AnarchismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismIV InternationalImperialismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1939 320, 000 Miners In the Solid in Strike Trade Unions Hear Witnesses At Passport Trial APPEAL ARMY Inventor of Cotton Picker Says Planned Economy Only Way Out yours.
CONVENTION OF PROJECT UNION OPPOSES WAR Columbus Circle Rally Is SWP May Day Plan Order Day Plans Deprive Labor of All Freedom TROTSKY GREETS TRESCA ON 40th YEAR AS FIGHTER The fortieth anniversary of Carlo Tresca participa Enclosed is a money order send in greetings: Chicago.
tion in the working class Lewis Drops Miners Economic Demands; Holds movement was heelebrated Previously Disclosed Evidence Points to Linking in the May Day issue of es: St. Louis, Minneapolis. Los for a ten dollar. 10. 00) greet some of the New York BranchOut Only for Closed Shop York City with a banquet in local.
his honor in which represenWith Soviet Secret Police Cleveland, Akron and others. Here hoping for a slamtatives of many political We repeat: April 22 is the (Continued from Page Lewis and Muray call the shades of bang May Day issue. Bill deadline for greetings since the John Lewis and Philip miners out on strike for the opinion joined. Continued from Page 1)
Comrade Trotsky sent the gally changed by court order Trainor, secretary of the Bos paper must be set up in ad By WIDICK Murray, leaders of the closed shop.
tollowing letter to the well prosecution. They were the fom Adolph Rudewitz to Adolph ton Branch.
vance. committee in the current The closed shop is an impor Harry Zuckerman couple, Mr Arnoid Rubans, in which name known anarchist fighter: Likewise, the above branches While the politicians in Wash negotiations, therefore made a tant union weapon to consoli. Dear Comrade Tresca Adolph Rudewitz and John Sara passport was obtained on LAST CALL FOR with the exception of MinneaIngton are proceeding to carve pretense of fighting for these date the union position and to kotich In spite of all the profound April 7, 1936. The witness testi MAY DAY APPEAL: out the life of the Wagner La just and necessary demands of resist the employers efforts to divergences, fied that he had never applied polis, have failed to send in inOn Wednesday, April 26. the creased bundle orders. This bor Disputes Act. the National the coal miners. At the begin. break up the union organizawhich neither From the testimony eyman, met Edward Blatt.
given by for a passport and had never special page May Day issue week is your final opportunity.
Labor Relations Board is ready ning of the negotiations, Lewis tion. But one has got to be a you nor have the habitude Mr. and Mrs.
of the Socialist Appeal will be New York City is planning to to spring one of its most sensa announced that he would fight pretty smug bureaucrat to forto deny or attenuate. hope it is clear that, as intimata out.
Missing Defendants tional hearings in the case of for the 30 hour week, an in get all about the economic dethat you will permit me to friends of the Stalinist defenexpress the deepest esteem Again: Although there are the United Rubber Workers of crease in the basic daily wage mands of the workers and send Branches have until Satur handle several thousand extra dant Sharfin, they must have three defendants on trial, other day. April 22 in which to place May Day Appeals. What about America against the Goodyear and for the establishment of a them out into battle only for for you, as for a man who is been aware of both his political defendants are listed. each of their extra bundle orderend your branch?
Tire Rubber Co. of Akron, guaranteed annual wage. Ev. the closed shop. The miners Sixtieth birthday is being every inch a fighter. Your connections, although they whom is missing. They may, of in their greetings and collec Watch for the May Day ApOhio.
erything favored such a battle are striking anyhow, but have deny this, and of the activities course, well be the Robinson tion lists for the May Day issue. peal! The Voice of Militant celebrated by your friends of the passport ring. Witness, Rubens couple, who were not The amazing story of the de. at this time: the miners had already, in advance, given up and take the liberty of in for example, that Zuckerman Many branches have yet to Labor!
velopment and the results of every chance of success. They their claim to economic better cluding myself among them. was the main link between pseudonym. Among the missaverse to using more than one the sit down strikes in the giant would have commanded, in ment. No wonder the employI hope that your moral vig Sharfin and the forcers, and ing defendants at this trial is rubber plants in 1936 will be such a fight the unquestioned ers and the politicians think or and revolutionary ardor the Tammany politicians who one. Gerald Mark Moren.
facilitated the certification of on which both the company and support of every affiliate of the lant negotiators are brit will be conserved for a long time to come. embrace you the phoney passports. That that the name Gerald Mark The prosecution brought out the o. are extremely sensi. o. and many local union organizations of the whole heartedly.
Zuckerman has turned governcive Strike Effective Moren was obtained by court ment witness can only mean The miners, the best organ Neither side is anxious to The miners, with the splend Leon Trotsky that, to escape trial, he offered order. Blatt had affected the have this hot potato occupy the 12ed group of men in any indus id discipline and courage for April 10, 1939.
to snitch on his friend of 13 Phillipovitch. To prove that the change to Moren from Marko center of the stage but it is try of the could have which they are famed. have years standing. Aaron Sharfin.
Inevitable. For it was in resist halted the present backward shut down every mine tight as defendant Blatt was aware that By PYTLAK ing and cooperative farm proj.
ing the onsweep of the rubber movement of the and drum. To date the strike is Next government witness of he was arranging for a passJohn Rust, co inventor of the ects.
importance was introduced by port under a phoney name, the only practical cotton picking worker through their effective taken the leadership in the for. pretty near 100 percent effec Will Train Workers sit down strike that Goodyear labor.
ward march of all American Live The Rust Foundation, which Prosecutor Werner, He is prosecution introduced a Gary, machine, told this reporter that earned its notorious reputation Behind the stubborn demand Adolph Rudewitz, of Chicago, Indiana, grocer. John Sarko his invention would greatly ac is being organized by both Rust as a scab outfit.
Negotiators Give Way the man whose name and birth tich. Sarko ich teslifted that he celerate technological tunem brothers will haveiras come to The Ku Klux Klan, the Black But obviously Lewis and Mur for the closed shop lies the fear ray did not take this fight very of Lewis that the mine opera dise Legion, the Goodyear Stalh in obtaining a passport. From had last seen him in rasa hut ployment. The lot of the share is functions de training of the mate Club and countless other leading The very idea of tors will utilize the fight be he maintained, al seriously the introduction of evidence. Gary hospital where he latex ready miserable beyond nachined to use the new de st: chat some o: them great pioneering tween the and the followed by the examination of anti union organizations had movement in their industry for to break the organization of the Rudewitz by Werner, it was ture of the dead man and don scription, would grow steadily ment at the thought of the will find new types of employdied. Sarkotich identified a picmushroom growth and decline the 30 hour week is beyond mine workers. The reactionary higher wages.
worse learned that the chicago man tified himself as the person Asked what!
during this period while the.
by the the Goodyear experiment to the union growth. Spies, stool In Membership of the assistance of Blatt, was le. Phillipovitch.
cotton agreement with tenants. His own picker, which absolutely opposed to them. He pigeons. Mr. Paul Bergoff him provements in their present un not to sign self, the is about to be introduced, can is in favor of some type bearable economic conditions, the as the ProgresLaw and Organization do the work of 50 to 100 hand mestic allotment plan whereby doLeague. ex Mayor Nelson or the miners will lose their sive Miners of America, an (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Sparks and the war Veteranson confidence in and their loyalty affiliate, might be will pickers. Large scale introduc. the farmer will receive a bonus NEW YORK city wide tion of the new machine will on each bale of cotton sold for all the potential and fascist to unionism. So these supposed Ing to sign an agreement on convention of the Unemployed displace 75 to 80 percent of the consumption in the United scum took a crack at breaking brilliant negotiators proceed to more lenient terms.
While all union men are ral and Project Workers Union, atremaining tenants and sooner States.
the union but still it established other. They give away the 30 lying to the cause of the valiant tended by 82 delegates repreor later almost all wage labor Although a large scale a will become superfluous except housing program, cooperativo Bribing politicians, giving hour week.
that necessary to operate ma farm projects and retraining city policemen bonuses to club the increase They give away soft coal miners, the pre resolution denouncing Roose wage. They strike is seen as one more velt war mongering and de(Special to the Socialist Appeal) onstration which will be clearly chines.
and tear gas union pickets, and give away the guaranteed an pelling reason to cement an may do some immediate NEW YORK, April 17 Local anti capitalist and anti war in ahead honest fusion between the two clared the firm opposition of The tenants who remain will good, the inventor concluded.
od was used by the company and all the miners out on houses of labor. Labor, as the the Pasteles to any war the New York of the Socialist Character.
every other conceivable meth nun wage. Then they be compelled, if the land is suit only the introduction of a strike! For what? There is no present strike indicates, needs United States may enter and Workers Party is planning able to buy the machine lest planned economy of abundance to stop the rubber workers.
Begins at 2:30 disagreement between the two all of its strength to tight the demande de mantenite bespleist rete May Day rally at Columbus they be unable to compete. Mr. based on production for use granted so that the Headlines Are Due negotiating committees now on reactionary employers and working class of America may May 1, McKinney. City relatively isolated political Rust, who is not merely an in will solve the problem of tech united front of small and wages or working conditions. their anti union campaign.
par. ventor but also a man fully nological unemployment. UnIn the revealing of this story register its opposition to war. Organizer, announced today ties and groups, the statement of the social conse der such an economy new inbefore the America The delegates further demand. The slogans will include the continues, is no substitute for quences of a practical, com ventions cannot cause unemwill get a concise picture of th ed that all war funds be trans: anti capitalist slogans charac. such united action as May Day mercial invention, stated that it ployment but can only serve to whole story of the difficulties ferred to the unemployed and teristic of May Days of past requires generally. On the con was the duty of the government lighten the burden of toil and and problems that faced the budgets.
is to absorb standard of living in its early days.
Tom Girdler as a member of cepted as read and Sister Pear. lay offs, for increased united front. The Socialist the Board of Directors of son was applauded when she relief and for the six hour day.
Workers Party therefore will Goodyear Litchfield, announced that the The demonstration will be a celebrate May Day under its company president, Akron city had grown from 13 locals which colorful affair with banners own banner. The Party invites officials and others should be in (Continued from Page 1) Government service, the same split from the Workers Alliance for some very unpleasant pubfixing provision: am sugas it does the men in the army last fail to 22 locals again or and music. joint committee all workers who want to fight licity nor would there be cals and four locals.
ple Socialist League is work workers repelled by Stalinist The company will probably sesting. Mr. Chairman, that try to avoid the issues by the after the word article the wages paid to the highhine with 17 unemployed lo of the Party and Young Peo against war and fascism, all man who social patriotism and union The anti war resolution adopting on the arrangements, simple device There will be no ceneral wrecking to join in the demonword service be inserted. so stays at home.
of raising the cry ed was as follows: of revolution and Soviets that we shall very specifically Contracts Voided Whereas; today the world is united front May Day in New stration. All unemployed and The object of workers who want to Yezhov, the former head of the international scoundrels in against the sit downs of which know that this legislation shall fight against lay offs the fell into disgrace Stalin employ must now inThe government intends to threatened by a war in which a united front on May Day. a quite a few dozen were pulled ator asked, You mean a clerk have an easier time with re once more be called upon to Yay party statement points out, is and for hisher standards of re: for a number of reasons. But evitably come out into the at In particular, on May 20 in a store should have his sal spect to other working condi down their lives to protect and in genuine class struggle dem to carry on a relentless strug, fall are the Spanish events. The thousands of witnesses, vic1936 Goodyear yelled that the ar fixed. Taylor replied, tions. All legislation on hours expand the imperialist inter under onstrations. Everything.
genuine gle against the boss are urged rout of the armies of the Ro tims, and participants are now workers formed a Soviet at and conditions, as well as trade ests of the bosses, and working class slogans. to join in the demonstration publican government, which departing and fleeing from plant two when a group of cool Pretexts to Cut Wages union agreements on these subWhereas: the unemployed Stalinists Violate Tradition with us on May Day.
was brought about with the di Spain to all parts of the world.
headed union committeemen jects, will be declared The demonstration called by The demonstration take rect and most took charge of the plant to pre. Nye Committee in 1934 that the tually states: Many of these war. and void vent considerable bloodshed which threatened because of labore administrators regulations and restrictions are Whereas: the Roosevelt gov. involve masses. But the char. will begin at 2:30. The speakers very great danger both for the concerning the crimes of the the provocations of company were to be used to fix maxil expedient rather than necesernment frenzied preparations acter of the demonstration will and the program for the dem and its masters in the in Spain. Truth will be onstration will be announced in Kremlin.
come accessible to broad cirunionists and stooges mum wages for workers. sary to the well being of either for war are a mortal danger to be clearly patriotic class colcoming issues of the Socialist Innumerable crimes commit cles of the population in all Although 21 union men were Some of the pretexts whereby the Nation or the workers. In all workers. unemployed as laborationist and in favor of the Appeal.
ted on the Iberian peninsula by countries.
arrested for rloting the wages will be cut have already a national emergency much of well as employed and include so called collective. security If the Republicans had been frame up charges were exposed been indicated. One is the plea this expediency is lost and the the launching of a gigantic pro front of the democratic capvictorious, many would have and the union militants freed. that since prices are being operation of these regulations sram of over a billion dollars italists against the Rome Berbeen inclined to condone Stalin crimes: Conquerors are Boomerang Statements rise. Colonel Taylor can be pended. The restrictions are lions additional for warships, ing from the Provisional May not brought to judgment. But it has now become perfectly Another time Chi Slusser. an unofficial representative of ous authorized Federal and priation of 1936 was 425, plain. The tradition of the May clear that the infamous murgot drunk and tried to get tough afford to be franker on this with trade unions, and in other 725, 000, 000, and he could state agencies, by agreements 000, 000 as compared to 1938 Day demonstrations throughout ders of revolutionists only the years, the tradition of The average Communist Mr. Schuyler reports that served to facilitate Franco with union militants in the delicate topte: There is no ways.
Whereas: the billions of dol struggle against the bosses and plant, according to the union question that during the world in line with this, in 1934, the are being appropriated for de their wars, will therefore be Party leader is usually ready James was willing to victory. The blinders will fall ists, and he was ejected for his War the pay of workers was War Department was planning taken from the mouths of the to argue for hours at a time meet Mr. Ford on a public from the eyes of many a blindstruction and are being clearly violated.
The Socialist Workers Party our war machine and stop have equal opportunity to exabout the necessity of building platform where each would ed man.
In pursuance of his traditioncident will be termed ansur. cost of living. But, with prices as one of the restric for food, clothing, and stances, the May Day tradition the Trotskyists with their revo fashion. But Mr. Ford, the a timely removal of Yezhoy to an intelligent answer will stop higher wages.
can best be upheld by a dem lutionary slogans are under Communist Party leader, when say: Yezhov is guilty of all There is no question but that not be such a demand for tions to be scrapped. would a housing program, and Whereas; the Roosevelt govmining traditional American approached. eurved like an this. not But after all this, the company counter offenment has prepared a list of ernment is already engaged in ANNOUNCEMENTS ingtitutions.
Australian boomerang.
Another the to be the a campaign to militarize Mr. who will believe this cowardly sive when the hearings begin.
the column of Geo. Ford refused to de. cunning which begins to look officials like John House, Good dens of war as between the tor Clark of the Nye Commit the user at generals, captains.
oft more and more like stupidity?
turday night, April 22 at Courier, Negro newspaper, steam over the proposal in a For the crimes in Spain, Stalin year Local president, and Stan soldiers at the front and civil. tee. Merely a tentative draft, and other army officers in the 167 29th St FREE we learn that James Ford, one long letter to Crisis in which himself is personally answer ley Denlinger. attorney for the ians at home. This slogan is not passed on or approved as administration of relief, Ur. have made some in popular among the veterans as yet. replied Col, Harris. This and STA BEER Admission Men 50c of the hot shots in the Commu he gave no coherent reason for able to the world working class advised statements on sit a protest against war profiteer will be a special board, the Therefore Be It Resolved: Ladies Free ederspiorkers: aidate for vice president of the ly called James by the most of the Comintern and for the downs, etc. and these can easi ing, but with typical demagogy, Legal Division, charged with That the Unemployed and United States on the Commu selective assortment of names murderous policy of the ly boomerang Roosevelt turned its point in the illegal task of suspending Project Workers Union of New GRAND BAL MUSETTE Paris nist Party ticket turned down to be found in the Daily One thing is certain, how another, direction. In Decem: this selected list of laws and York, voicing the determina comes to New York. Satur a chance to debate with Worker.
Almost in every country in ever. For the first time in ber 1934, after announcing at union contracts.
tion of more than 3, 000 unem Ford has always been willing the world there are people who o. history, the whole story a press conference that The Profiteers Pleased ployed and workers, de(59th St. New York City. James, famous Negro writer from Great Britain, to debate with apologists for have passed in one way or anof sit downs, etc. from every time has come to take the prof French orchestra. Auspices clares its firm opposition to any Among the first laws to be war launched by the governpoint of view is going to be its out of war. Roosevelt went French Workers Committee. Proposed by Wilkins capitalism and with mild lib other through the hands of the The proposal for the debate erals of every hue, but when After the massacre of told on to deplore the fact that scrapped will be those dealing ment soldiers who enlisted or were with women and child labor. That we support a people at came from Dr. Roy Wilkins, he had the chance to debate a Spain, the number of such indrafted into service served the There will be a Reserve Wo referendum on war so that the REFUGEE NEEDS 7th St. Saturday, April 22 Negro journal, Crisis. Mr. per cent for emancipation of creased. When forced to free in a hazardous manner man Power Division: The spe employed and unemployed Keep this date for a jolly eve. wilkins thought that it would his race, Mr. Ford found it ad their victims from the clutchA TYPEWRITER form for a day while munitions cific mission of this division is workers shall have the right to ning. Auspices: Downtown be of real value to the Negro visable not to appear on the ing claws, the agents of the the voice their opposition to war.
race in the United States to public platform.
Branch and the Ley hear a debate between her United States, speaking on hands. The fear of this threat recruiting, training, and infil.
day. Times. usually say: RememSedoff Unit of the That we demand all war two New York City.
In the same vein, about a tration of women, not gainfully funds to the unemployed.
James has been touring the ber we have far reaching The American Fund for prominent Negroes who Political Prisoners and Refweek later. Colonel Harris employed, into industry, com That we shall join with agree on what is the best pro. The Decline of the British seals many a lip. We must now ugees needs a typewriter for wasn that such a spread merce, and auxiliary services.
forces in the labor The ABC of Marxism gram for the Negroes to ob Empire.
do all in our power to make the a refugee recently arrived share our views tain their full rights.
Thousands of workers, Negro terrified ones speak up. Our in this country. In order to them mentioning the swollen also for duty with the armed for the purpose of consolidating By HAL DRAPER Ford program, as is well and white have heard his pas comrades in all countries must enable him to earn a living, salaries and war bonuses paid forces. the plan specifically the strongest possible move simple, clear and com known. advocates supporting sionate words against the un explain to all former victims a typewriter is an urgent out to the patriotic presidents states. There will be a Council ment of resistance to war and prehensive explanation of the Roosevelt capitalist gov. bearable exploitation visited on and semi victims of the necessity. If you have of DuPont, the Hercules Pow Minors to impress children war mongers.
basic Marxist ideas. for ernment in the coming world the oppressed of the world that it is their direct duty to der Co. etc typewriter you can give or Conclusion? below 18 into industry.
study classes and self study. war. James program as em They know him for an honest tell everything they know.
lend this refugee, please Equalize the burdens of the What is the attitude of in WANTED: Comrades to share soldier and worker by bring dustry toward the plan? ar communicate with the Amer.
bungalow on Lake Hopat 40 pages, mimeographed bodied in the carefully written and sincere Negro leader ready their relatives in the books which have given him an to carry his message anywhere will not suffer if the revelations Jersey cong. New ing the latter wage nearer interviewer from the Nation Good pamphlet, printed cover.
ican Fund for Political Pris.
swimming, boating, fishing Published by the National enviable reputation throughout and to debate it against any assume a mass character. The oners and Refugees, Room a day too!
Business asked Assistant Sechitchhiking easy. Answer Educational Dept. Socialist liberal circles, advocates work: one with the courage to stand organizations of the Fourth In1609, 100 Fifth Avenue, New An American Legion organ etary of War Johnson, who is o Socialist Appeal, 116 Workers Party, 116 Univer ing class solidarity. equal up and defend his convictions. ternational can and must give York City, Algonquin 8649, University Pl.
summed up the plan casually in charge of the sity Place, New York City.
rights for Negro workers, and The action of Mr. Ford cannot these revelations, such a mass and arrangements will be in the following manner: This One of perfect cooperation. FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEP.
Single copies: 10c, 150 by made to call for the ma. draft plan, as you know, pro Johnson replied. So far as mail. 7c in bundles of 10 or against capitalism and its op. the Communist Party leaders an extremely urgent task in chine.
poses to draft all workers and know, one of perfect satisfac. SUR. eps desireenasition. more.
pression no matter what its are playing a role far less hon the struggle against the interall manufacturing plants into tion.
Call AL 8547.
form might be.
national Stalinist Mafia.
The officers reports were ac meainst fascism, againses ens deceptive caricature of the laborers on nation wide hous generally Yezhov Victims In Spain Must Cry Out. as in the last the nostalimsustati no me he place at Columbus circle and time of the op. represents a verywhere their testimony Mr. FORD SQUIRMS OUT OF DEBATING JAMES