DemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers PartyWorld War

Build Workers Defense Guards!
Socialist Appeal Workers of the World Unite!
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, NO. 29 TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1939 Set up and Printed by Union Labor.
Application for Label Pending 3c a Copy HITLER DEMANDS SHARE OF SWAG The Kind of Democracy We Uphold Omits BRITAIN DRAFTS Mentioning Russia MASSES FOR WAR In Speech Rebuffing FDR One Third of 1o Be Fired by July 701 will States.
So, for the popular war, the mines have to be dra FLINT WORKERS Mine Owners Forcing and liberty are entirely in the hands of the small clique of PROTEST CUTS National Coal Tie up IN WPA, RELIEF or AN EDITORIAL Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain has jammed through the British House of Commons a conscription Swaps Demagogy With law providing, for the time being, for compulsory military Roosevelt; Leaves service of all men from the age of 20 to 21.
Door Wide Open Except for the period of the last war duration, England people have been traditionally hostile to conscripAGAIN ASKS DANZIG tion. Hundreds of years have passed without the ruling Republicans and Democrats Find They Have class being able to put the people in the straitjacket of No Differences in Hacking Away Hitler Reichstag speech compulsory military service.
changed little in the contine At Relief Appropriations What none of his predecessors has dared to do for cenuing war crisis.
turies, Chamberlain, violating the pledge that he publicly One out of every three workers now on will be fired The most notable feature reaffirmed only four weeks ago, has now imposed upon by July 1, if President Roosevelt has his way.
of the speech was the absence the masses.
With the ink scarcely dry on his signature to a whole new Why? In the name of Democracy and a Popular War!
series of armament appropriations obediently voted at his from it of of any significant behest by Congress, running into some six hundreds of millions reference to the Soviet Unioni.
But if the war is so popular, why is it necessary to force of dollars added to the billions already appropriated for the war This striking parallel to people by law and by the police club that stands behind machine, President Roosevelt sought to slash the relief appro Stalin abandonment of atit to join the army?
priation for the coming year be If the war is so popular why doesn the British govby one third, to provide him jobs to main. tacks on German Fascism with more war funds.
was further eloquent proof of ernment content itself with opening up the recruiting books On what is it based, other the fact that the flirtation beW. officials, according than the hope expressed in the to volunteers. to the United Press, April 28, message that we are justified tween Berlin and Moscow is The truth of the matter is that nowhere, in no country. planned today to remove in expecting an upward trend by no means at an end.
do the people want war. Everywhere they feel consciously 900. 000 persons from the relief in the volume of employment?
Hitler concentrated his oraor instinctively, that the coming war, like the last one, will rolls this summer to compen expect an upward trend in the torical fire on the Western be a dirty imperialist war, in which millions will die like sate for the reduced budget for volume of employment when powers and the United flies in order to preserve the profits of empire.
the next fiscal year proposed nearly million fail to get by Roosevelt in his message to be reduced, If they All the ballyhoo, all the lies, all the hypocrisy, all the Congress last Thursday. private jobs, to home relief As everybody, including bunk about democracy and independence of small naGerlo Republicans Hall Roosevelt status or outright destitution? Roosevelt, expected, Hitler How will the removal of these turned tions has not yet whipped the masses into a chauvinistic For the coming fiscal year customers from our economic down Roosevelt frenzy satisfactory to the war mongers.
which begins July 1, Roosevelt system produce an upward peace plea and reiterated limited the appropriation to trend. 1, 477. 000. 000 as contrasted his intention to restore GerThe Post declared that by with the expenditure of 2, 250. giving a job to every Ameriban many place in the sun by gooned into the army conscripted like slaves whose life 000, 000 during the present fis able and willing to work. we fighting for it, if necessary.
cal year. Roosevelt figure is would be meeting the probimperialists who rule the capitalist world and every country straight one third cut of the lem, not juggling numbers.
As his answer to Britain in it.
President Confuses Issue conscription to its working during the previous year.
Among the first steps in the war for democracy is the The President message was youth for the war slaughter, Operators Press Drive to Break Union Grip; economy bloc halled Rooseered on the eve of Hitler German nasal pact of 1935.
Republican members of the shrewdly timed. It was delly. Hitler abrogated the Anglobrutal violation of the healthiest and soundest sentiments of the people.
Would Try to Impose Open Shop velt message. Senator Lodge speech, obviously with the mo. This pact was already a dead Demonstrators Demand declared that he congratu tive of having it get by with a letter as a result of Hitler lated the President on adopting minimum of publicity at a time extensive naval building durThe imperialist gangsters in England and in this counWar Funds Go to Special to the Seal The chese. shootminers union the Republican memberenate closed shop that would exclude the method recommended by when it would be soon overing the past two years.
try as well as in Germany fear the freely expressed will the drive against shadowed by reports and disof the people.
Unemployed from the industry and thus pre this committee. the Senate cussion of Hitler speech.
through attacks on the United vent an internecine war costly Committee on Relief and UnPressure on Poland Mine Workers America to all the workers.
Roosevelt also sought to cov. Heralding increased German That is why they resort to conscription. That is why employment. Special to the Socialist Appeal) which already has 320, 000 er himself by joining his relief pressure on Poland, the Fuehr.
they refuse to allow the people the right to vote on whether FLINT, Mich. April 25. members on strike, gained fur. nounced that 100, 000 additional Since John Lewis an 43 Cut Since October cuts proposal with a denuncia er at the same time denounced or not war is to be declared.
militant, fighting throng of un ther impetus this week when soft coal miners were being slaught against the unem proposals for reorganizing the sion pact The extent of Roosevelt on tion of the various reactionary the German Polish non aggresemployed and workers hard coal operators revealed called out next week in sup 1934 and repeated marched into the city hall of their intentions of forcing 100 port of the strikers it was be ployed may be realized if one or shifting it to state his demand for the return of Flint last night in a well organ 000 anthracite miners on a de lieved that the threat would rolls in October stood at 3, 350, takes into account the administrations a deliberately Danzig and a road across the ized demonstration, demanding fensive strike.
confusing juncture of unrelated Polish corridor.
immediate alleviation of the The contract between the serve to force less recalci, 000 before the President or issues, for the question of remiserable conditions inflicted miners and the hard coal op. the operators.
trant attitude on the part of dered reduction of the rolls to Met administration is to come He served notice on Britain their present figure of 800, 000. up separately from the ques. return of Germany colonies.
that he would continue to seek upon welfare clients and erators expires, Sunday night (April 31) and strike was joined in solid front by the the officials carry tion of the amount of relief ap taken from her by the Allied workers Instead, they have been The demonstration which considered inevitable in view anthracite operators who are out their declared intention of propriations.
was called and led by the of the arrogant counter de deliberately forcing the means that since October they that the ringleaders of the redropping 900. 000 more, it Washington reporters noted victors after the last war.
Matching Rooseveltian demaWest Coast Seamen Gird for Showdown on and Unemployed sec mands of the operators. Among division in this section of will have thrown off the gogy with his own brand. HitGovernment Hiring Halls ers Union (c. was an ef issued to the United Mine the industry to pull a defensive a total of 1, 450. 000 more than Byrnes and Representative ler swore up and down in his fective mass protest against Workers negotiating committee strike.
43 of those on in Oc. Woodrum, as well as others, two and a half hour speech not be used as a hiring hall for the 24c a meal relief level, and are reduction in (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Hit at o.
tober will be out on the streets! found Roosevelt slashes satis that war was the last thing he wages, SAN FRANCISCO. The Sail anyone, Since employment in private factory and were therefore free wanted, that he more than anyand If shipping the firing of hundreds of lengthening of hours: inclusion Because the is the ors Union of the Pacific is pre commissioners are at the pres workers. a penalty clause against organizational and financial industry has actually de to concentrate hereafter on one cise in the world was solicCity Manager Pollock was strikes, etc.
back bone of the it is creased since October, Presl. proposals for revamping the tous for the people and desired pared to strike the West Coast ent time maintaining hiring relief mechanism.
to spare them new slaughters Unless Roosevelt Interven evident that the coal operators dent Roosevelt was unable to unless all government agencies halls. It is the intention of the singled out for special atten.
Stalinists Mum tion by the marching, singing tion comes quicker than gov. hope to weaken the entire justify his proposals by any Uses Versailles Treaty adhere to the written pledge Department of Commerce to demonstrators, who attacked ernment officials planned. movement through references to improved possi The so called un.
As usual, he was able to butgiven to the union by Harry discontinue this practice. In his vicious anti labor actions prospect of a nation wide shut prolonged and costly struggle bilities of employment. In: on, the Workers Alliance, tress his arguments by throw Hopkins, Secretary of Com line with this, the government fink halls on the East Coast and condemned his threats that down of the entire coal indus with the Financial stead, he blandly prophesied sed hand and foot to Roosevelting the Versailles treaty into sored rink hiringe halls will be were shortly thereafter closed. he owould see tor et that was try bituminous and anthra backing from Wall Street in that barring unforeseemeaned by its Stalinist ieadership, and the faces of his adversaries.
closed and stay closed.
Pledge Reinterpreted fired from for.
The hard boiled attitude of In present negotiations bewe are justified in expecting an proposed slashes without com imperialist gangsters of On April 18 Admiral Land statement and the union wire packed the city hall meeting fies reports that powerful util and the miners committee the employment between now and But this latest brazen move ground, for never was there But after Admiral Land Auto Workers Union (C. the anthracite operators vert tween the anthracite operators upward trend in the volume of ment.
course, he is there on solid chairman of the Mari time commission, in direct 10 Hopkins, the Department of of the City Commission, over ity. steel and other indựstrial operators proposed a 20 per June 30, 1940 of the President will undoubt more monstrous piece of large contradiction to Secretary Hop Commerce nappears. to have flowing into the hall, the forces are pressing on the coal cent reduction in wages and No Justification edly serve to clear the air. His scale international piracy than adjoining industry to drive for an open the return of the eight hour Even the ardently pro Roosesham battle with the economy that embodied in the treaties velt New York Post was bloc over the question wheth which the Allies forced on vanweek, announced to the press king himself failed to answer fooms shop and the defeat of the day.
that the commission will open the union wire. Instead DaHundreds Mass Halls stronghold of the hiring halls in the port of Sexins, informed the union that spokesmen, vis Niles, assistant to HopWhile the o.
tween the soft coal operators acterizing the Roosevelt propo year should have been the one man imperialism, defeated in billion dollar cut initiated by one war, is now challenging its Walters of De. The present strike of the and representatives of the 320. sal in the following terms: gins its projected operations on the Department of Commerce troit, Claude workman and 320, 000 soft coal miners cen 000 strikers were deadlocked How did the President the President, or the one bil imperialist rivals again and the Seattle Orient run.
is not using hiring halls, but Kermit Johnson of Flint. ters around the operators refu despite intervention of fed reach this figure of 2, 000, 000 ton plus 150, 000, 000 proposed the Western European politas the secretary wrote you we sal to give the a eral conciliator.
as (Continued from Page 2)
the correct number of by the reactionaries the batcians are belatedly learning Saflors Prepare Fight will, in accordance with the tle ended with an amicable that at Versailles they gave Immediately upon publicalaw, furnish lists of of seamen to agreement between the New birth to a Frankenstein montion of the admiral Those entitled to have them. InDeal and the reactionaries on ster which now threatens to ment, the Sailors Union held structions to this effect have a compromise which left the prove their undoing stop work meetings up and already been sent to all final cut at one billion plus down the Pacific Coast and re shipping Commissioners.
Hitler could and did cite the 50. 000. 000 confused the issue iterated its previoure if the position In plain English, the ship previously. Now the President endless record of British, for a coast wise ping commissioners of the Bu. In accordance with the powers and duties assigned to it human activity economic, social, political, cultural trem has openly gone to the head of French, and American rapacigovernment fink halls are reau of Inspection affiliated to by the party constitution, the National Committee of the bles to its foundations. Summing up and focussing every the forces seeking the maxity in their own campaigns opened on the coast.
the Department of Commerce Socialist Workers Party hereby issues this Call to the regular conflict, there looms before mankind the immediate threat mum slashing of the relief against defenseless colonial and semi colonial peoples, beS. headquarters wired will continue registering sailors national convention of the party, to be held in New York City. of the new world war. The savage imperialist powers and system.
fore and after the last Great Harry Hopkins, calling his at for employment but the actual July to 5, 1939. The agenda proposed by the Committee, the brutal class that directs their destinies can find no other War.
tention to the fact that the hiring halls will be run by the means Maritime Commission had pub. Maritime Commission, which together with regulations for the election of delegates, has POISON DINNER prolonging their rule than by plunging men once been sent to all party branches. The Committee furthermore more and on an unprecedented scale into an international Investigation of a dinner Dog Eat Dog licly stated it would disregard is formally not part of the Dethe pledges he had made in partment of Commerce but is declares the time between now and the date of the convention slaughter house.
served at welfare agency in Nothing more clearly than writing to Harry Lundeberr. president appointed body to to be a period of free discussion by the party membership of This coming war, like the last, in spite of the lying dema Seattle was ordered after one this shows the dog cat dog naman died and six others were ture of the war crisis. The secretary. treasurer of the encourage the merchant ma any and all issues, whether previously acted upon by the gogy which tries to dress it up in moral ideals, will be, from treated at hospitals. The Hitlers, the Roosevelts, Musso.
union rine.
party or newly proposed. Discussion articles submitted to the point of view of all the imperialist states, democratic stricken men blamed home linis. Chamberlains and Dala Hopkins had explicitly writThat the scheme. But the the national office will be promptly published either in the and fascist allke, nothing else than a gangster struggle for breserved peas for the food diers are not talking about ten: sailors are determined that no public party press or in special internal bulletins.
resources, markets, colonies and possessions, for the chief poisoning. It now got so that democracy and human can state that the ship governmental agency shall During the past months, the crisis of world civilization privileges in exploiting and oppressing the great masses of charity food not only tastes rights and culture. Speak las deepened to an intolerable sharpness. Every sphere of ping commissioner office will operate fink ha! 1s. Contlaued on Page 3)
Hike poison, but is. Continued on Page 3)
Sailors Set to Strike On All Pacific Ports and the CALLS ANTIWAR CONVENTION