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Build Workers Defense Guards!
Socialist Appeal Workers of the World Unite!
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, NO. 30 FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1939 Set up and Printed by Union Labor.
Application for Label Pending 3c a Copy PUSHES DRIVE ON JOBLESS The New Deal DANZIG NEW FOCAL POINT OF WAR CRISIS Lops Another Billion Off Powers Ready to Appropriations for Relief Cede Free City Jobless Want Jobs, Not Battleships!
PROFITS LEWIS CHARGES GREEN ACTS ON BOSSES ADVICE PROEITS Inspired Wagner Act Cart 703 Red Baiting Barrage Levelled at.
Workers But Poland Balks at British Democracy Yielding to Hitler AN EDITORIAL DROP FUND At Work in India!
Demands President Roosevelt continued luis Icadership in the As a part of their con.
drive against the unemployed with the relief message which WASHINGTON, DC. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
the RUSSIA UNCERTAIN scription campaign he sent to Congress last Thursday, Encouraged by the lead proBritish democrats have for the entire fiscal year beginning July Roosevelt vided by President Roose launched a drive to enlist The Free City of Dan Indians as soldiers in their proposes a total appropriation of 1, 477. 000. 000, relt message to Congress army.
zig becomes now the latest WOODROW WILSON This sum is exactly 773, 000, 000, or more than one third.
But the 400, 000, 000 work.
ast week, which proposed alfocal point of the Europeaners and peasants of India SWAR less than the total appropriated during the current fiscal nost a bilion dollars less for war crisis.
will have nothing to do with year.
relief during the coming fisHitler has announced his Juring the past year has been shamefully and cal year than was spent durIn a small native state intention to restore Danzig to pitifully inadequate. Providing on the average onlying the current year, a series near the city of Bombay a the Reich. By omitting Dan Froup of workers and peas3, 000, 000 jobs, it has left millions of men who are able of new assaults were launched zig from his list of nations in ants staged a demonstration and willing to work on the sidelines. Its rate of pay is far against the relief system.
against recruitment.
his recent plea. Roosevelt below the level necessary for health and decency Roosevelt proposed approThe response of the Brittacitly recognized that Danzig Ish police was to open fire The only possible conclusion that could be reached by priation for the year beginwould have to go. The polion this unarmed crowd and anyone genuinely interested in the welfare of the people of ning July was 1, 477, 000, ticians in London and Paris kill 65 people. Another Amthe United States would be to expand so that it 000 for as contrasted ritsar massacre has taken feel the same way.
place! British democratic could give every unemployed worker a job, and to increase with this year figure of Only the Poles feel differ 2, 225. 000. 000 Imperialism has again its rate of pay at least to a minimum of 30 a week.
hown its close kinship to ently about the Danzig grab That is not Roosevelt conclusion, Roosevelt has other officials immediately began steps to drop about litlerism in practice.
and the prime question oi plans for the future of the unemployed. He is getting his million workers from European diplomacy became war machine and his war ready to absorb them.
the rolls which now stand at 800. 000 one of getting Warsaw to His present proposal on reliei, meanwhile, is to cut the No Appropriation agree not to make a war issue rolls at least to 000. 000. 000, 000 jobs is the The President message out of the return to the Reich movimem that his 1, 477. 000. 000 can provide during the proposed to merge of a city that is overwhelmingnext fiscal year, and these at an average wage of around housing, and other con ROOSEVELT ly German and whose local struction agencies into one regime is already Nazi.
WAR 13 weekly unit, but provided no appropri Ominous Comparison This is not the proposal of Republicans or Tories or ation for thus in effect In his speech before the fascists. This comes straight from Franklin Roosevelt, liquidating this form of emReichstag last Friday Hitler the smiling white father of the New Deal.
ployment compared Poland position to barrage of red baiting day to that of Czecho Slovakia Otters. Proof Bosses Will Roosevelt get away with this outrageous assault. ou Against workers was the unemployed? If the unemployed themselves don wake holds in more ways than one, of hearings by a House Approespecially in the fact that Po Lp. there is a good chance that he will.
priations Subcommittee.
land friends in Britain and Amendments Roosevelt is trying here the same trick that he has so Burton notorious reactionary France are trying to get it to often used successfully in the past.
attorney. retained by the subgive up territory to the Reich Some of his opponents in Congress, led by Representacommittee as its investigator.
without forcing the French and trooped a line of stool pigeons British to go to war.
That President Wil.
tive Woodrum and Senator Byrnes, want even more dras and patrioteers to Washington Britain and France were liam Green proposed amendtic reductions than he calls for. In fact, some of them to paint lurid tale of radical bound by pledges to Czecho ments to the Wagner Act with slovakia. The abandonment of the advice and counsel of antiwould like to eliminate work relief altogether in favor of control of projects.
those pledges caused the whole labor manufacturers and repre.
the dole, and to turn administration of relief over to the islation Although Congressional legspecifically protects post war diplomatic system of sentatives of the National AsStates and municipalities. workers against inquis pacts and alliances in Europe sociation of Manufacturers. In his message to Congress, Roosevelt pretends that his itorial investigations into their to crumble into the dust. Dur was the grave charge made by political affiliations, Burton ing the past few weeks the John Lewis on April 28 in had attempted to force New British and French, by a new a letter to the Senate Committhe unemployed against their onslaught.
York workers diseries of sweeping pledges and tee on Education and Labor.
Red, White, Blue. This is nothing but a cheap piece of shadow boxing. The vulge whether they belonged to.
beginnings of a new bloc di documentary proof of his When the Communist the subrected at Germany and Italy. charge to the committee.
Party in New York paraded opponents is over what method and speed to use in driving committee that he had been If they should let Poland ride charge publicly that these for the Founding Fathers of to a fall as they did Czecho amendments recommended by Wall Street on May Day, the Slovakia, this new half formed Mr. Green and his associates sentative Woodrum, chairman, Workers Alliance contingent Woodrum and Byrnes, each in his own way, are all carry and other committeemei structure would be in turn have been prepared with the joined in lustily.
ing on a joint fight against the unemployed.
joined Burton in seeking ways razed aid, advice and counsel of rep As the members of this (Special to the Socialist Appeal. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
But Roosevelt thinks that by this shadow boxing, and and means to circumvent the Yugoslavia, one foot already resentatives of the National alleged unemployed organ.
in the axis camp. would jump Association of Manufacturers existing law.
NEW YORK. May StrikNEW YORK. In the name ization threw out their left with the help of his Stalinist and labor bureaucrat agents in with both feet. Rumania, and of several of the most re Hearings Attack Workers ing the only militant anti war of the workers holiday which feet and began marching, was carved into American his in the camp of labor, he will again turn aside the wrath of Ostensibly the hearings were already badly singed between actionary and anti labor corpo note of the day, the Socialist the band struck up that wellWorkers two fires, would be sure to rations of the country.
Party rallied 500 tory by the martyrdom of eight the unemployed from his own head. Lewis and Browder, to provide information for the known patriotic air. THE labor leaders at the hands of a House of Representatives on plunge headlong towards BerHas Proof workers to a colorful, enthusiThe figures, will once more end up yelling for support of ARMY AND NAVY FOR the administration of relief, to democratic government, the lin and Rome for fancied safe Lewis asked the Senate comastic May Day demonstration EVER which ends its chorus Stalinist May Day Parade Roosevelt and the New Deal in the fake battle against the guide that body in drafting ty Greece, Bulgaria all the mittee, which is holding hear at Columbus Circle.
with the words. Three bogeymen Tories.
further legislation, but from whooped it up for our price Balkans, would follow suit.
While the Stalinists seized on ings on Wagner Act amendCheers for the Red, White, Most important of all the ments to address a series of the May Day turnout of the less American heritage of dethe opening gun the hearings That is, Browder and Lewis will end up yelling for supand Pue!
Anglo. French come up and questions designed to reveal workers to ballyhoo their supwere manipulated to smear mocracy No doubt this song was Social. patriotism port of a one third cut in work relief. This is how Rooseflirtation the and a pre war hysteria were workers as radicals, selected by Workers Allithe order of the day incompetent and with the Russians would come Green and the anti abor ele budget, speakers for the Socialvelt reasons, and he thinks the unemployed as a whole will unionists ance officials as particularly abruptly to an end.
ments ist Workers Party sharply casappropriate for the unem.
Carrying fifteen star span finish by lining up behind him and his pals: the unemPotent Reasons Meanwhile Senator Byrnes. In the event Mr. Green and tigated the drive towards anployed of America since it gled banners for every red one ployed will help cut their own throats.
These are some of the rea his associates either refuse to other general war and called chairman of the special Senis their funds which Roose(with the red one hidden in the Is he right? The unemployed have got to answer that ate committee to investigate middle. they chanted Up De.
sons why the Poles are in a velt has patriotically taken position to put the screws on swer this charge or the ques. On the workers to follow in the tions suggested, or evade or path of the heroic Russian unemployment and relief, an.
to build a bigger and better mocracy, and here and there question for themselves.
nounced that he would press lifted banners proclaiming that their new guarantors in Lon deny the same, Lewis con workers who in 1917 made the army and navy.
If the unemployed don fight back, and fight hard. for legislation providing that don and Paris. Because it cluded, am prepared to pre first revolutionary assault such triumphs as Housing Projects and are the everything will go through as scheduled. That is a foretherefore becomes quite pos sent to your Committee at any upon the world system of imstates contribute one third of AMERICAN Way. Little chilsible that Danzig could become time documentary proof of my perialist oppression. gone conclusion. And the fight is first of all against Roosefunds. a proposal which means that wherever rethe starting point of a general (Continued on Page (Continued on Page 3)
dren carried little American velt and the New (War) Deal. It is Roosevelt and his War flags.
actionaries are firmly in the war, Hitler, on his part, is Deal that are smashing the unemployed. not Herbert saddle in a state government, stepping quite gingerly. If this Mild labor demands. Sup they could practically put an Hoover, who is a long way from Washington these days.
were not the case. Danzig port the National Health Proend to the would have been swept into the gram: Roosevelt budget figure for war is twice that Build Unity in the The senator, Democrat Nazl bin long ago together with Working Class Defeat from South Carolina, stated Bohemia, Moravia, and Memel.
BULLETIN many in November sheim: There the real Roosevelt for you not the one The incidental irony in this is that he thought the President space with placards and ban! you read about in the Daily Il orker. Special to the Socialist Att)
that Germany is more enstatement in his message askSo let fight.
NEW YORK, May All ners proclaiming the vital sec.
ing a substantial amount of titled to Danzig than to al three defendants in the Rotions of international Stalinist most any of the other terri.
administrative discretion, did policy. The main slogans of binson Rubens passport connot indicate opposition to a tories it has added to its swell(Special to the Socialist Appeal)
NEW YORK CITY, May Sickened by the degenration of spiracy trial were today the demonstration were the IN THE NEXT ISSUE ing frontiers in the last year, war breeding. Stop Hitler Congressionally drafted formufound guilty as charged after will the Ukraine be one of the cockpits of the coming the Socialist Party and its orientation toward the Social Demo la such as Byrnes proposes.
for Danzig was part of the ter the jury had deliberated for Now. not by workers ac cratic Federation, fourteen militant left wingers chose May Day World War? What is the situation in that country? What ritory wrenched out of the Figures Contradict President three hours and forty five tion, but by boss war. and Hitler present and future intentions? What role does the Reich by the Versailles Treaty. 10 declare openly their complete break from its cowardly pollminutes. Declaring that the Support President Roosevelt Figures released by the Soviet Ukraine play in the bureaucratic set up of the KremFor the Poles, however, it is cies in the face of the approaching war.
Peace. Policy!
Bureau of Labor Statistics defendants probably have lin clique? What do the revolutionists propose with regard All of them joined the Socialist Workers Party and the Young give the lie to the President foreign connections, Judge Labor Demands Absent to the Ukrainian problem?
quite clearly that if Hitler cuts peoples Socialist League (Fourth International, declaring that declaration in his message that convinced the program of The next issue of the Socialist Appeal will print an exevolutionary overthr Goddard raised the bail bond lone cigar worker at the employment prospects were across the Corridor and takes they wer from 1, 000 to 5, 000. Sen tail end of the procession lifted tremely important and timely article on the subject: improving. The Bureau es.
Danzig. he will have Poland of capitalism and establishThe undersigned comrades tence of the three convicted a small placard saying that ment of socialism advocated by economically, as well as stra timate for March, 1939 was men was set for Tuesday, American Labor Wants a that 360, 000 more persons were tegically, at his mercy. War these two organizations is the are resigning from the Social ist Party and its youth section May at 10:30 in Thirty Hour Week. Wage deemployed in non agricultural saw is therefore putting up the only one in the whole labor Federal Court.
mands were nowhere present.
industries than in March, 1938, strongest front it can muster movement which honestly and to join with our fellow revolu.
tionists in the Socialist WorkIn sympathy with the good but the increase was admit Part of this process tighten cenuinely represents the inter ers Party and the Young Peo. By NAT LEVINE capitalists they urged: Break tedly only the normal annual ing the already rigid military ests of the workers.
ple Socialist League (Fourth The complete statement of International. NEW YORK Summations Wall Street Sabotage Put Laincrease in the nation workdictatorship by placing extraby the defense in the passport bor Back to Work.
The article, just received from the author. promises to ing forces in relation to the ordinary powers in the hands these fourteen young Socialists As long as we considered Iconspiracy trial involving OsThe biggest war budget in arouse widespread comment throughout the entire world! growth of population. Continued on Page 3) is as follows. Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
1, 500 New York Workers at AntiWar May Day Demonstration ALL WAR FUNDS Three Cheers for STAGES big fight is with these people. that he is trying to protect TO UNEMPLOYED STAR SPANGLED only dispute which Roosevelt has with his Congressional when the reporte de IS CALL JINGO PARADE PASSPORT CASE GOES TO JURY We Break With The Socialist Party!