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Workers of the World Unite!
Socialist Appeal Build Workers Defense Guards!
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III No. 23 Set up and Printed by Union Labor.
Application for Label Pending TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1939 3c a Copy NEW MASS MURDER IMPENDING APEX RULING Pre View of the War Against Fascism HITS UNIONS 700 MOBILIZATION DAY PLANS ATTACK ON ALBANIA BRINGS WAR CLOSER HUDSON TO RUN Ghastly Game of Bluff and Counter Bluff is FOR MAYOR IN MPLS. ELECTION UNITED STATES READY TOPLUNGE Huge Judgment Against Philadelphia Hosiery Union Gives Bosses Dangerous Weapon Against Labor COURT USES SITDOWN RULING Leading Swiftly to New World Slaughter and Catastrophe LAPITAUS 999 AMERICAN PEOPLE CLOSE VICTORY YPSL IN AKRON Pacific Coast Seamen UNDER PROBE; Face Critical Fight men Federal Court in Philadelphia last week ordered a Irosiery workers union to pay 711, 932 to the Apex Hosiery Well known Militant to BULLETIN Company as xlamages sustained during a sit down strike Campaign on Italian troops invaded Albania early Friday morning.
Wa Yhips shelled all the major ports of the tiny Adriatic in its plant in 1937 Platform country. fleet of 400 planes and an army of about 50. 000 Under the aggressive clirection of District Court (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
participated in the attack, which was fiercely resisted by Judge 11. Kirkpatrick, an oldient jury on April found MINNEAPOLIS, April the Albanians. Yugoslavia and Greece, in the direct path that the company had suffered damages of 237, 310. ir The Minneapolis branch of the of the new onslaught waited to see what steps France and Socialist Workers Party will Britain would take. Mussolini move was obviously the result of the strike. In entering the verdict against Branch of the American Federation of Ilosicry Workers (C. run its own candidate for first of a series designed to secure an Italian hold on major Kirkpatrick trebled the damages.
mayor, Carlos Hudson, in the strategic points in the Mediterranean municipal elections this sum That this monstrous decision mer.
would be quickly utilized by the UNION LEADERS After filing with the city clerk The world continuous war crisis drew perilously close bosses was soon indicated yesterday. Comrade Hudson isthis week to the showclown stage.
when two days later three sued the following statement The great contending camps of imperialist bandits and strike bound trucking compan HELP KELLY GET to the press: gangsters preparing to fight for markets, raw materials, les flled a similar suit for 990, What was announced as the colonial slave labor and super profits were desperately 000 against the Teamsters Incity convention of the Henne maneuvering to line up the maximum possible strength for ternational and its locals in pin County Farmer Labor Asfour Connecticut cities sociation drew only 150 delethe coming war.
Fansteel Decision Used Bates last Sunday. The Com Behind the ghastly game of blue and counter bluff, The Philadelphia decree Chicago Mayoralty Poll munist Party faction at the behind the black stare of news headlines and the shrill cream combines the recent Supreme Shows Trend from head of the Hennepin County of radios in all the tongutes of Babel, millions of people waited Court decision outlawing sit.
down strikes with the punitive New Deal Association, finding itself with in fearful lielplessness for disaster.
out an army, is now forced to provisions of a much older, but make a gesture in the direcAcross the world checkerboard the following were the equally judge made law. the Sherman Anti Trust Act ap By ALBERT GATES tion of the trade unions: they chief developments. Salto the Socialist Appeal)
propose a joint Farmer Labor plied not against the trusts but British diplomacy moved People Pront, was understood CHICAGO. In a record vote and trade union convention for into a belated turn of policy to be preparing to take his against the unions.
totalling 1, 478, 637 ballots, gesture is all this a policy of hastening the show. place in the Italo German lineJudge Kirkpatrick struck his Mayor Kelly was re elected will be. The Seestrom Boer down instead of postponing it up a development which An with the assurance pro over his Republican opponent.
bach Frank clique will take on the theory that the Italo bed him by the glo French diplomacy was dogood care to Insure its control German threat to the British ing its best to avert.
Court decision. February 28, in rality of 183, 000 votes. great of the April convention Empire has to be met soon if the Fansteel case, outlawing outpouring of independent These people have shown it is not to become too power Moscow Still Straddles the sit down strike, votes and the support of Court4. The Soviet Union continney votes gave the Republican tions to distort the will of the Polish mutual assistance pact ued to straddle its precarious The Philadelphia strike was candidate an amazing total of To Smash Militant Unions majority. The anti democratic was signed but it remained to one 637, 107 ballots. So close was comparatively minor nature of the convention ar be seen whether the Poles perch on the diplomatic fence.
during the great wave of sit this vote that it appears clear Youths Manhandled for down strikes in 1937. Inspired that had a state election been By THOMAS would have made it legally rangements. whereby a ward would be able to withstand The Stalin government took by these militant strikes, which held, the Republicans would Distributing The Pacific Coast seamen obligatory upon every seaman club of twenty members would German pressure sufficiently unusual pains to deny that it make the pact effective.
had promised to aid Poland made possible the building of have swept such an election Leaflets are entering the most critical to carry a book recording his have five delegates and a trade the United Automobile Work and placed a Republican govperiod in their post war his entire record of service, 80 union of five thousand memMove On Albania and at the same time signed ernor into office.
tory. Arrayed against them that any master, at a glance Operating through its an agreement on the Siberian The enormous Republican (Special to the Socialist Appeal) are a combination of forces. could tell whether he was deal: tees the April caucus will be See article Courts Invent AKRON, April School of both internal and external ing with a trouble maker. another repetition of all recent Rome terminus, for a change, fisheries, temporarily allaying Means vote is explainable in a gen to Break Strikes chronic Soviet Japanese Farmer Labor conventions the Rome Berlin axis prepared the Seamen had had to carry such When Employers Cannot, eral way as a reaction to the ficials, reactionary forces and which are aimed at the de incumbent office holders. De police in Akron intensified Struction of the integrity and books during the bitter years locally.
to counter the British diplo war tension in the Far East.
page spite the efforts of Chicago their campaign against the righting power of the most mil. of company union slavery.
Don Represent Labor matic offensive by new moves Whether the buyer be Hitler or labor organizations and the Young People Socialist tant section of the American The first obstacle the seaLeague this week by ordering seamen movement.
the into the Balkans in the ulti the Anglo French entente. StalCommunist Party to depict the ran into in Candidates that are fighting ers, the United Rubber Work in was keeping his price well crs and other unions, the Phil. struggle between the two can an investigation of its activi.
The maritime workers of the against the fink book was the choice of that convention will mate direction of the crucially not represent the organized strategic Dardanelles.
treachery of the Stalinists. Foi up and meanwhile burning no This adelphia hosiery workers occu didates as a struggle between ties in the high schools follow Stalinists arrest of five youths West Coast stabilized their or. In 1936 the had workers of Minneapolis rathwas the meaning of Italy sud pied the Apex Hosiery Com progress and reaction, the New ing bridges.
their Popular pany factory, which had vi. Deal and old guard Hooverism, distributing leaflets. Banizations as a result of the launched on Albania. In the ar Begun May 9, the distinction was accepted by the berg. John schufie. William Thenen 499 day struggle in the maritime situation, that Deal. Such candidates will cer. Meanwhile in the clare of de theater of war which will be strike ended June 23. 1937. with mass of voters. Insofar as Busested and riday. Camaren were strated their ability to with care pou can fight against needs and demandes dimetime and Italian army chiefs met to imperialism. Japan took ana union victory including after such a distinction was carrested Friday. Maren shipowners. winning complete fink book and then we ll all ployed.
stand the onslaught of the the government. Accept the trade unions or of the unemthe cepted, it was limited to the while distributing plan subsequent negotiations. concerted action a other daring stride forward in closed shop.
ranks of organized labor.
the street in front of Central recognition of the union con burn them on the stairs of the New Deal Losing Favor High School The bureaucratic practices demonstration designed to in its plans for imperial conquest Filed Much Later the very Capitol on May They were held six hours on trolled hiring hall There is no doubt that Roose and anti working class policies timidate the smaller states of by occupying the Frenchmaritime Only some time after the velt popularity is waning. At a charge of suspicion, and re life blood of Seamen Insist on Fight of the Communist Party union.
wave of sit down strikes died least, this seems to be the case leased on bonds of 495 each The logic of this brilliant repelled the bulk of the wave central and Eastern Europe claimed Spratly Islands in the Minne. and to keep them from enter. South China Sea providing alr down and were finally dis Jin Illinois, and to a considera Government: Strikebreaker proposal was lost upon the apolis trade unions from the located vowed by the Official ble extent in Chicago. The to Trespassing in connection But then the government in West Coast seamen, who were Parmer Labor Association. The ing the Britisi sponsored bloc. basesstrategically Ilalian troops continued athwart the maritime route leadership and the hostery New Deal is having a hard with a law which forbids the tervened. This was tacit rec. unable to figure out how the remaining factions of the Asby union failed to consolidate its time convincing the people distribution of any literature ognition by the shipowners and Stalinists were to gather the sociation. represented at the same time to move into from Singapore to Hong Kong forces in the Apex factory, did that it has actually brought on school property.
their government stooges that seamen from the seven seas Dewey Johnson, the commu Spain giving rise to a fresh and within easy striking disthe company pluck up courage about a permanent improveenough to file the suit against ment in the condition of the pal Ray Stine, not very af selves tame the west coast ington on May to burn the senare racing one another to crop of reports of preparations tance 600 miles of fectionately known to his stu seamen.
the hosiery union.
broad masses.
Farmer Labor rink books. The West Coast Kill off the Gibraltar. Franco. ruthlessly It is truc. thal Green re dents as cue ball because of The first governmental move seamen unions decided that movement by carrying it into crushing the victims left under Wasblogion Rehearsal It was likewise after the sit ceived his great vole primarily his arid pate. the police pros was the attempt to foist the it would be much easier to re, cowardly and in Washington the 22nd down strikes had been aban Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) fink book on the seamen. It (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
traitorous leaders of Stalin anniversary of this country doned and apologized for by the John Lewis leadership. that entry into the last holocaust the courts outlawed that basic save democracy was weapon of American labor.
greeted with a full dress bally. hoo for a war policy in the union attorneys made no atsessions of the Foreign RelaFor many weeks we have stated that mass there were only a few ass demonstrations, these scomm will of the New Deal.
tempt to defend the hosiery tions Committee of the Senate sit down. William Leader, pres cuts were scheduled to begin April 1, and that only nation drels felt free to go ahead.
The cuts will stop, everyone will be put back on the where Henry Stimson, Berident of the local. denied rewide, militant mass demonstrations of the unemployed Roosevelt retired to Georgia. In the Senate, Barkley, rolls, and will be extended iſ, and only ii, the nard Baruch and other represponsibility for the sit down while the attorneys declared mould stop them.
leader of the New Deal forces, reacheel full agreement unemployed from now on and immediately adopt the only sentatives of Wall Street were that the union does not advo. During this same period thic Worker Alliance, the with the Republicans and lissenting Democrats on the method which makes any impression on these gentlemen paraded out to help put over the Roosevelt administration cate the sit down nor condone Stalinists, and Labor Non artisan league said that 100. 000. 000 figure which means at least six or seven the violence. In both cases.
in Washington: the fighting method of wiliau muss plans for gearing the entire natherefore, the union failure to the cuts could be stopped by. 1) relying on Roosevelt lundred thousand more clit from the rolls between Non action direct action on the projais, in the streets and ul tion for war defend the sit down enabled the and the New Deal forces in Congress. 2) sending post and June 30.
Ceny headquarters.
President Roosevelt publicly courts to assume in advance cards tu Washington. 3) lobbying in the Congressional This fully proves our contention that New Deal and The time for polite requests has ended. The demands Lianked the representatives of the illegality of that strike wea Committees Old Dcal are one and the same in the drive against the of the unemployed have got to thunder into tlic cars of pon.
Big Business, meeting together Last Saturday there were some splendid local lemon memployed, that they have only minor disagreements as thic Congressmen with a volume that will crash through with ranking army and navy The failure of attor chiefs in New York City, for neys to defend the sit downs strations, but they were on tuo small a scale and in tou to the method to follow any diplomatic (cainers, their aid in preparing to moblwithout which none of the new few localities.
Ii nation wide demonstrations lad taken place we If the unemployed and their families are not going lize industry for war. Assisindustrial unions could have can be certain that a much richer und would have On the whole the memployed followed the advice to starre, this is what they have to do.
tant Secretary of War Johnson been built does not. however.
announced that the govern gloss over the cold blooded fact the Workers Vliance and Labor Non artisan FIGHTING MASS DEMONSTRATIONS IN Teen voted for WPA ment had already stocked six that the outlawry of sit downs The job is harder tow. 11 more difficult to get caglie EVERY LOCALITY!
months supplies for an army of the land, was is not the law of 400, 000 and had paved the We now witness the first part of the result: the mass never legislated by Congress JOBS FOR EVERY UNEMPLOYED back on the rolls, once the pink slips have been sent, than way to keep an even larger but is simply another judge cuts have started; more than 200, 000 workers have re to stay on theni.
force stocked with war sinews.
made law in a long line of bra ceived their pink slips. This is just a beginning.
The job is harder, but the answer is the same.
THIRTY THIRTY: 30 minimum wage, 30 hour Army Day was celebrated zen laws invented by judges Before deciding how much money to appropriate, The cuts will continue and will increase iſ the unem maximum week, amid open preparations for a as weapons against the trade new April a new plunge union movement.
Congress waited until after April When they saw that ALL WAR FUNDS TO THE UNEMPLOYED!
ployed keep relying on postcards, lubbying, and the good into catastrophe.
East the any