Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSS ConstitutionWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1939 APREALARM Legislators Unite to Force Relief Slashes In the PUSH WAR PLAN Yipsel Jobs for Youth So You Have No FORD LAUNCHES Trade AT EXPENSE OF CampaignWins Support Jail with You PHONY PLAN Unions NEEDY WORKERS OF INSURANCE the entire party FOUR DIE IN NEW YORK TENENENT HOUSE FIRE THE PROBLEM OF THE UKRAINE. By Leon Trotsky 66 Money. Then to The May Day issue of the no matter how great the tempAPPEAL was great! It pound tation is!
ed home the necessity of a re We also want to urge all lentless revolutionary program. branches who appreciate the (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
May That It was a shot in the arm for work carried on by the Appeal sublime eapitalist justice which the working class! Need say Poster Shop to make use of it Two Organizations Endorse Campaign allows the rich and the poor that am convinced that the and also to send in donations alike to eat out of garbage Fourth International has the that will help purchase new Committee Program of Aid to Nation cans wa demonstrated here only revolutionary program? equipment, tools, etc. With By WIDICK Send me at once six more about 50. 00 more we can have (Continued from Page 1) Locked Out Generation today in all its majestic right from this phoney insurance issues of the May Day AP. an even finer poster shop that rubber worker asked us to The Daily Worker says: it is eousness.
By MANUEL PEAL. of Green Bay, will serve the City Council Member wir scheme.
support of the Committee proexplain why the top not the President talking. Slav.
The fortnight old Jobs for gram. Lou Becker, National liam Ridgeway was conThe Ford leopard has not Wisconsin.
leadership is so vehemently op ish servility can go no further Subscriptions have fallen off posed to the present Wagner Having linked their fate to Youth campaign, initiated by Director of the campaign, said: victed of manslaughter after changed his spots. Old Hank sharply the past two weeks and Roosevelt foreign policy, the the Jobs for Youth Cam No youth campaign in the the car which he was driving has not grown generous over WE EXTEND QUR APOLOGIES: we are wondering whether it Labor Relations Act.
Through error the May Day will continue.
Every effort The best source of explana everything.
ed by the Young People so political and racial lines like convicted of drunken driving employees, but to tie total jail sentence of one more closely to the Ford man greetings sent in by the Toledo must be made to bring our tion lies in the leaderLess bravenly linked, but in al. gained momentum last youth in the nation are eager year in the county workhouse agement. Every Ford worker branch and the East Chicago. weekly average back to 50.
ship itself.
end result no better, are the week when two organizations to where it stood before. Here In the current issue of the and leaders. They voted their full support to the mand jobs from the Roosevelt imposed.
in a campaign to de: and a fine of 250 have been pany. that he will not dare We offer our apologies to the the list for this past week: William Green fight against to unionization provided by the diate aid weekly newsletter, live on memories of the spur Committee nation practically oblivious to the ent tied up the case until the his insurance investment.
of imme. administration, which has been But high powered legal tal move or breathe, lest he lose comrades of these branches FOREIGN The and assure them that their were the Wagner Act is made clear. N. and the Wagner Act.
appreciated New York City needs of the youth. We have Court of Appeals last week up. Ford plan is just like the nefa greetings locked out generation.
California although, of course, the real and are blind to what has hap.
Chicago Pennsylvania tionary. Just as in the areal: Bope or moving series comeme council endorsed the program pagn to draw attention to the During the engine monthis etapes and frohe kings who ensiaved published bureaucracy fight against the crisis by internal measures Urban League in St. Paul youth and no demandeuriat the viction and the ruling or the ly keeping them in debt to the APPEALSPOSTER NOW Washington, Wisconsin Act is reactionary.
Ohio abroad. To secure the neces Monter leados negro organiza government incorporate into hisher court, Ridgeway con corporation to.
The new Appeal poster has Union Needed Indiana The Nub of the sary solidarity of the capitalist Chicago Youth Respong Committee Program Different Case First and foremost the Ford been completed and is already Missouri Question ruling class for such a war for Chicago NYA. occupationworld mastery, Roosevelt has al conference held at Marcy Youth Last Convert the into month 22. year old workers must organize a strong in the mails. Projects.
unions are joined them in whittling down Center on April 21 was thrown bollsh Many craft Total. worker in Barberton union of their own. They must This is to be used only for win recognition and bargaining branch and union headquarters threatened with dissolution and to meaningless proportions the into an uproar when Arthur Aid treatment given jobless was convicted of drunken driv Mehts. The Ford workers, with and is to be worn by comrades destruction by Board decrees, former concessions in labor Ketchin, member Ware the local youth. Give youth jobs is because he hadrakunk tw. such a union organization, can we het sell the paper in the The only bundle order in, crease came from abroad in took the floor to de at union of course, to decrees of the in cooperation with all other streets.
glasses of wine.
Pioneer They are not to be taken London where the National Labor Relations Workers Will Anstver mand conversion of in Transes.
Board operating under the only bureaucrats: governmen transference of the two billion such projects.
But in Washington one sees. budget to finance in fail. His finger prints Ted serious, well planned campaign home by anyone and used to Bookshop increased its order Wagner Act.
tal, labor and Stalinist Down dollar war budget to finance twenty billion dollar escaped from North Caro automobile industry and pro: to the discovery that he had to reduce unemployment in the decorate their mantel pieces, from 12 to 18 per issue. For example, in the Fried in the ranks and even higher the projects and immediate as Federal Public Works and lina torture chamber, otherwise vide economic security for all Ostermann case the employer up in the local leadership of Sistance to all needy students. jousing program to give jobs known asende prison. He had be achieved by a great drive manufactured both clothing the labor unions which must and gloves. They were sepa daily cope with the needs of Stalinist American Youth Con The conference, called by the to the unemployed.
been sentenced to seven years to establish the 30 hour week rate departments. Glove mak their membership things are gress and local business men program of assistance to an tons of cigarettes from a box with reduction in pay ing has always been a separate stirring. Isolated reports of was being smothered with per needy students without dis car, and had escaped after throughout the automobile in craft during the entire history demonstrations as yet sonality development blah crimination.
of organized labor.
reflect this stirring only in when Retchin dramatic No suspension of aid to tence.
serving two years of the serdustry and the establishment of a minimum 2, 500 annual wage Four baby boys were burned had the fire occurred later at The glove makers were part.
speech jolted the youthful audi needy students during the sum The worker made his for all automobile workers.
to death Tuesday evening night the building might have practically one hundred per Regardless of what Billence to its feet and in a moment mer months.
way to Barberton, married and Join the Socialist when a fire broke out in an gone up in a torch like blaze cent members of the Green and John Lewis and 400 ringing young voices were The Committee has issued an has a two month old daughter.
old law tenement at 28 Lewis and the fire trapped many of glove workers union. The ma. Earl Browder want, the work. rocking them offers after the petitions to the president and on his body from the terrible Workers Party Street, New York City. The its occupants before they could youngest was two years old, reach safety.
were members of a clothing the cost of the pro Roosevelt session was over Retchin was Congress. Both may be obtain. beatings administered by the. for eight hours.
the oldest six. Material dam Only buildings that are unwith the dispute still in need of food and shelter formation about the Jobs for Youth Campaign Committee. rested in North Carolina, he extradition charges while law the four children died.
He is now being held pending age was listed as slight, but safe for human habitation go up in a torch like blaze. in arose over representation. for themselves and their fam Youth campaign. The clothing workers re Ilies.
116 University Place, New was strung up his wrists were and order is being upheld in In the opinion of the firemen New York City, there are 64, 000 În statement calling for York City.
tied above his head to cell bars its usual impartial manner. present (N. Times, May old law tenements, not one quested the Board to fuse the of which is fit to be lived in.
glove workers and declare Yet hundreds of people do live them one unit. The Board in them because there are no did so.
other homes they can afford. In a recent decision (Finch Legislature Ducks Issue case) the Board went so far The state legislature is now as to hold that a carpenter pressing for adjournment on who had voted for his May 12, less than a week hence.
union could not refuse to be (Continued from Page 1)
a far cry from the days when they went no heads are capable of thinking that the emanconditions which it itself considers acceptrepresented by a liquor For a long time nothing had of Georgia and on the question of the further than episodic combinations in their cipation and unification of the Ukraine can able, witich in turn presupposes a revolution been heard from Albany about distillery workers organiza Ukraine. The correspondence dealing with politics.
be achieved by peaceful diplomatic means, the five bills designed to impletion.
these matters has remained unpublished to by referendums, by decisions of the League ine emancipation of the Ukrainian people is ary regeneration of the The genument the 300, 000, 000 appropriThe statement signi this day. We hope to publish a section of it Stalin, Hitler and of Nations, etc. In no way superior to then inconceivable without a revolution or a series ation authorized by the voters ficantly adds, Everyone the very small section which is at our dis The Ukraine of course are those nationalists who pro of revolutions in the west which must lead in last year for slum clearance knows that in this country posal. Every line of Lenin letters and propose to solve the Ukrainian question by en the end to the creation of the Soviet United erection of low cost housthere are countless plants posals vibrates with an urge to accede as Not a trace remains of the former confi tering the service of one imperialism against ing projects.
States of Europe. An independent Ukraine where single craftsmen.
far as possible to those nationalities that dence and sympathy of the Western Ukrainanother. Hitler gave an invaluable lesson to could and undoubtedly will join this federaNow, with the session virtusuch as stationary engineers, have been oppressed in the past. In the proian masses for the Kremlin. Since the latest these adventurers by tossing for how long. tion as an equal member. The proletarian ally over, there is at long last electricians, carpenters and posals and declarations of Stalin, on the conmurderous purge in the Ukraine no one in Carpatho Ukraine to the Hungarians who im revolution in Europe, in turn, woud not leave a conference to consider slum the like, are employed.
the West wants to become part of the Kremtrary. the tendency to bureaucratic central mediately slaughtered not a few trusting one stone standing of the revolting structure clearance program. But there That brings us to the crux of lin satrapy which continues to bear the name ism was invariably pronounced. In order to Ukrainians. Insofar as the issue depends the matter. It is absolutely in is considerable doubt that any of Stalinist Bonapartism. In that case the guarantee administrative needs. e. the of Soviet Ukraine. The worker and peasant upon the military strength of the imperialist closest union of the Soviet United States of action will be taken. The evitable that the interests of the bureaucracy, the most legiti masses in the Western Ukraine, in Bukovina, states, the victory of one grouping or an. favor industrial unions since people representatives shy Europe and the regenerated would in the Carpatho Ukraine are in a state of mate claims of the oppressed nationalities collective bargaining is on a other can signify only a new dismemberment from courting the disfavor of confusion: Where to turn? What to demand?
be inevitable and would present infinite adwere declared a manifestation of petty bourplant wide basis. We are for and a still more brutal subjugation of the vantages for the European and Asiatic contheir constituents by casting geois nationalism. All these symptoms could This situation naturally shifts the leadership Ukrainian people. The program of indepen.
that policy 100 per cent.
negative votes on housing protinents, including of course the Ukraine, too.
be observed as early as 1922 1923. Since that to the most reactionary Ukrainian cliques for the Ukraine in the epoch of im. But here we are shifting to questions of secposals. But they shy, too. from time they have developed monstrously and ond and third order. The question of first mohsent Against Labor sanctioning the appropriation have led to outright strangulation of any kind the Ukrainian people to one imperial up with the program of the proletarian rev order is the revolutionary guarantee of the nd thus antagonizing the landInterests of independent national development of the ism or another in return for a promise of olution. It would be criminal to entertain any unity and independence of a workers and lords and the moneyed interfictitious independence. Upon this tragic conpeoples of the illusions on this score.
Industrial ests they so slavishly serve.
union fusion Hitler bases his policy in the Ukrainpeasants Ukraine in the struggle against imwon over craft interests in The Bolshevik Conception ian question. At one time we said: but for Soviet Constitution Admits Better, they figure, to adopt the perialism, on the one hand, and against Mospolicy of just doing nothing both cases cited by the Of Soviet Ukraine cow Bonapartism, on the other.
Stalin e. but for the fatal policy of the statement. We remember how Right of Self Determination Meanwhile, raging fires conComintern in Germany) there would have The Ukraine is especially rich and experiIn the conception of the old Bolshevik party 14 craft unions were retinue to take their horrible toll But the independence of a United Ukraine been no Hitler. To this can now be added: Soviet Ukraine was destined to become a enced in false paths of struggle for national of lives of baby boys and baby placed in the Akron rubber but for the rape of Soviet Ukraine by the would mean the separation of Soviet Ukraine emancipation. Here everything has been girls, and men and women, shops by one industrial union.
powerful axis around which the other secStalinist bureaucracy there would be no Hitfrom the the friends of the tions of the Ukrainian people would unite. It petty bourgeois Rada, and Skoroyoung and old.
The workers benefitted more Jerist Ukrainian policy.
Kremlin will exclaim in chorus. What is so is indisputable that in the first period of its padski, and Petliura, and alliance with under industrial unionism.
We shall not pause here to analyze the moterrible about that? we reply. The fervid the Hohenzollerns and combinations with the existence Soviet Ukraine exerted a mighty ANNOUNCEMENTS But the threat to their craft Entente. After all these experiments, only worship of state boundaries is allen to us.
positions and their placing of attractive force, in national respects as well, tives that impelled Hitler to discard, for the We do not hold the position united and political avers continue to place hope craft interests above the intertime being at least, the slogan of a Greater FORUM Can the Democraand aroused to struggle the workers, peasindivisible whole. After all, even the con in any one of the fractions of the Ukrainian ests of the labor movement as Ukraine. These motives must be sought in cies Stop Fascism? Speaker, ants, and revolutionary intelligentsia of the fraudulent combinations of German imstitution of the acknowledges the bourgeoisie as the leader of the national Neil White. Auspices: Sociala whole, causes the top Western Ukraine enslaved by Poland. But perialism on the one hand, and on the other right of its component federated peoples to struggle for emancipation. The Ukrainian ist Workers Party (Downleaders to struggle against any during the years of Thermidorian reaction, self determination, that is, to separation.
in the fear of conjuring up an evil spirit proletariat alone is capable not only of solv town Branch. Time: Sunday, legislation or policy which even the position of Soviet Ukraine and together Thus, not even the incumbent Kremlin oli ing the task which is revolutionary in its whom it might be difficult to exorcize. Hitler May 7th, o clock. Place: indirectly favors with it the posing of the Ukrainian question industrial garchy dares to deny this principle. To be very essence but also of taking the initiaas a whole changed sharply. The more pro gave Carpatho Ukraine as a gift to the Hununionism.
Downtown Labor Center, 51 found the hopes aroused, the keener was the garian butchers. This was done, if not with sure it remains only on paper. The slightest The fact that the AFL tive for its solution. The proletariat and East 7th Street.
attempt to raise the question of an indepen only the proletariat can rally around itself statement mentions as an exdisillusionment. The bureaucracy strangled Moscow open approval then in any case dent Ukraine openlywould mean immediate with confidence that approval would be forththe peasant masses and the genuinely revoFOR RENT Attractive room ample the incident of a carand plundered the people within Great Rusexecution on the charge of treason. But it is coming. It is as if Hitler had said to Stalin: lutionary national intelligentsia.
furnished apt. Frigidaire penter is not accidental. Bill sla, too. But in the Ukraine matters were precisely this despicable equivocation, it is If were preparing to attack Soviet Ukraine At the beginning of the last imperialist incinerator. 30 per month.
Hutcheson, carpenters union further complicated by the massacre of nawar the Ukrainians. Melenevski (Basok. 129 East 4th sé. Gilinsky.
precisely this ruthless hounding of all free president, is leader of the dietomorrow should have kept Carpathotional hopes. Nowhere did restrictions, national thought that has led the toiling purges, repressions and in general all forms Ukraine in my own hands. In reply. Stalin ORchard 5439.
and Skoropis Yeltukhovski, attempted to hard clique in the counmasses of the Ukraine, to an even greater at the 18th Party Congress openly came to place the Ukrainian liberation movement uncil. His blind and selfish craft of bureaucratic hooliganism assume such degree than the masses of Great Russia, The first semester of the Hitler defense against the slanders of the der the wing of the Hohenzollern General, murderous sweep as they did in the Ukraine interest makes him the leader Karl Liebknecht School of the look upon the rule of the Kremlin as monin the struggle against the powerful, deeply Western Democracies. Hitler intends to of the opposition to the Ludendorff. They covered themselves in so New York Division of the attack the Ukraine? Nothing of the sort!
strously oppressive. In the face of such an present Wagner Act. Since his rooted longings of the Ukrainian masses for doing with left phrases. With one kick the internal situation it is naturally impossible revolutionary Marxists booted these people concluded, the educaS. having been successfully union has 300. 000 members, his greater freedom and independence. To the Fight with Hitler? Not the slightest reason even to talk of Western Ukraine voluntarily out. That is how future. The impending the second term.
for it. Stalin is obviously interpreting the revolutionists must convoice has been very powerful totalitarian bureaucracy. Soviet Ukraine betional department is now openjoining the as it is at present conin FL. council meetings handing over of Carpatho Ukraine to Huntinue to behave in the came an administrative division of an ecostituted. Consequently, the unification of the nomic unit and military base of the Hutcheson, whose role in the gary as an act of peace.
ing war will create a favorable atmosphere The Liebknecht school is feaUkraine presupposes freeing the so called labor movement we explained To be sure, the Stalin bureaucracy for all sorts of adventurers, miracle hunters Soviet Ukraine from the Stalinist boot. In For a Free, Independent turing a new course which erects statues to Shevchenko but only in orand seekers of the golden fleece. These genrecently in a column, is deter ought to prove very attractive this matter, too, the Bonapartist clique will mined to preserve his bureauder more thoroughly to crush the Ukrainian Soviet Ukraine!
tlemen, who especially love to warm their to both party and hands in the vicinity reap what it has sown.
the national ques cratic privileges at all costs. people under their weight and to force it to But wouldn this mean the military weakmembers. It is a four lecture This means that sections of the Ukrainian tion, must not be allowed within artillery And, by the way, the chant paeans in the language of Kobzar to ening of the the friends of the people have become so much small change course in the History of the the rapist clique in the Kremlin.
opposition to Edwin Smith, Revolutionary Youth Moverange of the labor movement. Not the slightKremlin will howl in horror. We reply that for the Kremlin in its international calculaest compromise Towards the sections of the Ukraine now with imperialism, either member, is not a ment. The lectures will be give tions. The Fourth International must clearly the weakening of the is caused by fascist or democratic! Not the slightest conmistake as commonly sup outside its frontiers, the Kremlin attitude those ever growing centrifugal tendencies en by Martin Abern, manager understand the enormous importance of the cession to the Ukrainian nationalists, either posed.
happens to be today is the same as it is towards all opof the New International, Max He Ukrainian question in the fate not only of generated by the Bonapartist dictatorship.
clerical reactionary or liberal pacifist! No strongly in favor of one colpressed nationalities, all colonies, and semiIn the event of war the hatred of the masses Shachtman, editor of the ApSoutheastern and Eastern Europe but also of colonies, e. small change in its internationPeople Fronts. The complete indepen lective bargaining agency for peal, Ernest Erber, editor of Europe as a whole. We are dealing with a for the ruling clique can lead to the collapse dence of the proletarian party as the vana plant.
al combinations with imperialist governthe Challenge of Youth and Industrial unionism people that has proved its viability, that is of all the social conquests of October. The guard of the toilers!
in other words. That is why ments. At the recent 18th Congress of the Nathan Gould, National Secresource of defeatist moods is in the Kremlin.
Green centered so much fire numerically equal to the population of tary of the Communist Party. Manuilsky, one of the France and occupies an exceptionally rich An independent Soviet Ukraine, on the other most revolting renegades of Ukrainian comFor an International on him.
Other courses are: territory which, moreover, is munism, quite openly explained that not only the highest hand, would become, if only by virtue of its The proposal to reDiscussion Folkdancing: weeks. Saturstrategical importance. The question of the own interests, a mighty southwestern bulwark the but also the Comintern (the place the present three man day, 12 to Lifshitz (Befate of the Ukraine has been posed in its full of the The sooner the present Bona This appears to me the correct policy in gyp joint, according to Stalin formula.
board with a five man board, ginning May 13. partist caste is undermined, upset, crushed scope. clear and definite slogan is necesthe Ukrainian question. speak here pertion) refused to demand the emancipation of Elements along with other amendments, of Marxism: sary that corresponds to the new situation. and swept away. the firmer the defense of is a maneuver to make the oppressed peoples whenever their oppressors sonally and in my own name. The question weeks. Saturday to E. pro craft union if the Soviet Republic will become and the are not the enemies of the ruling Moscow In my opinion there can be at the present must be opened up to international discus Erber.
time only one such slogan: united, free more certain its socialist future.
clique. India is nowadays being defended by sion. The foremost place in this discussion possible. at Work: course and independent workers and peasants Against Imperialism and must belong the Ukrainian revolutionary Blind bureaucrats like Hutch. Stalin, Dimitroff and Manuilsky againstin organizational principles: Japan, but not against England. Western Soviet Ukraine.
eson would even prefer no leg Marxists. We shall listen with the greatest weeks. Saturday, to Irv.
Moscow Bonapartism islation and at least the aboli Ukraine they are ready to cede forever to This program is in irreconcilable contraattention to their voices. But they had better ing Bern, national organization of the Wagner Act to any.
diction first of all with the interests of the Naturally an independent workers and make haste. There is little time left for Poland in exchange for a diplomatic agreetional secretary of the thing which is not favorable to ment which appears profitable at the present three imperialist powers, Poland, Rumania, peasants Ukraine might subsequently join All classes are held at 51 preparation!
their reactionary philosophy.
and Hungary. Only hopeless pacifist biockApril 22, 1939.
time to the bureaucrats of the Kremlin. It is the Soviet Federation but voluntarily, on East 7th Street, tried: the