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Demonstrate Against Cuts on April 1st!
You Will Be Next If You Do Not Act Now Appeal FIGHT SLASHES Madrid Crushed Under Iron Heel of Franco Million Due To Be Cut By June MY FRIENDS. CA Their Friend Miaja BA Workers of the World Unite!
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the fourth International Issued Twice Weekly One million workers are being cut off the Payroll this week.
FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1939 375 One million workers are being sent back to the VOL. II No. 20 34 per copy scrap heap, back to the breadlines, back to the misery and starvation of 1931 and 1932.
This is only the beginning.
The entire is being wiped out by. Roosevelt and by Congress in favor of four billion dollar war budget.
Two million more are to follow unless action by the workers forces Roosevelt and Congress to retreat.
The dismissal slips are already prepared. They say there is They say taxes must be reduced.
They say there are jobs in private industry for every worker. They say prosperity is just around the corner.
YOU KNOW THEY LIE. You know that four billions spent for destruction and death could just as Junta, Despairing of Keeping Things Under easily be taken away and used to put workers back on Control, Finally Invites Fascist the job.
YOU KNOW THEY LIE. You know there are Hordes to Come In Fighting Action Will no jobs in private industry because you have tried to find these jobs. You know that unless there is a bigger ARMY IS HANDED OVER Force Congress to three million workers will remain unemployed.
Provide Funds YOU KNOW THEY LIE. You know the 60 families have not been over taxed. You know they are JOIN PICKET LINE!
still in control of billions of dollars. You know the By LEON TROTSKY unemployed and relief workers have been taxed to the (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
The layoffs are here. They limit through sales taxes and wage reductions. You COYOACAN, March 24 As see from the last are hard, cold, facts. There know there is plenty of money and resources available issue of the Socialist Appeal received here, the Stalinists try can be no more fooling for the workers of America.
to link us with Miaja and his staff. The Socialist Appeal has around. no more delay.
YOU KNOW THEY LIE. When the Stalinist already given a clear answer to this frameup. In this connecOnly by militant actionWorkers Alliance tells you to rely upon post cards and tion permit me to quote from my article, The Lesson of strikes, demonstrations, huntelegrams. When the promises not to count Spain, written in December, 1937. Analyzing the possibility, ger marches, can the blows the ballots sent in by workers who want to march to under certain circumstances of a rapprochement between of the Roosevelt campaign Washington until after Congress has voted to fire one the leaders of fighting camps, wrote: It is not difficult to understand that in the case of this variant the final remnants Visnis to destroy the entire million workers, YOU KNOW THEY LIE TO THE of the democracy will prove to be stifled in the fraternai and return three million WORKERS WHO WANT TO FIGHT AGAINST embrace of the generals Miaja (Communist. and Franco workers to the breadlines, THE LAYOFFS. Fascist. the garbage pails and the YOU KNOW HOW TO WIN JOBS. You know Marxist theory gives the possibility of foreseeing some open shops be stopped. Only by that the workers never get anything for nothing. Unless things even on a personal plane. Stalinist practice here decisive and immediate action you are ready to fight ready to strike, to demonstrate, there is no theory at all) consists of combinations of betrayals can the hundreds of thousands to march on Washington, the cuts will go through. and frameups.
of dismissal slips prepared long ACT NOW, Once you are off the job you are unable in advance. he stopped 700BULLETIN to strike effectively. Once you are dismissed you are NEWARK JOBLESS Now before it is too late the separated from your fellow workers. YOU KNOW workers must rally to hold their ALL THIS.
Franco army entered Madranks and fight back before they rid Tuesday morning. General are cut off the payroll. Once ACT NOW. Join the Unemployed and Project Jose Minga, and other memthe cuts have gone through the bers of bis Junta, fred to YaWorkers Union.
lence. Their last act was to workers will be divided. Some ACT NOW. Demonstrate al 70 Columbus Ave.
surrender the remaining loyal will be completely separated from on April) at 10 ist troops in Centru! Spain to the mercies of Franco Union Lays Plans moralized. Others will be too George Addes, secretary trens scared to act. Unless the projects For Action on Third Group Program Meets Favorable lurer Madrid surrender was expected are struck, unless the workers The convention Response as Convention Opens With undoubtedly demonstrate, unless the employed hourly as Franco, having stood April 1st represents the overwhelming ma and unemployed strike together, aside while the Popular Front Junta did his work for him, broke Majority of Workers Represented jority of organized auto worker Roosevelt will win and the Surial to the Socialist Appeal)
In the major corporations off surrender negotiations and inwill be a thing of the past and the NEWARK. The Workers Resisted on concluding the civil war (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
eral Motors and Chrysler the in unemployed will be back where by force of arms.
lief and Union of Essex CLEVELAND, Ohio, Mar, 27 major showdown between the dependents, and the major parts they were under Hoover.
Initiative Remains in Hitler Hands While Upon a demand last Saturday County moved forward last week, John Lewis and the top 1o. leadership, looms at the United reported 189 delegates, represent1, 200, 000 to Go from Franco, the Junta had al on two fronts in the fight for Automobile Workers Convention According to Colonel Harring Powers Seek Way Out.
170, 202 ton, when Roosevelt first asked ready agreed to surrender its air adequate cash relief for NewThe convention opened today with a clean. cut division between This figure represents at least Congress for the 875, 000, 000 it Europe this week entered upon a brief, uneasy interlude between ground been sent to be clearmed ark relief clients and the strug. these contending forces. The Stalinists control a huge bloc of votes three fourths of the union and is was the President pirn to throw a crushing answer to Martin unemployed workers on the streets crises.
and internet in French Algiers sle to prevent any lay offs on sufficient to dominate the conven tion, determine policies and elect board, pretensions.
at the rate of 150. 000 a month Hitler rested for a moment on his laurels. In ten days he had but Franco did not wait for com The program of the Third it is expected that many pro. But Congress thinks it can get pliance with this demand. For his had the incoming Executive Board Relief Director Malady slashed away agar at the map of Europe and made far reaching purposes it sufficed that, before proposed two weeks carller acuta major attack is not launched Group. recently organized, calling gressive resolutions and steps will away with large slashes. and it thenges without te behemia and and on the hope that the economit had secured any neuranterest of about 50 per cent in the 1939 unions and the leadership. On the basis of a militant, class the convention and the character this plan put through so it cut against them by the big local for a fight against the Stalinists be adopted, although the tone of is making every effort to get relief budget. According to his lished control over Slovakia, re will result in collapse before Hit publicly announced it was surren retrenchment program, this ist bloc in the convention consisting with a warm and favorable bee many of the resolutions will 150, 000, 000 on the originat cut determined covered Memel wid signed pacts er can cash in on his gains. At dering its airplanes.
Last Thursday Colonel Harring Drive Opens was to be accomplished by stop of the big Briggs local, of which response from a large group of fight with Lithuania and Rumania that juncture, with their own aterways, hotels ton submitted a plan to the House On Sunday Franco launched an ping all relief to single men, Emil Mazey is president; the enor delegates, and will have much in Convention which brought both those coun armament programs further adlocal. fluence in determining policy at and the town are filthy with Stal Appropriations Committee calling tries into the widening German vanced, they would be better pre offensive against the southern families of two, and an unem headed by Walter Reuther; and the convention inist officials, ranging from for the first slash of 400, 000 from pared to take the plunge, orbit.
John Lewis lieutenants are Gebert, Communist Party district on Aprh On May 1, His exis partner. Mussolini, And always they cling to the doha. Layalist troops, who since ployables, and all supplementary the Detroit Chrysler local, of made a speech Sunday in which hope of bringing about a Soviet. the Junta took over the govern. relief to workers and which Wiliam Marshall is presi. Pering the chief poets di organizer of Detroit, to Arnold 600, 000 more will be cut Mode Thomas, for president; Walter Johnson and a crew of similar June 1, 200, 000 more. Harrington in large Jittery Reuther, vice president; and funkles proposes to cut by projects disrehis demands for colonial adjust both these powers and leave the thing from their leaders but prep families.
garding individual needs.
Jobless Act Adolph Germer. Leo Krycaki 66 ments in the Mediterranean and road clear for the re establishment arations for surrender, provided and at least ten other IO. orAll the doomed persons within Afrien. For all his violent bom of their own domination in little resistance against the ad The unemployed responded by ganizers are at the convention these quotes will be in need, vancing fascist troops.
bast, the Italian Duce did not get Europe appearing before the local As trying to whip up sufficient antsWorkers considered not in need too specific and he left the door It will not take long before But on the Madrid front the desistance Board, which met to take Communist Party sentiment. John were removed long ago.
wide open for negotiations with events test these calculations. facto truce continued, and reports up Malady proposal, with a Lewis himself not yet Can Go on Relief Paris. On Wednesday Premier Hitler, driven remorselessly for indicated that the reason for this the City H, The Workere made any publie declaration, but line of 200 workers in front was in similer Epirit, indicating German cconomy, is doomed to there were determined to continue Alliance appeared, too, with about speculation is rife among conven: Denounce Roosevelt at Commemoration admits that it intends to rearow needy workers on the streets. ReFrance readiness to come to plunge op into fresh adventures. resistance, and that the Junta 25 or 20 members skolking down who will deliver the major blow Of 1937 Massacre Hief budgets for the balance of Italy in the hope of detaching it Britain, and the United States of affairs, so that fascist forces building, putting their pressure The Communist Party leader the year are all set. They have Four hundred members of New when they throw into Atlanta been established and the addi from Reich.
will fight to keep Hitler from get were launched first to reduce on the Board.
Declaration Falls ship is obviously Jittery in antici York Puerto Rican colony, de prison Pedro Albizu Campos and time hundreds of thousands of ting too much of their own lootother fronts.
The British attempt to secure a in the vast empires of Asia and The Board met with the Union pation of the expected attack. At manding freedom for their people, our other Nacionalista leaders? applicants will be expected to The y. Times correspondent committee first, and notified them their caucus meeting. last night, commemorated the second ann Lorenzo Pineiro Rivera clearly shift for themselves.
four power declaration against Africa and Latin America. Continued on Page 8) that they had considered Mala the Stalinist whips for the first versary of the Palm Sunday mas and succinctly answered the Sta. Congress, in granting only 725, further Nazi agression failed de la proposta make another dute tomen poker de mest on Lewis at the crown aluey Hally and had decided to time spoke against dicta sacre of Ponce, last Friday night inists and liberals who try to 000, 000 for relief. made clear that dismity. It failed because its in channelize the issue into merely it will give more if an emergency vey and bring in other propos invasion. although they themtent was purely platonic. Poland refused to go along unless London als for a retrenchment program. Belves had been the chief promo Ricans was cold bloodedly mowed Winship, said he Is not the cause employed and fired workers stage peaceful parade of Puerto reformist roads. Governor Blanton arises. This means that if the un and Paris explicitly declared they But the heavy cuts Malady urged ters of Lewis intervention few down by Yankee imperialist ma of Puerto Rico troubles, he is strikes and demonstrations, if the were ready for an armed show were definitely discarded.
months ago as the solution for chine gun and rifle fire on Palm merely the instrument; the cause deployed are determined not down. With its ears still cocked for some friendly word from Hit Bars Anti War Members from Presenting after that the picket line an derided to send a committee to wey Hah rang with cheers and apReady for More the faction fight in the union. Sunday, 1937.
is Yankee imperialism, led by to accept this knite in the back, Jer, the Soviet Government said it Independencia! The Club Hat the smiling Roosevelt himself. then Congress will be prepared to sembled of Hall, retreat.
False Friends Position in Union Magazine would not join unlese Poland dk.
drawing hundreds of pausders by, see the IO. representatives and plause every time one of the Pineiro Rivera pointed 10 nad for The War budget There is plenty of money to be And when it became clear that and held a short meeting where to seek a compromise with them. speakers voiced that demand, London and Paris still fear war Special to the Socialist Appeal) ments marks were directed against three NEW speakers explained the reason and the inevitable collapse of YORK In stormy Ally With Reactionaries Rosario Rodriguez simply and guest speakers who, far from sol amounts to more than four billion dollars. The Roosevelt adminietra meeting the de Friday. Abraham Feingold, chalrman of line and urged that the une particularly concerned with se of the unarmed paraders, includ mand for Puerto Rican Indepen tiomnis reducing taxes, The 80 their empires even more than they starch 24, of Local of the Amer the so called Anti War and Anti ployed remain on their toes, with care preservation of the presing his own father and brother. dence, tried to channelize the is families have not even been feat Hitler program at this stage, the whole project ican Federation of Teachers, the Fascist Committee of the union, their eyes open, ready to respondent size of the Executive Board by Roosevelt gunmen. Ernesto sue into merely reformist roads. touched for any real dough. The througti, leaving Hider in a posi Stalinists pushed through a rever on the unior participation in immediately to Malady next of twenty five members, while the Concepcion de Gracia was thun These guest speakers were: a is tion to take off on his next coup sal of the traditional anti war the January congress of the proposals.
top forces want to cut the derously applauded when he flung Mr. William Bianchi, substituting They are asking for itpretty much when he pleases.
The French and British bous record for a pro war line.
Democracy. Though the meeting attention to a mass picket line nine board members.
The Union has now turned its board down to three officers and the flaming question: politicians understand, however, it had been long evident to had been called for the express in front of the state headquarters in its attempt to preserve the of liberty and democracy, of what blandty omitted any mention How dare the Roosevelts speak tonio, the stalinist stooge, wh. Let give. it to them.
that they will have to meet Hit any union member that the Stal purpose of discussing Feingold of to be held on Saturday, numerous posts now held by its Germany is doing to Czechoslo either of Roosevelt or of the de: Get on the picker line ar or had in. 70 Columbus Avenue at: later. They bank now on a fresh cring position; but this was the on the first hour was frittered quite plainly the attitude of the believed to be in alliance with the same thing on this side of the Kent, front man for the Stalinists attempt to break Mussolini away first time they dared openly in away a legislative report project workers to the scheduled worst reactionaries, the old Maroon, when they oppress and in artistic circles, whose contri10 sharp on Saturfrom his none too well beloved all the union to come out for arme. Continued on Page 3) lay offa tin supporters on the executive slaughter the Puerto Rican people. Continued on Pages) day, April 1st.
Carlo BALK PROPOSALS Lewis Prepares Showdown TO SLICE RELIEF With CP at Auto Convention Uneasy Interlude Opens in Europe Independence. Is Cry at Meeting of Puerto Ricans Teachers Union Adopts War Monger Program membersip