Civil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceIV InternationalLeninMarxMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL Tuesday, March 28, 1939 APPEAL ARMY LEFT Reactionary Swing at Martin Auto Stalinists Beat Appeal Salesmen. JABS Convention Swamps Lovestonites Last Time. Says Minneapolis FIGHTING JOBLESS UNION PREPARES APRIL 1st ACTION which a batan telah rok pre OFFICE WORKERS CARRIES TROTSKY de peste elke mapins QUIT GET CHARTER IN Armenternationale deereand Texas.
wo with a bundle of FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS Oh! Upright Judge (Special to the Socialist Appeal) The Communist Party gang group of German workers of TOLEDO ORGANIZES BRANCH Since Attorney Tom Dewey MINNEAPOLIS For years showed that in this era of Roose Get Kicked Despite Boot Licking Of Yorkville (New York City) wish COMPETITION, sters smashed his nose, broke Chester Johnson has been lit three of his teeth, closed both to congratulate your Party on the We have divided the branch velt prosperity prosecution of no.
erature agent for the Fourth Representatives; Mass Of Auto eyes and battered him about splendid anti Nazl demonstration into two teams so that now the torious gangsters and honest Internationalist press in Minnthe head New Deal bosses like Jimmie held on Feb. 20 outside Madison Lenin team will vie with the Workers Reject Martin eapolis, and no party branch Comrade Johnson never had Square Garden. The won Trotsky team in a smashing subHines is a likely road to political has had a more loyal and ef a chance to defend himself the sympathy and respect of thou drive. The losers are to give a power, even to the Presidency, fcient comrade in charge of (The article printed below is the The progressive and Bleeding and half stunned, sands in our neighborhood the party for the winners. We hope in special prosecutors are becoming militant this important work.
Chester made his way back to centre of Nazi Influence.
30 persistent that a grafter has no second of two articles on the workers construed Martin atthis way to stimulate the submore privacy than a gold Ash. But Martin auto convention, the first tacks on the as the ineviFriday evening, March 17, the Party headquarters. This action served as an eye campaign. of Toledo, Ohio.
This is the last victim the the supply of gangsters with fa part appeared in Issue table by product of class collabo Leader Asks Relief, Comrade Johnson was covering the 1o. hall with the current Socialist Workers Party in opener for many rank and fle THE SUB DRIVE RINGS THE mous names being limited, late of March 21. It was delayed in rationism. They shunned him like Not Pie Crust arriving special prosecutors had publication to make room for a leprosy many of them even got Socialist Appeal. Despite the Minneapolis will give to the members and sympathizers of the BELL AGAIN!
As we predicted earlier this fact that the Stalinists comCommunist Party. Ony a Party Stalinist rats.
to turn to other fields for their discussion in our last issue of the lost in Stalinist caucuses asa Promises pletely dominate what there is which is completely independent week, we have another all time crooks. And they seem to have CLO. auto convention which will result.
of the movement locally (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
and clean of capitalist politicians record breaking subscription list found an inexhaustible supply in open on March 27. The editors But the backward workers. Special to the Socialist Appeal. the main movement here is those who remained at home dur NEW YORK The fight against and follows the class struggle to report.
highly honored and honoçable apologize for the delay. The work of Minneapolis, New programe of Marx and Lenin can and despite the poisoncourts of justice. Special Assistant ing the great strikes, those in the proposed layoff of 100, 000 New Stalinists last night attacked ous les about the Trotskyites members of the Socialist lead the workers in the struggle York City, and the Callfornia Attorney General John Harian work oc York workers has begun Even a relatively good resolu dignant at the loss the Communist Party had fod Workers Party and the Young against fascism and to the victory branches stands in front. Partic Amen following the trail of a tion, obviously written by the easioned by union activity, those The Unemployed and Project of socialism. That party is now ularly the individual work of comat Workers Union, the CLO. ranks, many of prostitutes bail bonding racket, Lovestoneites, calling for contin who nodded approvingly representing People Socialist League who these workers purchase the were distributing leaflets at the the Socialist Workers Party. We rade Bob Ontell of Los Angeles has apparently bagged a couple wed organization of auto workers Coughlin attacks on unionism more than 3, 000 and relief are with you. Enclosed find 18. 00 who has sent us in half dozen Appeal regularly.
more judges and a magistrate or under the bore the im they found a champion for the workers, has issued a call for a entrance to a Stalinist meeting, subs already.
After having sold a few pafor the Soclalist Appeal.
Although an entire gang of two with the goods. And the re print of the red baiters as fol. Arst time in Martin. And they demonstration to take place on Next week we ll publish the Hat pers, Chester was leaving the forced Martin far over to the April at 70 Columbus AvenueStalinlsts led the attack, they Thank you, comrades. Your let of branch quota achievements up ports are that the entire Brook lows: Right.
CLO. hall. As he entered the the headquarters of the Local were successfully repulsed by Tyn judiciary are showing signs Whereas if our hud ter eloquently speaks for itself. to Apeil Remember that the Lovestoneltes Caught administration.
vestibule a boarded up nook of high blood pressure as Amen not set up a department GREETINGS FROM FOURTH the Fourth Internationalists.
hidden from view of the street ontest now extends until April 14 Caught in the toils of this reINTERNATIONAL PARTIES.
ambition and the investigation to take care of these workers Calling on all workers to rally two Stalinist thugs followed with a host of new prizes being The Stalinists immediately actionary monster were the in one mighty demonstration to expands. The thing has gone far needs, some radical organiza Today the Socialist Appeal tlon would have taken these wretched Lovestoneites. Their con show the Roosevelt fakers and him from the hall, tore the enough. Something must be done called the cops. One of the la splendid paper from all stand offered.
Fourth Internationalists was papers from his hands, swore Here this week list: tinual, undivided, uncritical and the Republican bosses how the to stop this exposure of bribe workers away from good honest points: editorial and presentation, at him for selling that TrotMINNEAPOLIS taking judges or the entire nation servile support of all of Homer workers are prepared to fight American trade unionism and arrested and charged by a Stal and which we would like to serve inist hero with assault and New York City would have led them to more skylte rag and in professional Martin ideas and works landed against any and all reductions of will be jailed for contempt of as a model for our Latte. ap California fashion proceeded to do them battery and inciting to riot.
this whirlwind of re work relief and home relief, the misery and chaos because of pears twice ench week. hospital job on our comrade.
Massachusetts action. The more Martin became is mobilizing all its The case was dismissed.
these parties intentions to over Moreover, this success doesn Rochester Preparing for the Slaughter throw our American govern. satisfy our comrades who want to Ohio News Item: Washington, Marchment. Misery is the only thing dictatorship in the eyes of the Long Island to Brooklyn, Bronx do better by making the Appeal Detroit auto workers, the more guilt was and 21 War Department officials de upon which some of these radConnecticut heaped on the Lovestoneltes workers and mechanics nied today that a special selective ical organizations exist.
PIVERT LETTERS more audacity! Such is the slogan Newark Audacity, more audacity, still conference to study methods of Red baiting was as native to his most intimate advisors. The and chauffeurs will march side by St. Paul an army draft, which opens here this convention as snobbishness more Martin identified the Com side shouting militant slogans and of our comrades.
North Dakota Monday, has any connection with is to a Boston Back Bay May munist Party with radients, and singing working class songs.
Chicago We wish our comrades, our radicals with everything militant Prepare Real Fight the current European war scare. flower descendant.
America relation thereto, will brother Party. the a Depression Result and progressive in the union, the While the Stalinist controlled Officials said the purpose of the more be dealt with in the April num prompt and complete success in Philadelphia Lovestoneites were company union, the Workers meeting is to review draft moth This reactionary monster is the ber of THE NEW INTERNA: this campaign for 1, 000 new readForeign ods, consider types of physical direct product of the barren soll placed under suspicion by the lance, is trying frantically to Driven Out of TIONAL, about to come off the ers, and hope this will be another Maryland re sidetrack the upswing of millexaminations for men, physical of America permanent depres conservative workers who By Stalinist press. The Editors deal fully step forward on the road to a Kansas requirements, and all kinds of sion economy. whole section of garded them as just another spe tancy and determination of the with the European crisis, the in daily!
Minols administrative details in connee American workers have already Try as they might to conceal gram campaign, the is workers by a post card and teleWreckers tensified general War Danger La Lutte Ouvriere, organ of the Indiana tion with conscription.
and the policy of Tennessee incipient fascism. They have been their identity both as a union Issuing thousands of leaflets and perialism and specifically the Belgian Fourth Internationalists.
Pennsylvania (Continued from Page group and as a political organiza holding mass meetings in prepadriven there by the inexorabletion, the reactionary forces could ration for a real Aght for jobs of the Communist Party above eude and orientation.
Roosevelt administration attiOur French party the Workers France Defends Democracy Internationalist Party. now en How a democratie nation de lessness which is making for the not tolerate their existence. And at union wages and an increase those of the union, Recent correspondence between saged in a life and death battle We have a new bundle order fends democracy is being demon desperate moods of a terrible up as Martin moved over to the right in relief It charged that the officers Leon Trotsky and leaders with Daladier military dictator agent for the unit in and established following We are the were organization in ship find time, in reporting the Madison, Wisconsin. Melvin Tuput on a 64 hour week. Jobless to the army of workers revolu, forced to utilize the Lovestone employed in Long Island City, the policy pursued deterred work and the tasks and duties of the add that the Sociallst Appeal now REMINDER formerly working hours Were Actionary force to enlist them in actionary element, he himself was Abe Dollinger, leader of the un the needs of office workers, that the political situation in France ist demonstration, to say: Let us 10 per issue.
men on relief were ordered to tion, flying the great banners of ites less and less. At the conven. We know in advance that only take jobs in war factories. Anoth socialism and abundance.
May Day is ONE month of er army division of Moroccan serts It would be unhealthy self de tion, he gave them their walking a real fight and a big one will the cooperation of other trade appear in the April number. magnificent success is due to the was started. Président Lebrun ception to say these delegates the sickening course of the ton, Why.
make an impression in Washing union and progressive organiza Whither France remains the key enthusiasm and spirit of sacrifice Have you sent in your branch greeting yet?
made a ceremonial visit to King were a freak in American social Lovestoneites was an inevitable and garbage pail must be over union growth.
waste baskets tions, which was essential to the to the future of Europe and this of our militants. From here we George and Steel and life. No, they are the legitimate consequence of their opportunist Howing with post cards and telecorrespondence serves to point send our fraternal salute to the Are you taking care of your profits soared.
representatives of that growing policy. Having to independent Refer to Intimidation the road the French masses must Appeal, the of the collection lists?
e splendid paper Fourth International in the section of workers who will be program of their own, they could brams. Those birds know the The Stalinists had forced their toke.
Have you placed your extra situation and unless Solomon Father in Law send em antilabor views on the memberLa Latte Ouvriere pliant material for the dema not build up an independent fol a petition with boots on it, un ship and inflicted punitive re lems in the United States, Dwight Directly concerned with probMay Day bundle order?
and hill billy fascists, im lowing. Dubbed as radicals and excavating in Egypt, claims to Professor Montet of Strasbourg, koguswaiting their cue to communists because they per leas we organize for a real fight, prisals on progressives. This in Macdonald writes on the Monohave discovered mummy be step on the American stage. Nator ignore the unemployed.
lieved to be the father in law or urally, many of the delegates sist in maintaining a politice the government will continue to rule, wholesale threats, Aling of poly Investigation in Congress, jobs and the purging of all ap and Jerry Pytlak opens his series King Solomon. In view of the were honest and progressive sanization (for some strange, un Promises, says Dolling de to The recent election was a com tural Problems with a review of JUST PUBLISHED are pointed committees of articles on American Agriculinto Martin canny reason best known to like pie crusts they are to say nothing of an assortment comp by the degenerate and bu them. they could not find a foot be broken. We don want prom. plete fraud and the new constitu the most important of American fact that Solomon had 999 wives workers misled reaucratic regime of the Commu.
hold among Martin following ises we want jobs.
tion was designed to perpetuate agricultural commodities King equall number of fathers In Lawr, nist Party. But the convention as which despises everything rad. While thousands of workers are the stalinist administration, ac Cotton.
and presumably an BY The Editorial Board and Manwe don see how the Professor a whole was permeated by the Ical and communistie. And, of daily leaving the because it cording to the resolution. It addcourse, the militant workers refuses to act in the face of im ed that any all attempts to agement request the magazine could miss digging up at least poisonous fumes of newly awak ened American reaction.
would not listen to them because pending disaster while hundreds change these conditions were met readers to be indulgent with the DANIEL GUERIN one of em Feeds Reaction they were known as Martin of locals are breaking with the with open hostilities and attempt probable delay in the issuance of Martin has nurtured and fed Stalinists because they have hoged frame ups.
the April issue. Many unavoidable An American edition of the French book, Fascism et Grand Stalinist Union Democracy Without a following, they were tied the workers to Roosevelt this reactionary monster for forced to hang onto Martin war machine and its billion dollar Cold Reception for Hawley technical matters require adjustthe Exec months on end. His attacks on coat tails, even if it Capital, by the same author. Translated, edited and brought Preferring control up to date for the American reader with an introduction by Staliniet sag rule in the Office Stresive, ha les insteyenlere pot through all the filth and muck ur budget, the unemployed workers Local 16. was presente andare de proveed of the date line for pubiiand Professional Workers Union, red baiting. To attack the reactionary unionism. The only in every state and township are nied the charges and claimed cation of THE NEW INTERNADwight MacDonald 500 office workers in New York and to maintain bureaucratic door open said exit To the very ganization to lead the fight cratic and dictatorial. Hawley of again and the regular date of issu applying the lessons of the book to the American scene of City voted 47426 to leave the internal administration and to dignities. a pitiful sight. Eva against the layohis, the discrimifered a separate charter to the ance resumed.
1939. and rejoin an of seek the road of peaceful col Stone, e Lovestoniteul director of nations and the script voucher progressives if only they would the subscription rate of the not bolt. However, his ruse was magazine remains at the low price for the democracy of the Stalinist panies was to arouse from inac from the visitors gallery by Mar lief workers while jacking up the easily seen through by the union of 00 per year (single copy, 20 An invaluable guide manual for all who would turn America professional defenders of democ tion and passivity the most back tin Foon squads; red baiting profits of the merchants away from the road to Rome and Berlin.
men and women. They realized cents. Address: THE NEW INracy.
ward sections of the auto union. singing of the Star Spangled banject Workers Union Join the ing to segregate all the progress. TY PLACE, NEW YORK CITY.
Pro that Hawley was simply propos. TERNATIONAL, 116 UNIVERSI Pierre Mille (editor of Le Temps, conservative French news ner: the most disgusting idolatory pleket line on April 1!
paper. FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS is the most remarkof Martin all of this was coun ives into a separate local which Art Shields, Daily Worker corable and complete analysis know of the development, the would continue to pay revenue tenanced by these despicable op support or these finances?
respondent in Spain, is on his evolution, and the probably downfall of the black and brown portunists without a mumur.
to the bankrupt union leadership. ANNOUNCEMENTS way back to the says the wm he get it from Dubinsky: while they would be isolated The opposition they led at the It is highly questionable that from the union membership fascist regimes.
Daily Worker, March 20. In COMRADE SEEKS room in convention was only the death hard headed Dubinsky would interned by the military Junta headlower or west side Manhattan.
rattle: the election o Low rent. Write details. o Severac in Le Populaire: The list of works analyzing ed by Miaja and other generals. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
18. and Irving Brown a Pyrrhic vicunion any more than he would TENANT FARMERS Stanley, 116 University Place.
soon after his arrival EVANSVILLE, Ind. Ma fascism is already long but this book of Daniel Guerin de Madrid, Striking to compel the company tory. The Executive Board packed buy the Brooklyn Bridge.
serves a high place among them.
the Daily Worker reporter was to recognize Local 1002, United with Martin hand raisers, WashQUIT CIO UNION Will he get this support from Workers Information Please!
saved by the prompt action of Electrical. Radio and Machine burn and Brown are nothing but the L: Martin strained every Your Questions Answered by 340 pages. 00 Uncle Sam representatives. Lite Workers Union, as their regular captives. They will be used as muscle to create a situation at Several days before the New Our Board of Experts Shachtman Morrow Burnham Order Now!
passing day. Here we have a employed by the Servei Electrolux to be bounced eventually as mem to a vote of affiliation to the their disgust with Stalinist union Dolly Worker reporter arrested by Co. have shut the plant down bers of an outside organization. But even his own conven wrecking leadership, the Southern Master of Ceremonies Garrett PIONEER PUBLISHERS Comradethe ist at the ganizing Evansville, the workers stoneite act in the auto workers best he could get was a resolution similar action after a referendum QUESTION MARK DANCE 116 University Place Uncle Sam embassy.
New York City are putting every effort into win union the critics can only mark providing for membership refer among 35, 000 members in 200 loSaturday Nite, March 25 ning their strike.
up a big zero for their perform endum on any future afiliation cals in five southern states. Concentration Camp 916 9th Avenue The union principal demand ance.
Yet it is doubtful that the Acting in accord with the reThe Alm, Concentration Camp, is that the company meet with More they have done treHot Music!
put its money on Martin sults of the referendum, the ExAdmission 30c now showing in New York and the union committee to discuss mendous harm. After watching souces deuces FLASH: produced in the Soviet Union is the workers grievances, chief of the and the thou tract from the Ford Motor Co. locals to withdraw from the truly graphic and moving indict which is the group work system sands of auto workers have Prize for any question you Will he get this Agreement United Cannery, AgriculAPRIL FOOL MASQUERADE come to the conclusion that all submit that our Experts fail ment of life in a concentration of pay whereby wages are paid from Ford? Perhaps. But judging tural and Allied Workers of AmerCamp. Filming of this picture on a piece work basis, butter do cliques who want jobs for their radical organizations are only from past policy, it would seem ica, to which it had affiliated in to answer, BUT you must be Entertainment. Games present at the Dance to rewas an onny matter for the Stalthat Ford would prefer to be 1937. As in the case of the office people and whose methods conceive your prize. Submit your infst camera man, Plenty of props workers who constitute a group without an union if he can get workers, the which em SATURDAY, APRIL P.
question in advance.
were already at hand, extending Up to now the plant manage Sist of unprincipled intrigue and away with it. Moreover, if Ford braces the greatest bloc of organ Irving Plaza (Irving Pl. 15th St. from Lubiankin Prison to the Sl. ment has consistently refused to character assassination. There recognizes Martin, he must count ized agricultural workers in the berian concentration camps. meet with the union representwas nothing clean and fresh in on infiltration and the con south, found it impossible to con Many readers and friends of Music by: TOBY WOOD SWINGSTERS atives, and has struck at the their actions, nothing principled the Appeal have often asked why sequent struggle for power in the tinue functioning under the antiSubscription 49c Without Fool Attire 650 Coughlin Apes the Know Ford plant. The prospects do not democratic regime which the Stal our paper does not contain more union by firing union men, and and militant and democratie in sponsoring a company union. Told their program nothing which 100k very bright for Martin even inists have imposed on the United ads, particularly those of a com Auspices: Socialist Workers Party (Local New York)
Nothings by the B, to recognize the resembled a revolutionary or in this direction.
Cannery Workers, Donald Hender mercial nature, In ad On a Sinking Ship son, a well known Stalinist func Quite a few small storekeepers, lin, columnist Westbrook cover evining comey, the company has have been asphyxlated to the Unquestionably Martin will tionary, is president of the restaurants, movie houses, etc, quotes the following from Has appealed the decision to the opportunist chloroform poured continue to be source of anfrom thelr own bottle.
the Emigrant Kept the Faith? courts.
In a statement issued to the have expressed a willingness to noyance for some time to come. press the union said that the ref advertise in the Appeal. Some a Catholic historical book: Organization of the servei Between his court cases and his erendum indicated an over have done so at various times. MONDAY, MARCH 27, 7:15 While this Catholio immigra workers began in 1937 when the What is the future for Mar demands for referendum and whelming support for disafflia But then the Stalinist 13th St his appeals to the LR. htion thus separating the union squad goes to work!
They call SAM GORDON. Party and Trade Union Relations.
was greeted by a growing hostility ing its saturation point, Plant con its thinning ranks have no de will be able to keep the kettle from the control by the Commun their dozen and one stooge outfits.
MONDAY, MARCH 27, 8:50 JAMES BURNHAM. Third Party Movements Midde which crystallized in the infamous ingly bed. From an original force industry. Its reactionary program hired by the manufacturers and own necessities and not of the with boycott, loss of business, Class Politics.
TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 7:00 JOHN G, WRIGHT The Chinese Revolution, 1926 1937.
for American Protestants. Its ef number of workers in the plant leadership has neither the ability doom Martin has shot his wad welfare of the sharecroppers in ete. The stooge organizations can their union.
cel orders and spread around mafect was manifest throughout the was reduced to 1, 800.
nor the experience, nor the apti in the auto union.
licious lies. One advertiser was TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 8:50 country in bigoted persecution of Servel is the largest factory in tude to organize the unorganized. Martin opportunity came to SHERIDAN SANDWICH even called up to the National WILLIAM PHILIPS Marxism and Literary Criticism.
Catholle pupils in Nunnery In Evansville. Its manager, Louis Its treasury is practically empty. him more than once he might SHOPPE Office of the Stalinists!
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 8:00 114 University Place spection laws and in mob violence Ruthenburg, is consequently very Without outside support it must have been America greatest next to headquarters Do thene tactics have a familiar GEORGE NOVACK The Role of the Working Class in in which churches were burned, influential in the city politics crumble to dust some of the lo progressive labor leader. He Special 280 Lunch!
odor to them? You re right. That the American Civil War.
and Catholics assaulted and mur and in the manufacturer asso cal unions returning to the missed that boat. Instead he Coffee or Soup, 150 SAD bikPlace dered. In some States hampering ciations, Hence the importance of and others degenerating into com climbed aboard the ship of reacthe method of petty gangsters and All lectures held at IRVING PLAZA, Irving Place and 15th St.
tion but the ship was gutted and racketeers par excellence!
Admission 26c per ledure property laws were enacted. the strike for organizing the unpany unions. Union Food at The Manager BILL organized plants in the city But where is Martin to get this tenking when he got on.
dispute This Week at the Marxist School