BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarDemocracyFascismHitlerInvasionMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyViolenceWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1939 ne granted his dramplice disclosures even thought Senator Bilbo Presents: Preview Their Of the Road to American Fascism Government Associate Editors ELIX MORROW Kettle and the Pot Answered SOCIALIST APPEAL they are still incomplete, the respect and crediVol. III, No. 32 May 12, 1939 bility which they so certainly deserve. The comBy James Burnham Published twice a week by the plete failure of the Stalinists to make any kind SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN of reply to his damning revelations has only at 116 University Place, New York, NY.
confirmed us in our views.
Telephone: Algonquin 8547 One could go further and say that what KriRoosevelt Is Silent and Members of Congress Listen Without Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months vitsky might reveal to the Dies Committee would Protest as the President Party Colleague Calls for Fascist Foreign: 00 per year, 50 for six months. Bun not be invalidated by the personnel of his audi Race Hatred With the Cry Drive the Negroes Out!
cents per copy in all foreign countries. Single tors. But to appear voluntarily beiore such a copies: cents.
crew would heavily damage whatever standing By RUTH JEFFREY that of the Nazis: settlement of the Negro in his Civil and democratic rights are not at all a luxury Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for Krivitsky himself has among those who take The United States Senate was Scientific research has suc native fatherland, and the Govfor labor, nor valuable merely for their own sake.
presented with a preview of cessfully established three ernment would save money on They are essential to labor very existence, to the Reentered as second class matter February 16, seriously the battle against reaction.
American fascism on April 24, propositions beyond all contro the transaction, because if we workers ability even to get enough food to live on.
1939, at the post office at New York, under could succeed in removing Without them labor cannot fight; and, as things We repeat: Stalinism cannot be combatted by the Democratic Party Sen versy the Act of March 3, 1879.
are, without fighting labor is reduced to the status from the platform of arch reactionary Martin ator from Mississippi, Theodore First, the white race has 5, 000, 000, 000. 000, or 8, 000, 000 of miserable slaves.
Editor: Dies.
MAX SHACHTMAN out, so Bilbo would expel the tained every civilization known go to Africa we would solve the The key task of fascism is to abolish democratic persecuted Negroes.
to the human race.
unemployment problem and do rights, especially the rights of labor: the right to LOOK WHO TALKING: Prime Minister Ne Bilbo fed the fires of race. Second, the white race, hav away with the necessity for reHAROLD ROBERTS organize, to strike, to picket, to demonstrate, to Staff Members: speak and write freely. When these rights are ville Chamberlain to a tense audience bitterly as hatred with craftily chosen or ing founded. developed and lief, for there would be a job gone, it is a child job for the bosses to drive invented quotations from the maintained a civilization, has for every white man and woEMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN sailed Premier Mussolini for Imposing the will writings of Thomas Jefferson never been known, in all his man in America.
down wages and to lift hours.
of a powerful nation on small and relatively Business Manager: STANLEY defenseless one by his armed invasion of Albania.
the first Democrat. Abra tory, to lose that civilization so He winds up by blaming Every worker has, therefore, good cause for Page Ireland, Egypt, India In short, most of ham Lincoln, and from the long as the race was kept white. syphillis, the Civil War, the boll alarm at the concerted and growing attack on Africa and Asia under Britain!
Bible. No objection whatever Third, the white man has weevil and other insect plagues democratic rights which has been taking place in FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST was raised by Bilbo fellow never kept unimpaired the civ on the Negroes, visited upon the this country during the past six months. Far from Senators. Senator Davis of lization he has founded and de land he avers, as were plagues receding in the days to come, there is every reason WORKERS PARTY FOR: Pennsylvania even asked for veloped after its blood stream upon Egypt, because of the to believe that this attack will become more inadditional information on fine has been adulterated by the presence of an unwanted race: tense, growing bolder with every partial success. job and a decent wage for every worker.
blood stream of another race, and adds his intention of elving Legal Straight jackets for Labor Open the idle factories operate them under It doesn take a personal acknowledgement President Roosevelt makes more especially another race so his hate breeding speech the Through a referendum vote in the November workers control from Alfred Landon to prove that in a crisis fine speeches against the Ger. widely diverse in all its inher: widest possible circulation.
elections, a new labor law, backed by the Associ.
man Nazis. But against the ent qualities as the black The fight, he concludes, to Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works confronting the capitalist class of the United Nazis of the American South, race.
ated Farmers, passed in the State of Oregon; and solve the race question by sepand housing program, States he is more than willing to loyally assist against his own party Sena BILBO IS AN aration. has just started a similar law was narrowly defeated in California.
This is only the beginning.
This law, which has not yet been firmly enforced. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wagein carrying out the major tasks which Roosevelt tor from Mississippi. whom ANTI SEMITE TOO Roosevelt provides with the wou make genuine unionism virtually imposAnd if you missed the Ary, SMASH RACE SLAVERY 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on is now organizing.
usual senatorial patronage an, anti Semitic implication of HERE AND NOW!
sible. long list of prohibitions so restrict the all jobs.
Everybody remembers, for example, the ex against fascism here and now. that last theory, a further re Bilbo great grandfathers right to strike, to organize, picket and boycott that Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability Roosevelt is silent.
the unions would be unable to get to first base.
mark makes it clear: cellent messenger boy Landon made at the Lima tore the African natives from pension.
BILBO HITLER CUTS. wish to say to the col their huts and dragged them few weeks ago, Minnesota passed an elaborate Conference following his appointment by Presi THE GORDIAN KNOT ored citizens who may hear me here to be sold into slavery.
law, incorporating many of the clauses of the Ore6. Expropriate the Sixty Families.
dent Roosevelt.
Bilbo minces no words: today, or who may read my For one hundred years our gon statute. Special features of the Minnesota law, All war funds to the unemployed.
such as those forbidding interference with transLast week in a speech at the Methodist Unit There are only two solutions speech, that if they are reset brothers, enchained, were driv.
to our ever present race prob tled in Liberia they will have en and beaten for the last portation are aimed directly at the Drivers people referendum on any and all wars. ing Conference, Landon again confirmed his loy lem in the United States. One one consolation in knowing that ounce of profit that could be Union, backbone of the Minnesota labor move9. No secret diplomacy.
ment. modified form of compulsory arbitration alty to Roosevelt, pointing out that he was cross solution is the physical separa they will not be troubled by the extracted from their bones.
tion of the races. and by white man. They will not be Liberated by the Civil is introduced, and strikes cannot be called until 10. An independent Labor Party.
ing party lines to back up the President, but this separation the blood troubled by a certain race. War, they entered a new phase after a whole series of notices and delays totalling 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante justifying it by the war crisis. He advocated stream of the white race shall such as we find in some of the of enslaved existence. But ex.
at least a month. Mass picketing is illegalized.
and Fascist attacks what Roosevelt advocates, a conference to work remain uncontaminated and all large cities, which makes a ploited, hounded, discriminated similar law has recently been put on the books in Wisconsin. Laws along the same lines, moreout a scheme to preserve world peace. In the culture progress and the bless specialty of racketeering and against, they have yet man ings of the white man civiliza exploiting and contaminating aged to carve something of a over, have been introduced this year into the legissame breath, like Roosevelt, he demanded that tion shall forever remain the the Negroes.
life for themselves and their latures of more than a dozen additional States.
the feverish construction of the war machine be priceless possession of the The most gratifying thing children in a land no longer Others are scheduled. and many threaten to pass Anglo Saxon in this proud Re have read in some time had to strange.
before the year is out.
Negro voters of Miami, Fla. last week courdo with the picketing in Har home far more than it is The Courts Do Their Bit This speech irritated the current editors of Mr. Bilbo white man, note, lem, New York, of stores that Bilbo As always, the courts, servile hirelings of the ageously answered the attempt of Ku Klux Klan the Daily Worker, who like Landon profess is an Anglo Saxon.
are owned by Jews. The Ne Today they stand shoulder to bosses, are well up in the front of the drive against with the exploited The other solution to this groes insisted that, since the shoulder paraders to prevent them from voting, loyalty to President Roosevelt.
the rights of labor. The year has been dotted with great problem is to let the two Jews were going to do busi workers of all origins who meet brazen decisions from one side of the country to The Ku Klux Klanners, hiding their faces Landon speech conflicts with their thesis races continue to live side by ness. some members of the in the slums, in the factories another behind full hooded regalia and covering the licthat Landon represents Wall Street whereas side in the same country, which Negro race should be employed and on the Tobacco Roads of The Supreme Court itself set the fashion in the ense plates of their automobiles, paraded on the notorious Fansteel case. The illegality of sit downs Roosevelt represents American democracy will result, as certain as fate, in those stores, and the Negroes America. They are no longer, in the loss of the white man made it so hot for our Jewish in the midst of economic crisis, was made unambiguous. The doctrine was laid which has its headquarters not in Wall Street, civilization.
friends that they were forced so rich a source of profit for down that a worker who is framed up on any eve of the city election primaries through the of course, of course, but under the shaft at Lest we be led to believe that to give employment to Negro the Bilbos, particularly when charge whatever no matter how trivial has no Negro district and threatened violence to Ne Bunker Hill and in the editorial offices of the Negroes makes him no friend Bilbo approves of picketing themselves and their children boys and girls in Harlem. they demand a decent life for legal redress against his boss, however many crimes the boss may have committed against the groes who would dare show up the next day at Daily Worker.
the polls.
So the current editors of the Daily Worker have stated frequently, the Jews. But woe to the Negro some of them back to the In Philadelphia, the fantastic decision in the Negro in America has no bet worker or sharecropper who jungles.
took a few columns On the following day the Negrocs flocked to their issue of May to ter friend than am to him. dares to join a picket line in But their place is not in the Apex Hosiery case, rendered under the anti trust laws, attempts to find a means for wiping out The mere fact that spent four Mississippi! Bilbo himself African jungles. Through their the polls. The City Clerk reported that they prove that Landon was using weasel words unions financially whenever they conduct a miliwhen he got behind Roosevelt side by side with days on the floor of the Senate would lead the lynching squads. blood and their sweat they have tant strike. voted at a ratio of to greater than ever fighting the so called antithem.
And here is Bilbo proposal: helped build America, and they In California, Illinois, New York and elsewhere, lynching bill is evidence of the. At the last session we are our fellow American work court decisions have struck at secondary picketing before.
The current editors tried to prove that Lan fact.
appropriated over 2, 000, 000, 000 ers and farmers, with whom and boycotts, at the presence on the picket line of So aroused were the Negroes that when a don is really a fascist veiling himself behind His friendliness established, for relief. One half of that we join hands in our struggle anyone not an employee of the shop being pickgroup of Ku Klux Klanners gathered about a loyal phrases to the President. But it must be he proceeds to his racial inter amount of money could be for liberation, for black and eted, at mass picketing, at the closed shop.
pretation of history, much like spent in providing for the re white alike.
polling booth, littering threats, the chief of police noted that their arguments were not even as Congress Joins the Parade thought it more prudent to disperse the Klanners plausible as those of previous editors of the number of remarkable bills directed against democratic rights have been introduced into this than the Negro voters.
Daily Worker who attempted to prove back in session of Congress, and several of them have alThe success of the Miami Negroes in defying 1932 and 1933 that Franklin Roosevelt was ready passed at least one House. Many are con the Ku Klux Klan should prove once again that a war mongering iascist.
cerned with aliens including among aliens all who have not been granted their final citizenship they CAN conquer the rights that are theirs as We don want to spoil the chuckles readers of papers. One of these, which has been approved by human beings. But if they want to gain more the Daily Worker will obtain from the eclitorial the House of Representatives, makes any alien By NAT LEVINE subject to immediate deportation who advocates than the privilege of putting a ballot into a box by dissecting it phrase by phrase dissecting a lined with beautifully sculp titled, The Fleet in Peace. any change in the present form of government which can be stuffed or clumped into a furnace joke is the surest way to spoil it. And this is not No more gigantic, all envel tured glass statues. But the The Fleet in War. The Not overthrow or violent change or fundaby the capitalist political machine anyway, they necessary anyway, since in the usual sparkling oping swindle was ever con brutal legends on the walls are Marine Corps, and The Coast mental change but any change whatever.
must join with the vanguard of the working Daily Worker style, the editorial refutes itself. reivecond crealized there the wise delicate interior. Im Adjacent and part of the na Another. now being debated, would establish concentration camps for aliens convicted of any class in the fight for socialism in the United But one tasty little item is too tempting to pass ed into its 216 acres is a stag mediately upon entering, one is val exhibit is significantly criminal charge and convicting an alien of a confronted with the States.
up: Landon wants America to become an imIs time Commission, now engaged criminal charge is a cinch when you set your mind perialist grabber with Hitler.
The courage and heroism that is charactergering variety of State. Feder. To Be Prepared for the enough, that of the Mariand to it.
cial peepshows, each as differ One of the Most Effectuat in a fight against the seagoing Means third bill, with a good chance of being enacted This sounds very much like an attempt to anistic of the Negro race will prove one of the ent from the other as the suits at this session, makes a crime of any attempt to most powerful forces in smashing forever the swer Landon charge: Until very recently the in Grover Whalen wardrobe. An accompanying slogan reads, mural which reads first. 25 influence the army or navy. Under this bill all anticapitalist system of in quality and scarcity and left wing liberals, who are the war party in morrow, the name is as breath Bulwark of the Nation Basic Livelihood Directly or indirect war propaganda since it might conceivably come to the attention of a soldier or sailor would be establishing the socialist system of genuine America now, were saying we went into the taking as the size and scope of Institutions. Under each of the ly from Our Ocean Trade. Na technically illegal, equal rights and plenty for all.
World War not to save democracy but to save The President has already deprived all aliens our investments. Now they are the loudest in the plasterboard masquerading matic tableaus exhibits of the Demand a strong Merchant Marine. The Strong Merchant of the right to jobs.
as concrete.
number of Congressarguing that we must oppose force with force men wish to prohibit the granting of any kind of Trench warfare is strikingly Marine is shown in the next The purpose of the Fair depicted by a three dimension slide of the mural as a Tanker, relief to anyone, citizen or allen, who belongs to to stop aggression in Europe.
apart from boosting New York al exhibit in which one sees in Freighter and a Liner camouan organization advocating a change in the form When the current editors of the Daily Workbusiness is to impress upon fantry advance, tanks poise in flaged for war transportation.
of government.
We do not know to what extent Walter KriA strong bloc of Congressmen are pushing an er accuse Landon of not loyally backing the glory and vitality of capitalism, attitudes of attack. changing PICTURES NOT BACKED amendment to the Wagner Act which would illegal vitsky, former head of the Soviet Secret Service President in his war plans, and Landon accuses subservience to which is the mural alongside portrays BY REALITIES ize the closed shop, and others which would, under in Western Europe who broke with Stalin in the Daily Worker crowd of the same sin, isn need of the hour: revolutionary Troops on the Front Line. The rest of the government the name of undue coercion. prohibit militant who is now in the United States, is there just a slight smudge of the kettle and the exhibit is given over to its pub union organization and action.
age by its display of capital Transportation of Munitions lic housing program. its edu The Future of Democratic Rights acquainted with the political situation in this pot calling each other black?
ism powerful resources. The Be It by Train, Ship, Motor or cational services. its public country. At all events, it should not be difficult gilt face which leers out of the Mule, and a Port of Embar works program. None of these The attack which has started against democratic for him to learn the real significance of the his job, which is in grave jeopardy because of the President Roosevelt is war mongering to save rights is in its first and mildest stage. Under the that capitalism will not suffer kation. Other tableaus depict exhibits gives the figures of pressure of the ever deepening economic crisis and Martin Dies witch hunting committee, which is failure of his domestic political plan, declares intimidation from the working the artillery, the air corps and congressional curtailment of the the swiftly approaching war, it will advance more class not an anti Stalinist body but a vicious anti Der Angriff, the newspaper of Hitler mouththe coast defense.
funds for these purposes, with swiftly and brutally. This we know in advance, and out which none of the fancy derevolutionary and anti working class outfit from bosses fall out, they tell the truth about each piece, Propaganda Minister Goebbels. When the The World of Tomorrow on it need not surprise us.
The Navy exhibit is repre signs portrayed by the exhibits the former Flushing dump heap sented by four trick scenes en can be realized in the future.
But what is in the highest degree alarming is to Nor should it be hard to learn the atti other.
is an earnest of the totalitarian the almost complete passivity of the labor moveWhat is perhaps the greatest ment in the face of the attack. If labor does not tude not only of the revolutionary movement capitalist world of the future.
misnomer of the entire Fair is towards the Dies Committee, but even of the Cropper Asks and swing soon into action it will be an accomplice in Superficially, the Fair most the so called Court of Peace, prominent feature is the endless average honest opponent of reaction.
Gets History of the fronting on the Government its own destruction. And the time to act is now: number of young girls parading tomorrow the infant may have grown to a giant Krivitsky, it is reported, is planning to testify Russian Revolution building. This huge square is too great to cope with.
Maxim Litvinov is reported by Tass, the offi their nude bodies at twentyused daily as a reviewing before the Dies Conimittee about the activities cial Soviet News Agency, to have relinquished talis multidea of a world of art heart of the deep Southeaster when these units are not either five cents a peep. That capiFrom a sharecropper in the Army. Navy and Marine Corps.
ground for military units of the of the and the Stalinists in the United his office at his own request in exactly the and culture.
States. If the report is true, it can only bring same manner as Yezhov, whose fate is now Actually the capitalist World to drilling discredit upon Krivitsky, just as it did in the of Tomorrow will be a thout the Socialist Workers Party re is used by the American Le unknown. Rumors circulated in Moscow that cently. asking for a copy of The Press case of Sam Baron. In both cases, the motives Litvinov resignation had nothing to do with towers and inspiring columns of sand fold uglier than the fluted Leon Trotsky History of the Sion and other patriotic organizations for uniformed drum of the witnesses, no matter how pure, could not a new possible turn in Stalin diplomatic inBy Arthur Hopkins the Fair would lead one to be Russian Revolution.
and bugle corps competitions. notice was posted on the when this writer approached General Franco broadcasts over the Madrid be oi decisive consequence. No one can claim trigues, that it was ilhess, a bad heart. strikingly revealed by examin. bulletin board, and comrade the press representative of the soldiers not guilty of crimes. But, as Phaedrus radio a promise of full pardon for all Republican the sympathy of labor who, wittingly or unwit few days later ALL the high officials of tingly, gives aid and comfort to the reactionary the Soviet oreign Office and OTHER close of the United States Govern which was mailed to the share grounds, he was asked whether said over 2, 000 years ago, it is a crime for a gang around Martin Dies. Stalinism cannot be colleagues of Litvinov were SUMMARILY ment.
the Socialist Appeal had copleblan to grumble in public against the bosses, let Upon its receipt, the share operated with the Fair manfought on that platform. HYMN TO WAR alone bear arms against them.
DISMISSED. Even though they didn relinThe entire Federal exhibit is acknowledging receipt of the that cooperation can only cropper wrote another letter agement. In view of the fact We have never shared Krivitsky political quish office at their own request. we ll wager permeated from beginning to book and thanking the mean whooping it up for Mr.
American Legion Post Number 1, begins a campaign to choose a veteran for president in 1940.
The interest of this country in peace and war can views, neither when he was in the Stalinist fac the whole treasury of Stalin G. against a end with New Deal propaganda for sending it. Not only he, but whalen show, the writer best be served by having as commander in chief tion nor when, following his break, he turned fresh clip of cartridges for a well oiled Mauser for war. The pro war, openly others in his neighborhood are begged off by accepting a onesomeone who has gone through hell in mud.
to the camp of bourgeois democracy. In view automatic, that they feel just about as ill as soft, modernistic interior, laid letter stated.
crass jingo exhibit is cast in a interested in studying it, his reads a resolution adopted by this Post. Someone day pass. We prefer hereafter who wants to get even, suppose, by getting the of the knowledge at the command of. Krivitsky, Maxim Litvinov himself. down with heavy plush rugs and to pay our own way.
rest of us to wallow in it too.
The World of Tomorrow. Glorified Swindle and Peepshow Krivitsky and Dies 1937 Resignation by Request Labor Looks Through