AnarchismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninPopular FrontsRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

FRIDAY, APRIL 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL In the World of Labor Investigation Uncovers Shocking MASS PRESSURE Medical Conditions In Mine Areas STALLS CANADA CONSCRIPT PLAN er and issureSraterupeech On the Line. with Bill Morgan the piano departmtimonial dinner in HOLLYWOOD tory Debate Shows Shaplen Condones 1919 Murders By Paul Stevens Postpones Meeting the socialist War Minister of the Loyalist government, Prieto. to his party comrade, the concluded from Mar. 31 issue) Virginia Legislature in 1931, charity patients and treats us Virginia attorney, who said, In the midst of Crisis Loyalist ambassador to the United States, Despite the high cost of med. che miners often pay 5, 000 for worse than that, and yet it is By this method the employer, shows withical services in the mining The increasingly sharpened character of po what seal thelos Rios. This meant about say camps almost no provisions cost 000.
a service that at most should our money that keeps it going. in effect, says to his em EXTRA CHARGES Canadian capitalist spokes.
litical events appear to have paralyzed coming Spain. by crushing the Spanish working exist for preventive medicine. Sharp competition exists be FORCED ON PATIENTS pensation for your injury, but men, under the rising anger pletely the bureaucrats of the Internationa!
very rarely does a woman tween different hospitals. This Federation of Trade Unions.
Finally says Prieto in one of the pas here mos preostalimogenituese predators, is mos teniso there is used to parecen extra sterses doctors of my choosing and workers and rear meselvet On top of this, every excuse you shall submit yourself to and pressure of the anti war the Canadian regular meeting of the Executive of the was due in March. Hitler was taking pine up process in the rear has been con new children arenovaccinated cutthroat bidding between the cases and contagious diseases employment who are, of course in einst consci Czechoslovakia and Memel, Franco was en no.
lering Madrid and Valencia. With such heat the province, wheels at on, the Citrines and Schevenels decided. to ithe anarchistr postpone their meeting!
Ed. have been completely sto organizations single class in health or hy are given to the coal operators. serums, drugs, special sursery Paid for by you find any dis long a staunch imperialist and stopped, their most giene was found in the whole even of the most ordinary dance with such finding.
ability. will pay in accor head of the Conservative ParIt was not by accident that the only interna dangerous elements are either dead or im territory.
COMPANIES CONTROL tional working class organicember meeting in prisoned. What even more important, is the Yet for camp medical ser THROUGH CHECK OFF kind, there is always an extra This arrangement makes it ex. You could nor Canadian the midst of the crisis last fact that those who have come to their senses vices, including extra charges Control of the check off gives tant rates are a Bureau esti tremely difficult for workmen to fight outside the borders of ing its call to action was the Fourth Interna convinced or at the very least the average cost to 100 men the companies control of the mates that extra charges bring to draw sickness Insurance. ac Canada.
tional. While the social reformists and Stalin more by the impact of the mopping up completely. We have decided, ing hospital fees. The Bureau investigators were told that the duures to about 000 for each and head of ists become crisis. the of the Fourth InterPublic health in the whole the Liberal Party. rose in the national loom as the only hope of action for to the most dangerous fronts. In this manne: conducted the investigation un building was financed through tween hospitals eliminated and district suffers from the mine Dominion Parliament, and at: the world workers.
the disrupters will aid us in perfecting our der invitation from the United an increase in the men wage with costly equipment utilized operators control of medical tempted to add the suspicions moppine up process, for which we should be Mine Workers believes that deductions but the operators to its fullest extent in large, service. In West Virginia, for at the Senadian massessment very thankful to them.
How They Worked In following this this sum is more than sufft. kept the deed and later turned well planned units of two or example, there is but one state a promise that his government To Save Spain and who, quite recently, have demanded such and medicines of the money and the fact that there were on laboratory and Ray ser: The people neids waiting 1st clans against conscription are the three countries who have a dea wis pmose with these rate doctors, nurses een result of the check of couea hurnishe wanted hospitalina Southern coabe mining area ammeoplervice overseas pamphlet written by Jean Rous, French a course from us.
Fourth Internationalist who spent many has for many resigned his post as ambassador presents res large proportin At most hospitals are 10 tribute toward much needed when patients are finally ad.
months in Spain between July 1936 and the lain s: furthermore, since and that he is joining the teaching start of the the funds are diverted directly patients are discharged as training for many camp phy. month for their board and speech anse Akigustround list care conclusion of the civil war, has just been pub obed in France kederutaon Assassinated as the title Spain 1936 New School for Social Research, where he into the company treasuries. quickly as possible, sometimes sicians.
will no doubt lecture on how to fight This is no more than fitting. For fascist: EVEN MORE SHOCKING HOSPITAL CONDITIONS with very serious results. ESPECIALLY VICIOUS In Kentucky there are but 18 dial reception by both the Licovers the whole period with an amazing mass Shaw once remarked, He who can, does; he of detail.
DISCRIMINATION AGAINST IN COMPENSATION CASES charge ay buberculosis free it has been absolutely clear who can t, teaches.
for the miners showScationCOLORED MINERS The picture of The Rous pamphlet should be of particular In preventing injured work tients other than those from the that Canada policy if any.
will be dets 10 vom Washvalue in making clear the criminally mistaken The quality of service is very ers from obtaining compensa city of Louisville. In Tennessee line of the The impotence of its cem Labour Party Branches Flock to ditions. The companies deduct are exactly thing, even more shocking con. poor. In the whole area there tion legally due them, the hos there is no state tuberculosis ington, not London, and will be trist policies is clarified throughout by the Anti Register Opposition the funds from the worker tagious dicenses. no matter used as especies operas ty of Virginia alone there are gram, to Roosevelt war promere recital of events and the s ree victimization of this party Thirty nine branches of the British Labour 25 a month from generach man, be. they must therefore be In his Parliament for compensation insur: monary tuberculosise with in: Mackenzie King by the Stalinists and their People Front al Party have officially flocked to the growing and making absolutely no ac taken care of at home. There ance, the premium of which fectious sputum. One of these called Roosevelt pledge to lies should not, despite our sympathy and rank and file opposition against the National counting of how it is expended. are no what must be paid by the compa is solidarity with the victims, close anyone miner ment of which has been In cases where they turn it ever. Colored US Watan hainies, varies according dren.
eyes to its false politics.
integrity, and emphasized that Register conscription Swegularly in over to contracting hospitals, families who pay just as much seriousness of the to the Is a mother with fourteen chil. preserve Canada territorial Rous cites a letter of May 25, 1937 written by this column the hospitals have no means of as the white are usually cared and their frequency. It is com pressure of wellorganized more importance to the United There is little doubt that the Canada must attach immensely actually represents the whole though the equipment is fairly mize every accident, no mat would force many improve dependence on the White House amount collected.
when Roosevelt gives the word, in almost every case investi. Other respects it is wretched. quences to the injured worker. ments in this situation.
gated the company retained There is little or no equipment Doctors are entitled to re BUREAU SUGGESTS promises made to the Canadian not less than 10 per cent, call for physiotherapy or Ray muneration from the state POSSIBLE REMEDIES inasses against conscription collecting the money. The gle ing it a nominal charge for treatistical fever machine or rendered in any accident will to possible remedies. The inves both political parties have There is not a sin compensation fund for services Bureau is concerned with deal of the report of will be junked.
the For the time being, however, but a doctor can send a Please Bureau estimates that for every iron lung in the entire territhe fund only on peril of his tigators recognize that the made statements calculated to. ve been here seven years The case of Egbert Rubberbone is not 100 workers, about 1500 is col tory.
unusual. Almost everyone newspaper renerhis little story ap there have never been any complaints. al lected for the hospital after the job. because if bills are sent miners are fully aware of the quiet the resentment of the Each list patient treat the company insurance pre men have already contributed on time in the morning. consider it privilege to be with the company.
ally on page thrty six. It goes something like 2, 980 for the camp doctor, ment is made as cheap as posmiums increase. As a result deficiencies in medical service masses against the horror of another war, and to prevent the this This amount is increased by sible. The mine doctor is dis the miners must pay for this and are anxious to end them Egbert Was a Spartan of that resentment. couraged from sending in pa. service out of the check off be done only by integration of by working class leaders whom After thirty years of faithful. deThe customer was always right with Egbert. HOSPITALS tients, and is regarded as a from their wages. In the same medical services, responsibility they could not control.
voted service to the Snarl Sweat Department Store, Mr. Egbert Rub. For thirty years he listened to the customers LACK BEDS buck passer and the chief way the men pay for hospital on the part of the doctors and berbone, known to hundreds of local complaints and took the gut handed him by enemy of the hospital if he care that should be paid for by hospitals to the men they are United States Government does so. The Bureau investi the compensation fund.
citizens as the assistant manager of Mrs. Van up de Bucket and her crowd of ligures indicate that the mint Eators did not find a single in treating instead of the mine awarded a parasites. Smiling all the while Egbert took mum adequate standard is stitution where there was real. TO FALSIFY REPORTS DOCTORS COMPELLED companies, and control by the gold watch at a it on the chin for the company. For thirty general hospital beds for 1, 000 ly adequate nursing care men of the deductions made his honor last night. The watch was When Egbert bank and its president turned Bened there are any about Wences to increase the profits. ured men is gauged entirely vices.
The service rendered to in. from their wages for these ser MERRY GO ROUND presented by Mr. Snarl who said, We Millions of people have read this little eht be as womey be the costume jewelryen beds for 000, and the men even when there are other by company interests. Since. on page twelve of the report but how many give it a second thought? Not merely wiowned this sliebtest bit and began in their support.
According to an building. In the words of one income from compensation only real way to institute dere Pooh Bah Number One of many. Most folks mere the cross word puzzle.
glance at the head investigation made by the west miner. the hospital calls us work, they treat accident cases form: The fact is that several the movies, Mr. Will Hays, reline and then pass on to another little bank.
possible. Men are sent home ſidence that an independent report to the Industry. Mr.
like Rubberbone are not born everyday and And a Company Stool before they are able to walk. health service backed by the Hays. whose function it is, their kind are rapidly passing into the pages And when Mr. Robertson, the new salesman of history. Soon they will be extinct like the Sometimes a leg is amputated United Mine Workers of Amer among other things, to control in the Sports Department began to talk about because it is easier and cheap ica offers the one possibility of in the industry.
Dodo. union. horrors! bolshevik right under euran trying to save it. The an effective solution to both grade cheerily patriotic over And Mr. Snavl knew what he was talking his very nose. Egbert excused himselt extreme was reached when the their problems and those of the the future. Said the Grand Saabout without men like Rubberbone the sys.
politely and risked losing a sale in order to Bureau was told, in one in miners.
chem: We are entering into tem of heads win tails you lose would not last of this to stance, that men are some an Americanism cycle under to the very long times allowed to die because WORKERS CONTROL Store in particular. Of course, when Robertson All For a Watch In other Whate benefits are only 000 THE ONLY WAY OUT dable optie kot the sack Egbert got a raise. Not much of a permanent disabil.
For thirty years of faithful, devoted service. raise to be sure but it did mean Yes ity is 000.
Lewis, head of the United Mine waving on the screen that has been seen of late is merely a. For thirty long, dreary years of leaping preliminary. Now down the Communists the opportunity arstwameer it is for this reason that mine Workers, who is now negotiat seem biten out of bed like a hunted criminal every morn reward for valor, so to speak.
And why not? were the brutal had always emphasized that doctors are compelled to falsi. ing contracts with the compose that Mr. Hays has given his of ing at seven a. bolting down a cruller and In 1929, when the pression had just begun, words shouted by Joseph Shap. socialism could not be built in y death certificates and acci: ers will of his own accord see ficial blessing. there ll be a cup of muddy coffee rushing down into a Egbert did not get any bonus at Christmas len, spokesman for the Social one country alone that Lenin. dent reports to conform with fit to disturb coal company more Yankee bellywash disdark, dirty subway where he was jammed and time. Egbert didn knew how hard it was expect one either he Democratic Federation in a de Trotsky and others had predict company desires. One mine profits by insisting that all tilled in the Hollywood grogshoved into a crowded stinking subway carMr. Snari to make bate with Max Shachtman, edi ed the degeneration of the Sovidoctor in West Virginia recent funds collected for medical ser shops than even a two fisted on.
out and up and into the office to shove his time card into the clock ten minutes early and Mr. Snarl, he would say to Agnes the cashier Friday night at the itand with its meager technical retified that a man death was trol of the union.
And now that Mr.
then to put in eight or more solid hours on his in the piano department, he has so many School.
sources to face a superior and due to carbon monoxide poison For the miners there is no had the gracious good mind to man feet and no time or place to rest. Home at Worries, so many problems these days.
ing instead of heart failure other possible solution. Strict forewarn us, we, for our part.
Shaplen blurted out his hostile capitalist world econ or stomach trouble, as the union control alone can elimin. can look into the future of the night to a stuffy flat in the suburbs where And Agnes. would lift her eyebrows slightly damning admission when omy.
and say. Yeah the poor guy. Next thing Shachtmanne responseThe reformiste secrepedemnat the injury and hot occur on the the wage deductions disease. will be the Historical film he falls asleep over the dinner table. Thirty company insisted. Often, too, ate the evils. So long as the Americanism cycle.
of this for watch. watch worth Most preponderant of the lot twenty five e bucks in any hock shop.
The very words Home Relief would affect shevism for its use of vio rushed to the help of their bad job, or was the result of break accidents, and death will con which will show Dollar ImperAnd Egbert is satisfied. If you ask him why ed Loarele thing terrible. Bums! he shout. llence, had dece ly. shaken capitalist governing a safety rule.
tinue to be he never becomes fed up with the life of a German Soments in the disturbed period This whole situation wess of the mining companies.
tive destroying American institutions. cial Democracy in 1919 against at the close of the World War neatly summed up by a West for the stockholders empire. but is nos most sate trans plough horse he is surprised. He says. It sume that at least ten films people like you who make all the trouble in this world. You always want to upset every were built by bume roads and automobiles to preserve expressions of an possibility of help from outside them buildings, e the bourgeois state. revolts. thus prevented any will be released by the major thing.
As shocked studios during the first six Egbert Doesn Think the adoption of ger were heard in the audi for the Soviet Union, ShachtHis Time Was Theirs ence. Shaplen jeered, re man pointed out. Thus the soEgbert just doesn stop to think why any One day Agnes figured out the extra time peat, why not. cial democrats were directly cal facts are hostile or non exone should want to upset things. He never Egbert put in on the job time for which Eg. It was in this 1919 onslaught responsible for the Soviet Un istent. Hollywood will invent stops to ask questions and he never has any bert was not paid. He came in ten minutes against the revolutionary work ion isolation and the subse them. The legend should read: doubts about things. He accepts his boss early in the morning, went to lunch five min officers turned loose against et regime as represented by answers to everything. He even feels sorry for Since the Hollywood the boss. He says the boss couldn get along have minutes before the others and then stayed ten the workers by the Social Dem Stalin.
or some time now been minutes before closing cemento make sure the articles recomanda Rosa Lux cishachtmeraten rascede his wien Roughing It without him and he couldn get along with producing historical Zilms, out the boss. And Egbert is right again. Only Marie Antoinette and Slashing Relief Egbert just doesn know how right he is. minutes a day three hours a week. By the emburg. Gunga Dip. etc. we have For thirty years he kept his place and never end of the year Egbert had donated one hun. Slanders Red Army Is Good Economy come to know their time tested spoke out of turn. Whenever he felt ill he dred and fifty hours of work to the store. And forced himself to the store and didn mention Egbert had been with the store thirty years the question, Has Bolshevism of the Communist Party.
In arguing the affirmative of the close similarity between In The Carribean HAMILTON, BermudaMILWAUKEE, Wis. Walter case of India, that formulas. For exampbellione it to a soul. His stomach suffered as a result SO Visitors, enjoying a Spring holi Monte boarded a streetcar colonial who lifts rifle of eating half rotten food in clatter bang one exactly 500 days for which he had received their eda standers repented the The degeneration of the day on the Bermuda Isles, are pear his home last night with a grainst His Majesty Bengal arm lunch rooms.
not one cent unless one figures the watch Russian Revolution. Claiming Tinal stage of corruption leting e visitehas sports celebrt into the coroner office in the French Resolution kinever whose to the sports calendar bundle in his arms. He trans. Lancers is a downright bloody When debts mounted and his wife couldn pay the grocer or the of bills. Egbert twenty five dollar watch for 500 days appealed to the lowest in which elemental torture he hesitated. After work. When Mr. Snarl said, We need more stincts of the armed masses with the cel it soge ties in the evening hours.
crawled to the boss office. Hat in hand and wrapped the bundle men like Rubberbone, he certainly said a evidently referring to the Party in every country of the Many of the tennis stars of ing a tiny baby. dead contain ultimate purpose is to ravish mouthful heart in mouth, he spoke softly and fearfully.
famous Bread. Peace, and globe where they yet exist, the United States are gathering The baby was born to my guillotined.
Bourbon princess before she is Land. summoning the work said Shachtman. Each party here now to compete in the wife at home this morning. The Americanism films will annual Bermuda ers, peasants, and soldiers to loyal to its capitalist nineteenth dis Hollywood will be having a Shaplen repeated several times interests, ea that capitalist peoks tears. contingat pentiehond die Rescue Squad worked twenty merayuime of it these mext feated the Allied and white the war budgets of the capital players.
By DOUGLAS CONLEY couldn We are on relief and for higher things, it need no He supported the Left Wing its revolutionary slogans to enfronts was composed of the Popular Fronts together in players each day, before the Coroner assistants took tion mothers in law.
The Junior Service League have no funds for burial, so longer confine itself to courarGuard armies on twenty two ists for the oncoming imperial of by of and MARY WILLS eous attacks against the naA dispatch from Barcelona younger brother. Jose Rebull. Soon after his return to CR ca. the ignorant. declasse France and Spain on a com guests ro later on to cocktail talonia, his keen understanding NAT LEVINE published in the French press around to counter theseszed anantong experiencederstanding lumpenproletariat, shapien mopo reforemost programme each parties mat the various hotels to see relief authorities Mon reports that David Rey has April, 1937. attacked Nin pol lems of the working class con called them Sredintele Roosevelt and the dis and homes. New York Times New York Herald Tribune tary police. This is the same Generality and the centrist zig takes. He joined his brother. tempt to AL make the slightest Social Democratic devotion to Referring to the hypocrisy of Catalan years by tive Committee.
DUNNE SPEAKS AT ger of La Batalla, who, with which have been exerting their the Stalveist policand the Los This was not the first time to April sees esithas taken during the sales existed how in Spain the Socialist violence. Shachtman describthe Union CLOTHING SAYS of conniving from his own experiences nems that had this e Bolshevik sent upon the internal situation the Socialist, Juan Negrin, who the epists. His new ara syndicalist in the Spanish criticism only arisen within there. His whole speech conAMERICAN FUND MADISON, Wisconsin Dunne, state organizer of the rest stands as definite proof trade union movement, he had the more promptly, sisted of repeating that the poro all three belonging to the by the Socialist, Julian Besteisection of the Social SOUTH BEND. Special to the Sodelose The American Fund for absuchiya of these dearges the enticarse clearned the reached their emristor Yoda Spain would be morem Workers Party. was the to 100 workers from South today, and such movemem the Bolshevik same party! while the SocialWe recall David Rey Uhis to the communist Party. The courageous old militant as Da struggle for power between Popular Fronte government merely constant Political Prisoners and Ref guest speaker at the anti war Bend, Mishawaka and Goshen, ugees has made an appeal strike held on the campus of Ind. and Niles. Mich. attendreal name is Daniel Rebull) as ineptitude of the Third Inter vid Rey would not be in the ins and the outs.
the University of Wisconsin at ed the first showing in northern one of the finest class con national eventually led him to Franco hands all along with his arms blockfor clothing for refugees. Madison on Thursday, April Indiana of the film Tsar to This Catalan worker stands Al Capone Theory The need of the refugees is Shachtman described Shap. The flustered Shaplen evaded while Premier of France.
we have ever had the privilege which created the workers and as a symbol of the tens of thou len outlook as the Al Ca all discussion of the similarity Dunne received the invitation Lenin and the lecture given urgent: they cannot wait for to of knowing utan old wave here presecantith the Win. Andrade the struggle and who never which creat advances and re democracy ane was helped by clothes! If you have clothing War Strike Committee, which sons of the Russian Revolution het waterways ready to serve group to form the shall, until the victory of the treats of the massere un che se cha social democrat. Both of any kind which you can asked him to give the labor and the Soviet Union Today.
point of view on the present Many questions were asked spare, you should bring it at war situation.
of the speaker. Considerable but unlike the bulk of the Committee of the courage, his firm stand against world only as power shifting agreed that there was not time once to the office of the The Wisconsin student strike literature was sold, and a numAmerican Fund, Room 1609, committee. according to its ber of new contacts gained.
he was associated, he as manager of a workers foot: serve as an example to Amer Shachtman recalled what the Shachtman pointed questions. do 100 Fifth Avenue, New York chairman, Robert Rumsey. is The meeting was the first of City, or inform the office, composed of all progressive an a series of forums that will be the revolutionary enthusiasm of and money raising tour to Mex Salud to David Rey, symbol choose to forget, that the Bol packed hall. Tension rose high which will send someone to 1936, he still saw the necessity ico. It was during absence of the revolutionary workers sheviks themselves while not and the chairman had to ap.
pick it up. All contributions who wish to militantly assert noon by the Socialist Forum orof deep self criticism.
that the of Barcelona!
will be welcome.
their stand against war ang ganized by the Saint Joseph shrinking from the chance to peal several times for order.
war preparations.
County Branch of the inform Mr She snarl sweat Department o the e human. my importance to the correcognition of years described months oficy. Where historiSOCIETY NOTES It Might Have Happen savants SALUTE TO DAVID REY Tsar to Lenin ANTI WAR STRIKE Shown at Forum with the his