BourgeoisieCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyVoroshílovWorkers PartyWorking Class

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL In the World of Labor Holds Anti War Poles Balk At Ceding Danzig May Day Demonstration To Reich; Powers for Yielding We Break With the Socialist Party sions STAGES JINGO PARADE of On the Line. with Bill Morgan By Paul Stevens French Teachers Uphold past actions of the union against capitalist war and continues (Continued from Page 11 (Continued from. Page 1)
said. are united in a common of the puppet president, Ignace Militant Anti War Tradition The particular task of the teachers is to The demonstration was effort to send millions of work. Moscicki, behind whout the These days bear witness to the fact that his revive the hatred of the popular classes anked on all sides by a colorers to their death in order to army Oligarchy. headed by tory does repeat itself. Sadly enough, little a. cainst the war which become impossible the ful contingent in un repeat their profits of twenty Marshal.
Edward Smigly Rydz.
seems to have been learned by humanity as day on which the proletariat refuses its con form. The speakers stand was years ago. Expropriate the rules with an iron hand.
a whole to take advantage of the repetitions sent or simply its resignation to it.
surrounded by a color guard of 60 families, Shachtman deRussian Position quickly. It is all the more gratifying to find The union) denounces energetically the fifty girl comrades of the youth clared, Their money will be Meanwhile the position of that certain sections of it have at least not un imperialist character of the present interna. us provided songs and a loud 20 billion dollar public housing tary set up remains as uncerorganization. The Yipsel chor. more than enough to finance a Russia in the diplomatic milllearned their correct reaction to events such tional tension which is laying the ground for a as are recurring now in new form. Among the conflict between various capitalist group in dresses of the speakers into speaker system carried the ad program. Continued from Page 1) join the SOCIALIST WORKteachers of France a strong tendency is today terests camouflaged as ideological blocs.
Declaring that the Socialist celebrations in Moscow Mary there was any possibility of ERS PARTY because there we repeating the valiant anti war stand of the Reaffirms complete hostility to the threat exery part of the relee Sto Workers Party had nothing but shal Voroshilov and other so stemming the drift of the see the rallying center for all ening war and refuses to follow the lead of At Home. Jobs Not Guns.
unionized teachers during the last war. It is militant workers who wish to still a minority today, but substantial enough the governments engaged in a policy of in For Workers Defense Guards, Shachtman pledged a ceaseless be very specific about the ob ranks. This period is over and strike botones for the cause ehf cism and antisemitism, erally bellicose, but justed no we worked loyally within its raise their fists unitedly to to carry important local unions like that of Against Hague and Coughlin struggle against every form of jects of their wrath the Ardeche region by big majorities.
of course, the bureaucratic machine suc. Hooligans, For the Hour capitalist reaction, against the bosses in peace and The Teachers Union of the Ardeche has re ceeded in defeating the resolution and the Day. All War Funds to the In London a very crude al Not Revolutionary in war, anulo ACT for the cently adopted resolutions which not only depractical motions flowing from it, but the agl. Unemployed. and other mili Bert Cochran and Mc. then be was mancom. clusive over of the French tation along the lines described is widespread tant planks in the program of Kinney for the party and Louls the parleys with Moscow by will be a revolutionary party, nounce the war betract, bu The is not and never Social Revolution bourgeoisie in the a Signed. HARRY DIMON, but also call for among the teachers and through them, the socialist Workers Party, Becker for the with spreading reports that the Britconcrete resistance to the campaign of the reaches vast layers of the working population.
The cannot carry on a Newark br. former Trenton government which is enrolling the educational Jobless Pay for War William Morgan as chairman. ish were worried about what Socialist struggle against war. Organizer: ALICE HALIK, Secpersonnel of the country in the war machine Speaking for an hour to an Becker declared. This May Portugal, the Vatican, or Ja. On this May Day it tails after retary East Side branch: ROSunder the sign of passive defense.
Two New Revolutionary Organs: attentive crowd, Max Shacht. Day, as never before, we, the pan might think it England avowed supporters of the pro: LYN ARMER, East Side The Ardeche) section, says one of the In France and in Argentina monda editor of the Socialist nevoiesiomary capthis renounce went into an alliance with Rus war policies of Roosevelt and branch STANLEY LANE, resolutions. true to its past of intransigeant struggle against war, affirms that passive In recent weeks two new publications have at the expense of those who can British youth into the army and clusion of an Anglo Russian alcan war machine is being built denounced the conscription of with regard to Japan, that con: At the first shot of the war. PAPCUN, org. East Side br.
defense is a sinister deceit and that it is meant to lead to nothing else but passive acseen the light of day which are in every sense least afford it, at the expense warned against the impendins lianceeally into a military pink tes pacifists and isolation br. DAVE ROTH. Boro Park would drive Japan an firm ble away together with the BILL PETERSEN, Newark www. ance of war. The section calls upon the senal of revolutionary Marxism. They are the lion dollars has been slashed youth.
powerful contributions to the international ar of the unemployed. Over a bil conscription of American ly and DAVE and national union denounce most energetically magazine La Voie de Lenine in France and from the federal relief budget pact with Germany and Italy. ists with whom it has identified br.
Japan Place itself.
SHARON the criminal lie of passive defense. it proEast Side br. and the newspaper La Internacional in the Ar. and that enormous sum is be Gains. Recruits, of course this is so much College tests against the scandalous attitude of the The will never be a Brooklyn L: Kentine. the General Federation of Labor) and ing put at the disposal of the bunk. Japan is already bound Socialist force in the union and JULIUS DAVIDSON, East Side the Federation of Functionaries who are not wila voie de Lenine (Lenin Road) is Army and Navy. The crowd At May Day Meeting to German and Italy as much unemployed movement. It has XP. SL DAVE KLEINMAN only not doing anything in this sense, but on ed by comrade Jean Rous in collaboration broke into cheers when Shachtas she ever will be. Japan no trade union line or disci DON MURwith Fourth Internationalists and other com man made the demand that RAIN, rethe contrary, are complacently doing the dirty rades belonging to the the French All war funds be turned over Inspired by the militant anti only reservation is that she pline.
work for the General Staff.
The overtures for a signed January 1939. JEAN Its attention having been drawn to the MinSocialist Workers and Peasants Party. De to the unemployed.
war spirit of the PLS. at a European war except under merger with the Social Demo NEITE REISEN WHITE isterial Circular of February relative to the voting a good deal of its space to theoretical Analyzing the imperialist the New York May Day dem. conditions from which the Tocratic Federation show the di Bronx: CYNTHIA teaching of passive defense. the section conarticles by Trotsky and to polemics by Rous drive towards war. Shachtman onstration in Columbus Circle. kyo militarists think there is rection in which the lead. Williamsburg FRANtests the right of the minister to introduce new and Craipeau, its literary section is conducted declared, The sordid imperial ten youth joined the ranks of some immediate advantage to ers are faced. If the merger CES WOLFE, Hunter Bronx teaching material by means of a simple cirby the noted proletarian poet Henri Poulaille. Istic aims of the world powers the fighters. be gained. In considering this is not yet consummated, it is cular announcement into the schedule: re La Internacional is published in Cordoba are being shrouded in noble Following the demonstra possibility, the Japanese have because they cannot decide on marks that no legal compunction exists oblig Argentina by one of the groups working for slogans for democracy. Yet to remember that they will the exact shade of pink they the constitution of an Argentine Section of the even prior to the outbreak of tion, the Yipsels held a brief have to deal in the future not prefer.
ing the teaching personnel to participate in The internationalthe teaching of passive defense. observes Fourth International. The first number fea war democracy is being abro meeting where the national only with England, France and that the application of the Ministerial Circular tures the interview between Trotsky and the sated step by step.
with United States ism permits it to be an unleads to a militarization of academic life sim well known Latin American trade unionist Shachtman received enthusi: secretary delivered an analysis Russia ilar to that practiced in the totalitarian states Matteo Fossa and includes excellent material astic applause when he called of the importance of the only imperialism as well. Roose critical member of the same velt move in sending the Pa Second International with the on Latin American as well as on international for the masses getting the anti war demonstration in the cific fleet back into the western France of the Negrins of strike. breaking Blum. etc.
At the National Council meeting of the union affairs.
right to decide on the next war. streets of New York this May. ocean was by no means lost on (Continued from Page 1)
early in April, the organized minority called Both publications are well balanced and full Let the masses decide their for similar action, proposing in addition, a of the punch that revolutionary papers should own fate through a People gusting parade advertising the That is why publicly at least: olutionary workers and hand American peace time history public propaganda campaign to be conducted. by the union in its traditional anti war spirit have. We greet them heartily into our midst man said. Outlining the oppo. World Fair held by the Stal. the Japanese are being cau. Spain over to the fascists.
and wish them the success that their efforts Sition in Congress to a popular inists Finally, the far from one slogan attacked tious about any European comThe resolution of the minority recalls the mitments.
surely deserve.
being a revolutionary party slashes: Extend No referendum on war, Shacht The spirit and morale of the No, the real reason behind can be called a party at all cuts. The unemployment and man counselled the workers to was conveyed to the the bogging down of the Anglo only out of habit. To its lack relief questions were dismissed take matters into their own new members. They were Russian parleys is still the of a line of discipline, of real with Adequate Relief to the hands. You are weak, he greeted by the membership as: fact that the Russians are de leadership, add a deep going unemployed.
The most prominent banners zaid, not because they are sembled, and by the national manding the most iron clad organizational disintegration.
strong, but because you are not secretary in his address, of the day strove to create a guarantees that Britain and To the Socialist Party left war hysteria: Protect the united.
In addition, the wel France will be actually carry wingers we say: How long will Americas from Fascist PeneThe Sixty Families comed into its ranks as fighting out their end of the bargain you wait, outside the main tration Unite Against Fas Dear Comrade Morgan: her case. She has wasted too much of every Contrasting the disunity with ers against war and fascism before the Russians have to stream of revolutionary action cist Aggression was with the Pinocchio Company of the one time around here!
in the ranks of labor and its six youth who, until yesterday, move. If they don get these while you try to doctor the sal. Cooperation Against FasFederal Theatre from its inception. was one The Workers Alliance representatives who consequent inability to make were members of the decrepit the Russians threaten constant loping cangrene of the Sist Aggressors. The quota of the first ones to audition for it, on the basis were there, said nothing in my defense.
common cause against the reformist substitute for a PLy to seek terms with Hitler. The question is: For or against tion United We Stand. Dividof which was prominently cast in a dancing The producer, Ankrun, promised to reinscribed how the stalinists and Thomas outfit.
class enemy, Shachtman de attached to the Norman But such ironclad guarantees the revolutionIf you answered we Fall Thomas Paine the British are by no means For, you belong with US Americanized a float labelled and speaking part. was with the company for state me upon the first resignation from the the social democrats are willing to give. The English NOW!
six months and received favorable comment company. The Workers Alliance used this as steering the workers into the Collective Security. Poland, Join the Socialist are used to doublecrossing, not We leave the shambles of the Britain, in the press.
graceful exit from the case. Proof that this amp of the families being double crossed. So the because we are left wing France, China. When it became clear that the pink slips was merely a maneuver is the fact that three Another float These families, Shachtman Workers Party stalemate continues.
Socialists, revolutionists. We followed, showing this Demowere coming the director assured those that people have since resigned and was not notihad been in the company from the first that fied. The producer simply refused to see me cratic Front destroying AntiSemitism.
they would not be affected. That assurance The first resignation, whose place was to fill, held for everyone but me and my partner who The youth summed up this was filled a Stalinist who never had any approach with Youth Wants shared a dance number with me. It all seemed mysterious since our number was a vital part winter in California.
Peace, Support of the show for which there were no under(Special to the Socialist Appeal) fantastic and monstrous case is being Louis Waldman, in commemo talist nations against the dic Not a word from Thomas, studies. At least twenty walkon extras and WHY THEY CARRY GUNS built up against me to forestall my efforts of NEW YORK The Social. ration of the 150th anniversary tatorships. The whole nation not even indirectly, againstver 60 holdups, two Minnes.
Arrested and charged with off stage voices were retained but we were reinstatement. In typical fashion my Democratic Federation pro of George Washington inau. must be behind President Waldman fingo politics! Not olis youths explain why they fired.
entire past is being investigated and the most war the united pre May geois note set the tone for the was the dominant guration This militant bour Roosevelt, he declared.
even an explicit attack on colnote unbelievable stories about me are being cir Director Manner Changes In the midst of Waldman lective security or the Roosewere carrying loaded guns.
culated on the project. am accused of every Day indoor meeting Sunday rest of the meeting, war mongering peroration his velt war government. We carried them to protect prelude to what was in store for me was thing of having sabotaged a rent strike and evening at the Hippodrome, Waldman devoted his speech ears were assailed by boos ourselves, they patiently exindicated by the director sudden change of squealed to the landlord way back in 1933 (I The Socialist Party.
The youth marched out plain. Against what? asked the to a political lecture obviously from a group of Socialist youth manner toward me. From complimentary ap was a Stalinist in good standing then) to being Workmen Circle and the In addressed to the erring run who were under the delusion of the hall in their workers the judge. Why from interferproval of my work he suddenly changed to a stool the Socialist Party that their party was participat shirts and red ties, vainly try: ence, of course. they answer, destructive criticism. On one occasion he or For the past three months have been Lovestoneites) also partici who, under certain conditions, ing in this meeting on the basis ing to organize the singing of which is exactly the reason for the International.
working continuously for my reinstatement. pated in the meeting, but it he would now permit to re of an anti war stand. Goon armies and navies: to protect the curtain rose. pleaded for an opportunity of the Social DemoThe total effect of the meet the bosses from interference have met with nothing but rebuffs. All doors they differed in any way from enter a party with him. In the squads to run through the new routine but he refused, war mongering keynote united party. Waldman made cratic Federation, followed by ing was to act as a recruiting from the other gangsters who choosing to hurt the performance in an effort case against me becomes more colossalto speech of Louis Waldman, the clear, there would be no com a group of cops, surrounded the forum for the war mongerins would poach ca their racketeerto make me appear incompetent. Further per the point where even non Stalinists steer clear difference was undiscernible to promise with communism. youth section to pre. Social Democratic Pederation. Sing preserve.
secution was proved by the fact that our of me for the sake of their own jobs.
names were crossed off the programs handed charge that my firing was perpetrated tes didn even get a speaker. On the basic question of war. serve order.
to the critics to be sure our names would not Esther Friedman, also speak by the Stalinists because refused to subThe meeting was held, de Waldman declared that the ing for the began with be mentioned in reviews of the show. They scribe to their continuous scabby political ac Social Democratic Federation, porter of the democratic capt and ended with a slightly re a eulogy of President Wilson overlooked one daily. Women Wear. in tivity on the job.
which we were singled out for our dance num further charge that there is collaboration vised version of a slogan by ber. between the union officials of the Workers AlMarx: Nations of the world also learned that a few weeks before liance and the officials of the Federal Theater unite, you have nothing to lose was fired two other girls were secretiy re Project to prevent my reinstatement.
but your chains. At this hearsing our number both good Stalinists. signed) Bronka Stern point, it is said, several You Don Have to Be Sometimes Economy This was a maneuver to secure their jobs. The youth fainted.
unit manager decided that they were a detri Not the First Such Story What a humiliating spectacle for all of world labor is Algernon Loe, another Butterfly Can Be Carried ment to the show and insisted on our reinThis is not the first such story to be told the performance of the British Labor Party in the face of speaker declared that our To Own Industry statement. The producer was willing to reinJust a Bit Too Far!
about the activity of the Stalinists and their Chamberlain conscription plan!
slate us providing that two non essential work activities on the job. There are hunFORCE to break the dictator. Who do you think ran smack Budget pruners in the New ers were fired: he admitted that our firing The Labor Party parliamentarians whine and plead in dreds of them. Many workers are afraid to ships. into each other a few nights York State legislature who was an administrative error. The steering expose these conditions for fear of hurting the House of Commons that conscription is not neces As, one after another, these ago at New York newest have been slashing away at committee which was all Stalinist, refused.
their friends who have been overlooked by sary at this time, that it will cause bad feeling. that it jingoes came out for support night club, the Monte Carlo special State services, appear But when it became a question of reinstating these rule or ruin wreckers.
Stalinists completely unimportant to the ought to wait until the war begins, that at least wealth of capitalist wars, there were. Barbara Hutton Haugwitz to have accidentally done away But this is not the way to fight back. The might be conscripted a little at the same time.
those who waited hopefully for Reventlow and Doris Duke with the most special of them production the committee did not function.
one fear they have is daylight. When they are Norman Thomas to speak. He Cromwell! know of two such people whose pink slips all the services of Robert Elexposed they run for cover like rats. And unThey think they can give Chamberlain advice on how was the last speaker. Waldwere almost immediately rescinded and in Both were attired in black liott. the executioner at Sing less they are exposed they will continue to best to fight British imperialism war.
man made a straight political and wore sparklers Peggy Sing.
each case someone else was fired.
bleed the working class by blackmail and Attendants at the prison were My next move was the Workers Alliance bribery, by every underhand method known Chamberlain taunts them. You want the war, dont you. Pateico Federation Social Demo: Hopkins Joyce would have road show jew amazed to discover that the As a member in good standing and a conto gangsters including murder. Wherever the he says; you criticized me for appeasing instead of go that Thomas could do would be elry.
Sing Sing special service aptributor to its various causes (including Las Stalinists operate the stories are the same ing to war. Very well, then you ve got to be serious about to make a straight political Totally different in tempera propriation has been dropped ser trip to Russia) felt entitled to their And it is time to bring these scoundrels to acspeech for the Socialist Party. ment and appearance are these from the tentative State So popular assistance. At the Alliance they would have it, and you can seriously get ready for making clear that it did not two Golden Girls who, be Budget count for their crimes.
nothing to do with my case unless paid a Every worker who finds himself discrimiwar of ours without drafting the workers into the armies accept the pro war position of tween them, control 100. 000. The bulk of this appropria four dollar service charge. Unable to pay the under the threat of guns and prisons, the Waldmans and that this, 000 made in American indus tion, which was 2, 500 for the four dollars in a lump sum my request to pay nated against in the shop because he cannot tries question was basic.
Chamberlain threatens a General Election if they don current fiscal year, is used to it in installments was rejected. SO gave stomach the filthy line of the Communist Thomas Lays Down If Mrs. Matthew Astor Wilks pay Elliott his fees of 150 for Party, should immediately expose the set up them my last cent.
stop whining. And these Labor Party cowards and traitors As Norman Thomas rose, the had arrived and claimed the each time he pulls the electric and carry it to every worker on the job. The They did absolutely nothing for me while Socialist Appeal will publish the facts if workdon dare face the thought of an election, youth of his organization arose table between the two Golden chair switch.
in the meantime my partner who was not a too. As he lifted his voice, they Girls, that would have been it was pointed out that the ers send them in.
When the entire British working class should be aroused lifted theirs. They sang No SOMETHING For she, not legislators at Albany could member of the Alliance was reinstated.
to a flaming, nation wide struggle on every front against More war. He begged them Barbara or Doris. rates the easily have been deceived by Marion Stevens of the Alliance who has since made good and has a job in Washington THE ROLE OF THE CHURCH this dictatorial plan of Chamberlain to draft the workers to let up, but he was unable to title. The Richest Woman in the blanket way in which the halt them before they finished the appropriation was designated became interested in my case, especially Says the Rev. Chester Emerson, dean of il for the imperialist slaughter, the Labor Party chiefs try It was as if they suspected that Mrs. Wilks, who never goes and which would make it ap.
since my partner got back, and promised to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Cleveland, to hide their miserable heads, and proclaim themselves betarrange an immediate hearing for me with the their leader might let them to night clubs, could match pear easily dispensable on its opening speaker in a Crusade for Christ down Barbara Labor Relations Director, Reiss, and a jury, ter English patriots than Chamberlain.
and Doris COM face.
sponsored by a group of Twin City laymen: He did let them down. For he BINED dollar for dollar and But with war coming on and on the basis of discrimination. For some mys. The church cannot tell society how to im They are only tasting the dregs of their own treachery.
was here not to fight war but then have a few millions to new waves of unrest to be ex.
terious reason his interest in my case suddenprove its economic and political systems. The Since they long ago swung to the side of the war, they to seal the bond of unity wih spare.
pected from the radical fringe ly ceased. He informed me that he couldn church is not intended for that. Its role cannot genuinely resist any of the required steps in prethe war mongers of the Social.
bother with individual cases and that d get which chalks up another directed especially against the throughout the ages has been to develop men Democratic Federation. We point to prove the calamity present form of government my hearing in time. After many weeks was who can do the job in a Christian spirit. And paring for it. They are only the tamed eunuchs of Britain Socialists in both groups, he prophets wrong it not always it is one of the services which finally called for the hearing. When arrived. just let the bosses see you try. You and the imperialist rulers. And they have all a eunuch softness screamed, must seek the the night club butterfly who can least be dispensed with Reiss had me put out of the office saying.
other sky pilots would be on the streets beg ll, and sterility.
unity of the workers of the can boast the snootiest collec. It is expected that the budget Put that woman out! know too much about ging for the salvation you try to sell us.
tion of gilt edged: stocks! pruners will hastily reconsider.
60 Whooping It Up For War With Waldman SOCIETY NOTES British Lion and the Draft world.