BolshevismCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL Friday, March 31, 1939 Serveis ou menos Shocking Conditions Revealed THEIR In Mines By Medical Report GOVERNMENT SOCIALIST APPEAL VOL. No. 20 March 31, 1939 Published twice a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Algonquin 8547 Subscriptione: 00 per year; 00 for six months.
Foreign: 00 per year. 50 for six months. Bundle orders: cents per copy in United States; cents per copy in all foreign countries. Bingle copies: cents.
Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for six months; 00 for one year. Reentered as second class matter February 18, 1939, at the post office at New York, under the Act of March 8, 1879.
By Any Other Name Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN Associate Editors: HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW Staff Members EMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN Business Manager: STANLEY FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY FOR: job and a decent wage for every worker. Open the idle factories operate them under workers control. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works and housing program Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage. 30hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pension. Expropriate the Sixty Families. All war funds to the unemployed. people referendum on any and all wars. No secret diplomacy.
10. An independent Labor party.
11. Workers Defense Guards against Vigilante and Fascist attacks.
Roosevelt and the War Crisis at of Indo China become free. From his prison cell came By James Burnham devotion to that goal of liberation. His health once regained, he will resume his position as one of the foremost leaders of the Indo Chinese workers.
To Ta tu Thau we send our fraternal greetings and to him and his comrades pledge our solidarity in Company Dominated Doctors Are Sharpest Weapon their efforts to force the liberation of other militants still in the filthy dungeons of Indo China and in their Against Workers; Companies Make Huge Charges Let me try to put it very plainly: struggle to end French tyranny there once and for all. For Handling Funds Deducted from Miners Pay Who Is it who cute your wages? Not Hitler, not In the mining camps of the American College of Surgeons, charge men in violation of wage Mussolini, not any foreign tyrant, but your own American boss. Is it not?
United States man may die of and for the West Vonditions medical examination by the Medi agreements. This is done through Who lowers the piece rate and speeds up the asa broken back, and on his death cal Association. The sembly line? Again: not Hitler, but your own boss, For generations the toilers of Central and South by company request, will write a typical sample of what goes on men and the company tells the certificate the company doctor, uncovered in the area studied are company doctor pald for by the the American boşe.
America have suffered under dictatorships that rank Who throws you and your fellow workers out of death due to natural causes. in almost any mining camp in doctor to turn that man down among the most ruthless and bloody the world has your jobs whenever profits start getting a little lower Anywhere from the hard rock the United States.
because of high blood pressure.
ever known. The knife, the dungeon, and the firing mines of the Rocky Mountains to Who forms and runs company unions to prevent you The committee visited 157 min or leaky heart. In one case the bituminous coal pits of the ing camps and found that all friendly company man gave a unfrom getting your rights? Who tights genuine collectsquad are the traditional political tools of Latin Appalachians, a man blown into the miners interviewed, without som ofte bad die distorted men who ive bargaining to the last ditch? who pays for the spies and stool pigeons who frame you up? Who buys exceptions, violence and terror rules the entire conti dynamite he is transporting de dissatisfied with present medical fashion. Sure enough, when the the tear gas and clubs and sawed off shotguns that nent from the southern border of Mexico to Tierra tonates prematurely may be in conditions and hopeful that a time came, every man on the list guards and thugs and finks?
del Fuego scribed by the company doctor, change for the better could be was turned down.
by company request. as a sui made. typical comment. Under the conditions dictated Not Hitler, not a German or Italian or Japanese boss, It is not necessary to turn back the blood caked cide.
states the report. frequently by the company it is impossible but your own boss, your American boss.
pages of Latin American history to prove this point. Or if he is fortunate to do no heard in all parts of the region for even the most competent doc Which Chamber of Commerce?
Last week press alone was glutted with items, any Who is responsible for the ten to fifteen million unAying splinter of steel, he may be cal conditions would mean more Although it is the workers mo one of which would make it clear what type of gox.
ernments these countries suffer under.
returned to work by the com to us than a raise in payney who pays his salary, it is the employed, and their tragic, hungry. empty lives, for their children without enough clothing or food or pany doctor, by company request, In the area surveyed, covering company who hires and fires him.
In Ecuador the government brazenly began a comhousing or doctors? No one in Germany or Japan, but under the declaration nothing 122, 000 mine workers and 500 and he must remain in good plete reorganization of the schools, assertedly in order wrong with him.
bituminous coal mining opera standing with the company.
the bosses of this country and the system in this country which gives the bosses their power and their to drive out the communists. Thousands of workers With broken hip and legs. tions, the report outlines the fol At its worst, states the reprivileges.
and students protested with strikes and the govern laid out in solid plaster lowing general conditions as preport this situation degenerates Who carries out the racial policy, the Aryanization ment began preparing its armed forces to shed blood. from arm pit to ankie, the com vailing: into a disregard of the patients. program, which drives thirteen million Negroes into Asked to visit a sick child, it was ghettoes, which deprives them of every right, of The issue involves the autonomy of the schools, their quest, may send the worker home MEDICAL SERVICE reported that one doctor near chances to work, which forbids them to live like defreedom from the state, a right granted in most even though he be a bachelor, Because of the isolation of in Logun answered, Hell, no and cent human beings? Hitler can still take lessons from countries in the middle ages.
living alone and completely undividual camps in this hilly coun didn move. The child died. the good Americans who tyrannize the Negroes.
In Cuba Dictator Batista suppressed a conic weekly. able to take care of himselt. try. there grew up many years MANY ARE IGNORANT What Chamber of Commerce is it that howls for Its crime consisted of carrying mild caricatures of the And for all these medical serv. ago the custom of employing PILL PEDDLERS economy at the expense of food and houses for milices the man must pay a good doctor on a monthly basis, his dictator.
The doctors themselves are lions of workers, that cracks down on round sum out of his wages in income being derived from wage generally old men who have lost Ive proposer which might serve the interest osa prosthe In Uruguay the Popular Frontist International advance.
deductions. These deductions Congress of American Democracies met at the capi DOCTOR IS POWERFUL range from 30 month to men just out of school who are all their former energy or young masses of the people? It is not the Berlin or the To 80, all employees including the willing to sacrifice a few years kyo Chamber of Commerce.
tal, Montevideo, announcedly to line up the South COMPANY WEAPON Which National Association of Manufacturers floods American countries for the defense of democracy in Every miner who has ever sut. highly paid superintendent con In order to make a stake. In any newspapers and magazines and radio with the harsh, fered from a crushed toe or lac tributing the same. These serv case the folation and the unthe western hemisphere against the penetration of reactionary demands of the Tom Girdlers?
fascism. Montevideo had been chosen as the freest that the company doctor for tion. This means that every 100 frequently lead to alcoholism erated thumb knows intimately ces do not include hospitaliza. bearable pressure of the company And as for Governments?
city in South America. Many of the delegates were whose services he pays an alto, men are paying a total of 1980 which incapacitate him when he What courts those that issue the injunctions absent because of pressure and intimidation from gether exorbitant sum one of a year to their camp doctor.
is most desperately needed. which are used to break up strikes and picketing and the various South American dictators.
company most powerful The wage deductions are made Many doctors have become labor boycotts? Not the Berlin by the company bookkeeper. AlThe Montevideo police specifically prohibited the weapons.
What Supreme Court insolently Tribunal prohibits the sitNow report just released by though in some cases a man is little more than pill peddlers, to detriment of the miner down, labor firmest, most effective weapon? It is not conference from saying anything either in favor of pocket book and of his health. If the Bureau of Cooperative Medi nominally free to refuse this the located in a foreign country. What judges sentence or against the government of any country. Police militant workers whenever they stand up resolutely twice warned the delegates during the meeting to account of what every miner has by the company and the doctor any serious Siness appears in the for labor rights, but somehow seem never to notice when, as into accepting these deductions, camp, the doctor may be too ighew more sharply to the wishes of the police depart known since mining companies Absolutely no accounting of norant to recognize it, or may South Chicago, workers are slaughtered in cold blood?
first thought of the payroll the expenditure of the money send the patient immediately to ment and a police censor closely followed the broadcheck off for medical services.
collected is given to the employWhat cope smash picket lines, club the unemployed, casts of the sessions, interrupting the transmissions In a survey including protect the rights of fascists and prevent workers whenever the speakers said anything he fancied he did coales. The company handles the ining him properly, or may have from demonstrating against the fascists? Not Hitler mining regions of southern West funds in its own sweet way. to call in en outside doctor at the not like. In Argentina, Brazil, and Peru the broad Virginia and the adjacent parts ther turning all the funds over man expense.
Gestapo, not his Brown Shirts, casts were completely prohibited.
of Virginia, Kentucky, and Ten to the mine doctor, out of which One woman near Jellico was cops of good American cities and the good American What parliament refuses to vote adequate relief and In San Salvador the official Diario de Hoy bluntly nessee, the Bureau of Coopera, he must pay for medicines, nurs. in labor for 48 hours, yet the attive Medicine has assembled cs, it he has any: or turning all tending physician did not even time votes billions for airplanes and lifts expressed the intentions of war mongering Roosevelt enough evidence to condemn for the funds over to a contract doc know her pelvis was too small to taxes from big business? Not the Reichstag, but the in an editorial in its March 22 issue: In the face of ever the entire sordid system of tor who in turn bives assistants allow the birth, nor did he know Congress at Washington.
Who sends in the National Guard or even the reguthe despoliation of Czecho Slovakia we must launch company dominated medical at menger pay to do the actual the baby was already dead. service for the mining camps work. The contract doctor may miner near St. Charles, Virginia, lar army if labor seems to be on the point of winning to the winds a proposal for construction of an a really major victory? Did you ever hear of cops or AMERICAN IMPERIALISM that will resist assault The survey was invited by the live anywhere. we heard of one began to drink huge quantities of the United Mine who lived in Philadelphia.
soldiers being called to throw lying, criminal, exploitofficers of by Europeans and Asiatics and that will permit us to Workers of America and financed In other cases the company tor that he might have diabetes.
ing bosses out of the plants?
DICTATE laws to the world.
by the Good Will Fund of Boston keeps the entire check off, hires. The doctor laughed at him and While for the Future?
In Puerto Rico the President of the Senate, Rafael and the Twentieth Century Fund doctors on salary, and puts the didn examine his urine, and, Who put across the anti abor amendment in Oregon.
Martinez Nadal, on March 25 charged that Washing of New York remaining money into its gen weeks later, the man was almost and aims to duplicate it throughout the country? No ton forces the insular legislators to pass bills prepared staff of competent doctors eral funds. This is the most com. in diabetic coma before he was one has pretended that Associated Farmers is a Nazt conducted personal interviews mon practise, and many com finally sent to the hospital. These by the Federal capital by threats to cut off Federal with 787 miners and miners wives panies gain huge profits from this examples are fully authenticated Who has drawn up the Industrial Mobilization Act, appropriations. We legislators are only playing a and detailed conversations with operation, taking 25 to 50 percent and could be multiplied indefiwhich will clamp down on the people totalitarian nitely.
comedy. he said. The United States boasts of about 75 doctors and 30 or 40 of what is collected military dictatorship over night? It was not thought its democracy and feels itself authorized to combat other persons. In addition, 38 DOCTORS FOLLOW But even the care the miner of in Berlin, but in the private offices of the American all threats against democratic principles, but governs hospitals were visited and thor INSTRUCTIONS is supposed to get under these War Department The company entirely controls schemes is limited to the most Who will be in charge of the concentration campe Puerto Rico like a fascist and unlike a republican cughly inspected by the physiians of the Bureau, and numer the doctor. It hires him without ordinary illnesses anything unnow being prepared for American workers who will nation.
ous reports, documents, contracts, consulting men who are pay usual is charged for at high be bold enough to resist seriously the onward march But nothing fazes the lovers of democracy in etc. dealing with the situation ing his salary and fires him if he rates and collections made of reaction? Not Brown Shirts with swastika armWashington. Sumner Welles, Acting Secretary of were studied.
does not follow company orders, through further wage deductions. bands, but home grown fascists paid for in good The company decides what a man The extra charges collected from State, in testimony on March 23 before the Senate TYPICAL OF American dollars from good American bosses.
MINING CAMPS dies from, whether he should be 100 men, states the report, reach Foreign Relations Committee which is studying a The results of the investigation given medical attention, and the total of 2, 980 a year for camp What Liebknecht Meant proposed bill to sell armaments to Central and South are in close agree for the West tow out instrukce but to fol medical service alone, not includwith pre doctor has no These questions are simple, and not hard to answer.
American countries made the following amazing as vious studies ing hospital fees.
They explain what revolutionary socialists mean when The mine doctor is used to dissertion in response to a question as to the type of Virginia Legislature, for the (To Be Continued)
they repeat, following the words of the great and nogovernments prevailing there: do not know of any ble German, Karl Liebknecht, that the main, the first enemy is in your own country.
government on the Continent, Senator Borah, that In each nation, the main enemy of each worker is is not a republic.
the boss at home, and the bosses government. To win We will call them republics, conceded Borah.
freedom for himself and to aid best in the world wide It does not make any difference what they are, but fight for freedom, he must fight first against the we will designate them republics.
bosses at home and their government.
In the United States today, the bosses and their It is not delicacy about calling a nasty thing by its government the Roosevelt government, and all their right name that motivates the State Department in Special to the Socialist Appeal)
liberal and reformist and Stalinist tallies, are king spraying perfume on the tyrants in Central and South and energétic young minds, no recommendation of Madam PerWASHINGTON, March 19. In capitalist feels constrained to em kins committee can change that the workers to forget the main enemy. They are my America. Roosevelt is preparing to plunge us into a report made public yesterday, ploy anyone whose productive situation, ing: Forget the lessons of your own experience, forget what we do to you. Turn your eyes on Hitler. Give us war, and where secret diplomacy can grease the rails the Committee on Employment ability might be less than it was Even if the Federal Government under the armament machine then it is necessary to Problems of Older Workers, ten years before.
should change its Civil Service reyour liberties and your lives, so that we can protect which was appointed by Secretary our profits against the claims of our boss rivals in resort to open and downright lies.
The older people like the young quirements to permit applications other countries. Kill your fellow workers, for our sake.
of Labor Perkins last year, urged ones now first pounding cement from older people, that does not abolition of fixed age limits for on the hunt With their voices shouting everywhere, is it not time, more than time, to remember the voice of entrance into public or private Scally blant for a sob, face a trag mean big business will follow the good example. Big business is inLiebknecht?
employment No Use for Workers Jterested in profits, not in good exOn July 28, 1938 District Court Judge Frank The committee denounced as Capitalism has nothing but star. amples or kindly humanitarian Reed of Minneapolis handed down an order requiring actually unsound the prejudice vation and death to offer these deeds, Labor Looks Through that General Drivers Union Local 544 immediately 40 and strongly recommended bave been, capitalem hus no re in America has no room or use At the present time capitalism surrender for inspection all its books, records and that the Federal Government take ward for them except a nameless for 12, 000, 000 able bodied workers.
The Press correspondence to attorneys for five finks who had the lead in the problem of unem: grave in a forgotten corner of the Neither good examples nor chidBy ARTHUR HOPKINS asked for such inspection, in order the better to pre ployment for older workers by charity cemeteries. Not a single ing words from a government committee can relieve that sturLast year over 30, 000 churches in the United States pare a case against the union, tion into the government service exclosed their doors because of lack of leadership and It is a sad fact that, in the case of most unions, cept for positions demanding DEBATE Nostrums Don Help interest.
such a union busting order of a judge would have physical strength and endurance.
Many nostrums have been sugbeen obeyed, and the finks, obviously agents of the The plight of workers who have gested to relieve the plight of Japanese are giving free medical attention to mothAssociated Industries, would have had their way.
given their best years to the modthe older workers. In California ers and new born babies. dispatch from Takio. But this was the famous Minneapolis Truckdrivers en industrial process and who particularly, wide In Japan, us in the street bed or the battlebeld to movements have been discarded to face a Union, veteran of the great strikes of 1934 which future of uncertainty and hunger risk one life on the child have advocated giving the aged various amounts in regular sums get anything free from the boss class.
unionized the whole city. Instead of surrendering its when their period of maximum during their remaining days. All books, the union issued a public denunciation of the efficiency should be just unfolding these plans recognize the need According to new labor promulgations of the Nazi JOSEPH SHAPLEN judge which was headlined throughout the area as has constituted of the most Social Democrat and all of them recognize the labor office, employees must have permission to quit minimum amounts necessary to meaning that the union would not turn its books over tragic phases of capitalism in de their jobs. Owing to the acute shortage in the buildcline.
Says Yes!
to the finks. The battle thus launched went through make life livable.
ing trades and in agriculture, workers know they will Labor Market Burdened (Social Democratic Fed. But without exception these not receive such permission, says Edward Beatnumerous legal channels, but always in the fore.
Every issue of the newspapers plans have been opposed by big MAX SHACHTMAN tie, Berlin correspondent.
front was the union mobilization of the labor move in any modern city carries stories business. So long as big business ment against the foks and judges supporting them.
Trotskylet about the final end of these hurides in the saddle at Washington SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY Last week the same judge Reed handed down an man beings who have been Says No!
no pension plans worthy of the (Socialist Workers Party) name will ever succeed in divert116 UNIVERSITY PLACE Order by which his order opening the union books thrown into the wastelands of to the links is stayed until such time as it appears rooms whose main vista is a gas Friday, March 31 ing any of the funds now going NEW YORK, into the coffers of the rich or the to the trial judge such inspection is advisable.
8:30 connection war machine.
in Auditorium of Dear Comrades: The trial itself opens on April 18. We are confident Suicides, death from starvation, RAND SCHOOL Not until workers government Please send me more information on the activithat, despite the reactionary regime now dominating 111 heath which even a modicum is in power at Washington can Fast 15th Street Minnesota, 544 will emerge victorious.
of attention could cure or prevent Elias Tartak, Chairman the older people who have been ties and publications of the Socialist Workers Party.
Meanwhile, 544 has provided an inspiring example currences accepted quite compla these are ordinary every day e Sponsors squeezed out of the industrial of how unions can fight to prevent employers organi cently by the capitalists.
RAND SCHOOL FORUM process hope for a square deal. Name City and MARXIST SCHOOL Only a workers government can zations and their agents from securing access to union With a labor market over burAdmission 250 solve the problem hinted at by records.
dened with strong youthful backs Perkins investigation.
Address State outfit.
President Roosevelt has used every stage of the developing war crisis in Europe to put over a fresh phase of his own program for dragging this country into the war when it comes.
He used the crisis last September to break down Congressional opposition to his monster armaments program and to rush through his plans for continental defense. e. bringing all of North and South America into the orbit of American military and naval as well as political economic ontrol Under the impact of the current swiftly moving developments in Europe, he has had rushed through new votes of gigantic sums to build up the army, navy and air force. He is moving to bring the Latin American countries under the heel of Yankee imperialism. Plans are complete to mobilize American in dustry and of course American labor for war purposes, and to whip up popular feeling against the prospective war time enemies, at the moment, primarily Germany During the remainder of the present session of Congress, Roosevelt hopes to crush the revived move ment for a war referendum and to put through a revision of the Neutrality legislation in order to leave his own hands freer to intervene as much as he pleases or father, as much as Wall Street pleases in the war situation in Europe.
Roosevelt and the rest of Wall Street managing staff in Washington are preparing to sweep this country into the war that is drawing near in Europe.
That war will be not a war for democracy but; like the last one, a war for colonies, markets, raw materials For employed workers the war preparations mean now a steady whittling away at the meager rights the workers have fought for and won with the life blood of martyrs in thousands of strikes. It means a steady whittling down of real wages and when war comes it will mean goose stepping regimentation not one whit different from the regime imposed upon the workers of Germany For the unemployed we are seeing this week what it involves. Billions are piled up for guns and battle ships while millions are cut away from the already inadequate funds allocated to the and relief.
These are the realities of the preparations for war, not the hypocritical folderol about democracy and civilization. The workers fight is not for the boss democracy of the boss civilization that keeps them amid limitless opportunities for fruitful living. The workers fight is for the end of boss rule and the establishment of the social commonwealth of nations in which war will become a mad dream of the black past and the good things of the earth will become man to enjoy and to use.
Ta Tu Thau is Free!
Ta tu Thau, leader of the Indo Chinese Fourth Internationalists, has been released from prison by the French authorities in Saigon, we are informed in advices from Paris. He had three months more of a two year sentence to serve. Unrelenting pressure by our comrades in France and by the workers of Saigon who elected him a municipal councillor, as well as the alarming state of his health, at long last forced his liberation.
To prevent him from resuming his political activity, the French authorities ordered him banished from Saigon and its vicinity. Another Fourth International ist leader, Nguyen van So, was still a prisoner in the hands of the colony democratic French rulers.
Ta tu Thau emerges from prison all but broken physically. He was completely paralyzed on his right side as a result of hunger strikes fought with other comrades in protest against their imprisonment as working class militants. Shackled by the People Front authorities, Ta tu Thau throughout his ordea!
conducted himself as an exemplary revolutionist. He shocked the court by telling it that only by overthrowing their French imperialist masters would the peoples Perkin Report Depicts Plight of Older Workers Under Capitalism ground into the cath, starving amid plenty dying Inspiring Example For Labor Has Bolshevism Failed.