CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyIV InternationalMarxMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorld War

man Secadford)
Northwestern Victories Spur Drivers; Ask The American Fund for Political Prisoners and Refugees Issue Call for April 1st Demonstration; THE READERS SPEAK stretched hands towards any or Higher Wages, Lower Hours is collecting clothing for the Demand 30 30 Hour Week The twice a week APPEAL is all kinds of sky pilots: when the refugees. All readers of the Appeal who have clothing on a big improvement over the very leaders say yea! amen!
By HARDE not likely that the lockout ma(Special to the Social Appeal) Shields, until yesterday State good weekly APPEAL. The new to huge appropriations for bigger etal to the Socialist Appeal)
hand still in good condition neuver will succeed.
HAVEN, March 21. InOAKLAND, Calif. March 20. Secretary of the Council, had paper is more like a newspaper, and better battleships; when The state conference of the La used his influence to prevent del has steateret reclinable and the those we are supposed to fight Meanwhile the strikers, ignor are urged to bring it to the spired by the success of the 11. ing appeals of governors and the office of the American Fund bor Unions Unemployed Council. egates from attending the con and is more state North Central agreement intervention of state labor comRoom 1609, 100 Fifth Avenue, and other teamnsters regional missioners, are holding out and New York City, or inform the which met hero Saturday and ference. Realizing that his day only publication in this country against well, then there is some Sunday, succeeded in hammering was done, Shields from the very that twice each week bears a fit thing fundamentally wrong.
By WIDICK contracts in the area west of office, which will send somie preparing for showdown fight.
Chicago, Southern New England Here in Connecticut alert pleket out a militant program of action start concentrated his efforts on the clean air through the stench Now, a word about your paper one to pick up whatever cloth The attitude of the railroad truck drivers Inst week walked lines have been established at the This program calls for: 1) trying to prove that a state or clouds of capitalist propaganda. which is also my paper. It can Ing you may have.
Unity of the employed and the ganization was not feasible his of New York City be better for its size. It is very brotherhoods towards the pro out in three states for uniform struck terminals, and cruising posal of an American Congress. conditions in this region.
The need of the refugees unemployed in the fight for remain argument being that he had Two or three times ve been enlightening to read the paper helped by the American Fund loads of pickets are being of Labor, which was rejected by Interstate lief: 2) recognition that mass not gotten any money from the asked trucking was effor clothing is extremely action to wrest adequate relief local councils.
about your paper. Now will will grow there no the AOL has not been fectively brought to a standstin sent out regularly to the suburbs krent. All contributions will from the administration is the given much attention. As a mat in Connecticut. Rhode Island and and along the highways. PerishHaving pledged themselves to take the opportunity to say a question about that. The party ables are being allowed through, be welcome.
ter of fact, so itttle is known Massachusetts, with some only weapon of the unemployed paper will steadily increase its 800 and local merchants and whole3) immediate expansion of the support of the huge war ap few words. Being an old timer (joined the circulation and some time when about the railroad untons, cially among the newer o. of the 100 trucks of the Adley vented from picking up shipeapol strikers paralyzing the activity Canle dealers are not being preA. to give every unemployed egater succeeded in voting down Socialist movement way back referring to the Socialist Appeal unionists, that we herewith re Express Co Consolidated Motorments, but the strikers are well worker a job, and a 20, 000, 000, 000 resolution against war by one when the 20th Century was atm we may also add the official or Public Works Program, featuring vote!
port briefly on them.
young) have read thany radical gan of Socialist Lines, Inc. and the Mc control, as indicated by the The Big Four brotherhoods Carthy Freight Line, the three HETRICK low rent housing; 4) a 30 hour Forced Into Open papers. have seen papers born Holmin of Chicago which John Lewis wanted to major concerns in this area.
fact that the struck companies week without reduction in pay.
It was not, however, until the red hot, but have died yellow.
and 30 minimum pay in all in. resolution setting up a state have witnessed so many splits TWO WEEKS STILL LEFT hold the balance of power in the Spokesmen for the owners, bit have shut down tight and are no effort to proposed A: ot comprise ter because the strike action has through the picket lines.
break dustries; 5) the opening of all council came on the floor that and changes within the move. ON SUB DRIVE: more than 300, 000 ilroad thus far been idle factories with government Shields and his gang were forced ment for the last 40 years. The drive for 1, 000 new readers directed only Alm financing and workers control.
Regional Pact against the major concerns, de.
completely into the open. They makes me downhearted to thin Largest of these is the Broth scribed the shutdown as Reruting the charges of the (Sperial to the Socialo Appeal)
April 1st Action tried to prevent the election, and about it. When the World War Branches should now be making erhood of Railroad Traimeni squeeze play to get more motrucking companies, Milton Mo. GOSHEN, Ind. majority of The conference also issued when it finally came to a vote, came and the Appeal to Reason final efforts to complete their with 131, 000 members, accortling ney, and complained of the sick Donald, business agent Local the workers of the Hetrick Manu call to all labor Organizations in they kept the conference in a liquidated the Reason and assigned quotas.
to Whitney, its president. ening condition under which No. 013 in Bridgeport, stated facturing Plant, members of the the state for endorsement and uproar for over an hour on one adopted the name, New Appeal. The following branches have He, by the way, is a New Dealer drivers with no grievances have that the three concerns refused Textile Workers Organizing Com participation in the national technicality after another. If any1 was through with that paper. done so already: New Haven who plays ball with the stalinists to join the strike or be black during the tri state negotiations mittee Loenl 225, have been out on demonstration against PA on occasions. We remember how Dalled. intimidated, threatened sign new contracts, granting strike since March 13.
they had come there for the sole then the Daily Worker took its town, Quakertown, Pa. Houslay offs on April 1st.
hersed this prestige toe sneaktor and probably punched in the forestiends with the high um coere The authorities asked for a 48 By these actions, the progress purpose of smashing the counell, place all good Marxian papers ton, Texas it was forthcoming representative of the League for.
this point when launched, but now they are Later in the week we print Peace and Democracy (the Staof the strikers and the growing bour truce to which the unionives delivered a smashing blow When the decision was an found wanting.
a list of branch standings as of leaders agreed. At P. Wed at the Communist Party clique nounced that the resolution to Actually the general wallcout split between small Independent nesday, March 15, seven hours which has dominated the LU. continue the council had won, munist. press go with out. Appeal. When the editors of the Com April Look for it in your next linist war mongering outil) into the United Rubber Workers con was the direct outgrowth of a truckers and vention in 1937 test strike begun tour days which may soon disrupt the before the truce was up. Robert for the past year.
they got up and walked out of Meeting for the Wealthiest Labor 15. 000 hod tea minister clases ployers, there is a good chance com organizers and Ralph working out a program of action gatos question to why they SOCIALIST APPEAL and NEW INTERNATIONAL Bureaucracy in Country The Brotherhood of Locomo negotiations between representa gional pacts operating out in the 128, were arrested for gawking situation, the conference was kept have to get home to my wife and MANHATTAN work following the breakdown of that something similar to the re Winebrenner, president of Local to meet the crisis in the relief were leaving. Shields replied, Can be obtained at the following Newsstands CHICAGO fessional disrupters from the Cherry Katheriac Su. Monroe Mad.
Jackson Elected 160 Wells, Rn. 30s president, estimates drivers for son Sts. KK Stationery Store. Near a state contract, once here as a result of this on their own recognizance.
Cor. 57th Blackstone Over 200 workers from the Communist Party. On every quesKnickerbocker Village Vdlard General Cor 12th Kelio wat 80. 100. It is the establishing uniform conditions strike action.
Chase Bag factory who through tion, no matter how unimportant. election of Andrew Jackson, dele Stoelen Eeme Me Do News, 37 Monroe oldest of the Big Four, since it as to pay for trips and lay over Cops Fight Strike CeNinky Bookstore It is an interesting sidelight of the power of the were they deluged the chairman with gate from the 16, a torney Sta. Clinton at way. sch St.
2790 Division St.
An estimated 78. 000 members one to nine cento an hour and a une situation that the police are able to get off for three hours on every maneuver in their bag of state chairman, Jackson has car Stores de Sam Weisbeyy. 1113. Baltimore St ried on a consistent fight against th St. First Ave. 2nd Ave. 9th St belong to the Brotherhood of Lo 18 hour week are demanded.
Frigate Roof Shop. 515 North Howard St.
comotive Firemen and Engine No less a spokesman for this Communist Party sabotage of Need CASE Stor Robert Zettle noyer, miltoa St.
erman 181 Second Ave. Univ. 12th abo 10th Hamilton St.
men it is headed by the smooth played up their peesome Benerally wrobilizing to protect law and other Hetrick plant. After they owners representatives, the police force has been subjected picket line was smashed by 200 maine Bulcke, from the interna Progressives in the Paul Shere, 7th Hamilto St.
The fourth of the big unions. Bridgeport Herald, liberal Con to some withering criticism re sheries deputies and state police. tional Longshoremen and Ware have expressed the hope that un St. this Ach 1806 North Franklin St.
which actually operate the trains necticut weekly, reported as the cently by local uplifters who are state highway employees and fire housemen Union, was present to ons which have hesitated in the West. Ne Cor. Ilth and Market Su, 40th St. and Girard Ave.
as distinguished from the shop real factor underlying the strike scandalized by its passivity in re wen were deputerede ander med carry out party orders. His main past to affiliate to Labor Unions and ss laksh Seth QUAKERTONIS Der News Conductors with between 35, 000 to go after a regional pact after ure to cope with the network of sticks. Ten pickets were arrested seating of two delegates from the the Communist Party domination with Share And SUARA Front West Brodd St.
to 40, 000 members Phillips watching such an agreement op racketeering which en meshes the and charged with rioting. Union of Progressive Workers, of that body will now scent to the Labor Book Shop E is president.
Toledo Also Strikes Aadelman Tremont opp. Hotel erate in the area west of Chi city. The Bridgeport Herald ob an unemployed organization affiliate and help to realize in stare il Red SE. Sesiw.
It is considered very unlikely cago.
serves that in the investigation The strike is for union recog. which broke away from the Com action the program adopted at Guib Ale. 38th St Bch Ave soch 7th Ave. dway 38th si that these Big Four will give It was felt by union leaders in of the killing of a New York con nition, 10 Increase in wages, munist controlled Workers All the conference. The new addre38 NE 131 Wted St. 700 Felix s, MAMBRIDGE, MASS.
last year.
of the State Council is 1007 Greich Arsch ist. cheve.
Harvard LYNN. MSS. Lynn tabor Lyceum, up their independence, although this area that the most effective vict three weeks ago in a gam and vacations with pay. The Toance brought out on the floor Broadway, Oakland, Cul. Roomalverly Place. Rand Book Store It was repeated efforts have already procedure was to take quick ac bling room, which was the center ledo plant of the Hetrick Co. is 127 Oxford St.
been made behind the scenes by tion against the key concerns, of New Haven wide open lot also out on strike for the same of the convention that 207. St. Steve uth Sam Cortes Olympia Square both the and the of tying up their terminals and see tery racket, city court officials demands.
discs. wind riendly water waren Grove Hall)
to win them over ing to it that small operators did are assuming the responsibility Bidway Candy Store. 66th St. Labor Book Store, 919 Marquette These operating unions repre not take over their business. Al and supplanting the police, who Bidway 720d St. dway.
93rd St. Shinder. Sixth Hengepia; Kroman Fourth Nicollet sent mainly the engineers, fire ready the largest outfit of them don seem to get anywhere on 110th St. Columbus Ave 181st St.
410 Washington Blvd.
men, conductors, brakemen, all, Seaboard Freight Lines, Inc. the job. St. Nicholas Ave. 1571h St. dway.
ST. LOUIS, Ma. 145th St. Nicholas Ave. Wig However, although curiously Foster Book Company switchmen and flagmen. They of doing over the road shipping be.
erron Madison Ave 90th St.
ten have jurisdictional disputes. tween Boston Broadway 110 St.
New York, has helpless to deal with local crime The CLEVELANDA Menu for their claims to membership signed up with the union, as well and racketeering, the police have Membership Re elects Progressives by BRONX Rubin Dre Sint Longwood Ave. Southern Boulevard shown no lack of initiative in the 101205d Store overlap one another. The duplias twelve smaller operators. 171 St. Fulton Ave. 170th Boss United Front cation of officials, etc. has cre.
Merian Building, Room 214 Three to One Margins present strike. Immediately after Jerome Ave. Jerome Burnside Ave. 1618 ated perhaps the largest and The truck owners throughout the strike was declared, all days St. Prospect Ave. Freeman St. South Schroedeo u Rossi Swa, Police Square wealthiest labor bureaucracy in the area have threatened unit off for the force were cancelled. Special to the Social Appeal)
Special to the Socialut Appral) line, in particular their class Boulevard. 174th St. Boston Road NiA s, Wick St. and Commerce NEW YORK Sixty listless ventions are notorious for their ready made the gesture of with sued to the cops on how to deal delegates to the first New York the Stalinist union wreckers was the unions. In many unions they Micellana Grande concourte Soderick Ave.
Church St. bet. Chapel e Center South Side of Market St. length. Usually delegates get all drawing from operation trucks most efficiently with the roving expenses and good pay while at of some companies which have picket patrols. If the strike, Conference finally got together membership of the Knitgoods goods they were given a severe Myrtle Ave. Love meyere corretth St Keep America Out of War delivered this week when the have succeeded.
But in the Knit. BROOKLYN. Pitkin ve Torgpinscr.
MacDonald Booster Gaman tending. We recall one cónven not yet been struck. However, which so far has been eas peace last Friday night at Caravan Workers Union, Local 155, of the rebuff. Unionists, conscious Miches Senders Bay Sutter Paleontoret tion held in Cleveland that taste the smaller truckers are none too ful as it has been effective, re Hall, having passed unperturbed re elected the progres their needs, are giving short shrift9th St. Ave, with St Brighton Golden Gate News Agency, 14th St.
Fitzgerald New Wet 3cd St.
over two months!
erger to go along with the larger sults in any violence, local cit.
through half a dozen crises in the sive slate by a vote of more than to the Stalinists.
some of them, in fact, izens would do well to ponder the last year without holding a sin. to Louis Nelson, manager of Utrecht Ave. 1510 Kings Highway. Mae Donald Ditmaars Ave. 9ch Ave. 4015 St.
Ray Smoke Shop, 1200 Sutter Employment and Room 11. 542 Valeria (SWP)
have expressed themselves as fa peculiar vigilance of the police gle meeting.
QUEENS the union and leader of the pro.
Wages Drop 03 Grand Ave. 31 10 Broadway Cedar Cafe Cigar Sund 916 Larkio Bookstore 500 Haight (ar. Pillmore)
ROCHESTER, In contrast to the and not bigshot politicians are War outfit, like the parent body, a vote of 1, 866 against 563 votes Casey of a regional contract to equal involved.
433 Clinton St LOS ANGELES 237 N, Clinton St.
Jones are the shop crafts competitive conditions and it is a smattering of pacifists, bcast for his Stalinist opponent, Jo Broadway Room 312 Cor. Cumberland Clinton Su.
mentioned before. There are told a revealing story about Roose erals, ministers, Lovestoneltes, seph Rapaport. In addition, the Shoe Shine Skarain SA Cor. Last Ave Chestnut St. Candy Store, 2231 Brookliye of these, which have afiliation to velt.
and Socialists from Norman progressives won the unlon presCandy Store; 2141 Brooklyn Ave cor. Main South Ave the of The leaders of all idency and all business agent Sweet Shop. 2526 Brooklya Ave.
Sh h! We have heard reports After having served on an in. Thomas dwindling group.
Main Street Fast Clinton Ave.
the railroad unions except the. SAN DIEGO, CALIF.
vestigating committee in Puerto Not a single speaker tied up the posts.
that the Dios Committee is going Main Steun voutheast Cards Universal News Co. 242 Broschy Start front of 1166 130 St.
Rico after the Ponce massacre, problem of fighting war with an! Refusing to descend to the level to raid the SW. on April 208 Clinton Ave, North Camberland St.
AKRON, OHIO and formed the Railway Labor Hays went to see Roosevelt to attack on the capitalist system as of the Stalinist slanderers, the so the entire membership plus Levine Delicatessen, 257 Clinton Ave.
News Exchange. 31 Main Se Executives Union to work uniturge him to agree to the demand the source of war; not a single progressives, through the Shop any number of sympathizers are Next cor. Bargel edly on wage problems, etc. The Carli Brothers, 493 Clinton Ave. North (Continued from Page 1)
speaker referred to imperial Chairman Committee, which rep going to congregate at Irving of the Puerto Ricans for the disBrotherhood OAKLAND, CALIF.
Trainmen cooperates closely with this commit bution was that things should be missal of Governor Winship. isin by name. No one tried to with the union achievening in disguise In an attempt to Lorento read Market Ses. St.
NEWARK, 150 shops, challenged the Plaza in New York on that evecor. Broad William contemptuously an explain what economic necessity the best. Wy and Whaton Chuck tee of which George Harrison, better in Puerto Rico so that the Roosevelt ments, and a two fold program: evade the close scrutiny of the Broadway Mode Stand 11 Springfield president of the of people could learn to love and awered, according to Hays: It drives Roosevelt, as represent DETROIT, MICH PATERSON, NJ.
Socialist Appeal Chi.
Brotherhood of Railway and accept the United States. and the Puerto Ricans had their way, tive of American capitalism, to a constructive series of propos Committee. They are going to hide Guabello Stationery Store 3513 Woodward Ave. Room Steamship Clerks, Freight Han. Arthur Garfield Hnys, who told they would assassinate the gov. go to war, nor what economic als for union activity and growth: their countenances behind masks loot the American ruling class a program of progreselve labor and their personalities behind cos Eckhart Nest Straight NEW HEAVY 104 Washington St Rymer Book Store, Sed Avenue dlers, Express and Station Em the audience they should have in ernor.
The Partido Nacionalista of hopes to win in this oncoming action, which called for a national tumes, which they hope will help ployees, is chairman.
dependence if they really wanted Nodelman Newwand.
Store, 1407 Roth University Ave.
Among the main problems facit but they mustn use force or Puerto Rico, whose leaders now war in which millions of workers referendum on war, international them to elude and delude the labor solidarity, independent labor glances of not only the Dies Com lie in Yankee prisons, is supported of all races will die.
ing the railroad workers is the violence.
in its fight for independence by steady increase in unemployment Thomas Advises Reading action, and general trade union mittee, but also our own comrades.
Roosevelt Attitude the Partido Comunata Independdemocracy. Against this program In the past year, for example, The one trade union speaker, the Stalinists offered character this concentration of forces has The committee in charge of over 100, 000 railroad workers on Hays himself provided the facts ierite, Puerto Rican section of the venerable Joseph Schlossberg vilification and slander by class one lines have lost their which refuted his conclusion. He the Fourth International arranged a program of all sorts of of the Amalgamated Clothing The Socialist Workers Party is In the course of the election surprises. They won tell us what jobs, according to the De corroborated the stories told by DANIEL GUERIN partment of Labor. About 912. 000 the Nacionalista speakers, admit in complete solidarity with the Workers, received applause when campaign, it was ppinted out that sort of entertainment they have hc denounced the Versailles with an introduction by are employed by the class one free speech and free press, ana! Puerto Rican people.
ted the forcible suppression of independence movement of the Treaty as the source of Europe the Stalinists had resisted and op prepared. They insist on keeping distrese. However, no attempt For example, two years ago, when that there will be not a dull moposed every constructive measure. It all secret, but they do promise Dwight MacDonald railway systems now, exclusive of executives, officials and staff was made to explain the roots of new analysia of fascism translated from the French the administration had proposed a ment all evening, with fun galore assistants.
the Treaty itself.
edition, revised and brought up to date for the American Wages in the industry aver.
Norman Thomas, at the close Stalinists had protested even to the more clever, alert and quicksick and Relief Benefit Fund, the for all, and various prizes for reader.
ved 24. 24 week in December, of his remarka, did finally get the point of disrupting the meet witted. The entertainment will be James Farrell, author of Studs Lonigan, says, 1938, the latest obtainable figure.
around to voicing the hope that ing at which the proposal was the most varied and original ever It should be read and read carefully by all those who seek to Renounce Militancy the workers would once more being discussed. After two years, presented at an affair held by any understand fascism, and who do not want to see it triumph on these shores. It is intelligent, well documented, carefully While once the rallroad workners announcing that the demon taly to Marx Workers of the during which the Fund, adminis radical group anywhere. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
written; there is no doubt in my mind but it is a work of first ers, led by Eugene Debs, CHICAGO. To show their soli atration was called by the World, Unite but spent the tered by a membership elected through the now defunct Amer darity with the persecuted and and the and calling at Teater part of his speech in ad committee, disbursed 23, 000 torades have complained that they By the way, a number of comImportance.
ican Railway Unión pulled the oppressed workers of Nazi Ger tention to the Socialist Appeal.
vising his audience of worthwhile 340 Pages 00 reading to be found in recent is needy mombers, the Stalinists are so bully signing up new mem great and historic Pullman Strike many, several score members of were still attacking it. Last year, bers into the party and Prepare for Bund Rally sues of Harper and common they issued a leaflet with a dent that they have had no time to Order from: in 1894 and established a new the socialist Workers Party and The picketing was closed with Sense.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS strikes today are shunned the League threw a picket line in massing of the comrades in. Dinified references were made ing the Fund, and ridiculing it for tee, therefore, has offered to help 116 University Place New York City the very devil. The Transporta front of the German General Con the entrance way of the Consuo labor as also interested in glving matzohs away.
them with some war. Several suggestions tion Act of 1929 set up govern sulato Office during the busy late Building and the singing of the fight against nies were stalinists, especially in the needle on some of the followmg ad stoIt has been the practice of the How about giving the class angle light and delicate ment mediation, and this was afternoon hours on Saturday. the International, succeeded in 1926 by the Railway March 25 This picket line is preparatory made at the expense of the warLabor Act, which together with Singing revolutionary songs and to the calling of a mass demonmongering Stalinists, sallies trades, to seek a united front with Sans: Don let this happen to you.
THE STORY OF THE Benjamin Stolberg. 00) 75 its amendments passed in 1984 shouting anti fascist and anti stration against a planned Bund which were received with well any element, however reactionary.
The object is to secure jobs for America No. cracker.
GERMANY: WORLD EMPIRE OR WORLD REVOLUmakes it a long drawn out and war slogans, the plckets attracted meeting. That meeting is reported bred appreciation by the audi the Stalinists, and to folst their Calling all men.
TION Gunther Relmann. 75 todious process of negotiations the attention of hundreds of to be similar in nature to the once It tested.
The business meeting of the RLD COMMUNISM: HISTORY OF THE COMMUunder which strikes are ilegal. people on busy Michigan Boule. New York Madison Square Gar For comfort and long wear, NIST INTERNATIONAL Borkenau. 75 Perhaps the conservatismo vard where the Consulate is lo den meeting.
Thus far the Bund Anti War Labor Council, asub ANNOUNCEMENTS His master voice.
RISE OF ITALIAN FASCISM Rossi. 75 Always tells the truth AMERICAN LABOR Herbert Harris. 75) 00 was never better expressed than Among the attractively painted Should their meeting be held they Saturday and voted to build an. COMRADE SEEKS room in lower or west side Manhattan.
WHEN LABOR ORGANIZES Robert Brooks. 00) 75 in a recent statement by Walt banners were the following slo will receive the same reception war clubs in the unions, send Low rent. Write detalls. clo UNIONS OF THEIR OWN CHOOSING Brooks. 00) Stanley, 116 University Place. THE INDIA WELFARE ney. In the early days we took gans: The Way to Fight Fascism they experienced in New Yorking the suggestion higher au2. 75 LEAGUE invites you to an en.
the position that we would pro Is to Fight Capitalism! Social!
thorities for consideration. When WANTED Congenial girl share tertainment and meeting Add 3e per book for postage tect our contracts, regardless of im Alone Can Defeat Fascism! Get Your APPEAL asked about the Council re. girl room apt. as one room. Prominent speakers and reai cent activities, the Chairman rewhether they suited the rank and Fight American Fascism by separate bed: tenement house Hindustani music played on LABOR BOOK SHOP Al Your Local Newsstandplied, Well, we have been pushAle at the moment. Gur mem Bullding Workers Defense in convenient section Village: mtive Instruments. Saturday, 28 East 12ch Street April 1, at 4:30 113 Broo New York City bers are well disciplined, etc. etc. Groups! There were several ban prilicerato monthly. Inquire ing our literature.
me Street, New York City.
Pacifists Gather Knitgoods Union Elections To Bemoan Hectic Give Stinging Rebuff World We Live In UNDERGROUND?
111 Independence Is in Puerto Rican Cry Car Seo Mais St.