BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorld War

FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1939 The Champions of Democracy Their Government ARMAMENT COSTS None of Your Business SHOWS Associate Edito FELIX MORROW مهنا FOR THE RIGHT TO VOTE ON WAR THETO PREKET Roosevelt Trap Twelve Dictators ALIBIS DON HELP LIARS SOCIALIST APPEAL The only kind of party that can do any good for the workers is a party which the workers Vol. III, No. 28 April 28, 1939 themselves build, which the workers own and By James Burnham Published twice a week by the control, which has workers policies and workSOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, ers candidates.
Telephone: Algonquin 8547 Any other proposal for labor politics, no matSubscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six months.
ter who puts it forward, is only a lie and a trap.
Foreign. 00 per year, 50 for six months. Bun.
dle orders: cents per copy in United States: GALLUT cents per copy in all foreign countries. Single POLL copies: cents.
COUNTRY Several months ago President Roosevelt an Bronx and, Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for AGAINST nounced a little surprise for the youth of the six months: 00 for one year.
country. Entirely at the government expense. Reentered as second class matter February 16.
The main body of the United States Heet is indeed with cash allowances from the government 1939, at the post office at New York, under now on its way to the Pacific. Suddenly, ten LATIN during part of the process, 20, 000 boys from the the Act of March 3, 1879.
AMERICA high schools and colleges were to be trained as days ago, the orders were given. No explanaairplane pilots.
Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN tion of any kind. When reporters questioned For a day or two, the plan got big headlines in the general press. There was, however, surprisNaval officers and officials of the Navy Departingly little comment on so startling an enterprise.
HAROLD ROBERTS Staff Members: ment, they were answered, it is said, with: One or two of the columnists and scattered editorial writers thought the whole idea fantastic and EMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN Sealed orders none of your damn business.
absurd. Where, they asked, would the planes Business Manager: come from that these 20, 000 boys were supposed STANLEY War or peace it is none of the people to learn how to fly? And where were the flying damn business. It is none of our business AMENDMENTS schools and training fields that could handle them?
FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST Since that first, rather mild flurry, nothing whether or not we are to die by the millions.
much has been eard of the President plan. It WORKERS PARTY FOR: Our business is just to jump in the required has slipped pretty well from public sight. Nevertheless, it is going steadily forward. Already thoudirection when the sealed orders come. When sands of students have been directly or indirectly job and a decent wage for every worker.
or how or for whom or for what we are jump enrolled. For the most part, up to now, they are Open the idle factories operate them under being sent through already established flying workers control.
ing that, of course, is none of our business in schools. with government subsidies paying for their tuitions. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works Roosevelt democratic war for democracy.
and housing program. want to explain what lies back of this plan The movement of the fleet is one more proof You will not find this explanation in any of the Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wagepublicity which has been released in connection 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on of the de facto military alliance between Great with it. You will not, in fact, so far as am all jobs.
Britain and the United States, the wink of the aware, find this explanation anywhere in print. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability THEY RE THREATENING 701 pension.
eye alliance which Arthur Krock referred to The Replacement Ratio for Personnel Expropriate the Sixty Families.
more than a year ago. No formal documents, OUR DEMOCRACY. and Materiel All war funds to the unemployed.
you understand; one ally merely acts appropriof have on hand large numbers of military airerate people referendum on any and all wars. ately when the other gives the agreed on wink and of trained personnel to handle them pilots No secret diplomacy.
of the eye.
bombers, radio operators, observers, etc. Speculation as to the exact comparative size of the 10. An independent Labor Party.
The fleet in the Pacific frees the British various fleets is frequently allowed to occupy the public mind; it was very prominent, for example, 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante strategic and diplomatic hand for concentration during the Munich crisis, and was generally supand Fascist attacks on Europe posed to have been decisive factor in compelling Chamberlain to adopt his appeasement tactie.
Who authorized this alliance? Who deciderl Nevertheless, in the colder and more deliberate that milions of the American people must be the total figure of planes now on hand and percalculations of the general staffs of the powers.
ready to die to aid in keeping British rule intact sonnel now on active duty in the air forces is On April 19, the Young Democratic Clubs oi over Britain five hundred millions of colonial allotted only secondary importance. Par more America. youth section of the Democratic slaves? Is it enough that the Sixty Families are decisive, to their minds, is the rate at which any Party) held dinners in many cities of the coun agreed that this is the best method for extendgiven nation can produce planes and trained men for the fighting service. moment reflection show why this is the try. Roosevelt sent a message to these dinners ing their own territories and profits?
case. large force of planes can, at the outset which was widely interpreted as another in his The questions are no doubt impertinent. You of the war, strike two or three heavy lightning blows against the enemy nation. The notion, populong series of summons to make the Democratic see, it is none of our damn business.
lar a few years ago, that such lightning thrusts Party liberal and progressive. and to can win a modern war in a few weeks has been abandoned, and was at no time held by the most purge it of reactionaries.
responsible military strategists. The new war. Roosevelt Says Liberals Are Sole Hope for like the last one, will be a mass war, and of in Party, Tells Others to Get Out. was the head With the final appointment of twelve men definitely long duration By FELIX MORROW In the air, consequently, the long run advantage Even to make plausible the line which the New York Times put over the who will ritle over England without the slightest events: the doors of the Soviet will be held not by the nations which have most pretense at democracy when a national emerEarl Browder, generalissimo Union remained closed to the claim that Stalin lets in more story.
planes and pilots in active service at the outset of the Communist Party, has czecho slovak anti fascists. refugees than do Chamberlain. This country of ours is democratic with a gency arises, the British government has produced a new alibi for Stal including fleeing Communists! Daladier and Roosevelt, Brow but by those which can produce planes and trained men fastest, in order to acquire during the course placed one of the finishing touches on the mili in refusal to open the doors and to the hundreds of thous der has to use as a measure small said the President message. It is of the Soviet Union to the Jew ands of proletarian Spanish the period since the beginning of the war itself differential superiority over never, and never will be, democratic with a big when the war breaks.
tary dictatorship into which it will convert itself ish and other refugees from fighters whose pleas, from the of the present fascist chain of the enemy, and especially to be able to replace fascist countries.
the planes and men that are shot down. 000 except when the two words mean the same concentration camps of France aggressions deliberately planes, adequately manned, today will mean little Seven of the twelve men are members of Browder latest explanation are unheeded by the Stalinist vaguely defined without a date thing. Whenever the party was democratic, it or nothing unless there can be at least the same is best understood in the light bureaucracy.
but apparently meaning since Hitler assumption of power in number, properly manned, after a year and two won. Whenever it offered the country an ersatz England notorious, labor hating nobility, harof what has preceded it. BROWDER PRODUCES 1933. Browder does this so that and three years.
Republicanism, the people spurned the imitation dened, ultra reactionary lords, who traditionally Our party organized a cam Each of the general staffs has, therefore, worked and sent our party to stand in a corner. have lived by terror, violence, and murder, paign to open the doors of The hostile reception of Jer in any further discussion he out in advance the expected figure nobles and landlords who have bled Ireland for America Cound no echo in the ers of the Communist Party fi. the Soviet Union from Gerto the refugees. That ome alibi by the sympathiz could point to immigration to planes and men will have to be replaced after campaign the war starts. This figure, which is sometimes The idea that the Democratic Party is tunda centuries, put whole continents to sword and Communist Party. First of ail nally impelled Fuehrer Brow many in 1933 and the public of fer mentally different from the Republican Party is refuge to the Austrian referred to as the replacement ratio for personflame, and hanged the progressives at home. because as supporters of der himself to wrestle with the Schutzbund in 1934 whereas if dangerous and pernicious a myth as has ever nel and materiel, thus expresses the prediction as Roosevelt, the Stalinists would question, in the New Masses of of the general staffs as to the rate at which planes been foisted on the American people.
The system of dividing England into twelve not raise a demand which he April There are a great Browder were to speak of the and men will be destroyed. The figure is obviously districts and placing an absolute dictator over was known to be opposed to many questions on why the So years since 1935, he would not just about the same for both planes and men, and The demagogues who try, for their own pur each one to rule with open scheme of Cham ica doors to the refugees he said.
Secondly, because they could viet Union doesn open its bor. be able to point to a single pub.
undisguised terror for the men it means the rate at which they will ders to the Jewish refugees.
lic proof of immigration into scarcely call for opening Amer Russia!
be killed, since there is a negligible number of poses, to keep this myth alive from Roosevelt like Hitler or Mussolini is is a himself to John Lewis to Earl Browder berlain and his cohorts to replace the whole wssing fact that stalin was re swer: wounded in the air service.
And here is Browder an that There are no official fis. What Your Odds Are In Browder statement are liars and scoundrels.
fusing to open the doors of the ures for any country that The answer is that more have been able to find is conSoviet Union to the refugees.
From root to branch, the Democratic Party present system of elective government.
All of the European general staffs have arrived Not a single voter has been allowed to ques This line of the Stalinists did the Soviet Union than into all ist regime has no figures to Jewish refugees are going into cealed the fact that the Stalin at the same figure for the replacement ratio. This is a capitalist party, a boss party: that is, a figure is 50 per month.
party, just like the Republican Party, devoted ballot box. Now were the voters allowed to not go unquestioned by their other countries combined.
tion it, much less cast his opinion on it in a offer to bolster Browder as At first glance, perhaps, this figure looks calm ow Previous justifications of sertions for the good and sufmembers and sympathizwhole heartedly to maintaining capitalist tyraners. Letters poured into the keeping the doors of Russia ficient reason that false figures and mild and business like. Let me explain what choose the dictators to fill the posts. The entire Daily Worker and the Jewish closed having failed, Browder could easily be it means in terms of the odds on the life of a ny and exploitation.
challenged member of the air corps. democratic precess in England was kicked Freiheit. After weeks of de now claimed that the doors while the true figures would reThe chief base of the Democratic Party rests contemptuously into the ash can Chamberlain mands for an explanation, The It means that any given member of the air were open all the time!
veal that Stalin prison doors corps has a 50 50 chance to live one month.
Daily Worker on November 28, Browder attempt to answer open neither Inward nor outIt means that he has one chance in 4, 096 to live on the disfranchisement and oppression of the and his cohorts did not even bother to hold a 1938 finally provided one, en one challenge that of Dr. ward. ten million Southern Negroes.
one year. In other words, the odds are 095 to shot gun election after Hitler fashion. After titled The and the Is Margoshes, editor of the Jewthat he will not live a year.
sue of Refugees, by ish Day. now appear in the 4: Obviously realizing that The Democratic party organization in the all, they are accustomed to the naked rule of Jerome.
New Masses of April 25: his flat assertions carry no 16. 000. 000 to live two years. The odds are greater It means that he has a chance of less than in North is administered by bosses as corrupt as steel and dynamite in the colonies and it is a The nub of Jerome explana All my observations and conviction, Browder retreats to information than 16, 000, 000 to that he will be killed before support the a new alibi: If the Jewish any in modern political history: Hague of New simple matter to transfer the system to the home tion was his statement that: two years are finished. One must also realize that claim that, considering ex. community leaders of the Jersey, Hines of New York, Kelly and Nash of country itself.
there are thousands of Jew. clusively the period since the world want more refugees to The Blessings of God Country Illinois, Crump of Tennessee, Pendergast of go into the Soviet Union, it At the same time, the Daily Mail announced ish refugees who, though beginning of the present fascist chain of akkressions and would be well for them to raise 50 is the figure for the European general Missouri are only typical samples.
that beginning June the government will ex are in the fascist terred their class the rise of the current refu the question with the powers staffs. God country, naturally, looks out better Just as the Republican Party, the Democratic ercise control of all news broadcasts made by outlook, bourgeois or petty. see problem, there are more at the Evian conference, to see for the welfare of her children.
bourgeois and, consequently, refugees enjoying asylum in that the Soviet Union is invit am happy to report to the youth of America Party is financed and basically controlled by a the British Broadcasting Service. This is govmay not wish or may not be the Soviet Union than ined to that conference, which that, basing itself on more strongly built planes small clique of bankers and corporation execu ernment censorship of the radio for the good able to adjust themselves to France, Britain and the regulates the immigration, and and longer and more intensively trained pilots, United States combined and provide for their entrance into the general staff has arrived at a figure of tives selected by the Sixty Families.
of the people of course exactly the system a Sccialist economy and culture. And, of course, every that this applies to Jewish as the Soviet Union in an only 33 3 per month. So don be discouraged.
body realizes that, particu.
At the present moment, the Democratic Party, denounced by lovers of the Western form of to all other categories. There ed fashion. New Masses. This means that you have a chance in of lastdemocratic government in such countries as larly in the present period, are no official figures for any April ing a month. Pity the poor foreigner!
in charge of the government of the nation, is with the second imperialist country that have been able This alibi is no better than And the odds are only approximately 1, 250 to. engaged in a monstrous plot to drag the people Italy and Germany, where the radio broadcasts world war already raging, to find.
his others. Why, in the name of that you will be killed within one year. And they into the most terrible war of history and is nothing at all but dictator written bulletins and the greatest vigilance must socialism, does the Soviet gov are just slightly more than 1, 500, 000 to that you HOW BROWDER LIES be observed against the pen. FOR HIS BOSS dictator selected music.
ernment require an invitation will die within two years.
smashing relief standards to pieces.
etration of carefully planted Surely that chance is worth taking when the As if this were not in itself a complete enough Senator Barkley, floor leader of the Party: imposition of naked dictatorship over the Eng.
The dishonesty of Browder to the Evian conference before spies and fascist President himself has promised that the war is agents. answer is easily demonstrat it can open the doors of Russia to be fought for the very highest ideals.
to the refugees The Evian ed: took the lead in cutting down relief funds. Ap an absolute ANSWER lish people, Sir George Broadbridge, Conservapropriately enough, Barkley was chairman of The basic issue is: why conference is Two elk heads and two black beaver skins will be RAISES NEW QUESTIONS tive member of Parliament, has announced that doesn the Stalinist govern fraud, a piece of mumbo jumbo the largest of the Young Democratic dinners to presented King George VI by Ashley Cooper, When Jerome article ap ment of the Soviet Union open organized by the capitalist he will ask Home Secretary Sir Samuel Hoare governor of Hudson Bay Company, when the King which Roosevelt message was sent.
peared, far from silencing the wide the doors to the refugees? powers, not to facilitate immiarrives in Winnipeg May 24th. It to appoint immediately a press controller. questioners, it aroused a whole Browder perverts the issue, in gration but to duck the probThe Democratic Party neither wants to be stream lined word for CENSOR, who will dicnew series of questions. If, af stead, into an argument about lem. It has done nothing for lated in the royal charter granted the company by King Charles to be paid to his majesty.
nor can be reformel. Every leopard in the tate what the newspapers and magazines of ter twenty years, a so called whether the Soviet Union or the the refugees, because it is de his heirs and successors, whenever they visit the Socialist State cannot assimi capitalist countries have ad signed to do nothing. When domain company. Only once before was the world will lose its spots long before the Demo England may and may not print.
late a few hundred thousand mitted more refugees. Even Browder makes Soviet admishistoric rent paid then to the Duke of Windsor, cratic Party changes its through and through non proletarian elements and assuming that the Soviet Union Sion of refugees hinge on ar who, as Prince of Wales, visited Winnipeg in 1927.
The right of elective government, supposedly reactionary politics.
the pillar of capitalist democracy, has vanished Jews fleeing from fascism. did the capitalist countries conference he is putting off so you think rent such as this is stupid and unthat would mean that half of and this would not have been their admission forever. necessary, in view of the fact that the King never The workers of the United States will get in England like a shadow under a strong light. humanity has nothing to hope difficult considering the arch Squirm as they may, the turned his hand to productive work? Well, why somewhere on the political arena only when they and with it has gone ireedom oi the press, freedon you look up your own landlord?
for from wbi for Stalin was talist countries against admis. ceal or mitigate the plain fact: reactionary policy of the capi hirelings of Stalin cannot conlearn this lesson dom of the air, and all the other rights that are That this completely false was evidenced ston of refugees that would the refugees from fascist ter news item reports that some of the dinosaurs of the prehistoric world walked on all four feet.
Workers cannot accomplish anything in poli supposed to distinguish Western democracy. not only by the fact that the still not explain away the plain ror, whether Jews or Czechowhile others walked upright. We call the present tics by trying to make use of boss parties. It Just what kind of democracy is the coming doors penede so vile procedere fact that milions de refugees Slovak communists Spanish breed of two legged dinosaurs bosses, and they are headed for just as certain an extinction as hapalways turns out that the boss parties make use war supposed to save against what kind of dicJews seeking to flee from Hit government refuses to open its from entering the Socialist pened to the four legged kind.
of the workeps.
ler, but also by the ensuing doors to them.
which fleeing Status other