BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanySocialismStalinismStrikeSubversiveWorkers PartyWorking Class

TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL By Dwight Macdonald State Solons Battle SPARKS IN THE NEWS For Slum Landlord Protests Mount On School Budget Cuts Jingo Note Loudest At Meeting Hard Times at the Library headline in today paper reads: LACK OF FUNNY COMPELS LIBRARY TO CUR TAIL USE OY READING ROOMS. Free 11 braries and free schools have long been among the proudest boasts of bourgeois de mocracy. These concessions were won by the masses in the heyday of capitalism, when the ruling class could afford them. But the shad ows are closing ta on this kind of democracy. In the last few months the processes of free education have broken down in an alarming way here and there throughout the country a bighly significant trend of which shall have something to say 19 another place, And now comes the announcement that the special reference rooms of the New York Pub.
hc Library. American history, art, musie.
sclence, periodicais, newspupers, ele. wiu close at six every night (instend of ten) and will not be open at all on Sundays (instead of being open from one to ten An average of 1500 persino use these rooms on week alghts, and from 3000 to 4000 on Sundays. Most of these are probably workers, who can come in only in their oft hours. For them, the publie library has become inaccessible, This is, of course, by no means the first such retrenchment. Year after year, as the depression has worn on, the Ubrary bas been buying fewer books, cutting down on salaries curtailing its services to the reading public And mpre economies will have to be practiced before long, according to the president of the board of trustees, Frank Polk, of the great corporation law firm: Dav18. Polk, Wardwell.
Gardner and Reed. The difficulty, according to Mr. Polk. Is that the atbrary budget is. unbalanced. Aud how much is needed to restore the balance and also the essential services Just cut out some huge sum, doubtless, or our enlightened and progressive city administration would never have allowed the library to be thus crippled! Well, belteve it or not, the sum needed is exactly 190, 000. daresay Mr.
Polk makes at least that much all by himself in one year practice of corporation law.
Herr Professor LaGuardia In the column right pext to the announce ment of the public library difficulues, there Is a long story headed: MAYOR AND AIDES TO TEACH AT NEW YORK UNIVERSITY The title of the course which the Mayor his aides are to give is. Government and Ad ministration of New York City. suggest that in the first lecture, the leaders or the Lo lar die administration. which is probably as ad. Death Watch Casts Shadow Over Flint Offices MEN AND WOMEN OF LABOR mako OUT OF THE PAST PASTE Inadequate Housing Bill Puts Burden on Thousands of Teachers Face Dismissal vanced and liberal a big cily government as you will find in this country at the moment Workers Violates Voters Demands Plans City Hall Picket Line explain why it seems to them wiser to spend 40, 000, 000 on a new bridge from Manauan By GRACE SAUNDERS which even the bill sponsors By MANUEL for the Public Education Assoto Brooklyn than 190. 000 to keep the city A disgraceful housing bill admit will increase carrying NEW YORK. Indignant proclation, chic library open at night: why it is more that does not begin to solve the charges on state projects or tests against Mayor LaGuar.
In a statement placing reimportant to spend tens of millons on an cost need for slum clearance and a room per month dia cut of more than three Side Express Highway. to allow people in low cost houslog projects has Burden on Workors and ball million dollars from sponsibility for the cut directly BY IRVING HOWE pleasure cars to get downtown ten minutes Just been brought out on the NEW YORK, The 9th neConsumer taxes on Amuse the school budget poured to on the Mayor, Mr. Nudd said quicker than to spend 190. 000 to allow work Iloor of the New York State Tuted for securing Funds Ixbor organizations this week city officials to imply that Communist League will open tobacco. etc. are to be from educational student and it is, of course, absurd for Lonal convention of the Young ers to use the library after the day work is Legislature, one week before over: why Mr. Moses gets his tons of millions adjourament. The bill is to for this amortization thus as the City Counell prepared they have done their part for here this week end with a mass for fancy luxury projects like Jones Bench and Lally inadequate in the amount shunting the financial burdens to adopt the budget cut with the schools and that the cris:a meeting in Madison Square This convention will Mr. Whalen gets his subsidy for the high of money authorized, it will for the new projects on to the out allowing representatives of is entirely due to the short Garden priced and useless World of Tomorrow, while make new housing projects so workers the opposition to be heard at sightedness of the Legislature. rark a climax to the drive to 100, 000 is considered wo much to pay to mainexpensive as to be atmost pro. In addition, cities are to be public bearings The city itself is particep crim transform the into an tain vital services at the city mato pubuchibitive, and contains virtually required to match the state ap reactionary coalition or inis to a large degree, for, Boropen jingo organization.
all the reactionary. andlord propriations doular for dollar.
nugh President Isaacs and City Lemocrats and Republicans In According to the preamble Sponsored provisions that have this provision will place a bar Our Four Billion Dollar Baby co. crary notwithstanding. the proposed by its National ComI must confess had soms speaking doubts by everybody seriously con undertakings for the citles are lopped off 5, 300. 00 from she city started the landsude, mot mittee, ho formally been denounced and rejected her in the path of the needca the Siste legislature recently council President Morris to thello the new constitution 3! Ate educational budget, which merely by denying funds for abandons any pretense to revoRbout this American democracy we are cemed about the housing prob already heavily burdened with added to the city proposal 20 expansion, but by cutting neeTlutionary ideas and becomes an lem recent news items. Almost ou the same day, lche expenditure or 300. 000. 000 tax exemption is to be granted locals up to a gipe million dol which it granted to the schools others, the following purposes: to dle for la the next war when read two Voters last Fan authorized Furtbermore; only partial backe away another 1, 600. 000 y 600. 000 from the amount organtzation whicb bas, araong the Social Security Board revealed that the for housing. The solons at AT bousing projects.
für decrease in funds for the this year out of two re Educate youth for ciuzenghip averago ea ratings ta 1937 of the 30. 168, 000 wage bany have pared this down to the blo patently scheme less immediate action is taken called an emergency meeting au subversive efforts to attack, Association in our democracy: YOppos camers on Its Tolis came to just 890 while a miserly 60, 000, 000 for the to prevent for serious tackling to rescind the cuts, conserva. of its Joint Conference of Civic undermine or destroy our de the ways Meens Committee of the House currom fiscal year. sopotiho de crochet boven de sites sive educators predicted that Organizations, composed of no meracy from withila or with published the salaries of some 50. 000 of these to the opposition that it is stront exudes overweening free education New York more each la 1937. it is a long step from 290 comlag. provision is made for landlords, and displays a crass would receive its most disas consider ways and means of ing and develop bealthy minds to the 1, 308, 000 which weat to Mr. Mayer of the expenditure of an adot lack of interest in the needs of trous setback in a decade. Un opposing the cut.
La bealthy bodies and to proder the new conditions created le (Ums. or the 500. 000 which went to Mr. Lonal 100, 000, 000 at some fa the slum dwellers by the cuts, thousands of reguX. Demonstrates lect the American home and Hearst of the newspapers, or the 419. 000 tare date. The measure calls Jamming It Through The Young People Socials: family.
Despite the accompanying which went to President Watson of Interna for 40 year, instead of 60 10 is apparently the intention lar leuchers face dismissal, un LOCA) Business Machiscs Corp. or the 381, 000 year amortization period of the people representa cldy classes will be further League (4th International. which Presidert Hill received from the Ameritives to sam this shemetul enlarged. thaltson fees will be youth seollon of the Socialist bashful mention of socialism, can Tobacco Co.
measure through both houses artopted in the free clty cal workers Party. responded to these points especially the one on subversive efforts which Survey Shows the of the legislature in the hectic leges, summer sessions will be he proposed cut with a spirited LDS to be against all ides outside City But then reflected on a thtra governmental Value of report which has just appeared, and realized of revolution show that the closing days of the current ses abolished, playgrounds closed. demonstration sion, in the expectation that recreation and evening centera Hau two weeks ago. demand. Ls trying its desperate that all of us, rich and poor Alike, share the To Entire Nation common ownersblp of a magnificent property to the school budget to gap the spectable organization destring worth currently about 000. 000. 000. This re as the best measure possible scuttled catirely. Speelal to the cialist Appeal)
deficit. representa to obtain at this late date. Passing the Back lo Livo at peace with the capl.
port to the Naval Expense Account for the WASHINGTON. MAY The week before adjournment cop. Caught rod. banded in As louves who attended public heartalist world and fiscal year 1938. a matter of e ghty six pages completely reactionary and capitalist Ings on the budget, beld At City of figures. The man in ne street, struggling viclous nature of President from the printers. Only one Tammany Hall ever attempted. Only those who favored the de ies of the bill were not yet back a piece of fiscal finagling as Hall last Friday, were told that youth organizations Pro War Rally teed his family oa 5895 year often falls Rocsevelt proposed further ypewritten copy was available Mayor Lancetardas selle teele reased budget would be heard. Its main function the whipping The for luspection by legislators pass the buck to the state legis. following this the proceedings up of a War spirit among the worth of guns and torpedoes and armor plate. vealed still more glaringly by who had to consider the prob lature were promptly apiked by Inoludek 430, 0:0, 000 worih of heavy and light a baton wide survey detaiunklem.
Howard Nudd, spokesman were handed over to reaction delegates. especially those who cruisers. 275, 000, 000 worth of destroyers, the benefits of which ary spokesmen for the banks. are not hardened bureaucrata.
1328. 000 worth of flags uod bunting, and was handed today to the PresiInsurance companies and bis in view of the war crisis, tho 33 worth of Avestock. It is comforting dent by a group of governmen!
realty Interests. Colonel Aires. leadership wants to thought. figure that cach and every one of officials and individuals closely mouthpiece of the citizens make sure that the organiza.
the 120. 000. 000 inhabitants of this great democ unked with them.
Budget Committee, sounded ortion will serve as an integral racy owns Just 32. 50 worth of the above The survey which was conin a two hour exhibition of ora part of tbe war machine and Damed commodlies. If no one mlads. inducted in 48 states and sumtorical flatulence against un the convention the place, take mine in cash, please.
marizes 8, 000 individual reance members, dlsgusted with cadon and urged the city to to whip up an appropriate war necessary frills like publlc edu (Continued from Page 11 ports made by state, cunts the youthful Browders figure, and citv officials not the refog Solidarity. Then they as the program of their leaders, abolish the High School of Art spirit.
cipients of WP 1obs) sa serabled in the Park where de joined the death watch and and Music, where students with Another function of the that lect lave been termined speeches were made tore up their workers Alliance outstanding talent in the area convention will be to of the lehest benefit to the by the union leaders.
cards. Finally, after four days. are given a specialized curricu. certain changes in its declarepublic weitere At the meeting, plans were and after trying their best to lum. After listening to several tion of principles in order to More than si per cent of the made for further multant ac discourage the demonstration speakers assall the badly cas bring it up to date with its stated don next week to carry on the workers Alliance leaders were trated budget as still too present political Mne. Buon that the falled in 1is Isht, to adanion to plans made forced by a vote of their mem high Robert Strauss, Fu embarrassingly reminiscent task in only one particular. to keep the death walch go watch action.
minded them that the Mayor cap intervention in the Interpoints as We condemn AmerBy EMANUEL GARRETT that it was not conducted on a Ing.
large enough scale and that it sentiment for the death All Combinat Party a is just as interested in cutting nal affairs of the Latin Amerilacked sufficient fundo. Roose watch has proved strong tempts thus far to smash the the budget as anybody. can countries and the Philipcriticism, but no further. Denounced byl velt proposes to remedy this among Flint workers. In the Unemployed and Work Borough President Stanley pines, and we support the PuerLuthor, he encouraged the peasants in Thur. Situation by slashing great Bulck division plants, eers Union and the dramatic Isaacs, member of dozen o Rican people in their right inga to rise, together with the urban prole: still further and reducing its collection was taken up to all death watch have failed. By stalinist stooge organizations for Independence will be elim Halcule, lles. And whispers and Council President Newbold tnated. For It la oavious that and feudal lords. Drives out of Muhlhausen. mum requirements Hundreds of people from al! members bave attempted Morris, contributor to the New the Stalinist movement, youth he travelled with his close co worker Pfeuffer through southeru Germany. Ungodly rulers of In providing work. foot to see the demonstration. Flint take clops to stop the public education as members any After detailing the benefits over town came do cars and on have the Officials in Masses, approved the cuts in or adult, can no longer have be told those ho mere must be driven outa kveplog up the skills of some brought food, others do militare action. But 90 over, at the Board of Esumute and ments for the liberation Top killed. The usurpers, he told them, say Thou workmen, in providing commu nated funds.
pressed colonial peoples, even Bhal. not steal and then grab everything. alties and sections with useful Only the Communist Party. the auto workers on the side The bas called if that connection is in an obe But when an artisan commits the slightest pubilc works and public activi dominated Workers Alliance of the unfortunate familles meetings on college and high scure document.
transgression, he has to hang, and Dr. Liar les, the report ended by rec. with its characteristic umidity thrown out on the streets and school campuses protesting the Jim Crow Stalinists Luther) says to all to this: Amen.
ommending an adequate long and company undon tactics, deprived of food, that no action cuts, and is preparing large further Indication of the Peasant War Unfolds time National program dening talked against the death has been taken in opposition to picket line around City Hall in rigatward swing which this with unemployment.
watch. Many Workers AL the death watch.
he near future.
convention will mark may ba Towards the end of 1524, the peasant masses seen from rocent article in had definitely begun to move towards revoluthe April pre convention num.
ber of the Young Communtat tion. Their aims were incorporated in a docuRevlew, which admits that ment, the Twelve Articles, which called for a plain gospel. e. religious services in their recruiting and educahon is on such a reactionary owo innguage and within their own compre hension and of thelr own choosing. and freebasis that in Chicago many By RUTH JEFFRIES tea, 15c. Even the popular priced places charge 50 more dom from serdom. By Marca, 1625 the movebranches exist on Jim Crow May The World of Tomorrow gave the American thua do comparable places, and for comparable dishes, outside.
basis, dividing white and Negro ment was quite general. By May they had people a first lesson in how to receive the cream of the ruling youth into different groups acbleved considerable successes. But as is Class. twenty one gua salute, greeting Crown Prince Olav Another step the convention the case with every peasant movement, there and Crown Princess Martha, served as a starter.
May Ricksha boys. declared the Times in one will take will be the dissolution was no real soliderity between the various New York State announced that it had spent nore than column, bava, by long odds, the most roma fobs on the of student branches. These sections. Each section waged Ils battle in e 000. 000 on parkways, bridges end landscaping for the Fair Grounds. They meet such interesting people. Ang have in the past been centers limited and provincial spbere. At the begin World Fair site, and 200. 000 more for its fair exhibit.
ben in another column, it described the Fair after closing dissidence from the party ning they were favored by the equal disorgan No such investment for rehousing World of Today slam. time, Tired pushers chatted wearily about their aching ization of the lorde: but as the lords organized, line.
dwellers feet (or) pushed their vehicles listlessly to the depot, largely uoder the leadership of Philip of May Twenty one guns for Crown Prince Frederick changed attire and went home. Real Southern romance.
Hesse. And spurred on by Luther, the peas. and Crown Princess Ingrid of Denmark. Are we listening?
Cashiers are also reported as too tired by Sunday to do Ants were beaten in battle arter battle. His For 26 an hour you me can see the Fair from a tory was much too young for a victorious motorised wheel chair; and for only 25 we can get aclected anything but sleep s: and 30, Adds the press, amused. al they know about the Fair is what they read in the papers.
popular Insurrection: the peasants coulda. college boys to push our chairs around. Why can these TOOTERnze society, proletariat was lacking colleges turn out a 25 product where is the value of quaint sense of humor.
to lead them, the next step to social develop More than 350 Gold Star Mothers rose in unison when.
college education?
ment was capitalism.
Inscriptions fronting the entrance to the Davulloc: at a luncheos of thelr group. those who were opposed to sending any American boys to Europe In the event of war In Muhlhausen, Muenzer and Pfeiffer bad This building contains the story of America unemployed (Continued from Paro were asked to. stand up. Imes. Add reasons for spread their propaganda. As preachers thes and what they have to offer America. and This exh! bition our peace loving President opposition to people Teter.
hoped to achieve this in suttihad at first demanded the privilege of sitting shows the wealth created by the skill and artistry of Amer.
endum on war.
fent time before the cos! com.
in at Couson meetings. At propicious mo ica unemployed. But it doesn show the wealth they mission sesatons to have tho ment, when the population was called togeth created (for capital before they were robbed of even their tied up completely.
er to answer a muster roll, Muenzer urged Jobs.
The White House conference the assembled people to kick out the old gov.
Was marked by the bigh bandernment and take the reins into thels own May Nineteen guns for the Polish delegation. dicod tone and dictatorial attituda hands. This they did. new government was tatorship wn quite as good a9 monarchy. of Roosevelt towards the decreed to be run by an Eternal Council. committee and the oper.
Community of property was proclaimed.
May Mayor La Guardia. one of the great admirere ators.
Philip of Hesse moved on Frankhausen of Finland. As he termed himself, sald, Mention the name Ral to the nellt Appeal)
Union on Dolenalve where Muenzer with 000 men and made his of Finland and every American will admire your one biggest FRESNO, Caur. May Della Pedroncell and Normar Roosevelt demanded that the stand. Philip asked for an Armistice, but, as exhibit to the whole world your national honor. He was Dorn, both members of the newly formed Fresno ant of the mines be opened but he failed be had done in other cases, violated the armisreferring to the isolated example of honor among the vicYoung People Socialist League, were in Jail today, charger to say a word about protecting tice before it had clapsed. Muerzor troops torious thieves after the last Worid War, with inciting workers on the 600 acre Paul Mosoglan Ranol the rights of the workers inwere defeated. 000 of them were slaught The British Government is claspine America to her to quit work and Join the week old strike of seriooltura volved. He deliberately left the ered. Muencer way teten prisoner.
bosom la aftful brotherly embrace; and so its Pavilloo ex laborers for bigher wares.
False impression that the union hibits to millions of Americans the family tree of the Father The strike was called Tuesday by the Farm Worker: was also responsible for the His captors asked him to explain his doeds.
of Our Country, tracing Washington descent from King Issociation, the action cural workers union in this area He told them he noted and preached as he shut dowa and the coal short John. That should establish Our Father as an English ruler More than 200 workers left the fields to demand an Inoreast age.
had because they, the princes, hud sacrificed of good blood, and render is all loyal fighting subjects. Just wages from 20 to 30 oonis en hour. They had been em everything to Just and rvatice.
Actually, the entire role of a lete removed, of the British crown.
ployed to thin prunes on the Past Moseslan Ranch whor: the has been comMuenzer was handed over to the execution Columbia University President, Dr, Nicholas Murray conditions were intolerable.
pletely defensive during the er. For day he was tortured horribly by Butler, called. In a bigh sounding Collective Security varla Comrades Dorn and Pedroncelll were arrented when the crists that began on April thumbscrew and rack, then thrown into the tlon, for the President of the United States lo lead in the went out to the orchards to persuade the remaining work when the old contract expired.
dungeon organization of the world for peace, with International seers to quit scabbing and join the strike.
Inspired by Roosevelt open On May 27, two days after his capturo, the curly protected by the combined nevies of the world. The Ytpsels have been actively adding the strike by soln double cross of the mlaers and executioner did his work. Muenzer mout gulllble audience, fooled (as once before) by college press lng the ploket line overy day. Over the week end. Myrx the entire which is intated head was liteed on pike, and displayed dential oratory, cheered.
Tanoer, leading member of the in California, pro volved in this key strike, Clovas warning against revott. It became in coeded to the strike front and spoke to the strikers for inore ernor Chandler quickly ADstead symbol of the struggle against op. May High restautant prices at the Palr are causing a than an sonr.
nounced his intention to send pression, an Inspiraton to future generations Ude of complaint. For examplo. at the Casino of Nations: The Fresno expeo to continue to ala tho strikers the strike breaking National of rebels. the founders of Clernen Marxian Soup. 25c: entree. and up: roast beel sandwich, 1; ham will victory is won.
Guardsmen to Harlan county socialem.
sandwich, 50c: Americas cheese sandwich, 40c: ooffee or to open the mines.
Daily Highlights of the World Fair THOMAS MUENZER (1499 Decapitated, May 21, 1525)
Turbulence, ferment. rebellion thus was the sixteenth century born.
New systems, and new ideas grappled with the foundations of old. Capitalism. lusiy Infant, spread ita Arms and crowded the prices and lords who ruled by feudal right of land ownership, and sorf labor.
The mercbat clasa, the townsmen, crew wealthyor, lapped the resources of the known and settled world, spread the tentacles of trade. And challenged the authori. y of feudal migbl. In Dagland, where serious upheavals had already taken place, their economo power was clearly established: political power they had yet to seize. In Germany they were first beginning to feel their importance, to grow properous.
And as they extended their activities, slowly Temoldog the basis of social organisation, the downtrodden serís, the newly important artiBons, and the newly created plebtans who formed reservoir of unskilled labor became resuive.
The merchants who sought to undermine tho traditional authority of feudal lord and church itself the richest and most powerful 0: the feudal landowoers) were echoed in the mighty thunderbolt that Martin Luther burled at traditional doctrine, and the calablished churcb, Luther took religion out of the hands of a few lords (priests. made it the property of the masses, presented the bible in nalive German instead of unintelugible Latio.
glon, the church, completely dominated the thought of the day: social upheaval therefore couched itself in reilglous terms, sought junts.
fication there, etc. Goes Beyond Protestant Reformation Thomas Muenzer was among those who avidly took possession of Lather views. bright young theologian, Luther had even helped hin secure a pastorate. An eloquent preacher, he attacked monks bitterly.
Luthor bad however only cracked the shell of society. Muenzer was adon far ahead of him; shell and all had to go. Lu her who had inspired him. now repelled him. For Muenzer had become a man of action and revolution who ranged bimself on the side of the op kors, and the easy living reformers. ke Dressed masses against the rulers. the possesLuther that casy living nesh of Wiltenberg)
Hs smal. swarthy figure become a popular aight among the plebians and peasants who listened to his harangues against princes and middle of the way reformers. Way ohead of hts day which incked the material prerequl.
sites for the execution of his vlews. Muencer preached the community of goods. the Inner Light. In effect the right of each man to hold bis own views. Bomo of his ideas. daring for his time, became democratic commonplaces three centuries later.
Several times he settled as preacher in various German cides: as often he was chased out by the fat bellion and the worried towns folk who were wlltag to go 80 fer in social (Rell LEWIS BLASTS STAND Yipsels Jailed for Aiding Calif. Agricultural Strikers