AnarchismBourgeoisieCommunardsCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFifth ColumnFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLiberalismMarxMarxismMussoliniNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

bankers and land grabbing rallroad builders. Top Membership for Martin Split off Group Set Resort to Hoodlumism Against Militants Who Those who have been struggling with Walter (Continued from Page 1)
Duranty recent dispatches in the Times The thing makes good melodrama, conceded the Times, but it is not very effective At One Fourth Union Gain Workers Support are beginning to ask themselves where these All personal plans, all future remarkable productions are coming from. Mypropaganda for democracy. If the American projects both of a personal na people today are to have their hearts set aglow self, should not be surprised if Walter is (Continued from Page 1) to see that the tasks of the Lure as well as national are Special to the Socialist Appeals opposed to the march being diTOLEDO, Ohio Eight hun rected at headquarters.
writing from a small room in the Bronx, with for Amerieanism and the American Way, it alliance with the reactionary automobile union are carried absolutely subordinate to the dred workers turned out for a does not help matters to show that America leadership of the Of out and that the Stalinist can fact that war is coming and the mass meeting, April, to pre rice workers chairman, then Nelson Meagley. of a bottle of whiskey within easy reach. Certainly, there is no need for him to be in Mosgreat West was built up by pirates and assas Council, Martin must have cer is isolated and discredited United States win be in it, sata pare for action to stop the mass took the platform for a millcow to turn out these garrulous and banal sins operating under railway charters from funds, if he is to survive. The In the ranks of the automobile the editorial.
firings on the The tant talk about the role of the think pieces on what he conceives to be the the government.
whole character of his union workers. The fight that the Defines We meeting was called by the of Roosevelt administration in and his present position forces west side. Chrysler, Briggs and It then defined the pronoun ficers and job stewards of the paving the way for cuts, and state of mind of the 170. 000. 000 inhabitants of the Soviet Union. The density of facts per agraphs, which omit, to demonstrating that him dintos attempted uddanses Hudson locals started at the which Roosevelt used. PA. Auxiliary of the local called for support to the resoagate line, never very high in Duranty start and deals with the automobile Cleveland convention around By we he undoubtedly meant the Division of lution.
these days.
civilization. stated Local 29 of the United Office Whereupon Eddie Cheyfita, now the thinnest in journalistic sassins because where would we be without manufacturers. It is fairly cer the question of the vice presi Western history. This sort of reporting used to come railroads Democracy and Americanism. it tain that he will formally join dents has now got to be deep. the editorial. Western civiliza, and Professional Workers Un official Communist Party from Riga, in the days before the Soviets be. concludes, have won many new converts in the of in the next weeks ened and extended around a tion includes the empires of ion, and the owner. Whip in the delivered came respectable. But the Bronx would do recent years, one might almost say recent The IO. while rep eram, which will be able to United States and their op. The workers came prepared tants, labelling them as France, the driver truckers union a slanderous attack on the milljust as well.
in ridding themselves of old ideas and old resenting the automobile work mobilize the great majority of pressed colonial possessions. to carry through a real mass scabs. stool pigeons. and Social Justice, a la Scab Phrases from the time when they were much ers, is headed by a Stalinist the automobile workers, behind The editorial whipped up the drive for jobs. Their campaign Franco fifth column. He In the New Leader for March 11 a bit of in.
charges formation appeared whieh should be useful to democracy. Much more consistent is a tionably continue to practice its sary measures to isolate the that only serious resistance week previously at an over against Selander.
all who come up against Coughlinites in the suicidal, wrecking activities unscrupulous Stalinist poli ean ease the pressure from flow mass meeting, and by a McCormick Protests trade union movement. give it in full: DE the cause of democracy against the fascist to go Tim McCormick, exTR Father Coughlin Social Justice, courage to dis if allowed to run the towards rebuilding forward the Berlin Rome Axis. Noth nilitant picket line and demon ecutive board member and one anti Semitic, anti labor publication of the fas card the doctrine that America was taken into union, unchecked by the mem into a powerful instrument to ponderent force will stop them. quarters, Safety Building city of the most popular figures in cist priest. has been put on the unfalr Rist by the World War by the Morgans and the munidefend the interests of the auto for force is the only language hall) and Lucas County Court the Toledo labor movement, an the Michigan Federation of Labor because it Rank and File Bloc tions makers. Mr. Mumford now calls this mobile workers.
which they understand. House on April The April unimpeachable militant leader rrinted in a scab shop.
In using the pronoun we, meeting and the previous ac for years, demanded for SeThe militancy and courage version fable. The Times doesn have the stated the editorial, the Presi tions had all deen organized en lander the right to answer Spontaneity Again face to add the courageous Mr. Mumford displayed by the rank and file (A full analysis of the situa Comrade John Travis Writes in from Lynn, wrong was not that we sought to preserve de vention has now got to be or tion in the automobile industdent told the Rome Berlin Axis tirely by the organiza these vicious lies.
find conclusion on the last War: What was delegates at the Cleveland con that any war plans they con tions.
Selander answered by pointing Mass. to clarify the question of spontaneity which was raised by mocracy: what alone was wrong was that we canized into a large bloc of a11 will be printed in an early is template must take into con: in revolutionary tactics sideration honest, progressive union men sue of the Socialist Appeal. But the meeting was moved to his record of six years on the tremendous failed. Luxemburgite in this column several weeks force of the United States. in on by the Stalinist leaders Toledo picket lines, his nuago. quote part of his interesting letter Time was when intellectuals like Mumford of the Toledo IO. Council ex merous arrests in strikes and ANY war forced by them would ecutive board who, here as demonstrations: he pointed out Real social revolutionary action may involve were applying their talents to debunking immediately involve the United everywhere, by virtue of their that the attack was launched spontaneous over boiling of the masses. Never American history. But when New Republle lib States.
erals ro star spangled, they do a thorough job theless, the revolutionary Vanguard that will pro Roosevelt line, oppose mill against him to divert the dis.
The editorial lauded the new tant action against cussion from the question of lead the social revolution (we hope will have of it. It is to Hollywood, apparently, that in British and French policy of cuts.
future we must look for a realistic interpreta long been preparing for just such an explosion stiffening their resistance to action against the lay offs. He of the masses. They will at that time strive to tion of our national past.
the Rome Berlin Axis, and stat to order, not a single reprecharges against him.
When they called the meeting challenged Cheyfitz to bring direct the angry explosions of the masses into Add: Defense of Reimann ed that it is only the application sentative of the Office As Selander returned to his a powerful and effective revolutionary attack In a statement issued April participates a new party as of this kind of reasoning which workers was included in the seat. with many workers going upon the class enemy and the capitalist sys.
Last week printed Guther Reimann pro by the All American Buro, political secretary?
can stop war and that Prest list of speakers drawn up by up to him to assure him of tem. Thus real social revolutionary action in test that had misinterpreted his article. Do ing Business in Nazi Germany. And how sub secretariat of the Fourth This fact alone shows that dent Roosevelt properly links the executive officials. their support, Cheyfitz gave a volves both spontaneity and preparation: the International, it was declare the divergences are incompar the United States with the Smother Action Proposals Peter Tor writes in, also to protest that Ret signal, and spontaneous explosion of the masses brought Eggert goon mann is not unaware of the intimate relation that the present political atti ably deeper than comrade Rieleventh hour effort to avert a into control, and led by a revolutionary vanAs speaker after speaker squads attempted to evict from tude of Diego Rivera is incom vera, in his fantastic impul shattering disaster.
ship between the Nazi bureaucracy and the Aside from the poppy cock clear that took the mike it became the meeting Clayton Rusch, an guard with a prepared revolutionary program, strategy and tactic.
capitalist class. His bitter attack, a few patible with membership in or siveness, believes.
deliberate attempt officer of Local 29. group of about saving peace at the was being made to prevent any workers intervened and preThe statement concludes: months ago, on the People Front as a meth We all did everything in eleventh hour, this is an abso Mr. Mumford Sees the Light real discussion on the vented this hooliganism. In the od of fighting fascism is an indication of his tional. The statement declared The Times had occasion recently to disturbance Eggert sneaked up World Empire or Worla Revolution is not only resigned, it would have been Rivera from taking irreparable tion of Roosevelt intention to rebuke the Hollywood producers, of all people, Finally Kenneth Cole, IO. behind one of the Local 29 exnecessary to expel him from steps.
for lack of patriotism. The Times pointed out one of the most stimulating analyses of Naz ism, but one that can take its place beside the immediate occasion of and his impulsive mind, he first possible moment. He in the Tories, lauded Roosevelt, on the head.
Driven by his temperament the coming world war at the executive secretary, told the ecutive board members, Alex indignantly that in such recent films as Jesse history of the denounced Feldstein, and gave him a blow James and Stagecoach, the bad men of Guerin s, as a worthy addition to a revolution the break of Rivera with the committed a series of errors: tends to enter the war not to skipped over the adWestern history are shown to have been Robin ist library.
Infuriated by these scandalcreation of a new political par reason for him to look for some but to save American capitalist resolution calling for loyalty strode across the platform to ty in Mexico, the Revolution sort of miracle which could profits. That is why he fears to President Roosevelt and the Cheyfita, seized him by the colMEN AND WOMEN OF LABOR ary Party of workers and show people that he was right. a popular referendum on war New Deal and support of the lar and said: You re going to supporting one of the candi the Casa del Pueblo (dissident al power to declare war with ditional 150, 000, 000 apWhen Cheyritx attempted to dates for the Mexican presi trade union group propriation.
1ency. Rivera is political sec Fourth International to win or from neutrality legislakick him in the groin, MecorAt this point Ted Selander, mick countered with a right to retary of the new party. With the Confederacion General de tion.
reference to this, the statement Trabajadores fanarchist led vice president of Local 29 and the jaw that finished Cheyfitz Only Way Out declares: union center and now he is Only the danger of internal cil, attempted to have the a delegate to the CI. Coun for the evening.
After the meeting, hundreds partye as the main instrument ty of Workers and Peasants. nations can halt the new worla in the hands of the chairman rounded Selander and McCor.
GRACCHUS BABEUF political prisoners. Men like Darthe and Bu class. The base of such a party Marxist that the new enter: Workers revolution in the Unit: forward. He was ruled out of to drive out this crew who are (Nov. 23. 1760. Guillotined April 27, 1797) onnarroti to whose great book on the Society must include not empirical and prise will be an inevitable ed States can save the Americ order, and Cole resolution holding of the Equals down every time we That great day in 1989 oame. The aroused masses stormed the gates of the Bastille, and this information) were far to the left: others progam of transitional slogans ry the slightest responsibility Roosevelt dictation on foreign carried by a weak smattering need action.
of nyes The Stalinist controlled execFrench feudalism, the hereditary right to ex were merely bourgeois humanitarians. As and, what is more important, before the workers of Mexico battlefields for boss profits. Goon Squads workers joined the Club, the bourgeois eleutive board of the Counpoit, was delivered the first of a series of the program of social revolu. and the world. We must state When Selander asked to becil met the following night and deadly blows. The oppressed took heart: free ments were submerged, the Club became tion. The idea that one can cre openly that not only has Rivera permitted to present his local took no action to organize the dom was ahead. The Freneh Revolution had more militant.
With laws and lies the Directory (which crete conjunct for a con resigned from the Fourth Inate a party absolutely ternational, begun.
that by his poresolution for a parade and 15 fight against lay offs. But they minute stoppage, a hoodlum did work out a scheme to vicFrancois Noel Babeuf he later changed his ruled France until Napoleon was crowned Incredible and opportunist in litical activity he puts himself squad, led by Kenneth Eggert, timize Selander and other miliname to Gracchus after the ancient Roman Emperor) sought to suppress the Babouvists. its essence. workers party fundamentally outside the Communist Party organizer. tants without permitting open rebel) turned to the revolution with all his began a tumult. But they were hearings on any charges. They energy. He had been employed up to then by they accused the revolutionary opposition with sram is eo ipso a bourgeois principles are involved we can soon out shouted by the real are going to call upon the Stalnobles in asserting their feudal rights against being in the pay of the enemy In this case, party. It is a party which not permit any concessions, workers present, who drowned inist controlled international ofthe peasants from whom it had become in the monarchists.
makes the workers support even toward such an important the disrupters in a chorus of rice of the office workers to creasingly difficult to exact feudal payments Insurrection by Force burgeois politics or bourgeois figure as Diego Rivera.
and obligations. And, in the dust of the man We cannot guess whether Let have the resolution! reorganize Local 29 as that Finally Selander got the crew has already done in San orial archives disebvered the horrible secrets the new inevitable debacle will Meanwhile Babeur perfected his program (Continued from Page of the usurpations of the mobility.
Deep Divergences Beleving at first that power could be won teach comrade Rivera the road sure to which both have been floor. read the resolution, and Francisco, the New York inThe Revolution spolled him, he wrote, and stencerelyzed that the oppressed must effect that our policy toward the tional or whether he will be expansionist drive into what the hall. Cole then went to the this fight to send their soon Imagine for a moment back to the Fourth Interna subjected by Germany in its moved its adoption, which was surance agents, etc.
The Stalinists may attempt in made him unfit for any kind of employment except politics, Holding various posts, he then the streets, the masses were restive. but it is an episodic question, rent of intellectuals who are last World War, the private resolution except for the sec cressives. In that event, the worked feverishly among the poor, ChampionSporadic outbreaks oocurred here and there. Can one imagine that Marx now breaking with Marxism in stamping ground of Anglo tion placing responsibility for progressive trade unions are ing their interests, and developing his own program for social emancipation.
In the cafes, they sang Babeuf song Dying ist puts the difference about favor of a mixture of anar. French finance capital.
the lay offs on the Roosevelt determined that they will not secondary or tertiary pro chism. liberalism, individual of Hunger. They listened to his tirades this shove the program of the ism and so on. Needless to say, of hostilities is further ind administration and that he was be passive victims of assault.
The closeness of an outbreak For Equality without Illusions against the bloodsuckers. Conquer or Die, gram The large property owners found himmedhe told them in an open war between patri. world revolution, breaks his in. we hope that the first alterna cated by the increasing number connections and live will be realized.
of warships that are massing dlesome; they tried to discredit him. Because clan and plebian. His bourgeois friends quaked ernational at his frenzy: they chided him with being in and around the Mediterranthrowing off áll Hypocritical tactics, he deindiscreet.
manded equality without llusions and not ean. Although Chamberlain is istill doing his best to win Mus.
satisfied with the limited gains of the Napoléan, sent out warrant for his arrest Jution he hoped for the socialization of all Babeuf went into hiding. Those close to Basolini to the Democratic the resources which can be infinitely multibeuf banded together and published a new front. Italian, British, French paper. The Society of Equals was organized.
and German battleships are beplied and increased by means of a planned organization and by the wisely directed labor The destitute, he told them, are the power ing concentrated along England life line to the East of all.
on earth. They have the right to speak as mas Arrested in 1790 for his communist agitaters to the governments that neglect them.
Sr. as Mussolini calls it. Our Stockholders Enjoy Authorities Thrilled By The rebels armed. The Secret Directory of (Continued from Page 1)
tion, he was released through the intervention Lovely Easter Sharecropper Girl the Society met. Finally, Babeuf read the Act The dark picture which Roosevelt draws for the fut The British imperialist camp of Marat. Out of Jail he continued to be médof Insurrection: the day for the rising was set Conservatives and Liberals dlesome, and more so as the idea of the class ture of the American people will be realized regardless of alike to say nothing of the THIS is the most elaborate court authorities found thrills Every year we say firmly MEMPHIS, Tenn. Juvenile struggle matured in his mind. There were two in May 1796. They were to seize power and classes, he said: first, the bloodsuckers of institute a revolutionary and transitional what Hitler and Mussolini do. That is, if the workers per war mongering Laborites are Easter Parade of all time it in commonplace conveniences twenty four million. who for centuries power, constituted in such a way as to free mit themselves to be fooled either by Roosevelt and the also busily engaged in wooing couldn possibly ever be more today as they demonstrated have been enjoying their haziness at the exthe people from the natural enemies of equal Democratic party or by the politicians of the Republican ever, is acting coy. Despite the we prove ourself wrong, for sissippi girl who said she had ity and to endow it with the unity of will neces pense of our sweat and toll; and second the sary for the adoption of republican instituparty. The choice which Roosevelt offers us is unavoid past few years of shouting the Easter Parade steadily gets never seen an electric light, worker who must toil much and eat little or tions.
able unless the American workers step forth and take their about collective security and bigger and bigger, lovelier and never talked over a telephone you won have any work and you won eat the democratic front. Stalin lovelier. What it will be in and didn know Franklin at all. That is the barbarous law of capital. Last Episode of the Revolution destiny into their own hands.
So great was his hatred of oppression that he is now playing a double game 1980 we tremble to think! Roosevelt was President.
The huge and wonderful economic machine of this of trying to come to an agreeThrough secret agents the government was momentarily blinded to the great accom You have thought the cold Alma Mardis swung an axe tearned of the plan. All the leading members plishments of the Revolution, and of Robes.
country, a machine capable of producing more than enough side and to squeezing whatever weather would, in some meas. each two cords of wood to pierre, its leader, because the oppressors had of the Society of Equals were arrested. Riots occurred in demonstrations of solidarity with to satisfy the needs of all the people, is not functioning concessions she can out are heure, have chilled the thought earn so that she could visit not all been vanquished. That is why when on the arrested. Months later they were brought the ninth of Thermidor, revolutionary calenIt cannot function so long as it is owned by capitalists who Anglo French camp. His fails of wearing Spring attire but Memphis from her farm home dar month, the reaction sent Robespierreto to trial. The prosecutor spun a vivid picture are interested only in making profits for themselves. ure thus far to pronounce him no! Even the ladies who en in northwest Mississippi. She of atrocities committed by the defendants.
self unequivocally for the Ancased themselves in mink had arrived in Memphis nearly penthe guillotine so that it might put an end to The verdict had been decided on in advance. But the workers need not take any one of the choices Blo French Imperialists is due on their Springiest frocks and piless and was taken by police social upheaval and sit back and enjoy its Babeuf and Darthe were sentenced to be ex presented by Roosevelt. They can make their own, an en to the feelers Moscow is secret their brightest new hats. Many to the Juvenile Court for tembourgeois victories, Babeur approved. But not ecuted: the others to exile. When the sentence tirely different choice. They can take over the factories, ly putting out to Berlin, and is were in sults; many wore dark porary shelter.
for long. He saw his mistake in the black reAlma claimed that she was was read, Darthe and Babeuf stabbed them concealed behind a high sound frocks with accents of flamboy.
action that Thermidor brought.
they can put all the unemployed to work, they can producting protestation that the Brit ant color in their accessories.
an expert cotton picker, alselves. The knives were blunt; they lived though only sixteen years old The good folk wined and dined, and drank through the night. The next day they were all that is necessary for a high standard of living. If they ish and French guarantees to The men looked important and could pick as much as 150 in the luxuries of economic conquest. The poor guillotined.
do that, nothing that Hitler or Mussolini will do can posthe small nations are still. in their top hats and cutaways pounds a day. But she hadn lived on bread rations, starved, and drank in The last episode in the French Revolu.
the full misery of poverty under the new desand the children there were had much chance to go to tion had come to an end in the figure of the sibly harm them. Fascism will make no headway in this.
millions. swaggered proudly school or learn what the world potism. Babeuf daughter, aged seven, died man who combined the aims of the French country and it will be destroyed in other countries.
of starvation. His two sons were so pinched along in their new dresses, was like.
Revolution with the yet to be fulfilled aspiraN. MEETING OF coats and There are really only two basic choices for the Amer.
spanking white with hunger that he could searcely recognize She never heard a radio; tions of the modern proletariat. In his day, the gloves them when he returned from work in the prov. W:P.
ican workers. One, to continue under the present system, never been higher than the secproletariat was too young to put his ideas into Marion Pearce, in tune with ond floor of a building and victorious execution. But as it grew the prole which means to choose what Roosevelt and his Democratic membership meeting of the Easter spirit, wore a com never even heard of an elevaIn 1795. Babeuf merged his group of com tariat absorbed his ideas; those of the first and Republican colleagues offer us lower wages, more Local New York will be held rades, organized around a journal he had practical communist. Blanqui after him drew Tuesday, April 18, p. plete black ensemble, broken tor: never seen a Christmas founded, The Tribune of the People, with a by the white of her small tur tree, didn know the signifi.
upon them, the Communards experimented hours of work and a lower standard of living, and war. at Beethoven Hall, 210 East ban. The newest note was in cance of Easter, never eaten group of advanced Republicans to form the with them, the Russian workers put them into Pantheon Club. The Club read newspapers The other is for the workers to take over the productive 5th Street, her black patent leather shoes an ice cream cone; never seen actual operation.
forces of this country and produce things for the use of Admission will be by with nose gays of real valley a motion picture; never owned which were expensive in those days. han.
The French Revolution, Babeuf had writfrom or membership Hilies sprouting dled member correspondence, and collected each a silk dress and never heard the people, bringing higher wages, less hours, a high standfunds for poverty stricken radicals and to free ten, is only the precursor of another, far card only.
toe. New York Journal and of Hitler and Mussolini. From greater revolution, which will be the last. ard of living and freedom!
American, an Associated Press dispatch.