CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalyMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Workers of the World Unite!
Socialist Appeal Build Workers Defense Guards!
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International. Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, NO. 24 FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1939 Set up and Printed by Union Labor.
Application for Label Pending 3c a Copy WAR THREAT ISSUED BY ENGLAND Three Down, One to Go!
Senators Quibble Baruch and While Poor Starve Stimson Push FDR War Plans Albanian Seizure Is Pretext for Action THE GOOD, PEACE LOVING, DEMOCRATS BENES DEŁADIE CHAMBERLATIT ROOSEVELT SAILORS HURL STRIKE THREAT AT FINK HALLS CALIF. JUDGES SEEK TO BAN CLOSED SHOP STALINY Court Attacks Menace Labor Right to Live and Fight moves.
Seek Ways to Cut Relief and Still Further in Order to Swell Fund for War Preparations (Special to the Socialist Aprical)
WASHINGTON In the name ADMINISTRATION WHIP DISCLOSES AIMS o Caucasian civilization, Hoover Secretary of State. Henry Stimson, called for WISITINGTON, April The shameful rok legislation giving the President of the Roosevelt Administration in slashing appropriations complete and unlimited discre for and diverting the funds to the war machine, sanctions against any nation.
became still more obvious during debate in the Senate yester Stimson proposals came at the carefully staged opening of day and Friday the Senate Foreign Relations Senator Barkley, Roosevelt whip in the Senate, attempted Committee hearings on proto swing all the New Deal Sen posed revisions of neutrality ators behind the 100. 000. 000 legislation. That he, a leading appropriation bill which came Republican, was invited to up from the House of Repre open the hearings by the comsentatives, instead of tighting mittee chairman, Roosevelt for the 150, 000, 000 appropriaspokesman, Key Pittman, was tion demanded publicly by taken here to be public dem demagogue President Roose onstration of Republican Dem velt.
ocratic unity against the antiThis agreement with the rewar forces.
Stimon support for Rooseactionary economy minded velt war policy, expressed as Senators strikingly clarified asking for a sum larger than West Coast Men Vote more pointed terms than those employed by the administrathat granted by Congress in On Action, Says order to appear as the cham tion, followed by declarations Lundeberg the next day for the adminis pion of the poor. Senator Bark tration revisions of neutrality dey is well trained to carry out the President wishes and his (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
legislation by Bernard Baruch.
attempt to line up New Deal WASHINGTON, DC. Harry Wall Street financier, consti votes for the economy meas Lundeberg, leader of the Sail. tute an expression of the saure shows exactly where the ors Union of the Pacific, today Democrats and Wall Street on cred union of Republicans President really stands back threw the thr or against west the War question of the war machine the unemployed.
coast shipping strike into the Caucasian Civilization face of the Maritime CommisStimson reference to our Not Another Cent sion which is going ahead with present Caucasian civilization Senator Carter Glass, arch its plan to establish govern not further defined, but it was his prepared statement was reactionary, lined up immedi ment run hiring halls.
widely commented on in Washately with New Dealer Barkley The said Lundeberg. ington circles afterward.
and demanded that not an is taking a secret strike vote in There is a difference of split other cent be given to preparation for action should policy supporters on the type ion among Roosevelt foreign Publicly. President Roose the commission open hiring of propaganda best suited to velt declared at Warm Springs. halls in Seattle.
secure public support. The Georgia, that unless the full The union, which has its own left wing New Dealers ad 150, 000, 000 supplemental re hiring halls, has consistently vocate a holy war for democ Determined to protect the liet appropriation is granted, it fought the government fink racy Interests of the employing will be necessary to drop 400. halls, which would be used to communist Party support of discriminate against militant the administration war class to the bitter end, the 000 workers from the rolls by the end of June. He union men.
courts have swung into achas already declared that even In answer to the Commis Stimson More Frank tion. In the last few weeks his full estimate of what is slon claim that a government The Big Business advocates three different judicial trib.
needed for does not Agency is necessary in order of the Roosevelt polley, how unals have delivered powertake into consideration the that there be no discrimination ever. while recognizing the ful blows at organized labor.
certified by Roosevelt relief Lundeberg declared, There is talk in lining up the workers. The decision by the bureaucrats as in dire need of no danger of discrimination be are fearful of its effect on the Supreme Court in the FanW. Jobs. Socialist Appeal, cause there are no non union small businessmen and farm steel case, the Instructions of March 21. But under cover. seamen on the west coast and crs. who have traditionally the District Court in the the President apparently in ours is the only union. Continued from Page 2)
Apex case and the judgment structed Barkley to accept the of the California District estimate of the economy Court of Appeals in the How.
aninded Senate group.
ard case mean that the judiSenator Borah characterized cial servants of the bosses the 50. 000. 000 slash as follows: have once again come No one need talk to me about through for their masters.
economy. When there is no It is an old story in the hissign of economy at Washington tory of the class struggle.
except where distressed men When the bosses see that and women are asking for food (Special to the Socialist Appcal)
their representatives in the and shelter.
AKRON, Ohio, April 10. Akron branch of the Young Peolegislatures are unable, be.
cause of the pressure of the ple Socialist League (Fourth International) this week prepared People Starve masses on these representaSenator Norris declared that to extend its fight for jobs for youth after blasting a police at tempt to suppress the organization.
tives, to stem the progress of there is something more in volved than the 50, 000, 000 dit ung leaflets at a high school were continued until April 15, when The cases of five members arrested for distributhe working class they turn to judges who. In most in.
ference. There also some they will be defended in court by Eldon Young, lawyer for the stances, feel no need to respond to any pressure exert.
ancing the budget. It is a ques Toledo of and and member of the Board of Edu cation of that city. Formal ed by the working class.
tion of mercy. It is a question charge is trespassing.
When the legislative and of helping suffering men, wompress the Alpeter packed court room heard backed down and said don executive bodies are com.
en and children.
pelled to make concessions We vote through battleships the judge continue the case aft want to be placed in the post the working class, the capithat cost 100. 000. 000 cach, as er Burr McCloskey, tion of persecuting these five talists run to the judiciary to serted Senator Lundeen, but Organizer and defendant, spoke members of the organization. leave these concessions de.
equibble to over 50. 000. 000 for the defendants. The specta. He later stated ll gladly stroyed by judicial interprewhile people starve.
It has been Barkley tactic five Yipsels at the entrance to their talks. But they can distribute leaflets on school prop in vicdate appropriating the Yun Challenge and pamphlets were erilyante sanget there is a law It is necessary for the 150, 000, 000 to call the vote on sold.
against it.
workers to understand clearthe measure before mass presInvestigation Collapses The will fight the sure against Congress can de An open investigation of charges and stand upon its latest decisions. And then to the significance of these velop on a nation wide basis. activities in high schoois democratic rights to distribute take proper measures to show 000. 000 have succeeded never collapsed when Police Prosecu literature. Support has been theless in postponing the vote for James Alpeter withered unsolicited in the labor move masters that the progress of der the fire of the Yipsels, who ment for aid in establishing its organized labor cannot be until Monday.
stopped by decrees or dectCircies close to the Adminis announced they were investi defense fund.
tration that Barkley has sating him, the Chamber of Wide Notice Commerce, school system and, The Fansteel case took the The importance of this case heart out of the Wagner Laed by the task imposed upon particularly. Ray Sune.
him of agreeing with the principal who instigated the to organized labor is being bor Act. Whatever benefits stressed. The right of unions to the workers achieved through economy minded group. Ir arrests.
Refusing to attend a star distribute their literature has that act were almost comthe Roosevelt administration Teally wished to vote funds to chamber session called by the been interfered with on repeatpletely destroyed by the deciston in that case. The judges the unemployed, it could do so police to determine the backkave the bosses the right to without the slightest trouble. ers of the organization, the ed occasions in Akron.
announced they The case has attracted wide discharge any workers for But Roosevelt war plans de defendants mand that every possible cent would speak to the working notice in the labor movement.
any allexed illegal art no inatter how slight and insig.
no matter what the human We refuse to recognize the and the publicity has brought Wificant that act may be in suffering involved. be dumped authority of the police to grill the and Socialist a worker on strike should into the war machine.
us in secret sessions, an open Workers Party to the attention step upon the premises of the Economy minded Senal letter to the prosecutor de of many militants.
boss, he can be fired with ors. greatly encouraged by clared.
The campaign for Jobs for loss of his rights under the Senator Barkley position hoped to cut relief appropria Wagner Act.
Backs Down youth is being intensified, and In the Apex case the judge tions still more After blustering about a red is being linked with the cur went a step further so that in (Continued from Page 2) probe and threatening to sup. rent layoffs.
addition to having the right Try to Whip Up War Spirit Although Country Was Sold Years Ago to Italy by British Secret Agreement with Mussolini ENGLISH AND ITALIAN NAVIES MOVE The sparks of war came closer to the European powder barrel when Mussolini, chief bandit of Italian fascism, acting in apparent concert with his axis ally, Hitler, virtually completed the forcible annexation of Albania, without bothering too much to offer a pretext for the armed invasion and the bombing and shooting of the resisting population.
Rival imperialists with headquarters in London and Paris were concerned over the seizure of Albania being only one step in the direction of Italian occupation of the Greek island of Corfu, which is off the southern tip of Albania. The taking of the island would give Italy a dominant position not only in the Adriatic but also in the Mediterranean Sea.
British Threaten War Reports were current that Use Labor Won Code to the Earl of Perth, British Ambassador to Rome, had advised Outlaw Union the Italians that Britain would Contract consider any attempt to seize Corfu as a for war. Alus belli (cause that the British Special to the Socialist Albeat)
SAN FRANCISCO Thecided to offer to guarantee Cabinet is supposed to have deCalifornia judiciary maxle its the independence of Greece latest contribution to the ver and Turkey much in the same way as it has already acted itable wave of anti labor with regard to Poland.
court decisions, when the At the same time, emergenState District Court of Apleet movements of the Brit.
peals on April ruled that along the Mediterranean union contracts are illegal. which is British imperialism The lower courts had refused nife line to her colonial empire to issue an injunction for the in the East. Similarly, imporHoward Automobile Company ant troop and naval move.
of this city against Auto Salesments were reported Italy men Local 1067, The Dodecanese Islands, which lie appeals court ordered Superior off the southwest coast of Asia LAN EDITORIAL Judge Dooling to reopen the in Minor, that is, within striking junction hearing and its de distance of Greece, which is alto discharge the workers on against the Judgment and not strike, the boss has the right for paying it.
cision in actual effect ordered so being approached through him to issue the injunction.
Albania, on the northwest, by to sue and collect damages The sit down strike must In two companion cases the the Italian troops of occupafrom the union on the alleged still remain in the arsenal of court gave similar rulings. It tion ground that the strike inter weapons used by the workers upheld an injunction prohibit Pound War Drums fered with interstate com. courts or no courts.
ing the warehousemen The seizure of Albania, carmerce.
Legal or illegal the closed union from picketing Sanried out with the utmost cynAnd now comes the Call shop is something that the Jose wholesale grocery for the icism, again offered the Great fornia District Court of Apworkers must insist on.
purpose of obtaining a closed Democracies an occasion for peals with a decision that If the workers use their shop contract, and affirmed a pious outbursts of indignation, threatens the very basis of power intelligently and force. restraining order prohibiting accompanied by heavy poundthe trade union movement. fully no decisions of any the Amalgamated Meat Cut ing on the war drums.
The court in granting an incourt will be able to stop ters, from picketing a The most vigorous measures junction prohibiting peaceful their progress. Continued on Page 2) are being employed to whip up pickeling, did so on the the1 pro war spirit among the ory that it is illegal for a masses, for the purpose of jus union to attempt to get a ifying in their eyes the colosclosed shop.
za! armaments expenditures which come out of their hides, And of preparing their minds, Should the American works.
which are still filled with suery abide by the three decl.
picion of the democratic as sluns mentioned above they well as the fascist war mong.
would practically be than By HAL DRAPER weeks to days. Who said the ers. 80 that they will plunge readily into the slaughter.
back to the early period when The draft is all prepared. We New Deal isn efficient?
refer to the draft of men lives The colonel went on to say last war by poor little BelgiThe classic role played in the they first began to organize for the battlefields of Europe that 95 reserve officers have im. is now being worked with and struggle for their ele. The War Department reports been given special training to Little Czechoslovakia one day, mentary rights. And that is that if hostilities should start operate the central mechan Little Memel the next day.
absolutely out of the ques.
tomorrow 300, 000 trained soldism, and provisions made for and Little Albania as the latest tion. The workers are deter iers could be put into the field national draft headquarters. star.
mined to go forward and they immediately. Thirty days later Forty eight state plans are the capitalist press very should not permit anything we would hope to have avail. now on file with the joint army carefully hides the fact that or anybody to bar their way. able a force of 500. 000. At the end navy selective service even before the military invaWhat is to be done? Shall end of four months we would committee.
the workers attempt to elect expect 1, 230, 000 men to be in Colonel Jarman continued: Sion of Albania, that country new judges? Yes if that uniform and under arms. As. To enact the selective service as it did democracy. It was means trying to clect judges sistant Secretary of War John, laws. to set up the necessary brutally ruled by a small gans that is not enough, especially Journal. of some 150. 000 men and wo er mountain bandit. King since in the Federal Court Behind the backs of the peo men, to register millions of Zog. He held power only by the judges are appointed for ple, the draft machinery has men, classify them and inducl grace of Mussolini, who had life.
been set up and oiled hose selected into the army of complete economic and politiWhat is necessary is a milOver a year and a half ago, the will require time. cal control of the tiny, oppressitant struggle against these while Roosevelt was hating probably from 45 to 60 days.
ed land.
decisions in court and out of war in speeches, Colonel San New Deal Democracy court. If it is necessary to ford Jarman made speech to It is your guess what porEngland Sold Albania violate an injunction there the National Guard Association of this time is allowed for Moreover, the British Impershould be no hesitation to do in the so. if it is necessary to diston reported in He undertook gress not to speak of the peo dripping with tears over Albanregard a decision it should to rejoice the hearts of the as, ple! War Department officials la loss of independence, in be disregarded.
sembled doves of peace with have made no bones about the hope of arousing support To wage a successful strug: an account of the War Depart their attitude toward Congress for their coming war to protect gle against these decisions it ment plans for selective ser when the draft law is intro Eingland world wide loot from is necessary to have labor vice, which is the War Deduced after the declaration of rival gangsters, take care to unity. Both the and partment euphemism for the war. any Congressman who remain silent about the fact are involved and should draft.
thinks it calls for at least as that they themselves literally be interested the strug. New Deal Efficiency much consideration as a Suhanded Albania over to Musso gle. It is als8 necessary to The plans for selective ser preme Court appointment will lini years ago in a cynical deal have militant unity.
vice are complete, he said. be denounced as a traitor. for which Il Duce promised to united militant struggle The Committee (special com Last October there took keep hands off Ethiopia.
against the courts and their mittee of seven representing place a regional conference of The Anglo French war with decisions is the only thing the army, navy and marine army, navy, marine and Na the Berlin Rome axis has as that will bring successful re corps has prepared the tional Guard officers of the much to do with democracy, draft of a selective service Midwest, the first regional con the independence of small na Not one cent should be paid law to submit to Congress it ference of the kind. The New Lions, and the freedom of naassessed against Branch of has prepared regulations to officers rehearsed on paper to theory of relativity. The milon the judgment of 711, 932 the emergency shall arise: it York Times reported: Army tionalities as it has with the the American Federation of carry the proposed law into er day the national set up of a lioned masses are being plungHosiery Workers. If any mon. fect; it has the necessary civilian operated selective ser ed into a new world holocaust ey is to be collected from the forms for printing ready. It vice act, and estimated that it in order to determine which working class it should be for has reduced the problem of would cost between 6, 000, 000 crew of imperialist pirates is the purpose of fighting printing 50, 000, 000 copies from (Continued on Page 2) to be boss of the world.
Akron YPSL Campaign Goes on Despite Arrests Mobilization Day Draft Plans Are All Prepared treno considerabis kembarrass sults.