AnarchismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceInvasionMarxismMoscow TrialsPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL In the World of Labor Why Doesn the Social Democrats Insist on Expel Gen. Miaja? Capitulation by Mental Blizzard Befogs Pacifist Meeting Wing MERGOTT STRIKE STRONG DESPITE AFL AID TO CO.
the wire going On the Line. with Bill Morgan By Paul Stevens.
Fruits of the Popular This movement is supported, and in many instances led. by Fourth Internationalist Front in France Norman Thomas and His Colleagues Seek a Face Saving Why hasn General Jose Miaja been expelled from the members of the Internationalist Workers Party) and the Socialist Communist Party of Spain?
Device in Negotiations for Unity with Lee and Oneal Readers of the Appeal are acquainted with Workers and Peasants Party. Their immedi Why is this infamous traitor still tolerated in the ranks some of the results of the People Front pol ate objective is the creation of a network of of the party which elevated him to the position of member of Who Demand Full Public and Unconditional Surrender icy in France on the living conditions of the factory committees to take the initiative wher its Central Committee workers and the life of the labor movement. ever it is impossible to get the regular trade Revolutionists without stain or reproach are not only ex.
Life is no bed of roses for the obvious concession to the re. two for a penny tricks, theatThey already know that the institution of the union organization to act.
pelled from the Communist Party in the Soviet Union but Socialist Party representatives maining militants of the rical gesturesunprincipled sixty hour week place of the forty bour murdered ed in the cellars of the Their places are taken who have been negotiating for the answer of the com maneuvers, and all the other week achieved by the June 1936 strike wave by the Miajas.
unity with the right wing Somittee, which makes no bones devices of second rate provinis practically a fact; that the unemployed are An Admission of Bankruptcy to be regimented for forced labor in the best from the Anarchists Themselves We have proved by incontrovertible documents that cial Democratic Federation, to about its pro war and pro cap cial politicians. They do not Miaja was a member and leader. He threw open the ige from the documents italist political position, char hesitate to swallow their pride.
style of the Fascist countries: that the militants who took the general strike order of last made public by Algernon Lee, acterizes the points as alto their program and their past To Marxists, the role of the anargates of Madrid to Franco hordes. Since then the Stalinists spokesman for the latter, in the gether unacceptable even as a but they insist on saving their November seriously are filling the jails of have openly condemned him. BUTchist trade union body) and the anarlatest issue of the New Leader basis for further discussion. Laces.
Daladier democracy.
cist political organization) in the course of the They haven said a word about his membership in their It appears that in the course! These views and policies The social democrats, hope.
party. On that, they have maintained a significant silence.
New fruits of this rotten and treacherous Spanish civil war has from the first confirmed of the initial conferences be are as emphatically rejected less reformists though they policy are coming to light every day, howthe bankruptcy of anarchism. If a theoretical Why? Why do they cover up the truth. Why don they at tween the two organizations by the in 1939 as they are, have at least made thele analysis of the petty bourgeois character of least announce his expulsion from their ranks?
substantial. agreement was were in 1934 or 1936.
position as plain and categoric a decree affecting the shop delegate system this the actement could only convince hundreds reached on a draft statement We find an unexplainable as any ultimatum can be. the system of grievance committees estab of the Spanish anarchist organiza on socialist purposes and the contradiction between the ac They re ready to do business lished in June 1936. The decree sharply retions clearly demonstrated to millions the userelations between socialism ceptance by your of the with Thomas, Laidler and stricts the rights of the workers in the shops lessness of anarchist doctrine as a weapon of and democracy. statement on purpose and de Hoan, but they have no time to to elect delegates of their own choice, withworking class struggle Statement a Victory for Right mocracy, the New Deal and its waste with such pseudo radidraws the right to recall an incompetent or To the very last, the and leadsignificance for socialism, the cals as Zam. It up to the renegade delegate and practically gives the ers pursued the old reformist policy of hang This statement was essen socialist work in the trade un now, they say.
bosses a free hand to dictate the election by ing on to the coat tails of the capitalist poliions, as an adequate contributially a declaration of the dis The only choice that the ordering that the chief of an establishment ticians and to the People Front which tion to a basis for unity and earnest socialist militant can or his representative shall always have access ported them. Their continued collaboration (Speeinl to the Socialist Appeal)
10 the voting places that is, the right to in justified every atrocity committed by the stalNEW YORK That there is ples of the Monroe Doctrine. social democrats who broke the additional points which make now is not between one or another combination of cai. e. military defense of the en away from the after the inist gang in Spain. When the LoyalLaicidate the voters. Not only have the Stalinno interest in a middle way tire Western hemisphere.
Conceptions Fundamentally pitulators, but between both of Detroit and cleveland conven: ist bourgeoisie in order to finally make ists, socialists and trade union bureaucrats between war mongering and Different them and the straightforward not taken any measures to fight the decree.
Mr. Knutson supported the tions at which the Militants revolutionary struggle against peace with Franco, used the stalinists as but their press does not even see fit to de The contradiction to which revolutionary position.
scape goats and shot down the rank and flie war was demonstrated when people referendum on war. established their control of the we refer is between fundamennounce it.
Communist party members in cold blood in the Keep America Out of War party. save in times of threatened or tally different conceptions of For the first time in French labor history.
Madrid and Valencia, the anarchists condoned Congress could only marshall actual invasion. when There was no particular dit socialist thought and action.
that action too. As is well known, Val and a colorless, poor would favor the suspension of ficulty in coming to an agree The does not at we learn from Paris dispatches, the trade union movement is not to order the traditionMarin of the served as official mem ly attended meeting in Man the referendum on war and de ment, since the negotiaall desire an organizational al May Day strike.
bers of the Miaja Casado Defense Council hattan Center on April to clare for the dispatch of troops ting committee is dominated merger with elements who hold which arranged for the final burial of the commemorate the 56 Congress to troubled areas anywhere in entirely by conservatives like basically different views. Such But, more indicative even than these politiPeople Front and the capitulation to Franeo. men who in 1917 voted against the Western hemisphere.
Norman Thomas and Harry a pseudo unity would merely cal set backs are the declining figures of trade Revolt, an anarchist organ published in this country entrance into the union membership. In the Paris region alone, Laidler, anxious to restore revive the dissension between Hooray for Chamberlain England, prints the declarations of the De war.
their political fortunes by unity organized factions which char.
the Union des Syndicats or Central Labor Although the Keep America nity to acclaim Neville Cham want to take this opportu with another insolvent.
fense Council and concludes its editorial acterized the from Det.
Union, controlled completely by the Stalinists, comment as follows: However, the Socialist Par roit on.
reports that the membership there declined. Having to choose between a Negrin (who.
public program, each of the six berlain as one of the greatest ty national committee is still It is of course your function in the period between September 1938 to Dethey claim, still worked with the Stalinists speakers who addressed the tury. said Congressman Knut wingers like Tyler and Co. which of the two conceptions the combined efforts of the (Special to the Socialist prespite NEWARK, cember 1938, by more than 200, 000. The work and a Besteiro (who worked with meeting presented his own ne son. His name will become who worry it like a toothless the really holds, or wheth company management and the ers are voting against the Popular Front with aja) the Spanish anarchists have chosen the vate panacea for maintaining more and more lustrous with dog. They have been contempter it is still divided on the subtheir feet.
latter in order le site the result of havn a useless war. This American neutrality. The indiOnly a drastie push by the revolutionists is the lamentable vidual programs of the speakthe passing of time and after uously excluded from all nego lect. Until we are apprised of strike organized by Lodge No.
organized in the minority movement in the ing allowed the Stalinists for the past two the people shall have had an tiations. At the committee re. this it would seem to us futile 2023, Steel Workers OrganizNeville Chamberlain and sup opportunity to evaluate his cent meeting in Chicago, they to go on with joint confering committee. against years to crush the revolution and lose the Circles (Cercles Lutte de Classe) can reori war.
port of the Monroe Doctrine to great accomplishment for the were, however, allowed to in ences.
ent the French workers and prevent the rout the Mergott Co. is still If there has ever been a more patent declar a militantly organized cam preservation of peace.
struct the negotiators to pre Sneaking under of the People Front from becoming a defeat strong after seven ation of political bankruptcy, it has still to Following Mr. Knutson eu. sent some additional points won be permitted by the paign of postcard pressure on weeks.
for labor.
logy of the British Prime Min to the Social Democratic Ped. demands of Thomas, against the firing of ten workCalled in protest come to our attention.
The chief guest speaker of ister, Norman Thomas arose to eration. These points are di. Tyler and Co. a public, comers in the lacquering and platthe evening the Republican differ with him, pointing out luted solution of the already plete and unconditional. capit. ing departments and one shop Congressman Knutson, invited that Chamberlain first, last water logged radicalism of ulation! It has its principled steward, the strikers are de for having voted against war and always has only the inter. Tyler and Zam. With a vexed position and it is on that basis termined to fight on until vicin 1917 but who in the mean ests of the British Empire at heart. Thomas and Laidler, that it will allow unity, not on torious.
time has become a thorough heart. The embarrassing epl who opposed the additional any other.
National was reactionary, as Minnesota la sode between Thomas and points, were nevertheless ob One can have some respect given the strike whance the Merbor can testify, declared that Knutson is the latest commen liged to present them to their for people who take such a gott management, acting on he believed not only in military on the confusion within the prospective partners of the stand. But how can kind words the basis of the Supreme Once there was a poor farmer who owned judge did not mention a word about the chous tary defense of our shores but Keep America Out of War but two thin cows. And in order to prevent his be said for the leaders? Supreme Court decision outands of Big Business Trusts which today bleed also in defense of the princi Congress. Rejects New Points They like to eat their cakes. lawing sitdown strikes. last belly button from becoming permanently at the workers and farmers by price fixing.
McAlister Coleman. the The reply of the latter na give it away, and have it too. month fired 300 members of tached to his backbone, the poor farmer had chairman, adequately summed tional committee was not only They re dying for unity. They Lodge No. 2023 in an attempt to to sell whatever milk he could squeeze from up the program and the organ prompt, but far more prin know that it can be realized break the strike.
the thin beasts to the Big City Milk Company.
And to top it off the judge explains that with ization when he said at the cipled, as it were, than either only on the program of the One frosty morning, Lodge No. 2023 had had a after milking both opening of the meeting, was Thomas or Tyler The addi they know also that a working cows, the farmer saw he had only halt the the company consent the individual members of Branch of the American Federation agreement with the born in the blizzard of 1888 and tional points called timidly good half of their own members company covering recognition, usual amount of milk necessary to meet the of Hosiery Workers will not be held accoun.
have been wandering around in for opposition to capitalist wars already accept that program, hours, wages and working concontract with the Company. And so on the table for the debt. No, the union must pay. But a blizzard ever since.
and to capitalist politics an and yet they horse around with ditions won in September 1937 way to the City he stopped beside a pretty little brook which bubbled and sang with end who the hell is the union if not the member.
after a ten week strike. In ship? But the judge knows his onions. Hold March, 1938 the company, less quarts of nice fresh water. He quickly the union officials responsible, says he that scooped up enough water to fill the contract which manufactures pocketA Mid Western Story is one way of smashing the union. Another is book frames and metal noveland continued on his journey.
to force the officials to raise the (Special to Socialist Appeal)
ties, signed another contract Now it happened that two small frogs had NEW YORK new and sen taxing the membership. That whe money by been caught and poured into the can where with the local after share to create division in the ranks which sational note in popular spring the latter had beaten the comwas very dark and where there was no place will break the union power.
styles for well dressed ladies pany union in an LR. elec And then there is another ace in the hole and gentlemen was introduced for the bosses. Recalling the international here this Easter Sunday during Frogs Hold a Conference With the time near for the storm aroused over the Danbury Hatters case the traditional fashion parade By CARL SHEA before his face. Three fingers which would have paved the signing of a new contract, the After swimming frantically in circles and when the courts forced the workers to sell up swank Fifth Avenue when It was a question of taking were torn and bleeding. huge way for some of the federal management called in two after making every effort to climb the slip their homes and other belongings and to pay 75 members of the Unemployed the miserable house or of berat, twitching his lont bare housing funds to come in. The organizers who issued a No.
and Project Workers Union ing without a roof over their tail, glared at Mrs. Jacques big real estate men weren in Federal union charter, pery sides of the can, the poor frogs huddled a part of their wages every year to settle a judgment brought against them by the bosses, wearing the ragged and ill fit heads. So Mrs. William from Jimmy chest, and then terested.
together and held a conference.
21920, to the Mergott company ting clothes which the relief Jacques and her five little slithered away into the wall. Thursday the We are doomed. cried one. there is no this judge in Philadelphia is forcing the union over worked union. When the callto collect the dough in order to throw the and escape from this awful prison. We may as well budgets provide children moved into the place The mother grabbed Jimmy committee from and carrying banners demand at 903 Girard Avenue, in the and hurriedly left for the gen ployed organization, Federal company union ordered the unem: ed a strike on Feb. 23, the face the fact and not waste our time or problame on the labor movement.
ing work for all at trade union center of the Minneapolis eral hospital.
Workers Section of Drivers Lo its members to work.
This case must be fought to the end by labor long the agony. With these words he The rats returned to the at cal 544 showed up where the slowly sank beneath the dark swirling waves and not one cent must be turned over to the wages and All War Funds to slums.
All the other houses that the tack in the absence of the Jacques were staying. They an open letter addressed to all The has published of milk.
bosses. This blackmail must be fought by a The remaining frog, however, decided to renewal of the militant struggles which built and joined the annual show off welfare board had suggested mother. Two of them, dripping took Mrs. Jacques in the orga members of the asking make one more effort to save himself.
He con the great industrial unions and established the of the 400 society parasites were not available. We don and slimy, crawled rapidly on nizer car and drove around them to take action against the Hand Out Leaflets take reliefers, or There the bed where Billy, Jacky and until they found a home for the viciously disruptive tactics of tinued to swim about. Round and round he union in every mass production industry in the Marching two by two, the un too many children, was what Eugene lay. The two older chil family.
the two leaders which swam. faster and faster. Soon his breath country.
employed and workers the landlords told Mrs. dren beat them off. Eugene Mrs. Jacques wore a 544 but are jeopardizing the unity of came in gasps. He gasped and he kicked he slowly proceeded up the AveJacques. The Jacques had wasn able to defend himself ton when she climbed out of the labor movement.
kicked and he gasped. Round and round. An End to Academic Discussion!
nue handing out a leaflet ex been ousted from their pre very well because he had brok the car and she was undoubted Police, as usual, have been When the farmer reached the Big City Milk And see Roosevelt. His huge tears which plaining the plight of the mil vious house because the wel en a shoulder on Saturday and ly proud of it. She promised to doing their distiest to break the Company and removed the cover of the can flowed so freely on the question of the two honse of imetredes ved change the teme nende kaudnet pay the to sis what do you suppose he saw? Why there was abllion for mere incidentals like airplanes for on his right hand was pretty membersbip meeting. You the plant resting strikers on the second little frog, a big smile on his fool youth and guns for the boys of workers at the ex The Jacques moved to Gir well gnawed when the mother know, my sister told me false charges, and so forth. An ish little face, sitting on top of a large chunk those tears were entirely absent on the ques.
pense of Roosevelt four bilard of bright yellow butter! He had kicked so tion of funds to keep the unemployed at work lion dollar war budget. And the not the on Friday. It was returned, and the artery was ought to go down to that 544. injunction has been handed sort of place that gave severed at the wrist. They re the ones for getting down by the Chancery Court much and so hard that he had churned the on the One million workers are being well groomed bosses in their much room for a person soul Look at the two as the mo things done, she said to me, which prohibits any striker milk into a floating mass of fine Hutter and sacrificed for the sake of the Sixty Families new and expensive finery were to develop. By Edgar Guest ther clasps Eugene to her Mrs. Jacques said as she got from attempting to persuade when the lid was off he immediately hopped taxes and the Sixty Families investments in shocked.
standards, it was more of a breast. Madonna and Child out of the car.
scabs not to enter the plant.
out and away to his home in the brook other countries.
One over upholstered big home than a house, because it It the American Way, yessir. You see, said the farmer after he had Then there are the rising fascist movements shot in a top hat was heard to had sure seen heap of Refuge figured out what had happened, no matter which grow bolder with every blow delivered say. They ought to be sent livin. Garbage was strewn After taking Eugene to the how terrible things look no matter how dark back where they came from! around the hard packed dirt hospital, the whole family put at the working class. These will be increasingthe future appears. no matter how tough the ly used by the bosses and now, before they while his wife who wore a hat surrounding the place. The on all the clothes they could situation, if a fellow just keeps on kicking as grow strong. the workers must take the job of which probably cost a month neighbors on either side were and tramped over to where hard as he can without any letup he will find dealing in the proper way with them. Some rent in any tenement flat, de junk peddlers and huge piles of Mrs. Jacques sister lived: The a way out.
misguided fascists can be reasoned with.
clared, How awfully disgrace discarded doo dads towered to sister was on relief too and Some can be isolated. But there must be an ful! They have no respect for the roof.
didn have room, but the Who Are Our Enemies end to academic discussion before we reach Sunday!
Home, Sweet Home Jacques tribe had become acthe concentration camp.
Police Surprised Almost everybody in the customed to living where there That story is as old the hills but it is The police were taken by neighborhood was on relief and was no room.
just as good today as when my grandfather We Must Keep on Kicking Two Gala Parties Another Victory first heard it in 1886 during the May Day complete Surprders they the pitiful faith they could pened by the hospital, got a At Waldorf with most of them kept chickens, in newspaper reporter hapFor Congress out their usual Parade for the eight hour day. Today on every And last but far from least are the Stalin stood with open mouths as the make a few extra pennies from line on the Jacques case, and NEW YORK CITY. The FORT LEE, The imside the enemies of the working class are all ists. These filthy agents of the boss and the workers marched from 43rd eggs to buy decent food for the wrote it up. In some way Waldorf Astoria will be the set pending slashes of rolls ganging up in the hope of striking a death boss governs Sead the working class to the the race blow to the trade unions just as they were in are breaking all records in Street to 52nd Street, past all kids. In the Jacques home, the slipped by the city editor. ting for two gala events usher the huge churches and the ex paper was off the walls, the Things like that happen every ing in the Little Season did not bring happiness to the 1886. From all sides the blows come and while slaughter for democracy. While they ruin pensive shops where abundant accumuited filth of fifty years so often. The story was a one which always occurs simulta: home of Lester Ruark, 29 yearthe heat is turned on let every worker look every union they get hold of by first killing fine clothes were on display. was caked on the floor the day sensation neously with the coming of old worker, about and see who his enemies are and mark every democratic procedure and substituting At 52nd Street, however, a basement stairs had long ago Usually in such cases the Faster Sunday their local brand of phoney Moscow Trials and them well for future reference.
When police answered the to In the Sert Room, Miss Co call of a foreman who On the one hand we have the boss courts. gangsterism, they yell to high heaven about duty to protect all the flashy basement itself was half flood following day that some wom bina Wright, Jr. will start a went to Ruark there to win See the Roosevelt appointed justices on the democracy and the need to save poor little jewelry and furs of the para ed with a dirty liquor. en club or some philanthropist return engagement on the oc: vestigate his absence from Supreme Court hand down a decision outlaw Belgiums and Czechoslovakias. They brand all sites coming from church, aring the right of workers to sit down on the job honest workers as fascists no one who obOn Saturday and Sunday the has been touched, and has pro casion of the reopening of the work and smelled gas, they rived and forced the unem family got along all right. Mrs. vided the unfortunate person or handsome room for the Spring found all the gas jets were when they are refused decent wages and con jects to their smelly deals and racketeering ployed off the Avenue, Jacques, a blond severe faced family, as the case may be. and Summer season. in the kitchen. Ruark ditions. And see the quick follow up by a Fed escapes their pointing finger. And here too.
eral judge in Philadelphia in the Apex Hosiery the workers of America have a job to do The parade then continued young woman, slept in one with a job or with a little cot In the Grand Ballroom of the was dead with the body of his around the Rockefeller Center room with her six months old tage, etc.
Company case. judgement amounting to Driving the out of the trade unions and where thousands of visitors daughter. The other four kids That sort of thing doesn thers, enthusiastic friends and year old son clutched in his 711, 932 is awarded to the company in pay all workers organizations is necessary if any arms.
viewed the marching workers slept in the second room happen in Minneapolis any a flock of debutantes will at ment for alleged damages to the plant during gains are to be made against the National and their banners. More than a There was Billy. Jacqueline. more. No one came around to tend the 93rd annual producLast Tuesday Ruark had told a sit down strike. The jury had decided that Tanufacturers Association.
score of police and detectives Eugene, and Jimmy. 11. the sister house, though the tion of Harvard famous un police that his wife, Marie, 24. 237, 301 was enough although the Company Kick Kick hard. Keep kicking. It is the only escorted the parade to Broad shortly after midnight Sun address had been given in the dergraduate dramatic society, had disappeared on March 29.
has asked for more than a million dollars. The answer. And if we all kick together, in unison, way where again thousands of day it happened. Mrs. Jacques paper.
the Hasty Pudding Club.
Police sent the bodies of Leg.
judge tripled the jury figure and holds the we will win. If we stop kicking our enemies people were made aware of the was awakened by screams The State Acts Many entertaining a at dinner ter Ruark and the son he took American Federation of Hosiery Workers lia will start kicking us all the harder. We can determination of the from the other room. She On Wednesday the state leg. or supper parties in the Sert with him to death to a Fort ble for the payment of this gigantic sum of churn up long to fight for jobs and clothing rushed in and turned on the islature in Minnesota turned Hoom will attend the perform Lee morgue to await claimants.
money. Using the Sherman Anti Trust Act as enough. And we won have to split it nine dit for the unemployed at New lights. Little Jimmy was cry down a proposal to set up a ance, either before or after the If no one appears, they will be a basis of his decision against the union the ferent ways if we kick the right people.
ing, holding his right hand up housing authority in the state prandial events.
buried in pauper graves.