DemocracyEnglandGermanyHitlerImperialismMarxismMoscow TrialsParis CommuneSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

4 SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1939 Their Of Easter Week Insurrection Government German Gold must Kinks In The Cotton tactic.
going to solve our economic problems and at the revolutionaries who have been planting bonibs Tanda Horcanada could be seen and Connolly slood tiemy memorie SOCIALIST APPEAL opponent of any and all popular referendums to Vol. III, 24 April 14, 1939 decide for themselves whether they want to By James Burnham Published twice a week by the enter the path of world war, SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS Stimson has always advocated a positive at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Algonquin 8547 policy on the part of American imperialism, the building of huge armies, the launching of The Tradition of James Connolly, the Great Marxian. Foreign 00 per year. 50 for six months. Bus military intervention in Asia and Europe whendle orders: cents per copy in States: Revolutionist, Who Led the Uprising Against Britain cents per copy in all foreign contes. Single ever American imperialist interests are threatencd. In the Committee hearing he again stated In Dublin, Still Lives in the Hearts of the People copies: cents.
Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for these views The present session of Congress is giving us a new, and very revealing chance to test out the six months; 00 for one year.
The Daily Worker applauded Secretary StimBy BILL MORGAN ally planned. But the isolation tion can be compared to the theory of Labor Non Partisan League, John Reentered as second class matter February 16, son. Like the Wall Street financiers, the Daily Easter Week! Red Easter! of Kerry and the arrest of terror which followed the Paris 1939. at the post office at New York, under Lewis and the Stalinists as to how labor should With these magic words on many leaders in Kerry, plus commune. whole secuion of intervene in politics. The results of the test are the Act of March 3, 1879.
Worker editors believe that the American their lips thousands of Irish the lack of arms and the heav Dublin was destroyed in the just the same as followed before in the history of people should be sent abroad to die on foreign patriots and revolutionists are lest snow storm in Ireland house to house search for hidthis country and in the thousands of examples that Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN battlefields in defense of American imperialism this week amid the bursting history all combined to crush den arms. On the judgment of could be drawn from other nations.
The advance of the P. policy over the Associate Editors: and incidentally in defense oi the Stalin twenty third anniversary of the The Fenians continued to be known leaders were executed older reward your friends and punish your eneHAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW Staff Members: regime in Russia. Stimson statements natural which Uprising the Uprising the force, however, and in 1913 Sennolly twice wounded leathe mies theory made famous by Gompers is to be found in the effort to build up an independent poEMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN ly tasted like sweet honey on the bristling Great war. Set free the forces their ranks. This time, in the intring wheelchair themsewere litical organization comprising primarily workers Business Manager: tongues of the Daily Worker editorial staff.
and especially organized workers. At the same STANLEY Stimson and the Daily Worker denounce the world and marked a new chap the youth of Ireland to prepare condemned to death and nearly ter in the 700 year old struggle for the revolt which was in time, however, much of the Gompers theory has 2, 000 were deported or interned in other respects been retained. war mongers most vehemently. We too are John Redmond was in Great Britain all without FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST of the Irish people to free evitable.
appeal The leadership of P. has resisted and against the war mongers. The first step in fight themselves from the most pow. their leader.
fought any attempt to transform the League into WORKERS PARTY FOR: ing the REAL war mongers, we suggest, is the erful and most ruthless land. At the same time, in Dublin, NEW STRUGGLE IS a fully independent political party, that is, into a lord in the world. Great the great strike of 1913 led by NOW AHEAD establishment of a few curbs right here at home. Britain.
Labor party. They have restricted it, on the whole, Today the Irish are prepar.
Larkin and Connolly made to a labor appendage to the New Deal. job and a decent wage for every worker. That is why the war mongering Daily tempts to explain the revoluThere have been many at clear the necessity of workers ing for another revolt. There efense guar Under the has been a renewal of the The tactic of P. has been to throw organ ized labor support to candidates on old party tick2. Open the idle factories operate them under IVorker and the war mongering ex Secretary to workers control.
ton which took place in Ireland leadership of James Connolly struggle despite the betrayal ets who are held to be progressive and friends President Herbert Hoover are so bitterly op in 1916. All give different rea and Captain White the workers DeValera and the others who of labor. This has usually, though not always. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works sons. To some it was a roposed to a curb on the war mongers in the form and housing program.
armed themselves and trained have doned Ireland for Within the old meant supporting the candidates of the Roosevelt mantic adventure of a few for military service. They went wing of the Democratic party.
of a popular referendum on war.
poets, while others claim it a step further than the Fenians, Irish Republican Army there Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wageSuch candidates are not, of course, labor candi30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on They want to send the American workers to was a putsch engineered by however. They had learned the has arisen the Irish Republican dates. They are capitalist candidates, running as all jobs.
clie on foreign battlefields and they will leave desperate terrorists and still lessons of the Dublin strike Brotherhood. And this representatives of and on the ticket of a capitalist others claim that it was a plot and realized that mere Home carries on the fight not only party, a boss party. The tactic of P. means, Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability nothing undone to accomplish that end. hatched by German Generals Rule would not solve the prob. against Britain but De Valera therefore, the organizing of labor support for cerpension to break the military front of lems of wages, hours and con. They have organized a series the Allies.
of bombings to attract atten.
tain selected boss candidates. Expropriate the Sixty Families.
These explanations are not fore realized that Irish bossession to the Army of Occupation Ingratitude Sharp Tooth All war funds to the unemployed.
study as the tranç tanetes yang diperent. bosses were not the dissolution. The division The P. tactic advertised by the League officials as the only realistic method people referendum on any and all wars.
not only national independence between Ulster and the South of labor politics. How, then, does it work out, from No secret diplomacy.
Mr. Augur, who enjoys the reputation of tional independence will reveal but a workers republic would They are today burning the the point of view of the interests of labor? Let us judge it by results.
10. An independent Labor Party.
being semi official spokesman for the British ment and will make clear as of the new Irish working class. which England is planning to The results were clear enough long before the 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante government, asserts in an article dated April play the real significance of It had been the Irish bosses use for the defense of British present year started. In 1936, the tactic led to supEaster Week.
like Murphy in Dublin and the port for Martin Davey in his campaign for the and Fascist attacks that one of the factors which has changed Prime Every effort of the Irish reformers like the right wing vere sentences are being given governorship of Ohio. The tactic was successful people to break the chains of of the Fepians who were afraid to Irishmen who are arrested and Davey was elected. He rewarded labor, a few Minister Chamberlain from a gullible pro British Imperialism can be of this bold step. Connolly be for what they may be thinking.
months later, by calling out his troops to smash And revolutionists tagonist of appeasement in Europe to the translated in terms of their came a Marxist and openly adthe Little Steel strike. starkly determined leader of a movement to Exactly the same thing happened in Iowa. Kras.
direct economic and political vocated socialism for Ireland. come to their support.
When the World War began The Stalinists call it a Fase relationships. While Ireland Consider the business of growing and selling resist Herr Hitler by force if necessary is the chel was elected governor with the help of Nwas merely an agrarian counthe Irish leaders knew their ist plot. But Marxists can only and last year proved his friendship for labor cotton and see if any sense can be made out of Irish bombings.
try the main question was that chance was drawing near. The assist the Irish in their new by smashing the Maytag strike.
reformers began to break un struggle and not confine themThese sobering experiences did not, however, it. Page the defenders of the capitalist order and discourage the realistic officials who direct the Chamberlain Cabinet, according to Augur, forts to win Home Rule were der the pressure of Britisn de selves to pious condemnations let them try to explain.
made. Under Connell the mands for troops to fight for of the bombings.
destinies of P. Last November they went Easter week and its tradidemocracy and John Red lias discovered a precise indication of a direct people were led to believe that right ahead with the same theory and the same The Roosevelt brain trust wizards who were connection between litler gold and the Irish through purely legislative et mond split the movement by tons belong now to the work forts Home Rule such as Scot recruiting soldiers for Engers of the world. Honor to the the men who gave In Illinois, for example, they swung labor behind Scott Lucas, the bright young Roosevelt can didate for the Senatorship. Victory! Lucas was same time preserve the capitalist system intact throughout England in an atteript to free Ire when these methods failed and against the war. He openly decise lives for a revolutionary elected by a big majority, and took his seat in the are giving themselves and everybody else a head land from British opposition.
the people were ready to fight. denounced the imperialist powO Connell abandoned his leaders and when the Second Interaugust Senate chamber.
national collapsed and advo: ache with their schemes to solve a problem From that day until this. Lucas has in debate which cannot be solved under the present slightest prof in support of this slander of the Irelandersa Naturally Augur does not bother to offer the ership, Then there arose the Young cated support of the war, Con.
and vote lined up on the most reactionary side of They advocated holly denounced the fake so every measure that has come before Congress. In system.
They cialists and called upon the brave Irish youths who have gone to prison adopted military drill and un rish workers to make ready In order to keep up the price of cotton, the shouting defiance of Great Britain. Augur ac forms and their paper, The for revolution. He plannedia his very first month, he played an important role in keeping the deficiency appropriation down to 725, 000, 000. Needless to say, he is a Roosevelt magicians decided first to cut the cuses without facts or proofs in the traditional Nation. urged resistance to revolt which he hoped would prominent member of the economy bloc whenever amount of cotton planted ant to pay the cotton it is a question of cutting off funds that might manner of a paid liar in the propaganda depart Britain and made no secret of start the masses of Europe on benefit labor or the unemployed.
grower for not planting cotton. That didn help ment of an honest and upright capitalist the wobelief that freecom could the sound to revolution and so even more impressive example is that of so they then hit upon the plan of lending the democracy. He is busily engaged in carrying During the famine of 1848 NEITHER KING Alben Barkley, Senator from Kentucky. Barkgrowers approximately nine cents for every out propaganda job No. smearing revoluwhen people were dying by the NOR KAISER (Special to Socialist Appeal) ley is leader of the Democratic party forces in pound of cotton, the cotton being collateral for tionary tendencies inside the nation with the thousands, although there was The Uprising was organized ST. PAUL To fight Govern the Senate. He is Roosevelt own man, and got enough food to feed them, the and led by Connolly. He had or Stassen anti labor bill, the post of leader only through Roosevelt insis.
the loan.
black hues of the foreign enemy.
Young Irelanders worked unto argue continually with the more than 750 delegates cama tence. He was up for election last Fall, and was Eleven million pounds were put in lock with Augur is very voluble about German gold They called on the people. ro tiringly to save the people. leaders of the Volunteers and here on April for a special dutifully given support. He won hands down.
the government. For a while the price was kept financing Irish bombers. He is not so voluble keep the food in the to push them to act in agreement convention of the Minnesota Last week it was Barkley himself, in person, up, so well in fact that the foreign market disquite understandably about Britain ruthless The British then began to the workers defense guards of est convention in the history of who arranged the deal in the Senate Appropria appeared almost completely. Now there is antions Committee whereby the 100, 000, 000 figure crack down on them. Their the Irish The bill, Union. He was bombings of women and children in Palestine leaders were shot and driveneral Workers oport and Gen the state federation.
for the figure that means starvation for of the legislaother huge surplus and the price is down again and India. These gruesome and indefensible from Ireland. Their ranks were not afraid of being called a the lower how eady passed by hundreds of thousands of persons. was reported To dispose of the surplus, to regain the forout to the floor of the Senate.
Mitchell, was. the. John German spy. Over the enture would establish in Minnethe mess, Roosevelt proposes a subsidy for ex recipients of this same British gold are silent men land for life.
hung a huge banner We in Oregon and Washington. Is there some mystery here? Why are labor porting cotton. This conflicts with the Hull about that.
The bill is to be debated in In 1848 there was an at. Serve Neither King nor Kai friends always stabbing labor in the back? Is tempted Insurrection. In the ser! and he let this speak for the Senate this week. On everybody nowadays a traitor. trade policies.
midst of famine and persecu itself.
March 31 it passed the house No, there is no mystery. The explanation of Some Congressmen, not satisfied with the Lion, with people dying daily on On the appointed day Eas. by a vote of 85 37. Representa these incidents and they could multiplied in the roadsides. Smith Brien ter Tuesday. the notice for full tive Bennett, Farmer definitely is simple: in politics, class Interests in Tipperary rallied the re mobilization was countermand Laborite, who has carried the come first. In fair weather, when things are going maining Young Irelanders and ed. Eoin MacNeill of the Irish burden of labor opposition to smoothly, everybody can be friendly. Promises the bill in the house, voted for a pound the government to suffer a huge loss.
are cheap enough. But when the situation gets hot.
began the fight. But again Volunteers backed down. he Ilarry Hopkins, Secretary of Commerce, and Britain was prepared.
Under this scheme the cotton growers must The thought the time was not ripe the bill in order to be in a po when class lines are drawn sharp by a Roosevelt ace appeaser of big business, las on leaders were arrested and four and that lack of arms from sition to move for its recon war or a revolution or a showdown herrike or a busipromise to cut their acreage still more. his payroll as right hand adviser in carrying hanged drawn and quartered: tempt. But word did not reach sentenced to be Germany would doom the at sideration.
ness appeasement and adequate relief, then a polLabor Pressure Begins Meanwhile there are hundreds of thousands out the practical steps of big business appease but this sentence was later all the sections in time and ation convention was in session itician has got to fall into with he class which When, while the state feder he represents. This does not make him a traitor: of workers, their wives and children, who are in ment, General Robert Wood.
commuted to life imprison. Dublin, under the command of Monday, Bennett moved for rehe would be a traitor if he did anything else.
These friends of labor are political represendire need of garments. Tens of thousands of James Connolly, proceeded to Last week at the Young Men Supper Club ment carry out the plan.
consideration, he lost, but the tatives of boss parties and through those parties FENIANS WORKED workers are being dismissed from thus in Boston, the General expressed his beliefs on FOR REPUBLIC Less than 2, 000 men took up vote was 72 53, indicating that of the boss class. It doesn make any difference cutting down still further the market for cotton.
who supports them at the polls or how much they American youth and its place in the American After this there came ile arms in Dublin. Some say only pressure of the union moveWhen will this vicious circle come to an end? capitalist democracy. It might not be a bad Fenians. They too prepared to 200. For six days and nights ment on the legislature was be promise. In every crucial issue they are and have establish an Irish Republic they held their posts against ginning to tell.
got to be loyal to their class. And being loyal to Stassen bill contains a protheir own class, the boss class, means striking Only when we put into practice the simple states, stated the General, and to FORCE Organizer. The Fenlans crew army. The story of theiris bra, vision especially designed to blows at labor.
They are not traitors to labor. The traitors to by leaps and bounds. Even very and courage is history destroy the famous Minnes po of the people instead of for the profit of planta cvery youth to give six months or a year of his labor are the Lewises and Browders who tell labor the English Army and Navy never to be forgotten by revolis teamsters union. It would tion owners.
And that will be done by the life to thic state, either in labor service or miliwere honeycombed with this lutionists the world over. They make it unlawful to interfere to support these representatives of the enemy, and heavy workers when they decide to take over all the tary service or both. Of course, the cry of regi new revolutionary movement withstood hide from the workers the results which follow and bombard in any manner with the opera will always follow from this tactic.
industries of the nation, abolish this crazy sysmentation would be raised, but am convinced revolt was planned to take ments of artillery, even when tion of a vehicle or the operatplace during February 1867. their positions were burning to or thereof when neither the only when it forges its own party. The only real Labor will advance its own interests in politics it would be a fine thing for our youth.
tem, and establish socialism.
it was postponed because of the ground. They held off a owner nor operator of said ve labor representatives in politics will be those from The New Deal idea of the exact place for certain organizational difficul force twenty or thirty times hicle is at said time a party to labor own party and labor own ranks.
American youth thus becomes more clearly exties but word did not reach all their number. Men. women strike. This would mean pressed as war approaches closer. American sections. Kerry rose in arms and youngsters fought with a that any number of scab trucks and was isolated. Later the fury that impressed the world. could come in to break a driv youth will be sacrificed as a burnt offering to uprising took place as origin. And when it was over the reac: ers strike.
The bill also makes sit down The Senate oreign Relations Conumittee is appcase big business, and the place selected by strikes illegal, outlaws any atnow busily engaged in removing one more small New Deal democracy for the sacrifice is either tempt to compel another perThe Press son to join union, requires a pebble in the path of Roosevelt well lubricated a forced labor camp like Hitler s, fenced off union to give twenty days no.
By Arthur Hopkins war machine. That pebble is the present neu with barbed wire, or a rat infested trench betice before a strike, and if the trality legislation which does not hand over to hind a razor sharp, needlc pointed bayonet on a strike is affected with a pub Untold hardship will result from the reduction in IS ONLY shown how utterly corrupt and lic interest. such as public workers scheduled to be made the first Roosevelt all the discretionary powers inc slimy battlefield.
CHALLENGING FORCE insincere the so called commu utilities. food establishments week in April. administrators of seven wishes in the matter labelling aggressors, nists are. To think that they and again aimed at the team states agreed at a conference in St. Paul. But it Roosevelt has his way, big business will be Editor: won be untold, with the Socialist Workers Party instituting economic boycults, and declaring war involves transportation appeased and youth will end its days under the wonder if you could send didn lift a finger against that sters) crazy Bund meeting! Furious delivery service the union on the job.
without the consent of the American people. whip in a forecd labor camp or suffer a foul party.
me literature concerning your with indignation went there cannot call a strike until 30 As first step in revising the present neutrality death defending capitalist profits.
Although was born and cribe how inspiring it was to a three man investigation com.
myself and words cannot des days after the appointment of Department of Commerce figures for 1937 recently released, show that Minnesota industries legislation the Committee acting American youth can respond to this prospect circumstances have long been ing against this organized band brought up in comfortable see your part there, protest mission by the vernor. employed 89. 925 workers vho received 393, hearings and inviting various, witnesses to These commissions will be 009 in wages for producing goods valued at 937. in only one way by openly and courageously troubled by what is known as of German butchers. will nev. empowered to subpoena evi: point out what the Roosevelt. Administration taking for themselves the program of Socialisme social conscience. In my er forget the speech of one of dence including the books of 462, 797. Figures for 1935 show that 76. 241 workers employed in Minnesota industry got 77. 974, 350 for holds to be the defects in the legislation, in America. Only revolution, the overthrow of high school days believed in your members, called. be a union.
producing goods valued at 746, 350, 564. Thus, in the Socialist Party, but recent lieve. Mr. Burnham. In that First witness was llenry Stimson. The the capitalist class, and the complete smashing years have shown that it con tense sidewalk atmosphere his clear ils irreconciliable hostil The state convention made 1935 the workers got one tenth the value of their product, while in 1937 they got one ninth an im American people should remember this spokes of all the ancient bone bagse who think youtli tained several weaknesses. words rang out like a trumpet ity to these anti labor provi provement of one and one ninth percent. Evidently man of big finance without difficulty. He was is a commodity to be bought and sold for canIt seems to me that your call.
sions. Out of town delegates trade unionism doesn quite answer all the prob Secretary of State under President Herbert non fodder, can open up a new and bright future force to any system of exploitgroup is the only challenging Sincerely yours. were busy during the ensuing lems of the workers: we have got to have a revoMILDRED SH. days making their home town lutionary party which will get rid of the exploitaHoover. He has been an untiring and vigorous for the youth of America.
ation. The Moscow Trials have New York legislators see the light. tion.
UNIONS DISCUSS ACTION AGAINST ANTI LABOR BILL eign market and to get the government out of cisely by British gold. Only direct and precise restere anche sente de vanas Die Headquarters or ultior, enere visions as have been adoptea How Can Such Things Be?
Roosevelt scheme, insist upon letting the grow: Behind Barbed Wire Curb Them at Home Labor Looks Through WORKERS FORUM