CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyIV InternationalInvasionSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1939 FLINT WORKEKS PROTEST SLASHES In the TWO AND HALF Mexicans Defeat Accuses LAYOFF DRIVE Trade CENTS MEAL GOODYEAR TIRE CO. CONTINUES ON Local Jim Crow Move Unions NOT SUFFICIENT PROJECTS APPEAL ARMY YPSL LEADS SCHOOL BUDGET CUT PROTEST the the eorge eros de teste og mere end cards which mea. Statement by Branch Total Anti War Speeches Win Crowdfrom Rally other in Notice: We regret the delay when offered it to them for of one day in issuing the page nothing. Now they are regular May Day Appeal. This was readers and like the paper. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
AKRON, Ohio The National unavoidably due to the large Howard Stump. Appeal agent Labor Relations Board issued amount of extra work entailed of Quakertown, Pa. Special to the Socini Apprul) torneys who demanded that the this week a complaint against in its publication. We are sure LOS ANGELES, April 26. Council reject the petition. In the Goodyear Tire Rubber that our readers will have ex NEW APPEAL POSTER: When their homes were threat face of the militant protest and Co. charging unfair labor praccused this delay after noticing Talk about your latest sumBy WIDICK Demonstrators Demand the City Council which would Council conceded that it had notion of the company notoriened by a petition presented to the organized resistance, the tices, including the organiza Somervell Announces the excellence of the May Day mer creations from Paris! The Appeal Poster Shop is now at The stakes in the fight be War Funds Go to bar them from living in cer power to restrict areas from ous flying squadron for New Cuts From work on its latest creation in tween the United Mine Workers lain districts. Mexican work residence by Mexicans.
of America and the Appalachi consiter it a pleasure and the form of an l poster.
strike breaking purposes. The ers of Azusa, a small town near Unemployed unanimous vote of thanks United Rubber Workers of Job Roll a privilege to greet the Social. Comrade who is directing su coal operators are growing here, turned for aid to the Los was passed by the Mexican America has been pressing for ist Appeal and the Fourth In the work tells us, It the best higher and more important evof the ternational both morally and yet! From a preliminary (Continued from Page 1)
ery day, as the large ses voiced in no uncertain terms Prisoners and Refugees.
Sports Club in appreciation for action against the company for American rund for Political the assistance given by the over a year. Speelal to the Socialist Appeal)
financially on the first of view of it we can agree.
NEW YORK CITY, April 27. May. Singman of Pine American Fund This poster will be sent out confronting the Amemselves their organization, the massed movement project Do the determined protests of The Fund immediately form The Los Angeles Committee While President Roosevelt Bush, New York in quantity to all branches in into the scene.
ed a committee in conjunction of the American Fund has or hundreds on the stairways and with the Mexican Sports Club ganized several affairs recentopens up the throttle to full This strike of 320. 000 miners in the halls lustily sang Soll of Azusa, an organization of ly to collect money for refugees We want to acknowledge re about one week time. Watch who might be joined next week darity, and gave rousing ren steam ahead and Congress ceipt of the following May Day for it and make good use of it!
shovels in the dollars that are late to be included in the May Greetings which arrived too bas significance not merely be. Hans Old Pollack to a Sour printed leahets in English and these were a concert and a basof Subscriptions fell off sharply sending the war machine Day issue: cause of the huge numbers in Apple Tree.
this week. We hope that this plunging down the tracks like Spanish condemning the at ketball game. 1) Singman of Pine isn an early sign of the sumvolved decisive as this itself tempt to establish racial ré In the basketball game the locomotive gone wild and Bush.
mer slump! Here the record might be. but also because of Since those outside the room strictions as to the place of A11 Stars heatied straight for destrucbattled tion, the unemployed are being of the 2) The Los Angeles Branch for the week: the indispensable nature of the in which the city Commission residence and calling on the Dura Steel team of Local 1421.
NEW YORK CITY coal Industry especially in war was meeting could hear noth Mexican workers to fight for United Electrical and Radio forced to bear the full brunt of California (3) The Berkeley the cost.
time, and because of the straing of what went on inside, lo their rights.
and Machine Workers of Amer.
unit of California.
Pennsylvania tegle role of the in cal unemployed leaders gave Couricil Retreats ica, who are the champions of Lieutenant Colonel Brehon 4) branch of the Work Ohio the entire movement.
Lighting speeches from the top when the City Council heard the Southern California Stalinists Veto Picket Somervell, local Works Prog men Circle in Boston, Mass.
Maryland Future prospects of of a right of stairs.
the petition, the Fund sent at. Division.
ress Administrator, announced (5) Karl Liebknecht Unit, Line of LaGuardia Massachusetts First of Series yesterday that next week he New York. o. depend considerably on will lay off 13. 740 workers in New York State victory or at least an evol The demonstrators carried City Hall New York of this number New Jersey went into Lansdale, PA North Dakota in its present strug11. 740 will be taken from con last week to visit some old We Can Live on 2! cents a Meal! Bread Not Battle gle. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
struction projects and 000 friends and looked up some 30 white collar projects former members of the old SoQuestions of the role of the ships! Five Billions for War, union movement in war time.
219 cents Meal for Us. City the threat of curtailed educa in New York City down to 143. whom had never met before creased their bundle orders: The following branches inthe next steps in unity negoti Manager Pollack was given ations between the and special attention by the sign Special to the Socialist Appeal) sion which every new turn in tional facilities called for in the 000.
Destitution and looked over the last issues of the of and the inner repainters, and he grew pale LOS glme of the hinge on the when he saw the sign which 25. In a sharp reply to Stalin The treachery of the com La Guardia adniihistration will thus be forced on addition the Appeal and pulled out 00 more per issue for a total of sub. The other subscrib 150. John Murphy, by the way.
outcome of the coal strike.
shid. Two Job Pollack Dou ist attempts to link Dave Price munist Party consists in their some 000 students massed Roosevelt and Congress can go asked him he would have sub wards wiping out completely that er said would have is making great strides to Roosevelt intervention in ble Pay Double Cross and and Rena Vale with the Social. having tied whatever labor near City Hall on Thursday. on burning money in the war scribed long ago! believe that the old debt owed by the dispute is considered a mat Pollack is Charlie ist Workers Party, the Los An unions they control to the tail machine. The Welfare Depart. if we had enough people to go (2) The new unit of ter of days. How he uses bis McCarthy, Only Pollack Ain geles Branch of the has of the Olsen kite. They stifle April 27.
powerful position and influence Funny issued a statement exposing the the independence of the labor The effectiveness of the dem ment reports that they have out and sell the Appeal we Madison, Wisc. has jumped all The demonstration, perfectly activities of these two capital movement. They bitterly at onstration was weakened by from people in desperate need cowWhen first started to sell sue to 30 coples. Thorpe is veal much on what treatment planned and executed, was the 1st politicians and denouncing tack any attempt on the part the tactics of the leadership of as a restilt of the dismissal of the paper had a number of the new literature agent for Jabor can expect from his war first of a series of militant ac the treacherous role which they of the labor movement to free the demonstration the Stalin 10, 800 workers at the friends who refused to take it the unit.
machine. How John Lewis tions planned by the newly or Peacts to government interven ganized Unem playing in California. of the old capitalist Parties ist American Student Union tion should furnish a pretty ployed and section Dave Price is a former mem. They block every attempt to At about 2:30 in the afternoon lter officials estimate conserva good gauge of Mr. Lewis ac That future demonstrations ber of the Clårityite caucus in achieve the independent polit there were thousands of stu tively that they can declare not ulons in the next war. will be necessary was proved the Socialist Party of Califor. ical organization of the work. dents near City Hall. group more than 12. 500 of the relief by the fact that in spite of the nia. He was a bitter enemy of ing class by spreading the pot of them began to move toward May eas eligible for citiem.
The Main Issue spirited showing of the demon the left wing and took a lead sonous illusion that progress the City Hall building where but acceptance of this number Main issue of the strike is strátors, the City commission ing role in destroying the So lies in the direction of a har the Board of Estimate was in of cases, without considering the demand for Shrew down the gauntlet by en cialist Party of that state by monious alliance with the test session considering the budget, tensases thousards. com closed shop. Already all eco dorsing the hated policies of legally expelling the left wing wings of the capitalist parties. The thousands of students mettens families, would add nomic demands have under the guise of Trotsky. They attempt to frame up with opposition from one about 600. 000 a month to the been City Manager Pollack. Special to the Socialist Appeal) the entire audience away from withdrawn by the o. nego ugh Streets ism.
BOSTON, April 20 It took the meeting in a few tiators. Lewis has indicated his While the throng was massed Rena Vale is a former stal poses this course as an agent ship, fearful of antagonizing to buy at least seven first class only one member of the young minutes time.
willibghess to compromise stin outside, several speakers out People Socialist League Call the Cops further and insist only on lined necessary future action right wing of the Democratic mers and the Employers Asso which they had helped elect, righting planes.
quickly backed down At the end of this week the Fourth International) to win ånd Finding themselves without union shop and the removal of and announced a meeting for Party lock, stock and barrel.
the penalty clause for strikes next week. After the crowd will close three white the entire crowd away from a any listeners, the Stalinist leadLabor cannot defend itself moved away.
The statement of the Los An: from the present offensive of collar projects in New York jingo American Student Union ers, th true rat like fashion in violation of contract. sang more songs, the whole geles Branch of the Is Big Business if it confines its 4th International) be utility reports, sponsored by mon on April 20the day of the that they At this point members of the city the analysis of clectric meeting held here on the Com. called the cops and demanded To understand the vital 1m group of several hundred as follows: silence Hamilton political activity to the strus gan to shout for a picket line. the Federal Power Commis. student strikes against war.
portance of this issue one must marched down the main street Never Were Trotskyists claiming that the Yipsel oraremember that the of of Flint, stopping all traffic, The recent attempt of the boss class. In the end this will posed a meeting The Stalinist leadership pro sion, and milk distribution and John Hamilton, an ex YOL. tor had no permit to speak.
1s supporting wholeheartedly Banners held high, and singing communist Party in California result in labor defeat. Olsen Square which is four blocks cases sponsored by the Health the Boston mounted day in every Foley clinical reports on home relief er, and now the organizer of But Hamilton was victor of the respect. He recent affiliate, the progres they reached o. of the activities of Dave Price and unite and make deals against ured, no doubt that this would The motto of the Roosevelt away from the large stalinist mit and in a loud and clear Sive Miners of America, re fices where they dispersed in Rena Vale is just another links the working class, the poor be safe distance from City Administration seems to be pro war rally. The only one in voice harangued against the actionary and dual union in the orderly fashion.
coal mining field.
In a typical maneuver, the frame up which have now be ment, the moment they sense the slogan of picketing city for Guns Starve the Unem sie Schlossberg. The audience ty five minutes.
Exclusion of this rival is nec stalinist. dominated Workers come the prevailing political a lack of militancy, vigilance Hall instead of moving to Foley ployed. They re More Used to and the speaker decided to essary to prevent a bloody and Alliance tried to steal the thunBy that time the main speakcostly internecine war with the der of the demonstration, and emphatically state that neither tion on the part of the labor lums tried to tear It than Anyone Else.
open the meeting with a song. ers had arrived. Hamilton inA. of in this field. Even draw attention from it, by put of these two individuals are or movement and its allies.
placards. The ade partial success by the of ting a few pickets at plant em ever were members of the So Out to Smash Labor quately defended itself.
New York Bill Denies er and Boss. a workers song organizer of Lyrin, who continL. would spur hopes in William ployment offices earlier in the cialist Workers Party or any The present legal offensive Green and the die hard Clique day. The maneuver didn other Trotskyist organization Opens Meeting Teachers Free Speech; All eyes turned toward Ham averted by a relentless strugthat run of the o. is pos work, however, and attempts we have never collaborated against the unions as evidenced At Foley Square the Stalinsible. The least the of bureaucrats would gain is fur Workers Alliance readers to which ville se transcendemen Howard Automobiles Agency ists tried to shout down All Labor Is Menaced a few minutes the major pots the chaitallist elaskan poulse was tion of the crowd that had been followed by George Mathews, listening to the pro war speech organizer of the Harvard So.
ther weakening of the Special to the Socialist Appeal) es of the orators moved cialist League thereby making probable a the affair, were a dismal flop. We condemn the role of the only the prelude to organized against the cut by singing unity pact which would defi Such Workers Alliance mem Communist Party. If the Com vigilante and gangster attacks. Hold Tight. They then broke nitely tend to be reactionary bers as were present applauded munist Party is working hand California capitalism is deter: the meeting up into several tion anticipating the military over to the meeting national)
who rushed from an smaller ones in order to dis dictatorship which will be inlsts became frantic. They vard campus to speak on the anti war meeting on the HarBill Green Game of the spokes.
and machinesh Dave price and they lost to labor in the strike perse their demonstration more slamped down upon the United had gathered their crowd by common.
and bringing Latest proposal of William men. The Workers Alliance in Rena Vale have chosen the waves and union organization quickly.
In the meantime, the drive. The banks and the big The then started a into the coming war has passed down all the students from realized that the Green to the federal concilia Flint, never much of an organtor in the coal strike shows ization, is doomed. All unem ing as informers for the anti farmers are determined to meeting at which speakers con: stage policonsideration by Harvard, Radcliffe, Wellesley, speakers were too much comOlsen capitalist politicians. Nel sinash any attempts to organ demned the education budget capitale politici mesinando itew Simmons Colleges that would petition for them, and they what a shrewd and demagogic ployed and workers are game he is playing to stab the flocking into the IO the interests of the working agricultural laborers in this not picketing City Hall, Irving down on the statute books for the common. But this lone crowd remained to hear the CA. in the back. Once a section, in which they will be member of the supported by the organized class; they are two sides of state. We must consider serl. Papken of the district immediate use against progresyoung socialist. who kept tell. Socialist speakers until the Green knows of rank and file auto workers the same counterfeit coin. ous measures for a counter council and Irving Howe, asso. sives.
Today the New York state ing the crowd how to fight war closed the meeting It is quite obvious that the campaign. Dependence or olciate editor of the Challenge of Assembly passed by a vote of by fighting capitalism, had won many hours later.
resentment within the miners speaking the unton over Lewis dictatorial Stalinists have been engaged in sen is a delusion that will de Youth, line.
control and unsavory record of SEN. REYNOLDS ON desperate efforts to integrate stroy the fighting power of la. called for a picket 107 to 21 the ultra reactionary Devaney blil, which ostensibly the 1920 Green was part of SPEAKING TOUR FOR Political machine of Olson. The themselves into the capitalist bor ranks.
Some 100 students responded the state or in the teaching sysprohibits the emiployment by Great Opportunities proposes a national miners HIS FASCIST OUTFIT breathes for one purpose: to great dangers it also offers the But if the situation presents and marched to City Hall tems of persons advocating the referendum to determine colBecome accepted and acknowl. inbor movement great oppor where the cops prevented them överthrow of the American from picketing. The cops said.
tives, hoping thus to capitalize (Special to the Socialist Aprical) edged by the boss politicians as tunities. The last state election In reality the bill is designed (Special to the Socialist Appeal) tion, society or union? Name on the resentment.
NEWARK, April 18 responsible, respectable, patri saw the middle class in Cali, make chany Pinbiste because there to prohibit free speech and es NEW YORK CITY, April 26. all. State amount of dues pald.
Best answer to the phoney Senator Robert Reynolds, one ple and devoted servants the cornerally to the support of Board of Estimate was meet beschera rrom explaining any agents of the Congressional State how often meetings are Green proposal is introduction of the country leading conen pitalist demderacy. All the labor in its struggle against the ing. The then picket thing to thelr pupils but what is attempted to violate for membership.
of more democracy within the tenders for the future post of power and influence they have anti picketing ordinance. Ohio miners, for ex Fascist Dictator of the United in the labor movement is di is a favorable sign of the great shouting Sh. sh, don tell of Wall Street sitting in the night, in their efforts to un discover the past professional This ed at the outskirts of City Hall, dictated by the representatives the law. it was learned last ample, would take more kindly states, is scheduled to speak rected to this end.
Other questions attempted to est importance. The impover. anyone, but the Board of Esti: state capitol at Albany to the Lewis regime ir district here on April 22 as representa It is neither our duty nor our ished middle class, the pauperofficers were elected, not ap tive of the Vindicators, the fais purpose to expose the time. ized aged, the small farmers: budget. Then after some more bin apparently covers a much ers employed on the Federal make a comparison The lahgunge of the Devattey cover reds among the work background of the workers, to of their pointed. It is the inner flawsist organization sponsored by Blace or circumstances of this the great massorbculture slogans and picketing the line wider scope than the notorious Arts Projects in the city present compensation within the set up which him.
After distributing copies of a with the sums they earned in the of even more guil. This speech is but one of a talist politicians who for one dispossessed youth, all will ralThe contrast between the committee. The McNabde bill questionnaire among 100 per private employment, aná to de ty, uses hypocritically. bur. series the Senator is now mak reason or another are opposed ly to the banner of the labor sons employed at the project, termine their birthplace and eaucratic regime exists in both ity. On April 21 he will address to accepting the services of movement if it shows that it bootlicking attitude of the specifically strikes at Com means to fight for its own in demanding among other ques citizenship status. toward the LaGuardia munists, whereas the Devan Ostirik dons. Lewis has the gathering of students from Stalinism.
Lions, the union and political handicap of placing Princeton, Harvard, and Yale The points out that terests and the interests of all tighting position of the all anti American Isms. Buy committee attorney. Ralph the present investigation of administration and the militant ey bill proscribes advoca y of affiliations of the workers, the The Red Herring the albatross Stalinism at Princeton. His complete itin the present struggle in Cali who are oppressed by the profit One of the major efforts of around the neck of the o. erary will carry him from fornia state politics between barors. California labor, as was clearly seen by those stu both bills are alike directed against the forces of labor and counsel wo has served as and relief by the House Burton, Just as the interests of the North Carolina to Massachu two groups of capitalist politi well as labor nationally, should dents really interested in fight for the ultra reactionentire labor movement are in satts.
cians is charged with great immediately take steps to oring for decent educational fac progress ary Daughters of the American committee headed by the nojured by the of attacks At the Newark meeting he dangers for California labor. ganize a great convention of ANNOUNCEMENTS on the Wagner Labor Disputes will appear before the New Jer. Behind the present attack on its forces: RailRevolution and other wealthy torious Representative Wood patriotic groups, tried to order rum who is a bitter opponent Act: the invasion into the sey Union of the Junior Order the Olsen administration is the road Brotherhoods, Indepenthe project to mimeo, ations, is to prove that recipi of any and all relief appropriU. territory threatens of United American Mechanics. desire Big Business to dent Uniors, for the organizaGIRL WOOM in mod ern, Staph bese questionworkers and ents of relief are reds and STALINIST or share distribute it to the workers.
to bring the possibility of a big. This organization is not a trade inunch a vicious attack on the tion of an independent Labor ser open shop drive in major union but fraternal order. Living Standards of labor. on Party: a party that will unite PRESS AT apartment. Brooklyn preferred. Write o socialist act it is specifically forbidden According to Congressional should therefore be thrown into the to starve.
WORK working class; a party that Appeal Powerful utility, steel and ing more than a million mem labor unions. The Olseri adto the to distribute or red in the eyes of Conbers.
ministration, in turn, cannot will challenge the right of WASHINGTON, prepare any inquiry into the gressman Woodrum is anyone other industrial forces are backing the coal operators and It has a uniformed division, and will not resist the pressure America Sixty Families to JAMES, author of political or organizational aff who does not salute the AmerBlack Jacobins World ntions of its workers. The law doesn want to go to war to Insisting on an open shop drive. conducts regular military of Big Business to whom in the plunge the mass of people into The L. tight against drills, and its officials bear mil. last analysis it owes its alle unemployment and war Determined and orThe Socialist Workers Party the in this industry can itary titles. Its membership in giance.
THE COMING WAR. relief workers because of race, right for capitalist profits, beganized political and economic is straining every effort to cludes even governors.
only aid in those plans.
longs to a union, or makes less union ons 918 ust. Auspices: religion, politics, or Senator Reynolds is reportea pressure of the working class achieve this by advocating this New Workers School.
membership than a Congressman salary, to be very interested in the pos can wrest certain concessions program within the labor The sixteenth and last quesSubscribe to the sibilities of this organization to from the Olsen administration movement. We seek to con Get Your APPEAL tion of Mr. Burton question Join the Socialist SOCIALIST APPEAL form a wider base for his fas but to seek an ally for labor vince the rank and file of labor Cavite cist ambitions.
naire read: Are you a memin the Olsen machine is an illu that this must be their road.
At the Newsstand ber of any alliance, associaWorkers Party for Congressional Investigators Launch Red Hunt of of