CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismSubversiveViolenceWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1939 British Imperialism Prepares For War to Save Its Spoils of Piracy IN THIS CORNER of the of Members OSEPH HANSEN Bankrupt jadifferent about acknowledging. its appalling edge by military noticencealer and talke division. The per ricoh temat Anteri evolved into capital ist.
SOCIALIST APPEAL believer in democracy? Doesn he believe in the democratic process of persuasion?
Vol. III, No. 25 April 18, 1939 ls a worker or farmer, once he dons a uniPublished twice a week by the form, a different kind of animal than a worker SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS or farmer in overalls? Yes, says Roosevelt. In at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Algonquin 8547 uniform he is the slave of those whom he serves with his life, a slave whose mind must be warped The Sun Is Finally Beginning to Set on the Empire Which Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months and dried up so that he will be an obedient pup Is Girding All Its Strength to Hold Its Possessions Spread Foreign: 00 per year. 50 for six months. Bundie orders: cents per copy in United States: pet resigned to die at his masters command.
By Ruthlessness, Terror and Fraud Over the Entire Globe cents per copy in all foreign countries. Single With an army of such slaves, Roosevelt and By Max Shachtman copies: cents.
the capitalist class can permit a certain freedom By SHERMAN STANLEY or about 12 belong to this, extracting coal and gold from Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for One fourth to the un uniformed workers, since the slaves six months: 00 for one year, world dominant ruling race. And only the mines of Transvaal, Indian land area about 40 million inhabit moth laborers weaving jute products President Roosevelt has made lit fairly plain, by Reentered as second class matter February 16, can always be sent to put down the others 1939, at the post office at New York, under that the mechanics of democracy under capi population!
One fourth of the world er England. the imperialist in the mills that line the his endorsement of an editorial in the Washington the Act of March 3, 1879.
nerve center of this world Em shores of the Ganges, Scottish Post, that in a war between the Axis Powers and talism.
One fourth the world pire. It is this minority about shipbuilders working on British to 13 that domineers over Men of War in Glasgow harbor, the Democracies in Europe, the United States Editor: We say: in uniform or out, the worker and food supplies!
MAX SHACHTMAN will be on the side of the latter, whether or not the So may we describe the im the lives and destinies of hun. Indian fur trappers in Canada United States was at the outset physically inAssociate Editors: farmer must liave the opportunity to learn the perial might and majesty of dreds of millions of subject Hudson Bay Areas HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW the British Empire today that people.
truth about his oppressors, and we intend to see Empire which has reached the British propagandists are ac WAS BUILT EMANUEL GARRETT that he learns the truth.
Virtually up to the eve of the declaration of war height of its historic course and customed to dividing the EmBy conniving where possible, against Germany in 1917, not even Woodrow WilBusiness Manager: upon which the sun is finally pire and its tributaries under by fraud where conceivable, by various headings: Mother Engson went so far in committing the United States so STANLEY beginning to set.
unavoidable, emphatically and unambiguously to participation British imperialism is prepar land, the Dominions, the Crown conquest where in the war.
ing to go to war. The entire colonies. Protectorates and in this Empire was built.
FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST population of Great Britain is dia, which they classify separ Since losing the 13 colonies It would therefore be well to refleot, while there No social order in history has ever been so is still time, on what the American masses in uniWORKERS PARTY FOR: military notices, air and false division. The British ist America, the British im.
form would be fighting and dying for.
rald drills, conscription drives Empire consists of England perialists have not given away.
the industrial and financial rul or freed single inch of land Western civilization is imperilled according job and a decent wage for every worker.
and feverish preparations TH to Roosevelt. Imperilled, presumably, by the total wizards of every variety, including the conscription of the laboring ing heart of the Empire, with that came under their rule.
itarian, Fascist states, by their brutal violation of Open the idle factories operate them under masses. The munition plants London, the City as it is On the contrary, for a 200 Master Magician Roosevelt have taken a crack workers control.
the sovereignty and integrity of small nations, by work around the clock day in called in imperialist circles year period they have kept up at the problem of unemployment. Ten years of and day out. England huge at the center. Then there are a speedy rate of expansion and their assaults upon democracy. war to safeguard Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works the latter is a sacred and just war.
and housing program.
uninterrupted crisis have passed, and with every textile plants are being con the dominions of Canada and extension.
verted into war production Australia which in reality have The provinces of India were One Must Look Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum warcconceivable plaster applied to the ailing economic Realities units. Eath ship of the British the status of independent. cap. subjugated by a conquest that 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on body, there are still some 13, 000, 000 workers navy has steam up and is pre talist nations in their own extended over a period of 150 Now if that were really the case, a strong arguall jobs.
pared to sail at a moment right. These countries have de Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability uueniployed in this country alone, not counting notice to the military posts as veloped an independent capi. years. Millions of natives were either killed by the civilizing ment could undoubtedly be made for a war against their families.
the Fascist Axis, even for a war launched without talist class and are not directly bullets of His Majesty copension.
signed by the Admirals, delay, without waiting for further steps by Hitler Thirteen million workers who want to work The Empire was built by under the thumb of the British lonial troops or died from famand Mussolini. But the truth of the matter is that Expropriate the Sixty Families.
so that they may cat and live like decent human lage. terror and destruction. HUGE EXTENT OF violence, conquest and pil imperialists.
ines artificially induced by the the issues of independence of small nations and of conquerors. All war funds to the unemployed.
democracy play no part whatsoever in the considbeings but who cannot, because capitalism is the same weapons keep it to SUBJECT COUNTRIES Ceylon, Hongkong, Egypt, erations of those who are talking about and plan8. people referendum on any and all wars.
so bankrupt that it can live only if millions gether over the opposition of of overwhelming importance South Africa all were con ning the coming world slaughter.
the masses of people who com in the British Empire are the quered by force of arms. No secret diplomacy.
starve and die!
There is a simple and easy way to test this aspose it. But when it comes to numerous colonies where Brit Germany African colonies sertion. One has only to look around at the reali10. An independent Labor Party.
It is true that capitalism in its fascist form preparing for war. then the ish might and force reign su were part of Britain prizes ties.
11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante solves unemployment but only by substitutworld is told of British democ preme.
from the World War.
and Fascist attacks Far Eastern Colonies: India, racy. British civilizing powLet us assume for the moment that Roosevelt, ing for it the most degrading kind of slavery Privileged rights and ers, British love of peace. Ceylon, Malaya, Hongkong. spheres of Influence were Chamberlain and Daladier, the spokesmen of the for the toiling people.
three great democracies, are really concerned SCOPE OF THE Borneo, etc.
wrested from the helpless ChiWest Indies: Jamaica, Trini nese in a series of bloody wars.
only with such noble thoughts as the preservation BRITISH EMPIRE No less damning is the fatal drift of world of national independence in the small countries and capitalism into a new war. Millions of men are There is British territory in idad, British Guiana, etc.
South Africa: The Union, Ba HITLER AND FRANCO of democracy and democratic institutions through every portion of the globe. The LEARNED FROM BRITAIN out the world. Obviously, Hitler and Mussolini are We already knew that the man who put the already under arms in Europe. All the great Empire ocupies a total and sutoland, Rhodesia East Africa: Egypt, Anglo Hitler learned from the prac a living, pressing menace to their preservation.
last stilleto into the back of the Spanish masses statesmen of our social order have taken it for area of 12 million square miles, But it is reasonable to say that only those can honby opening the doors of Madrid to Franco, was granted that the war is inescapable and with it In 1935, its population totaled Egyptian Sudan, Uganda, Kentices of the British how to suppress local opposition move. estly combat the Fascist threat who come into a leader of the Communist Party of Spain the the slaughter of millions, the devastation, the figure aid not include the West Africa: Nigeria, Goldments and then move on to court or to the battlefields with clean hands, who new grabs. The art of enlist hero of Madrid, General Jose Miaja.
have already demonstrated in practice and not rapine and horror of modern warfare. None of Coast, Sierra Leona, Gambia 76, 000, 000 people of the Indian Australasia: New Zealand, ing mercenary, colonial troops only in words that they stand for democratic instiWe did not know until now that Miaja was the rulers of the world is able to offer even a reality, under British control. Fui, Papua, etc with the aim of suppressing tutions and national freedom.
In addition, there are 81 civil uprisings was taught to put into his post of commander in chief of the seriously debatablc program for preventing war.
Loyalist armies at the direct instigation of Mos And that for a very simple reason: war is a the most diverse groups and other cities to riland croupe rand France by his British brothers. The Record of the Democracies Hitler rape of Czechoslovakia and Mussolini cow. In his eye opening story Stalin role curse of capitalisin itself, one from which it the blacks of Africans the pare to list. The world is dotted with its present position on tida!
rape of Ethiopia and Albania are indeed hateful.
in Spain, Walter Krivitsky reveals that Miaja cannot escape.
whites of the London slums.
and have aroused the genuine indignation of every was sponsored for the job by the Red Army Capitalism meanis starvation for the millions.
They may be roughly divided ters and coaling stations that never equalled. Before it gives honest person. to say nothing of every real socialGeneral Berzin, Stalin direct agent in charge into the Malay. Indo Chinese, are a part of the gigantic de. a single one of its prizes to an Capitalism means slavery for the millions. Indo European, Semitic and rense apparatus these master imperialist rival, before it sets of Moscow military work in Spain: Hamitic (African) groups.
imperialists have created. The free a single one of its colonies But the fact of the matter is that the two Fascist Capitalism means the physical extermination Bermudas, Gibralter. Malta, it will fight with the ferocity Berzin insisted on the appointment of a chiefs only acted in exactly the same mannerof the millions.
THE DEMOCRACY Aden, Corfu, Ceylon are but a born of desperation, That is although on a much reduced scale as England and commander in chief. This authority the ReOF THE EMPIRE few.
the meaning of British foreign France and the United States have acted in the It is bankrupt. It must be destroyed before it publican government, supported by jealous What portion of these hall a Thus lies the huge skeleton of policy today: the determination past and, basically, are acting at the present time.
parties and factions, was reluctant to estabdestroys modern civilization.
billion people are white? It is the Empire. Within its reaches to hold on to its world possesThe last half century, at least, records an unin.
estimated that only 68 million toil the Bantus of South Africa sions.
terrupted series of British, French and American lish. Berzin found a suitable candidate in invasions and conquests, not one whit less brutal Gen. Jose Miaja, a good soldier without politand brazen more so, if anything simila those just accomplished by Germany and Italy. Down ical ambitions, and within a few weeks in to the present day. the record of imperialist France November 1936 he obtained the appointment There is no place for youth in industry, in in Northern Africa and in Asia is far more atrofor Miaja, who has retained supreme comcious than anything done to date by Hitler and the professions, or in other areas, declared Dr.
mand ever since.
Mussolini. The horrible record of British imperial: Caroline Zachry of the Progressive AssociaThat is, until this appointce of a traitor comism in India, China, Africa, Palestine. Egypt and Ireland, makes the Albanian invasion look like a tion on April in revealing the results of her mitted his final stroke of treason.
five year study of American youth.
Sunday school picnic. One day bombing of InParty Stalinists or in the Trot names of dead children from But the Daily IV orker is still silent about its (Continued from Page 1)
This conclusion was fully concurred in by whether they hold tombstones for use on passport dian villages by England has produced more fatalcomrade!
ens. apparently Sov skyists, ities than Czechoslovakia and Albania put together.
Proſessor Hamden Forkner of Teachers Coliet secret police agents, ob policies in the International applications.
Robinson Expected Arrest The record of the United States is not purer.
lege on April when he addressed 4, 000 teachtained passports. The investi Workers Order. or have had There are Filipinos living today who recall the The prosecution identified de.
gation revealed that the names any business with Russia in gruesome brutalities of Hard boiled Smith. SerThe Lost World territory was described by crs, administrators, and business executives at and other data in the passport recent years. Jurors were fendant Edward Blatt ass Dr. Paul Zahe, research associate at Union geant of the United States army who practised the asked whether any of them close friend and attorney for application were fraudulent.
the 42nd Annual Convention of the Eastern College, recently returned from an expedition in water cure on the natives who refused to submit The investigation followed were born in Italy or Germany the missing Robinson, who had to the American conquest of the Islands. Hitler British Guiana as a group of towns in which In. Commercial Association in New York City.
dien inhabitants lived in harmony. without war.
the arest of the couple in Mosor subscribe to the political deposited funds with Blatt to has yet to match the American record in Haiti.
Fas. take care of Robinson daughknown as cow, where they have been philosophy Boys and girls leave school, ready for work.
fare or internal strife. Wait till the capitalists if he were detained Nicaragua, Cuba, Mexico and other fields of our incommunicado ever since. ir cism.
get around to them, bringing civilization e.
abroad. This premeditation own imperialist expansion.
but they cannot find employment in industry, they are still alive.
the theory that you work, eat.
In outlining the prosecution Robinson part lends he declared, and added that the chances are ten to Political Trial case. District Attorney one against a 17 year old high school graduate Robinson was a deemed political by both prose the defendants secured certifi. and aware that he was to be But that was in the past. It may be and isgetting a job upon graduation.
cution and defense was reveal cation of forged passports arrested Moscow.
said. Not at all! If that objection is meant to imply Both Dr. Zachry and Professor Forkner fear ed by the questions which they through New York County Aaron Sharfin, another de.
that the American leopard has changed his spots, requested Judge Goddard to Clerk Al Marinelli office, and it is false and worthless. It would be somewhat less that unless jobs can be provided for American vicious anti labur bill. introduced into direct at the jurors. Jurors their connections with persons fendant, was identified by ladishonest if it reflected more reality. it doesn youth the present system of government in the were asked whether they hold in or close to that office. The bor papers during the initial If Roosevelt and his regime were really shocked Congress by Representative Smith of Virginia, United States will break down and be replaced membership in the Communist defendants, Dunigan said, took Robinson investigation as havat the violation of national independence (and not is so broad in its scope that the New York ing been in 1933 a member of by socialism or fascism.
the Communist Party of New Times of April 13 characterizes it as a commerely concerned with the profits and power of York, District 15.
Middle American finance capital. they would take some posite of the anti alien and anti radical legislaThe answer of the New York Times, mouthBronx, and as having been accorrective measures in their own back yard. For tive in the Unemployed Couninstance: tion offered in the last twenty years. Spokes piece of American capitalisin, to these facts and cil unit at 1400 Boston Road Withdraw from the Philippines and grant them men for the American Civil Liberties Union this challenge reveals exactly what American near Claremont Parkway.
full and genuine independence. Then the Fascists and other organizations appeared in opposition capitalism proposes to do to help American ON MAYOR KELLY earliest possible moment, for One of the first government will seize the helpless islands! We have heard the sooner done the better. witnesses on Thursday was to this bill at a hearing on it before a House youth. deny that the problem of unemployment REELECTION that scoundrelly imperialist argument before judiciary subcommittee on April 12.
faces American youth. Fraternally yours, Max Schwartz, who testified Editor: long before the word Fascist was invented. That is McFETRIDGE that he was secretary of the always the way in which one imperialist gang In the ordinary course of events, a serious In the editorial columns of the Times, one o No doubt by now you have President. Marinelli Democratic Club and seeks to justify its depredations and dominion.
had transmitted to Marinelli direction of attention to this bill by the labor their propagandists declared from his casy chair heard of the overwhelming Withdraw from and grant full and genuine inde.
victory of the Hon. Edw. My father is a member of the passport applications handed and liberal movement would be sufficient to hold in a fat well paid job: Dr. Zachry assertion pendence to the Virgin Islands, to Puerto Rico and above organization and saw him by the club vice presi Democratic that nothing very much could dent. Abte Katz, who in turn all the other islands of the Caribbean which are. is the sort of broad generalization which up its passage for some time, if not to discourParty in the recent mayoralty be done about the situation. had received them from Harry really under the heel of Wall Street and Washingage its passage altogether.
docs not stand up under scrutiny.
ton. The argument that we are there for their own good is identical with Hitler argument for But the bill received a powerful impetus But any one of the hundreds of thousands of wish to present what appears eve not all member of any of Zuckerman, a friend of Share my view Schwartz has been previous taking over Czechoslovakia, and not a particle imtoward passage when representatives of the youths in New York City alone knows just how cedure in connection with his points are strongly alwed with by Selenited as bronx Previtalase proved thereby.
Army and War Departments of the governtruc those assertions are. All he has to do is victory.
them. My position at present Shaw, one time star subscripStop the collaboration with and financial political ment appeared before the judiciary subcommitturn to the Want Ad columns of this same Now In a recent issue of the Fed does not permit my member. tion salesman for Soviet Rus support of the vicious totalitarian dictatorships in York Times to find out that American capital imposing advertisement Mayor tee and advocated passage in particular of those sia Today as that, his picture Latin America, which are today part and parcel of eration News observed an ship.
11 appears from the general apy Also, under the in its issue of Decem Roosevelt own axis, or which he is attempting to sections of the bill which would prohibit disism doesn want youth in industry.
win over to his side. Is the scarian and more regime of Getulio Vargas in Brazil less tribution of subversive literature among the General Wood has stated where American Kelly. Labor for Kelly Kel is about the only one that can name Wershow, Schwartz was democratic than Mussolini merely because it armed forces.
capitalism does want youth in labor camps and In contrast to the above may some clearness as to the Retail Clerks Union Local 338. works hand in glove with Washington? Or the reI present the following, which common man Army and navy representatives, it niced in the war machine. democratic Zuckerman, on the witness gime of a dozen other Latin American countries?
scarcely be pointed out, do not take the unusual Though we have in stand, testified he was an intiYouth place is among the ranks of those was given to practically every rights.
It goes without saying that Roosevelt will no janitor in Chicago: Chicago the Daily Record it mate friend of Sharfin for the more act in this way than will the spokesmen of step of appearing before Congressional commit fighting to smash this entire system of hopeless CHICAGO FLAT JANITORS that it would be useless to more than willing to accomo goes almost without saying past eighteen years and was imperialism in France, England, Belgium or Holtees to endorse proposed legislation, unless they ness, of war, bloodshed, and barbed wire labor land. And since we are not like the liberals and UNION LOCAL NO. write to them as they were all date him. When asked by the Stalinists, in the futile, business of begging the have the permission of the Commander in Chief camps. Youth place is among the ranks of the You are being given a pic along rather vigorous backers prosecutor if he could say leopard to change his spots, we are not wasting our of the armed forces President Roosevelt. working class revolutionists, fighting to estab ture of Mayor Kelly for every of Kelly.
whether Sharfin belonged to time in appeals to the imperialists to do what only organization.
The bill definition of subversive litera lisli a socialist society of plenty and opportunity apartment or flat that you In order to protect to some any political a workers government can and will do.
ture is broad enough to cuver any and all, in for all in America serve, and in addition one for extent my own position and Zuckerman said no. Even And since Roosevelt, Chamberlain and Daladier yourself. You are requested to that of the aforementioned pa stranger was Zuckerman tescluding an ordinary leailet advertising a labor put Mayor Kelly picture in rent may request that in the timony that, although he will not and cannot act otherwise than as imperialmass meeting. But even if the definition were ists, all their plous talk about the small nations It has been recently estimated that if a man has your window. deliver one of event of any publishing of the thought the transactions inno and democracy remains what it has always been strictly limited to outlawing literature secking been on relief all of his life, from birth to death, these pictures to each of your material contained herein my cent, he had given a fictitious on their lips and the lips of similars: opium fumes tenants requesting them to name and that of parent be not name, Louis Epstein, for Sharhe will have received around 28, 000 in public to persuade soldiers and sailors to become socialfor drugging the masses into acquiescing in their fin when Federal agents got on hang the picture in their win mentioned.
funds. But for the rich, who have been on poor reG. Shartin trail.
ists, what is Roosevelt afraid of? Isn he a dow. You will do this at the Chicago wars for profit and plunder.
lief all through the ages, this is only small change. Place for Youth Rubens Robinson Passport Fraud Trial Is Opened In New York City ter on WORKERS FORUM Keny