AnarchismAndrés NinBolshevismCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGPUGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyLeninMarxismPopular FrontsSocialismSovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSZinoviev

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, APRIL 18. 1939 CRACK CONTROL Former Head Exposes Stalin Records Of Treachery in Spanish Loyalist Struggle ffered The 11 permission.
OF CP. IN FOOD tal UNION ELECTION THE WINNERS. am mobilizing every posBARCELONA MAY DAY UPRISING began to reach Loyalist Spain. The Soviet aid KREMLIN GANG ACTED IN SPAIN This week we are glad to an sibile person for house to house in DELIBERATELY PROVOKED clusively foreign vessels, mostly of Scandinavian Progressives Win Two seription drive for 000 new old Red Sunday business. An LIKE THE OVERLORDS OF registry, Captain Oulansky private syndicate in readers and those branches attempt will be made to get Odessa began by using Spanish boats, but their BY MOSCOW AGENTS Chief Posts in that have won the prizes we regular readers in this way. FOREIGN COLONY number was limited. Moscow, held by Stalin inThe sub drive will be conSharp Contest (Continued from Page 1)
sistence on absolute secrecy because of his fear of grand total of 700 new subtinued.
becoming entangled in a war, would not permit the ity over the Ogpu. The Ogpu was an empire within scriptions were obtained. We as a la vochka gyp joint and this epithet was use of Soviet ships sailing under Soviet papers, es an empire: it was a power before which even some its nickname in high Soviet circles.
of the highest figures in the Caballero government completed 70 of our quota. Appeal readers will be glad pecially after submarines and trawlers in the Med(Special to the Socialist Appeal)
We re convinced that a lot bet to learn that Chester Johnson, iterranean began to attack and seize freighters trembled. The Soviet Union seemed to have en ter could have been done and Minneapolis literature. agent, NEW YORK, April 12. Pro. Degeneration of the Comintern bound for the Spanish coast.
compassed Loyalist Spain as if it were already a will be done next time. but has fully recovered from the gressives in Local 16 of the Soviet possession, still, a lot of branches did very vicious attack made upon him Hotel and Restaurant Workers From being the intended torch of flaming world Arms Only for Stalin Tools Union, won the posts of revolution the Comintern had degenerated to a fine work and more than com by the Stalinists. Comrade Pravda Decrees the Murder of Nin pleted their quotas.
more or less useful adjunct to Stalin foreign pol.
Johnson writes: The real anPresident and vice president in Throughout the world there was a cry of an TOn December 17 in Moscow, Stalin official The following branches ful swer to the Stalinists on this a hotly contested campaign icy. At his convenience he could use his lavochka guished fury at the merciless bombing of almost in any foreign country, to stir up. perhaps, some filled their assigned quotas. thing must be to sell the Apdefenseless Madrid. My organization performed against the Stalinists during mouthpiece. Pravda, openly proclaimed that the purge in Catalonia, already begun. will be coninternal trouble for an unfriendly government or Some of them went over the peak where we now only sell by hundreds and thouthe annual elections held here miracles to hasten transport to affect public opinion on any international the fifty pursuit ducted with the same energy with which it was yesterday.
top. Youngstown, Austin, Bos.
planes and bombers. In mid October a Norwegian conducted in the Soviet Union.
Bon, Houston, Berkeley. New tens. We will take the neces Dave Siegal defeated the tion.
boat was loaded with them.
Haven, Minneapolis, and Quasary precautions which will en successful defense of Madrid with Soviet wrecking crew In 1935 he brought the Comintern into play. by candidate And then received strict instructions from arms also gave the Ogpu new opportunities to ex xertown.
able us to go forward with such Harry Lee, for president and launching the new policy of the popular front. In Moscow not to permit that boat to deliver its cargo New York City obtained the a program without suffering tend its powers. Thousands were arrested, includ John Green led the progres.
every democratic country the obedient members of in Barcelona. Under no circumstances were those ing many foreign volunteers who had come to fight largest number of subs with any more casualties.
sives to victory over Lee the Communist Party dropped their opposition to planes to pass through Catalonia, which had its Franco. Any grand total of 185, the ruling government and in the name of democsmo henchman, Alex Markowitz for ethods, any unflattering own government, very much like that of a sover.
opinion of the Stalin dictatorship in Soviet Russia, And now, here are the four Here the list of subsob the second highest post in the racy. joined forces with other political parties. eign state, in greater Spain. The government of prize winners: Local.
The technique was to elect, with the aid of their any association with men of heretical political be fellow travelers and their dupes, national admin Catalonia was dominated by revolutionists of anti liefs, was regarded as treason. The Ogpu employed First prize to Minneapolis tained this week the last week Stalinist persuasion. They were not trusted by MosThe Communist Party candia complete set of Lenin writ of our subscription drive date for secretary treasurer, all the familiar means of extorting confessions and istrations friendly to the Soviet Union. In France. cow, although they were then desperately holding tings, NEW YORK CITY of summary executions.
William Albertson, managed to the popular front had elevated Leon Blum to one of the most vital sectors of the Loyalist front Second prize to Boston. a California. There were countless disappearances. Some complete set of Trotsky writ.
power. But it was Blum who, against fierce attacks from Franco army.
squeeze through by a meagre Pennsylvania London, launched the policy of nonintervention in were kidnaped and taken to Soviet Russia. Others was ordered to send the planes to Alicante 450 votes out of a total of 600 ings Minneapolis were assassinated in Spain. One of the most specSpain.
cast. All the places on the But that port was blockaded by Franco vessels.
Los Angeles Third and Fourth prizes to tacular cases was that of Andres Nin, the leader of executive board Youngstown and Quakertown. Five years of costly propaganda, aided by Chicago the list of The master of the ship made for Alicante, but had the revolutionary party of United Marxists to turn back to save his ship. He attempted to head Texas business agents were fiercely all the turmoil of the revolution, had produced in branches, both of which will (P. Nin had once been a Trotskyist and Spain a total of only 3, 000 Communists. Span contested, the Stalinists winfor Barcelona, and was prevented by agent on Detroit receive 1937 and 1938 bound years before, had been active in the Comintern.
ning all these posts by a manip ish trade unions and all the strong revolutionary board. In the meantime, Loyalist Spain was fightvolumes of the Socialist Ap Newark parties remained obstinately anti Communist.
ulation of the union machinery ing desperately and was woefully short of planes.
With a group of his associates, Nin vanished from peal, plus a set of newsboy Massachusetts the prison where they had been confined by the To a few veteran leaders of the Comintern still My agent on board permitted the ship to proceed in their control but by as little aprons for their street sales New York State Ogpu. Their bodies were found after a commission as and even votes.
devoted to the ideal of world revolution, the fight to Marseilles.
Foreign ing in Spain brought new hope. But these old revoof British members of Parliament had come to All prizes will be mailed out Eleotion Issues Clear Spain to investigate their disappearance, Another within a week. These four No Russian Arms for Catalonia lutionists, survivors of the first bloody purge and Total outstanding case was that of young Smillie, son of branches did fine job and The issues of the election the Kamenev Zinovtev trial, were a tamed crew.
were clear cnt. On the one All their barking produced no munitions, no tanks, This fantastic development was part of Stalin the famous British labor leader, Robert Smillie; deserve the best wishes of the side, the progressives fought he was killed in an Ogpu prison in Spain.
fierce but silent battle to gain complete control of Bundle order increases have no planes, none of the war supplies for which Mad entire party against recognition of the union rid was clamoring, and with which the Fascist the Loyalist government, a battle which went on Organizing to Overthrow Caballero Next time we ll aim at com come from the Berkeley and the St. Louis Party behind the open theater of war. If Stalin was to powers were supplying Franco.
peting 100 of our sub quota! branch both of which have in.
compulsory arbitration, for semake Spain a pawn in his game for a firm alliance Premier Caballero had no stomach for the Stalin Refuses Arms for Spain with France and Great Britain, he must subdue Soviet terror which was decimating his own party THE BRANCHES AT WORK: creased their bundle by 10 inist terrorism and intimidation all opposition in the Spanish Teratalonia, Stalin The spear We re breaking down Appeal copies per issue.
and for the democratic rights The revelations of Italian and German military head of that opposition was in and striking at his political allies. The autonomous resistance around here, so wil! We should have mentioned government of Catalonia was resisting the Ogpu of the members.
aid to Franco, and the desperate appeals of the was determined to support with arms and main you please increase our bun that John Murphy of Los An.
various Spanish revolutionary leaders for foreign tooth and nail, not without the blessings of On the other hand, the Stalpurge. An internal crisis was ripening in Spain. m putting in our order for 65 in the person of Manny Fischpower only those groups in Spain which were ready dle order to 35 (10 more. Also, geles has two able assistants inist wrecking crew and the help. brought no response from the Kremlin. The to accept his leadership without reservation. He At this time received instructions gradually remnants of the Coulcher rack civil war in Spain developed into a huge conflagrawas resolved not to let the Catalonians lay hands to liquidate our work of purchasing and supplying extra of the May Day issue. ler and Leon Hassell who de.
eteering ang came out for tion, and still Stalin remained silent and motion on our planes, with which they might have won a Sara Turner, agent of vote their main activities to war materials to Spain. Our aid was being doled wards taking care of all literaBerkeley. Calif.
recognition of the Guild and less.
military victory that would have increased their out deliberately in amounts just barely enough to John Murphy, who has re ture. John says that they re compulsory arbitration. The Throughout Europe and America the Communprestige and their political power in the republican be decisive on the battlefields. It was being used sumed the control of Los AnA assistants. only way they were able to ranks.
ists and their sympathizers were asking why the as a club over the head of Caballero.
maintain their hold on the un Soviet Union did nothing to help defend the Spangeles, literature The Norwegian ship finally slipped through To the Ogpu Stalin had assigned the task of writes us: We are incent ion, although they were badly Franco blockade and discharged its planes at the MAY DAY APPEAL: ish revolution, for which they themselves were carrying him over the top in Spain. This was restreets regularly with the Ap There are two weeks left to shaken up. Was whipping up opinio! and egging contribu Alicante. At the same time, other war supplies. vealed to me in a report from one of the leaders of peal. have obtained a fev May Day Greet.
send tion, terror and job control.
including tanks and artillery, arrived from the tions.
the Russian anarchist group in Paris, who was a reliable guys and they will be ings and order your extra bun.
But the results of the election Late in August, with Moscow Soviet Union. All of Loyalist Spain saw that tan secret agent of the Ogpu. He had been sent to my street salesmen.
Idle orders!
show that these strong arm three high officials of the Spanish republie secret gible aid was actually coming from Soviet Russia. Barcelona, where, as a prominent anarchist. he and machine methods will not ly arrived in Odessa. They came to buy Soviet war The republicans, socialists, anarchists and syn enjoyed the confidence of the anarcho syndicalists forever keep the membership supplies. They offered in exchange huge sums in dicalists had only theories and ideals to offer. The in the local government. His mission was to act down. The victory of the pro Spanish gold. Instead of being permitted to reach Communists were producing guns and planes to as an agent provocateur, to incite the Catalonians gressives in the posts of presi Moscow, they were kept quietly in a hotel in use against Franco. Soviet prestige soared. The to rash acts that would justify calling in the army dent and vice president where jubilant Communists made the most of it.
as if to suppress a revolt behind the front.
their candidates most clearly. on Friday, August 28, 1936 Stalin issued a de. General Ian Berzin was one of the two symbolized the programmatic cree through the Commissar for Foreign Trade, character of the struggle forbidding the export, re export, or transit to his intervention in Spain. The other was Arthur shows that the ice has begun Spain of all kinds of arms, munitions, war mate The fact is that the Barcelona outbreak was a Stashevsky, officially Soviet trade envoy. They rials, airplanes and warships.
conspiracy successfully carried off by the Ogpu.
to crack.
were the real mystery men of Moscow behind the The April issue of the New In did series of articles on Wars This official Soviet decree was in harmony with scenes of the Spanish theater of war and their mis The fighting began with a raid led by Ogpu agents ternational is now on sale. The. Defensive and Aggressive Blum nonintervention policy. It roused sharp sions remained perfectly concealed while they on the Telephone Exchange. Five days of blood April number is of exceptional by Gregory Zinoviev is contincriticism from all the groups in western Europe gathered all the controls of the Spanish republican shed followed; five hundred persons were killed interest with respect to reviews ued. This series has aroused and in America, where the Comintern was trying government into their hands.
and more than one thousand wounded.
on the great interest among all New war frantically to whip up sympathy for the desperate After the bloodshed Barcelona, the Spanish crisis. The editors graphically International circles.
Spanish republic.
Moscow Appoints Miaja Supreme Chief communists led by Diaz demanded the suppression pose the problem of the war Jerry Pytlak presents a thor With the active help of the Comintern, Largo of all other parties and of the trade unions in Cata danger Caballero had formed a coalition government. Berzin insisted on the appointment of a com lonia: the placing of newspapers. radio stations study on the Eco: longer: Will there be a New nomics Cotton Farming.
which included two Communist members, and in mander in chief. This authority the republican and meeting halls under Ogpu control, and the im World Imperialist War? but the first of a series of articles which he was both premier and minister of government, supported by jealous parties and fac. mediate and complete extinction of all anti Stal merely, Exactly when, and on the agricultural problem.
tions, was reluctant to establish. Berzin found a inist movements throughout Loyalist territory how, and with what lineup, will Charles Crompton contributes suitable candidate in Gen. Jose Miaja. Largo Caballero would not yield to these de the war start? And now that a thesis on the Jewish question.
Finally Acts For Anglo French Pact. Stashevsky offered to take the Spanish gold mands. He was forced to resign on May 15. Dr. we are asked to give our lives to Soviet Russia and to supply Madrid with arms Juan Negrin became the premier of the new gov for Democracy, it is well to Trotsky on Krupskaya (Special to the Socialist Appeal. In September at an extraordinary session of Trotsky writes on ernment, as Stashevsky had all along intended.
and munitions in exchange. Through Negrin, he understand what millions will AKRON, April 13. Akron the Politbureaul Stalin argued that the old Spain made the deal with Caballero government. His government was hailed as the Government of be dying for.
Krupskaya Lenin widow.
branch of the Young People In my conversations with Stashevsky in Barcewas gone and that the new Spain could not stand Victory. Negrin remained premier until the col timely and significant arwho recently died. letter by Socialist League (Fourth Interalone. It must join either the camp of Italy and national) intensified its Jobs lona, in November, Stalin next moves in Spain lapse of the Loyalist defense in March, 1939. ticle by Dwight Macdonald on Trotsky on the Tasks in Germany, or the camp of their opponents. Stalin were already cropping out. He made no secret to for Youth campaign today by the work of the Temporary Na Spain 1936, is reprinted since said that neither France nor Great Britain could me of the fact that Juan Negrin would be the next Stalin Abandons Spain to Franco tional Economic Committee. time has fully vindicated the picketing district of fices and distributing leaflets, possibly allow Spain, which commands the enhead of the Madrid government. At that time. At this time, in the summer of 1937, just when better known as the Monopoly prognoses.
trance to the Mediterranean, to be controlled by Caballero was universally regarded as the favorCommittee, is an important Stalin appeared to have achieved his goal in farJadunandan Sharma, a Jef despite school and police at Rome and Berlin. friendly Spain was vital to ite of the Kremlin. But Stashevsky had already feature of the current number. wing socialist of India and tempts away Spain, Japan struck at China.
hamper its activities.
Paris and London, Stalin was of the opinion that he picked Negrin as his successor.
Meanwhile, the pre Simultaneously the Fascist powers became George Whiteside of Kan leader of the peasants, decould create in Spain a regime controlled by Mos Dr. Juan Negrin. had all the makings of a pared its case against the hore and more aggressive in the west. Italy and sas exposes the utopianism of scribes some aspects of the cow. With Spain in his pocket, he could command a politician. Though a professor, he was a man of school officialdom and police Germany intervened openly on Franco side. The the latest crack pot scheme to peasant problem in India. Wilgenuine and durable alliance with France and the affairs, with the outlook of a businessman. He was liam Morgan reviews the strugsolve capitalism ills the pro by demanding a jury trial for military situation of the Spanish republic grew injust the type to suit Stalin policy of the Popular British Empire. At the same time, his intervention five youths who were arrested of the so called American Rle for Irish Independence, now creasingly difficult. If Stalin were to capitalize on Front. Like General Miaja, he would make a good would rekindle the faith of the Soviet adherents March 31, while distributing his achievements in Spain, he would have to give abroad, shaken by his purge of the Bolshevik old facade to show to Paris and London and Geneva.
it the full measure of help needed to defeat Franco latest product of Oscar Amer Other interesting articles leaflets of the guard.
He would impress the outside world with the sanand his allies. More than ever, he did not want to inger and William Zeuch, late complete one of the most Members of the Akron Indus There was also the hoard of gold in Spain, 700. ity and propriety of the Spanish republican of the New Deal.
risk a major war. His slogan from the beginning splendid of all issues of the trial Union Council, central 000, 000, which the Caballero government was will cause, he would frighten nobody by revolutionary of that adventure had been, Stay out of the range Zinoviev on War body of the eagerly took New International. Those who ing to spend for war materials. How much of this appeals. He had a Russian wife and, as a pracYipsel labor leaflets explaining of artillery fire. This slogan became more impera Comrade Casanova, for sev. have not yet obtained this issue gold could be transported to Russia in payment for tical man, Doctor Negrin welcomed the purging eral years a leading member may still do so by writing to their position on the arrests munitions delivered in Spain, while the Soviet tive after Japan invasion of China and its threats Several delegates pledged soliof the Spanish uncontrollables and troublemak of the Spanish section of the the business office of the magUnion officially adhered to its announced policy of ers by any hand, even Stalin The role of Stalin in Spain was now going into 4th International, but who man azine. Single copies re 20c.
darity with the youth in their strict non intervention, was a problem to be looked These things were discussed while was in eclipse. Stalin had intervened there in the hope aged to escape to France at subscription rate is per fight to preserve and extend into without delay.
Barcelona, six months before the fall of the Cabalthat he would, with the assistance of a vassal the time of the fall of Cata year.
labor democratic rights. The Politbureau decided upon immediate aclero government. It took Stashevsky that long to Spanish regime, build a bridge from Moscow to lonia, vividly portrays and ex Address: The New Interna.
City Offers Deal tion. Stalin doubly cautioned his commissars that bring it about. In the end, he accomplished it with London and Paris. His maneuver failed. Leon plains The Popular Front tional, 116 University Place, The Police Prosecutor inti Soviet aid to Spain must be handled with absolute the aid of an Ogpu plot in Barcelona.
Blum and Anthony Eden resigned. Paris and LonFlight from Spain. The splen New York, NY mated that he would recomdon adopted a more friendly attitude toward Franmend leniency in their cases involving his government in war. His last phrase, Sloutski Organizes the Murder Gangs co. Gradually, during 1938, Stalin withdrew from ANNOUNCEMENTS ANTI WAR STRIKE the youths would promise to carried away by those who were present at that the Spanish ring of action. All that he got out of be good boys henceforth. Such My comrade, Sloutski, chief of the Foreign SET FOR APRIL 20 leniency would have meant Politbureau meeting and passed down as a com mand to all high officers of the service, was: Stay Division of the Ogpu, had been ordered especially his adventure was the Spanish gold. He had not PENNY PARTY! Another ripsucceeded in his main objective of steering the roaring swing fest Saturday only that the five defendants out of range of artillery fire. from Moscow to set up a secret police system modSoviet ship of state out of its isolation among the (Continued from Page 1)
April 15. 8:30 PM. Lower would have been found guilty eled on that of Russia. He arrived a day or two fast Side Headquarters, 163 students with bangreat powers of the world.
and the judge would have sus Norfolk Street. HOT music ners and torches.
Exporting the Ogpu to Spain after my departure. The Ogpu was then blossoming out all over Loyalist territory, and concentrat.
games songsUniformed pended their fines.
refresh units of the will march a press statement, the At the same time, in Moscow, Stalin had in ing on Catalonia, where the independent groups ments. Subscription: 21c.
in the demonstration. Ben HerY. declared that Ray structed Yagoda, then chief of the Ogpu, to set up BEER PARTEX. ADANE al. peiled for anti war activity Stine, principal of Central a branch of the Soviet secret police in Spain. their party headquarters.
High School where the arrests From Slutsky. Ichief of the Foreign Division of the They have good material over there, he told The rumor has risen from a whisper to a warble Greek Workers Center who is now the Division Organ.
were made, was the real prose Ogpul, learned that a veteran officer of his de me, when he returned to Paris some weeks later, that Joseph Freeman, luminary of the Stalinist 167 29th St FREE ixer for the will speak cutor in the case and that they partment had been detalled to establish the Ogpu intellectual tribe and former editor of the tribal but they lack experience. We cannot allow Spain demanded a jury trial as the in Loyalist Spain. He was Nikolsky, alias Schwed, Ladies Free Auspices: Pro at this meeting to become a free preserve for all the anti Soviet organ, The New Masses, is writing a book. Nothgressive Cafeteria Workers, The key slogan for the anti.
only means of attempting to mission from the Ogpu.
elements that have been flocking there from all ing new, it may be said, for not so long ago he war actions is Jobs not Guns.
obtain justice. One of the other decisions of this conference wrote a book. Just the same, it is something new.
over the world. After all, it is now our Spain, part This will be stressed in the Legal counsel for the defend His last book was an autobiographical comment was to have the Ogpu police the movement of vol of the Soviet front. We must make it solid for us.
ants 1s Eldon Young, counse!
MARXIST SCHOOL special Anti War Strike Acunteers to Spain from every country. There is in on his life, both in its light and its lighter phases.
tion bulletin which is being for the and o. in the central committee of every Communist Party unteers? And as for the anarchists and Trotsky. Also, it was tailor made to the order of the Central Fascism or Revolutionary Committee of the Communist party. What new published by the. Stuin the world one member who holds a secret comToledo and member of the ists, even though they are anti Fascist soldiers, Marxism, Which Way for Board of Education there cent Committee mission fromthe Ogpu.
this time is that the Central Committee doesn nevertheless they are our enemies. They are counthe In an open letter addressed ter revolutionists, and we have to root them out.
Many prominent speakers Stalin success in seizing control and using know what is writing in his latest work, and including Shachtman, to the local adminiswon like it when it finds out. For, says the Spain as a weapon with which to force an English Sloutski had done a brilliant bit of work. The Lecture by trator, the demanded French alliance with the Soviet government de James Burnham, and Hal Draterror already, in December, 1936, was sweeping rumor) the coming book announces Mr. Freeman MAX SHACHTMAN per are scheduled to address immediate action on its de pended upon his breaking the powerful anti ComMadrid, Barcelona and Valencia. The Ogpu had renunciation not of communism he did that long mands for youth projthe city wide anti war strike established its own special prisons. It had its own ago in the columns of the New Masses but of Stal Monday, April 17, 8:50.
actions therefore ressentiay to control the movement was ects with a 30 weekly miniat Irving Plaza tribunals and its squads of executioners. Its units inism as well. Do not imagine, however, that Mr.
mum for 30 hours work, 20 these idealistic foreign volunteers to Spain, to pre carried out assassinations and kidnapings. Gold and similars will be publicly embarrassed Irving Pl. 15th St.
monthly student proj vent them from joining with the elements opposed hidden dungeons and made flying raids. It was, of thereby. They will simply write the stereotyped Get Your APPEAL ects and conversion of the war Admission 25 cents to Stalin policies and ambitions course, functioning independently of the Loyalist caumny against Freeman that he used to write fund for unemployed relief. By the middle of October, shiploads of arms government; the Ministry of Justice had no author against others.
At the Newsstand Articles on War Crisis Featurett in New Int Odessa leading Soviet figures assigned by Stalin to pilot Fighting Fascism crisis. comments AKRON YIPSELS REJECTING DEAL ASK JURY TRIAL were strongest and where the real Trotskyists had Rumor filled