BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMussoliniNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismSubversiveSyndicalismTrotskyURSSVictor SergeViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1939 By Leon Trotsky STALIN CAPITULATION Their Government YERDE Casado Last Chore sum beression the ne congress will On Labor Unity They Rewarded Him SOCIALIST APPEAL stitution, he will be liable to deportation as undesirable.
Vol. III, 22 April 7, 1938 If he applies for citizenship and participates in any By Jamse Burnham Published twice a week by the movement of a political nature, even if it is so mild!
SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS that it does no more than invoke the right of petition, at 116 University Place, New York, he will imperil his chances of becoming a citizen and Telephone: Algonquin 8547 might be deported at any time up until his final papers are issued. Continued from Page 1)
leading to an incessant civil war at home and, Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months.
thanks to the manifold advantages of the totali on the international arena, defeats which are Foreign. 00 per year, 50 for six months. BunDuring no previous period of war in the nation tarian regime, Stalin is his own Benes and his the consequences of that civil war.
dle orders: cents per copy in United States: history has any bill as drastic as this ever succeeded in own General Syrovy. He replaces the princi What is Stalin speech? Is it a link in the cents per copy in al foreign countries. Single worming its way through Congress not in 1776, not in ples of his policy precisely in order not to chain of a new policy in process copies: cents 1812, when the uso was at war with England, not in find himself replaced. The Bonapartist clique basing itself on preliminary agreements atrendy During the past two months both Houses of ConBronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for it only a trial gress have passed, and Roosevelt has signed, a 1848 when the fought Mexico, not in 1860 when wants to liesti an der Wernig Everything else is concluded with Hitler? Or is six months: 00 for one year.
balloon, unilateral offer of heart and hand?
fegular Naval appropriatoo been passed and sign Reentered as second class matter February 16, to when the red into engaged int war with Spain, nor in norway distinguished from the methods of Mariani kehani to the first has a victor, Hitler 600. 000. 000. There has also 1939, at the post office at New York, under ed a 350, 000, 000 bill for the increase of the Army the Act of March 3, 1879.
again in 1917 when the followed the rest of the Hitler. But in the sphere of international poli: is in no hurry to determine his friendships and air force.
imperialist nations into the vortex of the World War. ties, the difference in results is obvious. In a enmities once and for all. On the contrary, it At the present time, joint committees of the two Houses are ironing out certain minor conflicts sin Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN The bill constitutes a violent break with the official Saar territory, overthrown the Treaty of Ver and the western democracies accuse each other two other bilis, both of which are assured of pas.
Associate Editors: sage within the next week or two: the regular American tradition which at times has welcomed aliens sailles. placed his grasp on Austria and the of provoking war. By his offensive Hitler Army appropriation, reaching more than 500, 000.
IIAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW to our shores and has always prided itself as furnish Sudentenland, subjected Czecho Slovakia to his has, in any case, already gained this much: 000: a bill Staff Members ing the world sole haven for the persecuted and domination and a number of other second rate Stalin who only yesterday was almost the Alex 50, 00 or hiking available approximately EMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN oppressed.
and third rate powers to his influence.
naval bases.
Business Two further bills are also being prepared in STANLEY Can it be that the structure of American capitalism feats and humiliations on the international today turning his eyes toward Berlin and committees: one allotting about 50, 000, 000 in educational orders for war supplies; another for has become so flimsy and shaky, has approached so arena (China, Czecho Slovakia, Spain. To look humbly confesses the mistakes made.
from 50. 000. 000 to 100, 000, 000 to buy up and store FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST close to the brink oi collapse that even the mildest for the explanation of this difference in the per TOUGH JOB FOR COMINTERN LIARS sonal qualities of Hitler and Stalin would be essential military supplies which must be brought shadow of criticism endangers its existence?
What is the lesson? During the last three in from abroad.
much too superficial. Hitler is indubitably These that have listed add up to 600. 000. 000.
WORKERS PARTY FOR: cleverer and more audacious than Stalin. How. years Stalin called all the companions of Lenin ever, that is not decisive. The decisive things agents of Hitler. He exterminated the flower The Good Provider job and a decent wage for every worker.
are the general social conditions of the two of the General Staff. He shot, discharged and countries.
deported about 30, 000 officers all under the But this is by no means the total to be spent on Open the idle factories operate them under same charge of being agents of Hitler or his Imaments during the next year. number of workers control.
REAL DIFFERENCES EXIST allies. After having dismembered the party military and naval items for example, construc After surrendering Madrid last Tuesday, General It is now the fashion in superficial radical and decapitated the army, now Stalin is openly tion of military posts and encampments, airplane Twenty. Billion dollar Federal public works Casado went to Valencia and issued a bogus proclama circles to lump the regimes of Germany and posing his own candidacy for the role of. landing fields. Coast Guard, military roads, etc. and housing program.
tion, in the name of the Communist Party, summoning the together. This is meaningless. In principal agent of Hitler. Let the hacks of the are carried in the budget under a variety of nonmilitary headings: Treasury Department, Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage its focal leadership to party headquarters. When they Germany, despite all the state regulations Comintern lie and get out of this how they can.
30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on. so and others. Such expenditures would add another several hundred millions.
all jobs.
Casado forces, taken to prison in trucks and turned the means of production. In the Soviet Union one will succeed any longer in deceiving the approprere must be taken into account the sums over for punishment to Franco when he occupied Val Industry is nationalized and agriculture collec: public opinion of the international working class Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability during previous sessions of Congress which are now being used for the construction of pension hundreds of warships and airplanes. The present Expropriate the Sixty Families.
and his staff boarded a British warship at Gandia and which the bureaucracy has brought forth in Comintern will be in pieces. It will not be necthe land of the October Revolution. But there! essary to wait for years before both these things session will undoubtedly make a number of defled to France remains the fact of planned economy on the come to pass.
ficiency appropriations before it adjourns. All war funds to the unemployed.
basis of the statification and collectivization of The grand total for armaments, directly for armaments, to be spent during the next fiscal year What an utterly vicious act of vengeance against the means of production. This statified economy Coyoacan, March 11, 1939. people referendum on any and all wars. those with whom Casado collaborated so closely has its own laws which accommodate themwill be far more than 000. 000. 000. Indeed, since After Hitler entry into Prague ru9. No secret diplomacy.
until Marchi 5! He had learned these methods in the selves less and less to the despotism, the ignor. mors spread of a return by Stalin into the add vastly to this unter fiscal yea!
Stalinist school which produced Miaja. How many ance, and the thievery of the Stalinist bureau circle of the democracies. It is impossible to 10. An independent Labor arty.
is over, it is hard to place any limit on what will such monsters, trained to cynicism and corruption in cracy.
consider this excluded. But neither is it ex be spent. Three, four bilions, even more, are en11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante the school of Stalin, have been let loose to destroy the Monopoly capitalism throughout the entire cluded that Hitler entered Prague with proof tirely probable.
and Fascist attacks labor movement everywhere including, as in the case world, and particularly in Germany, finds itself of Stalin estrangement from the democraThey are generous fellows, these Congressmen and this President. No one can charge that when of Valencia, the local leaders of the Communist parties in a crisis that has no way out. Fascism itself cies in his hands. Hitler abandonment to they really take something seriously they stint on The New Leader, organ of the Social Democratie framework as monopolis capitalismu, net regime Hot belong to him, is the rules demonstrative pennies. The instruments of death must be of the best quality. No battleship but the fastest and Federation, and the Socialist Call, Norman Thomas of Hitler is the only possible one for Germany. renunciation of plans for a Greater Ukraine. strongest will do: no machine gun but the most organ, have justified the Casado coup against the Com The enigma of Hitler success explained Whether this will be for any length of time is rapidly death dealing: no gas but the most horrible in its effects.
President Roosevelt was instrumental in initiating munists on March These people are beneath con by the fact that through his police regime he another question.
tempt. calling theniselves socialists, they have not the imperialism. On the contrary the regime of Stalin knew in advance the fate of the Carpatho togethem. com. the negotiations for unity between the and And what a happy family they are when they get For Roosevelt unity means avoiding the necessity of slightest instinct of class solidarity. They are blood. Stalin has entered into irreducible contradiction Ukraine and that is why he denied with such the armament bills has carried unanimously taking sides; it means a greater chance of getting brothers to the Socialist, Besteiro, who joined Casado with the tendencies of dying bourgeois society. assurance the existence of any danger from Democrats and Republicans. New Dealers and Old Dealers, President and Congress, Marcantonio united labor vote for his party; it means fewer juris. in the March coup.
SPEECH IS TRIAL BALLOON Hitler to the Soviet Ukraine. The creation of and Ham Fish and Carter Glass, all joining hands.
dictional squabbies and consequently a more effective Hitler will soon reach his apogee, if he has eary can also be interpreted as a manifestation a common frontier between Poland and Hunprosecution of any war that he may drag us into.
Nor has their innocent pleasure been marred by any jarring notes from business. Every section not already done so, only to plunge thereafter of Hitler good will toward the of business, every one of its newspapers and maga.
To these reasons the intelligent worker is utterly ininto the abyss. But this moment has not yet whether this will be for long is still another zines. have remained discreetly silent or loudly different. He has more important reasons of his own for arrived. Hitler continues to exploit the dynamic question.
praising while these billions have been voted.
desiring and demanding wity unity based on the acIn Aliquippa, Pa. a worker who was too old to do existence. On the other hand, the contradictions antagonisms, the situation can change radically.
strength of an imperialism struggling for its At the present pace of development of world The Picture Other Side the mass production ne vi industrial unionisin any work and who couldn find a job even if he tried, between the Bonapartist regime of Stalin and But today it would seem that Stalin is preparindustries.
was given 60 a week for reliel. Overwhelmed with the needs of economy and culture During these same last two months, 88. 000 men The achievement of unity in the ranks of labor gratitude at this generosity the worker volunteered to reached an intolerably acute stage. The ing to play with Hitler.
work, at the present time, constituite a tremendous means about 400. 000 persons who have been left stride forward. It would increase the defensive power clean the streets for six hours a day and six days a struggle of the Kremlin for its self preservation with no means to get adequate food or warmth or weck only deepens and aggravates the contradictions, Coyoacan, March 24, 1939.
housing or medical care, of the working class, something that is absolutely neces gone out to drop several hundred sary now when reactionary forces are mobilizing to He died and was buried in Potter field. As a reward thousand more this week, twice as many next month, about the same number in June.
take back every concession labor has gained in the last for his loyalty to the masters, a collection was made to 100.
several years; it would, perhaps, stimulate an organis remove his body to a regular cemetery, ing campaign such as the separation of the from The poor worker! He didn understand that he had can be translated into terms of the was responsible for.
food or hunger for a million or so persons. In the carned his relief allotment a thousand times over. He House of Representatives, where the lower figure To some it may seem curious that both the breach had slaved away for his bosses during his lifetime and GANDHI WORSE it knocks Roosevelt. How carried, no one even dreamed of and the healing of the breach in the ranks of organized had produced tens of thousands of dollars of profit for THAN WE SAID thing higher than 150. 000. 000 But 150, 000, 000 labor can bring about similar results. That is neverthe them. He was by right entitled to a decent pension and Editor of the Socialist Appeal Tried to Answer means dropping an average of at least 150, 000 a less the citse. The organization of the workers in the month from the rolls.
some comforts during his old age. He didn understand Dear Friend. Of course, have tried to mass production industries on an industrial basis was Many members of Congress have explained that all this and his reward for his failure to understand in a recent issue of your pa myself. For instance, all this answer many of these questions they consider it an outrage to vote a addi50 vital that the separation of the from the was a collection after his death. Continued from Page 1)
ar to In this opinion, business AF. to achieve that objective was more than justificil finds itself largely in agreement.
There may be other workers with that same slave marked that Mahatma Gandhi that Roosevelt and the toiling masses lent a grim ovThat split set the workers into motion with progressive results that are well known to everybody, psychology.
We nuust help educate them before they cannorladtwa soldiers dur. cominbat business depreces wide range ohne a peleta mbyseptop Appeasement for Whom And now that inclustrial tionism has sticceeded in This is not true. Gandhi did a children off the Ohio thanks for Spain desired and for What?
organizing some of the mass production industries, the much better job for the Bri rolls long before Congress con Catholic victory and confer naive observer from Mars or a South Sea Isamification of the forces of labor always on condition tishton Hotelanized themos vened in Washington Inexplain the spisu posiche blessing on land might be a little puzzled if he should study that industrial unionism in the mass production inclus million sold hom were killed in before the Republicans ever be this record of the last two months of Congress.
tries is to be taken for granted woull arouse great fighting for British imperial gan to assemble for the opening He task himself: Why is it that so many Recognizes Franco might billions can be unanimously voted for one purpose, enthusiasm among the workers and night well lead to Now the tangle of imperialist rivalries in Europe is ism. They fought in Mesopota: of the present session of Con President Roosevelt accorded and then such haggling and bitterness over a another great influx of workers into the ranks of orgall. trying to straighten itself out in the form of a bloc poll campaigns (where alone Harrington a dyed in the wool diplomatic recognition to the measly fifty or a hundred million for another? He ized labor.
pledged to defend Poland, and possibly Rumania, írom close to million died, other Armynsman, to break up the Franco fascist regime and would discover, to his surprise, that the fifty The only ones who will really benclit henceforward lion which divided the House on the de Nazi attack Near Eastern sections and The thing that went ov simultaneously lifted the arms front distinity are the bosses. rom now on the two France. Close to a billion dol. er with a bang with the work embargo on Spain on April ficiency bill is just half the price of a single bat.
organizations will attempt to organize the same workers Should this arangement work out and that is still lars was raised by Gandhi for ers was the illustration of the The haste with which Roose far from certain we would begin to lear, no doubt These million workers and the capitalists on the prepara relations with Franco was in tie up between Roosevelt and velt moved to establish friendly and the bitter disputes and rivalries that will inevitably men or any businessman could easily explain this. result can be beneficial only to the employers.
about poor little Poland under the Nazi heel. peasants of India were misled tions for war especially the rannscontosalis Spain during confusion Don you realize, he would be told that the No one doubts the keen desire of the rank and file of Poor little Poland. Will the losses of Britain, by the false promises of free fact that Roosevelt government debt is so high and the yearly deficites both the and for unity. The main obstacle France, and this country call upon the workers to de dom given to them by the Bri: voted unanimously for the enor. the civil war. Under his direc ale so large that we are headed straight for bank tish imperialists and their nous war expenditures.
fend democracy in Poland? Will the Stalinist patri friend, Gandhi. But tion, Congress on January to achieving that goal is the fear of the reacruptey? Don you understand that business is oteers here and in those other countries echo this cry? they have learned differently tary budget with the paltry ap which completely cut off Loy, contrasted this huge mili 1937 declared an arms embargo tionaries that unity with the might threaten their getting nowhere because it is strangled with so many taxes? Don you see, then, that the only position of leadership. Nor are the ambitions, trucuWe may be sure they will, if the bosses want it that Gandhi is again preparing to propriations that were made to alist Spain from every type of way in which the country can be saved from delence and grand stand playing of John Lewis favor way.
struction is through a rigorous program of econwriter remarks. But believe it sham Arguments such cists were in no way affected, able factors for achieving uity.
omy and more economy? has got to be cut But they will forget that in Poland the Ukrainian sorrect the sayimwn that never as these impressed the work since their oreceived and their to the bone or we ll go to pieces in no time Progressive workers of both organizations must give minority has leen crushed, the Jews vilely persecuted, again when analye not the Emers with the fact that Roose suppy. een chroom, Italych amaterima And if our visitor replied: So that how it is?
the leaders to understand that once industrial unionism didn understand about cconomy. Now would in the mass production industries is accepted, all other suggest that if you need some real savings you tual bondage. They will conveniently forget that Poland peasants refuse to follow false They grasped this truth even sibly for Hitler and Mussolini questions can and should be compromised and no concould get even further by lopping a billion or two siderations of personal prestige and ambition should will never be able to recruit a as far back as the spring of In Wilson Foot Steps This is the democracy they are talking about single soldier to do their dirty 1934. Roosevelt laid off 400. 000 But, interfere with accomplishing that unity which will mcan. naturally, our Congressman or businessman work. Indians who really be workers without batting defending!
would not be going to carry this type of conversaOn May 1, 1937, when the so much to the working class.
tion further. He would turn away.
Reneral neutrality law was their country will fight only in an eyelash.
on Mai or the South Seas they concering: 80.
even know Spring Sale 20 per cent off! their own army that of the Explains Anti Labor Squabble adopted by Congress, legal ex the difference between economy and patriotism!
workers and peasants against He an alien, by his own admission, and ll see Britain and its slave democ another. was further able to fically apply to civil wars and that he is deported, as he ought to be, for spreaddemonstrate that Roosevelt previous legislation relating to ing subversive doctrines.
lish this correction and thank show much sympathy forrigaboe eligible to purchase arms here will be pleased if you pub. cannot act favorably to, or The economy minded Congressmen slasheal 50, 000. 000 from WPA. funds. These same Congressmen struggles of India for its tree heat on him. And what goes for Kbereupon issue the same day. Young Anti Fascist Contributes chdn make a swk about the two battleships of 45, Fraternally yours, mealy mouthed stooges of both tion specifically applying an To the Fund for Political Refugees 000 tons cach that the President ordered built at an Ends April 15th Khan an Indian worker the Democratic and Republican emgarco against Spain.
expense of approximately 200, 000, 000. Nor did the Roosevelt speedy recogni.
April 2, 1939 parties who represent the Chamber of Commerce and the ion of Franco government is President suggest that perhaps the money spent for the Few Samples. National Association of Manu certainly not the pattern which The American Fund for Political Prisoners and battleships could very well go for velici. There may be ON ATTACKING facturers. the only difference would have been followed had Refugees recently received a donation of 00 for a slight disagreement between Roosevelt and some ConNow List PRES. ROOSEVELT between the political hacks of the workers and peasants won the German refugees from lellar ar gressinen as to how much should be cut from llistory of the Russian RevolutionIcon Trotsky.
Editor: but there is no disagreement on the proposition that. both parties being that they in Spain. Like his predecessor, tributor. Shortly afterward, the Sven year old con. 18 Many of the militants in my methods of starving the work who refused to recognize the battleships come before relief.
The Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution Isaacs.
broadside tacks against Pressers hermostulemgestoresponse that would have refused to establish My mother said you would like to know kot 00 50 ident Roosevelt. feel that your came from these workers was relations with a successful Spain the money for the German refugees. First Revolution Betrayed. Leon Trotsky. 50. 69 thought would get it from other. but then My Life Leon. Trotsky to answer the arguments of labor. instead of relying on this is sufficiently evidenced it so de 00 80 these womple, the workers ties, must. as part of its strug. from arms throughout the civil Roosevelt and the old line par by his cutting the Loyalists off cided to get some money mesell. did the houseThe House of Representatives lus just passed a bill For The 3rd International After Lenin. 50 hold jobs and used me allowance. did the dishes. 75 war.
ask: Didn Roosevelt do more ble for better living conditions.
set the table and made beds, and that was all. sponsored by Representative Dempsey which provides The Stalin School of Falsification 50 for labor than any other Presi put union men into the City for the deportation of an alien advocating any change 00 just gave 40 though, and the rest was given by dent? Didn Roosevelt give Councils, the State Legislatures tempt to save it from collapse my mother, and my father, and my uncle. Itlook wiatsoever, whether lwy legal meals or by force and Russia, Twenty Years After us the and the Wagner and the National Congress be at the expense of the great me a month violence, in the present form of government of the Victor Serge.
Act? Didn Roosevelt give fore it can expect to have tis masses of toilers. There not 50 gave it because liked the poor pretty well us work relief for the first weeds heard enough of this material in the United States Visit the Labor Book Shop nowand was reading about Hitler in the newspapers time? So why knock the hell May suggest that the Appeal. simple a analysis of at that time. And still think Hitler is a bum.
The bill is so broad that of an alien happens to belong out of the only guy that ever Socialist Appeal carry regular the breakdown of American 28 EAST 12th STREET, to any American organization, whether religious or tried to do something for labor articles in every edition illus. capitalism is. feel. what the Yours sincerely.
fraternal, which advocates an ancndment to the Con Add 3c per book for postage. we don see the Appeal trating the breakdown of the workers need.
knocking the Republicans ilke system and Roosevell at Toledo, Richard Congress is debating whether to advance 50. 000. 000 difference0. 000 more to WORKERS FORUM FRANCO FORCES VICTIMS INTO SLAVE GANGS IS any come. RS Poor Little Poland. Battleships Before Relief Thousands of Revolutionary Titles dom.
What Do They Fear?. 90