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Socialist Appeal BUILD WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, No. 34 FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1939 Set up and Printed by Union Labor.
Application for Label Pending 3c a Copy LEWIS CALLS FOR MORE WPA JOBS ROOSEVELT PALBritain Is Again Rebuffed By Russia Anastasio Somoza, Bloody Dictator Of Nicaragua The Workers Alliance Sets Minimum Need LYCER OFU. at 3, 000, 000 ARMAMENT COSTS RELIEG JOBLESS IN THREE DAY PICKET LINE STALINISTS Carlo Coal Strike Settled With Victory For Miners in Two Year Contract de beste o against Walke woest mour de care ne kete ng National SETTLEMENT Hague Guard In PROVIDES FOR Machine CLOSED SHOP Harlan Beaten at Message to Congress Lists Five Point Program for Friction between Unions and Roosevelt Increases By Adolfo Zamora Suspense Dominates (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Anastasio Somoza, President of Nicaragua, is being reWASHINGTON. Finally yieiding to the widespread Situation as World celved with special lavishness and ceremony by the American Government during his visit here. Roosevelt has gone out of demand in O: ranks for a fight against the relief slashes, Powers Await Events his way to demonstrate his solidarity and friendship for the John Lewis served on Congress a demand for a million Nicaraguan visitor. Who is Somoza? What is his record? How does he fit into Roosevelt Democratic Front of the Amerimore jobs than President Roosevelt has proposed The Soviet Union this week cas. The real story of Somoza is given below in the article for the coming year.
again rebuffed Britain efby Adolfo Zamora, prominent revolutionary exlle from NicarIn his April 27 budget message. Roosevelt proagua who is at present one of the editors of the Mexican posed to limit jobs during the coming year to two fort to draw it into participa Marxist review, Clave. Ed.
tion million as a maximum. Lewis, in his letter, addressed Sunin the Anglo French Up until February 21, 1934, the day he achieved interday to the House Appropri guarantees to Poland and national notoriety by murdering Sandino, the agrarian ations Committee, demanded Rumania leader of Nicaragua independence movement, the career a minimum of three million.
While the Nazis, following of the present guest of honor at the White House, AnasCounters Roosevelt Proposal their now familiar strategy, tasio Somoza, alias El General, was of a shady and The Lewis letter did not dilet the crisis simmer down to prison record type. series of crimes and betrayals since rectly refer to Roosevelt a slow boil, the Russians con that time have brought him to power, first through a pupW. proposals, but it was obviously meant to be a countinued to hold the western pet president and finally through his own installation in ter proposal. It was the first powers off at arm length. the presidency (for an indefinite period, he thinks) as the statement from the leadBritain asked Russia to absolute lord of the lives and property the Nicaraguans.
ership since Roosevelt April come to the aid of Poland and 27 message to Congress. The This post he enjoys today to the greater glory of Mr. Asks City still remains silent. The Rumanta 11 attacked by Ger Roosevelt Democracy and Good Neighbor policy. Scarcemany and said the Soviet promAdministration for Communist Party. controlled ise of aid need not become oply two months before he shook the friendly hand of the Workers Alliance, Assertedly erative until representing and unemBritain and democrat he re elected himself supreme potenAdequate Relief ployed workers, has remained France were already in action.
tate for nine more years through a faked Constitutional equally silent.
Moscow Reply Congress. Hence his boss in Washington can count for (By Start Writer)
Coming shortly after Lewis NEW YORK. 72 hour letter attacking the Roosevelt The Russians replied that this a certain period on a loyal henchman in the future Canal picket line at City Hall was in administration for having in effect left them holding the Zone of Nicaragua, a watch dog whose merits there is no augurated Monday at 11 caused many operators to be bag, for it provided no Angloneed to discuss.
by the Unemployed and Proj blanche from the government had carte French guarantee to Russia in the event of attack through the An Imperialist Servant ect Workers Union, to voice to disembowel the United Mine union demands for adequate Workers, the o. message Baltic countries or subsequent Somoza belongs to a blue blooded family which has long relief. On Tuesday, when the on may indicate a furto the possible defeat of the served imperialism. His most notorious ancestor is BerCity Council would be in ses ther cleavage between the Poles and Rumanians by Hit nabe Somoza, alias Seven Handkerchiefs, notorious sion, union committee was trade unions and Roosevelt.
ler bordes.
executioner who placed himself at the orders of William Friction with Roosevelt mand action.
As the Roosevelt administre To under Hne their attitude of Walker and his filibuster invaders of Nicaragua in the year Marching in two long lines. tion speeds up its war program, aloofness, the Russions an1856. Hundreds of fellow countrymen who fought one on the Broadway side of it is coming more and more in nounced that they would be City Hall, and one on the Park collision with the organized represented Gleneva next Row side, the pickets carried workers, and this necessarily who won this strange nickname by committing, during an signs announcing their week by no one more imporde is reflected in pressure from tant than Ivan Maisky, the 80 extended period, seven executions daily, in each of which mands: An War Funds to the the ranks upon the trade union Unemployed. Immediate Re leadership For Roosevelt vlet ambassador at London. he always used a new handkerchief to clean the blood of lief for Dismissed war program involves strip The British and French had en his victim from his knife.
Workers. Stop Voucher Re ping labor or of Its gains and sotertained hopes of meeting President Roosevelt friend inherited from his great anlief. Abolish Unpald Labor clal services, in order to proat Municipal Lodging Houses. vide more money for armasome higher Russian official cestor two very useful qualities: a menial adherence to im Close Camp LaGuardia Give ment. These blows against the with powers to settle the prob perialist oppression and a cowardly cruelness which enJobs. Stop the Run Around: labor movement are causing lem of Russian participation in Union Expects HoldHandle able him to murder in cold blood and from behind. These Complaints. Jobs growing tension between the western bloc.
two ingredients constitute the best strong men of Latin Governor Calls on Out Bosses to Sign Bayonne Voters Cast Not Guns Porno Full Work Roosevelt and his trade union Waiting on Danzig America. Seven Handkerchiefs would be proud today to Troops to Smash Agreement Soon Record Vote against Expand to Include all. It is not assured, however, As it is now, the whole issue see his grandson seated at the great boss table, he who remains in suspense, waiting Miners Lines Jersey Hitler could never aspire to more than the toe of a hireling boot. By Staff Writer)
To La Guardia, who led a gress for more Jobs will on events. The Russians deNEW YORK CITY. The motorcade of visiting mayors be pushed firmly. Having supMoreover poor Barnabe died hanged and his body was (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
mand a full alliance as the scored a major defensive to City Hall at p. Monday ported Roosevelt thus far. Lew(Special to the Socialist Appeal)
burned in Rivas, Nicaragua, misunderstood by his price of their aid apparently BAYONNE, record after a visit HARLAN, Kentucky. Under victory with the settlement of under the delusion that such an countrymen and abandoned by his chiefs.
the protection of the bayonets the nation wide coal strike by yote and an unprecedented ma Fatr, the poorly clad pickets tory gesture, unless the rames alliance will be of any real serCounterfeiter and Bootlegger of the National Guard, six the signing of a two year con ority defeated the Hague ma were an embarrassing sight of the and unemployed vice in the defense of the Soviet Union when war comes. The This is not Anastasio first visit to the United States. scab labor in an effort to bust Workers of America and the By an average of nearly and day, on four hour shifts to action against the reller British have no desire to enter For six years as a young man, he assiduously made the the United Mine Workers of Appalachian operators which 9, 000 votes out of a record vote with the local homeless, unem slashes.
upon such an alliance, desiring America in Bloody Harlan included exclusive bargaining of 38, 278, the anti Hague can ployed single members, not Stalinists Remain Silent rounds of the Chicago saloons until his mother money rights and the union shop.
not close all the doors to didates of the city commission eligible for home relief, conCounty.
The Stalinist hirelings who appeasement of Italy, Japan, gave out. And money is of so little consequence to him The Appalachian pact covers election rode to victory after a tributing a large share of the Armed with rifles, bayouets Franco Spain, and possibly and backed by machine guns, 260, 000 out of 320, 000 soft coal campaign in which they as man power despite the fact run the Workers Alliance remain impervious to all this.
leadership often even at this late date. Ger. mass Southern operators directed by ord factory breakfast at Munic. The many. Mussolini soft speakbosses refused to sign the received the most stinging re, day, and then must go hungry bership somewhat, it only to The Jersey City Fuehrer thus ipal Lodging House early in the finds itself compelled to pro.
ing last week nourished these He also turned his leisure moments to bootlegging. Fortu the entrances to the 42 mines the Harlan County, Kentucky in this county.
nately for him he had, a short while before, married a buke ever administered to him until five An impressive caravan of agreement.
maintain the income Hitler is meanwhile pursuing Nicaraguan aristocrat, one Debayle, so that only his two from 4, 000 cars loaded with Pacts Signed in an election in his own ballwhich must come its salaries.
When settlement became wick, Hudson County same waiting tactics that won accomplices who were not aristocrats were imprisoned: strikers roamed the counThe Stalinists, on the other As One Good AntiBut those who won by dety following a huge rally at probable last week, John him the Sudetenland and the hand, get their pay from BrowCamilio Gonzales, alias El General and Santos Ben which leaders swore Lewis, president of the nouncing Hague recora Fascist to Another der treasury no matter what rest of Czechoslovakia. He still figures on sweeping Danzig indanes, alias El Zarco, the Blond. Thanks to the influ they would not be shot back to ordered 126, 000 miners in against labor and civil rights happens to the Workers Allthe middle west who had been were not labor candidates, but to his fold without a war and ance or any union.
ence of his father in law, Dr. Debayle, Somoza remained work, NEW YORK CITY. May.
on a sympathy strike to return Republican and Democratic Open Shop Throat calculates on doing this by And that treasury is geared fakers, who or LaGuardia and Prince unscrupulously waiting until the Poles crack The Tarlan operators openly to work.
Ascanio Colonna, Italian am Immediately after the Appa made capital out of the wideto one purpose and one alone: under the nervous strain of not In 1924 25, Somoza received his first important public asramunded the yo pretenshop and lachian agreement was an spread hostinity to Harue The bassador the United support of Roosevelt war knowing just how much supprogram, no matter what the post. Through his uncle, Vice president Sacasa, he was desStates, exchanged felicitaport they can count on if war cost to the unions and the ignated Tax Collector of Leon. He remained in this job a tions in speeches opening the comes. That uncertainty con immediately sent National signed in Illinois covering 25. the opportunity to run its own workers, employed and unemcandidates (Continued on Page 2)
Italian government Pavilshort time and upon leaving it was accused of malfeasance. Guardsmen to assist them. The tinues so long as the Russians ployed. These scoundrels are ion at the World Fair.
play their present game. Continued on Page 4)
operators refused to sign the Appalachian agreement that May today the most formidable obMussolini representative stacle in labor ranks preventLondon Waits paid tribute to La Guardia as ing the workers from organizcoal miners ing against Roosevelt relief John Lewis announced in a wonderful Mayor and to note, there were some quarslashing campaign.
thanked him for taking part ters that seemed to be waiting Washington, that he in the ceremony.
Lewis Figure Conservative on events in Danzig in order to would take personal charge of Lewis proposed figure of LaGuardia hoped that clarity Russia exact position.
the defense of the 12, 000 strik Italy will continue to be three million jobs is For if the Nazis take Danzig.
ers against the open shop drive.
The daily press is virtually and deliberate suppression by devoted to the cause lower than the number of workeither through the mechanism The campaign to increase the tion of the members of the One striker was hurt by the world peace.
ers actually on rolls on of plebiscite or through a di frequency of appearance of the has succeeded in net. National Guard. He was struck boycotting the Senate judiciary the war. mongers of the facts At the end of the cereelection day in November, head by a pistol when subcommittee hearings on the about these hearings.
mony. the fascist song Glowhen the rolls stood at 350, themselves in a pants down po wonlenges of computehottom bi aations from various parts of the asked permission to cross a Ludlow amendment to the convert administration can do.
vanezza was played. The 000. Since then, at Roosevelt hall full of fascists shouted direction, the rolls have been neutrality, the British will raising 500 and getting 350 members are arranging dances Re inforcements for the 600 lar referendum before con remains strong. The Gallup and cheered, with arms slashed to 2, 600, 000 and will be conclude that the German So additional subscriptions by and parties to raise the needed guardsmen were ordered on gress could declare war. poll has just released two new raised in the fascist salute.
reduced to 2, 000, 000 by July 1, has May 15 when it was apparent Hearings held on three days surveys of public opinion which and cries of Viva Mussowhen the coming fiscal year be neutralization actually ex This goal, decided upon by the Though this campaign has that the present force could not last week in Washington were prove that. In one, a cross seclini.
gins for which Roosevelt proof On numerous occasions posed that figure.
The Poles still say they will People Socialist League at its and pledges of the in strikers.
Times only incidentally to other that the problem of keeping Union officials declared that stories, and were unreported America out of war is the most previously notably at Co These reductions, as Lewis lumbus Day celebrations, letter points out, were entirely French strategy is still based was motivated by its political go to press we hear that the less than 500 scabs were work: Itogether by the Herald Trib immediate and critical probwhen fascist and anti fascist unrelated to any increase in on permitting Danzig to go by needs: at least a weekly. The New York convention ing in the six mines that une and the Daily Worker. The lem before the country. In the groups hold rival meetings employment.
without a fight. That is where slogan is, therefore, twice has endorsed the drive for opened.
press services to the rest of other, 69 declared themselves LaGuardia has spoken for Lewis reminded Congress of Europe war making gang monthly on the road to the twice monthly and urges every Chagrined at this feeble show the country are carrying only opposed to any repetition of the Italian fascist groups, the political dangers insters stood as the world drew weekly.
party branch, fraction and sym of strength, the operators were the most meager details. We America World War loans to despite labor protests.
volved. people bred in the one week nearer war.
The whole hearted coopera Ipathizer to take a greeting. Continued on Page 2) are witnessing a cold blooded the Allies. Continued on Page 2)
that upon returning to Nicaragua the first enterprise to the Strike breaking chuardsmen mineren oder small sroup or seded Hague anti lebor recte et the rest online the ansatte free.
to In London, it was interesting SWP Convention Endorses Twice a Month Challenge Semed the strike of 200, 00 sorl Boss Press Boycotts Hearings On Ludlow Referendum 01