BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninMarxNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismURSSUnited FrontWorkers Party

FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL In the World of Labor Britain Seeking War Alliance With Soundings for Propagandists Stalin Hitler One Amalgam That Won Work Work to Align Pact Continue Nation for War Та On the Line. with Bill Morgan By Paul Stevens structure of the so called communist party Two Examples Portend Coming Letter from China ruled as a satrapy by a Kremlin proconsul.
Divisions in the Stalinist Camp But it is just in this description that the real Particularly view of such recent develop political nature of Dr. Bourguignon diverments as the removal of the champion of gence from Stalinism begins to become clear.
the trend towards some kind of a deal with Here is what he says about his attitude toward collective security. Maxim Litvinov, and the straw boss: As is their practice, the Stal name of a spurious People s, watching Wang Ching wel that Hitler. Stalinism is due for large scale splits do not want to bear any longer having inists have attempted an amal Anti Japanese United Front their man was long ago spirited and desertions. On the one hand, a turn to this Slav Jew, ignorant as he is about our Hitler is bound to open the eyes of many denational mentality, impose upon us our mangam between Chen Tu hsiu. which has produced nothing away to Japan?
military Chinese revolutionist of long but disasters for (Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
But why, oh why didn Mr.
ceived workers in the so called communist ner of voting and dictate to us our attitudes.
parties. On the other hand, many of the petty From here, it is only one step to the ultra low what they want of Polish a traitor of equally long stand just as its counterpart in Spain formation?
since he apparently none too firm.
standing, and Wang Ching wel, China in the war against Japan, Todd give us more detailed in aganda can be attached are bourgeois patriots whom the democracy nationalistic conclusion with which Dr. Bour territory without war if the ing, and one time friend of the facilitated the victory of Gen had no difficulty in finding out Since on paper. Rogerson line attracted in the past will no doubt take Italians abandon the hesitation Stalinists. The most recent such eral Franco.
the first opportunity of cleansing themselves am merely submitting to the dictates of they have displayed over attempt appeared in China that Wang had gone to Japan says, our case towards neuChen Tu hsiu, as an adherent on a Japanese gunboat, surely trals appears to lack a mainfrom every last tarnishing vestige of radical my conscience in rejoining as a simple soldierſ threatening to use force for Today. Below we print the of the Fourth International, is he must know the name of the spring, it will behoove us to ism in order to get themselves accepted as (sic. the great labor. family and in having the purpose.
bona fide nationalist warriors by the ruling gunbont. the port at which manufacture what we can and no other aim than that of applying whatever answer sent by Chang. las ardent an opponent of Japa Wang boarded it, the date of press it everywhere we can class.
strength and dynamic. force there is left in orcise the chore is to ex secretary of the Communist nese imperialism as he is its departure! Having scooped a task of making bricks with Hitler final. What will be left of the apparatus of the me to the service of the people, of the coun. the eastern frontier. This job national. It will most certain revolutionary champion of the everybody else. why is he so small straw.
Comintern parties wul probably be determined try: in being above all, a good Belgian.
has already been made easy That a foretaste of the way many bureau. for the Fuehrer by Stalin anxtors of China Today.
Some of the small straw ly not be published by the edi cause of the Chinese workers reticent on vital details?
in each country by the exigencies of the moand peasants against their opcrats abroad are going to part company with iety to come to terms with him.
pressors and exploiters, with ment confronting the local bureaucracies. But Where did Mr. Todd get the that will be used in the propawhom your organization is in bald information which he im plea for the protection of deganda bricks is the well worn the two fold trend indicated above is already the Kremlin.
Hitler. contemptuous of the The Editor, coming into evidence, although slowly.
league. He has proved this by parts? The answer is very mocracy, Rogerson points out: Members in Islington purge rent Soviet state and We have before us two cases. In the one China Today.
his entire political life. Since simple: he invented it. But let There will be no doubt that army, might even think it suf 168 West 23rd Street, your contributor cannot destroy us call attention to one more the next war will be billed as a PA, the defection of a group of rank and file Split and Join the Fourth Int ficient to his up the Anglo Soviet break New York, NY.
workers from the Communist Party of Great Chen Tu hslu political reputa point. When Wang fled from right between democracy and negotia.
Britain. In the other, the resignation of a An entirely different road away from Stal tion by reference to his real chungking, the Chinese press tions. Beyond that, he would In an article entitled The position and activities, he is and the news agencies all listed dictatorship. It may in fact be certain Dr. Bourguignon, who as recently as inism has been taken by a group of workers take, for the time being, a new story of a Traitor by John obliged to resort to falsifica the members of his entourage. get Italy as a partner and Ger.
nothing of the sort. We might April was a candidate for parliament on its list, from the Communist Party of Belgium.
munist Party. section of this branch raised German. Soviety trade pech Todd, which appeared in your tions which crumble at the first Wang and his followers which would provide the Reich Publication for March, 1939, the contact with reality.
the question of the betrayal in Spain, particu vigorously denounced. Chen rian Portugal is likely to come were many ket Belgium; authoritaEach case is symptomatic of the trend delarly with reference to the membership in the plies and oil.
with vitally needed food sup assertion is made that Chen Todd falsification in this inscribed.
Tu hsiu name was mentioned with us and the democratic Spanish of General Miaja. During the Tu hsiu, who for the last ten stance rests on another which denounced the traitor Wang remain strictly neutral. In the by absolutely no one. Having Seandinavian countries may Resignation of Dr. Bourguignon Such a deal would complete rears has been the leader of everyone acquainted with re: Ching wel, only yesterday the ultimate resort, alliances discussions the members developed an antiFrom the Belgian Stalinist Party People Front position and began to read and ly transform once more thehe Chinese Trotskyists. Went cent happenings in China will close collaborator of Chiang spring from the hope of a miquote Marx and Lenin.
usly diplomatic face of Europe.
to Japan on a Japanese gun easily recognize as such boat in company with Wang get chen Tu hsiu to Japan on spared Chen Tu hsiu if he had session of a common ideologiThe party machinery was put into action doubtedly correct when he de they Kai shek, would Dr. Bourguignon recently had his letter of have erial advantage, not the posresignation from the Stalinist Party of Belto crush this revolt. Compulsory branch meet clared in the House of Com from Chungking last December essary to get Wang Ching wei Todd, it seems, knew the whole da we must make the facts fit Ching wel (after the latter fled a Japanese gunboat it was nec: gone with Wang?
gium published in the Belgian press. In this ings were called under the direction of such mons on Monday that the Brit letter he describes his disgust with the party. big shots as Campbell and Spring ish guarantees to Poland and in favor of peace between for no one would believe that truth!
the intrigues, injustices, etc. going on inside hall. All to no avail. What these workers got Rumania are worthless if the China and Japan on Japan the Japanese our case as far as possible. We of it as well as what he calls the enormous out of the branch meetings was merely a Soviet Union stands on the By the way, who is John should almost certainly repre bluff organized by the party around the sup strong conviction that. if it were in their erms. Says Mr. Todd: With would place one of its warships Todd? You identify him as an sent the struggle in the propaposed betterment brought about by the Soviet power. Campbell and Co. would repeat the tral.
other side, or remains neu.
regime for peoples of the Spanish experience in England. These work the people of China demanding political enemies to enable him Chungking. Why did you not to do toward France, the United It seems that in the year 1939, the honorable ers decided to split away in a body. After pro The British and French the death penalty for all tral to escape the wrath of the say who he represents? You States of America, and our own doctor has finally discovered that civic and longed discussion with our English comrades, would either decide that they tors, Chen Tuhsiu also fled to Kuomintang. Yes, unpalatable did not dare do this, because Empire, as democracy and material equality is only a memory there, that we now hear, these Islington Communists have would have to hasten war at all his protectors.
and awkward as this fact is that would have meant expo freedom versus dictatorship castes and classes with all their inequalities joined the Revolutionary Socialist League. costs to crush their German ri We brand these statements for you, the Japanese imperial sure of your entire crude falsi and persecution.
are taking shape again, that the standard of British Section of the Fourth International.
val before his strength out concerning Chen Tu hsiu as de ists do regard hen Tu hsiu as rication. The fact is that the The methods that will be living is lower than in our countries, that the No doubt, the course of the Islington com strips them or else take refuge liberate, conscienceless fabri their implacable foe. Hence, to colony of foreign journalists in used to swing this country into regime is as bestially dictatorial as in the totalitarian countries and hardly democratic rades, like that of the Belgian ex Stalinist, but in a new Munich pact e. cations. Chen Tu hsiu has not discredit Chen, your Mr. Todd this country knows of no such the war are no less interesting foreshadow bigger developments in the future. diplomatic maneuverings and more than ten years. Between of Wang Ching wel, as the lat or in any other Chinese city, which we will be asked to fight.
even in appearance.
The class lines, so to speak, are being drawn rearmament. This would be 1932 and 1937 he was in a Kuo ter political henchman, for as Would it not be correct to say The British figure they can No doubt, pointed remarks. But, as our Belgian comrades comment, why was Dr. International have clearly the task before us the purpose of the new ap mintang prison in Nanking everyone knows Wang has been that John Todd sits in the utilize American foreign correBourguignon so strangely silent until after the of preparing to join forces with the proletari.
peasement conference pro When the Sino Japanese hostill assiduously courted by the To office of your organization, spondents, and that they can elections of April He was not re elected as ans who inevitably are breaking with the rotposed by Pope Plus.
he was released and went to openly responsive to their over. Friends of the Chinese People United States eum manufacture a deputy at that time. ten ripe bureaucratic apparatus of the Com In the same vein, the ex deputy depicts the intern Hankow. Later he proceeded tures. With their names cou and demonstrates its friend ers in favor of Great Britain as Negrin Arrives, Makes Bow to province. He has not been out cause of Japanese imperialism, calumnious stories about the Italy.
to Chungking, in Szechwan pled in a common cause, the ship for China by fabricating opposed to Germany, Japan or of that province for a single Chen and Wang can proceed to Chinese revolutionists?
They will again try to appeal Miaja Honesty day since. His presence in Japan on a Japanese gunboat, This is the universal method to the Jews probably by decSzechwan before, during and as Mr. Todd has them do. of the Stalinist International, of laration of a clear cut policy in Juan Nesrin. Loyalist ex. wasecuente wed the light as Alas for this amalgam, Wang which your organization and its Palestine and of our e. Great premier, arrived in New York Wang Chine wei can very easi Ching wet did not go to Japan publication, as we are well Britain s) intention, if victorilast Monday on the Normandie. Hy be verified by reference to after his flight from Chungking aware, are a branch. Your lie ous, of putting an end to antito stay for a few days before the Kuomintang authorities last leaving for Mexico.
December. unless of about Chen. Tu hsiu is not just Semitic persons. And who keep the veteran revolu course.
send our With screaming whistle and whirring wheels Speeding Toward an Abyss Newspapermen who inter tionist under constant surveil. Mr. Todd rather than the Chi reason we do not expect you to leading literary lights and other a long, streamlined train races along narrow tracks on a perilous mountain pass, Around America is today speeding towards a bridge found him still playing the over his movements, and have correspondents of the big press would defeat the aim you have the United States to put our viewed him at the Hotel Plaza lance. They maintain watch nese press and the numerous publish a retraction, since that men with names well known in sharp curves and through sudden tunnels. which has been torn away. The abyss is war. statesman. He handed out a lately prohibited the press from agencies who have been follow in view, which is to discredit point of view over the dinner faster and faster the train rips through the The passengers are the workers and their written who had contributed cause he is a traitor, as Mr. lest detail. He went to Hanoi section of the Fourth Interna. But all this, and of course statement thanking publishing his articles, not being Wang movements in clos Chen Tu hsiu and the Chinese table.
night. The engineer leans heavily on the throtwives and children.
Americans tle and peers with squinting brows into the Many will say to themselves. We must fight funds to Spain, and attributing Todd falsely represents him in French Indo China and as tional by portraying them as the other customary sources of misty darkness.
Inside the brilliantly lighted cars are hunfor democracy but, what was the last war shortage of arms. Questions ist who has refused to betray there continuously ever since. ism.
the loss of the war to our but because he is a revolution, far as is known has remained agents of Japanese imperial propaganda, may still not be enough. It might, and probably dreds of men and women and children. Some fought for? And today there is less democ put to him to elicit his version the interests of the Chinese Despite their multifarious We are accordingly sending would, keep the United States are asleep. Some are in smoking rooms exracy in the world than there was in 1914 of the last weeks in Spain re workers, and peasants in the sources of information and gen copies of this letter to other neutral. But it will not serve as changing jokes. At the bar are men and Others think that Roosevelt will stop Hitler mained unanswered.
eral news gathering facilities, publications which possess that a sufficient cause of war. For women who talk excitedly and laugh in shrill and that this will be a good way to stop fas tones while glasses tinkle with ice and a radio none of the correspondents dis regard for truth and honesty this, there must be something cism. But America was of the nations Praises Miaja blares out the latest swing number. In ancovered that a Japanese gun which is so alien to the camp much more decisive, more conwhich defeated Germany in the last war and But he said enough to blast boat had put into Haiphong or of counter revolutionary falsi vincing, more immediate. How other car many people are dancing to the about a little American JapaSaigon and carried Wang off flers to which you belong.
music of a three piece band. On the observa falter the peace which the powers which die Shin Stabmist myth that the Ne grin cabinet, whom to the land of the Rising Sun.
Be assured that your shame nese incident? Says Rogerson: tion platform boy meets girl and they huddle It remained for your Mr. Todd less, lying provocations will re It will need a definite threat together in happy embrace.
tees that Roosevelt will want to do away with Spain on May 6, represented to make this discovery from bound on your own heads. to America, a threat moreover On and on the train tears rapidly toward a IPS Vantage point more than a COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF which will have to be brought high thin bridge a bridge which no longer ism? Of course not he will preserve capital. Casado Junta which took its miles away in ChungCHINA home by propaganda to every exists. sudden flood washed away this link ism in Germany and there the catch. Capi place.
Miaja, who headed the Junta. Continued from Page 1)
king! And your obscure monthtalism leads directly to fascism unless the (Section of the Fourth In citizen, before the Republic of track and with it the telegraph wires.
will again take arms in an exOn and on the train sweeps.
workers are prepared to take matters in their was described by Negrin as Stalin is likely to follow a zig lly publication is the only one (signed) CHANG, ternal quarrel. The position Suddenly there is a blinding flash, a terrific own hands. Unless the workers of Germany an honest and able military zag course and camouflage his that has carried the story!
Secretary will naturally be considerably moan of horror, a crash then silence.
are given every possible chance to deal with man who had been betrayed by conciliation of Hitler by ad Japan were involved, Hitler in their own way to make their revolu the politicians. This praise for For the Central Committee. eased vances toward Paris and Lod you drop a line to the press cor respondents in Hanoi to tell Shanghai, China and this might and probably Immediately wires begin to hum with the tion to establish Socialism, things will be no the man who led the Popular don.
news. The Red Cross is called out. All nearby Commenting on the fate that them they re wasting their time April 8, 1939 would bring America in with different from what they are today. Hitler Front in its capitulation to out further ado. At any rate, it hospitals every available docthe StalLitv might go but capitalism would remain under Franco scarcely Krivitsky de would be a natural and obvious tor and nurse, every available stretcher and Roosevelt in Germany.
inist picture of Negrin as a clared: object of our propaganda to oxygen tank. The police, the Boy Scouts and bitter ender. Litvinoff is, of course, a finachieve this just as during the the American Legion everyone within reach War Is Not the Only Way Negrin made a distinction be ished man. Whether he disapGreat War we succeeded in emis called upon to assist in the rescue, aid in tween the head of the Junta pears at once or gradually.
broiling the United States with the saving of lives.
And there are many workers who think a Miaja, and his collaborator, whether he gets a reprieve Newspapers run off all the details and have war would solve all their problems. How Colonel Casado. The latter was, trom Stalin and even some honGermany.
We think comment is super extra editions on the streets complete with many young boys and men sit at home worry said Negrin, a slightly pathoorary post, he is doomed.
pictures. The President appeals over a nafluous. But we think, also, that ing about bills, about not finding work. logical case. and had been in Litvinoff, Krivitsky Rogerson material should be tional hook up for every possible aid for the about being unable to live decently with relation with Franco, although served, Is the last of the Bol.
Mother and Children required reading everywhere.
sleep? There are tens of thousands placere te perhaps not to betray the re shevik old guard, with the ex: Culinary Poems ception of President Kalinin, to On Silver Plates Ousted by Police The people of the United States Guilty Thrown in Jail men who think like this. They have no hope have a right to know the real methods by which they will be for the future. They are not afraid to die, to the Spanish Socialist Party, as purge. He has shown great asil. Regale Twombly Guests From Box Car In less than a week an investigation has ricked into fighting another been started to determine the causes and to and clothed. It is this section of the American erthrew on May 15, 1937, and by the purge and in retaining at Convent, for the late to carry out their regular duties Before going to Florham Minneapolis police were able bloody, useless war.
find who was to blame. The public demands workers who must be reached with the pro Besteiro and other socialist office after nearly all his for spring season, Mrs. Hamilton the other day with little danger GOOD NEIGHBORS action according to the editorials in every gram and spirit of our party.
leaders who joined in over mer comrades had perished. MCK. Twombly will give a to themselves when they arrest Worried and upset by a renewspaper. Many employees and even one or We have the responsibility of coming for throwing Negrin on May But there can be no question series of dinners at her towned three trespassers on rail ported Nazi plan to invite Bratwo vice presidents of the railroad are held for the Grand Jury. verdict of guilty is swiftly ward in such a way as to capture the atten 1939. It all in the family, as now of Litvinoff eventual ex house.
road property.
zilian Chief of Staff, General reached. Several are held responsible and tion of these workers before they are lined up it were.
and killed in the interests of more markets, lives more lavishly than the yards they tobireh mother, hent Montesso toºbeer honoreau noire they go to jail for long terms at hard labor.
You all know the story. How many times more profits, more gold. They cannot see how former Florrie Vanderbilt. 16 year old daughter and a leading a division of German has it been done and re done in real life and war can be stopped. They have never heard She favors Thursday nights for nine months old baby out of a troops in a huge parade staged of Socialism except when it was put forward on the motion picture screen? Well, today her prandial events. culinary box car where they were await for the purpose, the state that very story is being re enacted not by by people who do not and never will mean poems concocted under the di ing a train to leave the yards. Department is sending General Hollywood, not on any real railroad, but by what they say. It is up to us.
rection of her 25, 000 a year They were unarmed.
George Marshall down to the United States of America. And every de. The Socialist Workers Party and no other personal chef and served on silBrazil. Monteiro will stay in Party. That train can be turned around. There tail of the story is being graphically and tragiWithout permission from rail Brazil to welcome the distinver plate that has no equal, cally lived by the one hundred and thirty milis still time to prepare and organize if we even in this city of fabulous road officials the trio had trav cuished American soldier.
lion men, women and children of Americastart at once. The bosses will not stop their Germany is supplying Yugo val bases in those countries. magnificence.
elled via freight train the en General Marshall is scheduled war plans they cannot find any other way out slavia with large scale credit High army and naval officials except the ending.
Those serving this Oh, the train goes over the edge, and all except war we must not tire of speaking to be used for the purchase of are now studying plans for the queen of society run the Twom. Washington, over high moun the Army Chief of Staff.
that but there will be no stern measures en tion which will toss the bosses overboard for to the military airport of Bel in Mexico and on the Galapa: would do justice to Bucekler, hare They alleged that they were tion of the Puerto Rican army chill weather still prevails.
acted against the guilty party, there will be no investigation and no verdict of deliberate violation of duty. The majority of the one key question to the future of millions of workers. millions of youth. Down with war!
Up government spokesman. You Ecuador. Mexico, it is said, called upon to push up chairs trying to reach relatives at Esdepartment. Roosevelt asked hundred and thirty million will be victimized will find all sorts of German has expressed her willingness for newcomers within the social canaba, Mich. 21. 062, 500 for increasing the in one of the greatest of all disasters but, with Socialism! must ring out everywhere in military planes there. This to accede to the request. gates.
The police turned the mother permanent military garrison in there will be no mobilization of society to resthe country.
same spokesman added that After six or seven weeks at and her two children over to the Panama Canal Zone. He Germany is sending arms to Navy recruits will henceforth Florham the cue and save. The police, the Boy Scouts, the Twombly the mercies of relief authori. also asked an additional sum others including the Communist Party. will Before exhausting or drowning mankind in many other countries, such as have to serve six years instead household will move on to New ties. It was undetermined of 5, 937, 500 for the building of all be used, not to aid in the recovery of blood, capitalism befouls the world atmo Greece.
of four according to new regu port where Florrie Twom whether the relief authorities flying fields and other military wounded and maimed, but to clamp down on sphere with the poisonous vapors of national lations handed down by the bly each season continues her would accept the case and pro appurtenances in the Zone.
anyone who dares to raise his voice in pro and race hatred. Anti semitism today is one request may soon be made navy command. Volunteers un luxurious mode of living and vide the food and railroad fare writing to Senator Bankhead, test, who dares to ask questions, who dares to of the more malignant convulsions of capital. by the State Department to der 18 years will be barred with the insouciance of one long necessary to reach Escanaba Roosevelt stated: trust that demand that something be done to prevent ism death agony.
Mexico and Ecuador for From the Program of the 4th International mission to establish air ber from enrolling until war breaks accustomed to great wealth or wire relatives of the trio the Congress will act quickly in and na out.
such accidents.
scorns even Bailey Beach. plight. this emergency program.
Rubens True orele termen which has been more tourne carte resten alleine, whoan the State Identity dia Is Revealed SOCIETY NOTES ob ON THE WAY 10 THE TRENCHES