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Retired Army Major Edward Dyer has suggestion! He is only 50, to be sure, but he physthe simplest way of lightening the relief burden: ically incapable of working and is obviously shot to all the aged on relief should be humanely killed. hell mentally. Useless to society, and even to the Dyer proposes an age limit of 70 or 75.
army, his pension might be applied, just as relief Without insisting on it, we suggest that the ex funds are, to buying bigger and better guns for periment be started with Major Dyer, even though Roosevelt war machine.
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly he is now living on a comfortable pension. Just a Or how about melting him down for lard?
VOL. III, NO. 25 TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1939 Set up and Printed by Union Labor.
Application for Label Pending 3c a Copy Socialist Appeal READY TO PLUNGE INTO WAR Stalin Bloody Record In Roosevelt Takes Spanish Civil War Exposed Open WarStand; By Ex Secret Service Head Europe on Brink Roosevelt Appeasement Policy TXCIPID Walter Krivitsky, Chief Who Broke With Moscow, Reveals Kremlin Efforts to Sabotage Loyalist Struggle President Takes Role as Spokesman for Both American Continents in Frank Statement Threatening Force Against Force BIG BUSINESS ARMS PROGRAM RELIEF FUMDS WAR BY FALL IS ROOSEVELT continents as Washington There IS Another POLICY BASIS defend his rule over the WesChoice!
Concepting the healing te begrenset tyhite Home PASSPORT TRIAL Big Battles Loom Ahead EUROPEAN POWERS RUSH FRANTICALLY The real inside story of low and why Stalin and luis secret police worked in TO BIND ALLIES AS WAR DRAWS NEAR Spain civil war a dramatic, sensational, authentic and damning story has finally been told in detail, with all the names and dates and places, by one of the few men in a position Without bothering to consult either House of Congress, to know. much less the American people who have so direct and vital That man is Walter Krivitsky, for mer chief of the Soviet Military Intelligence in a concern in the matter, President Roosevelt last Friday Western Europe, whose disguised headquarters at The Hague, Holland, was the secret center for the dispatch and check up of Stalin spies and trigger men in Spain.
committed the United States in the most unambiguous manKrivitsky, a Communist Party member of many years standing, formerly director of ner to participation in the coming imperialist war.
the Soviet War Industries Institute, broke publicly with the Stalin machine over a year ago Speaking to the governing board of the Pan American and, although his life has since been in daily danger, he has now written the most revealing Union, Roosevelt declared stories alsout the inside workings of the Stalin machine. Neither Moscow nor its agents have that the United States, appaattempted to deny or refute his charges. Because they have attempted to silence him by their rently regarding all the counwell known methods. Krivit tries of the two American sky has been forced to take refuge in the United States.
private protectorates, would His story, which appears in the current issue of the Saturtern hemisphere fullest extent of our strength, matchday Evening Post, which dissociates itself from Krivit Baldly Admits Willing force to force if any attempt is made to subvert our sky political views by stat AN EDITORIAL Plunge into Coming institutions, or to impair the ing that he is still a believer independence of any of our in the true communism of European War groups.
Lenin, confirms to the wild spokesman, President Roosevelt has drawn quite an acThe bland hypocrisy of the all the charges made in past citrate picture of the courses which he would compel the SPURS ARMS RACE reference to the independence issues of the Socialist Appeal American people to choose froin. Not a very joyful picture OF THREE OPENS ForAutomobile Workers of any of our groups meaning the countries of Latin to contemplate but there it is. The President himself drew (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Concerning counter revo America may be judged from it on April aboard the President Special returning from WASHINGTON, April 11. the fact that to this day the lutionary part played by StalIN RUBENS CASE President Roosevelt deliber. United States Georgia in and luis agents in the smashThree possible courses were outlined by the spokesMartin Split off Group Headed for ate intention to send the works number of these countries by ing of the working class man. Affiliation with Small Membership to die on foreign battlefields in leaving them purely nominal movement of Spain, in the asDefense, Prosecution defense of capitalist profits independence.
sassination, frame up and inAdoption by the American people of a policy came still more nakedly into of complete isolation and an attempt to create a self(Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Agree Trial is Sordid Imperialism prisonment of anti Stalinists, the open when he declared at That the actual interests sufficient economie system. This would mean a markDETROIT, April 10 What is the situation in the automobile his press conference today that which Political Roosevelt and in undermining the resisexpressed industry today? Both the Martin and the conventions in the Washington Post intercd lowering of the standard of living tance of the Loyalist camp to were anything but idealistic. Subsidizing exports which would mean inare now behind us and it is possible to sum up the composition preting his statement at Warm Conservative a statesman as was recognized even by so raneo hordes By NAT LEVINE and the state of affairs of the two unions in the language of Springs, Georgia, when he Senator William Borah of position of huge taxes upon the masses.
We publish below sunc of NEW YORK The famous cold figures.
promised to be back again in Idaho. Referring to the coming Lengthening of hours of work and reducing the important excerpts from Robinson Rubens passport case The Martin Union reported a genuine membership of 62, 000 war.
the Fall, we don have a world war, he writes Krivitsky article, which the wages to enable this country to compete with the Ger finally went to trial April 12 bei thorough investigation man and Italian barter systems.
fore Judge Henry Goddard workers at its Detroit convention of this number, some 25. 000 The President implied in this will disclose to you that a more Saturday Evening Post anin Federal Court. Foley workers were listed in the six nounces is to be followed by Heads He Wins, Tails We Lose Square. New York.
large local unions represented limited to the Plymouth shop way that neveneral European sordid, imperialistic war could in the not hardly be imagined than this at the Detroit convention. Ply of the Chrysler division.
distant future and that when war should it unfortunately othiers: It can be readily seen that no matter what choice the Aaron Sharfin. Ossip Garber Pontiac a. locals. The bulk Over a year and a half ago mouth, Packard, Flint and Key Sections with this European war breaks out, come.
American masses would make they would be the ones to United The reported he will plunge the and Edward Blatt were indict. of these 25, 000 workers have at its convention a genuine states into it, thus spreading question of democracy or total This is not a war over the Krivitsky Story suffer. The bosses could get along very nicely, assuming led for conspiracyotte fraudu left and are leaving the Martin membership of some 170. 000 the conflagration to world wide itarianism. It was the democcven that they would have to take a cut in their profits.
lently obtain passports. The in Union for the 1o. organize workers. At the Cleveland Con proportions. Ever since the rise of Hitracies of Europe which wrote dictments were handed down tion. The Martin Union convention were represented pracAnyone making fifty thousand dollars a year and over by a grand jury which investi. sists therefore of some 35, 000 tically all of the key decisive Opposes Referendum ler, in 1933. Stalin foreign the secret treaties by which all policy has been a policy of dis could afford to liave his income cut in half and he would sated the mysteries in a coblin 40. 000 members, alocated sections of the organized auto significantly opposed any and the war was closed. It was the Previously the President has spoils were divided even before tress, driven by fear of isola still have no kick coming. But the average full time work son and Ruth Marie Rub and Pontiac dhe American people the power wrote the Versailles Treaty; tion. ght between the grow ing Japanese menace in the çr getting an income of less than eleven hundred dollars al (Continued on Page 4) plants, Martin strength is workers east and the German menace year would have his misery multiplied ten fold if lic were Saginaw, Bay City, to declare through a referen not a peace treaty but a spoils Toledo, Cleveland. In dum their sentiments about en treaty.
in the west, Stalin went hunt. to suffer a drastic cut. And in addition he would be comdiana and California. The over These European powers.
ing for a strong ally among the great world powers. All his pelled to work longer lours.
whelming portion of the Chrys ler Corporation all of Dodge has fought at the same time whatever may be their idea of In drawing this sad picture, Roosevelt had in mind to cfforts to come to terms with ideology or political views, pur Hitler were now encouraged all of De Soto, all of Chrysler tion so that he will have a free sue one and the same course incite the masses a desire for war against Germany, and now rebuffed: He tried to hand to decide on his personat when they come to deal with Italy and Japan. Upon these countries he placed the blame all of the important indepen whim just whom the United alike violate treaties, disregard restore the old Czarist pact dents: Hudson, Nash, stude States shall oppose and whom the most fundamental princiinternational affairs. They all with France, but could not ge! for the necessity of making such a hard choice. The inesbaker; the majority of Packthe ironclad alliance he sought.
capable conclusion he leads us to is that the masses must be His attempts to join hands with As the day for the anti war Communism as an advocate ard: all of the important body the United States shall support ples of rights, pursue methods when the war bursts out.
Great Britain were even less prepared to go to war against these nations, defeat them. strike on April 20 approaches of class struggle and as the ray Body and Seaman Body. The editorial which was pubwhich Inevitably lead to war successful establish the rule of free trade and thus escape the necessity we see clearly reflected within force responsible for the Octo ray lished in the Washington Post and then call upon the United the student movement the ber Revolution in Russia, was The composition of the two today was termed by Mr.
States, Canada and other na In his quest for security. of making any cluice involving a lowering of the standard struggle which is taking place an enemy of world peace. untons explains the difference Roosevelt very good, very clear tions to save them from their Stalin turned his eyes toward Spain after the outbreak of the At Hunter College the Stalin between the Detroit and the and very honest.
in the ranks of the American masses. This struggle has draiststhrough a mechanical ma He made His Latest Alibi methods.
Franco rebellion.
Without Reservation matized the cleavage between jority, defeated a resolution introit delegates have all gone His reference to the editorial Alliances Shape Up haste slowly. as he always does. First there was a period. nother purpose that Roosevelt had in warning the the anti war forces led by the troduced by the Fourth Inter through a highly selective proc. took added significance be Meanwhile, the war alliances of watchful waiting, of furtive Young People Socialist nationalists to open the doors ess in the last six months of cause it was his way of reply of the rival imperialist camps masses what was in store for them if they did 1100 rush into League (4th International. of America to refugees from the factional battle that raged ing to a question at the press of Europe are taking ever exploration. Stalin wanted to assure himself that there would a war against the fascist nations, was to prepare an alibi.
and the war mongers of the fascist terror, on the grounds in the By and large, conference as to whether he clearer shape, in preparation Young Communist League. that these refugees might turn only the most conservative and had any comment to make on for the showdown.
be no quick and easy Franco Not so long ago it was the Economic Royalists who backward locals remained with the European situation. After Speaking in the House of victory were to blame for the bad conditions under which the At the Model Congresses held out to be reds.
recently in every New York In contrast to this, the Fourth Martin. That is why the De Then Stalin intervened in the President responded with a Commons, Prime Minister workers had to exist. Roosevelt insisted that a few stubshake of the head someone Chamberlain expanded the war Spain, with the idea of creating College this was demonis rated Internationalists brought for trolt gathering took on such a reactionary appearance and mentioned the editorial, where frontiers of Britain to Rumain Madrid a vassal of the born Economic Royalists prevented him from solving all no doubt in the minds of the program which included the gave volce to 30 many reac upon the President stated that nia, Greece and Turkey. His Kremlin. Such a vassal would the economic and social problems.
tionary measures.
student bodies. Like a yellow For the Oxford Pledge he embraced it without reser speech followed only a few secure, on the one hand his The If that is so, and we grant that there is a lot of truth thread running through all vast majority of the vation ties with Paris and London. came and strengthen on the other in it if viewed in the right light, then why didn Roose these assemblies Entitled The Collective Pro land had likewise been taken the We refuse to support any war large. decisive locals of the hand, his bargaining position the government may un automobile union were repre. noun, the editorial began by under the protectorate of Britvelt use his great power to compel these few Economic sanda: For a bigger and betsame note of mad jingo propa dertake.
sented at the Cleveland conven quoting President Roosevelt ish imperialism.
with Berlin and Rome. Our duty is to save Fight militarism as the tion. The automobile Union words upon leaving Warm Premier Daladier of France. But Stalin, unlike Mussolini Royalists to toe the mark? program of expropriating ter navy for democracy. first step to fascism.
played it safe in Spain.
was organized and built up Springs: ll be back in the another of the professional Thc the Sixty Families in control of the coonomic resources of the Hurrah for American Imperi All war funds to the un. during the fiercest class battles Fall, if we don have a war. Democrats who is concerned Soviet intervention might have this country that a serious step! Boldly taking over the alism in South America.
with the automobile manufac Deeply Premeditated been decisive at certain mo with the independence of Build anti fascist defense turers. In spite the year and idle factories and putting the millions of unemployed to twentieth century Stalinist tried The editorial then stated that small nations. except ments had Stalin taken the of a half of ruinous, clique fac these words were not spoken course those small nations over risks on the Loyalist side which work. that another serious step which the vast majority to outdo the other in frenzied on the basis of this program. tonalism. the delegations to lightly but were deeply premed. which French imperialism exflag waving Mussolini did on the Franco of the people would back to the limit. But it is ridiculous tu the Young People Socialist the Cleveland convention still itated that a new war was ercizes its own brutal dominion side. But Stalin risked nothing.
New Low League is rallying the anti war gave voice to the militancy and rapidly approaching and that it. followed right in ChamberHe even made sure that there imagine Roosevelt even thinking of such actions.
In was enough gold in the Bank All that Roosevelt did was to slap the Economie low was reached when the strikes to be held throughout built and made famous the the United States could stay identical declaration concern of Spain to more than cover the Royalists on the wrist. He couldn do any more for the supported a resolution the city on April 20, at 11 Automobile Workers Union. out of it. The editorial then ing Rumania and Greece.
costs of his material aid to simple reason that he believes in and defends the present condemning Communism and At City College Evening the Martin AFL Alliance struck at legislation and pa The two latter countries, Madrid.
Fascism in so far as they work entire New York Division of Martin, representing dis per guarantees of immunity. meanwhile, were somewhat Stalin himself had contempt economic system under which the Economic Royalists against world peace. The re the will join the pa credited minority of the auto without specifically mentioning tearful of these assurances, uously described the Comintern must necessarily rule in view of the enormous pres(Continued on Page. Continued on Page 3)
resolution made. clear that. Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
Student Strike Against War Set For April 20 of living Ead