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SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1939 What Do the Amendments to the Wagner Act Mean for the American Working Class. BALBERT In the Trade Unions APPEAL ARMY COAL CRISIS GROWS MORE ACUTE AS MINERS DISPLAY STRENGTH of or Pourts.
Pro Newest eristic Fouclid Avenpublic GOLDMAN The May Day page AP absorbed. Pioneer Bookshop Whatever benefits the work tices by the employers and not right to petition the Labor Board. Not only is it likely that the leaders consulted PEAL was certainly the best in London, England.
ars can still derive from the by the employees, Senator Board for elections: Such a pro liberals will wilt under pres the employers before proposingful and should do real good for PLANNING FOR THE National Labor Relations Act Burke has introduced Wagner Act) would be done amendment which would ban chance to have an election be turn in the wheel of politics be accepted without evidence our movement: Send me extra SUMMER: copies. Wm. Gates of The Appeal office intends to way with by the amendments unfair labor practices by the fore the union has succeeded will bring reactionaries of the because the amendments would Kansas.
publish soon another one of its This amendment is in organizing a majority of the worst kind into the Board. in fact benefit the employers.
Appeal Army bulletins contain By WIDICK slation of Manufacturers the most important one for the workers and thus assure, for a Generally speaking, however. few words about the so ing definite suggestions for hrough Senator Burke of Ne. employers and should it pass it year at least, the continuance the Federal courts are far more NOT ENOUGH CIALIST APPEAL. We find keeping up your sales and new Two mergers involving four braska and partially by the would not only destroy what of non union conditions. certain to give all the breaks to TO STAND PAT unions are taking place that your issues are now im subscriptions over the summer amandments offered by the ever good there is in the Wag The bureaucrats have the property protection of The strategy of the o. of proving enormously. Our book. months. Last summer there Labor has a greater ficials, in combating the camshop has two very large win was quite a drop in Appeal acthis month.
Senator Walsh of Massachu. ransform it into a very dan asking for such an amendment. chance to influence members paign for amending the Wagner dows and since we are situated tivities, but we don want the After a long campaign by the setts.
gerous weapon in the hands of Another amendment the em of the Labor Board than judges Act, has been to insist that the in a working class area we find same thing to happen again.
Fur Workers union, the Nation The original effectiveness of he bosses. Everything that is ployers want would take away of the Federal Courts. The Act needs no amending. But it profitable to stick your front we urge all literature agents to al Leather Workers Association he Wagner Act has been de usually done by a union organ practically all important func bosses. well aware of that, are recently voted to join with the stroyed to a great extent by zer in order to bring the work tions from the Labor Board and anxious to have their cases the fact remains that the Act pages on them. The results are send in their special ways and furriers in a proposed Internavery good, crowds are always means of keeping up sales sa hree decisions of the United 2rs into the union would consti turn them over to the Federal tried by their trusted servants does require amending tonal Fur and It requires amending in or staring. Especially during the others Union of the United States and plans.
Fansteel case it was declared and would be prohibited under for the workers to rely upon newcomers.
Canada hat workers who participate severe penalties.
any particular individuals who purpose originally intended for APPEALS reading Not a man. BUNDLE ORDER This week end the fur work any sit down strike or in any The employers also want the happen to constitute the Labor AMENDMENTS it. It requires amending in or not a cent for boss war! and PAYMENTS: ers, opened their convention in way violate any law are to lose der to destroy the modifications the previous issue. The Eng. Every branch now has its Atlantic City. Approval of the he privileges they have under SERVE BOSSES introduced by the Supreme lis! workers read them and regular Appeal statement in amalgamation which its execuhe Wagner Act. In another The amendments offered by Court in the Fansteel and other since they have a meaning its hands. little action in tive board recommends is con case the same court decided the leadership are in decisions. The Supreme Court which goes far beyond the making substantial payments sidered a foregone conclusion. hat la union is found to have tended to serve the narrow in has cut the Act effectiveness American continent they were will be appreciated!
The Fur Workers convention broken a contract with an em terests of that leadership and is openly and flagrantly dominthat effectiveness restored and SOCIALIST APPEAL NEW INTERNATIONAL ployer it loses its right under this necessarily means that ated by the Stalinists, headed he Act, and in still another they will also serve the inter strengthened. And that can be by the notorious Ben Gold. ase the honorable justices de ests of the employers. One done only by amending the Act. Can be obtained at the Following Newsstands president of the union.
reed that findings of fact by amendment has as its purpose To be against the amendMANHATTAN (Continued from Page 1)
he National Labor Board are 317 straight St. o. in Pennsylvania forced to guard the craft form ments offered by the employ Cherry Katherine Sts. Monroe Sekhart New Axency.
Factional Capital ubject to be reviewed by the determined to break the con the Republican administration canization. Another amend ers and the officials is Madison Sts. k Stationery Store 101 Washington St.
Near Knickerbocker Village Vil.
land General Store. sex peGold expects to make much Nodelan Newsstand These three decisions re to siga with the a. after strikers Families theistance to ment is intended to give the correct but it is not enough.
employers greater freedom of An amendment is necessary lancey sie. Houston Clinton.
factional capital out of the merCHICAGO Union Demands Reasonable speech. By that is meant that which would state clearly and Melal BookshowGrand Attorney SWT. 160 Wells, Rm. 308 ger. The Daily Worker informs luced the effectiveness of the the conviction of employer as The reasonableness of the the employers, in case of any unambiguously that no alleged AANW8. ANA Cor. With Blackstone Cor. 12th Kelnie an unsuspecting world that this Act by more than seventy five sociation leaders on criminal Bercent. The amendments procharges. demand for the union conflict between the and or actual violation of any State Now. zndvend St. Nd Siret 10. News, 37 Monroe merger, according to Mr. Gold, Slates Refuse Relief Josed by the would limit Ceshinsky Rookstore, shop has been admitted even should have the right to or Federal Law or any city or Ave. 2nd Ave, oth se tuyvenant will join 100, 000 workers togeth2, 80 Division st.
he Act still further, while those major relief crisis has been by part of the operators who influence the workers in favor dinance by any worker should Casino. Avea 10th SNR er. Convention delegates are BALTIMORE, ATD.
proposed by the employers reached in strike areas because know that the union has over of the third amend deprive such worker of the prival. Waverly Fwy NW being told the same thing.
Sam Weisbere. 1113 Baltimore St.
Prigt Bank Shop. 515 would make of it a very dan of the refusal of state and local 95 of the industry organized. ment has as its aim to prevent ileges conferred upon him by Belements Second Shani North Howard St.
The News. however, gerous weapon against ALLINTOWN, PA claims no more than 50. 000 working class.
lief. Over 100. 000 West Virginia April with the failure of the contracts entered into between ment should go further and Steven With St, Robert zettentoyer can hamilton St.
members for the furriers and miners were informed they operators to renew the premie the and employers. state that nothing that the un 1st Stand SE 140 st. 4th Ave. Paul Sherr, th Hamilton St.
4, 500 for the leatherworkers.
It is a notorious fact that ion does which is claimed to be and stand 14th St 3x Ave. THI. ADRLIHI, PA In its original form, without were not eligible for any relies ous agreement with the union Gold exaggerations are de1806 North Franklin St.
signed to bolster his fading he modifications introduced by under a reactionary ruling of shop guarantees. It involve some bureaucrats have in violation of any contract or stop Jenter Theatre S Cor. 11th Mark he decisions the Supreme the state administration. Scores 320. 000 soft coal miners.
succeeded in getting employers law should cause it to lose its are v3th SASA 40th St, and Girl Ave.
Stl St. Ani Areli et.
prestige in his own union. 7th Ave. St. 6th Ave Court, the Wagner Act had sufThis beloved leader of the Soon the union called another to sign a contract with them rights under the Act.
QUAKERTOWN, PA Such an amendment would at 36 7th Ave. 38th st.
masses obtained a measly vote icient merit to justify its being party officials who entered of 100. 000 soft coal miners to pre when there was danger of an West Bruid Sts.
supported by all sections of the fice through assistance of or cam least restore to the Wagner Act 6th Ave, 38th Seth Ave 28th St of 252 out of 3, 500 members in ROSTON, MASA ganized labor vote have ex labor movement as an answer to threats of the paign by the Under such the effectiveness it was supesh se want som Anlelman a remont st. opp. IIotel his own local union as delegate posed themselves as operators Basically it was the upswing AF. is posed to have originally. As a 704. 76 Greenwich Ave. 8th St6th Bradford)
to the convention!
operators that the was nothing but a company union matter of fact, even if the Ave. 01 Unix, Rand Book CAMBRIDGE, MASA the business cycle that facilPowerful pressure of the going to be busted now. Thousand in several instances the Store wsthast 20 Stot His whole administration is tated strong Helix s, Manchusetts Ave at organizing ands of more miners joined the has been successful in more than to have the Act re Ave. sw. st. th Steins South Side Sena Seth Halvar so utterly bankrupt that only a novement in the years of 1936 walk out last week as a result.
LYNN, MASS fragic mistake in tactics by lynn Labor ly yceum.
ind 1937. The great organiza. Trial of Akron In addition. 100. 000 hard coal setting the Labor Board to in. main as is, good strategy Awe kw. st.
validate such contracts. The should have dictated the neces way. Candy Store. 66th St.
Sam Corner, Olympia Square miners are also on strike over top leaders want to re sity of proposing its own clique to power. Gold election hundreds of thousands of work. Yipsels Postponed Columbus Ave 96th St. Cent. Pk ROXBURY, MASS the flat refusal of the Appala strict the right of the Board to amendments.
West. 110th St. Columbus Ave. Priendly Variety, Warren st. Cirove maneuvers were so revolting rs into the auto union came Hall chian operators to renew a pre: declare such contracts null and Only militant action will suciruling members out of voting is a result of the militant sitSwy. 145th St MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.
vious contract, which expired vo AKRON, May Trial of two weeks ago such an amendment rights, denial of impartial St. Nicholas Ave ceed in organizing the unorganLabor Book Niore, watchers at election booths, hindler Sixth Huette lown strikes and not because of reliance on the Wagner Act. the five youths arrested for diswill ultimately be used against ized. The workers must never BRONX Roman Wourth Nicollet etc. that the progressives de When the reaction to the bust ributing leaflets of the Akron Federal coneitiator. to put something that the lead an act which will recognize San Seconds 410 Washington wi.
Efforts of John Steelman, the by the bosses is theless insist on the passage of Low Wow! Ave Southern boule MO.
cided to boycott the election. ness upswing came in the lat branch of the Young People The Pok Less than 1, 400 members in er part of 1937 the Wagner Act Socialist League (Fourth Inter CL. VAND, ON10 through a makeshift compro ership is too thick headed to their absolute right to organize 167. Studeren er dermed 1073 10th Street Rubin Drug the New York area out of 15. pould not and did not prevent a aational) has been postponed mise have thus far failed. He realize.
without interference by bosses Ave. Freeman SL Southern Blvd has been acting as Roosevelt The charge that John or courts.
Meriam Building Room 214 000 voted in this election. remendous drop in union memindefinitely.
bridge Rd. Jerome Ave. Onst Mo shalu Subway Station. 3897 Solgwick Schroeder Hook Shop Progressives within the lea Pership, especially in those Following their action in ful representative in the situation. Lewis made to the effect that ther workers know these facts. inions that were organized ing for a jury trial, the youths. Mellan Grand Conestir YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO Challenge of Youth Nick s, Wick stom Commerce They realize that within the after its enactment.
Burr. RusBROOKLYN SAN FRANCISCO SEAN cor. Pitkin Ave, Tomkins Church St. bet. Chipel Center proposed International Fur and sor Myrtle Ave. Havemes South Side of Market St.
Leather Workers Union, Gold ndary importance the Wagner per and Sol Goldberg, were in Formed that the Municipal Frequency of Issue ith st. Sutter eor. Van Sen benen. MacDonalmere Sath St.
Banheiro dende.
Rockaway cor. Pitkin Ave. Sutter and his stalinist machine will Act proved beneficial and La Ave, naruto Ave Sutter Fillmore sts.
seek to gain complete domina Solwrecollen Ciate News Aloney. St.
tion over the leather division. mendments that would fur chat it was impossible to set a The increase in the frequency Ave, 1510 Kings Hwy. Metzgerala News Agency. 3 st.
On the other hand, the mer her destroy its effectiveness date for the trial. Special to the Socialist Appeal City Wide Issue Roosevelt Administration, with LENGE OF YOUTH, from a of appearance of the CHAL Ditmar Ave sth Ave, 40th.
Ay Snsoke Shop. 1203 Sitter but should press for amend ger enables the progressive WASHINGTON, May all its sobbing for the under monthly to a twice monthly, de UKINS The five boys were arrested Room. Valencia St. SWT)
nents that would enable Labor forces within both divisions to 3110 Broadway 3023 Go ASSN.
March 31 in front of Central At the conclusion of the dog. etc. etc. is pursuing a cided upon by the National o use it more effectively for 433 CACHEN: Clinton St Bakery unite and oust the bankrupt 502 Haight (nr. more!
Cor. Cuinberland Clinton Sts.
Cafe Clear Stand, 514 Tarkin Stalinist misleadership.
ts own interests.
eatlets in their jobs for and since the Walsh Healey Act preparing for another slaughter Socialist League at its national Cor. Kast Ave Chestnut st. LOS ANGELES CA. 119 Scor. Min Clinton St 293 for democracy.
Following went into effect September 28, Another Merger cor. Main South Ave BOSSES WOULD TRANSFORM meeting in Akron, Ohio, in heir release on bond, police 1936, 13. 125 contracts valued at of the 13. 125 Main Street East Clinton Ave contracts April, is speedily being real South, southern cornwards merger between the United AW INTO OPPOSITE officials threatened to suppress 907, 379, 687 were reported to awarded during the above stat ized.
Main Street Enst, front of Textile Workers Union and the Ever since the Wagner Act he organization by declaring the Division of Public Contracts ed period. 45 (5, 871) were The campaign to raise a fund 298 CAO Av. Northland Textile Workers Organizing went into effect, the employers its activities illegal.
Next cor. HartRCR Main St.
have been whining about its inMainspring in as having been awarded to con Committee is scheduled at the attack awarded by the Navy and War of 500 to guarantee publication OAKLAND. CAJE.
Carti ruthers, 433 clinton Ave. h na Washington upon the Was Ray tractors throughout the United Departments, or the 907, 379 of the twice a month during its five day national conventions of quality because. forsooth, 19th, bet ir way And Washington stine, principal of Central and States and its territories, con: 687 spent on Public Contracts first period is meeting with re NEWARK, these organizations in Philadel only prohibits unfair labor prac Andrew Williams Market Reitman cor. Brond William by the various federal depart sponse from many friends of Broadwy. near 19th phia on May 15.
neo Fascist crusader.
with the stipulations of the ments, 373, 674, 000. 27 or 634 the as well as from its Lorenzo, Washgton Market, DESTROIT, MICH Motive behind the sudden dis An Alien His Confronted with the attack, Stand 11 Springfield Ave.
Socialist Aprel Cint.
3513 Woodward Ave. Room the actual he made a city wide Walsh Healey Public Contracts of the total amount was used members. Thousafar short of play of democracy on the pare Family Has No Act.
by these departments. These cash on hand is Cass Book Mart ST. LOUIS, MO.
ssue of the case, and carried of the Hillman machine is the SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Foster Book Company An investigation of what Fed figures are not a figment of the the goal, the many pledges it to the labor movement in a attempt to offset the reactionRymer Book Store, 903 31 Right to Live eaflet. Stine. the police and eral Departments have been imagination of an anti war ag. from supporters of the PATERSON, NJ.
Roth Cipar Store. 1407 First Ave. Guabello stationery Store 4033 University Way ary split from the of Francis Gorman, former Chamber of Commerce beat a the beneficiaries of these contator but rather are the figures and the activities planned vice president of the Special to the Socialist Appeal)
hasty retreat when this unex tracts bear out the claims of ssued by the Department by units of the organization to the Socialist Appeal that the of Labor in its Quarterly Public raise money, indicate that the Fact to Be Rememberedwith a small group of locals. MERIDEN, Conn. May 4pected opposition developed.
Contracts Report.
campaign is within striking dis The profits of the United States Steel Corporation durSince the hosiery workers Three year old Florence Sor.
tance of success.
federation and the dyers feder wiecki is dead today. All beWeekly Record ing the World War reached enormous proportions. The THE CHALLENGE OF ation, both strongly entrenched Pause her father is an alien.
FASCISM and BIG BUSINESSUsing the week ended April YOUTH has experienced a configures as published in a government report are as follows: in their respective industries.
29 as an example (by no means stant growth 1914 Stanley. 46, 520. 407 Sorowiecki will participate in the convenin was circulation an isolated example: we use it since the adoption of a new forThe NEW INTERNATIONAL1915 tion of the it should dropped from the three here because it is the last week mat, use of two colors, and the 97. 967. 962 be lively. It will take a lot of weeks ago because he was an 1916 reported by the Labor Dept. development of dramatic mass 294, 026, 564 patching up behind the scenes alien. That he had lived and SOCIALIST APPEAL!
one can see the intensity with sales in the streets. From a 1917 478, 204, 343 to remove some of the antagwhich the administration is copies sold circulation of less worked in this city for twenty onism we ve heard expressed An Unusual Combination Offer!
building its war machine. Dur than 000. the circulation has against the Hillman machine years and had eight children ing that week 146 contracts steadily increased until, ac(until June 15th)
made no difference to the AllUnder present plans, the texwere awarded New Branches of the of these. 80 cording to present indications, were awarded by the War or the sale of the May issue will tile union and the loAmerican big shots Daniel Guerin FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESSNavy departments! The total pass the 200 mark.
cáls will each hold a separate that he was the sole support of One of the best analyses of fascism yet written.
these eight children also made convention for a few days, unvalue of these 146 contracts 00 340 pages. Regular price no difference he was an alien.
til the proposed merger is apawarded amounts to 5, 385, While Mr. Sorowiecki was THE NEW INTERNATIONAL 859. 94. While it is impossible at ANNOUNCEMENTS proved. Then they will unite into a single convention.
ooking for work and his wife Monthly theoretical organ of the Socialist Workers this time to give the exact was busy at the City Welfare Chlef bone of contention at Party. Yearly subscription Regular price. 00 amount and percentage of the WHERE OTHERS FAIL, WE Department pleading for an or2. 50 (Foreign. 5, 385, 859. 94 that was used in the textile convention will be SUCCEED! We offer, where ter to repair her children others failed the 80 contracts awarded by a sequel to are now being formed in your community. Tí you or the scramble for paid jobs.
shoes, little Florence was burnTHE SOCIALIST APPEALthe War and Navy, one can say The Modern Punch by the your imion organization are interested in joining the Lack of finances prevents Hilled to death when her dress igTwice a week official organ of the Socialist Workwithout exaggeration that at man from settling such prob nited while she was playing Original Red Puppeteers, the 00 ers Party. Yearly subscription. Regular price least 75 of that amount went side splitting Punch Joins oldest working class fraternity for lems the easy way: job for with matches on the kitchen (Manhattan, Bronx, Foreign. 00 tot these departments.
the Army! Saturday, May every official month subscription Regular price 00 floor. basis for such an estimate 13. after the convention at SICK ACCIDENT BENEFITS Among the other tragedies of It is indeed Ironical that this Manhattan, Bronx, Foreign. 50 can be found by considering. 163 Norfolk St. Games, door the 1o. is the fact that the ragedy should take place in MEDICAL CARE two of these 80 contracts. Un and grand prizes. dancing textile industry drive didn live the city that, only two weeks In Combination der the tion avent. can be Transporta and a hilarious time for all HOSPITAL AID up to advance expectations. ago was able to hire twenty six Out of 1, 250, 000 workers the extra policemen to patrola NO. 1found a contract awarded to CONVENTION DANCE, Satur now claims 200. 000 picket line of the Steel WorkFASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and day, May 13, at the DownLIFE INSURANCE the Douglas Aireraft Co. Inc. under contract a year ago, the 75 ers Organizing Committee at SOCIALIST APPEAL for one year both for El Segundro, Cal, by the Navy town Workers Center, 51 figure of 500, 000 used to be toss(Manhattan, Bronx, Foreign) 75 the struck Bradley Hubbard Department for Airplanes and RECREATION Street, ed around blandly. Another Mfg. Co. plant, and now shows Spare Parts amounting to 176, 000 workers will be covered FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and its utter disregard for the lives (All feature furnished at rales based on cost) 00 SOCIALIST APPEAL for six months both for 1, 516, 357; under Other Maunder coatracts now bei of its unemployed their 50 ry. a contract award(Manhattan, Bronx, Foreign)
AMERICAN FUND gotiated. the union claims.
write to amilies by its refusal to instied by the War Department to Planning of a serious organtute an efficient system of re. NO. the Winchester Repeating Arms The office of the American WORKMEN SICK DEATH BENEFIT FUND izing drive should be one of the lief that will guarantee the FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and Co. New Haven, Conn. for Fund for Political Prison.
bis jobs of the merged unions. safety of the relief recipients.
NEW INTERNATIONAL for one year both for 75 rifles amounting to 1, 384, 714 SENECA AVENUE, BROOKLYN, ers and Refugees, 100 Fifth Over 120. 000 textile workers Stanley Sorowiecki is an ali(Foreign. 25 Avenue, New York City, will The Workmen Sick Death Benefit Fund is 55 years old.
will get wage increases under en. He doesn have to eat or Order from: be cpen during May, June, Started in 1884 by a group of trade unionists, it has assets the wages and hours law in poy rent. At least that must be July and August from 12 of over four million dollars. Men and women between 16 July. An aggressive campaign what believes.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS 116 University PI. At Your Service and 54 years of age and in good health are eligible. Every noon to 5:30 during the centering around the fact that member is obligated to pledge support to organized labor.
New York City week, and on THE APPEAL pressure brought this Get Your APPEAL Saturdays The branches meet monthly, where the business is transfrom 11:00 a. to 1:00 acted in a democratic manner.
benefit could bring these workers into the fold.
At the Newsstand POSTER SHOP But even as na factor of sec. sell John Schule, Donald car Government Contracts Show will increase not provide bene con conservent docket was een rode Extent of War Preparations Univers were 18 Newcoway Main St News Eco Store AKHON, OHNE the Workmen Sick Death Benefit Fund 500. 00