CominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerInvasionItalyMarxismNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEALTUESDAY, MAY 16, 1939 POWERS CONTINUE MANEUVERS FOR WAR ALLIANCES NEW HEARINGS Russia Bids for Powers Support SITUATION ON In the ON LUDLOW. Japan Veers from Berlin Axis COAST HIRING APPEAL ARMY Labor REFERENDUM HALLS IS ACUTE Unions Passport Forgers Are Sentenced to Two Year Terms Emboldened Coughlinites Provoke Workers MAY NEW INTERNATIONAL OUT Reading Workers, SUGGESTIONS FROM times. Then make up Hat of For the first time slace th: Foreign Affairs, at Geneva on cret into an open indary alllTHE BRANCHES: all those who have bought the current crisis set in the Sovtet May 22, to see if a deal can yet ance, Japan hedged. It hedged sbould like to forward a paper any one of the four ament this week publicly be made. Here matters stood because it did not want to risk suggestion a full alliance with last Friday, War Mongers Align to sub getters. umes. These people may be being brought into a frontal Order by Maritime May times it is difficult for considered as readers. Then as France and Great Britain 89 cinsh with the Western pow.
Forces to Scotch Not Muoh Good the price of Ils collaboration to Commission Ignoring of an once. He find that is to deliver and sell them the ers. In the end it refused to enworker to part with dollar BIR one particular person who Actually what good would ter the open alliance, and there che war front against Adolf Congress Discussion such an alliance be to Russla? can be no question that the Union Raises Issue many good prospects are lost paper regularly each time it Hitler. By WIDICK The alternative, unmentioned Can the Russians seriously be. German Soviet flirta ton was because of ihts. Over ball of comes out. Thus, you know (Special to the Socialist Apponl)
Too many reports have been but lacidly understood by Rul Lleve that the British and one of the principal reasons for the subs have obtained and who will buy the paper and who By FELIX MORROW WASHINGION. The Mari this comrade is one of our ace not laterested. In this way coming from Wasbington, Heerlogs on the Ludlow war coccerned would be Russian Freuch will send any effective this decision. In the last two months of referendum amendment to the cooperation with the Nazi aid to the Soviets in case of a German attack on the Kokumin sambun, which for more und bring medical the cases have started out with Paw Fielding of Akron, The army organ in Tokyo, ume commission announced sub getters were secured on you can get into persona COD a growing estrangement be Constitution were opened Wed. Relch.
an official Tass communique. in his famous schedule months was the most ardent West Coast in meaning tour as low as 104 and worked my tween John Lewis, Desday by a subcommittee of Lid President the Senate Judiciary commit later expanded into tongthy pulling speechlast Mure parti o Japan entry into ships of Jts recently organized way up to the doller bill overing out this systein and we are The Akron branch 13 Carrychairman, Roosevelt to ignore any longer. tee.
editorial in Izvestie, the Soviet Stalla said that the Westem public alliance, Abruptly las Pacific Northwest Orientale period of few weeks. This Boxdous to hear what results Certainly, the Lewis letter After the first day session. Government organ, announced powers would like nothing bet has been particularly success will bring. It sounds like an burning the Roosevelt admin. st already clear that the Soviet rejecidon of the British ter than to ket Germany and the shifted its ground Line Charroan Land of the rulin my shop. There are Apextremely effective plan, es istration for the impasse in the hearings will be no substitute proposal that the Russian Russia at each other throats anertly declared that Japan commission deliberately reproximately ninety workerspecially for those branches that coal strike lations between them friend. which has boon demandod for Rumania in the event that Brilgalte right. It would still be the many and Italy in its ight fused to accede to the request employed normally of these are small in size and which hardly make re for the full debate in Congress come to the aid of Poland and and in this, at lest, he was could get along without Ger against communism. At the of the Sailors Union of the nine are already reading the have to concentrate their eflier.
two years by labor and liberal ain and France go to war as case, alliance or no alliance.
There can be no question that same time te jepanese tried Pacific and other maritime Appeal twice a week. am con forts.
Lewis was chagrined by the groups. but which President result of the guarantees they to check the Anglo Soviet nego unlons that the commission folrident that in the course of the failure of the Roosevell admin Roosevelt and the Demooretic have extended to those coun. the German Soviet soundingslations by warning the Briusli row the standard West Coast next few months at least 50 SPECIAL COMBINATION Istration to support legislation and Republicre leaders of tries.
arc continuing and have a that an alliance between Britpolicy ready had one extremely sig sea going of the shop will be getting the guaranteeing union rates and Congress bave thus far sucThis plat, the Soviet public nificant result: Japan has also and Russia, might foro Crafts through union bato OFFER: Appeal through the mails.
coadulons, on All government ceeded in preventing, roady voered from ita and Recently, the Sailors Union There is no reason why this The special combination of armament orders, as we point. The subcommittee in charge statements averred, left tely into the German Italian of the Pactic membership experience cannot be duplicate of the New International.
elemente previous column of of the hearing is hostile to the Soviet Union tool unguaran. comintera exis partners. Jap: camp.
took a strike vate and threated all over the country. Com. Socialist Appeal and Fasclam Theo Lewis let it be town and Senator Miller being te lect, really left tbe Russians strategy is based upon an evenWest Coast unless this tirerades must be impressed with and Big Business should give ened to shut down the govern the extreme value of our paper every branch and comrade an in Washington that he was sus corded in opposition, while the holding the box. because in te tun, clash with Russia. Its con ment move to introduce fick for agitation among the work opportunity to gather ta plonty picious of Roosevelt crusader remaining subcommitteeman, ality on the Russians could tinental drive, tts Invasion of balls and to bust the union ers. One sub to the Appeal wllt of new subscriptions policy in foreign Affairs. 01 Borab, is on the fence. extend effective aid to the China, Is regarded as part of hiring balls was stopped.
make moro Trotskyites than Next week we are launching the record he suggested to Not Fit to Print Polea and Rumanians of the let the broader plan for the inve The announcement of the 1, 000 haphazard talk fests. a special drive to get renewals some reporters that he was on The first day bearings re er were attacked by Germany. sion of the Soviet marlume maritime commission, which Ls Bob of Los Angeles. for the Appeal. In combination Isolationist. At least his state. ceived little coverage in the Neville Chamberlain hasten provloces, for with the Rusin direct contradiction to We agreo 100 with the with this drive we now havo ments hinted strongly in that press. The New York Times ed in comunoas speech to slabe established across the promise made in a letter of above remarks and especially this special offer which should direction, made it the tall to another promise the Russians that they narrow strip of the Japan seu.
In his letter against the story, the Herald Tribune lg would be obliged to extend the Japanese emptre remains Harry Hopklos, secretary of cell their attention to those of be very useful in visiting those commerce. to Harry Lunde our friends and comrades who former subscribers who have Roosevelt administration pol nored it altogether as did the such aid unless British and forever unsafe. In the view of berg. secretary treasur work in shops with other work atled to renew their subscripPrench forces were already in the Tokyo militarists.
icy in the coal strike, Lewis Dally worker, and these were By NAT LEVINE made this very significant typical be fleld. This in turn the Rus. Japan in Tough Spot er, brings the situation to an ers. Bob has shown that this tons. More on this later.
The ants Comintern pact NEW YORK. Ossip Garber acute stage.
statement, referring to the fact The present text of the proslans rejected as useless that Kentucky, West Virginia, posed amendment itself empledge and demanded instead was the name given by Ger. Aaron Shertin and Edward Hopkins told Lundeberg taat sent in 10 subs himseur in the Here the sub list for the Bureau of Iospec lon. past two months!
past week which represents the etc.
were withholding unembodies a new series of conces full fledged alliance. This so maoy, Italy. and Japan, to Blatt, whom a jury convicted the From Akron, Ohlo we recelve lowest point we ve reached for ployment benefits to the si sions to the war makers. ter, the British have been in their understanding that they last week of a criminal con which is under his jurisdiction he following Suggestion, via iong Ume. We ve got to pick ers. Tho implications of this now reads up and the campaign for sub situation are obvious when one Except in case of attack by ment was made for the French drive against Russia. During passports were each sentenced would do its hiring through England: considers the political control armed forces, actual or imme. and British foreign ministers to the last few months while nero letter which received onewals we are launching can de and close its East by Federal Judge Coast halls.
from an English comrade last be the means of dolog this In the four states lo question. diately threatened, upon the meet with Vladimir Potemkin, tiations proceeded for the conweek suggests this method of CALIFORNIA Only, Pennsylvania with United States or its territorial the Soviet Vice Commissar o version of that pact from SC Henry Goddard.
Chler Attorney. John Abandons canvassing the Appeal. Take a New York City nd possessions, or by any non Cahill, in pressing for a maxi block of houses and canvas Chicago ministration, has ruled that the American nation against any mum sentence. declared that Widely Heralded them with the paper for four Ohio strikers are entitled to rem country in the Western Hemithe three men were associ. Adult Education issues. Do the block thorough Minneapolis ployment insurance checks! sphere, the people shall have ly each time and take down St. Louis Union Sacred the sole power by national ref.
State, referring to Adolph Ar.
the number of the apartment Foreign nold Rubens, under whom the Since Lewis can scercely be erendum to declare war or to (By a staff Writer) where Wo occupant bought a St. Paul classified as a dull politician engage in warfare overseas.
three convicted men func.
NEW YORK CITY. May copy. At the end of four weeks Newark his attitude must be judged as Congress, when it deems a na.
Halled three years ago AB you will have four separate Connecticut Teflecting to a large extent the tona) crisis to exist in conforRubens Was Ewald force for the preservation of lists of people who have bought feelings of his followers, es mance with this article, shall he paper from one to four By BEN FEINER Rubens. how imprisoned in democracy. adult educa possible they started leerlo Moscow. was identified byclon forums have been abanpecially the miners.
by concurrent resolution refer Total: NEW YORK CITY The sale 400 Insulting a couple of pick To the miners, one thing is the question to the peopie.
wa Congress shall by Inw pro of the Social Justice in the ets who were marching peace bead of the Soviet Millary Ic city as part of Roosevelt pro sacred. That is the union.
Unionism is part and parcel or vide for the enforcement of most provocative manner by fully up and down in front of a telligence in Western Europe. Eram to cut reller and smash the Cougblindtes is causing pu store. Jewish woman took the their lives. All events and pho this section.
merous incidents and near rlots part of the pickets and gave as a Russian secret agent who every democratic Institution in St Ants War Symbol ple are judged primarily by Various parts of the city. the boodlums piece of hor served under him at Moscow. the United States in prepara their effect on the union. The scope, actual and capaIssues of International Rod Dwight Macdonald very While Roosevelt has great ble of construction of the ex. Most of these go unreported in mind. One of the gang struck Krvitsky. In an interview with top for war.
her in the face. One outraged the Baltimore Sun, May 5, de Get up in 1935, tho forums national importance vie for at popular column.
personal popularity among the ccptions given Congress under the daily press.
One such near riot occurred Desserby Smashed into the agent of Latvian birth namedhood clubs, unlan halls and ber of The New International. itaeurot to Right concerns scribed Rubens 13 were held in schools, neigbbor. ention in a brillant May num from It has been diminish which the people need not be some of the absurdi dne, and the empty stomachs consulted, are sufficient for at last Saturday night at Flatbush hoodlum.
and Church Avenues. This 18 a At this point the police of our Ewald.
churches with the idea of atim The correspondence between ties of recent White House and of the miners will promule this most any conceivable situation.
most Liberal administration That the Rubens Ting was ulating discussion of el points Leon Trotaky. Fourth Interna New Deal statements and acts.
growing tendency But even in this form, the busy shopping district espec laliy 80 OD Saturday night that permits such outrages on being used by the to of view on controversial sub Under the impact of events proposed amendment has be.
Lewis followers are beginning come a symbol of Anu war The Coughladies came down We buslest streets came upon remese Teolooney moves lects. It was characterized by es of the French PS. and role of the Congression Plvert and Daniel Monopoly Investigaung Comto realize that a policy of tall sentiment and hence an object pedding bolsily thelr flitby the scene.
ending the Rooscyr! adminto ot hostility and suppression by sheet and abouting anu Semitic The cop naturally arrested staged arrest to Moscow or that time as restoration of Guerin is published. The course mitte.
Additional features of the tration means continued re the Roosevelt administration. slogans. In order to make the woman and the man who Rubens and hls wife In Novem direct participation of the puls of this important French workber 1937 was justified and ex lic in clvic affairs which char. Ing class party, which French May toue include the followtreat and weakening of the way this is go was indirecuy themselves 49 obnoxious as dofended her and in order to 10.
stated by Senator La Follette show his Imparlially took plained by the Soviet Embassy acterized the town meetings La Fourth Internationalists recent ing: ly Joined, 18 amply revtewed In The concluding articles by Over two 10. Washington on the ground colonial days.
months ago we who was the first witness at the Action Brought che fascist into custody. The that the couple might well be Thousands Attended man was charged with assault Trolakylats.
this exchange of letters, and Jerry Pytlak on The Economheard from a man who has hearinga.
Between 1935 and 1937 more undoubtedly will have an effectics of Cotton Farming.
Action for this War Plans Implied been associate with Lewis 200 ball fixed at five bundred And The refusel of Mrs. Rubens than 200. 000 New Yorkers at on future developments of the Gregory Zipovlev magnificent for twenty years that he was The present Administration Jobless Worker dollars to accept the proffered aid of lended the forums. The pro.
series on Wars. Defensive thinking of switching bis party should favor this proposal, beThe trial will take place American Embassy officials Ject employed thousands of in The collapse of Roosevelt and Aggressive.
alliance again. It should be re cause it could only restrain Three weeks ago tragedy Thursday morning at the Magimmediately after she was ar structors. New Deal and its replace. paper by Alpha entitled membered that Lew was a President who is committed to Republican for most of his life. Possible participation in for came to the Druso family Estrate Court as Snyder aadrested in MOSCOW indicated Said the cynical Colonel Somment by what is now fittingly Learn to Work in the Stallist Flatbush Avenues.
that she was cooperating with crvell local admints described as the War Deal. Manner.
the in pink This is a typical example of the tolok both her and trator, in pronouncing obituary is subjected to the keer scalBook Reviews Democrats and the Hagues as repeatedly said he is not. said slip from the office.
Mr. Druso had been strain who is going on throughout her husband to Trotskyist of the project: Soap boxes are pels of the editors. The Ed!
Recent books by the most dangerous opponents LA Follette.
ing beyond endurance to make the city. Ever since the Nazi plot against Stalin.
100 cheap in New York to Justor Comments have Any one who raises tho 16of the IO lone James, Lowis Mumford and Embassy Myth Exploded ufy the cost of maintaining been regarded as among the James Rorly are reviewed by The fact that most of Lewissue that this proposal will ends meet wbile he worked as meeting in Madison Square The apprehension of Ru Corums.
most thorough of Marxist re. George Novack, Dr. Paul strength in the labor movement werken or strengthen any laborer on the H! Garden the fascists bave grown centers around industrial Arean Rroup In Europe must do 80 mic and two children needed very bold. Assured of protec. ben American accomplices He announced at the 58 views and interpretations of the Lattinger and Felix MOTTOW.
tion by the administration they by United States agents Inves ime the educational and recreievents and problems of the The books are The Black Jacwhich are heavily isolationist. upon the ground that we are to food and a home sod his obing and History of Negro furnishes clue to his position implement our foreign policy to manage in thelt slum tenere uofolding very aceres trating passport frauds threw ational projects sponsored by day.
Stallniet Role Revolt. Men Must Act and on foreign policy. The unrea by Active military support ment in Astoria.
When Mr. Druso was thrown is only sporadic and unorgan. plan for a show trial the Board of Education would exposures American Medicine Mobil.
sonableness amor the Army ernd Wolfe Navy departments on arm foreign soll.
aments orders must also bave to take this position is to Roosevelt administration de do nothing policy of the tradaresa to plot gainst the further layoffs are certain bpdevelopment of Stalinism Irish question and socialized cooled Lewis ardor for sup challenge the good faith or cided to cut the budget, he had union leaders, the ostrich Uke Kreinun. The striking revela. fore the new school year alarts contributed by Jacques Detal of medicine conclude one of the porting Roosevelt In holy war every statement which has ly. There was nothing to eat in the sand of the four lace tlong by Krivitsky of Rubens in September. ID 1938 the Paris his article. The Inter most atractive. readable and so money to support his fami attitude of sticking e Jewish lead real identity now explodes the spent 27, 275, 295 on national of Unlversal Chauviosientficant issues of The Now against fascism.
been made, 80 far 46 know by any responsible person in the house. Rent had to be ers and the very sane pro myth that he, his wife or any Board of Education enter the International.
gram of ignoring the rescists of the convicted men were in prises, including the construcImportant Trend speaking for the Administro. Pald to the landlord.
Rellof Dealed that the stallpists are advocat any way associated wi the ton and repair of school buildThe political implications of tion. In short, it cannot be Yr, Druso applied to the As.
ing the resistance is surprising Trotskylsts In addition to Ings.
this new trend in the policies et claimed that this measure al torta reliet office. They dis ly strong. must help organ. Krivitsky Identification or Lewis who is the decisive subfects in any way the struksic covered that the Test driver. the fascist rabble on the man was, ize a counter offensive against Rubens as G. Agent.
jective factor in de ermining for power abroad, unless it is long time ago. here is the knowledge that programs are far: at the same timo admitted He still possessed his hack 11 streets. The broad masses will each of the convicted men was reaching and sbould be care that military measures on for.
cense. For that reason the support it as they did the anti Associated in various catacl in mind.
fully born Roosevelt runs eign soll are in contemplation.
Druso family was denied relief Nazi demonstration, ties with the American ComHis In Plain English Let us organize the anti 1as.
munist Party, directly counter to the basic In other words since the The man was told to look for clat struggle The prosecution avoided in.
policy of his stalinist alles Senator from Wisconsin is too a Job as a taxi driver.
But no taxi drivers were bedicating the stalinist connec who played down this angle of polite to utter them. the ing bired. No food was being ANNOUNCEMENTS tions of the convicted men dur the con strike in the Daily Roosevelt administration opgiven to the family of four.
ing the trial. It is belved that An Unusual Combination Offer!
Worker. His private opin! ons position to the Amendment The relief authorities turned this procedure was dictated by on forelyn policy, while not be nows from Roosevelta plans a deaf ear to the starving man. WICERE ECHERS FALL WE the State Department The (until June 15th)
sleally different. do likewise (Continued from Page 1)
SUCCEED! We offer, where guarded allusion made by Ca. dependent upon reliet, a total more favorable setting for longe war of conquest od But night after night he was forolga sol.
Others fallod, sequel to hin to a foreign state was of 650. 000 get ing ald in some forced to return home without In Combination Labor Party agitation has been when the measure come up penny to buy food. The Modern Punch by the the first reference to these con NO. created as a result of his crit for vote in the House of form. He added that it was The man was desperate. He Original Red Puppeteers, the rections made by the absolutely impossible for the FASCISM AND BIO BUSINESS and side splitting Punch Joins Attorney. The stand of the city of Chicago to take care of cism of Roosevelt and the sentatives on January 10, 1938 and his family were very hunSOCIALIST APPEAL for one year both for. 76 the Army! Saturday. May state Democratic Party. It would be Dot for passage but for gry. They went to the Astoria (Manhattan, Bronx, Foreign)
no casy job to switch the work whether or not it would be local of the Unemployed and 13. alter the conventional by meat is dictated any who were thrown off the for the Stalin rolls it further relief slashes ers from one bankrupt party brought on the floor for de Project Workers Union with 163 Norfolk St. Games, door clique, which is regarded FASCISM AND BIO BUSINESS and to another bankrupt parly. batel Roosevelt himself took their story. The same day the and grand prizes, dancing future possible elly in the com trere carried out. Further tax.
SOCIALIST APPEAL for stx months both for. 00 es, he said, could not be added Postscrlpt: Another reason charge of mobiltelng meand bilardons time for sl. ing war for democracy.
union sent its grievance com (Manhattan, Bronx, Foreiga. to those already imposed. He for the coolness between Lewis, Jority against opening debate mille to the relief bureau and Roosevelt is the wielding He secured. but only by ele Today Mr. Druso application NO. TO THE READERS of the too failed to call for the turn CONVENTION DANCE, Batur of what Louis Stark, New York ven votes, and thanks to the for relle has been received day, May 13, at the Down FASCISM AND BIO BUSINESS and Russian Bulletin: The ling of the monstrous war funds Times Jabor reporter. called war bysteria created by the town Workers Center, 61 NEW INTERNATIONAL for one year both for agric. The fact thnt he once test issue of the Russian over to the relief of the upem2. 76 was a hack driver will no the big stick by Roosevelt string of the Americas gan Street, Foreign)
Bulletin, No. 15 16, arrived ployed, yet he exuressed as. 25 on the and the of boat Papay in the Yangtse, longer prevent him from getand can be gotten at 116 fear of wat might happen Order from: to patch up a labor peace. The All attempts to secure pub ting relief. In the moontime University Pl. 2nd floor. should Roosevelt program go At Your Service Big stick bappened to be alle discussion In Congress since Mr. Druso and his family have Ask for Sylvis Caldwell, through when he declared: PIONEER PUBLISHERS 116 University Pl.
1s not a question of how we threat of compulsory arbiiyathen have been crushed by the known starvation. The Roose THE APPEAL tion of all labor disputes, we Democratic Republican united velt administration did wou in Get Your APPEAL can afford rellet, but of how New York City were informed.
front on foreign policy. cutting the budget.
POSTER SHOP At the Newsstand can we afford not to provide IO MAYORS SAY RELIEF CUTS DISASTROUS Fascism and Big Business The New International Socialist Appeal Repre. 75 It