOS ANGELES, CALI, The letter cited the needs and desires of tha hopelessness of unemployment, established wage and hour operators will stop the drive motley assembly of near pinks 233 Brondwav, Room 12 cor. Main South Ave.
re rolling in the aisles, almost SAN DIEGO, CALP workers. But wages are so low relieved only by periodic standards of organized labor. of the industrialists which reUniversal News Conta si Main Street Cast Clinton Ave.
in many areas, specifically tex threats of utter privation.
Broadway parade held in Miami the night Main South, southeast Fawant The organ of the central assem celved a severe set back with the substance of his speech newspaper reports of the Klan tile, that this mild reform legisStreet List, front of AKRON, OHIO. Program lation will boost textile wages bly has been publishing a series the settlement of the great sec was that he was against the before election day where sapitalist system; at any rate Klansmen distributed placards 208 Clintone partners to Cumbilan News Exchange: 61 Main St. 13, 800, 000 for 181. 000 workers Lewis listed five basic points of articles on the local prob tion of the coal strike.
Levine a Dellentesen, 257 Clinton Thousands of coal miners at its most glaring evils, such as warning Negroes away from lems preparatory to the holding Next cor. Bartges Main St.
in one year. good selling for. program: tended the huge rally on May unemployment. But not much the polls and displayed nooses OAKLAND, CALIF.
Carl Brothers, 433 clinton Ave.
point for the because Jobs for all unem of the conference.
14 where William Turnblazer, fire did he direct against the to intimidate possible voters. NEWARK, 12th, bet wax and Washington the o. pressed hard for the ployed able and willing to work Official, pointed out most slaring evil of all the The letter also referred to re Reitmans, cor. Broad William Brodwayama Market without the degrading means wages hours law.
near 19th test.
that You can dig coal with world headlong plunge into ports that Negro was hung Chuck. Broad Market Sts.
Stand 11 Springfield Ave SDETROIT, MICH.
Finance Report Recognition of the right in effigy. Good until June 1st) He charged that, The opera velt leading the charge. Although Negroes of Miami ST. LOUIS, MO.
3512 Wote NVS, Hoom How unionism has achieved a lot workers to organize.
In Passing tors were resorting to the law Foster Book Company refused to be intimidated, the SEATTLE. WASHINGTON Year Subsoription to the big business status through the Jobs fitted to the of the Jungle with the assisHe did manage in passing PATERSON, Twloe Month Gunbello Stationery Store Roth Clear store. 1:07 First Ave organising campaigns of the needs and skills of unemployed 4033 University Way o. is Illustrated by the re workers.
tance of the state government only to chide the President for letter said, and actually voted in an effort to smash the uming at Hitler when there before, there has been open port of finances of the All projects to be socially Challenge of Youth useful and productive, includUnited Mine Workers Union. are crimes against humanity in convention.
and flagrant violation of the Operators Guilty our own backyard (or frontName Federal laws.
Nearly 400. 000 has been ing housing. slum clearance, Less than a year ago, 14 yard, for that matter) to make The letter quoted spent in the textile organizing flood control, schools and hosAddress operators were convicted in chapter 3, section 51 of Title campaign of the last two years, pitals, health, cultural and Harlan county of planning mur. Senator Feels 18 of the code of laws of the City to the financial re white collar work. vocational accords CO. textile union training.
United States of America as port.
alone spent 780, 797. Sister Wages sufficient to mainForward to the Twice A: effort to prevent unionism.
follows: of terror against miners in an For Turkeys But Conspiracy to injure perThe May Issue of the New International, which features the organizations spent 300, 000 on tain an American standard of Month Challenge of Youth Not for Negroes The National Labor Relations its behalf, and affiliated Locals living and to prevent reduction sons in exercize of civil rights. correspondence between Leon Trotsky, Marceau Plvert and Board also found the Harlan If two or more persons con Daniel Guerin on the course of the French revolutionary moveand Joint Boards spent another in union standards.
operators guilty of using every WASHINGTON, spire to injure, oppress, threatment, is in strong demand. The entire edition of 4, 500 copies. 350, 000. Lacking the militant form of coercion against mem Senator Cotton Ed Smith en or intimidate any citizen in reports the management will soon be exhausted.
program that marked the debers of the United Mine Work of South Carolina, promi the free exercise or enjoyment An important, popular issue, the May number contains the velopment of the auto ers of America. temporary nently mentioned as a likely of any right or privilege se following articles: workers union, the agreement between the union presidential nominee, manicured to him by the ConstituHE EDITOR COMMENT THE WAR DEAL has less to show for itself, deand the operators followed the fests concern for the tion or laws of the United ONCE AGAIN ON THE CRISIS OF MARXISM spite the great financial expenorder of the to the American wild turkey that states, or because of his havby ditures.
ON BEHAVIOR AT hundred people, at least and operators that they negotiate is almost touching but will ing so exercised the same, or WHERE IS THE GOING?
How this campaign was PARTY MEETINGS less than a penny apiece in the with the WA.
have nothing to do with any if two or more persons go in LEON TROTSKY TO MARCEAU PIVERT financed is also shown in the EDITOR: collection! The reason is obvi In the nation wide coal strike proposal to protect the Nedisguise on the highway or PIVERT ANSWERS TROTSKY report. Contributions from As one friendly to your party. ous: only a few determined the Harlan operators led the gro from lynch mobs. on the premises of another, LETTER TO FRIEND IN FRANCE unions totalled 916, 000. want to tell you the effect on people would put anything into die hard group that declared it Senator Smith won appro with intent to prevent or hin.
DANIEL GUERIN TO LEON TROTEKY The Amalgamated group of people brought to a collection plate under such would never sign a contract val by the Senate agricul. der his free exercise or enjoy. CENTRISM AND THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL Workers gave 523. 000 the James Cannon lecture on Ponditions; certainly nobody, with the ure committee May for ment of any right or privilege by Leon Trotsky United Mine Workers 198. 000. Litvinov Priday night.
even one friendly to the posihis bill to spend 50, 000 for so secured, they shall be fined LEARN TO WORK IN THE STALINIST MANNER the International Ladies Gar These people were well distion stated by the lecturer, a turkey refuge in his home ANNOUNCEMENTS not more than 5, 000 and im by Alpha ment Workers Union 110. 000 posed to the lecturer; they liked would be moved to give any state. Senator Smith is one prisoned no more than ten THE ECONOMICS OF COTTON FARMING II TO THE READERS of the of the leading opponents of the federal vears, and shall, moreover, be solidarity among the un it. For, all around us during by your party members and by Jerry Pytlak anti lynching Russian Bulletin: The lathereafter ineligible to any of ions is one of the splendid he lecture your party mem Yipsels THE INTERNATIONAL OF UNIVERSAL CHAUVINISM bill.
test issue of the Russian ice, or place of honor, profit by Jacques Detil achievements of the new indus bers, and above all your Yip confess don understand Bulletin, No. 75 76. arrived or trust created by the Consti WARS DEFENSIVE AND AGGRESSIVE trial unionism movement.
sels, carried on private not so why you permit such situaand can be gotten at 116 WAR NOTES tution or laws of the United by Gregory Zinovlev Campaign, with all its private chats and animated ion and Friday night Siwas 1, 000, 000, 000 1s the amount States.
University Pi. 2nd floor.
only a little worse than at pre Ask for Sylvia Caldwell. spent each month by the na It may be added that in adby Dwight Macdonald faults and difficules, is reBut that was only the begin vious meetings have attend tions of the world for armadition to the Klan, labor vigi BOOKS: status by unionism in the texningWhen the speaker condin Your membership is cer PITCH YOUR TENT at Campments. Such is the estimate lantes, patriotic organizations REVOLUTION, BLACK AND WHITE cainly devoted enough in other Seven Oaks Red Bank, made by the Bank for Interna ard many of the Southern secby George Novack tile industry in 1937 and today ed to a collection speech. It hings, to submit to some orTennis, tional Settlement. The total ions of the Democratic Party EOCIALIZED MEDICINE by Paul Luttinger When the io. made its would have been an effective sanization and discipline at a Plumbing. 20 and we equip cost of war implements, said regard this law as a dead let WAR MAD LIBERAL by Felix Morrow agreement with the United speech too anybody had public meeting.
your tent. Complete ki chen the Bank, was six times great. ter.
CORRESPONDENCE: Textile Workers in 1937 setting heard him. For no sooner did The people brought were facilities. Katz, 58 4th er in 1938, than in 1928. The letter quoted THE IRISH QUESTION by Sherman Stanley up the Textile Workers OrganCannon conclude, then all over simply disgusted. They re St. New York City.
in the Attorney General sec. HOSPITALIZATION PLAN by Janet Dantel izing Committee, the he hall your party members ninded me of the beautiful or President Roosevelt last tion of Title 18 of the federal Single copies of the magazine may yet be purchased at he had 25 union contracts and rate is 00 per membership of around 73. 000 Now the has con Around, greeting their friends railing at the usual Stalinisthibition Dancing. Impersonaliam Leahy, Chief of Naval ng the federal law enforce year. Address check or money order to: meeting. One of them said: tions and Singing. Saturday, tracts, as reported above, with and strolling arm In arm abou If this party were really seri he hall. It was a mad house May 20. Astoria Branch, 28: Operations to replace Blantonment officers to Institute pros. The NEW INTERNATIONAL, 116 UNIVERSITY PL.
960 companies covering 235, 000 and your chairman vainly tried us, it could not possibly run 40 31st St. Astoria. IRT or Rico. The appointment of Inting any of the provisions of Poland War Mirister, Ger Congress has been asked. workers.
BMT to Grand Ave. o make his collection speech uch a madhouse.
Leahy (known for his consis. chapter of Title 18.
ral Kasprzycki, is now 1 immediate appropriation of heard.
Who is responsible for meettent advocacy of big navy) Pumperting s claim that vio Paris on private business. 185, 440, 000 for the expansion Aren your party members 788? Something must be done Get Your APPEAL places the island under the vir lators of the law be punished. The nature of the business the army air corps. This At Your Service and Yipsels shocked into some people like myself will, even At the Newsstand tual command of the Navy De he declared that expected to necessitate impor um will be brought up to 250. realization of the situation by we continue ourselves to partment, and indicates the in. Although some of the Miami tart consultations with French 90. 000 by requested permission THE APPEAL hearing the chairman repor ome, abandon any attempt to Join the Socialist crescire attention being in Klangman were masked, some poll iral and military leaders, enter into contract obligathat the collection totallec ring o. hers.
POSTER SHOP to war preparations in the Ca were not, and a few posed for according to informed observ ons for the army air corps of some thirty odd dollars? Five JACOB FOX.
Workers Party ribbean.
newspaper photographers. ers.
another 64. 560. 000.
Special Offer at 35c bayonets or with tin soldiers. he abyss of war, and RooseMay New Int Features Trotsky Pivert Letters WORKERS FORUM