AnarchismBourgeoisieCommunismDemocracyGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL By Dwight Macdonald Hitler Swaps Demagogy with Roosevelt SPARKS IN THE NEWS FOR SIGNS HUGE Wants Share of Spoils; DEFENSE AVOIDS PLANES BILL, Omits Mention of USSR WITNESS STAND ASKS FOR MORE IN RUBENS CASE World Fair Täte You have probably seen photographs in the papers of the Soviet pavilion at the New York World Fair: a towering monstrosity. stream lined up to an enormous statue of a man in overalls holding aloft, in a Statue of Liberty attitude, a large star. The architect is Boris Yofan, most renowned of present day Soviet architects, who did a similar job for the Paris Exposition, substituting for the man in overalls a pair of muscular young people in shorts.
Yofan also did the Palace of the Soviets in Moscow, whose colonnaded tiers rise up like a huge wedding cake to form a pedestal for a gigantic statue of Letin. That there is something esthétically grotesque in a Building serving as the pedestal of a statue and what statues. this bit of grammar school architec tural lore has yet to penetrate the Russian steppes.
At any rate, there is quite a story connected with Yofan latest monstrosity. It seems according to some one who should knowthat many months ago a pair of Soviet architects arrived in this country with a plan for Soviet building at the Fair. This was submitted to the Fair architectural board, which, as is the routine, criticised it and suggested certain changes so as to bring it into harmony with the surrounding buildings. The architects went back to Moscow, and no more has been heard over here of either of them.
This winter Yofan and an associate, Alabian, arrived in New York and presented an entirely different plan. On examining this one, the Fair architectural board found that its ground plan was some fifty feet bigger than the space allotted to the buliding and.
furthermore, that its central tower, bearing the workman and star, was one hundred and eighty feet high, which was just one hundred feet higher than the top limit which had been set for all governmental buildings at the Fair.
The board was, therefore, about to return the plans with a revuest for drastic revisions when a wire came from the State Department in Washington Its general gist was that the two previous architects had been liquidated because their plan had been criticised, and that it would be much appreciated if the Yofan Alabian plans could be approved by the board without any major changes. So the board, being kindly fellows, let the tower stand It is the second highest structure at the Fair, being eclipsed only by the Trylon itsell and, to give room for the extra fifty feet of ground space, moved over three adjoining buildings, one of them being. Incidentally, the Japanese pavilion Yofan returned in triumph to Moscow, where he was fittingly honored. And just before he sailed, he gave to the press an interview in which he made a number of contemptuous reMEN AND WOMEN OF LABOR of OUT OF THE PAST marks about the bourgeois architects of the United States.
Footnote on the Romanovs More than 600 volumes of early nineteenth (Continned from Page 1)
Berlin axis. Despite inspired century fiction which came from the Imperial ing in the name of the differ reports to the contrary, the ent groups of capitalists whom role of Russia in this set up re.
by the University Library. we been the books Generals Spend Fifty they represent, they are talk mained as unclear as ever.
Fear Exposing came from that section of the private library Maisky Explains Millions for War ing about markets. colonies.
of Nicholas II which was housed in the Alex profits, and super profits, for Passing through Copenhagen Connection at ander Palace. There they must have re Machines which they are all ready to on his way back to London, mained on the shelves, undisturbed by the right to the last drop of blood Soviet Ambassador Ivan Mais.
Passport Trial ky said Moscow position was curiosity of the Emancipator or of his de scendants. Otherwise, it is hard to account of the workers of all countries (Sprell to the Socialist Apneal)
perfectly clear. This meant, That is why this threatening he added that in case of ag.
By NAT LEVINE for their amazingly fresh condition, the comwar has nothing in common gression, the Soviet Within an hour after PrestUnion pleteness of the sets and the fact that many dent Roosevelt signed into law ers of any land. It is nothing Europe. Eirope at present (Specin to the Socinin Apneal)
with the interests of the wor of them are found in the original paper covers today the 549, 000, 000 War De But the culmination on a vast being divided into two camps would come to the aid of NEW YORK Immediately after the government rested its just as they were issued. From The Princeton Alumni Weekly, April 15, 1938.
partment appropriation bill international scale of the vile case on Friday, April 28, in the out 50. 000. 000 of it in one sin whose sole aim is to rob each bassador statement really conspiracy trial involving the More Afterthoughts gle record breaking order for other where and how they can record in ambiguity. Rumania, came as something of a new issuance of forged passports to In my role of unofficial critic and reviewer 521 bombing pursuitinter while jointly keeping the work on its part was still agonizing eighteen men and women, of demonstrations. found myself the septor, and photographic war ers ground down to a minimum among them the Moscow imprisoned Robinson Rubens couother night on the campus of the City College This purchase is but the first standard of living and lower jump into, and Turkey stin ple, counsel for the defense anof New York, taking in the Yipsels anti war step in a landslide of orders stood cautiously on the outside, MARIE RUBENS nounced to the press that it strike. The meeting was held outside one of which will presently be forththe college buildings, and attracted perhaps coming, according to Louis Roosevelt Motive waiting to see what Russia would not place the defendants Ossip Garber, Edward Blatt two hundred people. The Stalinized American Johnson. Assistant Secretary plea not because he really exRoosevelt made his peace would do.
and Aaron Sharfin on the witStudents Union, which for good reasons the of war, to treble the army pected Hitler to take him up to measure was rushed in Great Britain the conscrip Convention ness stand.
college authorities recognize as the official alr strength by increasing it but because he wanted to through a compliant House of Surprised by Stand This procedure is tantamount anti war student group, held its meeting at to more than 000 planes.
to throwing in the sponge.
same time, in the Great Hall of the col The order calls for planes of make the record and able to Commons. The Chamberlain For Workers Politics From the opening date of this lege, with Joseph Lash and Heywoou Broun the latest super designs, kill.
government addressed itself to the task of flicking over the case, the defendants would not as the chief speakers. poked my nose into ing planes built to travel 400 Teeble opposition to the (Special to the Socialist Abbeal) plead guilty strice a formal adthe Great Hall long enough to estimate the miles an hour, to destroy attendance there at about 000. The contrast planes of other capitalist ban measure registered by the of BOSTON, Mass. Over 230 mission of guilt would, in efbetween these figures is sad, but it reflects aits at ficial Labor Party and trades delegates claiming to represent fect, have meant to concede no discredit on the Yipsels. They had plenty carry vást distances, and union leadership. This did not 85, 000 workers recently met at the machinations of the enormous loads involve preparations for crush the second annual convention in order at this late date to in this country. Furthermore, of banners, red flare lights, and slogans chant bombs.
ed in unison, as well as some excellent speaking strikes, for the labor buers. The smallness of the crowd they drew More Funds for Navy reaucrats have no intention of of this state Labor Non prevent any possible slip up simply reflects the great strides the war spirit Roosevelt war preparations Still another development in really waging any militant Partisan League. definite which might reveal a connechas made on our campuses.
struggle against the attempt to sentiment for independent tion with the Soviet Secret Powas a request from the Presiyoke the British workers to the class politics emerged, but got withheld from taking the witlice, the defendants are being There is, however, one criticism would dent that Congress appropriate like to make. In the early part of the meeting. 31, 621, 000 to begin the immewar machine, iittle encouragement.
Cabinet Re Shuffle ness stand in their own behalf.
a number of stalinists stood on the fringes of diate construction of a chain No, it merely meant plans to Many large unions serit only The last recourse in the stratethe crowd and shouted appeals to passing of naval bases in the Pacific, re shuffle the cabinet to make observers to the convention be gy of suppressing the relations students to go to their meeting. These cries Alaska, Puerto Rico and conwere so loud as to make it hard to hear the tinental United States.
its personnel a little more per cause disgust with the League of the three men with the sonally pleasing to the Labor policy of playing ball with the has been to put up speakers. Finally, a few stalwart comrades The largest appropriation presented themselves before the disrupters for war since the demobilizaand without having to actually use force, tion of the American Expedilouder than any during the past cratic machine in this state charge of criminal conspiracy.
year, in demanding an aggres still prevailed among many Loy Henderson, one time were able to convince them their place was tionary Force, 549, 000, 000 was sive war policy.
Secretary of the American Emelsewhere. After that, the meeting went rushed to completion in record The other means being used El Oliver, national execu. bassy at Moscow who saw Mrs.
peacefully. should say that this should have naste following its passage by say later on to the American to make conscription palatable tive vice president of the Rubens in her Ledian baucen been done much sooner, and that only such a show of force however much Congress only yesterday. Gen workers that he had done ev is a promise later on to limit League, mentioned the possi early in 1936, added nothias to breaking up the meeting entirely will silence tween the passage of a bill and erything possible to maintain war profits and prevent proti blity that if the Democratic throw light on her arrest by in the Soviet police, Loy Henderson, attache well, of cburse, that force or even the threat Congressmen who have been opposite side of the fence. He mons, the government has would run an independent on to the American Embassy in of it is a two edged weapon at radical meetings.
for the reliet of the unemployed of peace. He too averred that ficult to do this, and anyway, that greeted this hint of indeens in her Lubianka cell early he hated war. Meanwhile he does not wish to discourage pendent class politics greatly in 1938. During the interview were gleeful at the swiftness made plain that war was com the munitions makers! surprised Oliver.
with Henderson, Mrs. Rubens refused the proferred intervendump more than half a billion ing anyway.
dollars in one bill into RooseNevertheless, while speaking tion of Embassy officials on her behalf and would say nothin his usual bellicose terms.
velt war machine.
Reorganizing Army the Fuehrer left the door wide ing to throw light on her arrest. Helped the As a further war measure, open to any deal that he might Secretary of War Woodring. be able to extract from his Her refusal to accept the inannounced that he will ask badly. frightened rivals. He of tervention of Embassy officials indicated that she was cooperBy EMANUEL GARRETT Congress within the next few fered new promises, new pledg ating with the in its efforts to hang Trotskyist laeight hour day like his fellow martyr. Albert the deadwood out of the officer that if Germany demands bel on herself and her husband, Parsons, Spies was a popular figure among corps of the United States were satisfied he was willing If You Can Make It Tired of No Job? after which they would be linkworker militants. His brilliant oratory endear. army. He wishes immediately to talk things over.
Passing the Buck to subject 890 officers of the ed him to thousands upon thousands of workBy Hitchhiking ed to German Japanese spies.
You Can Always ers. As a speaker he was known in virtually army to rigid examinations In this way he has succeeded Charter a Plane Since the Henderson interevery industrial city in the country. Travelling them in favor of younger, more his adversaries and placing President Franklin received Bronx, New York, the other lishing that at everstions. the Hang Yourself view, a number of illuminating When dawn came over the facts have come to light estabers exposing their plight, publicizing their vigorous blood.
upon them the onus of either struggles.
an invitation while vacationing morning. the body of David their American operations, the offering Hitler a deal or push Spies was present when on May 3, 1886 the BENDIX CO. COUPON ing ahead for immediate war. in London to dine with King Manaker, twenty seven years Rubens enjoyed the active colGeorge and Queen Elizabeth. old, was discovered swinging laboration of American StalinPinkertons and the police swooped down on CLIPPERS GET ALONG. It was obvious in any case. But he delayed departing for by the neck from the branch ists. As every day goes by, new who were educating the scabs in their own Stockholders of the Bendix on the agenda. The British too late to go by regular trans tween Crotona Avenue and Ful Most recent of these is that way. Many strikers fell under the Pinkerton Aviation corporation were in and French are trying to get portation.
ton Street.
and police gunfire. Spiès left for his newsDavid Mankoff, for many years formed a few days ago that Danzig without a struggle in James, in whose veins flows calls and cut the body down. Edward Blatt, was or is a Poland to agree to give up This, however, did not daunt Police arrived in response to an associate of the defendant paper office immediately. Here he wrote proclamation to the working men of Chicago the net per gent for the last 1, 000 order to avoid having the war the resourceful blood of the After searching his pockats member of the Young Com. One of the type setters added the slogan Re000 issue forced over the question Roosevelts. He chartered a and discovering a card of the munist League whose activities venge! which Spies later had removed, flew to Bronx Eye and Ear Hospital have ranged from that of an The improvement in profits of returning to the Reich a city private plane and though it has come to be known as the Re: said Vincent Bendix, president, that is not only overwhelming. Windsor.
and a card issued by the Na organizer for the Stalinist conIt cost him approximately tional Shoe Workers Union, trolled International Labor Dein Haymarket square was published in his favorable factors. largely the ready under Nazi control.
for transportation alone to police finally got down to the ſense to a recruiter of AmerSpies arrived late at the meeting, as a Gerresult of the national defense whether the Poles will program which will tax to remains to be seen in the indulnii his engagement with the bottom of his worldly posse ican volunteers for the Stalinroyal George and Lowzie but Sions a single five cent piece ist sponsored Abraham Lincoln man speaker he had expected to speak last, the limit the increased capacity mediate future.
after all he arrived in time for and. a social security card. Brigade.
The meeting having not yet been opened he of our aircraft divisions during called it to order in a smaller Police decided that apparent Meanwhile the British diplo the eats and that just as im matic offensive to form an en portant to the blue blooded 14 Manaker was without work Max Schulman was recently a sons, Fielden and other location. Par the last half of the year.
Also of recent note is that Detectives Mr. Bendix did not announce circling bloc of powers made Roosevelt clan as taking an and had no home. They called proofreader for the Daily ordered the meeting stopped. The speakers refusd. bomb was thrown. Police were in the increase in dividends.
an increase in wages to go with little headway against the other slash at the renef funds it a case of suicide and sent Worker. The name Max Schulcounter offensive of the Rome of the unemployed.
the body to the morgue.
juted and eight men were arrested. The great man appears in the indictment Haymarket Case had begun as one to whom a passport was Spies along with others of his comrades issued on October 10, 1935.
was sentenced to be hanged. When sentence Prosecutor Ignores Tie up was pronounced the court asked him if he It was generally conceded had anything to say. He spoke for two hours.
among close observers of the In addressing this court speak as the reptrial that when Henderson resentative of one class to the representatives (Continued from Page 1)
ing class as the agents of the imperialists of their own couis took the stand, he would mainof another. My defense is your accusamankind. The interests and needs of the masses, of the tries, and summon the people to die on the imperialist battle tain complete silence concerntion, the causes of my alleged crime your ing the obvious Stalinist tie up history.
workers and poor farmers and colonial peoples, le aña lie of the ring. At no time has at While in jail, waiting for sentence to be only in unremitting struggle within every nation against the The Third International, founded in the struggle against been out of the realm of possiexecuted. Spies was visited by a young woman war and the war makers.
bility that Henderson has a who had come to the trial to see beasts and the last war, has completed it degeneration. It is the rankest knowledge of the hand saw instead men who were sacrificing their The war presents mankind with an irrevocable alternaand most poisonous chauvinist force to be found in the world lives for humanity. She thereafter devoted all in the affair. If Henderson retoday.
tive. If the imperialists have their way, if they light their fused to air this tie up, it can her efforts to the freeing of the men. Her war unchecked by their respective peoples then, no matter friendship with Spies having grown she beNevertheless, unlike 1914, when the betrayal of the Sec. strict instrucions from the State only mean that he is observing came his wife so that there would be less which coalition emerges victorious, tens of millions will be ond International came as an unanticipated shock with no Deparment to remain silent.
obstacles put before her in her work for the killed, many more millions wounded, incalculable wealth In this connection, it has Haymarket Martyrs. The bourgeois press organized preparation against it, today the front line of the seethed with fury and slime. She had mar. destroyed, cities and countrysides devastated beyond repair, fighters against the war is already formed. The most conbeen previously observed that the State Department is not ried, not a fat, old money bag, but a fighter a totalitarian tyranny fastened on the backs of every nation, scious and determined of the workers struggling against the averse to allowing the in freedom cause.
and men throughout the world will face the prospect of a re world war have joined ranks in the Fourth International, and to strike at the American revoA Voice Piercès the Silence turn for decades and even centuries to a literal ard hideous on a world scale march forward with all the strength of an lutionary movement. This As the day of execution approached and the friendliness of the government barbarism. One perspective and only one offers a way out of unimpeachable revolutionary program and a shining banner towards the is based on appeals for pardon were ignored, Sples was this terrible prospect: If the workers and the masses of the that will never be lowered.
the effort to bring the Soviet prevailed upon together with two other deUnion into the Anglo French fendants, to submit a petition for clemency.
people everywhere unite in opposition to the war of the innThe war crisis dominates and determines every other But he soon repudiated the petition of which perialists against mankind, trans and American Stop Hitler heir war into a world.
he was ashamed in a letter in which he proissue. The Socialist Workers Party, American section of the Alliance. The prosecution and posed that he be hanged and the others freed.
wide war of the oppressed against the oppressors, smash the Fourth International, calls this convention as the ANTI WAR the State Department are leanwhole rotted system of imperialism and build from its ruins ing backward in order not to The others were not freed. Two were sent to CONVENTION and sets as its task the clarification and conjail; five to the gallows; one had committed a triumphant new socialist world of peace and abundance offend a future partner in the solidation of its ranks for the supreme task now facing the war for democracy.
and freedom.
The hangman placed the black hood over workers of the United States and the world: the struggle Spies head. In that silent moment before the In the face of the new war, the peoples, who will bear against the war and the war makers.
rope was cut, Sples piercing voice shattered the awful burden of the war, find themselves divided by the At Your Service the silence: There will come a time when traitors within their own ranks. In advance of the war, the National Committee our silence will be more powerful than the THE APPEAL voices, you strangle today.
parties of the Second International again act within the workSocialist Workers Party POSTER SHOP SOCIETY NOTES: of paper will give in CALLS ANTI WAR CONVENTION AUGUST SPIES (Dec. 10, 1855 Hariged, Nov. 11. 1887. Barbarians, savages. illiterate. ignorant Anarchists from Central Europe, men who cannot comprehend the spirit of our free American institutions of these August Spies, was proud to acknowledge himself oné.
To his prosecutors and defamers Spies ad mitted his mistake he had chosen his place of birth unwisely. Born in Landeck, Germany Chence, a foreigner) he did not emigrate to the United States until after his father death, when he was already 17 years old. That disqualified him, said patriots, from advocating huntan liberty.
The Spies family was not exactly a wealthy one, but it lived in comfortable circumstances: His father, a forester, was able to provide his sons with private tutors, and other luxuries denied the usual working man. Thus it was that Sples had no contact with the proletariat, that is with the inisery that is the prolearist s, until after he had arrived in America. Worker Among Workers Settling at first in New York, he learned the furniture business. Within a year he moved to Chicago where, working in a factory he be.
came fully conscious of the shocking conditions under which men lived and worked, Work, he discovered, was a privilege meted out by idlers to those whom it wished to em ploy when profits were to be gained.
In 1875 a friend invited him to attend a lecture on Socialism given by the Workingmen Party of Illinois. Of a sudden he realized that here was the answer to the questions he had been asking. Studying what socialist literature was available, he became a convinced social.
ist and joined the Socialistic Labor Party in 1877. At the same time he joined the Lehr and Wehr Verein. an armed body of 1, 500 well drilled workers organized in reaction to the many vicious assaults on workers by police and militia men during that year. The patricians, themselves protected by their armed state services, placed ban on the bearing of arms, and the Verein was disbanded Several times Spies ran for office on the socialist ticket. But like a good many of his comrades at the time who became disillusioned with the uses of the ballot box, the key to which lay in the bosses pocket, he turned against political action completely. adhering to the anarchist wing of the workers movement. Thus, failing to nnderstand the limited, yet important, value of the ballot box in work ing class agitation, he gave up that field of action completely after a few sorry experiences and thereby cut himself off from a vita!
means of propaganda.
The began in 1880 the publication of the Arbeiter Zeitung as a daily. Sple began with the Zeitung as business manager and then became editor, working interminable hours each day, until his arrest on May 5, 1886.
Active in building revolutionary workers clubs in Chicago, a leading agitator for the Written in collaboration with Sam Portnoy.