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Friday, March 31, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL IN THE WORLD OF LABOR Madrid Crushed Crushed Under Heel of Franco HOLLYWOOD As Junta Invites Fascist Hordes to Enter POPULAR FRONT Pro War Advocates Stage TEACHERS UNION on vielen andere on the OFFERS FRANCO Exercise in Flag. Waving TURNS JINGO SERVILE TERMS Patriotism Gushes at Stop Hitler Parade VERY BIG WAY en dhe technical element with On the Line.
By Paul Stevens MERRY GO ROUND The Electoral Campaign branches against the National Register conscription scheme of the Chamberlain governNot since Hector was a pup has in Belgium ment, despite its endorsement by the Labour there been anything similar or As a result of the appointment of the Flemish party executive and the TU. Naturally, the comparable to the revival of the nacionalist Martens to the Academy, the cabinet Cooperative Union leadership, like the other la Wild Western, In recent months of Premier Spaak fell and unleashed a national bor bureaucrats, also favored the plan. Now moviegoers have seen more horse crisis, in which King Loopold III intervened word comes that local cooperative societies all with a letter to Spaak successor, Plerlot, that over England have joined in the revolt of the put saddles on. In word, the had all the earmarks of a threat to install rank and file and are preparing to fight out the screen has literally been convert Bonapartint regiune in Belgium. Martens had issue at the annual Conference of the Cooperaed into a corn field.
been pacist and anti government during the tive Party at Easter.
There can be no quarrel with late war.
The crisis had, of course, been brewing for Among those who have joined in this anti war some time around economic and foreign policy movement are the local societies in such imporwhich many of these sims have tant cities as Watford, Bristol, Macclesfield, St.
of Stooge Outfits issues and was only set off by the Martens af.
been handled. Indeed, there hasn (Continued from Page 1)
George, Glasgow, Birkenhead, Manchester and (Continued from Page 1)
fair. It culminated in the dissolution of parliabeen such teatatic use of the Salford.
at Burgos on Sunday reported (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
at a previous meeting, and in camera anywhere as in the Almment and the calling of general elections for April The Martens issue is being made the Particularly outspoken was the action of the negotiators had told Sprancentrale in a Stalinist led parade which attempted to whip up jingo spirit for the usual pre arranged ovations technicolor has de course, greatly most of ty the Fascista (the Rex movement. Cooperative Society at Southampton, which is Bella enhanced the appeal of many of led by Degrelle. The Labor Party (P. is proposing the following amendment for adop with the Nationalist fascist) in advantage of the anti fascist sentiment of New York masses, it was Dodd, administration whips these Alms, as well as providing concentrating on the slogan Against Detlation. tion by the annual conference: structions, butt felt that it called a Stop Hitler parade. But the slogans and speeches were all Anti War Program the technicolor artificera with In reality, the Martens affair merely conceals the struggle for national independence of the This Annual Conference of the Cooperative had not sufficient authority with designed to support Roosevelt in war of conquest After Feingold report, the superb backgrounds for the appliSpeeches by Mayor La Guardia, Rabbi Stephen Wise, the Bavar.
Flemish section of Belgium, which is discrimivarious political and military eleParty registers the strongest protest against nated against by the Walloons; while the deany form of National Register of man power, ments to enforce compliance and ian Princess Halga zu Lowenstein, and others, sought to rouse the progressive Independent group cation of their medium. anti stalinist minority) intro Technically Perfect Hlation policy of the Belgian capitalista is inbelieving it to be the first step towards conscrip consequently would welcome the crowd to pro war fervor.
tion and an instrument which may be used by initiation of an offensive to enseparable from their wholesale attack against the Government against the working class. It able surrender under war con Organized by a new born Stalin song of the Inst imperialist war disaffiliate from the American Ideologically Suspect Lengue; to support the Ludlow And while there can be no quar the social legislation wrested by the workers calls on every section of the Cooperative Move tions.
ist stooge committee, The Amer to make the world safe for de for many years as well as from their armaments Amendment: to reiterate the rel with these Alms as motion ment to refuse any invitation which may be reican Council to Combat Nazi In mocracy.
Junta Surrender Terms vasion, the parade was made up One group of marchers kept union position against arma pictures, there is, nevertheless, the The Revolutionary Socialist Party (P. ceived to cooperate in the operation of the Nathe ments and demand that the arms motive for them. The discerning tional Register.
Certainly the terms proposed primarily of a score of Stalinist shouting Stop Propaganda Belgian section of the Fourth International, is by the Junta for surrender con organizations such as the Amert without even bothering to billions be used for relief, schools, moviegoer, after having been entering the general elections fresh from a big Obviously, the crusade for the holy war of the which Franco can League for Peace and Democ mention whose propaganda they and homes, and to open the col kleked around by more broncos democracies against the fascisms lcoming could not grant, and yet keep racy, the International Workers wanted to stop, umns of the New York Teacher than he can break with a tommywhen they gained an absolute majority in the success in the communal elections last fall more ominously since the latest Hitlerite con free hand for the coming blood Order, the American Student For Dies Investigation to a democratic discussion of the hawk, will begin to understand Municipal Council of Flenu. The in its quests is going to hit upon considerable snage hath against the workers and Union, the North American Com Stalinist groups kept shouting: war question, with equal space that what is supposed to be an innocent Wild Western is essenelection manifesto, poses the issues before the before it is fully launched, not only in the Unit peasants in Loyalist territory.
workers as they really are.
ed States, where the Gallup Poll has recently mittee, the Friends of the Soviet Make Martin Dles Investigate the given to all views. communique issued by the Union, and the Jewish People Nazi Sples, demonstrating the The Independent speakers tally another device for arousing They point out that the institution of a union again confirmed the overwhelmingly anti war Janta Sunday night revealed that Committee, together with some willingness of the Communist pointed out the preposterous wea his best patriotic impulsos.
of Socialist Soviet Republics of Flanders and sentiment of the masses, but in Great Britain even the one condition which the Slovak and Crech nationalist so Party to co operate with the arch sel wording of the American For what else can be said for Wallony is the only permanent answer to the as well. The fact that the sentiment is purely Junta was ostensibly created to cieties, Several Stalinist controlled reactionary red baiter to create a League program, such as, We many of the current horse operas ncute national problem revealed by the Martens rank and file in character and pitted against the crisis, at the same time stressing their adher powerful propaganda of the unanimous accepted asked for in terms perfectly ac Union and the United Office and Democratic Front means.
secure. amnesty was now being unions such as the Fur Workers patriotic spirit. This is what the are opposed to any increase in than that they seek to remind the armaments as a substitute for audience of America glorious ance to the right of self determination of peo leadership appears to be indicative of revolu ceptable to Franco. For it asked Professional Workers Union also Roosevelt Administration con program.
In a crude effort to cover up the the development of a positive past: of that day long past when ples in any case.
tionary developments breaking sooner in the no reprisals sanctions unless marched.
They warn Agains the royalist Bonapartist coming war crisis than was the case in the last decreed by corresponding courts The main slogans shouted or the United States to refugees from interpret Roosevelt program stant refusal to open the doors of The Joker is that the Stalinists tains and the deserts and the danger and call for the preparation of the GenWorld War.
as wilderness to build America. True, eral Stirke and the armed insurrection against can decimate all Loyalist Spain, lows: Support President Roose fascist persecution, signs bore positive peace program and are America, and especially the west any attempt to install a dietatorship.
The Junta, in its broadcast, velt Stand Condemning Nazi In the inscription Keep America therefore willing to give hitn all was built at great human suffer ing and sacrifice. But that saga They call for the application of the transition Correction on the Stalinists For War said that the fascists had agreed vasion. Stop Wanton Lawless Open for Refugees. The word the arms he wants.
program of the Fourth International against las it is re told today has essenthe deflation and anti labor plans of the BelNew Danish Party that criminal offenses would be ness. Stop Nazi Spying in the keep Implies that the refugees When hard proased, the union tially the significance of a well dealt with exclusively in corres. United States and Appeasement are permitted to come to the administration admitted its gup made gian bo88 In reporting the formation of the new Danish ponding courts.
Won Work. Czech and Slovak United States today.
If the results of the municipal elections were in Its special task party of the Fourth International recently, this Junta Main Interest organizations carried banners any indication, our Belgian comrades should But with all the patriotic slo port of the munitionsmakers. Ho recruiting poster.
column mistakenly said that a Danish represen Restore make considerable progress this coming April The real meat of the Junta y reading Democratic sans with all the brass bands, Matthew Besdine stated that to of preparing the masses to refight tative was present at the International Confer proposals for surrender is con. Czechoslovakia. Return Memel to and even with the color supplied Implement the American League the war for democracy. would ence last September in Geneva. The Danes first tained in the request that wem Lithuania and Keep Hitler out by the Slovak and Czech groups program battleships were noedbe remise in its duty if it did not Cooperatives Join British applied for admission to the Fourth Interna ployment of the Republican mili of Rumania.
the entire parade lacked life and years had been, Build schools, the fated posterity to whom has tional upon constituting the Internationalt kom tery, other than those found We re In the Army Now spirit Unions in Revolt Against Register not battleships.
fallen the lot of cherishing and munistik Parti after the Conference and could guilty of criminal offenses, should Slogans for collective security Union Sections Small Herbert Klein, American League defending the heritage of the This column has previously reported the revolt not, therefore, have been represented at that be respected, similar concessions were few and far between. What Leaders of the parade expected spokesman, replied to the minor great democratic past.
of local trade union councils and Labour party time.
to non professional soldiers who may account for the failure to and predicted that more than ity with the familiar Stalinist have risen from the ranks of the give prominence to the collective 200, 000 would march. Only 20, 000 charges that the anti war spcakAt the Filmarte with Bill Morgan employment of civil officials dier and Chamberlain to unite the in the march were very sman, that they agreed with Mussolini The French seem to have a should be respected. democractes against Hitler was Usually In other words, these traitors the uncertainty of the parade or is a spirited chanting or slogans any one who didn support the diction to repetitious names. Or consider the main problem in ganizers, the Stalinists, about their But on Saturday, only here and President was playing into the perhaps they ve acquired a taste Shining shoes is a very poor business espe. ple were very angry and said something must turning over Loyalist Spain to own line. The recent overtures there could groups be found that hands of the Hoovers and the for double talk. As ir Simon Sicially in Tompkins Square Park. Not only are be done. The hall was covered with signs which mone were not enough, the French Franco, to be assurances from made by Stalin to Hitler for a were enthusiastic about their Coughlins.
there many other boys trying to earn a dollar said, Give the Bankers Home Relief. We Want him that he will incorporate them military pact made the shouting. The parade fell fat in To the Independents analysis only recently introduced us to a to take home, put the shoes in such a park are Jobs! and Workers of the World, Unite! And in his military and civil apparatus! lenders a bit cautious.
its objective of whipping up a, or imperialist war and their state gentleman who goes by the name very dirty and very old. And not many men can after the meeting some people took Joe to their But servile as these surrender contingent of more than 60 war spirit.
ment that Roosevelt was respon Noel Noel. Then, again, for some aford a shine even if it costs only a nickel. So house and put him to bed with his sister and Joseph didn have a hope of becoming rich. the babies. His mother sat in the kitchen, while terms were they were insufficient girls, all bearing American flags. Despite all the propaganda for sible for the Spanish embargo, time now we ve been acquainted Thirty tive cents a day was about the limit the women from the union tried to make her for Franco. Having permitted the headed the parade. Bands march war that the people have been the administration replled only by with Fl Fi, our neighbor mald, But Joseph also made friends with the other stop crying. There were so many friends, now.
ing in the parade continuously subjected to during the past few further insinuations, notably the who has gone to great lengths to Junta, and the Negrin cabinet be played America and The Star weeks through the radio, the lie that the anti Stalinists had explain the meaning of oul oui.
boys and this to him was worth more than the It only his father were here to see these friends fore it, thoroughly to demoralize the remaining Loyalist troops by Spangled Banner. One of the press, and the movies, the on not supported the Spanish work. But now comes a French comedy But it was too late.
entitled Bizarre Bizarre, and by money. Friends are necessary if a fellow wants particular ers, to get along in this world. friend like Jake In the morning a Priest came and said that their surrender proposals, he now bande kept playing We re in the lookers showed for instance, was worth more than anything When the Independents pointed some strange coincidence it had Arty dollars would arrange for a funeral, Who prefers to wave aside parleys and Army Now the old doughboy solidarity with the marchers.
out the hypocrisy of the good its American premiere in New because Jake knew the shoe shine business and enter Madrid without even the had afty dollars? The Priest said John had not neighbor policy and showed that York, New York.
also knew how to fight.
been a good man because he didn go to mass appearance of formal commit.
Latin American dictatorships The Filmarte management in ments to the Loyalists.
Joe and Jake would play at marbles or cards and didn send the children to Sunday sohool.
suppress the masses with the formed us that they were present together and talk about things. Jake was smart He said the Church would forgive everything Such is the horrible end of the support of American imperialing Bizarre Bizarre with sts and knew all the answers, Jake taught Joe the road to which the Popular Front if Joe mother paid the Arty dollars. The mother policy, the strategy of crushing ism, an administration speak tongue in cheek. After leaving way to get results at the Relief Bureau. He excried and said she was a good woman. Joe got er demagogically proclaimed, the theatre, we felt as if they plained how his father had joined up with a very angry at the Priest the worker peasant masses in the By SHERMAN STANLEY name preparing for his inevitable and Roosevelt is the hope of man had shoved a thumb in our eye.
union of unemployed men and bad gone to the of anti fascism, has Jake father came in and told the Priest to Mohandas Gandhi, the Ma ardent support of British imper kind. Thunderous applause from For although the picture has a relief office with a committee of unemployed get out. You didn come around when John brought the Spanish people. Here hatma of India, has offered the inlism when the war does come the hardened Stalinist elements few fleeting moments of hilarious men and women. They just got a Httle tough. was hungry. You didn come to see him when is a terrible lesson for the Ameri world his advice on the present Gandhi figures that people will greeted this poetic seatiment. slapstick comedy, most of it bogs sald Jake.
can working class.
he needed help, so get out. There is no money world crisis. Perhaps this is the say: It must be a good war Stalinist Dentocracy down like a Mack Bennett pie. If here. Jake father was angry. The Priest called result of inspirational dreams af. even Gandhi is for it The New York Teacher was you re in the mood for Galic The Union Arranges the Funeral the police. The police said Jake was a Red. The Not a Peep Out ter his day fast in Rajkot. Al When the pro British Times a sore point in the discussion. high jinks, you ll see it. If you re Joe went home early that day. He was anx police said the Priest was only there to help. OfC. on Miajaempty stomach!
most anything can happen on au correspondent asked him bluntly. For year the magazine has un not stay home and beat your ious to tell his father about Jake and how Newspapers Print the Story What will the Congress party formly rejected articles by Inde grandmother.
Jake father got attention from the Relief When he walked into the house he knew This advice is about as useful do should Britain become in pendents against armaments and In the afternoon all the newspapers printed The Daily Worker, central something was wrong. His mother was crying as his advice to the Czech masses volved in European war. war. The administration alleged FILM DEPARTMENT the news and then some men from the Stone organ of the Communist Party, during the first Munich crisis. Gandhi refused to answer. But that there was no space for any His sister was crying and coughing and the tats refused to comment on Cutters Union came and gave Joe mother some babies were very quiet they were so scared at the fact, published in the The National Film Department money. They knew, Jale father because they Then he urged them to lay down won you try to go to the root thing but articles of purely teachall the nolue. Joe looked around and saw his in front of the onrolling German of the situation? the corresponder interest, and that furthermore of the Party announces that it called him Comrade like the others from the March 21 issue of the Appeal, tanks!
father dead on the floor.
unemployed union.
that General Jose Miasa is a member of the Spanish ComNow Gandhi urges the demo never goes to the root, responded troversial matter on which the by the Branches the documentary Downstairs two steps at a time. around the The next day there was a funeral. The men cratic imperialist nations to dis pacifist Gandhi. Yes, and a union had taken no stand. The con picture Tear to Lenin, commen corner and over to the Park. Jake was still from the unions made speeches. They said the muntat Party there. Hey! Jake, come here.
unemployed must fight and not die. They said Miaja, butcher the Madrid anti Flecists and head of the Then, the idea 1, Hitler will be himself, especially when he car. lective security that had been apparatus and service accompsWhen Jake father and the committee from everyone would always remember John. They said the Relief Bureau was to blame for this with his printed. The union anti war ponies the film. Provision has been negotias mies!
treacherous Junta which is shamed into doing likewise. Or, rying on the unemployed union arrived, they found the death. They called Joe father Comrade.
now seeking peace with Fran perhaps, Hitler will drop dead supposed to be Handlord and a lot of neighbors in the flat. Ev.
with surprise when peace loving Por even at this moment Gan sented in the union press this year within the next to thayo masa co, has never been expelled erybody was excited and nobody knew what to Then the police came again and took John from the Communist Party, Chamberlain scuttles the British dhi is bargaining with the Brit The bureaucracy, in true stalinist should be sent with all requests do. Some one sent for the police. Jake father body away to the Church where another funeral ish for concessions and reforms fashion, simply changed the pol for bookings. Most states do not immediately kicked everybody out of the house was held, but only Joe and his mother were al The President of the famous lowed to go along with the police. The friends Madrid Defense Commission, Incidentally, we never heard or to the New Slave Constitution icy first and consulted the mem require ficenses; those which do and began to make arrangements. We got to the disarma that the imperialists wish to im. Particularly vulnerable on the Wright at 116 University Pl.
grant them readily: Write John Comrade Miaja, is a member have a meeting of the excoutive committee, he from the unions were threatened by the police.
Ghandi demand and Native pose upon India. What does Reporters from the newspapers wrote every of the Communist Party. Hla ment of the said. We got to arrange for a funeral. We got thing in the papers.
work, with that of the other to raise some money. Joe wanted to die he felt armies that trample upon India. Gandhi offer the British Support the art of the developed a rendiment, New Yoele City We Gotta Organize And we recall how in 1914 this of the Indian Nationalist Conhe union leaders were content to Branches wishing to show so scared and so afraid that his mother would delegates, will go down in his tory. pacitet at any Price sentieman gress in wartime, millions of na repeat the American League double feature can also be supe never stop crying. But he was glad Jake father After the funeral the Relief investigator came These words appeared in the urged 14 million Indian soldiers tive soldiers to fight on European fence straddling: We stand for plied with the Aftoon minuter was there.
and gave Joe mother some money. Your case official organ of the Executive to fight on Britain side during and Asiatic battlefields, a bilion the right to vote on war, but in short Appear in the Making After a while some women from the union has been accepted. she said, and you must Committee of the Communist the World War.
dollars to the British war chest. view of the time required for a came with food and began to clean up the not associate with those people from the unemInternational, the Internation Crazy Like a Fox In 1914 1918 Gandhi raised constitutional amendment and so JOBLESS, house and make everything ready for the ployed union. They are Reds and will only make al Prese Correspondence. In 750, 000, 000 for the British. This forth.
Gandhi advice would be in the time he promises more.
War Means Dictatorship HE KILLS HIMSELF meeting. Men came with some money which trouble for you.
precorr. February 6, 1937 they said was contributed from the union. They nature of a joke, or the empty The Independents repeatedly Joe went with Jake to the park and Jake ex. Vol. 17, No. 6, page 121. Hokum Doesn Go called Jake father Comrade. Comrade.
Does the Communist Party hallucinations of an old man ir But the Mahatma will have a showed the connection between plained everything. We gotta organize all the Unemployed for evo years, and that was a nice name Joe thought it must be unemployed, so nobody wiu go and hang them think it can bury its crimes were not for certain other hard time putting across his act. war and a military dictatorship. despondent, Nicholas Crivellone, an American name because he had never heard facta in his interview with a India masses are fed up with with consequent snutring out 50, killed bimaelf with a revolver selves. We gotta fight for jobs and we gotta against the working class with it before.
Times correspondent. To expect this hokum, especially since they of civit liberties. The administra: today in the kitchen of his apartAght all the time. The union will take care of the silent, herotc dead of Ma the democratic Imperialism of realize that it will mean thel Lion was silent on this key ques: ment at 450 West 183rd St. Els The Priest Asks Fifty Dollars the Relief Bureau. We have to build the union. drid, ínurdered by the Commu this world to strip themselves of lives at the service of their bit tion. Evidently the sagging of wife told police he was formerly And Joe, who was now the man in his family, nist Party?
armaments on the very eve of terest enemy. The Congress left teachers and the smashing of an guard.
That night there was a meeting at the unem listened carefully and thought it over. Yeah, it what may be a new world strugwing and revolutionary socialists trade unions is all right for the played union hall. Many workers came and there we don put up a fight, they will just let us go were women and children, too. Jake father and die. learned that anyway. We better start Subscribe to gle between themselves and the are pledged to utilize Britain Stalinists as long as it happens Bound Volumes rade speech. It was a fine speech and Joe now to get in all those people who live on my Socialist Appeal to expecting the capitalists of this participation in a war as an opin a war cried and felt very siek in his heart. The peo block. Come on, let get going. comrade.
portune time to free India by Though the Independents put earth to hand over their facto revolutionary means. No support up an excellent fight to keep the of the Appeal, 1938 ries to the workers.
to Britain in any war it may Teachers Union from becoming a. But Gandhi is no senile, ball. conduct, is their slogan.
part of the war machine, the vote.
SATURDAY Music by crazy old man. As the saying Gandhi fears the sentiment of was a foregone conclusion. The Neatiy Bound in APRIL 9P.
goes he is crazy yeah, like a the working and peasant masses. Stalinists are too strongly inTOBY WOOD SWINGSTERS be Black and Red Covering.
Subscription 49 head lurks one of the shrewdesting, he replied, Yes, it is. get such debate. It is fortunate that APRIL FOOL MASQUERADE Without Fool Attire 65 brains of the Far East.
frightened sometimes, but there there ia ar organized opposition PRICE (incl. postage) 00 Irving Plaza By posing as an absolute is progress at the bottom, and in the union which is fighting the (Irving Place and 15th Street)
Auspices: pacifist, Gandhi attempts to per that progress is sound. What tron Stalinist war mongering ma.
Entertainment and Games AT YOUR SERVICE!
Socialist Workers Party form the double purpose of (1) frightons Gandhi is the realiza chine. But wit take cruel exLocal New York)
deceiving his own following who tion that revolutionary action at perience to teach the teachers THE APPEAL genuinely oppose war especially the bottom means clean sweep duped by Stalinism the real naon the side of Britain, and (2) at the top!
ture of imperialist war.
POSTER SHOP no Gandhi Gives Advice To British Imperialists navy!