Civil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveTrotskyURSSWorkers Party

Workers of the World Unite!
Socialist Appeal Build Workers Defense Guards!
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International. Issued Twice Weekly FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1939 VOL. 11 No. 22 3c a Copy Our Turn to Do Some Slashing!
BRITAIN TRYING TO MEND FENCES WITH NEW BLOC NEW CUTS DECREED; JOBLESS PROTEST SLASHES Spirited Picket Fighting Union Leads New York Demonstration Investigation of Line Put Around 10 WPA Planned by Offices JOIN Economy Group But Leaves itself An Out In Case Of Need UNEMPLOYED THE LAYOT ASS ACTION!
UNE FEE ARMAMENTS BILLIONS members of the Unemployed Toledo Members whacked 50, 000, 000 from pois et le content Slotmate Plan Showdown printemps ups to brin Carlo FRANCO FORCES Auto Convention Drops VICTIMS INTO Posts of Vice Presidents SLAVE GANGS an a carried made STRIKE VICTORY GAINS DEMANDS PLUMBERS FOR USSR STRADDLING UNEMPLOYED Unemployed Worker In a somewhat tardy effort Pour Funds Lopped to repair some of the fences so Falls Dead While PROJECT WORKERS From Into badly smashed by Hitler recent drives, British diplomacy Marching UNIONI War Machine was trying this week to bring WAR 79 oland and Rumania into a TO MCR UNEM HUNDREDS PICKET UNI bloc against Germany.
PERIL ALL RELIEF 1991 This took the form of a British pledge to come to the aid (Special to the Socht Appeal)
The llouse of Representaof Poland in case the Poles retives has decided that it can sisted any attack on their inNEW YCRK. Shouting dependence. similar pledge.
All War Funds to the Unsafely sacrifice 100, 000 people supplemented by an offer of a employed. and Jobs for All now on in its drive loan of hard cash. was being at Trade Union Wages. and offered to Rumanta, to prevent to divert all possible funds the sweeping German Rumacrying banners which prointo the war machine, Folnian trade pact of two weeks Claimed their cletermination to lowing the lead of the econoago from becoming operative.
fight against any and all curmy minded group in the France has already signed a tailment of work relief in House Appropriations Compact of its own with Rumania New York City, hundreds of mittee, the Representatives for the same purpose and also announced that it would share the President request for Britain pledges of aid und roject Workers Union British Promises enough funds bring appropicketed the administrative The press hummed with re ports of a sharp departure in vell, New York lead.
of the safe minimum.
British foreign policy. conveni on Saturday, April For those left on the ently forgetting the solemn Militants Override Stalinist Attempts same economy minded group pledges Britain made to Aus During the picketing a graph and tragic exposure of the are now demanding a rigorous tria and Czecho Slovakia and To Call Off Picket Line investigation under the leadwhich proved to be without tics of the administration was substance when the showdown (Sport to the solutist Appeal of one of the marchers. Frank TOLEDO, Ohio. April. Des March in Local 12 sing funds that would hive food thusiastic mass meeting heldership of Woodrum and Taber.
came. That this promise is Cleary. 47 years old, a painter. piten bainy weather: 200 CLO headquarters, with Franz Dan and work to those who are worded more explicitly will not collapsed after an hour of pick: members today put on dis iels of the as the starving because of industry make it any harder to break eting. heart attack caused ciplined fighting picket line in The day after Chamberlain can a few minutes after front of the local head. mick, Speaker. Tim McCor inability to provide jobs.
member of the Toledo had made his promise in Commons. him quarters and City Hall (Safety Executive Committee Congress Maneuvers Marked By Democracy; Stalinists Avoid to Roosevelt Hospital. Cleary Building. The the London Times the rea!
line not received a in The maneuvers of the econa tremendous ovation in he pledged his influence omy group began shortly after monthpiece of the British pol Open Fight With Leadership painters project and left a headquarters for about as a board member toward they chiselled the President icy makers explained that the Pope and Roosevelt CLEVELAND, April Sidney Hillman cracked the whip be wideound work and the family is ing, marched into the Summit actions, despite the demon. 60 89. 000. Come presto inch of the present frontiers of Hasten to Accept hind convention doors here yesterday. The Stalinists destitute. collection taken by Building up the strations, the Adminis. dent requested that the 150, Poland. meaning that Britain spent a sleepless night of caucusing and soulsearching. swal union members brought 12. 50 the wints of stairs and into tration goes through with the 000, 000 be restored, the group would not fight for Danzig 01 Conquest lowed hard and acquiesced. to buy a wreath. The marchers the lobby of the Offices layoffs.
countered with charges that the Polish Corridor.
The major struggle of the accato molte theme in person and get to heaven and earth in orderved has the so hardships wound obserm of the current de this It was indignantly denied the The Spanish civil war has not convention was to have occur es in the relief budget.
in store for prevent the calling of the dem be created by reducing the next day that this represented ended. Loyalist resistance has ed over the question of the them if the layoff slips which onstration. The stalinists had rolls, and that an investigaany official British view but ended, but not Franco se chcit number of vice presidents on Trick Falls they are preparing are given proposed another of its protest tion the same kind of denials were war aguinst the workers and the Executive Board In the line of march were out next week.
de last Fall when the Times peasants. That continues, and wanted to re elect the pres The Stalinists wanted fiveeditorially advocated the ces. Among other measures taken ent incumbents. their office wany workers wo workers The Layoffs. is Jobs Not Bat in over a year. ever since the of those most bitterly opposed not affiliated The Pickets shouted. Stop ingedir mais for the lartehe way tures should be immediately sion of the Sudentenland to by Franco against the masses boys. Frankensteen, Mortimer.
who had expected the Workers tleships. 30. 30 Hours. organized the to Hitler. accurately forecasting since peace was declared are: Hall, and the harmless Wells.
Alliance to take up the fight Lay off the 200 Men Not the workers, the Workers Alliance The group then the actual policy that was later Over 100. 000 prisoners The Reuther Mazey caucus against the layoffs. These workers realized at a late hour Blen. We Want Work Not failedcally to participate 100. 000. 000 of its slash out On Monday Chamberlain re were rounded up in Madrid wanted only one and was pressthat the plan to picket Slogans. While William many militant rank and a liberal gesture and that action. However, at the same time, that this was affirmed his pledge to Poland during the first two days of ing for Walter Reuther to fill.
Special to the Socialist Appeal)
the home of Bruce Barton, con Schmuhl, Administrator. file workers joined the picket the facts would probably NEW YORK, April The gressman from New York City, was telling the spokes: Iine.
Beck, the wily Po the number of prisoners in flected the desires of the rank lish for Beinister. to see that it was not needed. Pre Franco concentration camps and file in the plants and the complete tie up of all construc was not only a farce but a trick man that he had und received no Socialist Appeals sold like dent Roosevelt, who is himself nearly. are the throughout the line veryo anxious to cut down on bail.
be held indefinitely at hard la Both Poland and Rumans bor. as chain gangs for Fran inga petents and wreckers now and the World Fair ended to came and were glad to see a news that Col. Harringthe high offices.
day with a smashing victory renewal of the old fighting tac ton had ordered 19, 580 workers der to divert the funds into the CO reconstruction of Spain war machine, stated categorigasping under powerful To these prisoners will be with Murray and Lewis, decid ployers agreed to maintenance ties which in the past wor removed from the Ohio many demands cally that less than 875. 000. 000 midrifts, were not wholly pred others. Already all Loyalise eliminate all vice presidents.
reported Scale, in defense of which the that the had called off its trator that the would would mean reducing the coinmittee told the Adminis rolls by 1, 000, 000 perthe pared deal so long as they could not army divisions in central Spa The proposal was brought be. plumbers struck.
picket line at Bartons home consider calling a 15 minute sons within sixty days. with not have been ordered to report to be sure that they too wouldisol concentration camps, under fore the convention to top third week. Mayor La Guardia Wehen few workers responded.
as a recom with the strike entering its further reductions in June. His stoppage in all Toledo factories be thrown to the Hitlerite pain of trial for treason for all mendation of own estimate, moreover, did if the went through wolves if it suited the conveni, those who fail to report.
Ilandicapped March committee. The convention hall intervened in the situation, and not take into consideration the shook with cheers and ap after conferring with the Strike One of the most militant and with the slashes.
875. 000 Dedetis Albion at Strikes Outlawed Local Relief Collapses plause. The rank and file right Committee and the employers. inspiring sections in the line some who would as eligible for rell day certified (pecial to the Socialist Appeal) be denied any further considMoscow I osition Monteros, an earingsevernor of Colly owed the communist Party Penang negotiations the pluhnt workers ameriend red posten Fog licked down to earn marehemu NEWARK. The highlight of eration.
The major unknown quantity Madrid, on March 30 issued a clique. But the scene was not bers return to work on the Harry Lutold dis. City Manager Edy, since in the New Jersey State Head These work the safety Building and visited the April demonstration at Vast Lay offs scanning av enemos tomoscowe death they encuede bosbessibx seir denial and at thoodf ser which was to have expired this crimination and are desolved addition to the national Tayotts, quarters del pla by phe ene tremendous mesh were say?
Pormally. Moscow was left en of unauthorized radio receiving vile stalinist praise for the month and which the employ to fight to the bitter o vend the Toledo workers Workers Reller and totes les pour tous les heure, dan for a new bloc. Unofekotiations sets. rourts there appear the leaders.
out of these and sabotage. great beneficent wisdom of ers had violated by Imposing a against the cuts. They shouted face a complete breakdown of Union was a sit down by laid. New York City alone 10, 800 are the Military pickets and gave encourage result of the failure of the mu committee of the union had be followed by 20. 000 more the. Brevistosas count on Sovieta offenses are country fanyone han. Mortimer and then ther: The plumbers of Local 463 ment to every member of the nicipality to provide sponsor been told that they could not week of May and a further c, cration. Whather they could interrupting the normal func followed each other on the floor who had met the violation of union.
10, 000 in June. That means count on suca cuoperation was tioning of labor through strikes to renounce their rights as the contract with Alter two hours of picketing funds for the various projects meet with anyone that day.
that may The pickets carried signs at total of more than 40, 000 a meeting was held on the cor City Manager Edy didn like tacking all the picket line and complained Aim for Tobs for nied food. clothing and lodglayoffs on in New York City will be ople question. Walter Duranty dis the armed forces. spreading (Continued on Page Continued from Page Continued from Page 2)
patches to the New York Times subversive propaganda: pubthat the city is unable to raise every worker and the diversion ing during the next ninety days.
continued to speak of an in lishing. possessing or distributthe necessary money with of all war funds to We The drive to economize by creasingly contemptuous tone ing propaganda.
which to take care of the un look for work, we ask for work, taking funds Towar Prate und Britain in All rights of organized labor that the City Dh Soviet cities.
re: are uus wiped out in typical By Leon Trotsky the Tory argument that marily at those who are symLee replied out hundreds of ply larly pays Curiously enough. Wrote lascist fashion. Franco exter.
of the jobless don want jobs. pathetic to labor. According to thousands of dollars in interest committee of the workers the schedule among the first Duranty. There is no editorial mination of the right to strike mention in the Soviet press of or organize will come as a rude to bond holders and that it be was told that they could see no to be fired wil be those who lieved it was of far more im. one Hitler speech. referring to shoek to the many Catholic ne that day, although they had regardless of relief status, that the Fuehrers latest bellicose workers in America and else. to hungry Toledo citizens earlier in the week. The reply rated by officials as utterance al Wilhelmsching of who on where, 10 Sed to believe that trade unionists, the occasion of the First reports on Stalin speech at the current importance of the Spanish events from the in. Coupon Suppentec dividends to of the jobless was to transfer Funsatisfactory.
Franco war was merely one a new 35. 000 ton battleship.
the picket line, little at a The whole set up is due for against reds and for the pre Moscow congress of the so called Communist ternational, and especially the Soviet, point of Committee leports An Unlikely Event Party of the Soviet Union show that Stalin has view. Stalin is incapable of struggle, and when time, to the state office up The picket line finally stairs, until the whole picket overhauling. stated Rep Il seems. he added that The prison gangs will be used hastened to draw conclusions from the Spanish he is forced to struksies ehesis incapable of pro marched teacand hence the line peke women and children, resentative woodrum. DemoTherr Hicier inake any vio and will work under military tion of a new turn toward reaction.
crat who had led the fight In his speech to the congress, Stalin openly of the Committeemen.
Action Brings Results against appropriations for relent drive for Danzig or for the guard.
Polish) Corridor if he does, Save Labor This action brought forth the lief and We have never sought.
and if the Poles resisl by arms but no less profound, than that of Azana and mocracies to resist the Fascist aggressors. that this action was merely the This vast army of slave Negrin. It is a question, moreover, or some. The instigators of an international war are now with the municipal. county an hour State Labor Relations If the full amount were beginning of a showdown fight results required. In less than for all who are elle provide for causes pour les there are able to the fascist state in provincia: defeat or even of a lost war. The whole policy cipal democracies of Europe, Great Britain and authorized the committee to w, and did. meet es ready appropriated there would still Russia will support and be approximately million cvent Britain and Poland out will also be turned over to or the republicans was determined by Mos. France who, according to the speaker, want to prepare further action next workers committee. He prom certified as eligible for cow. The relations that the republican govern draw Germany and the into conflict week.
Committee was the cases of several score their own resources or upon ised to adjust the handling of who would have to rely upon with every means in her private bosses at the same ont established with the workers and peas under the guise of a German attack on the The power. That event seems un wagen four and a half peset. Didisse: workeuse pabreads, to dismissed the care of states and local usirdis centhe wage being held time language of the relations existing between with it. There can be no question, according or others on the committee too Washington the protests of likely.
In other words. Duranty is by the fascists for the prison the Kremlin oligarchy and the peoples of the to Stalin words, of an attack by Hitler on the were Edwin Mayberry, Presi the workers agains an tayoffs Woodrum thus takes it for saying that it is much more er dependents.
likely that Hitler advance basis or dent of the Auxiliary. and With slave labor available at government were nothing but a concentrate or a military conflict with Hitler.
arrange another meet granted that if it is possible to John Shires. Auxiliary Organ ing for next Wednesday to dis allow 000. 000 human beings to will continue and that Stalin such a cheap rate. workers out the methods of the Moscow The fundawill find some basis of agree side the jails will be helpless in mental tendency of this policy consisted in subizer. Ed McKeown. Secretary cuss the pending layoffs. suffer under the President ment with him. At the same seeking a decent wage, and the The abandonment of the policy of alliance of the Auxiliary. Tim The night before, the union program. adding another couexecutive board had voted fa ple of than he has to. Stalin holds oul bosses will have an enormous the political police for the bureaucracy.
stituting the bureaucracy for the people, and or the democracies is supplemented at once McCormick. Business AK Nel vorably on a motion to send the hundreds of thousands to with a humiliating cringing before Hitler and the Owner Truckdrivers.
is perfectly justithe possibility of his participa less arrests a hurried polishing of his boots. Such is Stalin! son Meagley and Ted Selander, a pink slip delegation to riable.
tion in the British bloc, either ments.
and imprison FROM ONE SET OF BOOTS TO ANOTHER Thanks to the war conditions, the tendencies In Czecho Slovakia the capitulation of the of Local 29. Washington within a month to All these senators and repre. as a real thing, or as a barwith the Fuehrer. These murderous moves of of Moscow Bonapartism not only assumed in democracies before fascism found expression Stalinists Ignored and to demonstrate that they cutting relief are the stanin bonise the but of This demonstration had been hold Congress and the Presi. same men who vote billions not know yet which it will be. Continued on age 1) themselves rapidly put to the best. Hence the (Continued on Page 4)
previously endorsed at an en dent responsible for the layoffs. for war.
with Sit Down Part of Newark Protest cnce aware set up winds become the relier STALIN CAPITULATION on Spain Scalin suliered acteai less direct, shall break idea or commence are come le presyone this commiteemen