AntifascismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyJohn DeweyMarxSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1939 Cannon Fodder Does Not Need An en la primera vehementioned Education. So the Bosses Rule alone piled up for its coupon clippers in these three months 53. 206, 716.
Yet in all the automotive centers, unemployment has increased during this same period and IN THIS CORNER SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. HII, No. 33 May 16, 1939 Published twice a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, NY.
Telephone: Algonquin 8547 Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six months.
Foreiga: 00 per year. 50 for six months. Bun dle orders: cents per copy in United States: cents per copy in all foreign countries. Single copies: cents Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for six months: 00 for one year. Reentered as second clase matter February 18, 1939, at the post office at New York, under the Act of March 1879.
Business FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY FOR: LA Job and docent ware for every worker. Open the Idle fnotories operate them under workers control. A Twenty Bison dollar Federal pubble worte And housing progres.
Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum waro20 bour weekly maximera for all workers om Jobe. Thirty dottor weekly old are and disability Deslor. Bxpropriate the Sixty Familien. Al war funds to the unemployed people referendum on any and all war, No secret diplomacy.
10. An Independent Labor Party.
u. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante And Fasoist attacks Try it yourselves and Welcome the King!
Their Majesties, George VI and his Queen Consort, are now on the high seas headed for this continent.
These parasites, who by right of heredity are kept in fish and chips by a democratic parliament for parade purposes and diplomatic missions that require neither brains or muscle, will be regally entertained by the official representative of a government once founded on the proposition that all men are created free and equal. Many the unemployed, will be expended on their wel? Lewis and Andere gradis. head of the United Mine In World of Tomorrow Setting Writers Urge a World War Today come. In return, America starving multitudes will be graced with the sight of the King in all his fifty resplendent uniforms, and other items of apparel which fill some forty trunks.
Wouldn it therefore be a fitting welcome if, in addition to the top hats, there gathered at the pier and other places of welcome, the refugees from the British Empire? Indian workers to greet the King and his Queen on behalf of four hundred million exploited Indian masses who work twelve hours a day for a few pennies, and to remind them of India revolutionary ferment (George VI had to skip the traditional visit to Durbar, India, at his coronation. Irish workers to remind their Majestics the long strug.
gle for Irish freedom, and of Irish resistance to the British conscription plan: Ceylonese workers to thank the royal do nothings for years of tyranny and oppression; South African workers to commemorate racial segregation in their native land; workers of China, the West Indies, and the many other colonies trodden under the heel of British imperialism.
Such a welcome would indeed be fitting.
relief rolls into the streets.
How long will this state of affairs last?
It is the Job of the Teachers Union to Organize Mass Just as long as the millions of workers and Agitation for Restoration of the Cuts Enacted Under millions of unemployed and millions of poor By Max Shachtman farmers permit the national resources and the Pressure of Real Estate Owners by Labor Friends national industries to remain in the clutches of a small sinority of stockholders.
There are few things more admirable and enEducation under capitalism, cation outlay. Both are meas Under the consolidations and couraging than the work of the scientist who vennever did amount to very nauchures designed to avoid the ne increase of classes that would tures into plague spo. in order to isolate, analyze for the children of the work cessity for increasing real es be necessary under the Mar.
and counteruct the cause of diseases and pest!
Cardinal Connell speaks on women het fashers of this country. The schools tate taxes. The business inter shall plan, the size of classes lences so that mankind may be spared their revdons: You can tell the quality of a woman brain were made sufficient to teach ests, utilizing the columus of would go up to 66 and a ter.
ages. Without prospect of monetary reward or by the kind of hat that covers it. Does that also most of the children the three its controlled press, have been Yific additional burden would interest in it, unconcerned with sensational and go for the bats that cardinals wear? s and to fill their heads with carrying on a propagande cam be placed on teachers who al.
transient successes, he quietly risks hie own life the kind of bunk about history paign about the high pay of the ready carry an extremely and government which would teachers to help put these cuts heavy schedule of work.
In order that the We of man may be easier and safer. Poisonous swamps and Jungles, poisonous make them dutiful servants of over.
BEGINNING OF beasts and microbes must be wiped out in order the masters. More advanced James Marshall, president of CENERAL ATTACK education has blways been the Board of Education, deThe attack on the teachers that the humac race shall not be wiped out. Self In the Congressional Record, where every portion of the youth of the that these cuts will wreck the chants and real estate owners, lessly performing this noble task, he is indeed the available only to a small pro. clared in public statement now being led by the mer priceless servant of society, counterpart in an thing the Congressmen say openly is printed, land, mostly the song and school system. He said it by the state legislature and by other field of the country doctor, eulogised in our the following speech appeared recently: daughters of the well off and would be necessary to cut out labor friend. Mayor LA recent literature, who ministers conectentiously to the wealthy. 800 teaching positions. IncludGuardia, is only the beginning als flock for miles around and under the most MR. KUNKEL. Mr. Speaker, want difficult circumstances.
at this time to invite all of you and your wanted efficient productive, censed teachers. In addition ut ure and sob security of the friends and your guests at the lunch time and subservient workers, the would require the total eliminacivil service. The city has The New School of boss system provided a portion tion, he said, of all the admit poured millions Into sbowy Social Medicine hour to partake of some of the famous of ita surplus and spont a given tedly meager social services highways and parkwaya, and Lebanon County BALOGNA, of which part of its tax revenuen for and evening school activities into the World Fair and 18 Of as entirely different kidney are the practshave a supply here, and which zvill be avail schools. Today Capitalism can which the board now sponsors. now trying to sweat that money tioners of a new school of social medicine which not even provide place for 15. Such things as vocational play out of its civil servants and off has developed as a distinctly post war phenomable in the cloakrooms for those of you 000, 000 adult workers, no less grounds. Athleule centers, baths the back of the city children, enon. We do not mean the society doctors wbo who are too busy to get to the House resprescribe harmless but expensive pills to neurotic who are growing up into ea and gardens, would all 80 by biel, what goed om allerede dowagers. The reference is to the reformist med!
taurant world that has no place for the board.
cation? We cau Afford to cut clae men who readily acknowledge that capitalism Those of you who have lunch at the them except battlefields and INADEQUATE TO down on it and save our own Is sick some even say it is dying but declare House restaurant will find it wailable there. graveyards. Between 18, 000, 000 NEEDS OF CHILDREN taxes from going up that they will move heaven and earth to bring 15 and 24, 000, 000 young men and Marshall statement, de That is precisely their resback to life. Even when it was young and lusty. This is a very unique product. It is both women who have grown up in signed primarily to bulldoze soning, for they know that their the bourgeoiste never did Mke the ominous words very good and very sustaining. It is mana the last nine years have never the teachers into taking pay society, their system of insecuof Marx about the proletariat being tbe grave factured in Palmyra, Pa. one of the finest bad Jobs at The bosses are cuts.
Only told half the story. Hity and starvation, holds no digger of capitalism. It iskes them much less to going to want our youth and the school system even on its place for the millions of your day. RS it listens to Ita arteries harden and towns in our entire State. and am watches its gangrenous imbe decay. How relieved our children who will be the present basis is utterly Inade sters who every day are crowdsure you will all enjoy yit.
youths of tomorrow for cannon quate to meet the educational Ing in ever greater numbers in it must feel, then, to hear spokesmen of the labor fodder purposes only. And you needs of the children of this search of continually decreasmovement state that their efforts are henceforth directed towards doctoring and rejuvenating the come with yok to use your friends to don have to send cannon fod city. It is already badly over ing opportunities for work and (Applause. der to school. In short, capital. crowded. In the face of unani. for livelihood.
patients 1sm could afford the luxury of mous agreement among educa It is the job of the Teachers Mr. Kunkel, like the other barkers, acrobats, elementary education for the tors that a class of 30 pup! ls Unlon, above all, to lead the Among the recent products of the school are Dr. David Lasser and Dr. Herbert Benjamin, clowns, and pitch men who perform daily in the masses in its jush deys but is the maximum that can be ght against this attempt to bosses of the Workers Alliance of America. Tests Washington legislative gyp joint for the capi home with the selles, school percent of the city school at the civil service. vigorous fying before a Congressional Committee, Dr. LAS talist overlords, is paid off at the rate of 10, 000 budgets are the first things chlidren from Kindergarten up counter campaign against the ser blushingly admitted that he used to be a socialist but now believes in capitalism. believes in a year cold cash.
slashed at as the going gets through bleh school more menace of cuts and against the making it work and is devoting his modest talHigh time that the workers and farmers of BUILDING INTERESTS harder than half a million children real estate owners must be or. ents to seeing to it that it does work. His tender are in classes that range in Banized. Through the parenta sentiments were echoed by Dr. Benjamin, an exthe country threw these BALONEY salesmen ENGINEER CUT size from 35 to 54. This in it and through public organiza revolutioutst and therefore still a member of the out on their ears!
Thts is happening now in sell represents a condition that tions it is possible to force the Communist party, who also guaranteed to do his New York where the big real makes it impossible to get the State Legislature to call a spe. best to relieve capitalism of any and all maladles.
High time we workers and farmers put in estate Interests have engi children and teachers both to cial session to restore the edu. from sout, hernia and arthritis to leakage of the power an entirely new and different govern neered a cut of 300. 000 from make any effective headway in cational grants and to stop La heart and water on the knee. economy drive ment a workers government, that will repre City schools and where the schools 58 percent of the pupils from making victims of the If memory serves us, it was either Fritz Tarnow.
sent our interests for a change!
liberal Mayor LaGuardie 1s are in over erowded classes. City children while the ownhead of the German trade unions. Dr. Naphthall, his theorettelan, or Rudolph Hilferding, the Grer.
forcing through an additional No wonder they arrive in high ers of property sct exactly man social democratic leader, who colaed the 3, 000, 000 cut in the city edu school actually unable to read what they want.
phrase some ten years ago about substituting for the terrifying words grave diggers of capitalism the more pleasant phrase doctors at the sick bed of capitalism. In any case. all three of them and Workers of America and of the has their colleagues set to work restoring German capitalism to bealth. After several years of conissued a sharp statement condemnning the Roosetinual blood transfusions from the workers to the velt Administration for its attitude in the curcapitalists, which left the former anemically haggard and paralyzed, without satisfying the increas rent mine conflict ingly irritated patient, the Nazis were called in to In effect the labor leader declared that the By DOROTHY WILLIAMS far cry from the days when Raymond Gram Swing: Carl take up where the social democratic doctors were operators efforts to disembowel the miners group of well fed, oldish they advocated revolution. Van Doren and Pearl Buck, forced to leave off. Although the patient hasn writers and penpushers cath. After all, it no mean achieve These, of course. exhaust union were made on a tip from the Adminis ered together at the World ment to form a People Front American letters and thought, died, neither has he been cured: but many are those who now realize that if the social demo tration.
Fair this week to make the with some of the people who and so there was no room for cratic doctors had spent their time fortifying the But unless we are mistaken, this is the Ad Officially it was the world members of the hospitality Sidney Hook. James Rorty, world safe for democracy, were listed as patrons and James Farrell, John Dewey. working class to resist the effects of capitalism poisonous disintegration, the Brown shirted doc ininistration that was put into office, in two Congress of Writers. Our sleek committee. It not everyone Louis Hacker and all such tors would not be where they Rre today.
presidential elections, by the self same Jon heroes are brave in the words who can prevent fascism with people interdicted by the they use to doscribe them the aid of such eminent antl.
Lewis. Not by him alone, but under his very selves, but it is doubtful fascists The Way to Make AS Bernard Baruch. DOROTHY THOMPSON vigorous icadership. It was Lewis and Hillman whether they would be equally Thomas Lamont. Henry LEFT WING DEBUT Capitalism Work Morgenthau, and all the rest of the heads of the and brave in deeds.
Winthrop This was Dorothy ThompBlandly unconcerned with the German expert ence, the distinguished quacks. Drs. Lasser and most of the for that matter who did. The fake gingerbread setting drich. Marshan Field. Mrs circles, and she cleverly caBenjamin, have taken the oath to make capital all in their power to swing the labor vote behind of the New York World Far August Belmont and other no son debut in such left wing was unquestionably the best tables.
ism work. Now we do not deny that capitalism Roosevelt.
place in which to bold the Stal Need we say that no writer tered to ber audience. She exeven today, can be made to work after a fash inized World Congress of Writ who has taken a real anti war palated on the subject of the lon. There is one infallible remedy for fts 1s, the Lewis own statenent is enough to judge the enige dit was the best place to stand was present or, so far as news which could be planted one that has sustained it throughout its existence: results of this policy of supporting one capital gather together those who with one could learn, invited? No a newspaperman she had steady flow of good, substantial profit. If any one ever discovered another way of making capi ist party as against another. With Lewis own pen in hand urge the masses one opposed to the capitalist just two examples. 1)
Kriviltallsm work, we have not been told about it. The union engaged in a stiff fight, Roosevelt not into the coming imperialist system disturbed the serenity sky had succeeded in planting of the Congress. Ignazio Silone his articles on the editors of flow of profit, rich with shiny yellow corpuscles.
for the first time, takes a union busting, strike These writers are highly con officials, but unfortunate dit wild applause from the audi was lavited, said the Congress the Saturday Evening Post Is as indispensable to the lite of capitalism, as the flow of blood is to the life of Lasser ind Benjamin breaking position which, as Lewis now states, scious of their mission in his ficutlles in regard to a passence. 2) News from abroad gives aid and comfort to the coal operators.
Now, as the latter know and who doesn the capitalists do not make profit by taking in each What then are the benefits of the capitalist perfority. Humanity should it being present. They said thats between Hider and Stalin was other washing or drinking up each other champagne bottles. They make it out of the labor of party policy supported by Lewis, Hillman and at their feet, spellbound. Such privately. They did not em also planted more wild apsmall matters having ploy their public forum to crt plause from the audience. Green as compared with the policy of labor enough to eat and clothes to ment for not giving Silone a ples of newspaper misinformaThese two well chosen exam those they employ in their enterprises. What is more, profits are not made by raising the wages striking out on its own in politics?
wear are unimportant, hardly visa.
Jon provided Miss Thompson of labor and shortening the work day: quite the The only benefits are those accruing to the common berd worry about But where were the Ameri. with the necessary background contrary. The longer the work day, the smaller the wages, the faster the speed up, the more in operators, to the employers, to the capitalist eating when they can listen to war vor. por hat matter, those marks regarding the need for tense the exploitation the higher the profit.
Thomas Mann on the wonders who for one reason or another collective security. She drew of democracy?
To accomplish his task of making capitalism The results in the labor movement are: diswork, the social doctor of the new scbool must These people ostensibly de have incurred the enmity o vivid pictures of the psycho therefore help the poor old invalid cut wages, orientation, confusion, a feeling of dependence claimed on the good, the true spoke at the Congress in the lascism as compared with the lengthen the work day, cut out wasteful and upon political parties that are stacked, from start business is big time polities and thought were: Henry God the true and the beautiful as. for to finish, against labor.
superfluous population. The dialectical meth od of the new social doctor consists in saving Every child knows that Roosevelt could never of the People Pront. One dard Leach what did he presented by our democracy.
Credit should be given where capitalism by enslavine labor, bringing color to have been elected without the powerful, organ Congress that the democra. Loon, who can wait for the credit is due. As spinners of the cheeks of the capllalists by draining it from the veins of the workers, preserving the Ufe of a ized support of labor. That same support, given cies should unite at Cance to war to start: Nora wain (you ineaningless phrases, these decaying order by dooming to misery and aterva to LABOR OWN PARTY, to LABOR stop the fascist madmena know her work of course. democrats are the equals of llon the only class capable of establishing a heal It is easy to see how rapidly thy social order.
OWN CANDIDATES, would have produced car to join up for the next im Bern Berdelta cam to Mars the fascist demagogues.
results a thousand times more solid, a thousand incidentally, is the chief Amer. these anti fascists will capl That is precisely what the Lassers and BendaIt should be noted that wher ican propagandist for Pareto tulate before true fascism, as mins bave been doing. When they boasted before times more lasting, a thousand times more bene Vera Micheles Deane, Secrefascist philosophy. Walter their similars did in Italy and the investigating committee that they were op White: The ficial than the deceptive benefits gained by tary of the Foreign Polley As Dorothy Thompson: Germany.
objectivity posed to strikes and discouraged them, they were sociation, declared that it was Vera Deane; Vincent Sheean: which they have taught them stating a truth of key significanc. sinulaneous lifting coal operators friends into the White the duty of the intelligensia to selves to believe they possess with their announcement of devoted medical serHouse and Congress.
educate the masses in the ways is but a garment to cover their of democracy. the audience Special Offer at 350 vice to decrepit capitaliszn they present their cre inability to think outside of es dentials as strike breakers. To prove that they are Every day brings a new event to prove over stirred restlessly. Even this (Good until June 1st)
tablished patterns and their ready to make capitalism work they show how again labor need oi its own political party, weak and tentative approach future capitulation, Year Subscription to the completely they have anesthetized and paralyzed one based upos, supported and controlled by to reality was uncomfortable to Twice Month contemplate. Much more he To depend on them to prevent the organized labor.
rotc was the prospect of sendfascism, to depend on any kind Like all practising doctors, they ought to hang of a People Pront, ts to build For all his harsh words about Roosevelt, ing the Challenge of Youth out a shingle. The following text is recommended masses into the trenches.
manklod present and future for 1t: Lewis will undoubtedly try to continue the old Name on shifting sands.
who can believe that this Dr. Lasser Dr. Benjamin game of supporting one capitalist gang against LAMONT AND BARUCH Address smug group, clad in furs and Consulting Physicians to Capitalism another. All the more reason why the rank and AMONG THE SPONSORS The Stalinists, as the loud City the latest from Paris and Bond Supply of Unemployed Guinea Pigs on Hand file of American labor must mobilize all its est Advocates of Popular Street, can help save America Healthy Flow of Profits Guaranteed or strength to force the creation of a MILITANT, Frontism, had three field days Forward to the Twice or any nther country from the Money Refunded INDEPENDENT LABOR PARTY labor et tals World Congressen Month Challenge of Youth must resort in order to protect Emergency Service Any Time, Day or Night Writers mighty arm on the political field.
gone up in the world. It is a its right to exploit the masses?
Service Charge Cheap Very Cheap Old Superstitions the Dr. Kilander, dean of the Panzer (N. College of Physical Education and Hygiene reports that a three year survey of 11, 000 high school seniors, college freshmen and adults reveals that common old wives tales and be.
lief in supernatural tokens and charms still abounds. surprisingly large percentage of the population, for instance, believes that the thoughts of a pregnant woman affect her child, that excessive use of the brain causes baldness, that rubbers worn indoors leads to cye trouble, and that raw meat will reduce The learned educator did not even mention the most common superstition of all: the belief that the nation industries in order to function must be owned and controlled by a handful of coupon clippers.
black cye.
910 Per Cent During the first quarter of 1939, nine leading automobile manufacturers showed an increase of 910 percent in profits as compared with the first quarter of 1938 These companies, General Motors, Chrysler, Packard, Nash, Yellow Truck, Mack Truck Studebaker, Checker Cab, and Diamond Truck, at the end of March had raked in 65, 531, 978 after all costs had been deducted, including enormous executive salaries General Motors