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SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1939 We See French Democracy at Work IN THIS CORNER Spain e march 3, 1879.
Staff MemberSoSEPH HANSEN Roosevelt Provides Not Fit to Print of SOCIALIST APPEAL cerely interested in protecting democracy in the Vol. III, No. 29 May 2, 1939 pened in Bolivia and President Roosevelt silPublished twice a week by the ence furnishes more evidence that we are absoSOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS lutely right in insisting that this business of deat 116 University Place, New York, fending democracy in the Western Hemisphere Telephone: Algonquin 8547 is nothing but a fraud. It means only defending While playing Second Fiddle in Total World Possessions Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months the right of the capitalists of this country to ex To Britain, France Has Aped Its Cross the Channel Ally Foreign. 00 per year. 50 for six months. Bunploit the Latin American peoples.
dle orders: cents per copy in United States: In Brutal Methods of Colonial Terror and Exploitation cents per copy in all foreign countries. Single When Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt showed some By Max Shachtman copies: cents.
By SHERMAN STANLEY at stake in the present con that existed at that time. They women friends through the White House, she The French Popular Front nict.
grabbed up the Malay peninBronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for pointed to the absence of all small decorations, government stabbed six months; 00 for one year.
It includes the Canadian sula while the French took over The conscription law proposed to the House of Reentered as second class matter February 16.
Commons by the Chamberlain crew is extremely fighting Loyalists in the back coast islands, West Indies is Indo China. London and Paris Lady explained, because we discovered visitors 1939.
enlightening, from at least two angles.
by keeping an iron wall be office at New York, under lands, French Guiana, East In. were the forerunners of Berlin the Act sometimes even high ranking diplomats, are not tween them and war materials.
The first is the obvious contradiction between a dian Islands, Tahits, New Cale and Rome in imperialist team.
above pocketing a Ming vase as a souvenir. Well, The Popular Front pre donia, New Hebrides, Tunisia, work.
law to conscript the young men of the nation into Editor: these diplomats didn get where they are by pickmier, Leon Blum, organizea Algeria, Morocco, Jibut. Mad sharp struggle took place the army, and the loudly disseminated myth that MAX SHACHTMAN ing on such small stuff as Ming vases. They lift the Non Intervention Commit agascar, Indo China, Somall over Morocco which France the war which this army is to fight is overwhelmAssociate Editors: those to keep in practice.
tee which served as a double land. Equitorial Africa, Togo needed to protect its Algerian ingly popular among he people. Anxious to mainHAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW barrelled lock between the Loy land, Dahomey, Ivory Coast, colony. It was finally given to tain its carefully acquired reputation for lying, the alists and the munitions they Niger, Cameroons and Syria. France in 1911 after the Agadir capitalist press, both here and in England, promiEMANUEL GARRETT needed.
In addition, there are a host of crisis led Europe to the brink nently displays reports that the youth of Britain is voluntarily flocking into the army. But if this Business Manager: When the Catalonian Loyal small island groups dotting the of war. STANLEY ists and their women and chil. Pacific, Indian Ocean, etc. After the World War, France is really the case, why is it necessary to resort If a pious speech could be served on a platter dren fled into France they whichas with the British and England wrote their verto conscription? If there are so many volunteers.
FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST and eaten like a roast pig with an apple in its were hurled into concentration serve as naval bases, refueling sailles Treaty. In addition to why must force be invoked to make them join mouth, the children of the United States could camps, surrounded by electri stations, military centers, etc. exerting commanding influ. the army?
WORKERS PARTY FOR: fied barbed wire.
expect to become rosy checked and robust by COLORED CANNON FODDER ence over the Little Entente Double. dealing, cynical. FOR THE SLAUGHTER countries of Central and Bul. The Labour Party just feasting on the speech that was served up suave, ruthless, scheming. The kan Europe, the French divid Job and a decent wage for every worker.
The colonies supply an enor led Germany African colonies Opposition by President Roosevelt last Wednesday. French imperialists have demous manpower for the French with the British and also got e But as said, this aspect of the Chamberlain pro2. Open the idle factories operate them under For if ever there was a speech that dripped degree, in the process of carv. 1935 show that (1) In the COLONIAL REVOLTS workers control.
posal is all too obvious. Less so is the alleged opposition to the conscription act on the part of Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works with pious gravy, it was the one Roosevelt read ing an empire out of the world. French Foreign Legion there PUT DOWN the Labour Party spokesmen. Alleged because it and housing program.
at the opening session of the fourth White. The French have had to play were 16, 500 colonials. 2) The The French have faced two is not real, not consistent, not durable, second fiddle to House Conference on Children in a Democracy. when it comes to reckoning up diers and (3) The Colonial ar the Arabian nationalist move4. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wareBritish African army had 103, 500 sol major revolts on the part of How easy it is for the Chamberlain group to 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on Unfortunately not even the discovery of vita colonial spoils. Where the my had 87, 500. There were ment for freedom. In 1913 they dispose of such opposition by a contemptuous gesall jobs.
mins or the Fireside Chat has niade a speech 200, 000 odd people. that of 1935 and the number has prob. rising and in 1920 they put British Empire contains 500. 230. 000 soldiers overseas in put down a general Moroccan ture or a cynical remark. In effect, this is a11 that the supporters of the Prime Minister have Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pension.
edible, and if any of the children of the United France contains to, and do, say to their Labour Party critics: 100, 477. 000. ably doubled by now. Forced down the Riffs who were led Expropriate the Sixty Families.
States were hungry before Roosevelt started Each Englishman has approx. enlistments and recruitment by the famous nationalist lead The Honorable Gentlemen of His Majesty 13 colonial slaves drives have been going on for er, Abd el Krim. French im.
Ever So Loyal Opposition seem to us to be lacking All war funds to the unemployed.
reading into the microphone, they were just as working for him, while for over a year.
in patriotism, love for democracy, or even respect hungry when he finished and can be sure that France the ratio is coloperialism spedits English for their own avowed position. In fact, objectively. people referendum on any and all wars.
French imperialism has had brothers in ferocity and cruelthey will remain just as hungry until they die, nials to each Frenchman.
they are aiding and abetting that very policy of a history as long and bloody as ty. No secret diplomacy.
if Roosevelt determines their future.
WORLD WIDE EXTENT appeasement to which, not so long ago, they took that of the British.
OF FRENCH EMPIRE In 1925 they subdued nasuch vehement objection.
10. An independent Labor Party.
As early as 1830 they held tionalist insurrection in Syria.
Democracy is dependent upon children and When the Prime Minister, in his ardent atThe French Empire is divid possession of Algiers, the most their administration of this 11. Workers Defense Guards against yigilante they are dependent upon democracy, Roosevelt ed as follows: valuable of their possessions. protectorate was so vicious and Fascist attacks tempts to preserve the peace, returned from Munich, he was assailed for not taking a firm said; therefore it is necessary that children safc. 1) The American and Aus xor over 100 years they have that even their own creationstand against the German Chancellor and the guard the democracy and the democracy safe tralasian colonies: territory of a rained this Mohammedan the League of Nations was ob129, 978 square miles popula country. It is the India of the liged to formally condemn totalitarian powers. The Honorable Gentlemen refused to take into consideration the fact that guard the children. But, and this is a BUT as tion of 1, 112, 000.
French Empire. Next came French mal administration.
large as Roosevelt war machine in many (2) African and Syrian col. Tunis, an area likewise of great The French Empire has con the Empire was not then in a position to implement When Hoover ex Secretary of State lets parts of the United States, according to the by means of warfare the firmer stand which it onies: territory of 910, 710 value.
sistently followed the British square miles population In the 1860 s, the French took imperialist tactics of plunder might have been necessary to take at Munich.
out a yawp for war, or Wilson chairman of President own admission, children are not 36. 890, 000.
time off from their act of carv. and loot, military and dictator They showed their inconsistency then by insisting (3) Asiatic the War Industries Board moves to get the privided enough to meet the minimum needs for colonies: terrding up China to take posses ial rule, suppression of all na. that a position should have been taken last Septory of 900, 842 square milession of the five provinces of In tionalist and democratic movetember which could not but have meant war, and same job again under Rousevelt, the Senate For food, shelter, and clothing, and the Federal gov population of 21. 640. 000. do China (Laos, Cambodia, ments. The rulers of Franceat the same time they recognized England discign Relations Committee sets the stage properly ernment contribution toward their care is less This total world area of AnnanCochin China, Tong like their fellow imperialiste advantageous situation in the crticisms they made and the newspapers blare the stuff out in headat the same time of our lack of military and aerial generous than its contribution to the care of 11. 000. 000 square miles (ex. king. All of them were sub across the Channel. can only lines and reams of newsprint.
preparations. We were then the ones who best he aged.
cluding France) spreads over dued and occupied by a large have their tongues in their But when the Railway Labor Executives Asthe entire globe and makes of military force. The English in cheeks when they talk of fight defended the interests of the British Empire and.
Since Roosevelt government allows the ing for. sociation, constituted by principal railwhose imperial poss ssions are the London Paris axis 1111sation. Now, however, when the situation is ripe for road labor unions and representing over one aged to die like stray dogs without even the a really firm stand by England, a stand which doubtful benefit of mercy killing, what this we must be ready to back up by armed strength, willion workers, sends Luhrsen, executive we again confront the inconsistency of the Opposisecretary treasurer of the association, to inform government does for the children, by its own tion. Do they perhaps intend to fight Hitler army admission, is so small that not even Roosevelt the Foreign Relations Conmittee that these with printed copies of their eloquent speeches?
can find anything good to say about it.
Or are they really so innocent as to imagine that unions stand firm for a popular referendum whereby the people shall have the right to vote we can wait until the Royal Army is built up to He pointed out that in the United States, war strength B9 08lunteers who are, alas, not before the United States can take part in a war children are starved, denied an education, denied forthcoming in sufficient numbers. that not news. The senatorial committee clothing, denied warmth, denied homes, denied By FELIX MORROW events. The manifesto is so ed over the Casado Junta It was the Opposition that insisted upon an Heralded in announcements written as to give the impres and who, as the manifesto aggressive policy towards the totalitarian regimes.
does NOT set the stage for the unions state every minimum necessity of childhood, denied on preceding days as the in sion that it appeared in the admits, tried to make peace Now that such a policy is being practiced, the ment, and the newspapers practically ignore it.
even jobs and the opportunity to marry when Side story on Spain betray midst of the events surround with the Junta!
Opposition refuse to make possible its implemenAll the news that fit to print with the they grow up.
al. the Daily Worker publishing the establishment of the Negrin went because the rest tation. We are prepared to challenge them to ed on April 21 a manifesto of Miaja Casado Junta. But the of the Popular Front, in seekbring the issue to a head, for we are certain that bosses and their political agents deciding The President said that he was very much the central committee of the Junta took power on March ing to save their own hides, they will not pick up the gage of electoral battle.
what fit.
concerned about this, and concerned too about Communist Party of Spain. put down the protesting troops needed a scapegoat to offer the lack of religious training given children. If The document reveals very in the succeeding week, and on Franco, and the Stalinists, who Whoever Says A, Berlin news item states that if war what he says is true, that a democracy cannot The manifesto is rather an peal for peace to Franco and vious scapegoats. But Negrin Must Say does not come this month, it may be delayed until June, since Hitler considers May his unlucky survive without providing for the children born attempt to still misgivings. had ceased all pretense of re whole policy differed not a whit In their own way, the Tories would be entirely month. Lots of persons poo poo the idea of the under its flag, then democracy in the United Why did the Spanish. Com sistance to the fascists! The from his successors: both correct. The Labour Party patriots have a posiscience of astrology yet firmly believe that only States is indeed doomed it has not provided Ing the crucial days when the the manifesto. as one which co.
munist party remain silent dur Daily Worker introduction to sought conciliation with Fran tion which makes it impossible to oppose such the bourgeoisie know how to govern the world.
measures as conscription. Whoever says A, acThis is in the face of the fact that the bourgeoisie for even the most elementary needs of its The Stalinists have sought to Negrin government cleared out warns the Spanish people that cording to the German proverb, must say Whocan govern without making life a hell for the children.
and the Miaja Casado Popular the Casado Juntacould only conceal this. In line with their ever demands so violently, as the Labour Party majority of us.
leaders have demanded for months past, that the What does President Roosevelt intend to do Fendere anta took over and sur bring about the enslavement of preposterous picture of Negrin the Spanish people. and the as a bitter ender, the manifes country take steps in the conflict with Hitler which about this condition which he deplores with The actual facts are damn present tense references in the to pictures the result had he inevitably bring the war closer, cannot, at the such beautiful words? Wait a whole year, he ingly clear. On March the manifesto to activities of the remained at the helm: last minute, pretend to balk at what, in the light Junta took power. The next Junta, are pure fakery. today we would have of all that has happened, is a comparatively minor says, for recommendations from the small day the Negrin cabinet, includ MANIFESTO DODGES peace, Independence and liberstep in preparing for that war.
audience of rich people who assembled at the ing the Communist ministers. THE KEY QUESTION ty without reprisals. And we Bolivia is one of the democratic South Why does not the mani. even say that it could have After all, the Labour Party politicians are just American republics that Roosevelt wants to White House to applaud his pious speech and ated the country, and in the testo denounce the death sen been possible to save some of engaged in a game of pretense and petty factional then see. Godspeed in your high endeavor, warfare. number of them have written in the same planes or others also tences against Barcelo and the social gains made by the bring into a union of great American democquite recent past favor of reconsidering the racies in order to ward off the oncoming attack speech.
were the words Roosevelt used to end his went La Pasionaria, Lister. other Communist troop lead. Republic for the benefit of the Modesto, Hidalgo de Cisneros, ers? Why does it not accept re workers and peasants. Today, traditional English hostility towards conscription.
The present official opposition to the law has of the fascist countries. We should rather say Carlos Nunez Mazas, Antonio sponsibility for the revolt? On the peasantry would not have nothing whatever in common with a principled Cordon, etc. in a word, the the contrary, it says that those the prospect of seeing the that Bolivia was one of those chosen countries.
Roosevelt of course is not so stupid as not to stand. It is opportunistic from beginning to end.
entire leadership of the Con. who speak about a Commun landowners come back as the For now Bolivia has gone back on our Presi have some kind of solution to this problem, munist Party (the general sec. Ist uprising know very well, victors nor the workers the Tomorrow will prove to the hilt, when the Labour dent. She refused to continue pretending that although he mentioned it only casually in his Party leaders come out openly, as they did in retary, Jose Diaz, was already that if we had wanted to rise prospect of a slavery regime.
the last world war, as the most zealous and efout of the country. up in arms against the Gov. Unfortunately for the Stalinshe is a democracy and Colonel German Busch speech that a democracy cannot measure its has openly declared a totalitarian regime. The We pointed out at the time ernment we could have done ists, however, even their own fective recruiting agents for the government.
success even by armaments unless it prothe impelling motive which it, because we had the forces collaborators have divulged But before they take on that role, they want a Bolivian Legation in Washington, fearful of the vides for its children. Roosevelt solution is made it impossible for the Stal. to do it and to win. Then why part of the truth. For example. little more recognition than the Chamberlain gov.
Inists to resist the Popular didn the Communist Party Negrin foreign minister, Al ernment has condescended so far to give them.
adverse effect the proclamation of a dictatorship connected precisely with the armaments he is Front Junta. The Stalinists overthrow the treacherous Jun varez del Vayo. wrote in the Not that Messrs. Atlee and Co. are ambitious or would have upon American public opinion, has hicaping up with the billions of dollars he has dared not admit to the world ta and organize resistance to British weekly, the New States overbearing in their demands. Far from it. They tened to deny that the word totalitarian is apsnatched from the unemployed and the children that the Popular Front had Franco? This key question is man. reprinted in Left, April.
would, in all likelihood. be satisfied with even less plicable to the new Bolivian regime.
than Lloyd George gave them in his cabinet dur.
of the United States.
ousted the Stalinists. Still less the one which above all is asked 1939. Of the three conditions for ing the last world war. In other words, they would But what is a regime which openly prohibits Every child in the country, when he gets big the Popular Front, and take ers. Communist party workers making peace which Dr. Neg probably go along without so much as a murmur opposition political parties, forbids trade unions enough to shoulder arms, will be provided with over the helm. Stalin himself in the various pro Spain organ: rin had stipulated in that last if the Chamberlain cabinet were reorganized to had already abandoned Spain izations, etc. who sacrificed meeting of the Cortes at Figu include a couple of such stainless democrats as to exist and destroys all forms of civil liberties? a bright shiny rifle and shipped overseas to as Krivitsky has since told in for Spain and want to know eras on February the inde. Winston Churchill, notorious friend of the Soviets.
Call it by any name you please and it still re mow down the children of other countries and detail and so the Stalinist why their sacrifice was in vain. pendence of Spain, freedom for and Anthony Eden, notorious enem of the Tories mains a vicious fascist dictatorship.
De mowed down himself by the bright shiny leadership simply cleared out But the manifesto is design the Spanish people to determine and possibly to exclude Chamberlain himself.
with Negrin.
ed, not to answer, but to avoid its destiny. and the assurance What will our crusading democratic Presi. rifles with which the capitalists of other lands FAKING DATES TO Naturally, if a genuine National Government answering this fundamental that there would be no repris were established, one that would include in the dent do? Will he call upon the remaining de have provided their working class and farmer FAKE AN EXPLANATION question.
als we knew perfectly well cabinet a few regular Labour party wheelhorses, mocracies of the Western Hemisphere to oschildren.
that would be so much the better. In that case.
away? The manifesto which usual paint brush is employed. ing practical meaning, theo But how explain all this in order not to answer, the that the only one still possess.
tracize Bolivia? Will he threaten Bolivia with This is what Roosevelt means when he exthey would make the Chamberlain Cliveden gang attempts to do so is dated The manifesto is entitled the one we must strive for, was the look like so many chicken hearted pacifists by sanctions unless the democratic regime is rein plains that a capitalist democracy in order to March 18. This date, the most Casado. Trotskyite treach third. it was a question of comparison with their own unrestrained military stated? We are certain that he will do nothing enclure must provide for its children.
plausible which the Stalinists ery. and is bestrewn with ref. making possible the departure ardor.
could attempt, is undoubtedly erences to Trotskyites. The from Spain of some twenty If the whole record of the Labour Party leaderof the kind. For the simple reason that regarda fake. The central committee fact that our whole movement. thousand marked men and Senator William Borah denounces the Euless of the nature of its regime, Bolivia remains was not in Spain but in France. in Spain and internationally, women. It was for this that ship is anything to go by. it is a safe prediction that as the weeks go by their opposition to Chama place where American capitalists can sell their ropean democracies as treaty spollsmen and ad since March and had they was the only one in the whole the Negrin government was written the document on that workers movement which ir still disposed to resistand for berlain present conscription law will not only be products and invest their capital. The President vises youth that any war emanating from the abandoned but that they will be in the forefront current crisis would be sordid and imperialistic. date, it would have been pub reconcilably denounced the Mi nothing else.
will slut his eyes a littie tighter and continue to of the House of Commons mob howling for conand would not involve the question of democracy lished long ago, and not on aja Casado Junta and that we To save the hides of the Popscription for all able nnon fodder up to prate about the American democracies. or totalitarianism. These European powers, April 21. The dateline in the characterized its counter rev ular Front leaders that was the age of 35, with exceptions made only for those The rulers of Bolivia, not being competitors Views, pursue one and the same course when they whatever may be their idea or ideology or political Negrin sole program and that Daily Worker, Paris, April 3olutionary character while the by mail) is pure fakery, for Stalinist press remained silent was the program of his sucsterling patriots, the shilling a year men who must of United States capitalists are permitted to do come to deal with international affairs.
perforce stay behind the lines in order to keep They the huge stalinist apparatus this established does not cessors. The manifesto cananything they please to the Bolivian workers and alike violate treaties. disregard the most funda cables immediately here tenth trouble the Stalinist fabricat not, any more than previous industry going at top speed and war profit rolling in accordingly.
mental principles of right, pursue methods which peasants. Roosevelt or Ickes will make no rate documents, let alone one ors, At all costs they must con alibis, conceal this fact nor the inevitably lead to war, and then call upon the of such significance, and why fuse the issue by the usual indelible fact that the Popular And it is just as safe to add the prediction that squawk about Colonel Busch and lis array of United States, Canada, and other nations to save would the Spanish leadership mountain of slander against Front whether headed by Cab. the American equivalent of the Labour party leadthem from their own intolerable and vicious methhold the document in Paris the Fourth International. allero, Negrinor Miaja ership the bureaucracy of the trade unions in this gangsters now crushing the life out of the Bofrom March 18 to April 3? Acthe ods. They call upon the United States on the They dare to link us with crushed revolutionary country will, at the right moment, give its livian people.
Bame theory as one calls upon a pupil who has out tually the document must have Casado. they whose party masses and thereby made cer English brothers cards and spades and still beat Let those who believe that Roosevelt is sin distanced the teacher.
been written well after the leader, General Miaja, presid tain the victory of Franco. thens at the game. Paint Brush Will Not Hide The Truth On Spaiu Betrayal Dictatorship in Bolivia