BourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyEngelsEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyMarxMarxismMoscow TrialsMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. III, No. 26 April 21, 1939 Published twice a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Algonquin 8547 Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months.
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Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for six months: 00 for one year. Řeentered as second class matter February 16, 1939, at the post office at New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
WHAT THE WALL STREET Their By James Burnham MOGULS GOT IN WAGES Government Diego Rivera Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN Associate Editors: HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW Staff Member JOSEPH HANSEN EMANUEL GARRETT Business Manager: STANLEY FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY FOR: job and a decent wage for every worker. Open the idle factorics operate them under workers control. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works and housing program.
Cirtyweekly maximum for all workers on all jobs. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pension. Expropriate the Sixty Families. All war funds to the unemployed. people referendum on any and all wars. No secret diplomacy.
10. An independent Labor Party.
11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante and Fascist attacks Sacred rights once upon Poland attitude toward the Roosevelt Note It is cloubtful whether the head of any state ever made a shrewdler move than Roosevelt when he sent his letter to Hitler and Mussolini asking them to give assurance that, for a minimum of ten years, their armed forces will not attack or invade the territory of the thirty one nations he mentioned in the letter. It is immaterial whether Ilitler and Mussolini answer the note or what they say if they do answer. Regardless of what they do or say the letter will have served its purpose.
Consider all that the note docs for Roosevelt and how it advances his general policies and you will recognize what a superbly clever gesture it was to send it It puts Hitler and Mussolini on the spot. Because, obviously, a refusal to reply or a negative reply to such a reasonable request as not to invade the territory of other nations is equivalent to an admission of having aggressive intentions.
Hitler and Mussolini may attack the hypocrisy of the note and they of course will be right; they may point to the well known fact that the socalled democracies, including the United States, have done quite a lot of invading on their own hook, and in that they will utter a self evident truth. They can pour ridicule on the note, but no such tacties will help them. They must give the required assurance or furnish Roosevelt and Chamberlain and Daladier with powerful arguconvince the masses that he is a man of peace in order the more readily to hurt them into war.
The American workers must follow their own path to achieve real peace. They must take their destinies in their own hands and call upon the workers of all other countries to follow them and peace will be assured through the union of socialist republics. Condensed Account of what the Bloodsuckers Paid Themselves for Draining Profits, Which Are Only Partly Listed, Out of the Workers Sweat and Toil On January 3rd, in his annual message to Con gress, President Roosevelt announced the slogans The United States Treasury, earns his salary by thinking Aluminum Corporation of under which he was asking the American workers It is with deep regret that we see Diego Department recently made up labor saving devices. America Arthur Victor Davis, Rivera withdraw from the revolutionary work public gelists. corporatione ad som plasters nisl orcices with the for a while, used rinks to in to get ready to give their lives to the Sixty Famllies. They were three: For Religion: For the Sancers movement.
low both the names of the cor legend, Keep Smiling. timidate workers and gave Mr tity of International Law and For Democracy, Somehow or other, now that the war crisis looks We are profoundly grateful to him for the in porations and their chairmen. International Telephone Davis a chance to earn his as if it might break into the open any hour, some.
valuable aid he gave in securing comrade these salaries do not include Behn, 66, 240. Owners of the Jones Loughlin Steel Co. Of course, even in January there were a few cynies It is to be noted, however, that Telegraph Company Sosthenes daily bread.
thing seems to be going wrong with these slogans.
Trotsky asylum in Mexico. We are grateful to additional earnings from Telephone Building in Barce. Lewis, 100, 000. Another who thought that the slogans contained just a him too for the many personal sacrifices he made other enterprises lona, which the Stalinists gave of the corporation which broke back to Mr. Behn during the the Little Steel Strike in 1937.
touch of demagogy particularly when they looked to secure comrade Trotsky safety against the back only a month at the unusual kinds of democ.
American Telephone Tele May Days of 1937, General Motors Corporation machinations of the and for his per graph Co. Gifford Pays 13 Wage cracy which had been represented at Lima; but William Knudsen, S247, 210.
today the Macy Co. Percy Flint Michigan, where Mr.
between the slogans and reality sonal assistance during the grave difficulties 209. 650. is notorious seems to be spreading so wide that even a few which beset our forces while it was being proved organization of the telephone salary of a sales clerk at got a free city hospital, hasn for its refusal to permit union Straus, 100, 320. The average Knudsen conducts shop, hasn honest men are beginning to wonder.
to the whole world that the Moscow Trials were operators. Mr. Gifford, how. Macy is 13 a week. And got one city ambulance, allows For example, the war nearly began two weeks ago over the Italian occupation of Albania. No one frameups.
ever, is reported doing very girls are fired regularly for at unemployed workers cents tempting to organize their co per square meal.
will deny that the Italian venture was an act of well.
We consider Diego Rivera one piracy. Nevertheless, though this has apparently rld American Tobacco Co.
Remington Rand. James been overlooked by the daily press, Albania has great artists, probably the greatest ever to stand Hill, 380, 976. And Manufacturers Trust Com. Rand, 145, 181. Mr. Rand made never been known as a model of democracy. It was in the ranks of the revolutionary movement. We Lucky Strikes are still non panyHarvey Gibson, 127. extensive use of industrial mu151. Another of Mayor LaGuarnitions explosives and labor esruled over by a king who before gaining the think that posterity too will regard him and his union cigarettes.
throne, was a notorious bandit; and he ruled, after Borden Co. Wilbur, dia friends. Mr. Gibson pionage to balk unionization at taking office, with the same bandit and gangster artistic productions in this light. 95, 000. La Follette Civil Liber doesn approve of the slogan, his plants in New York, Conmethods in which he had been nurtured.
Our break with Diego Rivera and his resig. Borden employed the Railway National City Bank James ties Committee revealed that Give the Bankers Home Re necticut, Ohio and Pennsyl Oddly enough, Zog reigned as the direct depenvania nation from the Fourth International came for dent of Italy. And, still more odd. this arrangement Wage Cut for Workers Pennsylvania Railroad Comhad been supervised and decided upon by Great political reasons only. genuine revolutionists notorious labor espionage ser. Perkins, 103, 199. Mr. PerBritain.
pany Clement, 100. Ohrbachs Affiliated Stores 450. Mr. Clement principal who keep their revolutionary ideals ever before vice.
The religious issue, also, is a little curious in the Chase National Bank Wincase of Albania. Protestant England is main them can always compose the personal irritations throp Aldrich, 175, 000. Nathan Ohrbach, 52, 000. activity at the present time is getting objector: Catholic Italy the conqueror; and the victhat inevitably arise even among the most cool Mayor LaGuardia, labor Mr. Ohrbach has at various directed towards tims are most of them Mohammedan.
headed. No, the break did not come because lerich interest en coupe onds: labor espionage service in his he halt his plans for a 10 International law was no doubt violated. But international law was no less rudely upset, at Verartistic temperament and vaulting imagination sailles and after, in the creation of Albania.
could not overlook the small annoyances of daily Conway, 872, 860. Em by the way, is Business In ers on his line.
ployed Pinkerton labor spies in Millions. Profit In Pennies.
William Randolph Radio Corporation of Amer. 500, 000. Jingo, union smasher, Hearst. Sweet Freedom of Polish Democracy its plants.
The break came because Diego Rivera spon Fight Unionization ica David Sarnoff, 83, 333. Mr. all around reactionary and In the present crisis, Poland has been the focus of the chief vowed attention. Great Britain, which sored a petty bourgeois political party in MexCrucible Steel Company Sarnoff used labor espionage they say a good family man Hufnagel, 125, 000. Fought and links in strikes at his Cam managed to dry its tears over the gobbling up of ico, helped organize it, and accepted the post of the for months before den plants.
International Harvester Com. Manchuria. Ehiopia, Austria, Czechoslovakia, secretary in it. This is a most grave political a union contract was signed. United States Steel Company pany. Sydney McAllister Memel, has promised to take up the sword of an error in our estimation and irreconcilable with Diamond Match Company W. Irvin, 141, 300. Owners 131, 569. In thick with National avenging angel if one hair is touched on Poland tender little head.
the principles of the Fourth International, Fairburn, 100, 000. At of Little Steel subsidiaries Association of Manufacturers: There is much, perhaps, that might be said for various times employed Corpo which broke the 1937 has almost complete monopoly It is our belief that Diego Rivera has allowed rations on production of farm impleAuxiliary Service, strikes.
Poland. But one thing. am afraid, that cannot be ments.
specializes in supplying Money for Babs included by even the wildest imagination is that himself to become deeply discouraged by the Standard OH Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of finks.
Poland has ever tainted her governmental prac successive major defeats of the working class General Electric Company Company Frederick Ecker, New Jersey Farish, tices with the slightest touch of the heresy of democracy. Since the formation of modern Polandon a world scale, the defeat in China, the defeat Owen Young, 235, 000. Reg 150, 000. At the present time 119, 791. Mr. Farish recently in Germany, and now the last tragic defeat in ularly uses the seven anti unton Mr. Ecker is trying like all had Mr. Donald Richberg ar by virtue of clauses in international law written by the guns of the victorious Allies she has never Spain. Reaction seems to him to roll on with all tional Association of Manufaction of Insurance Agents.
propaganda services of the Narmad to break union organiza gue his case with President Cardenas for the return of the swerved from reliance upon the firm hand of millthe might and power of a colossal juggernaut turers, such as radio The Prudential Life Insurance oil fields which the Mexican tary dictatorship. The few years during which opcrushing position parties were permitted nominal and American Family Robinson. Company Duffield, 100, Government expropriated. It all democratic rights without which Guaranty Trust Company 000. Mr. Duffield sees cye to tough going. Mr. Farish. pathetic existence have long been ended.
art and culture are impossible; and the forces of Conway, 107, 551. The eye with Mr. Ecker.
Sears. Roebuck Company And the tortured persons of her Jews will prothe fourth International seem to him too wcak Bank owns some of the largest Woolworth Major Wood, 100, 000.
to stop it.
slum properties in New York Deyo, 200, 414. Mr. Deyo runs The Major, in a recent Boston City.
the shop for Countess Babs, speech, declared that it There are, indeed, few nations in the world that But not even the most fertile and ingenious International Business Ma sells Japanese goods on the wouldn be a bad idea if every have a more brutal record than Poland in the mind can create out of a solely temporary conconsistent repression of democratic rights.
chines Corporation Thomas side and fires girls who want American boy and girl spent six months in a labor camp.
Watson, 419, 396. Mr, Watson a union.
juncture of forces even though they seem proWe Are All Democrats Now gressive for the moment new principles of revAs recall, it was hardly yesterday that Chamsea mines and cleverly conolution and a new way to preserve democratic berlain and the prelates of the Church of England cealed suicide squads of ma were telling us that Russia was the most hideous rights. Marxism and the Marxist party of the chine gunners guard the is tyranny in history, and, besides, with atheism as land, says the Times.
workers still point out the only road to socialits state policy, was the anti Christ. Now Russia is ism, to genuine proletarian democracy.
the most wooed of potential allies 50. 000 men are now employed Atheism and tyranny are words to use when the Despite its apparent smallness in numbers and on warship construction in govmasses sense some hope in a new social system: ernment naval yards and prithe apparent strength of its enemies, the Fourth but arms and airplanes are more to the point when International is the only force in the world that vate shipbuilding plants acWith no reasons given the charge of 000 volunteers in cording to figures made public it comes near to the time to fight the war for de mocracy. Matters of ideology, said Chamberlain can shatter capitalism, the only movement which Fleet was suddenly or the Women National Service by the Navy Department on the other day when answering a questioner in the April 16.
will eventually gather to its banner the teeming dered to return to the Pacific House of Commons, do not concern us in a quesEmergency regulations for millions of the earth toilers, and crush all the the order. Not even ranking of the arrest and detention of tion of this kind.
An offer will soon be made Greece, too, has now been brought toward the iron strictures that capitalism in decay binds ficers of the navy were given aliens in concentration camps by the Government to exfold of democracy. Chamberlain and Daladier, about art and literature and civilized living.
an explanation of the order. In without trial were decreed by change 2, 000, 000 or more bales with the blessing of Roosevelt, have informed the Diego Rivera in a petty bourgeois party is a some circles, however, was the British Empire Hong of cotton and up to 100. 000. 000 world that if Greece is threatened the war for de interpreted as a move to offset Kong government.
bushels of wheat for large war tragic figure. In this he represents the tragedy of supplies tin and rubber. The mocracy will begin Greece, if recall correctly, not many years ago.
all those revolutionists who have grown dishearlin Tokyo axis. With the Eu. war supply factories offer will be made to Britain, after a long history of military and semi military tened and start searching for a short cut from ropean powers concentrating are so busy filling European the Netherlands, Belgium and on the Mediterranean, the move orders that China is finding it possibly other countries.
dictatorship. was definitively transformed into a totalitarian fascist state under General Metaxas.
the difficult road the socialist revolution must was obviously taken to demon difficult to purchase supplies.
strate determination not War risk insurance under Not to Speak of the Back Yard The House approved on April writers have withdrawn all quoto allow Japan to expand any We believe that Diego Rivera has made a further in the pacific. 13 additional funds totalling tations on shipments to the Such are among the flies that are spotting the grave political mistake. We hope that he will. 45. 024, 000 for drydocks, sup. Reich and to Italy; also on Ger. slogan ointment, democratic brand, which our masWar Department inspections ply depots and other public man and Italian vessels bound ters are spreading over the diseased face of the recognize it and with revolutionary integrity show that the National Guard works projects connected with for any port. Rates on other war into which they are taking us.
return to the ranks of the Fourth International.
has attained a war time effi national defense.
It would be downright unkind to add to these any But we cannot suspend a single one of our ciency. Its equipment will soon to 200 percent. War, predicted reference to the even more extraordinary democbe modern in every respect. Border troops of the Nether the underwriters, is likely to racy which prevails In India, Indo China, the political principles for any man 110 matter how 45, 000, 000 will be spent during lands have been called up for result from efforts by the de. French Sudan or even Puerto Rico. When Roosegreat he is in his own right and in his own the coming fiscal year to pur military duty because of the mocracies to bottle up the velt is next sending communications to selected domain.
chase modern weapons for the international war danger. Baltic and the Mediterranean. rulers of the world, and asking about intentions Guard tanks. anti aircraft Augur, Times London With the war tension becoming and pledges they are willing to give, he might inguns, field artillery and semi correspondent, refers to the more severe daily, new rates clude brief notes to Chamberlain, Daladier, and automatic rifles. Its aircraft extraordinary military pre will be himself. He might enquire: What are your respec.
units will be increased to 21 cautions taken by the Nether.
tive intentions as to India Indo China, the Sudan squadrons, each comprising 14 lands government. The mobili According to official and Puerto Rico? Are you prepared to pledge that in such and such a time you will free them and Representative Osmers of New Jersey has 200. 000 men are now enrolled. ing of mines under bridges and troops in active service in their hundreds of millions of inhabitants from the introduced a bill in Congress which would make roads.
Italy. Ethiopia.
frightful and shameful yoke under which you now Dodecanese Islands and Alba oppress them?
it mandatory when war breaks out to draft first Intense military and naval In Malta. keystone of the nia, exclusive of the Fascist Yes, it is harder today than in 1914 for a gang of of all, the President of the United States, the abraltar. Great defense booms British Mediterranean defense militia which can be mobilized imperialist robbers to be convincing when they Vice President, the Cabinet, all members of Con which were erected during the system. all officers and seamen in twenty four hours. The talk about making the world safe for democracy or for anything else except their own bloody profit.
gress who vote for war, the directors of corpora September crisis and later re were called to report for duty classes of 1918 1919 and 1920 moved have been put back at by an emergency summons. are under arms: that is to say, As the opening of the war gets close, while each tions selling war munitions, and the bankers who both entrances to the harbor Only 55 miles from Italian Sic the young men of nineteen, clique runs madly in its last desperate scramble make war loans.
which it is now forbidden to en ily, the island which lies twenty and twenty one years. for allies, the camouflage drops off, and the war Representative Osmers thinks that if his bill ter. At the cost of 150, 000, 000 across the direct route between The Italian fleet, numbering shows itself for what it is: a new world struggle for the re partition of the world among the major passes, it will keep the United States out of war.
a deep tunnel is being dug into the eastern and western sec. about 200 units, is believed to solid rock for air raid shelters. tions of the Mediterranean, is be concentrated along the Med imperialist rivals, a struggle to decide who will He believes that if those who intend to plunge Scores of caves on The Rock. bristling with guns. Hidden iterranean, especially near have first choice in the enemankind. All the fine and oppression of the great masses of the country into war were compelled to be the e being converted for similar guns, electrically controlled France. moral ideals, from democracy to religion to nafirst to face the bayonets of the enemy they use. Food supplies are being tional independence, are, for the imperialists, only stored. Royal Air Force dewould never declare war.
so much grist to the mills that turn out the cynical iachments are rushing comple.
demagogy whereby they hope once more to delude And the Congressman is right. He knows his tion of a landing field. Addithe people cional forces are being sent to cowards. The capitalists do not intend to fight Gibraltar to buttress those al. American Medicine Mobilizes James Rorty. 00 any war. personally. They intend to leave ready there. Four French Imperialism Hobson. 75 Politics and personal bias, instead of scientific that bloody job with all its risks and its horrors warships anchored at Gibraltar.
Jurisprudence, the justice department said recentThe British Common People Cole Their commanders debarked ly, often dominate the decisions of criminal court for the workers while they sit back comfortably and visited the British naval and Postgate. 00 judges, both federal and state. This conclusion at home and rake in the profits.
authorities. No report War In Our Tinie Spcier and Kahler. 00 was reached by the department in a survey of These same capitalists control Congress. They made on the purpose of the judicial practices, made public by Attorney Genvisit. 50 The German Ideology Marr and Engels.
have doomed Osmer little bill in advance just eral Murphy and covered 270 federal, state, municipal and county court judges. See how our neighas they have doomed legions of workers in ad fully armed company of SPECIAL bor lifts his nose, to tell what every striker knows.
vance to die for capitalist profits.
regulars has been sent by the British war office to Tanga. Journey to the End of the Night Celine. 590 Enrollments in classes at Harvard are Only a workers revolution in the United Tanganyika, the seaport near Add 3c per book for postage up 50 percent. with 450 students registered for the States can prevent the President, Congress, the the Kenya frontier. Governor next term, compared with the 297 presently enrolled. This is as accurate a barometer of condibankers, and the Wall Street moguls from Sir Robert Brooke Popham an LABOR BOOK SHOP tions as the New York Times business index, since marching the workers of this country into the ing reinforcements to Kenya 28 East 12th Street New York City the cons and sycophants of the bosses, in their own onrushing world carnage.
Lady Brooke Popham is in peculiar way, are as hep as we Marxists.
Draft the Profiteers!
Libya the An affirmative reply, just as a refusal to give the assurance requested by Roosevelt, plays into the latter hands. promise made by Hitler and Mussolini not to invade the territory of other nations not only brings credit to Roosevelt as a great peace maker; the inevitable breach of such promise will put Roosevelt in a stronger position to obtain the support of all the gullible peace lovers in any war like move he will deem fit to make.
Not only does Roosevelt put Hitler and Mussolini on the spot. He strengthens his own position at home. Iſe steps forth as a man sincerely devoted to the interests of peace, confounding his isolationist critics who have accused him of being a warmonger. Is he not justified in trying to bring peace to a troubled world and is not his request that Hitler and Mussolini refrain from attacking other nations more than reasonable?
Who but an extreme factionalist can oppose such a noble attempt to save the world from a disastrous catastrophe? Thus will run the refrain of Rooseveli supporters, well meaning and otherwise.
Intelligent workers will not be fouled by Roosevelt latest move. In the first place they will recognize that, even if Roosevelt plea is meant sincerely, the coming war cannot be stopped nor long postponed by any conferences.
Neither the British, nor the French, nor the American capitalists are willing to give up anything of value to the German and Italian capitalists. The fundamental rivalries between them must continue until the workers will throw them all overboard and use the resources of the world for the common benefit of all the peoples.
But one must indeed be gullible to believe that Roosevelt really thinks that his note will do any good. It is intended to strengthen his hand in his efforts to involve this country in the coming war between the fascist imperialist nations and the democratic imperialist nations. He wants to are New Books was