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ny Workers Socialist Appeal of the World Unite!
Build Workers Defense Guards!
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International. Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, NO. 26 FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1939 Set up and Printed, by Union Labor.
Application for Label Pending 3e a Copy PEACE PLEA CLOAKS WAR AIMS PRES. ROOSEVELT IS DRAGGING US INTO WAR! Order to Fleet Is Designed to Head off Japan PRE WAR PROFITS WAR PROFITS content or being along made in base the deep: RANKS OF MINE How Much Democracy WORKERS SOLID Is There To Defend?
United States who sail under the fag of AS PARLEYS LAG President Roosevelt is dragging the but for the preservation of Wall Street in What the Last War for Democracy Was About!
United States into the coming war! terests in China. The naval order was obviHe has received no mandate from the ously issued in harmony with the orders 703 PLUS people who hate war and do not want to recently issued for the movement of French give their lives and freedom for either one and British warships in the Mediterranean.
of the rival imperialist gangs.
Roosevelt is already acting in concert with He has not even received authorization the war plans of Anglo French imperialism.
Main Sphere of Action in War Will Be from Congress which is supposed to have the exclusive power to declare war.
By whose authorization?
Pacific; Navies on Move in Europe; Yet he is boldly committing the armed The day before his appeal to Hitler and Mussolini, the Associated Press reported Chamberlain Woos Stalin and potential forces of the United States to one side in the coming show down for that United States Ambassador Joseph Kennedy called on Prime Minister Nevmastery of the world wealth and power.
HITLER READY FOR DANZIG COUP ille Chamberlain, congratulating him on his Woodrow Wilson plunged the United statement in the House of Commons yesStates into the last War for Democracy terday in which he extended guarantees of OR President Roosevelt open declaration that he was ready with the cry of Force force to the utindependence to Greece and Rumania.
to plunge the United States into the war now impending in most!
Who authorized Roosevelt AmbasFranklin Roosevelt is preparing to Europe was the week major development in the world s!
sador to take any such step?
permanent war crisis.
plunge the country into another treacher Who has decided that the United States That he expected war, and not peace, to be the most ous War for Democracy with the cry of is to be sent into a war to guarantee the likely sequel to his dramatic intervention was shown by Force against force!
frontiers of Poland, or of Romania, or of Roosevelt simultaneous order to the United States fleet to The President has addressed Hitler and Greece? Those frontiers were established return with maximum speed to the Pacific.
Mussolini with a pious appeal for peace to by a bandit war which ended with a peace The flect move was made because the Pacific will be last at least ten more years, if not twenty so atrocious in its provisions that the the most vital war zone for five. He asks them to guarantee the inde American Government of the time was Yankee imperialism. Japan major development was the pendence of thirty one countries.
compelled to refrain from signing it.
has taken another stride for tween Britain and the Soviet opening of negotiations beOnly babies and fools will be deceived ward in its own expansionist Union for bringing the latter by this appeal.
Roosevelt has been in office more than program by annexing a string into the Anglo French bloc.
In the first place, Roosevelt and every six years. He has not solved a single fundaof islands 300 miles long in plicated by a whole series of These negotiations were combody else in the world knows that there mental problem of the crisis. Millions are the China Sea, acquiring po factors. Neither Poland nor isn a chance in the world of getting the still tinemployed and on the verge of startential naval and air bases Rumania both now guaranFascist monsters to give such a intec. vation. Industrial life continues at a low athwart the routes to and accept the prospect of Russian teed by Britain are willing to Even if there were, it wouldn be worth level. The whole labor movement is struck from British Singapore and troops marching across their the paper it is written on.
blow after blow. by employers, by the Borneo, French Indo China, the countries. They are still torn In the second place, Roosevelt knows government, by the courts.
American Philippines, and the by the contradictions of their Dutch East Indies.
unfortunate position between and everybody else should realize that a Roosevelt latest solution for unemployTo Parry Japan the Nazi ogre on the one side number of the countries mentioned by him ment is to kill off a few million in the It is to parry the further and what they regard and have have already been deprived of their inde ghastly war that impends. He hopes to turn Japanese moves that are in always regarded as the Ruspendence by the Great Democracies.
evitable when war breaks out sian menace on the other.
attention away from his bankruptcy at in Europe that Roosevelt wants Moscow Cautious Ireland, Palestine and Egypt are under home by rattling the saber of war.
to keep the fleet in the western the heel of British imperialism.
ocean, the mastery of which Moreover the Moscow govSyria is the conquered booty of France, est horror and hatred of Hitler and Mussowill be one of the key issues of ernment on its own part has the coming war as far as Wall been unwilling to accept the whose airplanes and machine guns have lini. But at the same time they have no Street is concerned.
taken a heavy toll of the native tribesmen.
Anglo French courtship at its reason in the world for trusting the imperMeanwhile in Europe guns, face value. Stalin wooed and Roosevelt spurious appeal is merely for ialist pirates of France, England and the ships and men continued to thought he had won France in move in pace with war making 1935 and he deliberately stranthe record otherwise it would have been diplomacy on all fronts. The gled the Spanish revolution in preceded by the granting of complete and democracy.
President Roosevelt has sought to appear before the Amer.
navies of Britain, France, Ger. order to stay in Marianne genuine independence to Roosevelt own They must not allow themselves to be ican working class as the defender of the democracies. In Justifying his war program he has pointed to the defenseless the Mediterranean and along years. At Munich he was rudscolonies: the Philippine Islands, Puerto tricked into another War for Democracy. Principal Demands Are democracies lying to the south which need our neighbor.
Europe frontiers armies were Rico, the Virgin Islands, Samoa, etc.
kicked out.
Roosevelt talks a good deal about dle.
ly protection. As part of the attempt to build up the illusion, moved into fighting positions.
Acting Secretary of State Sumner Welles stated before the Surrendered by As Hitler set April 28 to It is made for the record so that RooseHaving long since abandoned mocracy and rights.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee that he knows of no make a formal reply to Roose the international working class veit may be able to justify entering the At the same time, he drives íull speed Lewis Murray government on the continent that is not a republic. To which wedke inso Bermain was capable of returning to the prowar on the grounds that he did all in his ahead to war without bothering to consult Senator Borah added that We will call them republic It does not inake any difference what they are but we will power to prevent it.
people whose oppositrying to get Poland to give up gram of the world revolution the masses of Some 320, 000 soft coal miners designate them republics.
the Free city without making the only program capable of It is made for the record, because Roose tion to war is perfectly well known. are out on strike in the Appa roll call of the 22 countries of Latin America reveals that it a cause for war. Roosevelt saving the Socialist foundations lachian region. Since April welt has already taken decisive steps to Let the people demand the democratic 19 of them are ground under the heels of dictatorial regimes seconded this by omitting Dan created by the Russian revolupits and shafts from Pennsyl.
commit the United States to participation zig from the list of states in his tion Stalin has since been ocright to vote on whether or 1106 they want every bit as brutal and oppressive as the Fascist regimes on vania to Alabama have been the other side of the Atlantic.
message to Hitler and Musso. cupying a cautious middle poin the war to enter the war, on whether or not the idle. Almost continual conferlini.
The 19 dictatorships are Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicarsition. In the present crisis he United States shall participate in it!
ences have been held for over At the same time the appeal was issued, agua, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico an Amer.
has sedulously left the door a month at the Hotel Biltmore Fear Gibraltar Coup virtually the entire American Navy was Demand the right to a popular referen in New York City between the loan colony British, French, and Dutch Gulana, Venezuela, Simultaneously concentration open to any possible deal with Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Haiti, ordered to the Pacific Ocean. The order of troops in Spanish territory Hitler and held the suddenly dum on war, no matter where it is to be operators and representatives close to Gibraltar and in Mor. Daladier off at arm length.
affectionate Chamberlain and of the United Mine Workers of Costa Rica, Panama, Argentina, and Cuba. Only in Chile, universally understood to be a belligerent fought!
Colombia, and Mexico can the democratic form of govern rocco kept the western admirAmerica, but both sides deOrganize to stop the Roosevelt regime clared up to April 17 that the ment be said to exist! This is Roosevelt continental axis alties on the jump in fear of a The present negotiations apgesture against Japan, the partner of the designed not to defend democracy but the profits of Yankee coup in Morocco or even ton of a limited undertaking pear to be tending in the direcRome Berlin axis. The threat to Japan is from dragging us into a new world negotiations were hopelessly imperialism from inroads of Wall Street rivals.
against Gibraltar itself, not made in the interests of democracy, slaughter!
On the diplomatic front the by Stalin to join the AngloMeanwhile all large metro.
French bloc. This is by no politan centers of the east are means determined, however, as Walter Duranty, in his own facing imminent coal shortages. The transit lines of New sodden, incoherent way, has York City have only a week supply on hand. Other large York Times.
been insisting daily in the New eastern cities are in a position Not So Hostile similar to New York.
New York Mayor La Guar At the risk of appearing dia wired President Roosevelt tresome, he said in a dispatch last Sunday. am once By HAL DRAPER of wage earners in one lumpally provides for the fixing of last Sunday, asking the latter By NAT LEVINE explained by the Soviet Em more forced to repeat that in The Industrial Mobilization Actually, the wages of the wages by a government war was believed that the President (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
bassy in Washington on the my opinion in regard to a poPlan of the war Department, large mass of workers did not board to use its powe dan would make some move in this up by government prosecutors at the trial of Ossip Garber, Ed well be Trotskyists. The labor and Germany on the one side is ward Blatt and Aaron Sharfin, the three men charged with a papers mentioned were quick and France and Britain on the to be sprung on day, has the cases declined in comparison trol Commission (which inci direction.
dentally will consist of indus Contract Provisions conspiracy to forge and alter passports for eighteen men and to see in the Embassy another, the Russians are not so As Colonel Harris of the War It is no wonder that the Sec trialists, with no labor repre.
The contract between the women, among them the Moscow. imprisonet agents. nouncement the elements of an entirely hostile to the Germans Donald Lewis Robinson and Ruth Marie Rubens.
in discuss retary of Labor made the fol sentation has the right to the coal operators and the other frame up trial in Moscow, and the Italians as the British Departmentaista teda bor discusse loving report during the war greatest single element of cost years: With the exception of methods or policies and which expired on March tablish the Stalinist relations which existed between the Robin revolutionary movement for its formulation Although the government has not thus far attempted to es to be aimed at the American and the French may believe.
the control of 31, provided for a 35 hour week It has long been a wellopposition to the Kremlin for known fact that Duranty does in wartime and therefore ex the sacrifices of the men in the rices and profits, and for the in the bituminous coal fields, son Rubens couple and the de and a daily basic wage of in fendants, it has been previously charge in other periodicals. eign policy.
not write as he pleases but as order that once again the earn. sacrifices have come from It has been many times dem the north and 60 in the south. revealed in the Socialist Appeal Suspicion of the couple as sov: This contention was com the Ings of Steel may rise those at the lower rung of the onstrated by the Nye Commit Aminer would consider it a were on intimate terms with became known that on their arworld press carrying Inter Cher Stalin himself or an he die These diselfrom 52 million to 500. Wage in tee of the Senate and others, miracle, however, if he earned tromos a suhegn dia from 1914 creasesrespond last to the that wartiment priced hvor being an average of 1, 000 during the the Communist Party. 1937. they registered at the Na, him as saying that he had been wors continuing advances to various people close to and in rival in Moscow in November views with Robinson, quoted portant faction close to him fato 1918 It has often been pointed out their meager returns are hard to be effective. Not so with All eastern coal miners have that workers wages rose ly adequate. In view of the in. wage fixing, when any attempt been unemployed more than portsaribber forsed or endered Robinson name that had with Japanese sples and had the Anglo French combination.
sharply during the World War. creased cost of living, to main by the workers to protect their half the time during the last by Garbero and Blatt and put been openly proscribed in July later made a visit to Leon But Stalin is no longer a free Insofar as this is true, the war tain thetr meager standard of interests will be met with mill. two year period and many coa into the process of certification of that year by the Soviet press Trotsky in his Mexican refuge agent. Around him are the ruDepartment is determined that life. It is upon them the war tary repression.
miners throughout Pennsyl care of the Drama Travel ed by the police.
Prosecution Alm Undefined ins of the revolution he stranIt shall not happen again. But pressure has borne most sev. while the Plan clearly re vania, West Virginia and AlaWhether the prosecution in gled and beyond that the hos even for the last war, this fact erely. Too often there is a quires the fixing of wages, the bama have hardly been able to League at 12. West 46 Street, As stated in the last issue of tends to establish any motive tile capitalist world in all its does not tell the whole story glaring inconsistency between day bulls introduced in Con find a day employment dur whose head, Helen Raviten, is the Appeal, the couple pre: for the passport frauds cannot factions. which still wishes it Real Wages Drop our democratic purposes in Bresz attempt to gloss over ing the last contract period c) while the money earnings this war abroad and the auto this feature, but the men be. The rank and file of the soft one time personal physician to Blatt for. the care of their ernment has confined itself to problems by carving up the of all employed wage earners cratic conduct of those guiding hind the are not so am coal area demanded therefore William Foster. daughter if we are detained the secondary matter of estab rich markets and resources of rose by 63 per cent, their real industry at home.
biguous. Colonel Taylor, Amer. a reduction of the work week, May Be Agents abroad lends weight to the lishing only the guilt of the Russia. That is a hope that wages (as compared with the Will Fix Wages ican Legion agent in Washing: an increase of pay, and an es The charge of agents change that they were a party three defendants. In that come will be abandoned only when rise in prices) rose by only This time the government in ton and reputedly the author of tablished minimum annual sal against the Robinson Rubens to their own phoney arrest.
nection, the Monday session the workers of a war torn world tends to give those guiding in the Sheppard Hill day bill, ary guaranteed every coal couple was first launched by Frame up Elements per centen this figure is saw three important govern grasp the reins of power from the Socialist Appeal and was On inquiry from the Statement. witnesses called by the the bloody hands of the capital.
ed at by considering all strata down wages. The Plan specific. Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) followed soon after by a similar Department, the arrests were (Continued on Page 2) ist war makers.