BourgeoisieCommunismDemocracyEnglandGermanyHitlerImperialismIndividualismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismWorkers PartyWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1939 Teachers Propose Rents Rise World Fair Bars Opposition Slate as Housing Jobs for Negroes Forgotten In the Irade Unions APPEAL ARMY ON THE WAY TO THE TRENCHES dere De Valera Cancels Trip As Masses Balk at War Plans LEWIS CHARGES GREEN ACTS ON BOSSES ADVICE DRIVE TO CUT RELIEF PUSHES AHEAD Please find enclosed We urge all readers to write year subscription to the Ap think of the May Day Appeal.
By Vagueness of Program and by Crow Policy of New York World peal. The paper is for a friend of mine.
Individualism of Leaders Fair Corporation will try to get new sub. STATEMENTS IN THE MAIL scriptions among iny friends We are mailing out the reguThe single copy have been lar Appeal statements to By WIDICK (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
More than 500 persons pick ployment has been fighting Betting has a circulation of or branches this week. As usual NEW YORK With the writ the most part. Righteously ir What has happened to the eted the New York World Grover Whalen anti Negro more. The people that read it action is the key word and we Two significant straws in the ing of an opposition slate of of ritated individuals like Dr 300, 000, 000 housing appropria rair on opening day to protest policy. This committee, which find it very fine indeed. expect every single branch to wind of the trends in the labor icers and national convention childs and Louis Hacker, cion voted last year by the the discriminatory practices represents 207 trade union, friend in Habana, Cuba make a substantial payment movement in relation to the Telegates for the coming year. George Counts and George people of New York State? used in the employment of Ne church, and fraternal organiza immediately on its bundle orcoming world war were re The Stalinist majority of the Hartmann, have been forced Various bills, five in all, de groes by Grover whalen and tions in New York City says MAY DAY ISSUE SUCCESS: der debt.
vealed last week.
New York College Teachers to spread their complaints signed in one form or another his World Fair Corporation that Democracy means De From Buffalo, came Branch of the American Fed abroad. backing the time or to implement the voters deciAlthough the Fair is now em mocracy for all, Preliminary reports from Negro and Snews that the had all over the country indicate a APPEAL POSTER OUT: aration of Teachers, Local 537. the resolution or a sense of sion, are up for consideration ploying thousands of people. white alike. The sham of de The new Appeal poster is signed a contract with the faces organized opposition for trade union technique, or all by the legislature. Why has no only 391 jobs have been given mocracy where no rights are real reception for our page May Day Appeal. Many friends finished and will be mailed out Williams Steel Co. which in he first time since it was three, to organize an effective action been taken upon them? to Negroes. Not only have few. given to Negroes is no demochave called it one of our best this week. Watch for yours in cluded a clause guaranteeing ormed out of the college sec bloc within the local.
That the problem is one that er Jobs been given to persons racy at all.
continuation of seniority rightsion of Local Vague Program demands immediate and drasof the colored race, but these During the past week the issues to date. The entire sup. the mail. And if you want to employes drafted for con At the nominations meeting Whether the new opposi scription in war.
of the local on Friday, April tion will be sufficiently dis the action is once again proved. jobs have been only the most committee has kept a picket ply of the May Day issue has more let us know immediately Now every unionist is in fa 21. a sufficient number of anti ciplined and resolute to cam by recent reports of wide that have been given to the Neen office at the Empire State vor of observation of seniority stalinists were nominated to paion effectively for its slate spread profiteering by land roes, 191 of them are as san building. Nothing could change rights under all circumstances. orm an almost complete top remains to be seen. Ils plat Lords in slum areas. This profitary attendants ont Thea hirm the call us attitude igen Whalen.
What is disturbing is the calm acceptance of the iden of conof Alonzo Myers for President blanket charge of Stalinism, Deing uncontested. As a result is vague. Two of the four families on the Lower East ers.
and meanest sort. Some 750 sounding title for toilet clean ands of Negroes demonstrated in Times Square against the scription during war time the to Almost all other Negroes continued discrimination of the is an offical national some of the nominees will be rapid expansion of member: 90 as to clear the site needed labor has been given to color meeting of the Committee, the It remains to be seen if this ion system, there is hope that on professional problems and cate their premises by May hired are employed as porters. World Fair Corporation a policy or whether it was done successful.
ship. are so generally given for the new Corlears Hook Germany on April 26 made in advance of the actual operapurely on a local scale.
leaked out after The steel company accep nowever, by virulent Stalinist special meaning. The crucial families have no place to be only the most lowly and low picket the Fair grounds. This to increase trade turnover speech by Winston Churches to owners, Opposition and elaborate at Union affairs that member clared Emeric Kurtagh, Henry er maneuver to pacify the reQualified persons who have Crow practices, the picket (2) to revise commercial trea ing in praise of Britain spy sentment still felt by workers empts at character assassina: ship therein shall not be. or be Street Bettlementer affectionary applied for employment in ew line will be continued in front ties with Great Britain and servicee Chupent spelicated from their experiences after son of the opposition leader, considered to be. tantamount fewe stays agoneare casting in ery other category of work of his ofice from 12:30 to p. other countries to sive certain how the Empire spilesc tare war Dr. George Hartmann. In a to membership in any political on the housing shortage. Land cause they are Negroes.
Thousands of soldiers milder moment, the chairman party or partisan demonstration protesting establish organizaa trade agency in military intelligence for the lords are offering them the turned to and found saw fit to characterize as ab tion does not give a positive families that have to clear out)
Committee Organizes Fight Whalen attitude was that their jobs had been taken zurd the recent letter in the and specific program for acThe Greater New York Couled to take place kaunas, capital of Lithuania. use of the War office.
for buying foodstuffs in the permanently by those who New Republic written by Dr. tion.
worse slums than they now live ordinating Committee for Em May 2, at City Hall: open market. The object of the Despite war appropriations inat unheard of rentals.
stayed behind. as they were Hartmann and offered for dis But no written program will demands, it clear, is to im greater than any since the called. This fact was the cribution to the membership. take the place of constant and Miss Jean Brand, executive pose a German monopoly on organized its American Expesource of considerable agita Obvious tricks prevent the active participation in union af secretary of the Tenant Union, the economic life of Lithuania. ditionary Force for the last with the tion among the ex service men. mailing of this. letter to the fairs. To compete asserted that rents have been World War, administration members were resorted to, one Stalinists, the august and indiraised as high as 50 per cent.
Poland is bracing its border leaders are now seeking to Purge Aliens member pointing out the ab vidualistic liberals at the col Owners of nearby tenedefenses in answer to hitler step up the national defense report from North Tarry. sence of a union label (the New leges will have to take on some ments, she stated (N. Y: Post, Reichstag speech.
program to even greater speed.
It is expected that Roosevelt town: indicates how far Republic has a union label but of the onerous hack work that April 26. have not only set General Motors has gone with it does not appear on the re is fundamental in union activi ridiculous figures on vacant British war fliers will be will ask the Appropriations its policy of purging alien em. prmt. while another wished to ty. They may even have to apartments but have even ployes. Over 175 out of the limit the size of the paper for attend union meetings.
boosted rentals in occupied Premier Eamon de Valera population, that the Irish Retrained in Canada according to committee for 790, 429, 453 for announced last week to the publican Army still exists and an agreement reached between the navy. The Naval Supply Bill 3, 000 employes have been the enclosure to one smaller units.
the two governments.
The which comes before Congress startled members of the Daily commands the support of large dropped from the pay roll per than that of the reprint.
These 750 families cannot birann that he had cancelled sections of the Irish people and will superintend the training two 45, 000 ton battleships and Canadian Defense Department this week includes an item for manently because they were Whitewashing the Union not American citizens Anti Stalinist forces had beWhat is to become of them? his much publicized trip to that the Irish people are deter America And how does it happen that Regrettable is the fact that gun to crystallize in the college mined not to support or give schools. 000. 000 will be spent an item for 65, 000, 000 to be this policy has been pursued local after the publication in the city authorities don for Behind this sudden change of any comfort to the British war on the scheme which does spent on naval air base conmuch to show the insincerity struction, with the approval of the auto the Nation. December 17, last get, Mayor LaGuardia is the plans on the part of the Irish machine The bombings showed the of the Canadian government workers Union Joseph Gal of James Wechsler article people friend) permit prof premier lies the dramatic story gano, financial secretary of Twilight at Teachers College teering at the expense of hu of Ireland renewed fight for whole world that De Valera when it pronounced it would Local 118. made it and the subsequent exchange man misery?
freedom and her deadly enmi was not undisputed master in not be part of England arvery clear in his comments to and publication, in the Nation Action Needed into the war preparations of his own Irish house, and that mies in a European war.
he was not in a position to reporters that the union was and the Post. of letters from The Corlears Hook problem the British Empire It is well known, in Irish cir pledge Irish support. The inly not enter their training peTroops which would ordinari.
not taking any stand against John Childs and others on (Continued from Page 1)
is not an isolated one, The cles in America, that de Valera troduction of conscription by rod until next fall have been the dismissals.
the Teachers College faculty charges.
same problem has occurred be planned to enlist the support Chamberlain knocked the bot He added that the purge was and statements from the Exec Green began testifying before and is bound to occur freof President Roosevelt in an tom out of the whole policy of called to service by the Danish government. 9, 000 troops will proval. It was part of the prep cers of the College Teachers Mondáy. Prior to his appear done with War Department ap utive Board and various pffifore the Senate committee on clear indication thate chet cues ambitious scheme.
De Valera, Irish British cooperation.
that the ques. Fight Against Consoripoton proceed to, garrisons on the aration for day.
Union. These statements con ance he issued a general de tion of shum clearance and er use his influence and authority On April 29, Viscount CraigaSouth Jutland German frontier. leading steel progressive sisted of general whitewashing nial of. Lewis charges, and sction of low rental homes can with the British rulers to abol vonPrime Minister of North. Denmark has created a ish partition and allow the unitern Ireland requested war of risk marine insurance (Continued from Page 1)
that a similar purge was being officials, and personal defenses charges and allegations. He comprehensive plans must be ing of north Ireland with the Chamberlain that the conscripfund of 40. 000. 000 kroner (about The American Federation of carried on in many steel of the integrity of Professor promised that any and all laid and executed at once if Free State.
tion measures be made to ap 10, 000, 000. hall of which will Labor estimates present unemplants, conferioritere the same chiesa chethe college his friends constante e propounded by the the existing evil is to be corIn return, De Vatera was to ply to Northern Ireland. With be subscribed by the State, ployment at 11. 200. 000. Its fig.
rected guarantee Ireland uncondi in 24 hours a campaign was and half by shipping, banking ures have always erred on the this terrible kind of discrimi More recently, an article by swered in a direct and definite The people of this state have tional support to the British raging throughout Ireland and industrial interests. conservative side.
nation. In fact, even mention Jerome Davis, national presi way.
endorsed the expenditure of war plans and cheerfully to against conscription. Northern More People Less Work of this subject in some unions dent of the of in the Green committed the to 300. 000. 000 to meet this need. provide air hoses for the Brit Irish Nationalists demanded of will ask Congress in a few days ers are employed than in 1929 Secretary of War Woodring Today 4, 250, 000 fewer workbrings howls of disapproval.
Of course, this purge policy with its flat denial of charges Act proposed by Senator Walsh tive.
New Republic of March 15, the amendments to the Wagner The legislature remains inac ish air fleet off the western De Valera to mobilize the for legislation to remove from despite the fact that since then Irish coast.
is in line with Roosevelt pol of Communist control, and its of Massachusetts, but disasso Unless some action is taken New. Anti British Eerment immediately to resist British the army officer rolls the five to six million have been icy of throwing all aliens off indignant reference to attacks ciated the from amend quickly, there is every likeli The events of the last few conscription. The powerful aged and physically unfit. The added to the potential working and home relief. on the Union from a miscel ments introduced by Senator hood that the whole matter of weeks have dynamited out of rish Republican Army threat purpose is to give the War De population, according to the We have heard not one word laneous assortment of sharp. Burke of Nebraska, Represen housing will be scuttled. Evi: existence this over clever in ned further punitive action partment the power to apply Bureau own figures.
co the army officer personnel The New York Times busiblooded plan of starving every Dies Committee all the way to and Senator Holman of Ore plan. It is also the plan of the The recent bombings have tera own newspaper, the same rigorous vitalization ness index scands at 85. where took which is now taking place in it stood October 1938. Yet hete from those who shed croc new response in the press. structive of the purpose and interests the people repre. whole world the fact that an ry and answered Vincount its organization and arma ake that time 3, 350, 000 were on odile tears over the fate of the from Dr. Hartmann, who re theory of collective bargain sentatives are so eager to English army of occupation is Craigavon that conscription ment.
refugees in Europe.
cently resigned the chair of the ing terrorizing the northern Irish would be resisted by every stand at 2, 800, 000. The 550. 000 Columbia Chapter in protest Wealthy Don Suffer Favorable to Boss means.
In preparation for its use in who have been fired since Ocagainst the Stalinist control of It is not the petty bourgeoische Executive Board of the lo ments those which the Among the Walsh amendEamon De Valera explained the production of warcrafts, tober, and the 900. 000 to be or wealthy foreigner who al bis sudden decision to cancel General Motors has begun the hired by July are being suffers from this purge policy, bas denounced as especially fahis American trip as follows: dismissal of foreign born work. thrown into the streets with in the New Republic of April vorable to bosses are. Certain grave events. Body plants at North Tarry setting jobs.
ers in its Chevrolet and Fisher out the faintest prospect of Only the workers who came changed the situation and from Europe and plunged into 26. Dr. Hartmann, a Socialist.
the factories will suffer the puts forth a series of specific personnel of the National La Roosevelt piously dedicated have deemed it necessary to town, proofs of Stalinism in the bor Relations Board and emthe week of April 30 as Em alter my plans and postpone workers who toiled so hard that Union, which are denied in the power permit employ.
new Federal La exhaustion at night prevented MINNA Arucialist Appeal. Specialt my visit.
That the British Secret Ser ployment Week. This mockery which was streaming same issue by Jerome Davis in bor Minn. April blood from a deep bite: Today any activity but sleep in prep.
war preparations vice knew about the invasions is reminiscent of the Hooverà manner which may with ers to initiate elections to de 27. Four more Minneapolis aration for another day hard and war plans of the British of Bohemia and Albania wellian period of Give Job and The janitor investigated the empire have hit their first Apple Weeks.
some understatement be de work: termine whether a union has residents who have been comthe majority in a given plant pelled to live in vermin infest. size of a house cat. David was actual outbreak of the second well and found a huge rat the snag: Irish resistance. The It is these workers who are scribed as flimsy.
Avoids Main Question Under the Wagner Act, only ed districts because of poverty rushed to the hospital. The as the mystery man in this being blacklisted from all jobs.
Dr. Davis, well known cru. unions may initiate such elec have been bitten rats during They face outright starvation!
imperialist World War will see case, whose alleged relations rat was killed and sent to the the determined resistance of with Garber are entirely open They can even get on relief! sader against Stalinism. dls. tions. Green emphasized that the past few days.
Three of them are children amination. It had apparently heir strong battle for national Health Commissioner for ex Irish people to that war and to question. It had been preAcceptance of this policy misses the essential question of it would be merely discre Walsh of Mr. and Mrs. Harris Stev. crossed to the Sumner project freedom viously established by the proshappens, among other things, the relation between the Union tionary under the ecution that Rubens, under the to be a violation of the constitu. And the with In regard amendments whether the Fedens, the fourth, Mr. Stevens from the infested slum area.
to alleged Communist control eral Board would order such an tion of the which solemnname Richards, had occupied Colonial peoples throughout Unions Demand Housing Two daughters in the Stevens of the New case. Continued from Page 1)
the world will act with the desk space in Garber photoUnion forces are wagine a courage and determination Edward Blatt and six fugitive Garber stand before the jury Garber, Aaron Sharfin. graphic studio. Nathanson had lect a workers irrespective of vision of were attacked by rats clean out the infested areas race, creed, color, etc. etc.
Irish revolutionists.
More fundamental than this. New York University. The with an opportunity to attack in the middle of the night. Both and provide decent houses for this Moscow imprisoned Robinson rors the defendant frailty 10 is a direct expression of the compelling logic of development of chauvinism must be apparent to the eply unions at their lowest ebb and girls were bitten on the forefamilies on relief and in the Rubens couple, were begun in and honest face.
most to reopen the question of union head: Muriel addition was lower income brackets Federal Court on Monday. On Friday, the three defense and its deliberate extension by skeptical. Dean Dearborn, in recognition whenever it suited gnawed on the arm.
cording to a recent survey.
Tuesday night the rats at 11. 000 persons in Minneapolis May attorneys made separate mo.
the bosses among the workers identally, is the most recent the employer.
ing made by the defense to charges. Judge Goddard deA last minute effort was be tions for dismissal of the in an effort to divide them and of the prize lambs to walk The Walsh amendments tacked Mr. Stevens, and last are living in homes unfit for also whip up their patriotism. Olindfold into the pen having would prohibit the new board Sunday night, Arthur, a son, human occupancy save the three defendants from nied all three motions.
To those of us whose very joined the Union this March, from ever invalidating a union was severely chewed on the contract.
This provision is thumb by rats.
At the same time hundreds conviction, Michael Edel. Conviction Expected llfe and ideas stem from the and being too busy and too im stein, attorney for Sharfin, in These cases bring to seven the of Home Loan houses in good pirit of internationalism. portant to be an active mem plainly designed to protect the Close observers of the trial (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
shtirpest struggle in unions to ber, he may be looked on as practice of signing the number reported to have condition in Minneapolis are WASHINGTON, DC. Ex charge that the defendants government will secure a conorder to spike the soft repeated were of the opinion that the prevent this blow at working an authority on its affairs. union contracts with fright bitten by rats within the past vacant because the banks that tension of the Anthracite coal were underlings of the viction, especially in view of class solidarity is an elemenStormy sessions of the local ened employers who are faced 14 days. Two weeks ago two own the houses refuse to rent and the organizing babies of the Jacques family them hoping to force prospec. members of the United Mine a criminal case and should not ed placing the defendants on tary duty Columbia Chapter by a successful since December have revealed drive of a union. In were attacked. Last Monday tive tenants to buy them.
Workers of America for an admit of any other evidence the witness stand.
great nervousness on the part practically all cases of this morning another Minneapolis The recently. elected Stassen other week temporarily avert than that which has been legal At the beginning of the trial, ANNOUNCEMENTS the administration and its type, the AF. has signed up child, little David Swanson. state administration, thorough: ed a nation wide coal industry 1y introduced. ch the bourgeois press was well Defense Lauds Prosecution WELCOME THE 14 EX ers ling a large majority vote on ship and on terms inferior to ber of the Federal Workers refused to establish a state into the at a social every motion except one made those demanded by the o. Section of Local 544, was bit housing authority which could president of the told tion with a eulogy of American tial comment concerning the Meanwhile, John Lewis, Edelstein began his summa Each of the papers made inirepresented in the court room.
this Saturday at the home or in the Columbia Chapter inAnne Russell, Apt. 19, 100 sisting on retraction of charges amendments. Green blasted The Swansons live in the federal housing funds available half of 320, 000 strikers that all lauding the conduct of the gov justice and American ideals, possible Stalinist affiliations Norfolk St. Y, pm of anti labor bias against Pro away at the National Labor Re. Sumner housing project. an is. to build decent homes for those efforts to break the ernment prosecution as exem case continued to be heard, of the three men. But as the Admission 200. All welcome. Iessor Childs. the leadership lations Board as being in an land in the center of the worst now living in habitations unfit through a prolonged shut down plary. Edelstein praise of sometimes dragging resorts to every device to fore. unholy Alliance with. would boomerang on them.
along At Your Service stall genuine discussion of the IO Rabbit Bit Me The Minneapolis branch of the prosecution is understand wearily, the correspondents THE APPEAL It was also revealed that able when it is recalled that fell off one by one, as it bedangerous questions.
Many of the big un Three year old David was the Socialist Workers party is Secretary of Labor Frances not once during the trial did came apparent that the proseOn the other hand, the oppo ions and central bodies, includ playing in the yard and fell demanding 20, 000, 000, 000 Perkins in a private telegram it use any evidence pointing to cution was avoiding a political POSTER SHOP sition group has been, until the ing the Teamsters Internation into a shadow casement win. Federal public works and hous to the operators said that the the affiliations of the expose of the defendants past week. completely unor al, have dissociated themselves dow well. His cries attracted ing program to eliminate the had a perfect case defendants.
Get Your APPEAL ganized, its attacks on the Stal from the Green. proposed the janitor who pulled him out. stums of the country and against the operators and they George Nathanson, counsel Subscribe to the At the Newsstand Inists coming individualistical amendments to the Wagner rabbit bit me, sobbed Da along with them the slums of should sign the contract calling for the defendant Garber, dely, and in the public press for Act.
vid, pointing to his thumb Minneapolis.
for union shop.
scribed Adolph Arnold Rubens SOCIALIST APPEAL serve MORE PEOPLE BITTEN BY RATS IN MINNEAPOLIS with PASSPORT CASE GOES TO JURY sip tv pledged to organize and prot redhearborn, Dean of the De but the proposal, as the 0: family mercreditaceano, mats battle the force interventies eas that has been displayed by the defendants, among them the box and pointed out to the tu NATIONAL COAL TIE UP DELAYED Ar.