BolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyIV InternationalItalyMarxMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorkers Party

Rank and File Makes Itself Left Heard at Auto Convention Jabs APPEAL ARMY GA UNITED HANDICAPPIO WORKERS OF AMERICA 10 20 New York Legislators Spirited Line Thrown fast night in a field behind his desire in vendi mighe chaves se puteration dircham, Despite mese soogstessi ver er any forganization Around WPA Offices Begin To Slash Wages or SWOC In Mass. Drive For Union Contracts MELON Continued from Page tough bird to swallow. The ma. Mullens, delegate from the PAGE MAY DAY sales and distribution of your the proposal only because it chine had promised Franken West Side Local then rose to APPEAL LANNID: May Day extra they described in terms that joby Mortimer and all their make the bravest and most came from the which steen (3) Place your extra orders and their salaries. Now, honest speech of the convenThe Appeal staff is already would make the Holy Trinity they cannot deliver. If they tion: at work on an extra. page of Appeals inmediately. No ex Rreen with envy. Even Walter plan to run these gentlemen for Who in the hell is running edition of the socialist Appeal era Anders will be accepted ani Baloney Reuther lell over himself con the Executive Board they mus.
3) Send in branch greetings his convention? Hillman and Warray or the rank and file?
This edition will be out on no later than April 22. So far In his response to King ing that anyone had a vic: lowers whom they promised to Let the delegates get it in their Tuesday, April 25 so that it will only one branch has done this George creetings on his le Lory by the decision. Il re take care of with positions on eads that the rank and file is.
be in the hands of all branches the Allentown branch 01 cent visit to London, President inained for a rank and file the Board. Somebody must get running this convention and not no later than Saturday, April Pennsylvania.
Lebrun said France and Milman and Murray from be29 a good two days before(4) Get busy on the collecain were always motivated worker here and there to break the axeit is a safe prediction through this mushy mollasses that a lot of soreheads will 80hind the hotel doors!
May Day.
tion lists of greetings for the By the same conceptions of of obeisance to the great men out of the city of Cleveland.
honor. justice, human dignity, and point out that these were The page May Day issue Appeal.
Undecided Questions Thomas immediately struck will contain a host of special (5) Have your branch send respect for treaties and the the wishes of the workers: the Two other controversial ques back, saying that he for features running all the way in payment for its extra May was merely acting under tions remain undecided at this ment regarding the Mul word, the ants pressure.
from a history of May Day to Day bundle. This is our only chment to liberty of descriptions speech and the written word Nevertheless the constitution sition of the Executive Board lens rose again and continued his protest as follows: am May means of financing it.
in a word, to liberty of exis. al clause eliminating vice pres and the President can history. In addition, there NOTE: Day demoner of famous 10t against the o. but tence: the same anxiety not idents is a victory for the auto. Roland Thomas is the sewill be the usual news of trade The special page May Day to intervene in the internal af workers. And by the same tok lection of Hillman and Murray don like politicians who go union struggles and the anti issue will sell at the same price fairs of other states and the en it is a defeat for the Stalin for the Presidency.
war activities of the Socialist of 3c and will cost the branches same love of peace. After ist clique.
a former Martin aromas is behind scenes, cut up everso Workers Party and the Fourth the usual price of 20 each.
reading the hypocritical and International political past and considered a to us at the convention. This slimy utterances of democratic Avoid Open Fight safe and sane unionist. The time Mullens remarks brought On to a militant, anti war statesmen even Mussolini That the Stalinists acqui. Communist Party choice is down the house with cheers WHAT BRANCHES CAN DO: May Day under the leadership bombastic speeches sound re esced in the decision of the Socialist freshing leaders on this question George Addes. Thus far Ads and applause.
not in (1) Arrange right now for Fourth International and the No Steam Roller Yet despite this intervention Congress Scores Victory is a point of considerable sig: the ring.
every sesebut at the close of dent over mis discharge from Vote has been taken yet, it ap Secretary Treasurer rises to machine, mis convention in the current purge of munist Party machine com make announcements, the gressive achievement in the aliens. Joseph Viligor. 63, of minds de jority of votes at machine whips up a big dem American labor movement. Its.
far the most by his throat.
Viligor was the father of leated the 1o. recommenda the more popular of the two tions are carried out in a demposed, fought and probably de noisy demonstrations. Addes is in recent times. Its delibera.
citizenship papers, but was dis have meant an open battle be he will win the presidency a model for all other unions to Government Employees Are Victims of New project two weeks ago under leaders. There is nothing he refuses to run, his re elee There is not the slightest sign the rule governing aliens. Continued from Page 1) red baiting which was exposed Economy minded Program Welfare Dinner Fatal Because in fact they are not assured as there is no rival in vention floor. Provisions in the the sports spread the discrimined aelenietewherekselsales Phala policy of business appease ithese sight.
The drive for economy in re Dealers. They are not oppo Rank and Filer Speales little importance. are debated ers. Representatives of each work discovered that Rourke ment to the new New course, cand in a modified aim sult: one man is dead, six are his most supine flunkeys. and file relatient against the questiiking has his say on this sirous of York State legislators. There might reveal the true identity and others dying from eating rotten Theerand in the convention for idybys Hillman and Co. came obtained by anyone without any ed workers and White collar called an attempt congres Smeercial legislation and, above all, cratic Front.
The floor can be borers and Helpercuffeurs.
Latery red. baiting state must be no new taxes, no addio some of the heroes of the again obvious ever seen in what was tonal expenses incurred by so incipient American Demoagency. John Mckay, 34, died labelling their bloc commun this evening. Frankensteen an difficulty. The rulings of the section.
in the Iron lung at the chil ist dominated.
nounced that he had just come chairman, Thomas. have been Rourke Patriotism dren Orthopedic Hospital. They had the majority, but from a conference with Sidney in most cases highly fair and This document was sent out in government economies are Won Make Fight Harold Etchoe. 25. became so their whole past and present Hillman, that the latter had re impartial. If it is possible to Unfortunately, Henry thousame of the al sean in order. Today in Al Shall the Union badly paralized that he also policy prevented them from quested a night session to set say that a rank and file is run Rourke pa member of the soi ecutive Board of the Sisiones and to repeat the prea thousands of trade unionists in was placed in the apparatus. using it. Even so, this kind of tle the question of the size of ning a convention, then certain cialist Party, in speaking as a but Rourke had ever seen it visions of the recently passed New York for a mass demon of tents Congress is to be con Three others are in oxygen humble crow was pretty the Executive Board. Chester ly it is constitution is strip. lcs and chauffeurs, distorted Intil it was exposed in Phila annual. mandatory salary in stration as a stirring protest master of this one.
crease law The new gratulated on its victories in against slashed delphia budget?
ping the President of his power the program of the Spirit Good This act provided for an in Never! might embarass restricting relief and purging in almost every instance and was fighting for jobs for all union the rolls placing it in the hands of the Executive Board And the Exsell is not an untruth but the and the meeting did much to lor the grade was approdation even low salaries came not American citizens. Paistory and corrected speaker mistatement ployees of two dollars a weer: Trotskyises the IM spoors and sex each year. until the maximum time honored tactics. For you Buzzards Scent Carrion see, the first advice for cutting Four of America most possible, is made responsible to u RS: des not discriminate te vine therrettamente expresses. The purpose of this legislation powerful financial men Morgan, George Whitney.
hent membershire thanhase or any workers when it comes tacher aber wee phone stalinist above them presento do mesatarensrce, ore de americanes ibank, Morgan partner. Albert assessment per year without a By repeating the remark and line of the workers Alliance.
Schomp. president of the week entrance salary.
Free copies of the Socialist American Bank Note Co. and Union Prefers Blackeye For Labor Board bership. The strike authoriza, can, Rourke merely confirms Appeal were distributed to all ever profits shrink or are not ican Labor Party. the Popular In private industry. when the exalted hero of esse frem Whinthrop Aldrich, chairtion procedure is being greatly the opinion held by many work the demonstrators and in addi high enough according to the Frontist, Florello LaGuardman of the board of the Chase To Knockout For Meriden Workers liberalized. Many checks are ers that he is continuing his tion many were sold.
National Bank sniled on the being placed on the President calculations of the employers. Any encounter of a trade they automatically resort to Danielen now, yesterday and the Board in hiring and and will need the support of dismissing The dele April these plumbers and pointed out in a slashing wages. This is union of government employees Polish workers. gates are so jealous of their auASTSENA bel)
Law and Order This sleepy. poverty stricken tonomy, after their bitter exmilitant speech that only the to any worker.
Showdown Expected City and state administra administrators is inevitably a independent action of the work perience with Martin, that one Judge Manton, recently re city, grown accustomed to its signed as Senior Judge of the many years of industrial calm, In all likelihood there will be delecate was led to comment: ing class can win any real im in exactly the same manner as cannot strenuously oppose their thons perform their economies political struggle. The Stalinisi Second Court of Appeals, was stirred out of its lethargy a showdown early provements and that most of the sweat shop kings.
was released under 10, 000 bail last week by the appearance of Omstrom is indignantly de adopted, the President will be the defeats labor has suffered alliesus as to expect To thwart effective activity is so in office. Who a militant and determined manding police protection a wooden Indian.
on charges of accepting bribes, mass picket line outside the for his scabs, and rumors are Organization Plans can be laid at the door of the by the aroused government a Stalinist conflict with comMagistrate Martin Rudich, was removed from the Brook rates of the Bradley Hub circulating the state police sue, the infamous disciplinary that he As reported in a previous istraitors in its own ranks hold workers, who have gradually rades LaGuardia. Lehman, ing high office and positions of sity of unionization verhoeffatid Samenetstate Insurance Fund, become conscious of the neces. Miler. Kern, Hodson, Dayton, bribe taking preferred by spe with placards announcing that brought in to maintain law letter granted General Motors lyn bench following charges or bard Manufacturing Company. try to have power.
clal Assistant Attorney General Workers Organizing Committee Strikers are determined that tive Board instructed The Electricians local parties have put forward anti. section of the Labor Depart.
Yield production shalltenot start has cord ngay din future de gotiations Bosses After bought 8, 000 tickets at each union suggestions. God save ment. Local 45 is attacked by a Supreme Court Judge Alger union is on Picketers non Nova and County Judge chanted: We want a Con signed on the dotted line. Their again before the company has with the corporation.
Threat to Cancel for the plumbers strike benefit America McCNaboe has again pure reactionary. Major militant resolution was AntiRed Bill in affair scheduled to be held the Senate Nicholas Muller, who utilGeorge Martin, both of Brook tract!
Its morale has been bolstered by passed for the organization of lyn, are the center of an inves The union, having been nosed the addition of several new the Ford Motor Co.
Contracts April 21. Friday night, at Royal sions are 46. Vicious provies many of the common antiaimed actually labor tactics of the open shop tigation by Special Prosecutor out in an election plant last lodge genuinely represents the before the convention for the which the members, ir indicating that their detailed plan is being laid Windsor Palace, 69 West 66th against trade union militants. citadel: labor spies. intimidaAmen.
Another jewel of reaction is the tion. discrimination against Three detectives. Continued from Page 1)
William February by the narrow vote bulk of the workers in the organization of the competitive Riley, 31 years on the force of 116 to 111. has been pressing plant. even though some of parts plants. resolution has or proposal at a membership the strike has been won, it has joining a union.
Though the primary issue in hibit state employees from at no time has the Major suwith six merit commendations, steadily for its modest mini them were too timid and brow already been adopted sanction meeting last night. The bosses yet to be consolidated. Negoti perior, liberal Frieda MilVictor Hara fifteen years mum demanda recognition of beaten by omstrom to sign up ing local union action in refus reserved their decisione Stalinists Mislead Union ler, Industrial Commissioner of tento police work and Gustav for its own members in griev. Fortunately the picture where there assured collective that their contracts with the for the strikers to make their friends have led the member liberal Governor Lehman.
ing to work on tools, dies, or Faced however with a threat ations will be held to discuss loudly lauding the city and remonstrance against Muller In this fight, the Stalinists. New York uttered a word of a regular agreement. In order state politicians as our antics; nor has her superior, Hubner, thirteen years in ances involving wages, hours will have adequate reinforce New York Finest with one and working conditions. odation were gency. At the New Departure follows: Mediation Fails ment construction jobs would story permanent they must ship of the State. County and candidate of the American Laball bearing plant here, where The was petitioned to ing their arrest on charges of negotiations and conferences (C. into maze of terest in the labor troubles exextorting 500 from a small grant such recognition offer Workers local of nearly 000 trial union of workers to employers willing to settle that they showed in the last two post card writing, resolution isting within his Labor DepartThe company has refused to there is United Automobile set up an independent indus be cancelled. and given over display the same militancy in Municipal words of America bor Party. evinced the least inaffiliated to the Congress of with the union, the bosses ac weeks of strike.
were absent from the Police iness to adjuste srievances cent lay off on the eve of the Industrial Organizations. To cepted the proposal.
man Holy Name Communion with each employee on an in Bradley Hubbard strike. day a Constitutional provision The victory is a testimony If the State, County and Mu.
Breakfast at the Astor Hotel dividual basis. The union held Since most of their members passed the convention siving to the splendid militancy and The climax of their efforts in nicipal Workers is to lead any the present budget campaign successful fight for government Sunday.
out for its minimum demand, are temporarily idle, the auto the the right to organhas been the sending of thou employees against wage cuts, workers are preparing to send ize a the plumbers. De auxiliary until and after the breakdownsizeable contingent down to such time as the sets up spiteess sands of post cards to Hon. firings and discriminations, a Sturdy Survivers negotiations last month, strike breaking activities Abbot Low Moffat, urging this new. clean. militant, trade The Stalinist Party of the preparat point Mayor Danaher guard against anye untoward the stalinists on the part of the International great benefactor of the proleunion line must be advanced by made a feeble union officials and locals the tariat to combat intended wage the prose membership. And elements central committes el 71 ment and the state Labor Depart occurences. There is an excel effort to fight this motion, in ranks of the strikers remained cutsilitants and progressives amenn among the brys last week. This is the first ment stepped hurriedly in, lent spirit of solidarity with the the interests of their company firm throughout. Funds from election since 1931 and amaze, pleading with the union for a strikers. Hell, an officer of union Workers Alliance. But sympathetic labor organizawithin the union who advance only to embarrass Messrs. La The Help Refugee Cam.
ment was expressed on ai! Do postponement of strike action a thorough plan for a vigorous Guardia and Lehman, but even paign, inaugurated recently campaign against the to fight them.
cla central comunittee had sur tempted. Out of the ensuing out, we re sunk!
sides that 16 members of the so that mediation might be at the local told this cor after a few wretched speechestions helped maintain the high cus whip. Nat Ganley. they. Last week all the efforts of by the American Fund for retrenchment program st gave up. Obviously they plan the State Mediation Board to Political Prisoners and Ref support of any capitalist poliVenine years and south had the ment by both sides to have the to sabotage the new organiza arrange a meeting between the ugees to raise funds for refu tician or political machine. are NEWARK SCHOOL gees abroad, is proceeding nerve to accept or nations in Mayor and the Jepart. Special to the Socialist Appeal) tion after the convention, either Strike Committee and the emvehemently denounced by the ment representative draw up a 1949.
WORCESTER, Mass. The through the Executive Board ployers failed when the em successfully. Each local OPENS APRIL 25 BILL. minimum statement on recog. Steel Workers Organizing Com they will control or through ployers refused to negotiate unthe Fund has taken for adop nition which might be accep mittee has prepared for strike their local union influence. less the strikers included on officials of the state and city The Progressive workers tion one refugee, and is at express their views on the School announced the opening NEW COURSES IN accepted the draft agreement Pressed Steel Company of wor educational work. a clause was son, Assistant General Presi: tempting to raise money for which provided for recogni cester and the Bradley Hub included and adopted re estab dent of the United Association course not! What if they favor classes beginning April 25, at YIPSEL SCHOOL tion. The company refused. bard Manufacturing Company lishing the right of local unions of Plumbers and Steamfitters. Youngstown, whose quota 1252 Market St. Newark of Meriden, Conn. for their re and shops to issue their own Masterson had demanded that Militant Leadership fusal to the strikers withdraw all picket was 60, has already sent in The New York Division of TRUCK BOSSES THREATEN Jack, Weber will give a course sign agreements with periodicals At the last minute the re the guaranteeing Militant Spirit 45 of this amount, and exthe is running a Marx lines from Brooklyn and SUIT AGAINST STRIKERS tion, dealing with post war pects to have 15 to 20 more Karl Liebknecht School, the clonal Labor Board made a des rights of collective bargaining. regular meeting of dele. Queens, including the World ist education youth history in Italy, Germany. Cennext week. The Youngstown perate plea to have the strike The Worcester company flat. gates from General Motors Fair, under the pretext that (Special to the Socialist Aprel) tral Europe, Spain, France and Committee was assisted in This school aims at educat averted, arguing frantically in ly refuses to restore a recent plants will be convened on the this territory came outside the of the striking HARTFORD, Conn. April the Soviet recognize seniority basis of dis nationally. These local raising this money by the Ing youth militants in the long distance telephone verware cu grievances or sub once a quarterly, and jurisdiction Connecticut labor may soon day night Peretz Reading Club, a Jewr weeks, at pm.
Marxist principles of class that a strike would be a termit to the union demand that shall be the highest legislative organizers rights.
a year ish women organization.
have another Danbury Matters Ernest Eyber, national prop especially Breaks Picket Line Case on its hands.
The rest of the 60 will be rible black eye for the board. it bargain in good faith. Jay bodies for General Motors aganda director of the YPSL, Masterson succeeded in ob obtained by another reading The Connecticut Motor Truck will lecture on Capitalism To of for the. club, the Sholem Aleichem can ko unghie in Binne Cures Connecticut. If it a choice effort to make the union a tool ence of delegates to the the International headquarters The Los Angeles Commit Intention to file suit for dams tion of a popular explana tee, which has taken for ages againsi the state team tional program of the Socialist ther are two between a black eye for the of the company proposed a convention. These proposals demanding that his instructions At cunning in the school for the workers up here. would be based on American ci the body. The entire character brought pressure on Locali sters union, now involved in a Workers Party, every Tuesday the adoption Case No. 13, that Labor Board and a knockout contract by which seniority will undoubtedly be adopted by be complied with, and he of Bergdorf, a young stu.
tri state strike for a regional night for weeks. at 9:30 one in Living Marxism.
dent, with a quota of 80 has scoutreme According to the scenes 25c for the series, obess will be second course deals with or ing for a hunk of red meat. sion at any time by the com militant and determined. They through the picket already sent in 60. 70 of that claimed by the truck owners bringing it within the reach of money was Sanizational Principles The strike is being conducted pany. While all grievances aris. have set their jaws for a strug The Stalinist dominated amount.
and throuch raised a luncheon, may soar to a lofty astronomic every worker Problems. by the alert leadership with ing between the union and the gle for the elimination of the Auxiliary Local 463 of jobbing theatre party. and other al figure anywhere between Those who interested Two new courses are being militancy and efficiency. Dur company the Massachusetts tion against the workers and lose her details would be subject to Infinite abuses of the interesseration plumbers, whose means by the Los Angeles 500. 000 and 1, 000, 000! should write le added in Sex Problems of ing the first two days of pick review in are immediately conCommittee Owners are pleading that unto Davis. Director of the Youth and Three Revolu eting Mr. Omstrom, worried courts.
The convention of the nected with the successful ter The Sacramento Commitder the Sherman and Clayton school, 252 Market St. Newark.
tions Russia, Germany and big shot plant official, made Clark phoney proposal has shall hereafter be held annual mination of the strike, refused Acts, the union is guilty of conChina onsti to tee, which is handicapped by ft a fing in support of spiracy to destroy certain con These new courses will open but the scabs somehow never agement begins immediate ne Most of these proposals were fend Mr. Masterson, they took its small alworkers through the gates, the union that unless the man tutional provision adopted. the strike. In order not to of sent in 50 on its quota of membership. has cerns because the strike in its on Sunday, April 16. The school managed to crash the lines, gotiations, its plants will be embodied in the platform of a position of neutrality, and Bound Volumes 25 for Annette Case No.
conception was directed only is conducted on Sunday morn and had only bruises, and weits struck. Both its refusal to ne the Third Group previously re. even went so far as to post 11, a young worker who has against the three major firms ings from 12 to at the new acidentally acquired to show gotiate and its union smashing ported in the columns of the pone membership meetings in been imprisoned in her fasin Actually, almost all of the of the Appeal, 1938 of the 51 East Thus far, even the police, of already stirred the workers to proposals through Clark have Socialist Appeal cist country for her activiorder to avoid the progressive state drivers are now idle.
Seventh St.
It is safe to say that the demand of Local 463 that the ties.
since Several of the other comwhom there are only a hand noon hour demonstrations on Stalinists or the Lewis machine two locals amalgamate.
many of the smaller ful covering the picket lines. the e picket line. So deep is the or anybody else will have the mittees have written that trucking outfits were ordered Neatly Bound in Independent Action Wins by the Association to retaliate have not made any serious ef resentment against the com greatest difficulty in saddling they expect to have their Get Your APPEAL against the restricted walkout Black and Red Covering forts to herd scabs into the pany that not a single produca bureaucracy over this union Harry Vanarsdale, Business quotas filled within a week by withdrawing their trucks At the Newsstand plants, because the Mayorus tion worker failed to particiran dampening its progres Manager of the Electricians or two.
PRICE (incl. postage) 00 from duty. thus come up pate what amounts to lockourg STRIKE VICTORY GAINS DEMANDS FOR PLUMBERS hay bargainine. Auxiliary FUNDS RAISED FOR REFUGEES Stalinist union on insist that all som nion. every thesd classes pass