DemocracyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers Party

Workers of the World Unite!
Socialist Appeal Build Workers Defense Guards!
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III. NO. 27 TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1939 Set up and Printed by Union Labor.
Application for Label Pending 3e a Copy WORLD AWAITS MARCHING ORDER The Difference in Principle!
Thrust at Relief Is Congress Plan Peoples of All Nations Face Ghastly Slaughter Krivitsky Reveals Stalin Politicians Stage Final Attempts to Woo Hitler HE through the burraiges laid NATIONAL COAL STRIKE THREAT MADE BY LEWIS AVOID PRESSING LINKS AT PASSPORT TRIAL Cailo orienta Sailors Victorious in Government Pledge to Discontinue Hiring Halls Lasser Benjamin Testimony Aids Reactionary Schemes By Foreswearing Militant Maneuvers for War Action of Unemployed Alliances ARMIES ON MOVE LABOR STANDARDS FACE WIDE BARRAGE Allah Disclosures by Former Chief Show How Helpless millions through(Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Gestapo Helped Frame Up Case out the world are waiting for WASHINGTON, April 20. major thrust in the adthe war clouds to break over ancing offensive against the unemployed has been projected Against Tukhachevsky their heads.
for early next week, according to Cougressmen who have handful of politicians, been leading the campaign of the Roosevelt Administration to slash telici appropriations and dump the money into the to woo the Soviet Union into their bloc against Hitler. So far, capitalists are moving huge Anglo French diplomacy is making the most intensive effort generals, bankers, and big war machine.
dle of the road position it has occupied in European politics ever armies and havies across land This attack on the unemployed and their organizations is since Munich.
and seat and manipulating proceeding hand in hand with the developing offensive against Ever since 1933 when Stalin openly offered friendshipita whole populations like so mions and union rights of deal with Hitler remained in the background of Stalin cal many chips in a poker game.
decisions and culations. When the People Britain and France have Front set up collapsed after made it plain that they intend Munich and in Spain, Stalin redown against the provisions turned to this project as a pos now to hght to holl on to the of the Wagner Act.
sible way out of the horribly colonies, the markets, the natFirst, Colonel Harringisolated and perilously exposedural resources and the milliona ton. Administrator, position in which the of black, brown, and yellow will be called before the House Cound itself as a result of Stal slaves in Africa and Asia upon Appropriations subcommittee in abandonment of the inter. whom their power rests.
which is now investigating national revolutionary move. Germany and Italy have ment.
relief and under the played their own hijacking leadership of Representative Government Fears Blow Krivitsky Disclosures game just about as far as it Woodrum and demanded to At this moment, when the can go without a war. Danzig brand the Workers Alliance as At War Preparation Hush Hush Policy Aids question of Russia may be the last thing Hitler an improper representative Program tion in the coming war remains will be able to take in without of the relief workers.
709 CUT Future Frame Ups suspended on the narrow edge having to draw his guns and If Harrington recognizes of the imperialist crisis, star perhaps not even Danzig.
the Workers Alliance as an or. Special to the Socialist Aveal)
By Stalin tling confirmation has come of WASHINGTON, Threat ganization of the unemployed. of a nation wide coal Industry Serves Notice Stalin previous efforts to find President Roosevelt has althen the second move will be shut down was hurled this week common ground with Hitler. ready served notice on the initiated. Legislation will be by John Lewis, president of By NAT LEVINE These efforts are described American people that he inintroduced in Congress refusthe United Mine Workers of (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
in a sensational article by tends to throw this country ing to grant relief funds to any member of the Workers AlliAmerica, in an effort to break NEW YORK As the con Walter Krivitsky, former head forces into the impending con he deadlock reached in negospiracy trial of passport forg of the Soviet Military Intelli lict over the world riches. He ance.
Blow Against Jobless Giations with the Appalachian ers Ossip Garber, Aaron Sharfgence in Western Europe, pub alks about democracy but in and Edward Blatt moved in lished in the Saturday Evening what he means is that Wall This is a deliberate blow soft coal operators.
It would add 50, 000 more to its second week before Judge Post.
street imperialism intends this cold bloodedly designed against strikers in Iowa, Kentucky, In SAN FRANCISCO the long as the stunten answer to the izes the Department of Com Ecurr, it has become apparent new mass of information link he world swag for itself and they belong to any particular all the unemployed, whetheriana, and Illinois to the 320. fight of the Sailors Union of the announcement by the United merce. section, to register tors have so far deliberately Tukhachevsky and other Red domination with even more di its Bureau of that the government prosecu ing the massacre of Marsha! o complete its world financial unemployed 300 who walked out of the Pacific against government States Maritime Commission Marine organization or mines on April Union notices controlled hiring halls resulted that it was planning to arrange lists of seamen. On this peg. avoided establishing the Stalin Army generals and high offi not.
ect political control of the It comes as an immediate operators informing them of when, in response to the de were served to the mid west in signal victory last week for the opening of govern the commission. which runs ist connections of the defend cers in 1937 to Stalin secret najor markets, especially in result of the admissions by he pending shut down on May ment controlled hiring hall in fleets of ships hung a regular ants.
negotiations with the Nazi dic.
mand of the union, Harry Hop Seattle, Washington. Such hir hiring hall system, situated in he Far East and in Latin Workers Alliance bureaucrats if the present dispute is not kins, Secretary of Commerce ing halls have been operating the various offices of the ship. already presented a great mass Although the prosecution has tator.
America Lasser and Benjamin be settled.
Seeking a Deal gave a written pledge to disfore Woodrum investigat.
His plea to Hitler and Another 100. 000 anthracite continue for some time on the East ping commissioners of the of Incriminating evidence The former intelligence chief Mussolini was primarily. as government hiring Coast and encouraged by its Bureau of Marine Inspection.
ing committee that they no miners and soft coal miners halls.
against the three men and will who broke with Stalin as a re he New York Times was blunt longer believe in militant ac It was in the midst of a coast on East Coast seamen the comsuccess in putting them over who are not directly engaged Hopkins Promise continue to press its case in the sult of the purge in the Red nough to admit, for the rection and support no strike ac tion by unemployed workers.
in the present strike might also wide strike vote being taken by Hopkins answer to Lunde coming weeks, its disinclina Army high command, show rd. When he issues his war be called out. Lewis declared the Sailors Union that Hopkins ripe to invade the West Coast tention that the 1872 authorizations of the conspirators is cerned with any struggle be American masses that he did mission had deemed the time berg accepted the union con tion to air the Stalinist connecthat Stalin, far fom being con Ignores Loyalty Oaths all he will be able to tell the Woodrum, who has long been shortage of coal in the railroad commissioners, who are under by the Sailors Union of the state that the shipping commisCombined with the acute save his word that the shipping in spite of the warnings issued tion was purely optional. can nicely covering up the tween democracy and dicta everything possible to keep the notorious for his bitter opposte industry. in large cities like the jurisdiction of the Depart Pacific.
torship has actually been try peace tion to any appropriations New York, and in mid west in ment of Commerce, would no sioner office will not be used This is a continuation of the ing over a period of years te Breathing Space Inipossible whatever for the relief of the (Continued on Page 2) longer maintain hiring halls.
Union Hiring Halls as a hiring hall for anyone.
unemployed, contemptuously (Continued on Page 3)
Mussolini, in his own squeaky The won the funda wrote Hopkins, and If ship little way. has already made brushed aside all Lasser and mental right to union hiring ping commissioners are at the ais negative reply to the RooseBenjamin protestations of halls as the result of the fam present time maintaining hirFelt proposal for a ten year loyalty to the governbus 99 day maritime strike in ing halls, it is the intention of Armistice. But the real reply ment. Woodrum is not interest 1936 1937. The Stalinist controll. the Department of Commerce will come on April 28 when ed in listening to oaths of alieed seamen on the East Coast to discontinue this practice.
Hitler, the boss of the axis part stance to the flag but in squcez never achieved this basic right. Not content with this, how.
all probability aership, will in ing down relief appropriations The entire fight against gov: ever, the union will complete to the last possible notch of zerve on the world a sweeping ernment controlled hiring halls its strike vote, as an ace in starvation has been led and almost entire. the hole against any governseries of axis demands as the price of terminating. for the The seriousness of the offen. ly he The Auto Union now finds itself in the strange position of on the Pacific. except for con also pressing for an amend cleavage between the anti war and called for the unity srabs.
NEW YORK, April 21. The Roosevelt and the war mongers time being, direct territorial sive under way against the un employed is thus demonstrated possessing a highly democratic union constitution and an un siderable rank and file supportment to wipe out of the ship and the pro war forces was workers and students in the can actually even consider a Neither Germany nor Italy in inescapable terms. Unless scrupulous, autocratic cang of Stalinist machine politicians from seamen and foremen on ping laws any provisions for clearly demonstrated Thursday only war historically justified immediate protests of a mili: running its leading executive board. How did this bizarre com both coasts. The only picket registering of sailors.
the war of the toilers against en year breathing space belines against the East Coast The recent Cleveland convention, representing the overcommission hiring halls were Victory Undermines Bridges unemployed on a nation wide For the past few years, in cause the Fascist regimes scale, the unemployed will 11 find whelming majority of the or conducted by the The This hard won victory of the April, students have quit their invited Ferdinand Smith of the could not withstand the terrific is not only a blow to the classrooms in protest against National Maritime Union to their organizations shattered. zanized automobile workers. And Chrysler local had the pro Roosevelt and pro war oriéconomic strain for that long.
plans of the Maritime Commis imperialist war moves. This every cent of the funds which saw a great opposition move backing of a huge portion of the entation of the Stalinists madesion to make the sailors an year the students were con speak. He is notorious on the especially since there is no is theirs diverted into the war ment on them to sup auxiliary to the Navy, but is fronted by the pro war Stalin. been previously pointed out in provement in world economic west coast as a scab as has prospect of any general immachine, and the most terrible and file de part of the rank auto membership on this propo it impossible delegates who were in port this militant action.
hunger and suffering inflicted dignant at the incompetence Who was to replace the pres. Commission Alibi also a serious blow to the presists and the American Student the Appeal. Fannie Hurst als conditions. They are driven to on their ranks.
and treachery of their top ent board members? The anof. The Maritime Commis time, to Harry their intention to union leadership. They had swer given was: Anybody! sion had justified its attempt to Bridges, West Coast longshore Roosevelt in a new war for next war. was all she could tion and to get them by any or supporting the boys luck in the nies, new spheres of exploitawitnessed, since their historic Anybody will be better than the toist hiring halls on the sailors chieftain.
democracy. They were, how find to say, meeting in Milwaukee, auto present leadership.
by the contention, enunciated cratic abuse of power on the The Cleveland convention by the commission When the Maritime Commis ever, supported by much small iar by the past history of imAt Brooklyn College 250 stu: perialist expansion on the part or crowds than last year part of both Homer Martin and was an anti Martin convention man. Admiral Land, that the chair sion came to the West Coast for the investigation which pre In most schools the Young dents heard Irving Panken and his opponents and had seen and it is therefore no surprise merchant marine must be conceded its announcement that it People Socialist League (4th Isadore Rader members of the of Britain, France, the United States, and all the other lesser their union being torn to pieces that the force which provided an auxiliary to the by an unscrupulous factional leadership sidered the fight against Navy.
nternational) led the anti war Division Council of the Young freebooters.
was opening a hiring hall ir battle of union cliques and pol. Martin dominated the conven while the strike vote was be Democracy Talk Bunk Seattle, it was handsomely en forces. The key slogan was the People Socialist League ertained in Hollywood by Lion. Oxford Pledge which is a Burnham Attacks Wise The so called democracies iticians.
tion. That force and leadership ing taken on the seven seas, el Stander, Stalinist front in the pledge not to support any war At a Broad sections of the rank was the Stalinist machine. Bas Harry Lundeberg. secretary forum at James on their part are going to hold cinema world, and met with which the United States gov. Burnham masterful speech on to their empires with all the and file delegations, representing themselves upon their solid treasurer of the was Harry Bridges, ernment may undertake.
attacking James Waterman force they can muster. Big (Special to the Socialist Appea. pirations of their memberships as Plymouth, the tool and die ion. He was first able to secure first warning to the commis tonai. gave a demonstration of security received hearty ap New york is ready for protect WASHINGTON, April 19. back home came down to Cle locals, Murray Boax, Cleveland backing of Department of Lasion. Bridges countered by de. what an anti war strike can be plause. Immediately after the its millions from its rivals Herbert Benjamin and David veland determined to make the Lisher Body. Studebaker and bor officials for the union po claring that the only picket like at City Evening on Wed meeting the Young People So down to the last drop of workLasser in testifying at the hear union constitution air tight to other locals and lead by well sition Madame Perkins has lines of the sailors that would nesday night. 150 Yipsels, in cialist League started a meeters blood.
ings held during the past two prevent, in their opinion, a rep, known and well publicized fis: dealt with the before be recognized by the longshore uniform, carrying hundreds of ing of its own which was at That is why we are today on and she knows our action on men would be those for bona placards and torches marched. tended by 400 people who took the brink of a new chastly vestigating Committee head up a dictatorship in the unioned the largest and most effecthe Copeland Fink Book. fide beefs e. Bridges would sang and shouted slogans. the Oxford Pledge.
world slaughter. All the rest ed by Representative Wood How Reorganize Union? tive organizational bloc at the Lundeberg reported. so she decide what the sailors had a Over 300 people heard James Louis Becker of the Division about democracy and civilrum have grovelled about as How was the union to be re convention.
low as it is possible to go with organized and set moving on Their indifference to any ization that is not bluffing when with acceptance of the hiring International, knows the is one organ right to strike for. Coupled Burnham editor of the New Council of the ad ization and freedom is just and Nathan dressed 400 students at the City so much bunk. Ask the peoples out leaving the toe caps and the right road? The rank and union principles, their superior they say they are striking the halls on the East Coast by Gould. National Secretary of 23rd Street strike. Becker of India, the blacks of Africa, getting down under the sole of file delegates believed the organizational skill and expert. coast. It is admitted by Ad. Bridges party cronies, it was the Stalinists tried to speech was in sharp contrast to the Indo Chinese, the peoples of the boot problem would be solved by ence, their technique of playing mirai Land and everybody that clear that Bridges was moving drown out the speakers by that of Jeannette Rankin who Cuba, Puerto Rico Nicaragua, Lasser are the topmost bureau providing for faultless demo the workers, made them tricky have been on the way to the fink hall commissioners. shut up. march around the Congress to stop of Britain and The victory of the sailors is Campus and the singing of the Nathan Gould. Speaking to United States! Ask the workStalinist controlled unemployed what about the problem of the efforts to sweep into their bloc by now, had it not been for the therefore a blow to Bridges Internationale wound up a col 200 women at Hunter Bronx. ers of Great Britain who have organization. Representative leadership of the union? Chrys all kinds of unsuspecting union action of the sailors union. prestige of such proportions orful meeting.
won their enthusiastic support already been told they are goWoodrum, one of the most violer local No. said Clean members.
The Maritime Commission that it may topple him from his Shachtman at to the revolutionary war posi ing to have forced labor and lent and ferocious opponents in House. out with the present The rank and file opposition a recent creation of President official post as West. At City College 400 students tion by his piercing analysis of regional dictatorships in warRoosevelt utilized a law dat Coast director. Continued on Page 2)
thunderously applauded Max (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) Auto Union Faces Attack from Many Sides Leads Militant Student Anti War Strike sition.