CominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismNazismPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL In the World of Labor Labor Unity Is Possible Only On HOLLYWOOD Program of Class Struggle Action Both in Indo Chiba Ws.
10 Evidence at Passport Trial Points to SOCIETY NOTES On the Line. with Bill Morgan Court of Aaron Sharfin con MERRY GO ROUND By Paul Stevens Brazilian Communists Move Toballot can be utilized to gauge the sentiment As any casual reader of this of the masses.
column may have already diswards 4th Internationalist Position But it seems that the French governor of Why do the Trotskyists and the workers against the capi claration of war against the agitators and radicals. All we covered, our relations with the Some months ago, the Appeal reported on Indo China and his bosses in Paris are afraid the Stalinists fight so constant talist class. fascist aggressors. but does ask from you is that you make Hollywood brethran are any a split which had taken place between the of even such a limited utilization of the surly and one only empha tivities and principles on the spirit in the labor movement. Cow so th against each The bases all its ac all it can to whip up a pro war a military alliance with Mos thing but cordial. The point of San Paolo state organization and the Com frage. So the governor has simply disqualified other and munist Party of Brazil, Arising over differ them from standing as candidates. Of course, size the disunity in the ranks fundamental and immediate in All its activities in the trade may continue to rule the Soviet betective towards people who, ences on national policy, the San Paolo oppo there is no legal ground. since both Ta Tu of the working class?
sition, contacted by Fourth Internationalists, Thau and Tran van Tach have been elected This question is often heard country and in the rest of the policy. That is the reason why The Communist Party was at the theory thatleisteforty five operate on extended the split to the Communist Internatwice before as municipal councillors of Sai on the lips of workers who hon world.
it tries to obtain a strangle hold one time a revolutionary works million patrons are nothing but tional on the international questions. Mean gon and have successfully fought previous at estly and properly feel the need The Communist Party. in on every labor organization ing class movement, time, the Regional Committee of the organi tempts to disbar them. But, apparently, the of labor unity in the struggle this and all other countries, is, and to squeeze out of it every grand traditions and a glorious But in defense of these milaffiliation to the Fourth International. lively zation, in its bulletin, posed the question of fear of a mounting vote of protest around against the classe enemy. An however mere auxiliary it working class militant who is record. Its subserwtence to the lions of movie fans, we charge these two famous rebel names is enough to answer can be made which is the Foreign Office of the Soviet or may be opposed to plunging Stalin gang has brought it to discussion has been taking place on this cause the French colonial administration to just as honest and proper. Union, or more exactly, of the the country into another infa an unprecedented level of de: out knowing it, a long time ago subject.
make light of its Unity, which is always high Stalinist bureaucracy in the mous war for democracy.
generation. It is the principal perfected the three dimensionOne of the former leaders of the whose and in France, the move ly desirable in the labor move Kremlin. The latter struggle is being fought by our comrades and allied ment, can be of two kinds. It for self preservation is con unity means, in reality, unt. bor movement to the progress The Stalinist campaign for obstacle in the ranks of the la authority was particularly great several years al film. To describe it one would say that it was thick, ago, has written a letter to the San Paolo organizations. In Paris, a protest movement the workers are united on a ducted at the expense of the lying the labor movement be of the working class.
Committee, declaring himself in favor of af is developing, headed by the Bureau for Deflat and transparent.
filiation to the 4th. This fact is especially Its intense hatred of the sofense of Colonial Peoples.
tion, the unity will be progres defense of that bureaucracy, not only as recruiting sergeant called Trotskyists is due en For example, there is The significant because comrade in question which is the essential function for American imperialism all tirely to its fear of our ideas Bell, featuring those twin tenStory of Alexander Graham had no previous relations with the dissident Belgian Elections Mark If the unity is achieved along a of the Communist party lead in the interests of the Kremlin and our activities. It under nts idols, Don Ameche and Tymovemen false line of action, it can only ership, therefore also conflicts In another state, Parana, in the Southern Swing to Moderate Right be disastrous from every with the interests of the work. chine needed to regiment, gag leave no stone unturned in our it, one leaves the theatre with section of the country, the dissident move The general elections held in Belgium on standpoint ing class.
and fetter the working class work of explaining patiently to the conviction that in ment in the which had, due to the im April marked a distinct turn to the so called All the political organizations hands prisonment of almost all its leaders, lost all To assure the American rule the masses the truth about the of Hollywood, the Telephone The Kremlin bureaucracy moderate right. The home baked Fascists. of labor call for unity. The contact with the San Paolo opposition, has the Rex movement of Degrelle, were now spontaneously developed to the Trotsky practically wiped out as a factor in parlia answer for himseryone unity based on the average to dine up rear from an alliance wtih Mos. find themselves. It knows that than does to annihilate and ist position. Early this year, one of the lead ment. The Belgian Labor Party lost 54. 000 for what purpose?
a emocratic front of such cow, the Stalinists outdo every ers of the group was released from jail. This votes and seats; the Stalinists held on to The two main immediate imperialist powers as the body in respectability. That sure of the sordid aims which comrade, an old communist militant, reor their seats, but lost 18. 000 votes as compared aims of the working class in United States. England and is why Herbert Benjamin, stal. animate it and its policies. It headlines for its materiat, the ganized the with 1936. The Catholics and Liberals, who to join the Fuoup which unanimously decided this country are, as they must France for the coming war inist agent in the Workers all knows that we will not retreat would think that the west coase International. Their resolu constitute the moderate right, gained to of savants had finally got around tion was adopted without their knowing that to dealing with contemporary war danger and for the protec price it is willing to pay for tant defender of the interests all the slanders it hurls at us gether some 200, 000 votes and 20 seats and tion of the living standards of such a front is the subjection of the unemployedwill now in spite of all the bows it rains social issues in a serious way.
the San Paolo organization had publicly bro now form the government coalition.
ken with the Communist International. There Our comrades of the Revolutionary Socialist labor from capitalist attack.
declare that the United States, down upon our heads through. But after getting a good look of the working class to the caphad never been a Trotskyist movement in the at Confessions of a Nazi Spy.
On both fronts, the Socialist italist class. If you support is not a capitalist country. out the world.
Party also suffered a setback in comparison workers Party stands on one us, is the substance of the That is why the Stalinists The Socialist Workers Party one can say of it that its purwith their achievements in the municipal elec State of Parana before. Their first contact with the Fourth International was made by a tions, even though they did manage to hold side and the Communist Party bureaucracy appeal Wash frown on strikes or on any does stand for the unity of the pose is no more profound than labor movement, for a real to give the nation a hot case of delegate whom they sent to Rio de Janeiro 000 votes in the Borinage and 2, 000 in the on the other. And because each ington, London and Paris. we other form of militant labor acfor that purpose.
working class unity which the heebie jeebies and work it Charleroi sections, the two proletarian strong of the two organizations takes will see to it, as we did in tion in the defense of its own preliminary conference, in which the dis holds of the party.
its policies with the utmost Spain, that private property economic and political inter means a united front of labor Into uniform for a holy cruagainst its enemies, the capi. sade against Berlin.
sident groups of San Paolo and Parana, as well as the Leninist Workers Party (Brazilian Generally, the elections appeared to reflect seriousness, there is no possl. will be protected and the labor ests.
the all pervading fear of war among the elec bility of reconciling them. movement kept in a state of In effect, the whole Stalinist talist class and the capitalist There was, however, a brief Section of the 4th International) participated.
day when Hollywood attempted torate. The defeat of Degrelle naturally indi.
The Communist Party rightly submission to progressive policy causes them to say to government.
the capitalist class: Don Such a unity alone can set important things. That day was recently held. The resolutions and decisions of the conference have not yet reached cates how completely unpopular Fascism has sees in Trotskyism its prin capital.
become. Fearing war, the masses apparently us. But, from the information we have at Therefore, for example, the worry about us. You have an the labor movement of this goes back to a time when social have not distinguished between the national Workers Party alone stands for Stalinist party in the United ardent defender, in us. We will country on the forward road and political stress was not as hand, it is clear that a strong Brazilian sec defense policies of a consistent policy of revolu States is in the very forefront see to it that you have no trou and bring it to the realization acute as it is today. Consetion of the Fourth International is in the mak inists and the old line liberals, except to reformists, the stale tonary labor internationalism of the war mongers. It not only ble from iabor. We will our of all its great and legitimate quently, Hollywood could well Ing.
for a militant class struggle of urges the speediest possible de selves take care of all labor aspirations.
on some of the evils of capital ment of the latter to such a see some advantage in the trade attachlist rapacity. No more stirring Ta Tu Thau Barred from The general desire among the working class an anti war film was ever to get whatever they can of a realizable made than All Quiet on the Elections to Colonial Council protection in parliament before the war No sooner freed from prison, where he con breaks out no doubt caused a good many who Western Front, produced in the early Thirties when war tracted a serious illness, our comrade Ta Tu voted for the in the communal elecwas something to contemplate Thau immediately joined the campaign of the tions to vote for the Labor Party in the naIndo Chinese section for elections to the Colo tional elections. The in a post election in retrospect. Lynching got its measure of criticism in the nial Council. Together with comrade Tran statement recognizes the results as sympto memorable Fury and boss van Tach, he headed the electoral list decided matie of a reactionary period and directs the Juliet Stuart Poyntz, Whose Testimony Would terrorism against labor unions upon by the party. Although the Colonial attention of the Borinage and Charleroi work Even a Duchess Council is in itself a meaningless institution Judge Regrets ers to the impending struggle of the miners Be Vital, Still Missing was courageously attacked in in so far as the rights of the native population against the governmental attack on their conMust Do Something His Leniency Fury. But that day is now are concerned, the electoral platform and the ditions.
By NAT LEVINE known also as Krivitsky, About War gone.
With the Rabble (Special to the Socialist Appeal) Stalinist of considerable repu The recent announcement by NEW YORK CITY, April 20. Will Hays of a patriotic cycle NEW YORK. Although the tation both in New York and war abroad, the Duchess of. Grudgingly and after ques. ends a dwindling independence Disturbed by the threat of prosecution at the passport the middle west. Klein was Talleyrand, the former Anna tioning her in open court about and marks the formal founding conspiracy trial in Federal also seen with the brother of Gould, who inherited 80. 000. Garber, Edward Art Shields, the latter a writer 000 from her father, the late ton Harris today placed an ex Axis. The Drang Nach AnBlatt and for the Daily Worker.
tinues either to neglect or sup After railroad magnate and financier, pectant mother on probation napolis has already begun the launching by drivers Local Jay Gould, will leave her Paris for six months instead of car and Old Glory is getting a daily Out near Flushing, Long Island, there used thought they could beat the landlords by buy of the three men and the vari against the Daily Worker and world over press the stalinist affiliations 544 of a 500, 000 lbel suit home which is famous the rying out his threat to send her facial and manicure.
to be a swamp which regularly supplied New ing a small home on time payments. But they ous fguitive defendants, among the Minnesota Stalinist organ ble palace.
the pink mar. to jail.
Nat Levine York with great quantities of mosquitoes. This Later he expressed regret Tomorrow can hardly miss seeing an eviction Robinson Rubens couple, there ization. prothea bote militares en onheroe. acret 19500. 000 estate at hind bars as he first intended. Tsar to Lenin Feature ease. After some time the city fathers trans unless they stick close to the new, sheltered is sufficient evidence from connection with the murder of Tarrytown. Workmen are busiformed it into a dumping ground for the refuse highways and the indirect lighting.
which can be adduced the un When Mrs. Betty Blancardo. of Cleveland May and garbage collected in the nice shiny trucks mistakable hand of the from the Minneapolis scene.
Corcoran, Klein disappearedly remodeling it to suit the fas 29. came before him charged which cost the city a pretty penny and sent tidious taste of the Duchess. with disorderly conduct in a Celebration An Education in Harlem in the entire affair.
Day at least three politicians to the hoosegow when The thoroughgoing Stalinist The Duchess is now in her Home Relief station because the contracts were investigated.
And if the vistor drives across the new TriOne of the most important background of Klein furnishes 60 In 1895 she married count she insisted on maintaining her witnesses to be heard to date the answer to his sudden re Boni de Castellane. Divorcing rights too vigorously to please Lenin. the famous movie of CLEVELAND. Tsar to Each morning the thousands of workers who rode on the elevated train from Flushing Boro Bridge, he will complete his education was introduced by the governif he drives around in Harlem where more ment at last Friday session, became necessary to provide cousin, the Duke de Talleyrand said: lations with Rubens. When it him in 1906 she married his relief officials, the Magistrate the Russian Revolution, will be looked out the train windows and observed than two hundred thousand Negroes live in one Imre Klein, also known Rubens with a fake front for who died at the age of 78 in Oh, you re the woman who celebration held jointly by the the feature of the May Day that the swamp was slowly being filled with disease ridden fire traps which bring mighty under penname as Kenneth his secret activities as a Soviet 1937 garbage. Great heaps of garbage burned with high rents to the city landlords. Harlem pregnant? and of Clevea stench and huge clouds of grimy black Huston. Klein, it was brought agent on American soil, Klein, After forty years of swirling He then disdainfully directed iand.
where the hospitals and public schools are out, was the editor and publish then operating the Galleon parties in the gay upper er that a chair be brought and smoke hung like shrouds over the smoulderthe worst in the city (and that is saying some er of the now defunct magaFollowing the showing of this ing fires. Something had to be done about it.
Press, was swiftly requisition cles of sparkling Paris society. asked: thing. Harlem, where one out of every zine, Literary America with ed by the That Klein it is doubtful that the Countess By the inspiring picture, Art Preis way, when you will speak on the subject Will four persons are on the relief rolls and where which Adolph Arnold Rubens testified as a witness hostile to will long remain content to struck the relief guard with a War Bring Fascism or a So. Great Idea Is Born wages are as low in proportion as rents are identified himself as an assis high. Harlem where, after a serious out tant editor.
the defense was to cover up rusticate among the rural chair did it affect your condi cialist Revolution to America. tion? Y. speaker will adThen came the idea. The idea of convertbreak of flg fighting and rioting came as the Klein testified that Rubens the previous relations with scenes of her Hudson estate.
Although like all the Goulds Christopher Coleman, law. dress a special appeal to the ing the swamp into money making venture sult of poverty and discrimination against the had approached him and offerwhich would bring prosperity back to the she is noted for the bizarre efNegro, Mayor LaGuardia refused to ed to contribute financially to Stalinist Connection yer hired by the Department of youth: In which army will Also on the witness stand at fects she obtains in her dress. Welfare to prosecute relief you enlist! program of largest city in America. the largest city in make public a report on conditions drawn up the magazine if he were made both the Friday and Monday at present she is in deep cases which the Department musical entertainment and revthe world. New York was to be the scene of by a special committee, for fear of further an editor. On payment of varidisturbances. great World Fair, and Grover Whalen, ous sums, totalling 550 in all, sessions of the trial were the mourning for her sister. But cannot dismiss without the aid olutionary songs will be given two sisters and the mother of that hasn stopped her from of a judge, interrupted to say by a young Slovenian trio.
former chief of police, was to be the organizer Then let the visitor, in order to get a com Klein agreed. Contracts were Ruth Marie Rubens. Her two wining and dining in the fash that justice would best be The celebration will be held. the salesman who would make the Fair a success plete and thorough picture of the World of drawn up by Blatt, while Rub sisters, Constance and Gladys tonable restaurants of Fifth served by placing Mrs. Blan at the Slovenian Workingmen Today which surrounds the World of Tomor ens, in order to maintain the Boerger, and her mother. Mrs. and Park Avenues.
cardo on probation.
Home, 15335 Waterloo Road on Immediately plans were drawn up and pubto the Lower West Side and then to the East quired the title of assistant ed in each of the five residences has been demonstrated that the MAY NEW INT 1 licity was distributed throughout the world.
is invited: subscription 25c.
It was to be the largest, the most gigantic, the most colossal, the most stupendous Fair Bridge. Nothing is fake here. Everything is Rubens salary. 50 a week. ac which the couple lived, a most important government secret room was kept by Ar ever held anywhere. And it certainly is that.
Rubens to him real and grim. Poverty is the theme and was payed noid into which no one was witness is missing. That witIt is called The World of Tomorrow and disease and hunger and unemployment are self. Rubens would forward the TROTSKY LETTERS it certainly is that.
the side shows. Millions of workers and their money to Klein who would then permitted to enter. This secret ness is Juliet Stuart Poyntx.
room, it is now clear, served This woman, kidnapped aboard Correspondence between LeThe only catch to the whole scheme is the familles enact this, the greatest pageant in forward it back to Rubens.
as the real office from which unfortunate fact that visitors to the World of history, every day free of charge to the Klein History Rubens conducted his a Soviet ship in the early part on Trotsky and two of the most leaders of the prominent Tomorrow will have to pass through the visitor.
But the history of Klein is of 1938, were she to appear on activities in this country. Mrs Workers and PeasWorld of Today. And the world of Today See the breadlines! See the picket lines! the key to Rubens sudden ap. Boerger testified that a person the stand, would provide the ants Socialist Party) of France, which spreads out around New York City is a (Continued from Page 1)
See the fire traps and the hock shops! See pearandeed, how is it that was frequently dispatched to the origin of the ring. May issue of the New Internaat the magazine known her only as Bob most conclusive evidence of is the principal feature of the far cry from the World of Tomorrow. In fact the children playing base ball on small crowd office.
ans, acutely conscious of their the difference is so decidedly marked that ed streets where taxi cabs and trucks drive this publisher was able to be Chicago and otheben midwest That she was kidnapped at a the newsstands next week.
tional, which is to appear on position were desperately try.
ing to play both ends to the the officials of the Fair have built new high through center field all during the game! See bought so easily and with cities from the Rubens ways and new routes so that visitors will see mothers and babies in the sunlight on the such dispatch by a man who Further evidence of the Stal time when the Rubens case The correspondence deals middle and there was the specas little as possible of the World of Today, curbstones where garbage and flies wait pa walked blithely in from the inist tie up of the defendants was a sensational item in the with the problems of the tacle of the Rumanian government However, the observing visitor. If he look3 tiently for the overworked collectors! See street.
was furnished by Dorothy Ter world press is in itself shatter French revolutionary move welcoming a British beyond the fake scenic effects and the fancy the biggest and most exciting drama of the Investigation of Klein has re ris, a one time friend of Ed ing evidence of the ment, in particular the questrade delegation at Bucharest indirect lighting, will get a view of how six age! See both the World of Tomorrow and vealed a connection with Stal million workers live and breathe in this, the ward Blatt. The witness testi fright at being exposed. For tion of the relations between while dispatching a trade deleinism that goes back to 1931. fied that during her five year Poyntz herself, a oper the and the Fourth gation of its own to Berlin.
the World of Today for the price of one. largest city in the world.
In 1933 Klein made application acquaintance with Blatt she ative in the ring, was growing International.
for membership in the Com met most of the people in his restless Only half an hour on either side of the.
In this situation it is easy to Other articles include the Prosperity. Not for Workers munist Party. Ever since then circle, among them a David Afraid that she might talk concluding section of the late see that the British might per: World of Tomorrow the visitor can observe a some of the worst slums in the entire word.
the kidnapped her not Gregory Zinoviev highly topAnd remember that the millions and mil he has intermittently worked Mankort.
He can visit South Jamaica where tens of thousands of Negroes live in wooden shacks will bring business and will perhaps return the League Acainst War and Fas is another stalinist Party membroke. Her own lawyer, who a sive and Defensive another polley in the form of some conwhere the fear of fire is second only to the prosperity which collapsed in 1929 (10 long cism and been close palo ber, known to many militants year ago described the charge article on the economics of cot cessions to the axis. At the constant pain of hunger and its accompanying years ago) to the largest city in the world diseases. Where more than half the popula Remember that the millions and millions of todas editmonthlyhet magazine: mentes addici, hatchet man. tic now agrees that Poyntz States, by Jerry Pytlak: Alpha bye wiming to makearea actiunile tion is either on home relief or ought to be. dollars spent on the World of Tomorrow will Fight.
magazine. His last activity was in associ was taken to Moscow against writes on the famous Stalin o minora compared to Where workers who need clothing have to be used to provide entertainment and educa When last heard of, Klein, a sored Abraham Lincoln Brig.
picket and strike and fight against one of the tion for the visitors.
An interesting sidelight to Macdonald continues with his that the attempt has far more most reactionary and corrupt county govern Remember that despite the fact that the thin, sallow, greasy looking in ade as a recruiter of American the present trial is the un department com Reading the rooms chances of failure than success.
dividual, was in Minneapolis, volunteers for service in Spain. breakable silence maintained Left to Right.
That is why war preparations ments in America. Where semi fascist gangs Fair tried in every way possible to avoid em. The appearance of Klein in In addition, there are sever continue without let up and are used by the city officials to threaten and ploying union labor, tried to safeguard the Minneapolis in March 1938 Co Mankoft is quite striking in ing Newspaper. The Daily al other features, including that is why Britain is driving brow beat any attempt to expose the graft Visitors from the unpleasant sights of unem incided with the terrific Stalin that it exposes Blatt bluff Worker, which specializes in book and corruption of the government and the re ployment and cold water tenement flats political and other litera workers through conscription llef administration. Where thousands of small home owners, in debt to the Home Owners and the French, passing rigid millions of dollars into exhibition ist slander campaign 86 hich that he was duped by certain reporting Spy Cases, hasn as rent views of important cur ahead to mobilize the British ondings all streamlined and air conditioned Local 544, the purpose of people. These certain peo much as printed a comma ture.
laws directed at press freedom The Manager urges the imLoan Corporation, are being evicted after the Fair and its owners are only trying to of Pat Corcoran on the leader. Blatt best friends. All of pert on foreign espionage, Low mediate sending in of advance and otherwise regimenting lahaving made payments on small wooden restore prosperity.
frame houses for year after year.
And if the workers of New York cannot at ship of the General Drivers whom are Stalmists. His ownell Wakefield, who at the time orders so that every branch bor, are getting ready to fight.
There are or were more smal home own ford to see the wonders of the next world now Provides False Front Stalinist background is now of the Nazi Spy trial embraced may be assured of getting its completely indisputable. prosecutor Dunigan as Com copies. Orders and funds At Your Service ers in Queens County than in any other sec on display in the former swamp, they can While in Minneapolis, Klein rest assured that they can see them when was frequently seen in the Poynt Still Missing rade Les. has had nothing to should be addressed to The tion of the country. They are, for the most THE APPEAL No matter how many wit say about Les who is now pros New International. 116 Univerpart, workers trade union members, who they die.
company Red Kramer, nesses appear the stand, itecuting agents.