BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyMarxismNazismPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL In the World of Labor How Britain Rules Its Vast Colonial Empire 18 30. CHICAGO HEARST PAPERS LOSING but Campaign of Electrical Workers for Hour Day Is Model for All Unions fror LABOR LEADERS DECREE NO MAY DAY IN FRANCE On the Line.
By Paul Stevens The British have the reputa. The Plunderers of a World Domain Who Imposed the Iron Heel of Exploi ing to install in India, 500, 000 tion of being the world best tation on 500 Million Colonial People Have Taught the Fascists the Use people will be eligible to vote. Poor Little Poland ernment! Throw the Cagoulards in Prison. The Centros are the hooded French Fas. ple scattered throughout the The 500. 000. 000 colonial peo Of the Concentration Camp and the Fierce Despotism of Military Might 600, 000!
Carries on for Democracy All sorts of property qualifiAll eyes have been turned on Poland as the Naturally, the Stalinists and reformists in world and who are on the re cations, communal divisions, the newest and most dangerous of the powder France are entirely unconcerned with their celving end of this colonization som of colony they do a thor price of which is fixed by the tive worker: barrels from which the coming European and the job ing.
First their soldiers establish butter, wool, hides, rubber, etc. gain and reaping his profits British. Wheat flour, beef, driving his shrewd British bart etc. are put in the way of vot: And even the mildest nationberlain Daladier crowd, in their campaign of Daladier. Our French comrades depend upon of gold, thinking up new taxes military authority over the de are all imported at British that are based upon a world alist parties are outlawed 11 ericirclement against the Fascist Axis, have gle. All aid to the French Fourth Internation for starving peasants, creating fenseless people. Then they prices. from the other colonies wide preferential tariff sys they show any signs of gaining tem.
replaced the late republic of Czechoslovakia alists!
Where the British permit any strength. The colonial people Over and above all of them can no more vote for candiwith Poland in their propaganda as the symbol of the native sort of industrial growth workers, there is no one who nority a sekrement with a mi of the democracy they are fighting for, Why the Chamberlain Crowd Sees can hold a candle up to the population which they trans they make sure it remains in stands the financier, the ban dates of their choosing than form into servants of the Brit their hands only. British capi ker. the super imperialist of the workers Germany or Henceforth, we shall probably hear from them No Barrier in Stalin Ideology After the World War. Ger Ish imperialists. Finally after talists and bankers own the The City.
Italy can, and from their American counterparts in the Imperial Civilization many African colonies were they have purged the popula: gold mines of South Africa, the Roosevelt war machine, including the StalinWhere local parliaments do ists and social democrats. all kinds of out. Chamberlain reluctance to deal with the lattican natives who have lived have filled all the available the sute mills of Calcutta, the ized by the British in their col: are pulled in advance by laws rages being committed against poor little Poland.
Stalin sovernment of the Soviet Union in his under the imperialist rule of jails the British begin to rule. textile plants of Bombay, the onies have been schools for use that render them powerless.
It is And these parliaments are intherefore highly interesting to read in ly to tactical considerations on the part of have a saying that the only dit ships with the wealth of the Indies. The transportation and the children of natives who variably stuffed and packed by a not so old copy of the British Manchester Guardian, which is part and parcel of this two is that country. Gold, jewels, textiles public utilities systems of an work hand in glove for Cliveden set made a bogey out of Stalin. Only the British can do the goose they take everything. It is the colonies are in their posses. British who exercise automatic control campaign, how democracy actually fares Stalinist dupes and paid scriveners have re. step!
calculated that at least 50, 000. ston. Between 800. 000. 000 and In India, 300, 000, 000 people There is no more democracy in Poland.
garded Chamberlain as an opponent in prin The Polish terror in the Ukraine, wrote 000. 000 worth of material was 1, 000, 000, 000 is the annual prof. cannot read or write any lan in a British colony than there ciple of the Stalin regime.
Started Concentration Camps removed from India during the it made by the British from Buate.
The British originated the 19th century.
is in a Nazi concentration a correspondent of that paper, is now worse Now, that Hitler refusal to be held in tow idea of concentration camps their than anything that is happening anywhere in investments in India. The British never seriously camp! Military police dictatorhas forced Chamberlain to agree to a British during the Boer war when they One Crop System Have you seen in newsreels the attempted to raise the cultural ship is the system that rules.
Europe. The Ukraine has become land of Soviet alliance, the real attitude of the Tory penned up thousands of their owners, real estate British landlords, plantation flashing Crown Jewels of the level of any of the backward If this were not so, the colonial despair and desolation that is all the more capitalists to Stalin comes to light.
investors British ueen? That peoples they have poignant because the rights of the Ukraine laved. Peoples would have cast out have been guaranteed by international treaty.
The Marquess Donegall, one of their To this very day, thousands begin operations on the peas. the blood and sweat of count. They have never attempted to hated British rulers long ago.
nause the League of Nations has been alto spokesmen writes in Lord Rothermere Sun of miners who toll in the mines nebey the house the thersunho Mesner peasantset and workers, foot out primitive customs gether deaf to appeals and arguments and was glad to see Mr. Chamberlain state are locked up each night in them to work in the cities or drive stitions.
because the outside world doesn care. 10 From Both Ends that we have no ideological barrier to co op. labor compounds which are mines. They force the people Nor should we expect them And to these colonies the to do so! Ignorance and exConditions in the Polish Ukraine have, if policed by British troops.
eration with Russia. There are still a lot of people in this country before whom the Com In Indian cities like Calcutta to stop producing food neces. British export at not too small ploitation go hand in hand. anything. Become worse since the rise the e of Hitler threat. What treatment the Jewish mimunist bogy looms large.
and Bombay, native factory tion of food products that are 500. 000. 000 worth of manu: marked: coolie the comnority receives in Poland has been a matter They failed to realise that with the ousting of public scandal for years. Yet this is the of Trotsky and the execution of many of his an average 10 12 hour day needed in mother England) factured goods in the form of mon British expression for followers, Communism It by that you mean colonial worker) who can read that possess no water or toilet and organize profitable one textiles, machinery, etc.
poor little democracy that we are going to HEAVILY IN ADS Marxism with its aims of world revolution facilities: no bathtubs no cook, province of Bengal has an over the landlord beating down the cause he can free others!
be drummed up to defend in the coming conThis is the British Empire is worse than a free man, beflagration.
went west years ago.
ing equipment. nothing whelming majority of peasants native peasants; What has be mats on stone floors.
been growing up in Russia for mill owner Democracy in the Colonies According to the new ConstiThugs, violence, false stateWho gains by this constant who grow nothing but jute, the standing at the back of the naSixty Hours for the Workersyears is National Socialism. a bourgeois ments and court injunctions State.
have all been resorted to by Jail Terms for IV Internationalists Certainly not the masses of Furthermore, with Russia limitless reWilliam Hearst in an enpeople who live in the colonies!
Hand in hand with the Daladier decrees ab. sources that National Socialism is not They are ground down by such deavor to break the American forced into the position of being aggressive, rogating the forty hour week and replacing it Newspaper Guild strike against permanent misery that death with the sixty hours, with the decrees abolish as is Germany his two viciously anti labor becomes a way out for them.
It has, of course, paid the Fascists to keep ing nearly every economic gain achieved by India has the world highest newspapers in Chicago. the the French workers in recent years, goes the alive the Communist bogy with which to en.
death rate for the Herald Examiner, and the ferocious attack against the French Fourth tice gullible moderates into their camp. And All of the English colonies are newly born.
Evening American.
it is astounding how many intelligent Conbreeding places of the diseases Despite these efforts, the We have already reported here the arrests servatives in this country have only just By STANLEY LAUREN that accompany malnutrition awakened to the fact that they have been and famine, such as bone dis and with the bosses reducing the weekly pay checks of millions wear huge buttons reading 30 throughout the country. idea of the 30 hour week all over strike continues and is being Today, with millions of workers in this country without jobs. New York City. Their members given wide support from labor of our comrades Suzanne Charpy. Loret and Steve. Word now comes that comrade Morel, facing the wrong enemy.
who succeeded Charpy as editor of Revolu No doubt, the good marquess over reaches hook worm, plagues, etc.
eases in all forms, tuberculosis, of other workers by only giving part time work to their em Hour Week Practical Solution number of advertisers have tion, the organ of the French Youth Section is himself in this all too sanguine estimate. He is ployees, one union has found and effected what it calls a prac For Unemployment. Union likewise stopped using the colunder indictment on similar charges. Com simply working hard to change public opinion The Technique tical solution to the unemployed problem the 30 hour week.
When the British take posses The union, Local No. of the International Brotherhood of everywhere with this same sto March, they dropped a total of members paste up stickers umns of these two papers. In rades Beaufrere, Philipp and Forges, three in line with the change in tactics when he militants of the Revolutionary Socialist Youth.
Electrical Workers, with approximately 000 members in New kan. They have even made up 716, 913 lines under their lineage speaks of Russia as a bourgeols state. But the are likewise under indictment for provoking reference to Trotsky is sufficient to indicate York City, has faced the prob.
the military to disobedience, due to articles where he really stands. That the workers of lem of unemployment among did not stick to their word. Neon signs that can be display for the same month last year, They wanted profits.
ed. They are determined to let according to the April 15 Guild which appeared in the very latest issue of Soviet Russia and of the world have little to its own members since the faRevolution. Beaufrere has also been indicted mous Wall Street crash of 1929.
all unionists know of the bene. Reporter. Some national adexpect from a Chamberlain Stalin alliance Union Gets Wise. for disti leaflet entitled: Defend the that flows vord the mar For years the electrical work The union members got wis fits of the 30 hour week.
ers garded the strike and still paForty Hours! Down with the Daladier GovMake the Bosses Pay!
quess writes ere employed the baer. They discovered that the sis of an hour day 40 hour only ones to benefit from a de.
Hary Van Arsdale, Jr. busi tronize the Chicago Herald week. During the past ten crease in wages were their ness manager of Local No. of Examiner and the Chicago when as per cent of the union already. Local No. members dent of the Building Trades these advertisers as follows: The Guild Reporter lists with Bill Morgan membership was working and had sacrificed beyond endur Council, believes that the 30 best when 50 per cent were ance.
hour week can well go beyond Automobiles: Buick, Ford, brief news dispatch from employed.
The union members came to the confines of one union.
Chevrolet, Plymouth.
Paris, April 6, contained the Bosses Fire Men the conclusion that a shorter Van Arsdale says: Simple Chain Stores: NaThe story is told of the weary traveler who Roebuck; Joaves of bread or lamps than they can buy information that the National The bosses offered no soluwork day was needed but not arithmetic will tend to show, if tional Tea, Sears had walked many miles on a dusty road under back with their wages? If, for instance a skin. Executive Committee of the tion. They had discovered that a smaller pay check. They there are 30, 000, 000 workers Walgreens Drug.
a hot sun. Late in the afternoon he saw in the struggled towards this end and employed 40 hours or longer, Clothing: Bond Clothes, Lane distance a farmhouse where he knew there tables every week, can he take his week the national trade union or and efficiency of the electricai their first result was a contract and 10. 000. 000 are unemployed. Bryant, Richman Bros.
would be a well of cool water to quench his signed in November 1934 which that the establishment of the Drugs: Pepsodent Antiseptic, thirst. Accordingly he quickened his pace and self during the week? He cannot. Each week to cancel therapie essetton dous advances in the mechan, the same 11. 20 wake they had make it possible for the unem Drops. Bromo Seltzer Emerson provided for a hour day at hour day 30 hour week will Vicks Vapo Rub and Cough after an hour or so threw down his knapsack in every industry there are hundreds of thous four hour nation wide cessation ization of work, the electrical in the shade of the trees surrounding the lone day. Further struggles on the the members of Local Drug Co.
ly house. Then he went up to the door and knocked politely. huge, gruff man came to class cannot afford because their wages are port added that the worker accomplished a good deceived for working an hour ployed to find work!
Foods: Aunt Jemima Panfar below the prices established by the bosses tons that may Day celebra Ployer got as much as he could to 11. 90 51. 70 per hour) by who have the experience gain sup. Mrs. Wagner Ples. curs eight hours of work. The em Union brought the wage rate up therhood of Electrical Workers. Beechnut Coffee, Snyders Catpart of the Electrical Workers Union No. International Bro cake Flour Quaker Oats Co. side window and in a deep rough voice and their government. And while millions of growled, What do you mean by disturbing a law abiding citizen at this hour of the after workers and their families Bo Without the long do not oblige workers to out of the electrician, and since January 1936.
proper clothing, live in houses which are not take the day off.
the technical improvements reed by the operation of numer tiss Candy Co. Kellogg noon?
considered fit for cattle or dogs, eat food The warning is clear. If sulted in more work finished in In August of 1936 the union ous plans, believe that the solu. Brand Co. ve been walking all day, answered the which is not only scarce but thin, and live the their so called leaders can less hours, fewer electrical was forced to accept a hour tion for unemployment is the Gas and Oil: Phillips 66, traveler, and am very thirsty. Do you mind lives of convicts, the warehouses are filled to manage it, the French working workers were hired. The result day at the same hourly rate of hour day, 30 hour week, for if get a drink of water at your well? the brim with goods called surplus com class is in imminent danger of was tremendous unemploy 70 as they had adopted in all workers and look forward to standard Oil Co. Go right ahead, said the man at the win modities.
being turned over to the ment.
January of that year. This was its adoption in the very near Liquors: National Distillers, dow. but be careful not to break the pump.
Wilson a setback, because it reduced future.
Distillers. Schenley The electrical workers disBe patient.
Depressions are no longer considered the French fascist butchers with result of over production but of under conUnder the Socialist Premier covered that they had to solve the daily wage from 11. 90 to Today the task of organized Products, Carstairs Bros. Dissumuption in other words we do not consume Leon blume and the Redlicher the problem of unemployment termed en othouse rendre sonore labor is to fight for the 30 hour cillery Co.
Tobacco: Camels, ChesterThere Are Many Suckers Edouard themselves. The people who resulted from the reduction in week without reduction in pay.
shoes, overcoats, loaves of bread and radios Saladier, the mains somag hired them were not going to It about time the bosses were fields, Old Golds, Dunhill CigaThe weary traveler thanked the man and The electrical workers got brought up short. Let the boss rettes.
then walked back to the pump which was loand oranges in the storehouses of capitalism! ficently won by the French give up their profits no matter Wheat and corn and cotton are ploughed under workers in the strikes of 1936 how kind a heart they had.
sick and tired of paying for un es be the ones to pay for a Miscellaneous: American cated at the foot of steep hill behind the in the midst of hunger and cold! Pies and were snatched from them one farmhouse. He took along a tin cup.
electricairst woekere pleet inte sot richer. They were tied of blonde Brotherhood The Electrie: Feoctor som blentes, como These sea, the government pays money to needy by one.
At first he pumped quickly. But no water manufacturers are came. Then tried pumping slowly. But still Daladier now rules by decree practice required a good deal salary reductions while their al Workers has shown us how farmers so they will not plant the earth with law. The 60 hour week has of sacrifice on their part. They its. In January 1938 they put a bór must follow this example fight against the strike. Boyprof. to reduce unemployment. La therefore ding Hearst in his no water came. He was weary and thirsty.
necessary food or cotton! And all the while been installed. salaries have decided to share employment stop to the system of the work And although he was very weak, his burning there are millions and millions of unemployed been slashed. Over time pay and in that way alleviate the in every industry!
cott them!
thirst demanded he make one more effort. He ers paying for unemployment men and women and youth who suffer from has been cut. New tax burdens aistress caused by unemploy pumped and pumped. Finally, after a half malnutrition and other working class dtIt was about time, they decidbeen imposed Andment to individual members hour of hard work thin stream of water seases!
French fascism has been grow came out and filled his little tin cup.
who could find no jobs. This ed, that the bosses pay, and at the same time increase employ ing unchecked. The Front was decided on November 21, But one small drink did not satisfy his thirst ment.
Capitalism Is Like the Pump Populaire, sponsored by the 1930 when members of the During that month they held so he pumped and pumped and pumped until.
Stalinists to stop fascism, Electrical Workers Union voted just as before, another cupfull of water came And what happens to an unemployed work has instead stopped the work to work only days a week out for a hour day, at 12 a out. And after working hard for two hours he day.
finally had enough and prepared to continue er who applies for relief to the same govern ers. Their morale has been hours a day.
Get Hour Day his journey. But he was curious to know why ment which destroyed the food, set the prices strained further by the cata. Further Sacrifices the the man who lived there didn fix the pump and maintains a National Guard and police strophic defeat of the workers year later they discovered trical Workers Union work Five Little Pirates Rejoice!
so that it would work more easily.
forces to protect the private property of the May Day Needed Once again he knocked on the farmhouse All Stockholders, boss? Is he treated like the victim of an earthdous amount of unemployment. 580 for 30 hours work. Over: Carry On Now, if ever, the French door. This time the man inside the door and came out. Now he was Pened in. The For Grandpa War Is Near cross examined. bullied and treated like a need of an opportunity to re working decided to make fur the bosses exactly per hour.
fact he was almost laughing At the same time the reduc The third generation of Rock For weeks, according to his The pump? Something wrong? Oh no! It government if he has put in fifteen years or demonstrations on May Day. ployed fellow workers and on tion of hours has to a large ex efellers have definitely made widowed mother, Walter (Buddy) Merriell, 17. of Los Anworks fine! You see arranged like that on more on the job. It means nothing to the relabor own day. would enable November 9, 1931 they voted to tent solved the problem of un the grade in New York so purpose. Whenever someone knocks at my geles, anxiously read every door and asks for a drink always say Sure light, one yumf the worker has invested his eye them to feel again the strength work only days a week on the employment. While for the past sighthis lungs, scråp of European news. She ten years the union had only ciety. go ahead because every time one of you a merely But do In addition to sharing the 25 to 50 per cent of its members fellows pump a cupfull for yourself, you must the boss profits slowed up. He is forced in an in their power to deny available work, in August of working today more than 15 Sr. founder of the family for when he heard a new. com first pump five gallons up the hill into my sup to fill out hundreds of forms and blanks and them this opportunity. It is not 1931 they established an unem: per cent of the mem tune, never was able to gain mentator interpret a warning ply tank on the roof of the house. Ha! Ha! is såbjected to every possible kind of humili necessary, they say, for the proposed fundon membere en bestanden enar lenge speed up your membership in any of Gothing that the United States willi Smart trick eh? Why should work when there are suckers like you fellows to do it for me?
measly bucks are spent on him he is made to That means no parades, no tributed 15 per cent of his part. tem is not used. Electricians am ritziest clubs. His son be forced to plunge into war.
Ha! Ha. Yesterday morning he arosé feel that he is a social outcast, a loafer an stirring call to class solidarity. time earnings. Up to July And so the poor traveler, who owned no 1934, more than 1, 800, 000 of benefit of improvement in mathe Rockefeller cian and inter in and dispirited. dreamed ungrateful bum. Campaigns are carried on That means a show of weak house, no well, and who had no money. conin the press, over the radio and in Congress to ness, when the times demand this money was paid out in the chinery for their own advan ests, declined to place himself was at war and in the army.
tinued on his long journey. But he began to discredit the unemployed worker.
above all a striking show of form of contributions to unem tage the shorter work week.
in the position where he might he told his mother. had a think about the little trick of the pump and ployed union members Idea Spreads be subjected to the rebuffs ad gun and the shells were bürstthe supply tank. The more he thought the That is how capitalism works. Like the strength.
When the year 1933 rolled It is understandable that the ing around me and the airThe entire Building Trades ministered to his father, more he became angry with himself. suckaround, the electrical workers Council in New York has taken But the grandsons and great planes were droning over my er am I? he said to himself. Hum. May must be filled to the brim. And then the workcellation of May Day demonduced by the worker, the boss warehouses Daladiers and the De la were in despair. Unemploy the idea from the Brotherhood nephews of old John have head. Mother, m sick about be am but perhaps things can be changed ment increased The bosses of Electrical Workers and is fared much better. Nelson it. don want to kill any.
er is dismissed laid off. fired. And if he strations. It is unspeakably came to the union with the pro seeing to it that the entire Rockefeller can point to memone.
around for the better. There is that fat slob.
sitting on his fanny all day long in that nice wants to eat he must crawl back the boss He set off for high school, government and beg for each mouthful. But. of the workers own organiza sented to a reduction in wages. duction in pay. Only a few Laurence Rockefeller belongs he was ill. and went to the gar cool farmhouse, drinking the water pumped despicable that the leaders posal that they would stimulate building trades industry adopt bership in the exclusive Knickemployment if the union con the 30 hour week without re erbocker, as can John 3rd. Later he returned, complaining like the traveler, the worker is beginning to from the ground by thousands of travelers like myself. Hum.
get wise to the system. He is beginning to or tions should play the game of weeks ago the Plumbers and to the hoity toity River Club: canize his fellow workers all over America the capitalists and the fascists. The members of the union, bé bar.
for the purpose of taking over the pump and Warehouses Full Workers Starve lieving that they would be able Steamfitters, Local 463, won a Sterling Rockefeller has ac. ake where he had a gymnastic running it on a co operative basis with a workto increase employment, ac. smashing victory when they in complished the impossible. An hour later his mother At Your Service cepted a decrease in wages sisted on the hour day. he a member of the Union found his body. He had fasers police force to guard against the bosses.
from 13. 20 to 11. 20 for an The International Brother Club, as is William Rocke tened one end of his book strap How many workers in industry have ever The name of this organization is the Socialist THE APPEAL hood hour day work.
of Electrical Workers feller, who also is privileged to to the bar, looped the other end stopped to realize that each week they pro Workers Party. Fourth International. There The result was more unem think they have a good idea. sign checks at the Racquet and around his neck and stepped oft duce many more pairs of shoes, overcoats.
is a branch in your city.
POSTER SHOP ployment. The bosses, as usual, They have been spreading the Tennis Club.
a pile of books.