CommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGermanyHitlerIV InternationalItalyMoscow TrialsNazismNon-aggression PactSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismViolenceWorkers PartyWorld War

Build Workers Defense Guards!
Socialist Appeal Workers of the World Unite!
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, NO. 32 FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1939 Set up and Printed by Union Labor.
Application for Label Pending 3c a Copy Progress Under The New Deal PROFITS Soundings For StalinHitler Pact Continue Maneuvers Speeded By German Pressure Britain Ruling Class Is Maneuvering For War Alliance With Expropriate the War Profiteers!
MOTICE able profit CIVIL RIGHTS this speculation is itselei te ARE CRIME IN HOBOKEN Krivitsky Reveals Rubens Identity COAL SHORTAGE SHOWS MIGHT OF The facts were made public despite tine desperate contempts head into the Congressional MINE WORKERS 9, 826 JOIN In THE MAN ARMY Senator Nye Reads British Propaganda Work Into Record For Poland Partition PROFITS AN EDITORIAL If the British ruling class By HAROLD ROBERTS CONSCRIPTION The capitalist press is filled these days with stories about has anything to say about it Speculation over the possiS2 taking profits away from the munitions makers, leaving and it has the United States bility of a Stalin Hitler deal them with just a reasonalle profit, will be fighting on the side overshadowed all other preof England in the coming war diplomatic developments We ve heard this before. Woodrow Wilson world war war. As in the last war, the in Europe this week.
began with the SAME KIND OF PROPAGANDA. And ARMAMENTS RELIEF UNEMPLOYMENT WAR during that slaughter, prices actually were fixed by the Ostnibly an ally, of Soundings going on both government in some industries to permit only a reason. Britain, will of course be in Berlin and Moscow are fighting for its own imperialnow referred to in the press ist aims.
What the capitalists took aided and alretted by the as undenied facts. revelation of British government as reasonable profit is a matter of record.
course, was congress Record ing used as a diplomatic weapmen, to suppress the facts. Popular pressure forced their on. By strengthening the impublication if only in LIMITED EDITIONS of Senate tor Nye of North Dakota pression of an impending deal Documents No. 248 and 259 in 1918 by the Government from a British work, Propabetween the Nazi dictator and Challenges Earl Browder to Deny the Facts ganda in the Next War.
the autocrat of the Kremlin.
Vies With Jersey Presented by Him in Series of Articles Ducks Closed Printing Office. Here are some of the facts: In the COAL INDUSTRY 185 companies raked in Senator Nye stated that the Germans hope to throw a monkey wrench into the con little is known of its author, Shop Issue; Bosses PROFITS on HIGHLY WATERED capital stock rangtinuing Anglo Soviet negotiaCity Anti. Labor By NAT LEVINE Earl Browder own sister tions. The Russians, for their Hague Rule Adolph Arnold Rubens, whose worked under him with the full Get Wall Street Aid ing from 100 per cent to 7, 856 per cent. Nearly half the Sidney Rogerson, but added part, permit the same impres three accomplices were con knowledge of her brother.
companies raked in profits EQUAL TO THEIR ENTIRE that the man supervising the editing of it is the not unknown sion to prevail in order to victed last week in Federal She lived and worked under CAPITAL STOCK during 1917 alone.
frighten the British and the Capt. Liddell Hart, associated Hoboken, New Jersey, under to forge American passports, in the Netherlands. Krivitsky Court of a criminal conspiracy the name Gene Montgomery (By Star Writer)
French into offering more atNEW YORK As negotiations During the last three years of the world war, the Ameri with the London Times, and a tractive terms for Soviet entry the stewardship of Mayor Ber was identified by former head declared, and later in Paris between representatives of the nard McFeely. is continuing of the Soviet Military Intelli in the Hotel Lutetia, Boulevard 485, 000 striking coal miners and can people PAID IN NET PROFITS SUM EQUAL tary affairs. Among Hart into their bloc.
TO EVERY DOLLAR WORTH OF STOCK OF works are included loint au Fire Under the Smoke as a runner up in the race with gence in Western Europe. Wal Raspail. She operated under an the operators remained at a At the same time there is Mayor Hague Jersey City for ter Krivitsky, as a former American passport bearing the standstill early this week a coal ALL THE COAL COMPANIES COMBINED at the thorship of the British official plenty of ftre under all this ne dubious honor of establish secret service acent who serv. name of Montgomery, but she crisis developed in major in companies own valuation.
manual, Infantry Training.
him and the editing of a treatise on smoke. It is not for nothing ing a record for suppression of apparently escaped the fate dustrial centers.
The MEAT PACKERS hogged profits ranging as Small Arms Training.
that Stalin and Hitler have both In an interview with the Bal suffered in Moscow by another timore sun, May Krivitsky former operative of mine who clear picture of the tremendous The coal shortage gave a high as 4, 244 per cent.
Handbook for Propagandists in their public speeches in the civil liberties and anti labor aclast few months abandoned tivity.
described Rubens as a Rus is well known to the American might and power of the work The CANNING COMPANIES took 2, 032 per cent. Propaganda in the Next War apparently was prepared their mutual attacks upon each On May 8, Herman Matson sian agent who, after many public as Robinson Rubens.
krivitsky Challenges Browder are fighting to prevent the reers in this basic industry, who years of secret service in Euother. It is not for nothing that relief client and outspoken op The WOOLEN MILLS piled up 770 per cent.
as a handbook for British propthe Nazi and Soviet press have ponent of Hoboken city ad.
rope, was dispatched by the Krivitsky disclosure agandis It was most certaitThe CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS STORES. ly not meant for public con.
cleared the path in the same to the United States to Rubens Ewald is a Latvian turn of an open shop era in the mine fields way by dropping entirely the ministration, was arrested for organize a ring of passport throws light on his recourse to per cent.
sumption. So far as is knowh, Curtallment of vital subway only one copy of the book found reciprocal mud slinging The he crime of distributing anti forgers. Rubens was a Lat the Lettish wing of the Stalinist The FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, 295 per movement in New York for as service in this giant metropol its way into this country. and purge of Maxim Litvinov last McFeely circulars in connec. vian by birth, named Ewald.
it was from this copy that Sen.
week from the post of Soviet ion with the following day sistance in operating the pass tan center resulted from the Billed for Moscow Trial ator Nye quoted the chapter on foreign affairs commissar ap The arrest of Rubens in port ring. Similarly. Krivitsky coal shortage, which is caused Among the FLOUR MILLS, 84 of the largest reported pears undeniably to have has municipal elections. Enemies, Neutrals, and AlMoscow in October. 1937, fore explanation that the Commun solely by the coal operators stubborn resistance to union tened the parleys that have ist Party is a reservoir for the net profits of more than 100 per cent and one company lies.
Matson stated that while dis shadowed an attempt to pass ism.
Rogerson claims boastfully been going on between the two reported 628 per cent.
Eributing the leaflets, he and off this secret service operative explains the Stalinist Negotiators for the Unitect that British propaganda got us countries.
his 14 year old son were at as a Trotskyist. Rubens connections of the men convict Of the BREAD AND BAKERY COMPANIES, the into the last war.
Now the chances of Ger tacked by three men who drove was to have been used at one ed as Rubens accomplices Mine Workers of America have already compromised on all of the Moscow show trials as a last week.
big shots squeezed the American people for more than 100 For some time, says Roge man. Soviet non aggression pact have become common in an automobile. He as confessor to a Krivitsky challenged the New economic demands and insis erson. the issue as to which Trotskyist per cent only on union shop and re side the United States would talk in Berlin, according to the serted that Police Sergeant plot against Stalin. The arrest Masses description of him as And the STEEL MILLS stretched their interpretation take hung in the balance and in correspondent of the New York John Beatty saw the attack but of his accomplices in America, a mythical general by assert moval of the penalty clause for of reasonable to cover a profit as high as 290, 999 per the final result was a credit to Times. It is no secret here, refused to arrest the assailants. however, was an unforeseen ing. challenge Earl Browder strikes during contract agree he added, that the Soviet govour propaganda. We were Later in the same day, he was complication. That he has now to speak out on the subject of ments.
cent of what THEY considered the business worth Roosevelt Ducks Issue helped by the carelessness of ernment itself has been in fa: again set upon when he refused on revealed by Krivitsky to my identity. He stated that to Instead of censuring the coal yor of such a development. It to drop charges against Patrick have been a agent prob this date not a single one of his From the reports compiled by the United States gov the Germansouch. We were al.
active steps to bring it Lisa, one of the three men who of Rubens for such a Moscow had been either challenged for operators and their reactionary ernment in 1918 it is absolutely clear that the American Campaign against the mans) though less blatant in about not only in years past but had originally as late as last February.
people during the last world war PAID IN PROFITS TO our methods. Among our multi President Roosevelt duck nim. All were then taken to show trial. Rubens real answered by the official Stalinod the whole issue in his mes THE CAPITALIST OWNERS of the basic industries farious activities was the sup.
Pressure on Poland he police station where Matson identity as a agent was ist press. Litvinoff Is Doomed sage to the negotiators. He of the United States MORE THAN THE ENTIRE ply of a regular British news In other words, Hitler seems was booked, but was not per previously indicated by the in On the dramatic purge of nerely asked for continuation sheet to no fewer than 360 small at last to be lending an ear to hated to sign a counter when Mrs. Rubens, jailed with Maxim Litvinoff as commissar of negotiations VALUATION set by the capitalists themselves on these American newspapers.
Considerable danger existed One master stroke was the This is the second time in the vention of the American Em. Krivistkino declare the pilot of vould bring a phoney compro a pact that would leave Ger many free to deal with its past year that Matson has been bassy The Government report lists as the cause of this profi Rogerson: During the Great appeal to American Jews, says her behalf.
Anglo French rivals and give arrested by Hoboken protec Soviet Embassy Statement Stalin maneuvers in demonise impairing the teering INORDINATE GREED AND BAREFACED War we bought off this huge Stalin a chance to sit a little ors for being unfortunate Moscow plans then pass cratic waters. His removal can sold over the mining FRAUD. Dest price fixing, says Document No. 248. American Jewish public by the longer on his shaky throne. nough to get beaten up by Rubens off as a Trotskyist mean but one thing, namely, the owners industry were STRENGTHENED IN home in Palestine, held by LuIt is German pressure for a new partition of Poland that is ember, 1938.
The was blusses became clear when the Soviet the end of the mission with tee of John Lewis and other which he had been entrusted in cop leaders stood THEIR POSITION and ENRICHED BY PROFITS dendorf to be the master stroke bringing these developments a mob in a park which was y after his arrest. told the recent years. The secret dip. irmly for the union demands WHICH ARE WITHOUT PRECEDENT.
of Allied propaganda as it enrapidly to a head. In his speech reavily guarded by police. The press that the Robinson Rubens lomacy which Stalin had pur Talk to the Sejm last Friday Jozef Attackers then, as now, were couple might well be Trotskysued toward appeasing Hitler neeting room indicated that The experience of the war and the profiteering which abled us not only to appeal to Jews in America, but to Jews Beck, diplomatic spokesman permitted to depart. At that ists.
is now coming to the surface.
such a compromise would con.
resulted, says the report shows that government price in Germany as well.
for the light little military oll. ime, Matson wife was also Irked by attack made in striking out openly in the ist of the union obtaining its Gullible Americans garchy that rules the Polish beaten, as a result of which upon him by Earl Browder. direction fixing is FRAUGHT WITH HARDSHIP TO THE of Germany ights in the Pennsylvania and CONSUMING PUBLIC.
Rogerson frankly admits the state, rejected Hitler demand she later suffered a miscar American Communist Party Italy. Krivitsky went on ther highly organized fields, use of atrocity propaganda.
head, Krivitsky declared that. Continued on Page 3) ut that certain Southern oper The profiteers juggled their accounts, padcleci deprecia Atrocity propaganda will road across the Polish corri.
tors would be permitted to esdor. Since then Hitler has been ape from dealing with the tion, increased officers salaries inordinately, included in less effective with neutrals in proceeding with his usual tac terest on investment as a cost. recorded new construction the next war. They have been inion on a fair basis. CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE bated with it in peace. But tics to isolate the Poles in orWould Mean Warfare as repairs, gave fictitious valuations to inventories, and it still good stuff for fat headder the better to cut them to Such action would give the then ADDED a reasonable PROFIT.
ºd Americans. American news pieces under more propitious President Poosevelt sent a ized as a conspiracy of sl keeps silent the so called tual union chartered by the reel men, the book states, circumstances.
message to Congress on lence! and unemployed un the Progressive Miners The proposals of Roosevelt propaganda machine to should be first to be allowed Part of his game is to sepa April 27. proposing a ion, the Workers Alliance of America, a foothold in the climinate profiteering in the coming world war. like the The Republicans are si to shoot pictures of air raids rate Poland from the Baltic budget for the fiscal year be. lent because Roosevelt America, which the Stalin. industry to begin a jurisdiction proposals of Woodrow Wilson propaganda machine, are in order that the proper volume states. Among the latter he has ginning July budget does the dirty job for ists control.
war against the already established his pactual of pictorial horror will be RIUD IND BAREFACED CHE. IT.
Taking for granted that them. The Democrats are Since the intransigent coal But why are the labor predominance with Lithuania kvailable in one of the few the President silent the right wing beproposed The only way to eliminate similar prolitering is by great countries where atrocity and Latvia and Esthonia and perators are backed by strong leaders silent? When the budget will be the one cause Roosevelt makes their teel, utility and Wall Street EXPROPRIATING WITHOUT COMPENSATION Finland are not likely to defy propaganda will still be operPresident didn help the adopted, the Admin intervention ative.
panking interests, a victory for him.
istration immediately took the left wing because coal strikers, John Lewis not only the munitions industries, but ALL the great basic he would be an effective Emotions of Americans can Italian Alliance steps to drop 900, 000 they. like Roosevelt, are preemitted a roar of disappro nswer to the present open industries.
e played on. Americans are Another part of the same workers from the rolls that occupied with but one thing: val. But John Lewis has hop drive of Big Business The experience of the last world war shows that the The great champions of the process is the consummation of is, to slash the present rolls building the war machine responsibilities, not only in Bloody Harlan County, Ken workers CANNOT TRUST the CAPITALISTS, or a core more susceptible than oppressed. and they are there.
the formal military alliance beof 2, 800. 000 down below and taking money from ev.
his own bailiwick, the United ucky. scene of the worst reign tween Germany Italy. This the maxinium of 000. 000 ery source, including relief Mine Workers, but also to of terror against unionism government which represents the capitalists, to run these most peoples to mass suggesserves the purpose of burning provided by the President money, to finance that war the masses of the of known in this country, has al. inclustries without PROFITEERING. They niust be EX tion.
more Italian bridges leading budget. Some 200, 000 were machine.
which he is the titular head. eady been the scene of com Yet Rogerson does not under back to the Anglo French fold PROPRIATED WITHOUT COMPENSATION and fired last week, the rest will The Communist Party, How long will this conspir.
any directed violence against estimate the difficulties inand silencing Italian fears of be fired before July part of Roosevelt left acy of silence go on?
Peaceful pickets.
FEM UNDER THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT volved in getting Americans to being drawn into a war over This is all taking place wing is silent because it long as the workers, in the call for the National Guard OF THE WORKERS.
right on the right side. nor Poland, the Germans arguing silence. a silen has become the worst war. unions and on is the fact ignored that the supper.
o protect scabs was made by that they will be able to swal That is the ONLY WAY TO ELIMINATE PROFIwhich can only be character. monger of them all: and it he Harlan operators, who are ports to which the desired propmit it. Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
TEERING (Continued on Page 3)
an and As James will THE DOWNFALL The Meaning of Litvinov Friday, May 12, 8p.
speak Cannon OF LITVINOV Exit in the World War Crisis IRVING PLAZA on Irving Plaza at Fifteenth Street