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Special Anti War Issue Fooled Now As In 1917?
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Shall We Be Socialist Appeal NOT CENT, NOT MAN FOR BOSS WAR!
VOL. III No. 21 TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1939 375 34 per copy President Roosevelt war machine is hurtling the United States down greased ralls into the bloody abyss of a new world war. Each day sees the people driven closer to impalement upon the bayonets of whatever oe Roosevelt decides they must fight to make the world safe for democracy.
Once again let us review what the last World War to make the world safe for capitalist profits cost us: In Human Lives 4, 000, 000 of every ten Masses Die While Rich Grow Richer NO MEN WANTED In Goods and Dollars who 225 850 20255 Germany 78 160 18 83 800 365 of the 85, 000, 000 enrolled in the military forces, there were: Known dead.
10, 000, 000 Missing.
Seriously wounded 6, 800, 00 Otherwise wounded 14, 000, 000 Total casualties at the front. 34, 500, 000 One out of every five men called or dragged to the colors was shot to death, blown to bits by high explosives, stabbed fatally with bayonet or trench knife, suffocated with poison gas, or fell viotim to gangrene or epidemic disease. One out of large number maimed for latered home seriously injured, a deat, with face shot away, shattered by shell shock, often starkly insane, or with legs or arms or both gone. Of the more fortunate, an approximate average of one in five suffered Injuries serious enough to require hospital attention. To the 14, 000, 000 soldiers dead now add 28, 000, 000 for by the latest estimate, at least that number of civilians perished before While, week by week, both Houses of their time as a direct result of the war. Women and children, the Congress vote billion upon billion for aged and infirm, for the most part millions upon millions of innocent non combatants, of all ages, of all races, of both sexes, in the war machine, Franklin Roosealmost all countries of the world.
velt, as chief among the American war. Cut down by pestilence or famine, cold or exposure, fire or mongers, has called upon the people of poison us, shot or shell or bombs from the air, as they fled in panie here and there, abandoning their homes and all they held the United States to celebrate on April dear, to escape being trampled on or crushed to death between the 6th the twenty second anniversary of the contending armies. How many civilians IN ADDITION suffered entry of this country into the first World shocks and Injuries disabling them for Wife as a direct consequence War.
of the war will never be known and cannot even be estimated. George Willison, Why Wars Are Declared, 25) YOUR COUNTRY Roosevelt, political blood brother of NEEDS YOU. Woodrow Wilson, borrowing and retouching Wilson own shameless sloThe World War cost in round figures 10, 000, 000, 000. The United States contribution to the cost of the World War, even gans and hypocrisies, has good reason to link himself with that fateful day in according to so reactionary an authority as President Nicholas Murray Butler, of Columbia University, MIGHT HAVE GIVEN 1917. Now, in 1939, Roosevelt is well each and every family in the United States a 5, 000 house on a launched in rushing his preparations for five acre 600 plot of ground. with 1, 000 in addition to furnish it comfortably and attractively.
his own April 6th. However delicate a definition is framed for profiteering.
concedes the Federal Trade Commission, these packers (Armour, SAFE FOR DEMOCRACY Swift, Morris, Wilson, and Cudahy) have preyed upon the people unconsclonably. In 1916 and 1917, the profits of these firms shot The War of 1914 1918 was to make up to 400 per cent, although their sales increased only 180 per cent.
the world safe for democracy. Out of The same was true of other foods the workers had to buy.
that War issued the gangsters pact of The United States Steel Corporation showed profits that were typical of all the big corporations in the last war, skyrocketing Versailles, which carved up the world to from 77, 075, 000 in 1912 to 478, 204, 000 in 1917 the taste of the victorious brigands. Hun.
But for the workers, the war brought only lowered purchasing dreds of millions of men throughout power from 20 to 30 per cent less than in the nineties and from 10 to 20 per cent less than in 1915. The workers pald for the war Africa, Asia and South America have for as is shown by the following table of the per capita debt increase tweny years felt on their backs the whip in the principal countries due to the World War and these debts are always paid out of the worker pocket: of the democracy which that War made ENLIST NOW safe; the democracy of Britain in India 1913 1920 Increase 11 and South Africa, the democracy of BelBritain 10906 gium in the Congo, the democracy of the France 1150 7199 United Staces in Puerto Rico, Hawaii, 444466 Italy. 40 the Phillipines and throughout Latin America.
The War of 1914 1918 was to overthrow tyranny and autocracy for all time. In that War, however, were planted the seeds which have flowered into MusBy BILL MORGAN and acting officers from every When the Generals and the military center are being utilized solini, Hitler, Franco, into the military bosses sit down together to lay to make the and the homeWar Department And Big Industrialists Formulate overlords of Japan and the Balkans and plans for another war to save de relief bureaus the conscription of Complete Details for Muzzling Free Speech, Even Poland, into the world spread of a desmocracy and prepare to protect fices for the coming war.
the financial interests of Ameri Fingerprinting of work Free Thought, And Wiping Out All Labor Gains potism unparalled in all history.
ca 60 Families in Europe orers and the unemployed proceeds South America or the Far East, at a rapid paco despite the many By HAL DRAPER planned in as minute detail as DICTATORSHIP IN HANDS WAR BROUGHT TYRANNY they immediately take stock of protests and complaints. These To wage a successful war you it were going into operation to OF WAR CABINET The War of 1914 1918 was to bring workers are being put into the need an absolute monarch. have morrow the government is ready the plan provides for the setWithout large numbers of men some category as criminals. Never yet to hear of a democracy or a to demonstrate how such democ ting up of a virtual War Cabi. universal disarmament, perpetual peace and boys who will bear the brunt before in history have honest, or republic waging successful racy you will have at home when net, composed of prominent in for dedustrialists appointed by the among nations, the settlement of all disof the fighting to receive the dinary citizens been subjected to war. said Mr. Irenee President. As a minority of the bayonets through their stomachs the degrading and humiliating the Nye Committee of the Senate, mocracy.
putes by rational consultation and agreeand in their lungs with poison practice of fingerprinting. investigating the Industrial Mobil This is the Industrial Mobiliza House Military Affairs Committee ment. There has not been a year since gas, a war could not be successful.
Recruiting Bureaus ization Plan tion Plan. These plans are offt has put it when this body takes 1914 that wars and armed conflicts have In every rellet bureau and on In the files of the War Depart. cial secrets: you are not supposed over, Congress might as well And the 15, 000, 000 unemployed every project there are ment is a blueprint to carry Mr. to be concerned with them. Even let its halls be burned, go home not been fought.
have not been overlooked in fact tising the wonderful life in the In the form of plans for con Department revealed just what it casionally for a speech in some The War of 1914 1918 was to give us they are already the very first Army Officers are being sent to scription, labor control, breaking pleased and no more. It made opera house.
freedom. Never has the world witnessed consideration in the plans to throw projects to give five minute talks strikes, clamping a censorship on clear that its intention was to Control of the press is an inte this country into another world on Why American Boys Should the press, abolishing progressive rush the industrial mobilization gral part of the plan. And more oppression comparable to what folSlaughter the Generelle and this Join the Colors. Stressing the legislation, setting up an emergen bills through Congress on the day than that. Listen to these words lowed: the lynched Wobblies and the bosses have had their eyes on this three meals a day, the overcoats y junta to rule the country by war is declared; it is not particu of Herbert Bayard Swope, who large section of the working class and shoes, the security of life in decree under the dictatorship of Tarly interested in having the bills victims of Palmer red raids, the aliens and the blueprints have not only deported, the strikes smashed, the work (Continued on Page 2)
the President, etc. all this voted on or discussed now. Continued on Page 2)
been drawn but put into effect.
ers meetings dispersed by tear gas and Plans All Rendy Trotsky Interviewed by the London Daily Herald machine guns, the executed nationalists Conscription of the unemployed of China, India, Arabia, Puerto Rico, and youth when war breaks out will be only a matter of pushing Nicaragua, Indo China, the millions of one of the various little buttons bruised creatures in the concentration on the deak of the Commander in.
Chief of the Army and Navy the camps of Germany, Italy, France, Spain, President of the United States Sybil Vincent, correspondent, the imperialist states. Looking Europe In this case it would the war when it has started, the hunger and insecurity everywhere.
none other than Franklin. Hate Wer. Roosevelt.
for the London Dally Herala, for an escape out of the mortal have been possible to hope con greater will be the hopes for the WHY ENTERED The Sheppard May Bill and submitted a series of questions crisis, the parvenu states aspire, dently that the victorious socialist salvation of our civilization from and cannot fail to aspire, to new movement would forestall the im destruction.
similar bills which have been de to Leon Trotsky on the devel partitioning of the world. Only perialist war making it useless Yes, do not doubt that the The story of April 6, 1917 has been signed by the Generals to speed opment of the war crisis. Be children the breast and pro and impossible. But the socialist new world war will provoke with spread wide upon the records of up the preparations for war and low we print comrade Trots fessional pacifists to whom even proletariat of Spain was strangled absolute inevitability the world to facilitate the quick mobilizaSenate investigating committees, but ky answers.
tion of millions of workers into the army, are already being used League of Nations has taught Caballero. Negrin. Garcia Oliver, capitalist system. The imperialist Roosevelt will not remind you to look despite the fact that Congress has is a world war inevitable? If nothing, can suppose that a more even before it was definitely governments of all countries are again at those records.
not yet voted on the bills.
so, wit mean the end of the capitalist system?
ritorial surface can be realized the defeat of the Spanish revo celerate this collapse. It is only You can read there how the great inW. Militarized Yes, a world war is inevitable, around the green tables of democ lution postponed a revolutionary necessary that the world prole: dustrialists and bankers, under the leadThe entire relief and ad it a revolution does not forestali racy.
perspective for the imperialist tariat be not again taken anministration to now in the hands it. The inevitability of the war Effect of Spanish war. Only the blind can not see awares by the great events. ership of Morgan Co. saw the War that!
The task that the Fourth Interof the Army. In Washington flows, first, from the incurable as a mighty chance for super profits, and Colonel Harrington has under him crisis of the capitalist system; Defeat of course, the more energetical national puts before itself, note how they decided that the maximum of a staff of Captains and Majors. Secondly, from the fact that the In New York the boss is Colonel present partition of our planet, been victorious, it would have countries against militarism and guard If the Spanish revolution had advanced workers will fight in an lutionary preparations of the van profit could be secured only if the UnitThis is exactly why it Sommervell and be, too, has filled that is to say above all. of the given a powerful impulse to the imperialism now, in spite of the names itself the World Party of ed States itself entered the War at the decisive moment on the side of the Allies.
fellow officers. Reserve officers the economie specific weight of France and in other countries of quickly they win be able to stop In unfavorable conditions, the more Socialist Revolution. Continued on page 3)
You can read how the government of Unemployed And Youth Secret Plans Already Formed To Be Cannon Fodder For Iron Dictator In America Wilson collaborated with them in build ing up the lying propaganda which swung the people into favor of their war. You will read how Wilson ambassador acted as their agent in London, and demanded in a confidential communication, entry into the war to prevent their schemes from collapsing.
You can read how after April the money raised for the war was pumped by the millions into the pockets of the owners of Dupont, Steel, Kennecott Copper, Bethlehem Steel and the rest.
In case after case, hundreds of millions which the taxed public was told were de signed for airplanes and cannon and shells never produced a single plane or gun or bullet but were siphoned off exclusively for the direct benefit of the Sixty Families and their corporations.
You can read how the first Red Cross subscription, raised from the pennies of the people to the accompaniment of tear jerking posters and appeals to give comforts to our poor boys, was used to stop the rising movement among the French soldiers against the war.
NEW WORLD WAR That War, for the bosses, was the big.
gest, fattest, juiciest racket they had ever got their blood stained fingers on: and they made the most of it.
And if you turn from those records to other archives now in Washington, you can get some notion of what Roosevelt new war, the second World War, will be like. Study the Industrial Mobilization Bill and learn how life in the United States will be under the totalitarian military dictatorship which begins the day that war starts.
You can learn how war propaganda is handled, and how an espionage system embracing hundreds of thousands in evevery city and village will be organized.
You can see how the press is coordinated into the war machine, how any word of doubt about the beauties of the war is transformed into treason.
You will discover how strikes and picketing are to be eliminated, hours increased beyond physical endurance and wages kept at the lowest limit; and how profits rise and rise again at the sweet beckoning of the war orders.
AMERICAN LIBERTY You can learn how the draft will be arranged, how workers and farmers will be taken from their homes and wives and children and placed on the firing line to shoot and bomb and gas their fellow workers across no man land.
And you will learn how the bankers and executives will not be on the firing line, but warmly seated in carpeted offices do ing their heroic bit, planning how to kill more millions of men and how to squeeze the last drop of profit from the dead.
This will be the new war, Roosevelt war, to make the world once again safe for democracy, his democracy. It is to this war that he, the servant of the same masters who were so well served by Woodrow Wilson, summons the people of the United States.
Only Labor Can Stop War