CapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarInvasionMarxismMussoliniSocialismSovietSpanish Civil WarStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL Tuesday, April 4, 1939 Wars Since the War to End War Where Wall St. Defends Democracy The War That Roosevelt, Morgan, the DuPonts, and the Other Sixty Families Want Us to Fight for Them Is the War for the Expansion of Their Investments, for Control of Asia, South America, and Europe. That Is What the Navy is Preparing to Do in the Pacific. That Is Why There Are American Marines in China 1918 19 Polish Ukrainian War.
1919 22 Inter Allied Intervention Against Soviet Russia.
1919 20 British military occupation of Ireland.
1919 26 Conquests in Arabla by Thn Saud.
1920 Soviet Polish War.
1920 Turkish Armenian War.
1921 22 Greek Turkish War.
1921 26 Franco Spanish Wars against Riffs.
1926 French military expedition to Syria.
1925 27 Civil war and foreign imperialist intervention in China.
1928 30 Gran Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay, 1927 Occupation of Nicaragua by Marines.
1981 82 Japanese seizure of Manchuria.
1982 Sino Japanese war at Shanghai.
1985 86 Italo Ethiopian War.
1986 88. British bombing operations on India Northwest frontler.
1936 39 Spanish Civil War: Franco alded by Hitler and Mussolini.
1937 Sino Japanese War.
1937. British war on Arabs in Palestine.
1938 German occupation of Austria.
1939 German occupation of Bohemia, Moravia.
1989 Hungarlan Invasion of Slovakia APPEAL ARMY chine Chicago Boston.
Louisville Ohio.
General Johnson Cooks Up New Scheme To Avoid Popular Referendum On War Foreign.
Green and Lewis Unite In We are very proud to work There are two weeks still left.
War Mobilization Plans with such a splendid paper and During those two weeks the organization. literature branches should concentrate all LANDL29 agent of the Louisville Branch.
efforts on completing their quota They Are Roosevelt Key Men in Winning for the campaign.
ਲਗ ਈਆ THE BRANCHES AT WORK: Labor Support of the Bosses War The Central Branch has been anderlends wherbers, contacts doing very well as far as the sales during the first visit: visit new By STAN LAUREN they both, for different reasons, of the Appeal are concerned. Last friends that the Appeal has won: With preparations for a new of course, have the same policy week the the Branch sold 120 coples have every branch member beimperialist war going ahead at regarding labor support of a and it seems to me as though the come a subscriber: put out leatlets full speed, the Roosevelt Admin new war for democracy.
organization of a centralized when you hold branch mass street istration has advance assurance Support War Funds branch will help circulate the pa. sales. Our March successes have that the two rival leaders of the William Green has the same per to a much greater extent proven again that it easy to get labor morement, John Lewis line. In January 1938, when the than before. Sam Richter, subscriptions for the Appeal. we and William Green, will unite in Administration was discussing literature leader of Chicago. have two weeks left to go and their efforts to chain workers in appropriations for the war budAbe Miller of New York has must get 400 subs in that time.
both the of L, and the get and Roosevelt asked for a developed the novel idea of or on to 1, 000 new readers by to the capitalist war ma billion dollars (this year he got ganizing a chain letter scheme to April 15!
two billion) Green gave a clear advertise the Appeal. He places Here the list of subscriptions While the labor movement will statement in support of this a leaflet in each copy of the for this past week: never learn how, at various se measure.
paper sold or distributed which NEW YORK CITY cret conferences between the feel that at this period when says, among other things, We President and the two labor lead we take into account what is ask you to send a letter to three ers, Lewis and Green planned to happening internationally, we friends requesting them to subput the workers of the two labor must have confidence in the judg scribe to and buy the Appeal. In Minneapolis bodies at the disposal of the war ment of the chief executive.
turn, these three friends are to department, open statements If he feels that a billion dollars send a letter to three friends of Callfornia St. Paul which appeared in the press are are necessary to protect America, theirs, etc. until we reach thouenough to indicate their willing. feel that we ought to support sands of workers. For more cop.
Michigan ness to line up labor in support him.
of a new war for democracy.
More indicative is Green ies of this leaflet, write to the Washington Pledges Cooperation statement when he testified be Socialist Appeal, 116 University At the convention in Sion in 1931. From this statement Place, New York City.
fore the War Policies Commis. splendid idea, Abe and we Washington, Pittsburgh, last November, Lewis it is clear that he gives full supPhiladelphia.
urge other branches to try the New York State expressed his line most clearly.
same method of chain letter writConnecticut If war comes Lewis declared. port to the Industrial Mobiliza ing Kansas the United States will need the tion Plans of the Roosevelt gov By ALBERT GOLDMAN ous against the amendment is, on whether to declare war, and WHAT THE AMENDMENT Florida co operation of the millions of ernment. For example, he had It was left for General Hugh scared its Congressional propo would permit a vote of the people CAN AND CANT DO APPEAL SUB DRIVE wartheg to fight any time with main hored. That is the attitude of the Johnson to concoct the slickest nents into modifying is that only on the question of conscript. We are not fooling ourselves or SLOws up We list below the results up to Total tain our rights.
sent. They shrink from the very track the widespread desire for posed amendment the question of General Johnson correctly sur any kind of an amendment to the April of our subscription cam He went on to warn of the thought of it. But, of course, if an amendment to the constitu war would be submitted to a mises that what the people want constitution will prevent imperial paign for 1, 000 new readers. Al One bundle order increase: sovern: the thing we abhor actually haption to give the people of this popular referendum except in least of all is to be drafted to ist wars so long as capitalism ex though the month of March was Seattle, Wash. now takes 30 copies possibly we ll have to meet the the plan must be a practical The General proposal is to have actual or immediately threatened, figures that they will be satisfied slons Whatever, class conscious 10 400 new subscriptions, never NOTE: German dictator is the extends plan, and a reasonable plan. Congress retain the right to de: upon the United States or its they are given the right to workers should take the lead in theless we will have to close with See next week AP Seek to Tle Labor Hands clare war and grant the people territorial possessions or by any vote on that particular issue, mobilizing the workers behind a rush it were to complete the PEAL for full details about the phere. Who is going to do it. Lewis asked then answered the jingo Stop Hitler parade whether or not there should be country in the Western Hemis leaving the really important decithe Ludlow amendment, demand drive by April 15.
Only last week Green endorsed the right to vote on the question non American nation against any himself: Labor.
sion of declaring war exclusively ing that the congressmen propos During the last war it was held in New York City.
for imperialist war which was any conscription for overseas sphere. The phrase immediate to Congress ing the amendment delete from it the exceptions which would QUOTA STANDING AS OF APRIL John Lewis who represented Ever since last year Congres furnish Congress with a loophole The adoption of Johnson idea give the right to Congress to de Branch Quota Obtained Percent thered into where the men wa lowing their predecessor, Samuesional session, when Representato escape the necessity of a rete would permit a declaration of war clare war without trat submitting Youngstown, o.
10 the United States government labor during the last war and tion which would give those who ft. And to protect the invest. dum, permit the sending dum.
Austin, Minn. through the fuel administration permitted the working class to be do the fighting and suffering a ments of American capitalists in of the navy to fight in foreign To a certain degree, it must be Boston, Mass.
and guaranteed that the minere exploited beyond endurance, so chance to decide whether Houston, Texas they Latin America or Canada, Con waters to protect American in recognized, Roosevelt and his would not strike so as to insure that the capitalists could make want war declared or not, the gress need have no authorization vestments, would permit the send. war mongering supporters have Berkeley, Calle 10 enough coal production to win profits.
New Haven, Conn.
10 10 100 the war. The cost of Hving of the whatever from the people in ordering of the regular army and all succeeded in winning section of responsible politicians Time and again Green volunteers into service in any the population away from an and ruling class have been seeking to declare war.
90 Minneapolis, Minn.
soared. Wages remained low.
Quakertown, Penna. Lewis have declared their love for a way to bury the whole idea. The watered down form of the part of the world.
10 anti war position. Whereas in Seul Out 168 New York City Not that these responsible capitalism. They openly ad: The Gallup poll recently an. 1937 in the Gallup poll the Ludlow resolution is certainly a re Recently Lewis National Marimit that they believe in the profit politicians actually believe that treat on the part of Landlow and nounced that a poll resulted in a amendment received a 70 percent Fargo, Los Angeles, Calle.
50 36 72 Columbus, fight against the government ink not be expected to object to a people would actually succeed in it. Unfortunately there is not a Johnson proposal. That does not surveys the number favoring the Akron, 10 preventing war; they merely re single Congressman who is mill mean that those who voted for it plan dropped to 57 percent. The Philadelphia, PA 40 24 These will be used to smash any. The working class must refusefuse to take any chances of hav. tant enough to introduce the preferred it to the Ludlow amend. class conscious workers must re Seattle, Wash militant action of the sailors to be chained down to supporting their war plans interfered proper kind of an amendment ment. It was not presented in the double their efforts to convince Chicago, Ill.
during wartime by filling the of a new imperialist venture. They with in the slightest degree. They which would permit the people pollas a counter proposal to that the masses that the war which San Francisco.
ships with scab sailors when the must demonstrate by militant acknow very well that Roosevelt, to vote on the question of war in amendment, but as an indepen. Roosevelt is preparing to wage is militants are taken off the boats. tion their firm opposition to any as commander in chief, can start all cases without any exception. dent proposition. The 2 votes war exclusively for the interests Washington, Louisville, Ky.
John Lewis did not by a war their bosses undertake a war without any formal declara JOHNSON CUTS THE MEAT therefore is an index to the anti of the capitalist class, word critleize in fact he gave Green and Lewis must not be tion and they also understand OUT OF IT Cleveland, war sentiment of the masses. It Supporting the Ludlow Amendsupport to the sell out. allowed to stand in the way.
Lynn, Mass.
But poor as the new amend is necessary to recognize, how. ment with necessary explanation Newark, NJ.
One of the reasons that Lewis Labor must defend its right to propaganda at their disposal they ment is, General Johnson proever, that the efforts of Johnson and criticism affords us a real Rochester, has not waged war against the strike, its right to freedom of are quite likely to succeed in posal would completely emascu and others to confuse the masses opportunity to expose Roosevelt, Stalinists in the 1o. is that the press and of speech.
St. Paul, Minn.
confusing the masses and get a iate the whole idea. It would de may succeed in turning attention the Stalinists and all other advo Kansas.
favorable vote by hook or crook. prive the masses of the right to away from the Ludlow amend. cntes. of a war to save capitalist Worcester, Mass.
Nevertheless, if a proposition vote on the major question, that ment to Johnson phoney scheme, profits.
Detroit, Mich.
to declare war would actually be Allentown, Pa.
Baltimore, Ma.
there would be an opportunity for Clayton, Mo tremendous agitation against the Toledo, war and that would considerably San Diego, Calif. Continued from Page 1) a single protest from the very weaken the war mongers St. Louis, Mo.
the army, these recruiting ser people who are now preparing the THE ORIGINAL (Continued from Page 1) wages to balance the inevitable ly not essential behind the lines.
Oakland, Calif.
15 gernts make the most of the pres. new world slaughter. And when LUDLOW AMENDMENT War Industries Board the last sky rocketing of prices.
Hartford, Conn.
FEAR SOCIAL of tosing one job, the lack of de dor to get a joh, he sauced by Ludlow provided for a Congress committee as a past Industrial Mobilizntion Plan is the The original resolution intro time and who testified before a One of the big objectives of the DISTURBANCE Chicago, Ind, Sacramento, Calif.
10 cent clothes in order to line up cross examined for how out event of an invasion of the United Just as other constitutional delicate question in America: the the Civil War with the cry. and referendum on war except in the master in the art of propaganda: draft. This has always been a The workers met the draft in the cannon fodder.
Denver, Colo.
hours. He is ordered to Patterson, The youth of the nation who endless forms and cards. He is rich man war and a poor man apply for jobs are imme submitted to every possible inde States or its territorial posses provisions are ignored in time of War Department remembers the The Roosevelt Adminis war, so, too, must there be an hatred and resistance of the peo sht! In the next war, the reality 1, 005 614 diately referred to the cency and insult. He is sent hometration would not even permit a abridgement free speech, free ple to the draft in 1917 and 1918 will be: War for democracy camps where every effort is being to wait endless days and weeks made to train them for use in until can no longer bear the in all its forces in Congress free thought. In no other way were drafted to fight on forests avowed purpose, will mean general discussion of it. Mobiliz press, free assembly, and even the first time American soldiers through dictatorship at home.
The declaration of war, whatever war. In the schools and colleges pain of hunger.
against the resolution, with the can a nation save itself. soil. All men 18 to 45 are to be But when the bosses and Gen: aid of prominent Republicans, Enlightened and informed pub drafted even the forms are pre first of all an aggression on the Tuesday, April 14 at P.
the Millions of dollars erals need cannon fodder there Roosevelt succeeded in defeating lic opinion in war is ideal, but the pared right now and elaborate Ilberty and on the bread and butJOHN WRIGHT The Theory of the Permanent Resolution.
pilots out of students. Billions of Take this gun and go kill, wound Amendment by the narrow mar a stencil. If we take the muzzles action at a moment notice. That is, if there is a declaration Tuesday, April 4, at 8:50 JAMES FARRELL, author of Studs Lonigan, etc. The gressmen New Dealers and To To the youth who is denied an ed. The size of the vote in favor the muzzles on the people and zens in each town tentative lists tion Plan needn wait for that ries aliko to teach the art of ucation and a job they say, Here against Roosevelt indicated the the press.
American Novel.
murder to workers and students take this bomb and drop it on tremendous support the idea of DOZEN WAYS TO of prospective members are al formality. It is scheduled to go Wednesday, April 5, at P. while demands for increased re some women and children, slaugh a referendum has among the BREAK STRIKES ready on file will decide which into effect in time of war or GEORGE NOVACK The American Civil War of 1861 1865 workers will be sent to the front other national emergency for and Its Significance.
lief and work relief are met with ter your fellow youth.
masses of the people. According The War Department has and which retained to work at example, a national emergency the crisp, military answer, Sorry, will the unemployed workers to surveys made at the time by worked out a dozen different ways home. Any worker can be re due to the Imminence of war, or The Monday classes in American Polities, and in Practical there are no funds available. and students realize that they the American Institute of Public to break strikes not just strikca classified. that is sent to the social disturbances. It is above Trade Unionism are being postponed one week. The next ses Go Out and Kinº must take the guns, the bombs, Opinton (the Gallup poll) 70 per which might have an anti war front instead of the factory by all the specter of the social dission of these classes will be held April 10, at the usual time.
When a man has worked twenty the bayonets and then turn them cent of the voters favored the objective, but in the first instance this board at any time. The turbances that followed the last years in a factory where he has on the Generals and Bosses? Ludlow amendment.
strikes for higher wages, better prominent citizens on the draft war in Russia and all Europe All classes held at IRVING PLAZA, Irving Place and 15th given his lungs, his eyesight, his Unless they do they will be the The campaign of the war conditions, and so forth. It is de board your boss and his friends which motivated the hands that Street, nerves and his skill, he can be principal victims of the war for mongers the Communists were termined that labor shall not be. may decide that a militant who wrote the Industrial Mobllization Admission 28 cents per lecture thrown on the scrap heap without democracy.
the most artiolate and vocifer permitted to reach for higher makes too much trouble is real Plan, 140 120 103 100 100 100. 90 90 84 80 for 200 4 (19933888888888888888 100 52 60 60 60 60 52 60 50 60 48 48 12 22 UNEMPLOYED AND YOUTH WILL BE TURNED INTO CANNON FODDER hebben toe om de vetore the people Secret Schemes Already Worked Out!
For Iron Dictator to Rule America 30 20 20 20 10 25 10 10 10 10 Totals 61 This Week at the Marxist School