CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorld War

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1939 APPEAL ARMY Stimson, Baruch Support War Line In the Trade Caucasian Who Is Bernard Baruch, Give Cold Culture To New Neutrality Expert? Reception To Martin Union Be War Cry SOUTH BENDOSI Appa!
is now in twelve SENATORS SEEK NEW WAYS TO CUT WPA FUND ON THE WAY TO THE TRENCHES 20 Quiry, WATCII POP PRIZE WINNERS Branch greeting: send in collection lists from progressive The next issue of the Appeal ade union groups, friencis and will announce the final results sympathizers of the Appeal.
of our subscription campaign (2) Place your extra bundle Record of War Profiteer Exposed; Traded in addition to the names of order now. Remember that the those Branches winning the deadline for extra bundle orWorker Soldiers for Personal Gain prizes we have offered. Look ders is on Saturday, April 22nd.
By WIDICK (Continued from Page 1)
or these names in your next Many branches have still to be been isolationists, and SouthBY NAT LEVINE underlings of the Schwab Cor Appeal.
heard from on the above two One of the powerful men be ern industrialists who are not During the last ihree decades poration in the Board were so Homer Martin came to town branch still has a few days to BRANCHES Ind. In the meanwhile, your matters.
hind the scenes in the dead grimarily interested in foreign Bernard Baruch has acted for satisfied with government su last night to start his long ru locked negotiations between Crade and investments. Stimthe leaders of American sinpervision that they urged its mored invasion of the ranks of Sinish up its quota with a last TAKE NOTICE: the and the of is zon reference to Caucasian ance and industry as their spe continuation for the present the auto workers in South THE MAY minute rush!
Your regular Appeal stateB:1! Hutcheson, czar of the Car civilization e. the white cial contact man with the gov. as highly desirable!
in the mail. Many penters union. He is one of the man civilization and his nuBend. He ernment and as a semi official MAGNATES MAKE the Palais Roy.
ale Ballroom which doesn DAY APPEAL branches have been falling be main obstacles to labor unity merous emphases on Ameri public relations counsel. HUGE PROFIT Our editorial staff is hard at hind in their payments on bunas leader of the die hard clique ca national interests were of reactionary craft unionists des seption of the type of propA promoter for the Gurren The Graham investigation rent for a widow mite. He work planning the special ale orders and we must warn to further the latter heim Copper interests and a adequately proved how well the was scheduled to speak at 8:30 page May Day issue of the them that they must act now to controlling the of When Bill Hutcheson took a aganda deemed to be neces Wall Street speculator in his War Industries Board cooper Crowd or close to 500 were in clear their balance up.
own right. Baruch rise io. ated with the magnates We hope your branch is sock at John Lewis in the sary.
We can issue the May Day working as hard on the May Special Appeal only if there is 1935. of convention dur nancial eminence goes back to latters huge profit. For exam the hall, the overwhelming maTo the question put by Farthe last war when as Chairman ple: In March 1917 lhe copper jority of them loyal members ing the discussion on industrial mer Labor Senator Shipstead.
Day Appeal as our staff is. a sharp increase in our income.
o the United Auto Workers of the War Industries Board of producers, represented by Gug. Delegates just returned from Plan for the following: unionism, he was simply living how this country could punBranches! Send in payments BERNARD BARUCH National Defense Council, he senheim, agreed to furnish the the Cleveland convention spod. 1) Send in your May Day right now!
up to his best traditions, that ish an aggressor without go.
worked hand in glove with the government for a of a slugger. For Hutcheson ing to war, Stimson was largest and most powerful cor months period with 45, 520, 000 the results of the convention.
briefly from the platform on career is one of the blackest in evasive, but finally said that porations in the United States. pounds of copper at 16 3 the American labor movement. the agressor will be so Although Baruch owned no cents pound.
At 8:30 they left the platform busy he won be able to athe stocks in companies that med Expelled 75, 000 Guggenheim claimed that his to Martin. Immediately tack us.
the government war needs or quotation was an average price tried to speak he was booed so His hatred of industrial un Stimson went even further condueted stock operations for over a ten year period. Vet. loudly that he could not be ionism was revealed most than the Pittman bill. which his own account, the associa according to a report by the heard. Leaders of the clearly in the minutes of the permits sale of munitions in tions he established in 1917 and Utal Copper Company to its then told Martin that he would 1936 Carpenters convention. war time, or the Thomas 1918 have proved of smmense stockholders, copper could have not be permitted to speak in Here it was that Hutcheson amendment to it which em personal profit to him. been furnished to the govern the hall, but that if he came The War Department outbreak of war (their lives threw. out 75. 000 timber workpowers the president with Con SCANINALOUS RECORD ment at 54 cents a pound and down to the Union Hall, he ers because they wanted to begressional consent to shame one (Continued from Page 1)
OF KNAVERY loaded on cars free of charge. would be given time to present Appealed on April to ex sol are of course perfectly safe diers to join a Baruch activities as Chair. Notwithstanding this enormous his story. But Martin did not new enlisted re are not influenced by senticome full fledged members of of the warring groups as the zerve as minute men who ment or propaganda only by the Carpenters union and be aggressor and sell munitions protests from the unemployed, man of the war Industries profiteering by the Gaggen see fit to do this. Por close to will be ready for immediate hard, cold. undeniable facts.
cause they endorsed the prinwas for permitengeneprest et lines do not compel Roose istracion des made spuble by being interesses Barnehar platform, repeatedly trying to service. Members of this spec. And these hard, cold facts have ciples of the jal reserve corps will receive evidently convinced the war.
Hutcheson gave them the dent to do so without Congres velt to reverse his agencementa Congressional Committee somely praised the copper speak, but the audience was with the economy group, which investigated profits magnate for his patriotism.
privilege of paying dues in the sional consent. 24 a year, but will not drill. risk insurance underwriters that determined that he should not Carpenters union but when Enlistments, said General Ma the time is ripe to raise their Stimson Ideals hey will go forward with their made during the war, is a NATIONAL SCANDAL and continuously booed him sang songs, and shouted To provide idealistic justi plans to slash to the very bol scandalous recond of knavery. DUE TO BARUCH lin Craig, are being speeded rates. Insurance underwriters they wanted to be represented up are the great gamblers of capat the convention, that was rication for his proposal, Stim. tom.
collusion and, according to this The Graham Committee fur back to Detroit, go back to italism; they take and place asking too much. And when son declared that Caucasian Inquiry same Committee, of downright ther established, that 216, 194. Henry we want no rats in Construction on a 6, 000 ton bets, with proper odds given, the representatives of the tim civilization has been based tueason.
In the House, Representa974 were spent by the govern: South Bend. Martin was con ber workers objected. Hutche upon the foundation stone that mine layer to be known as the on the likelihood of a certain The special with Congressional ment on a giant nitrates continuously bombarded Terror will soon start at the series of events occurring. The son right hand men told them every state recognizes and rewavle and Woodrum, long committee, known as the Gua struction program, as proposed shouts of Hell Hitler and the Navy Philadelphia yard. The crew that handles the bets on an economic boycott against spects the timber firms employing the reeinty of Sover. dubbed Lord Hirh Execution. ham Committee. held Baruch by the War Industries Boerd. Nazi salute.
every state anders of by fellow Con individually responsible for the Although this staggering sum martin tried showmanship: Terres perbiah, so the prese poster weer the possible imminence caleltrant unionists would re that it is in our Western scessmen, have asked for 25. Outrageous profiteering that was spent by the government, one of his supporters stood mine layers are usually made or a European outbreak. acnitrates were produced with an American flag which Is it a wonder that in 1937 and practice has reached its set up. Woodrum, who DIVIDE UP prior to the Armistice, thereby Martin saluted, but this made out of old ships) will carry five. cording to the Times on the timberworkers joined the fullest flower of consumma has been absolutely relentless GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS contributing nothing towards no impression on the workers, used for lay mine traps which worried because they expect The bloody battle in the tion.
his Through Baruch as it chair the winning of the war.
lumber camps last year beYankee imperialism lack of relief under the banner of cut.
man, the War Industries Board Furthermore, the Commit then decided to try a meeting will blow up any ships coming the war to break out without ing its waste and inefficien in contact.
tween the and the nespect for the sovereignty of any formal declaration. As one had the power to extend gov tee report reads that there in basement hall of the Ho underwriter put it, their first cy. is expected to head the in of had its origin in the ruth. Cuba, Nicaragua, Porto Rico ernment contracts and make was no national necessity at tel Lasalle, in the hopes he Forty nine destroyers, built knowledge of the war is likely less, dictatorial methods of and of all Latin America, in purchases for it. In view of any time which required the could keep supporters Hutcheson in the 1936 conven fact, is presumably justified Behind closed doors he ex. the fact that the Board was a War Department to embark out, but the crowd followed during the last World War, are to come in the form of bombs tion.
by Stinson on the basis that pects to conduct his inquisition part of the National Defense upon a vast building program him to the hotel and packed by se destroyer oned in the Na dropping upon London.
Hutcheson is a Republican.
along the following lines. Council, in which sat the vari for the construction of Fam. the lobbies. Finally the hotel vy destroyer base in San DI ago. 1, 000, 000 is being expend At a meeting of the French His open alliance with the no casian civilization.
Defense Council on April 9, it torious Dupont sponsored LI Baruch Fathered Bill ods of construction pro most powerful corporations, tee charged that this national three or four showed up and ed on the reconditioning Job.
The destroyers will be equip, was decided to speed military berty league was one of the scandals of the 1936 presiden ings was Bernard Baruch, bean sects (2) An inquiry into the the government business was scandal was directly atrace after a few minutes ost was an nounced that the hotel would ped with triple torpedo tubes preparations along the Medi.
not allow a meeting.
tial election. He had an inside Street financier. chairman of 3) An inquiry into budgetary them, while the prices which NO SHELLS The and five inch suns.
terranean coast line of France, track on the post of Secretary the War Industries Board dur. and administrative accounts. they had the power to fix were REACHED LINES in expectation of conflict with crowd left the hotel.
of Labor if Al Landon had won ing the last war, and the proud Miles Milbank, adminis Italy. What these measures 14) Inquiry into the glaring eventually paid by the govern. The greatest scandal reWhile the Stalinists undoubtRepublican strategists in father of the Pittman bill. examples of alleged waste ment to them.
vealed by the Graham Commitedly inspired the action, it reptrator of Puerto Rico, has an. consist of has not been saade Washington are counting heav whose so called cash and car and inefficiency.
According to a report made tee was the placement by Miresented a genuine feeling on ameed that Puerto Rico wiu public. The whole French na ily on Hutcheson to swing a ry method of selling muni labor vote for them in the 1940 tions in war time was first pro Protest Vital July 7, 1919, these nen secretly Steel Company of 1, 786 conagainst efforts to disrupt the rural development the produe. working during the Easter presidential elections, and a posed by Baruch at the 1937 Barkley has as alcohol, holiday period.
unified labor movement would neutrality hearings.
Roosevelt really stands. Only details of the President war dollars for the manufacture or statements that he could get a war value, such a strategic Week end which is ordinarily it camphor, nitric acid, hemp, make this more difficult. It is At that time, however, anti the militant protest of the un program months before the shells. The report officially majority to vote for him in an not at all excluded that Hutch war sentiment was so strong employed themselves can actual declaration of war. declares that. None of these impartial referendum, for it Jute and palm oil. The War An army display at the 71st eson would pull out of the that it failed to carry. The change this stand. If they are But that their little scheine for shells ever reached our firing was evident that far less than Department commodities di Regiment Armory in New York of if it makes peace 100 of those in the hall were vision will supervise produc on April 10, will feature the main purpose of the present to save themselves from star: profits proved itself a complete lines.
with the o.
hearings is to put over the Pitt vation. demonstrations and success was revealed by Balatest methods of protection In the words of John Ken Martin supporters.
against gas attacks. Spectators Like all other labor bureau man bill now.
picket lines must express their ruch himself who on November neth Turner in his book Shall Ask the profiteers, they will also have an opportunity before every 14, 1918, made public a report it Be Again, not only did Wall STALINISTS FACE ington ane is playing for much uch repeatedly declared him headquarters in the which revealed that at a joint Street promote the war, but know. The men who stand to to see the latest chemicals for higher stakes than only a dom self against sentimental lean country. The only language the meeting of the War Industries Wall Street directed the war in lose, or gain financially by the pas attacks.
LIBEL CHARGE IN inant position in the union ings toward one or the other Tresident and Congress under Board and the Iron and Steel nearly all its phases outside movement. Hutcheson visual side in existing quarrels, but stand is the language of the Instite two days after the the purely military and naval SUIT BY izes himself as the fair haired when pressed by isolationist picket line.
signing of the Armistice, the operations.
boy of a Republican regime in questioners, whether the pro (Special to the Socialist Appeal. MEMPHIS, Tenn. Two off 1940, somewhat in the position posed legislation was neutral, cials of the Southern Tenant that John Lewis once occu Baruch declared cynically, Farmers Union have fled a pied with the Roosevelt re There ain no such animal as gime.
neutrality 150. 000 damages against the And in Washington where Evidently by arrangement, Daily Worker, official organ of only two subjects are on ev. at the outset of the hearing.
the Communist Party. Continued from Page 1) Having got this far, he eryone mind war and the Chairman Pittman asked BarJohn Butler, president of Los Angeles meat company for judges proceeded to find that 1940 elections many authorita uch whether he would like to tive observers feel that Hutch put into the record any com the unton and Mitchell, the purpose of inducing its the object of the picketing was (Continued executive secretary treasurer butcher workmen to join the illegal.
eson has fair chance of ment on rumors that he was union.
to How could the judges detrying to lead the United States and 10. 000. 000 abilize are considered to be more use. Conscription is achieving his aims name charge they were libelied by Speaking of war, Hutcheson into war because he was inter 300. 000 men in the first month ful at home. The local draft for slavery. and It will des articles published in the Daily mean that injunctions will be in use every vice of interIf these decisions stand. they fine the closed shop contract, of a war. Sta as illegal?
attitude was defined back in ested in the municions business election board appointed by the Gov. troy democracy at home while Worker by Al Murphy, a Mem 1918 when he arbitrarily called or because he was an interna machinery would be utilized ernor and to consist of ead: fighting for it a broad and the phis correspondent, which issued in any strike which may By the simple off a strike of carpenters in the tional banker or had invest for the registration of citizens ing citizens of the town House passed the draft by the claimed that Butlernas been be defined by the judges as a preting the existing labor law so as to construe it as outlawconsider each man.
close vote of 199 to 178. working in the interests of the strike for a closed shop.
East Coast shipyards at Presi. maents in Latin America. Bar in war time and the possible It will then be the task of a The appeals court justified ing closed shop union condent Wilson request. mem uch took the opportunity to induction of 000. 000 or 10, bership demand for a vote on read into the record a formal 000, 000 able bodied men.
fighting board of local citizens in six right in thinking that these ed sharecroppers and that its union smashing decision on tracts And for this purpose they the question was tossed into the denial.
thousand communities to de voices will not be heard again relief money and supplies two grounds: The War Department sees no cide whether The freedom of individu used Section 921 of the 1933 LaAlthough Baruch policy led wastebasket.
their neighbor on Capitol Hill. Progressives collected to aid the Missouri were used by al choice is a substantial right bor Code, which was written in the same general direction frony in the use of election shall serve his country as like a Guardia and Lehmap sharecroppersanell for faction o be protected by injunction. under union pressure for the Fine Start as Stimson s, both being de machinery for the draft regis signed to facilitate Roosevelt tration. Newton Baker, he is of more value to the Gov. conscription. Progressive in al purposes.
soldier or a sailor, or whether have already publicly endorsed Butler and This prin application against dog contracts which forced is even broad purpose of outlawing yellow It was in New York in 1915 pro Ang to Frenchte Drientation, Wilson War Secretary, who ernment as a munitions Work chiet Franklin Roosevelt Butler and Mitchell, in their enthalte that Hutcheson, just clected Baruch was frank enough to conceived the idea in 1917. er or a farmer.
president of the Brotherhood, say that Sanctions are acts of thought it was a brilliant stroke the installation of Plans for was yelling for universal peace charges, declare that these and the closed shop. for it would workers into a company union!
this system time conscription for the other statements made by justify issuance of an injunc tion to prevent strikers from Types of Unions gave his first major demonstrawar. to sweeten the pill of conscrip. are ready. One thing alone United States as far back as Murphy in the Dally Worker pocketing on the grounds that By dishonestly assuming that tion as a business unionist. Baruch went beyond the Pitt tion. Just like going to vote. is is Jacking the law. Asst. the World War and the post are wholly faise and untrue Some 17. 000 carpenters voted man bill, calling for permitting you see Presumably the Sec y of War Johnson. war years.
and were published with the in they were interfering with the a labor union is one type of of the labor organization and a comA worker who insists on to fight for a fifty. cent daily American ships to carry con Negroes in the South should be Voice of Revolt tent and purpose of bringing freedom of choice strikebreakers pany is another type.
wage increase. Negotiations traband of war anywhere in enthusiastic about the prospect higher wages to meet the sky.
the succeeded in bringing this in. wartime.
of getting into a poll booth at rocketing cost of living, and But 1917 there were other disgrace upon the union, which This principle was felt by judges were able to say: has a membership of 35, 000 voices raised against the draft crease to 14. 000 of them. last.
who is so foolish as to organize In Oklahoma and Arkansas tenant farmers, sharecroppers he judges to be insufficient. It is manifest the statute strike was called a few months his fellow workers for this un an organization was formed of because the Stalinists were un evidently. And with good reas went far beyond that (outlawNobody Safe later to extend the agreement SCHOOL According to the War Depart. patriotic objective, will discov. tenant farmers, Negroes and able to foist their reactionary on. For it is a long established ing the yellow dog contract)
rule of law that legally justi when it denounced a contract to the other 000 men.
ment plans, all men between er that he has ceased to be of Indians to resist the draft. The Sed actions of a union cannot requiring employes to join Just before the strike, Hutch CHANGES SCHEDULE 18 and 45 will be subject to the industrial value to the Govern country was scoured for high policies upon the union. be enjoined merely because some specific labor organizaeson demanded that it be call draft. But don be relieved ment. His boss on the local powered rifles. This isolated ed off. His order was disrethey interfere with the claimed tion.
ANNOUNCEMENTS you re over 45 you will be re coaft board will be the first to movement was eventually garded. So he came to the city Note: There has been a quired to register So inform him. The same crushed, though not without PENNY PARTY! Another ripanyway.
rights of others Onthawing Peaceful Picketing it would not have been subject It may be doubted whether and signed an agreement with change in the schedule of Why? Well, in the third year threat can be used even for difficulty.
The judges therefore resort to the constitutional objection the employers that invalidated classes of the Karl Lieb of the World War, Germany as during the the fifty cent increase for the Uncle Lige Harp spoke songs many sent into the ar for knecht School of the drafted all men 17 60 for auxApril 15. 8:30 Lower ed to a judge made rule, in of discrimination if it had been war these working farmers: East Side Headquarters. 163 vented in the 1880 s, which de made to apply to one type of 14, 000 who had already won it! The new schedule is as fol iliary service, and the Roose my Karl Liebknecht, member We didn have no right to Naturally the rank and file Norfolk Street. HOT music, nied that peaceful picketing is labor organization.
lows and is effective this rejected the contract by a vote Saturday, April 15: velt Junkers are not missing of the Reichstag, because he send folks over to Europe to games songs refresh legal. According to this rule.
any tricks In plain English, this is novoted against war credits and fight; taint a free country of over 11, 000 to 100. Hutche.
peaceful picketing is legal only tice by the California judges son retaliated by expelling 65 12:30 to 1:30 Elements Perhaps the reason was six told the workers that their when that done. And his TWO COMRADES would like a when the object of the picket that they will nullify the will en by the President of the Brit main enemy was at home, Locals with 17, 000 members, of Marxism ERBER neighbor Frank Sturdgill was ish Institute of Chemical Engi. General Peyton March has likewise reported in the Kansas room in Rockaway for the ing is justifiable. e. if the of the people if the Legislaand aided the employers to summer.
neers when he said: mid said: Il is one of the heart City Star as saying Call. Academy Judges approve the union de ture now seeks to clarify the 1:30 to 2:30 Organizahire scabs on the jobs. Incimands!
tional Problems.
dle aged man can drive a tank ening experiences of the It war for the benefit of previous law by expressly dentally, in subsequent court as well as any body.
MILLER outlawing company. union In the Norman St. Apt. 4K Refresh (World War that the system them silk hatted fellers in New AT LONG LAST!
action the employers testified next war the oldest people of obtaining men by draft in a York. We don want our boys (Sol) Thomas, Jr. will imi ments, entertainment, etc.
yellow dog contracts!
that this service cost them 2:30 to 3:30 Three tate Norman Batman Thoshould drive the fastest major emergency of this char fightin them rich fellers batAbe) Thomas This vicious decision was 85, 0001 Revolutions MORROW Sr. ALLENTOWN, PA. made possible, in part, by the Howeverthe court action should constitute the storm when the draft was before make a lot of money for a tles and gettin killed just to mas! Saturday, April 22nd FASCISM AND THE AMERI fact that the cases in question forced Hutcheson to reinstate The classes are being held Jamaica Labor Center 50 CAN SCENE, including a involved jurisdictional squabtroops. Science has made Congress in 1917, Senator bunch of millionaires. Why, Beaver Road. Auspices of at 51 East 7th Street (basereport on Madison Square bles between the court could the and the locals which had won the much more suitable ocment. New York City. the James Reed, with his ear close they own most of the country Jamaica AdmisCounter. Demonstration by so strike despite his scabbing cupation for middle aged peo to the ground, said: The now.
sion 15c 151st St. 94 Ave. Max He is a dangerous foe of laheadquarters of the Sedoff Shachtman, ple than it was in 1914. streets of Missouri cities will of the Socialist Workers embellish its anti union deci Before the draft comes to bor unity. Let there be no misUnit of There will be so exemptions run red with blood before the stay, the workers and farmers Swing with the John Brown Party, Friday, April 14, 1939 sions with indignant comment Unit of the Satur.
take about it.
from this draft. There will only people will submit to such a of America have still to speak.
at P. Hotel Allen. Ad on the harm done by jurisdicday, April 15, 3130 Brighton mission 25 Cents.
tional fights.
The Generals Have Already Worked more Out Mobilization Day Draft Plans California Judges Aim at Outlawing Closed Shop 6685.