BolshevismCapitalismCivil WarDemocracyEnglandFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyGuerrillaHitlerImperialismLeninMarxNazismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismURSSVoroshílovWorking Class

TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL By Dwight Macdonald The New Leader, SPARKS IN THE NEWS May Day and War Litvinov Ousted In Bid to Hitler lords.
BRITISH DRAFT PLAN MEETS IRISH PROTEST OUT OF THE PAST Stagecoach the Western Front (June and LeRoy Lit. By FELIX MORROW sary. At the very least then, tria, Hungary, and more re Hitler it can prevent any GerAs noted here several weeks ago, the film tle Caesar (June The showings will be at Before the events of May if we follow Oneal path the cently it seized part of Czecho man Soviet deal from going the Museum (11 West 53rd si New York Day pass into history, let is American workers will repeat slovakia. Its population of 34 through.
Stagecoach didn please the editors of the City. will be continuous afternoons and eve emphasize the meaning of one the road of the English and million is less than 70 percent At the same time, the British NY Times who objected to its treatment of Polish. The remainder is com diplomats may extend themnings, and will be free to all who pay the 25 of them: the May Day issue of French of that period.
American history because it presents the banker as a rascal and the town woman as a cents admission charge to get into the the New Leader. weekly organ But if America does not posed of minorities including selves as never before to draw Museum itself.
of the Social Democratic Fed emerge as master of the world?
5, 000. 000 Ukrainians. deeply Russia into their camp. for it heroine. But last night happened to see the eration.
Then we follow the road of Gerhostile to their Polish over is also part of Stalin purpose.
film, and must report that, whatever its Ten Months of Evianism There were those who char. many: capitalism saved from in purging Litvinov at this deficiencies as patriotic propaganda, it is the acterized us as factionalists the revolting masses by the Poland Position juncture. to give Britain a most entertaining and exciting movie ve Last July all the democratic powers sent when, a year or more ago, we protection provided by the soseen in a long time. Stagecoach is a straight delegates to the Evian Conference to devise pointed out that the social cial Democratic leaders who Except as a buffer between final warning to meet the old style Western. with the usual characways and means of helping refugees from Democrats were heading for were welded to the capitalists themselves and the Germans, Russian terms or else lose out ters comic stage driver, lean and saturnine Nazi Germany. The Conference set up the open and brazen support of by collaboration in the war; the Russians have no great in entirely.
terest in the preservation of Stalin Weakness gambler. picturesque drunk who has seen bet.
Intergovernmental Committee on Political Roosevelt war plans. am and having been saved, but un In these days, however, there Poland. On the contrary, with ter days, hearty voiced sheriff, handsome and Refugees, which has now been functioning ten not revealing a confidence able to pay the overhead costs inarticulate good bad man, dance hall girl.
the revival of the Great Rus are many slips between the dewith golden heart, etc. and the usual climax villain here is England. The British delegation month or two ago, in private soon as possible resort to fas.
sian tendencies in the Stalin sires and the pacts. Stalin is to Evian did its best to kill the whole business conversation, Sidney Hook pro cism. That is the road of regime. It is not at all incon trying, in his own distorted in a terrific fight with Apaches which ends with the last minute arrival of the Federal then and there. Failing, the British at least tested my characterization of Oneal teachers, which he now ceivable that a German Soviet fashion, to repeat Lenin polcavalry, bugles blowing and flags streaming.
got their man, Lord Winterton, who happens the Social Democrats as war propagandizes for in America.
agreement would include plans icy of 1918, of playing off one MAXIM LITVINOY imperialist coalition against anfor another Polish partition.
to be a known anti Semite, made titular head mongers and sought to indicate have only referred to two But these ingredients. properly treated. can Aside from this, however. Stalin is that he sits himself other. The fatal difficulty for make excellent cinema: the Western has of the Refugee Committee, and the headquar. profound differences among of the war mongering features naturally speed, action, and pictorial splendor.
ters located in London. When early in Febru leaders on this key question. in the New Leader May Day there are far roader strategic which is why it is the one kind of movie that and political considerations in on a precarious perch of his has been made steadily and in quantity as active director of the Committee and can trust that he and James Rorty. Issue. But the whole issue volved. By making terms with own making. He has sapped since the days of Edison nickleodeon. Stageother Englishmen took his post. was clear war in their convictions but who passed by a natural.
Hitler. Stalin could help pit the the resources of the revolution, nach is about the best Western remember that the long drawn out pretense of doing still contribute to the New enough process from Stalinism Anglo French coalition against shivered and shaken his entire It owes Its quality largely to the direcsomething about the refugees was about to Leader. will examine its May to Social Democracy without the German Italian bloc and re apparatus, disorganized the tion of John Ford, who several years ago be given up Day issue.
even skirting the revolutionary only temporarily on the side demoralized its armed forces made an excellent film from Liam Flaher The Evian Committee obituary was writ. The front page is given overteld postures as ane wholly ty book. The Informer. In this film, as in ten in a Berlin dispatch from Otto Tolischus to a cartoon reprinted from the on the side of those who believe lines. From Hitler point of by the catastrophic purges of view. the neutralization of the last three years.
that, Ford shows himself a master at buildin the Times for April 25. Commenting St. Louis Post cispatch: two that the Nazi beast must be Divorced from Workers Russia again only temporarily ing up suspense. The Apaches here. the Irish the means at on the complete breakdown of arrangements hands. that of the Statue of stopped with would increase his chances The other even more fundafor receiving Jewish refugees into other coun. Liberty and that of a fascist our disposal. In previous is Republican Army there, make their sinister, waiting presence feit all through the filmagainst his Anglo Frenale rimental weakness that dogs him tries. Mr. Tolischus writes: The hopes for salute, confronting each other sues Charles Yale Harrison had and the final explosion of action is as well easier emigration that the German Jews had and under the cartoon is an already made the journey into vals. That is why such a deal now is the complete divorce bedone here as the Black and Tans house raid pinned on the Evian Committee and on George editorial: We Or They. The the camp of chauvinism.
has so profound an inner logic tween the Soviet government was in The Informer.
Rublee negotiations with the German gov we. of course is the all in. prominent feature of the issue and that is why both Stalin and and the masses of workers and Hitler, each in his own way, is farmers of the capitalist naeleve failed materialize thus far. clusive we of social patriotism: is the Easter Manifesto of the Reviyals if anything has been done to create the Roosevelt and Landon, the Labor and Socialist Internationcautiously reaching out for it. tions. He abandoned the pollAt the party congress in tarian revolution for a mess of incles and methods of the prolemachinery agreed upon between Mr. Rublee bosses and the workers, all al calling for war. Fittingly, it While am on the subject of movies. and the German government, and the general constituting the American is followed by an article by might note that those who are interested in impression in German Jewish quarters is that people. The editorial Hitler a bloc and decried the imperialist pacts which proved con Wilhelm Sollmann, one of the the cinema, as am, as something more than the main responsibility for this rests neither cludes: There can Democratic be no fur. German war mongers in the democ worthless even before the war a way to kill an evening. will shortly have a on the German authorities nor on the general ther toleration of international leaders responsible for the racies. In his Reichstag broke out. Now he fumbles for chance to see the cream of the best collection war scare but on a certain lack of interest in machine gun politics.
speech on April 28, Hitler dem. ne wpacts and can no longer of old films in this country, that of the Mucrushing of the German revoluthose British quarters put in charge of the ONEAL REVISES TO onstratively refrained from his establish any identity with the Evian committee work. The refugee ques REMAIN HIS OLD SELF seum of Modern Art. The Museum has artion of 1918 19. The New Leadcustomary attacks on Russia interests of the Soviet Union in ranged a series of thirty revival programs, er May Day is, in short, a tion, all hypocritical moralizing to the conand on Bolshevism. On May the minds of the war menaced trary, is a matter of economics pure and sim cartoon: Day in Moscow the bellicose millions of workers in the The back page has another dedication to imperialist which it will begin to show on May 11, and An ple. Germany wants to rid herself of the burwhich will be repeated throughout the sumVYASCHESLAV MOLOTOV arm entitled slaughter.
speeches of Voroshilov and world.
mer, up to October Four of Griffith with a mailed list, Thus sapped internally and den of the Jews, and to strip them of their adequate defense, directed others were notably lacking in greatest films will be shown: The Birth of a any direct references to the isolated externally.
Stalin rides Nation (May 13. Intolerance (May 14. BroJews the Nazis discourage from emigrating tional gangster. The title of Reich. At the same time, al. to his own doom whatever the ken Blossoms (May 15. and Way Down East are surgeons, who will be useful in patching the cartoon is: THE ONLY most unnoticed in the rush of outcome of the over cunning (May 16. Other specially notable revivals up the by products of the next war. And the LANGUAGE events, Russia has been easing diplomatic maneuvers between Jews find no refuge on the whole globe be STANDS. The cartoon serves HE UNDER are: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (May 17. the situation on its eastern the rival camps of imperialism.
Murnau The Last Laugh (May 23. Von cause of what Mr. Tolischus bluntly calls the as illustration for an article by Stroheim Greed (May 24. Pabst The Love steadily increasing disinclination of other James Oneal, editor of the New ment wave of resent to rely on promises and parliaments with Japan and Manchu mains to be solved in the conA poinst the proposed plan mentary appeals and has even kuo both.
flicts of the future is whether of Jeanne Ney (May 29. Von Sternberg countries to accept virtually penniless ref. Leader, entitled Difference of Great Buitain to conscript begun a campaign against the Underworld (June Milestone All Quiet on ugees.
the Russian people will in time between 17 and present crisis Irishmen who live in the Six members who demand creates need for revised Social Counties of the North is at pres that Ireland prepare for the about to send new proposals to to join with the workers of the The Psychological Moment free themselves of the StalinLast week the British were ist oligarchy and find the way MEN AND WOMEN OF LABOR ist attitude towards war.
Mr. Oneal doesn have to re Premier de Valera, who long ly decide the issue of genuine Lord Halifax was scheduled to coming war the final war of vise much: the records do not ago abandoned the revolution national independence.
indicate that he was a serious ary struggle for the complete Irish workers and farmers May 15. It is easy to see that a new epoch of world wide libmeet Litvinov at Geneva on capitalism and the opening of opponent of war in 1917, and it national independence of Ire know full well what British Litvinov would be the most ar eration for all the oppressed.
he dares to say differently, land, was forced to speak out democracy means and they dent partisan of reaching some ord, notably the belly crawling Dall Eireann this week. Only of Waing Britain most soave agreement with England and conduct of him and his closest followers of former Premier These workers and farmers, the fundamental orientation as By EMANUEL GARRETT and Algernon Lee. The opposi demanded that Irishmen enlist tion will resist to the bitter same time saving something collaborators. Louis Waldman Cosgrave, pro British stooge, who have a revolutionary tradi signed him by Stalin and at the tion to war in 1917 came not in the British army to defend end any attempt to conscript from the wreckage of his preJOHN BROWN sons to Canada. In 1859 he returned to the from these cowards, but from democracy. May 9, 1800 Hanged. Dec. 2, 1859) States, and rented a farm five miles from the left wingers who stood on them and they will fight to previous collective security setHarpers Ferry to which his band of men the program of the Russian land as a national We claim the whole of Ire serve Ireland against partition. up. It was precisely at this The Meaning of Stalin Lat. But when the scaffold bore its fruit, juncture that the ax fell on est Move in the Light of the and the dead hero heart was cold, the Revolution. Oneal has little to and conscription of Tun On October 16, he gave the order to proceed revise now; as ever, he follows that portion of the country we in once more began to WAR NOTES War Crisis neck and Litvinov passed from beat: the timid, the coward the ti time. with the attack on Harpers Ferry which was in the footsteps of Scheidemann will regard as an act of ag. Roosevelt, a new army departOn order from President the scene, probably forever.
Hear the Answer by server, the helpless and the weak looked to serve as a signal for Negro revolt. The and Noske.
on the brave cold clay, and from a mil immediate objective was the arsenal gression, said de Valera.
Mr. Oneal would have us rellion throats cry for vengeance was News of his attack spread like wild fire. The legate to the scrap heap Marx ment, to be known as the De: frightened. Berlin was quietly JAMES CANNON Such a threat, he contin partment of Puerto Rico, with jubilant. Chamberlain began to FRIDAY, MAY 12, at p.
ed to the stars. Men cried from the betings to wake a te sleeping world. local militia was quickly roused. and blocked dictum that the workers have ued, would be intolerable and jurisdiction extending over the talk about a non aggression IRVING PLAZA, Irving Pl. Clarence Darrow)
at 15th Street but their anybody anxious for good rela: entire Caribbean Island region pact with Hitler and supporters made a stand with his band and some prison chains. We now know. says realize that such a threat was tary of War Woodring. More once again raised their heads.
Adm. 25c Unemployed Free It all depends on your point of view. If ers in an engine house. By dawn the next day Auspices: Local New York, Colonel Robert arrived with his mater. For our democracy is so.
you re smug. conservative, satisfied with troops and guns will be sent In other words, London is tryS.
things as they are, John Brown was a blood rines and attacked the engine house. Brown worth a fight which onea!
De Valera knows full well to that area. Brigadier General ing once more to see if by a Make this Date a MUST!
stained madman. It human liberty means two sons were shot down at his side. Brown perverts to mean that the fight, that he would suffer the fate of Edmund Daley is in charge, fresh deal of some kind with more to you than anything else, if oppression forces held out as long as they could. that is worth while is that in John Redmond and the old Na This new army department, and slavery make you want to go out and do When the marines succeeded in breaking which the workers shall serve tionalist Party when they which compliments the 9, 300, something about it, then John Brown was a through Brown fire, they pounced on him as cannon fodder for the big pledged the support of Ireland 000 already voted for improveglorious figure who did the right thing in the viciously. He who had spared his prisoners. imperialist powers.
to Britain in the last war on the ment of air and submarine wrong way, but who nevertheless did do someperhaps even contributed to his defeat by his promise of home rule which bases in the Caribbean, is thing humaness, was beaten into a bloody ball. WAR TIME DICTATORSHIP was never fulfilled until the charged with preventing the es Old Brown of OS was, it is true, Brown and those of his comrades who had WON HURT possessed by a single But that idea was: As an able politician, Mr. Civil War forced. Britain to tablishment of military bases grant anywheres near the American ownership of man by man is intolerable.
Scarcely pausing for berecand were arrested.
the government question that the masses can be valera is merely trying to However, it is possible that continent by a foreign power.
Born in Connecticut of a poor, farmer family rushed him to trial.
tary base in th not be mustered into service bargain with Britain for politi Caribbean puts the in Romantic Dowager which was ardently abolitionist, Brown lived under straighteried circumstances all his life.
Immortalized on the Gallows Recommend 1, 000 Men for democracy with any cal control of the six counties striking position over all of the Comes Be Thrown Out Without formal schooling, he got a fairish education by reading. Never a success, he maintained his dignity and defiance. He knew ready outlined in the Industriai would attempt to line up the Throughout the trial, Brown lying in a cot war time regime which is al in the North and in return Latin American nations.
To Untimely End Of Theater Beds shifted from business to business. Several the sentence that was to be passed on him and Mobilization Bill.
Mr. Oneal Irish workers and Yarmers in In the May Day demonstra With the death of Mrs. Mary.
LOS ANGELES, Calif. April times he set up tanneries and sold them either he was ready: am worth more to die than to therefore argues that we must the British Army.
at a profit or a loss. For a time he speculated 25. City officials today recomlive. Virginia Governor Wise commented: surrender freedom in war time De Valera has time and time organizations, speakers pledged on Andrews Bruglere Deming mended throwing 1, 000 men on in land. Such money as he made he used al He is a bundle of the best nerves ever saw because it only means tem again proved that he is ready the workers support to war.
Cooper Hewitt McCarter in relief out of their beds after most wholly for his cause. Never at any time cut and thrust and bleeding and in bonds.
porary restriction of the freeNew York City, one of the most hearing a lengthy report from did he have enough money for the proper Sentence was passed on November Now doms have discussed. and romantic and fabulous careers Fire Chief Ralph Scott in which care of his large family.
if it is deemed necessary, he told the court. that to identify centralization New Branches of the that should forfelt my life for the further of power in war time with toin stockholding circles came to be described the filth prevailing in all night theaters where Striking Out for Emancipation ance of the ends of Justice, and mingle my talitarianism is ridiculous.
a close the other morning.
men on relief spend their blood further with the blood of my children In a series of articles the So. The conflagration of the Civil War was in First acclaimed in hots toity nights instead of in higherthe making Two rival systems of economyand with the blood of millions in this slave cialist Appeal has already de.
society as a popular Southern priced flop houses.
country whose rights are disregarded plantation or industrial were staging the prescribed the regimentation of belle, Maryon Andrews in rap Out of the 18 a month alwicked. cruel and unjust enactments, say, labor which is to begin when id succession married and di lowed these unfortunate unemliminary contests of a battle for power. Out let it be done.
in Kansas the pro slavery and anti slavery the war breaks out. The measvorced five millionaire stock. ployed must come rent, food, forces were disputing the issue of entering Brown was led to the scaffold. As he ap ures planned by the governholders.
medical attention, clothing. In into the Union as a Slave or Free State, disproached he slipped his last written words ment go far beyond anything are now being formed in your community. Tf you or Reputed in France to be the order to get more for food, they puting by means of guerrilla warfare. Brown into the hands of a guard: John Brown am instituted by Wilson in 1917. your union organization are interested in joining the greatest woman gambler. spend midnight to dawn in allfollowed his sons out to Kansas where he led now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty But the fundamental issue lies oldest working class fraternity for once after a gay party she was night theaters. They are often a group of free staters organized by his sons land: will never be purged away, but with still deeper. We got some deinvited to become the piece de smoke cheap tobacco, spit on e de ill and feverish from hunger, in Osawatomie Blood. have as now think: vainly flattered mocracy back after the last Border Ruffians from the neighboring myself that without very much bloodshed it war we also got Palmer raids SICK ACCIDENT BENEFITS Shah of Persia. On one of her the floor, doze fitfully in unstate of Missouri periodically invaded Kansas might be done.
and mass arrests and prison MEDICAL CARE frequent relaxations on palatial cushioned theater seats while Two years later very much more blood was sentences, etc. but we cannot These and attacked Free State advocates.
ocean liners she wore a dia ancient films unwind repeated Border Ruffians sacked the city of Law indeed shed. For four years armies battled accept even Mr. Oneal guarmond studded anklet valued at ly before them through the to decide questions of power, and HOSPITAL AID rence. Brown avenged Lawrence by massacrthat con antee that we will get some 100, 000 night.
ing a family of five slave staters. In retalla flict it was decided in law that chattel slavery democracy back again after The practice was caustically She insisted that her manner characterized was doomed.
LIFE INSURANCE the next war.
by tion Osawatomie was set on fire.
President Brown had found few friends for his ex If the totalitarian powers are of living required an income of Clyde Shoemaker as a disBrown great plan was meanwhile maturRECREATION not less than 250, 000 year. grace to Los Angeles and daning in his mind. Financial backing he secured ploits. Even those who stood against chattel defeated in the coming war a from various individuals in the east. Finally, slavery were horrified by his deeds their series of revolutions in those when her 21 year old daughter. The city officials recom(An features furnished at rates based on cost)
in preparation for the decisive deed he called spirit was alien to an understanding of a man countries will undoubtedly folwho was born out of wedlock, completely possessed by a desire for freedom. low: and the role of France and a convention of his men in Chatham, Canada.
write charged her mother with hav. mended that an ordinance be few, like the poet Emerson, did see his England as hangmen of revoluHe explained his scheme to them: a base was ing had a sterilization operaadopte to close down these to be established in the mountains of Virginia worth saw in him a rare, a pure idealist of tions (1917 1923) will now be.
WORKMEN SICK DEATH BENEFIT FUND tlon performed upon her with particular theaters at an early and Maryland to which slaves could flee.
artless goodness such as history produces come America England and 714 SENECA AVENUE, BROOKLYN, out her consent in order to hour, but unable to offer any every so often to impel the movement of great France were able to play that Others, white and Negro, would join the comas hold on a concrete suggestions tighten the mother set up by where to herd the 000 men events role with impunity because the The Workmen Sick Death Benefit Fund is 55 years old. 10. 000. 000 trust stitution to create a Free State under the con Brown went down to defeat yes, that is workers of those two countries, exact details of achieving this Started in 1884 by a group the girl multi millionaire after they are thrown out on up of trade unionists, it true, but only in a limited sense. We would shackled to their rulers by the end he did not work out until later.
of over four million dollars. Men and women between 16 great grandfather.
the streets, asked for a report labor leaders in the war, have chosen other means, organized different and 54 years of age and in good health are eligible. Every As Shubel Morgan he returned to Kansas.
The dowager was only 55 from the social service departly, appealed less to God. But no thrust at were too weak to prevent their member is obligated to pledge support to organized labor. when she died suddenly of mente Branded an outlaw, a reward was placed on freedom is wasted. John Brown may be masters from destroying the The branches meet monthly, where the business is trans apoplexy of the brain. She is As yet no other place has his head by the President of the United States mouldrin in his grave but his spirit goes European revolution in Geracted in a democratic manner.
survived by two other children been provided the men to To escape being caught, Brown fled with his marching on.
many and Austria and Hun and her stock holdings. sleep.
The Downfall Of Litvinov came.
pulse of SOCIETY NOTES: Workmen Sick Death Benefit Fund to