BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyMussoliniPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1939 Father Coughlin Favors Fascist Their By James Burnham Dictatorships In His Magazine Government Editor: Gyp Artist If Congress did not grant the appropriation Independent Action SOCIALIST APPEAL of a BILLION DOLLARS. Thus the President, if one adds the 1, 115, 000 human beings he Vol. III, No. 30 May 5, 1939 has already doomed, has condemned more than Published twice a week by the 2, 000, 000 people to starvation in the IMMEDISOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS ATE future. By his own method of computaat 116 University Place, New York, tion, this will affect not less than 10, 000, 000 Telephone: Algonquin 8547 Americans. This within a few days after luis He Plays on Anti War Sentiments of the Common Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months signing a bill for the largest OUTPOUR OF People Now; When War Comes His Tactics Will Foreign: 00 per year, 50 for six months. Bun WAR FUNDS since the American Expedition Change, Making Him Roosevelt Recruiting Agent cento per consente nel coperetncountriesstatangiary Forces left the battlefields of the last World War.
By GRACE SAUNDERS copies: cents.
embarking upon an imperialist minating against Roosevelt Senator Robert Taft. whose hat is well out in Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for The come on partners haven yet started their Father Coughlin, propagan war. He is in no sense an isola intervention in European afthe ring for the Republican Presidential candisix months; 00 for one year.
dizing prelate of Detroit, is tionist. He has stated frequent fairs, he can still serve his dual dacy in 1940, last week repeated the familiar Reentered as second class matter February 16, part of this new gyp game. But they will and both a faithful follower of his ly that what he opposes is purpose aid and comfort to charge that Roosevelt is playing up the foreign 1939, at the post office at New York, under Roosevelt will again pose as the great champion teachers Mussolini and Hitler merely American involvement his Axis friends, and exploita situation in order to hide the failure of the New the Act of March 3, 1879.
of the oppressed and defender of the unemDeal at home. This charge, as an editorial in the causes and principles which war, and by that he means a ment in this country in order Appeal pointed out at the time, is unquestionably ployed by furiously battling proposals to reduce will further their aims and am war which seeks to keep Ger to enhance his own prestige.
true; but it is true in a sense far more profound MAX SHACHTMAN relief rolls still further that is, furiously bat bitions. There is only one point many and Italy from making But already a new note is than that intended by the Republican Senator.
Associate Editors: at which he draws the line and further grabs.
creeping into his propaganda HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW tling with stern. words, and a sly wink for Taft differences with Roosevelt are 99 superrefuses to tag along, namely, He, or his editorial board When the United States does Staff Members: those in on the game.
where his own personal ambificial, at bottom little more than a dispute over (which is the same thing) come out as a belligerent EMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN Right now Roosevelt is going through the tions clash with those of his states this again quite openly against the Axis powers which set of office holders shall draw down public Business Manager: mentors.
in a front page anti Roosevelt Coughlin will not be found in pay. But the internal failure of the New Deal is STANLEY first maneuver of his gigantic sucker game. He All those familiar with Cough editorial in the April 24 issue the unpopular camp of Gernot at all superficial. It represents not the ineffecjustifies his latest tremendous slash with the caslin demagocy are well ac of his paper. Says the edito man and Italian sympathizers.
tiveness of the Democratic Party but the chronic, incurable malady of American capitalista. After FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST ual nonchalance of a gyp artist who is an old rial: Without America help Nor will he be concerned any quainted with the similarity beeither openly given or secret. longer about American particiall, Hoover had three and a half full years after hand at the game of Heecing the TRUSTING tween his program and that 1929 to demonstrate that the Republicans are promised the nations of pation in a European war.
WORKERS PARTY FOR. forgotten man by airily declaring that indusfollowed by Mussolini and Hity ler prior to their accession to Europe will not engage in a Such a course would then be every bit as ineffectual as the Democrats.
try will absorb the TWO MILLION unemFor Roosevelt to concentrate on the foreign power. They are also aware Emerali war. Without America, unpopular, and Coughlin is not job and a decent wage for every worker.
ployee situation that is, the war crisis, is no doubt are thrown off the neerports virtually every reaction duct their aggression as they amongst his followers for such from one point of view a clever party political Open the idle factories operate them under ful promise is no doubt based on the fact that workers control.
ary demand supported by the have done by conquest and stupid morality as consistency maneuver. But it is a maneuver that corresponds since Roosevelt last pointed out the dire need of European dictators, and that he conference but short of actual to one own past or loyalty to not merely to factional needs but to the imperative Twenty Billion dollar Federal publlo works mimics them slavishly in the war.
the unemployed for 50, 000, 000 MORE, the inone teachers requirements of the American bourgeoisie.
and housing program.
Apparently, since Social Jus.
anti Semitic and anti Commudex of business activity has DECLINED preAmerican capitalism is not working. During the In the same article referred Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wagenist hate that he spews forth. tice places the word aggres.
to above, the editors of Social past decade, nearly every sort of internal repair sion in quotes, Coughlin is re30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on cipitously and employment has DROPPED far Coughlin follows their pro luctant to call the rape of Ausgrily against Roosevelt pol Justice, after protesting an job has been tried, and the machine is more all jobs.
below the normal season upswing.
creaky and halting than ever. The only chance Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability by to create a strong fascist and Albania by so harsh a clared it will be too late to trust, said Mr. Roosevelt in his latest mes.
that the bourgeoisie now sees is an external de icy. remark: Once war is de vice is the war.
sage announcing his latest slash, that the peole movement here, with himself. word as aggression. Appar protest. Under the emergency naturally, in the role of leader Expropriate the Sixty Familles.
Moreover, Roosevelt is succeeding in his manwill not be deceived. and will not assume He champions the same causes lini little set to in Ethiopia a or a common racket as the ently, too, he considers Musso of war whether a just war euver. He is actually turning the eyes of the people All war funds to the unemployed.
that the totalitarian methods of government are they champion because there is conquest but not a war.
away from internal conditions; and no bourgeois basically little difference be opponent is hampering him to any degree, since people referendum on any and all wars. niore effective than our own.
tween his ideology and theirs of the radio priest the task of We will leave to the facile pen last one proved to be it becomes the patriotic duty of they all fundamentally share his perspective No, we are not deceived. We must admit that No secret diplomacy.
Roosevelt method is highly effective. No doubt and because he understands explaining the distinctions he every American to support the that the strengthening of the so ti finely draws.
government. Our emphasis. Few Facts and Figures 10. An independent Labor Party.
fascist tendencies in Europe the unemployed will soon be feasting on cakeWhether or not his thesisWhen war comes. let no one In the latter half of 1937; the business cycle 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante the gyp artist has a simple way of providing it. same tendencies in this coun there would be no war in Eu will likewise strengthen the that without American help be deceived. Coughlin will be and Fascist attacks turned downward. This was most alarming to the He just throws the unemployed off the relief try.
bourgeoisie, since the upturn preceeding had been rope is a correct one, it cerand will be one of the loudest brief and had failed a long shot to equal the rolls and turns them loose in the streets where, It is not surprising, there. tainly is true that America trumpeteers. He even has his 1928 29 level. And the rate of drop in 1937 was as every backer of Roosevelt knows, cake has fore, that the April 24 issue of aid to England and France alibi already at hand. Haven twice as fast as the rate in 1929.
his weekly magazine, Social would make immeasurably said all along, he will assert On Tuesday, March 14, President Roosevelt filled the garbage cans since New Deal economy Justice, is devoted largely to more difficult the task of the that didn approve of every. The economists and publicists took refuge in went into effect.
embittered criticism of Roose Axis powers. And it is for this thing that Hitler was doing?
delivered a message to Congress in which he magic. They thought they could wish the renewed velt and his peace notes to reason, and for no other, that Well, now he has gone too far. crisis a way by calling it a recession instead of posed as the champion of the unemployed by What this world needs is a Christian revoluIl Duce and Der Fuehrer. This Coughlin so energetically op Father Coughlin has been an a depression. demanding that Congress appropriate another tion! Not by violence, but by social change comfull blown attack, it should be poses Roosevelt policy. Nor apt pupil of his fascist teachThey figured that it would last only a couple of patible with the nature and purpose of God. Such noted, coincides exactly with is this the first instance where ers. He has learned the value months, and would be followed at once by a much 150, 000, 000 for their benefit is the proposal made by Dr. Ernest Fremont the resentment expressed in he has made common cause of nice sounding words like longer, steadier upward movement. Instead, the He admitted that employment has decreased Tittle, pastor of the First Church of Evans Rome and Berlin over the with Hitler and Mussolini, social justice and peace. curve kept going down for almost a year.
since the end of December and that the num ton, Ill. It is now over 1900 years ever since the President meddling in Coughlin is doing, and will But he has also learned that With sigh of relief they watched it turn up first (and the last) Christian was murdered that European affairs. It was timed do, whatever he can to spike the budding fascist leader must ber of persons now certified as being in need and again last Spring. Now the predictions were all for the sky pilots have been telling us how to make a number of years of expansion.
to create an atmosphere favor. American aid to France and not follow an unpopular course eligible for employment is actually higher than omelets without breaking the eggs.
able to Hitler April 28 Reichs England, that is, until the regardless of the issues in In December the Federal Reserve Board index it was a month ago. THESE ARE THE tag speech.
To do this would be United States is on the verge volved.
figure, the key number for the government econPRESIDENT OWN WORDS.
It must be borne in mind. of entering the war. But when to lose the following he has so And however, that Father Coughlin that time comes, he will not demagogically corralled.
omists, based upon a weighted analysis of production, prices, purchases, credit turnover, etc. is not at all concerned with hesitate to scuttle the Italo this no fascist pretender reached 104. The almost universal expectation was the President asked for, more than 5, 000, 000 One of the most remarkable shiits in public preventing this country from German cause. Now, by ful willing to do.
that the 1939 average would be well over this level: the government experts themselves predicted a people would be affected. THIS TOO WAS opinion whiclı Dr. George Gallup Institute has AN ARGUMENT OF THE PRESIDENT yet recorded, according to a survey just comslight fall in January and February, with a rise from then on to a level of from 108 112 in DecemAGAINST FURTHER REDUCTIONS pleted, is the shift in public sentiment away ber, 1939.
Nothing of the sort has happened. The estimate In his speech on February 7, when relief needs from the Democratic Party to the Republican for the April figure is 94, a drop of nearly 10 were not as great as in March, according to his Party, from December statement quoted above, Roosevelt admitted that In 1936, right aiter the election, the Institute Other important indices show the same trend.
if any cuts in appropriations were made wide reported 30 of the voters expected the RepubThe Times index, which is derived from the exBy SHERMAN STANLEY hold tight to France prize tains is spreading daily in an tremely interesting theory of Dana Skinner and spread want or distress would inevitably follow. licans to win in 1940, 70 expected the DemoNo Empire in the world to colonies.
alarming manner. Tribesmen based chiefly upon the rate of money and credit Congress proceeded to lop off 50, 000, 000 crats.
day rests on a more shaky and Since then the nationalist armed with two field guns, turnover. has since the beginning of the year from the President request for 150, 000, 000 Now in 1939, after three more years of suf unsteady foundation than that movement has been forced to machine guns and modern dropped about the same percentage as the fering under New Deal capitalism, 52 of the and debated whether it should not lop more.
of France.
carry on its work for freedom rifles have sent an ultimatum index. The Herald Tribune index has gone from In Central and Balkan Eu against fierce oppression. But to the French authorities de 85 to 73. Stock prices have dropped sharply (from The President PRETENDED to be angrily voters expect the Republicans to win in 1940, not for one moment has its manding the immediate rerope the entire system of posta high for the year, in the Times average, of 107 only 48 the Democrats.
aroused over Congress cutting down his request popularity declined among the lease of their chief and fifty alliances created at Versailles people. When their time comes others who had been arrested.
to a current 92. to 100, 000, 000 and pointed out that not only The bankruptcy of capitalism is filling in the by the French conquerors has the revolutionists of France The police fired on crowds Money on the Unemployed Rolls was this amount absolutely insufficient for the death certificate of the Democratic Party, but crumbled of India will take a leading role this morning demonstrating German imperialism have unless the workers begin to organize militantly needs of the unemployed, but it would greatly in the final break up of the against the action of the Syrian The state of health of capitalism is revealed smashed the encircling chains French authorities to suppress disor. most directly by the amount of new financing increase human suffering by throwing additional on the political field and construct their own of French imperialism. 2) Inde. This highly ders. The French government (as opposed to refunding operations that takes In tens of thousands from the reliei rolls into the party, it will mean that the agony will be pro its world empire the important colony supplies notified the Syrian government place, and particularly by the amount of such new longed for another period under the Republicans. French have likewise suffered France with its rubber supply, that they were taking over all streets.
financing that goes into capital goods. Never since It is high time to cut away forever from the heavy losses. Japan has chal. Its workers and peasants have powers necessary to preserve In justification for his demand that the 1930 has new financing risen to even half of the lenged them successfully in been completely at the mercy internal security. All police 1926 29 average and it has for the most part been FULL amount of his request be granted, the stockholder owned capitalist parties. The road the Far East. Italy has made of the French plantation own functions have been transheld to a sixth or a seventh. The credit lies yawnPresident pointed out that his own original estito a new era for labor in the United States lies big gains in the Mediterranean. ers, merchants and shipping ferred to the Mandatory Power ing and idle in the great banks and can be used (France. only to buy the government bonds which try to mate contemplated a huge reduction of the re only through independent political action.
of France influence in Mex. But there exists in Indo All of Syria has been swept fill in the empty gap left by the absent new enter. lief rolls 300, 000, and especially did NOT take Labor must build its own political party with ico and Latin America. Even China the strongest colonial by a series of general strikes prise.
into consideration 850, 000 people who had been a program of militant labor demands inscrired its closest ally and friend section of the Fourth Interna and mass protest demonstra Production, purchases and even employment, the British Empire has not tional. It has elected many tations against the brutal though declining. are still running substantially certified by government agencies as eligible and on its banner!
hesitated to chisel away at the representatives to important French rule for the past year.
who were awaiting government aid to relieve That is the only way to defeat Roosevelt higher than the extremely low levels of the cordeclining Empire of France. bodies in the major cities. For this colonial people is a sharp responding weeks last year. But new financing is But their misery. That is, HE proposed eliminating program of Old Deal dishes under New Deal their rivals alone four years (1933 1937) it forced needle in the side French averaging considerably less than even the impovhave made the French capi the Communist Party of Indo imperialism and is in the fore erished rate of 1939. So far, the average in 1939 1, 150, 000 human beings from all consideration labels the only way to defeat the whole system of workers do all and capitalists take all.
talists and rentiers coupon china to have a united front front of the colonial struggles.
for relief, dooming them to hunger.
has been only 27, 000, 000 monthly as against 36. directed against (1) The African Colonies: 000. 000 during the same months last year. And.
REMEMBER, according to the President death hovering about them. French imperialism.
Hearst Cosmopolitan for May carries an AutoOnly France holdings in eastern though the statistics have not yet been compiled, OWN argument, his OWN original estimates biography of America 1939, Primarily the French fear the when the Stalinists had com and western Africa are experi the percentage of this meager sum going into cap.
rising wave of nationalist ro pletely exposed themselves as encing the same general nawere completely INADEQUATE for relief much maligned and often misunderstood Wimeriche volt. As in the case of Britain loyal supporters of the French tionalist revival as the British ital goods is apparently very low. the average businessman, as he works to feed needs. Even if they were granted in FULL, us, shelter us, give us jobs and pay his taxes.
world empire, the French are was this united front broken African colonies. Reports in All this is happening in spite of the fact that the facing a movement of 60. 000. off. The people of Indo China dicate intense organization of renewed program of government expenditures, more than a million people directly would still only teargas is missing to make it a sob story, voted last year after the period of curtailment, is 000 colonial people who will now look to the Trotskyists for negro sailors, dock workers, remain uncared for.
use each and every difficulty leadership in a direct assault plantation workers, etc. Here, just now getting into full effect on the market.
of French capitalism to march upon the Daladier semi fascist too. the French fear for the The pump no longer primes.
one step further towards Tree government.
security of their rule.
as the champion of the oppressed and clefender dom. Above all, when France (3) Syria: Just Around the Corner We quote dis It took two hundred years to of the unemployed by. ICTING ANGRY over Further evidence that refugees admitted to seeks to drag them into an patches from Damascus and construct the French Empire In short, as every serious business man knows, the extra 50, 000, 000 cut and OSTENSIBLY the United States are a valuable asset to the na other world war we shall sec Angora: Reports from Syria with its 100, 000, 000 people It will the situation on the internal front is hopeless.
these native masses fight with indicate that the rising of take a fraction of that time for battling for its restoration (Roosevelt key tion comes irom Dr. Henry Smith Leiper, Secthe bitterest determination, Therefore every serious business man is lifting tribesmen in the Kurd Moun its destruction and replacelieutenant in the Senate. Barkley, maneuvered retary of the Federal Council of Churches.
ment by independent nations his eyes from the internal front. During recent SCOPE OF REVOLT weeks, all the business services have been reto help accomplish the slash. He points out in an article in the May issue turning again and again to the theme: how to get All Roosevelt friends, the Workers Alliance, of Current History that those already aclmitted, AGAINST FRENCH MASTERS Memorial Needed as workers and peasants. Just Let us cite a few examples of pire is doomed, so is that of your business ready for the war.
the Communist Party, etc. got behind him in far from competing with American labor, have what the French are facing In Puerto Rico France.
The Tax Research Institute of America, to take this clever trick to gull the unemployed, and brought new businesses into existence, new even now: The position of the Fourth a single example, is pushing its new encyclopedia, raved at the come on partners of Roosevelt crafts, and new products. 1) Tunis Algeria: When the Plans of a group of Puerto International is crystal clear.
Adjusting Your Business for the war) by direct French Popular Front Govern Ricans to construct a monu. We are the opponents of all mail advertising on most handsome engraved stagyp joint who fought to cut down the relief ap He scouts the argument as ridiculous that a ment came into office in 1936 ment to Roosevelt have been world imperial systems, be it tionery How will your business be utilized for war.
propriations by a few million dollars more. It few refugees could seriously complicate the huge a revived nationalist move turned down by the President that of Britain, France, Ameriwas a clever act and the suckers (the memlime needs?
unemployment problem in America.
onies thought its moment of President, ought to be There is not the slightest dir To enable your business to function during a ployed) fell for it. They took their cut without We add to the learned Doctor conclusions freedom was at hand. Under served for the great dead, and ference between the fascist war emergency, the Institute has prepared an an.
PROTESTING MILITANTLY on a wide that not only could all the refugees of the totali the leadership of its party. he specifically asked that imperialisms and the demo alysis to show you precisely what to do.
scale and the funds which should have led them tarian countries be provided with work in the The North African Star the Puerto Ricans pay no cratic imperialisms beyond This analysis of business during wartime will the fact that each wants what and their families were cumped into the war United States, but our own refugees, the milpeople of Tunisia, Algeria and tribute to him.
be ready next week, and it will help you prepare French Morocco closed ranks, Revolutionists believe, how the other has. The oppressed right now for problems such as thesemachine.
lions hounded out of jobs by the capitalist stock But they were disappointed. ever, that one monument is in colonial peoples, forming the.(2) how can government contracts be se.
So successful was this trickery, that Roosevelt hollers could have well paying jobs too if the The Popular Front regime, act order in Puerto Rico, a monu overwhelming bulk of man cured during wartime?
ing under orders from its in ment in memory of the imperi kind, will refuse to march in has now come out for a new cut in relief appro workers took over 10 more than the factories dustrial and banking over alist oppression which is head any war except one for their (3) what will happen to labor costs. wage de priations that will reduce the present enrollment that are now idle and ran them on goverument lords, established military rule ed by Roosevelt.
own liberation. They will show mands, unionization, strikes, and collective bar.
by ONE THIRD, and during the next few subsidies under workers management for prothese colonies. Sutlawed the The first step toward erect the workers of Europe and gaining. North African Star, jailed ing that monument is not the America who the real enemy is Few executives realize that the Industrial months throw 900, 000 more unemployed into duction for use instead of profit for stock hundreds of its leaders and re hiring of a stone cutter, but and how they too can win their Mobilization Plan is ready to go into operation the streets to starve a slash of three quarters lolders.
vealed its determination to the organizing of a rebellion. freedom.
almost overnight, if a war is declared.
French Empire Faces the Wrath Of Its Oppressed Colonial Masses Open the Gates!